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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteThis case was closed in the first two hours Saturday... Good Grief what a was of all the money all this Bullshit cost this country...
DeleteLol... I knew what you meant...
ReplyDeleteGood now do you know what this means?
ReplyDeleteNap time.... :)
Yep... It means you're not going to come out and help me today...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your nap...
And I am back, ready to take names.
ReplyDeleteSo a handful of weak Republicans and every treasonous democrat think Bolton should testify.
ReplyDeleteFine by me.
In turn we'll take creepy Uncle Joe and his crackhead son.
After listening to Pam Bondi lay out her case last night I'd like nothing better...
I say let Bolton be exposed for the lying' puppet that he has become - I say demand Adam Schitthead sit in the witness chair, followed by Pelosi, Nadler, and Schumer!!
ReplyDeleteThe do nothing Democrats who orchestrated this three ring circus of an impeachment need to be brought up on applicable charges of corruption and perjury, indicted, and have their asses thrown in the pen!
The Biden saga - should be investigated.... Papa Biden and Sonny Biden need to be exposed for the corrupt jerks that they are! And throw them in the pen too....
ReplyDeleteI just wonder how much Bolton was paid by the Democratic Party to write that book!! Let that come out in the Senate trial.... would just love to see Schitthead, et al not only defeated but exposed and jailed!
ReplyDeleteok, I'm done bitching for a little while.... I still want to get hold of Adam Schitthead and stamp his face with a rubber stamp that has the word BULLSHIT on it
ReplyDeleteThis Jay Sekulow Lawyer for Trump has his shit together, Lays it right out there, No stone upturned...
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235.. And to Mrs Calabash where ever you are.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteIf you're planning to head west on I-70 this morning you might as wait a while.
ReplyDeleteEast and west bound lanes completely shut down around the Maple Hill area.
So who ordered this snow but didn't get enough to shut down work? Need to work on that guys! We are not even sure what Bolton has said in his book about Trump, but the MSM is reading minds to put the shit out there, as usual. I'm sure it won't be anything positive about Trump but I doubt that it is a BOMBSHELL, as they always say it is. Tucker Carlson is certainly no fan of Bolton's and has been blasting him pretty hard for quite a while. I'm starting to see why. If he was an honest man and more concerned about the country, he would come out and talk about what he thinks before this book even comes out! But he is using it to sell books. Profit for him, to hell with the country! He begged to be in Trump's administration, even though his foreign policy beliefs did not coordinate very well at all with the President's. Trump trusted way too many of these fools he put in the administration because he really did not know them and took them at their word. You just can't trust the swamp! Non of them, GOP or Dem! Mitt Romney is grandstanding, Collins and McCousky (sp?) are scared too death that they will get voted out, if they side with Trump ( They are really Dems anyway, IMO) so what do you do? Let them bring him on, but demand the Biden's and the Whistleblower. No other way. Make Shit-head testify, and show these assholes for what they really are! Let the Senators who are running for President sit in the hearings for months to keep them from campaigning (although they should not be voting on the impeachment of a opposition candidate anyway! It's called election interference! Hypocrites!)
ReplyDeleteYhea his whole history is coming out. He was a war monger for sure. Bomb here bomb there. go all in Hit the beach and all.
ReplyDeleteIts too late now but this should make any other people that are in a position to have left over other party' s people see just how it will work out for them. He should of fired all and clean house but instead he trusted them. It just goes to show that these bastards cant be trusted . I think Trump thought or had some one advising him wrong on this idea that just because they work for the government that they are loyal. Well Trump and all the rest of us and his people found out them hard way. They all will know better next time.
All I know Is Trump is the only one in Government that gives a shit about the Country, and his family does also and the only one's doing any real work.
ReplyDeleteYhep I hope he takes them out when he gets reelected this year.
DeleteAnd I hope he fires some more of them. That Lt Col that likes to bad mouth our military in front on the Ruskys needs to be out and take his brother with him.
ReplyDeleteI think the race is shaping up to be Trump vs Sanders. He seems to be gaining ground. And frankly, I think that would be just what America needs.
ReplyDeleteTrump vs Sanders would give us a sense of how far gone our country actually is. We hear a lot from the godless commie rat bastards daily, hourly, by the minute of how awful Trump is. How Capitalism is terrible. How Communism, which they have renamed Socialism would be so much better. Polling tells us young people, being pretty stupid, naïve and easily influenced belive Socialism is just wonderful. This is mainly due to our woefully inadequate public education system which no longer teaches actual history, but devotes itself to indoctrination into their godless cause.
I for one would like to know just how bad it is. If America would actually elect a commie to the presidency, then we will know our country is doomed, it's just a matter of time. And we can prepare for the inevitable. We can stock up food, weapons and ammunition. Get our debts paid. Own our houses. Prepare to go off grid.
