Once again John Nolte nails it.
Nolte: Dr. Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud

Mea culpa: I spent a lot of time on these here digital pages defending Dr. Anthony Fauci. Brother, was I wrong. Fauci is a stone-cold liar. And if he’s not a stone-cold liar, his only defense is that he is a fraud. Either way, shame on him … and me.
For months Fauci has been everywhere, all over TV, urging Americans to lock themselves down, to abandon their jobs, their sick and dying family members, the small businesses they spent their lives getting off the ground; he urged us to drive our economy into the dirt, pull children who desperately need structure out of school, forgo once-in-a-lifetime graduations and graduation parties, cancel weddings and vacations…
Fauci’s message was clear, militant, terrifying, and relentless: If you don’t do these things, if you don’t sacrifice these things, if you don’t give up your liberty and prosperity, you are no better than a serial killer. The coronavirus is a unique and deadly killer, a particularly infectious and fatal disease unlike anything we’ve seen in more than a century.
And because Fauci became America’s trusted scientific (and moral) authority, because he assured us he spoke only as a scientist and infectious disease expert, because he assured us he would always tell us like it is, and do so at any cost because public health was his only priority, look at what happened…
A woman was arrested for reopening the business that fed her family. Christians were persecuted for attending church in the safety of automobiles. Teens were held up to national ridicule for behaving like teens in Florida and the Ozarks. Countless Americans suffered untold anguish after hospital visits were forbidden and funerals canceled. Everyday Americans were relentlessly demonized for daring to speak out or even question the Holy Writ of Fauci…
And God help those who came out to protest the lockdowns, because bitter, power-hungry tyrants such as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and the hate-filled media that empower her, waved the Holy Writ of Fauci to justify smearing these Americans as racists and punishing them with lockdown extensions.
Heh, heh, heh… Take that, Deplorables!
All this was allowed, all the inhumanity, all the flagrant violations of our Constitutional rights, all these Kafka-esque rules that protected Big Businesses like Walmart and further empowered massive corporations like Amazon, while small business withered and died. Democrat New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was finally allowed to openly practice his antisemitism… All this was excused and even made virtuous by the Holy Writ of Fauci and the Cult of Personality he allowed to build up around his heroic fidelity to facts, science, and public health.
Well, we now know Fauci is either a fraud or liar.
We know this because for ten whole days Fauci said nothing as the Perfect Infection Storm hit America, as massive violations of social distancing and lockdowns took place all across the country (including the Ground Zero of new York City). There it was, everywhere… Fauci’s nightmare scenario come to vivid life: crowd after massive gathering after mob after parade… Protesters and rioters shouting, shoulder to shoulder — and Fauci said nothing… And when he did finally speak out, it was to squeak on some local radio station.
Worse still, Fauci said nothing as the very same sanctimonious health care workers and “experts” who used the emotional blackmail of “We’re at work for you, stay home for us” came out in full-throated support of leaving home and gathering in massive crowds.
So, which is it…
Is Fauci a fraud or liar?
Was all his talk about concern for public health, his duty to tell it like it is no matter the personal or political fallout, just a big lie? Is he a fraud who still believes these mass gatherings are a nightmare scenario, but is unwilling to use his massive public platform to say so out loud because shaming protesters who hold the “approved” views among America’s hideous elite would risk Fauci feeling the disapproval of those elites?
Or is he a liar, does he in fact know the coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as he played it up to be? Is he a liar who mislead us into agreeing to destroy our amazing economy in order to undermine the Bad Orange Man’s re-election?
Either way, Fauci’s a sociopath. Either he’s a sociopath who furthered his political ambitions and abused his authority and public trust to talk hundreds of millions of Americans into shattering their own lives and mental wellbeing when there was no real danger, or he’s a sociopath who chooses the good opinion