Maybe we could organize again, like we did with the TEA party and take it back again, but the relentless push will never stop. And as we die off and age out they will eventually get the power. And this beautiful great country will die a slow painful death.
We need to know. Personally, I believe in a Trump vs Sanders race, Trump will win easily. I think the godless commie left makes a hell of a lot of noise, but there's a lot less of them than it would appear. And we don't make as much noise, being working patriotic Americans that we are, but there are a lot more of us than they think.
Like I always say, we either beat them this year at the ballot box, or we shoot our way out down the road.
As for me and my house, we will vote Trump. And where I live, it's pretty easy to find property with wood heat, solar panels, a well, and I already have a generator. Easily defended on high ground with one way in and out. Hell, this whole valley has only a couple ways in and out. Also easily defended. And a bunch of patriots with lots of guns. The commie rat bastards are waaaay outnumbered here.
So let's see what happens. My feeling is we will be pleasantly surprised by this next election. Americans may be slow to catch on, but the democrat/communists are working pretty hard to show America what a bunch of commie rat bastards they are.
This family is well prepared over a couple years of grub on hand, 2 year supply of Food4Patroits, not counting the stock from stores can goods. But rest easy Trump will win again...
DeleteCan you amagin that Fox News turn away from Trump signing of this Canada and Mexico agreement to watch a plane landing from china, what the fuck is the matter with Fox News lately.. Good Grief!
ReplyDeleteThere may be some dems waking up to Bernie.
Fear the Bern: Voter favorite Bernie Sanders now 'frightening the Democrats'
The Vermont independent is now leading significant voter polls in several states
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The old phrase “feel the Bern” is giving way to “fear the Bern.” Sen. Bernie Sanders — White House hopeful, Vermont independent and self-described democratic socialist — is causing angst in some circles.
“Bernie is frightening the Democrats,” writes National Review columnist Jim Geraghty, who describes the phenomenon as a “sudden Democratic panic” now that Mr. Sanders is scoring big on significant polls — with complimentary press coverage to match.
“One week before the Iowa caucuses, with Bernie Sanders leading most polls in that state and in New Hampshire, the rest of the Democratic party is suddenly realizing that the Vermont senator could well win the nomination. At NBC News, Politico, and ABC News, the big story is that the Democratic establishment has been caught asleep at the wheel for a second straight cycle,” said Mr. Geraghty.
Indeed, Mr. Sanders has already taken the lead in California, propelled by voters who are “very liberal,” according to a Los Angeles Times tally, with strong backing by Latinos and young voters. He is also leading in a new Iowa State University poll released Wednesday.
The phenomenon could benefit Republicans.
“We issued a warning a year ago that Sanders could win the nomination and would likely lose to President Trump.,” Matt Bennett — vice president of the centrist Democratic think tank Third Way — told ABC News.
While the Democrats are not too keen on publicly criticizing Mr. Sanders at this point, Republicans are ready to rumble.
“A lot of stuff that was either no big deal or dismissed as ‘just Bernie being Bernie‘ in Vermont will look really bad in GOP attack ads in all of those swing states,” Mr. Geraghty predicted.
And also Papa Biden doesn't have a snowball's chance in hades of being on the ticket...
Joe Biden says he needs a VP who can be president 'because I'm an old guy'
and then there's this article where he gets rude with a man in Iowa...
Biden gets physical with voter in tense Iowa exchange over pipelines
Former vice president tells climate activist to 'vote for someone else'...
The Dems don't have a chance of winning, they know it, all their costly witch hunts prove it.
Bernie is a commie - Papa Biden can't keep his hands off of people, etc. and the dem hopefuls who are still in the race are a joke.
I still say its going to be ole Joe. Bernie is wasting his time and money. The libs don't like him and they know Trump will make a laughing stock out of him. Poke a Hon utes is out. Wall street doesn't like her and her stupid ideas and lies have caught up with her. I still think the reason Pee loosey keep the impeachment out so long was to keep the senaters in the trial and let ole Joe bury them. But time will tell and we all we probably be wrong And it will Be hilldary & Michellebelle.
ReplyDeleteNo I disagree with Your last line 100 % not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteLOL That would really be the shits. But I wouldn't be surprised seeing as how these libtards do things. I just wonder how their convention will go and what will happen to all the Bernie people when they get the shaft. AGAIN
ReplyDeleteWe ain't gonna "feel the Bern"...
ReplyDeleteWe ridin the Trump train baby!
Almost 1/4 of the attendees at the rally last night were democrats.
Just like the last place, and the place before that, place before that.
Biggest problem our great president has, is being able to find the space to get as many folks in to see him as possible.
The Maga-sphere is a cool place. Unimpeachably great.
I wonder where the biggest place would be? Trump needs to pack that place.
ReplyDeleteFootball stadium... Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235... I am burnt out for tonight...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteCalifornia Rep. Adam Schiff has proudly made himself the face of the Democratic Party’s impeachment effort. Not surprisingly, you don’t do this by telling the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe argument for impeachment was rebutted as soon as the White House released its transcript of President Donald Trump’s phone call with his counterpart in Ukraine. But that didn’t matter for Adam Schiff…and that wasn’t the only thing he lied about either. Almost everything he says is proven a lie...
and Chuck Schumer concedes....
'Probably no': Schumer concedes Democrats unlikely to get witnesses they want
by Dominick Mastrangelo | January 30, 2020 10:56 AM
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Senate Democrats and House impeachment managers are unlikely to convince the four Republican senators they need to vote for additional witnesses in President Trump's impeachment trial."
If Bernie gets in, he'll be a dictator! If that doesn't scare the shit out of the brain dead liberals.... geesh!
by Kaylee McGhee | January 30, 2020 12:01 PM
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders now has an answer for how he’ll deal with a Republican-controlled Senate if he’s elected president: unilateral executive action.
Sanders’s campaign is reportedly drafting dozens of executive orders that would allow a hypothetical President Sanders to overturn President Trump’s immigration policy and bypass Congress on a wide range of other domestic policy issues, such as healthcare and the environment. Sanders’s top priorities would be to halt construction of the southern border wall, legalize marijuana, and declare climate change a national emergency, according to the Washington Post.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone familiar with Sanders’s campaign. He’s always provided vision, but when asked how he’ll see it through, Sanders has pivoted to an explanation reminiscent of a father chiding his children on a long road trip, with a vague, “We’ll get there when we get there.” Now, Sanders can point to a list of executive orders as proof that the final destination will be reached one way or the other.
Still, Sanders continues to dodge two substantive critiques: how he’ll pay for his trillion-dollar policies and how he’ll get them past Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a Republican-controlled chamber. Sanders’s inability to answer these questions has led some critics to prematurely conclude that a Sanders presidency would yield few results. Just yesterday, the Washington Post’s Paul Waldman wrote that Sanders’ “social democratic revolution” would be “impossible to bring about” given the current congressional and judicial realities. Thus, a Sanders presidency, Waldman concludes, would achieve “basically nothing.”
Waldman makes some good points. But Sanders’s list of executive orders should serve as a reminder that it will be difficult to stop Sanders once he gets started. The expansion of executive authority over the past few decades has made it easier for presidents to circumvent the separation of powers, and a president committed to the consolidation of power will undoubtedly find a way to work around checks and balances.
Granted, many of Sanders’s executive orders would be challenged in court, and it’s possible that very few would survive the judiciary. Nevertheless, Sanders’s sweeping use of executive authority would dramatically shift the balance of power in Washington. And that in and of itself is cause for concern.
Can't lose what they never had Kevin...
ReplyDeletelol :)
ReplyDeleteTrue story...
ReplyDeleteHouse Dems worst nightmare will be coming true.... there will be Senate Democrats voting against impeachment making the Senate Trial "BI - PARTISAN"....
ReplyDeleteThe House Dems meltdown will be a sight and not only that... all the brain dead lib supporters...
Well Blue, (or whatever alternate login you choose to show up as)... you knew this day would come, we tried to tell you, but did you listen? No.... you chose to insult us, post your croakings of crapola, and hold onto the LIES your Democratic party has been feeding you.
and of course Blue, we know you're reading these comments (even though you've said you've stopped). We also know that you are facing a serious dilemma.... the failure of your communistic political party's ultimate failure - they will not be able to remove President Trump from office and he will run for a 2nd term and get re-elected.
ReplyDeleteSchiff is a blow hard. I am so sick of seeing his face.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) looks like she could use a bath. Her greasy hair needs to be washed and combed. Geez, how hard can that be?
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to say that we have continually heard about the prosecution needing witnesses in order to get a "Fair Trial". A fair trial is for the benefit of the Defense, in this case the President, not the prosecution! The prosecution gets a "fair trial' by doing a through job of their work and not by demanding things are done their way in order for the trial to be "fair"! The House members did not do their work and now they want the Senate to do it for them! Tough Schiff!!
ReplyDeleteFotis Dulos, Connecticut man charged in missing wife's murder, declared dead after suicide attempt, lawyer says
ReplyDeleteFotis Dulos, the Connecticut man charged with murder in the death of his missing wife, Jennifer, was declared dead Thursday after a suicide attempt, his attorney announced.
Good night room 235, I am glad you got to hear from me today... :)
ReplyDeleteSo am I. Sarge.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...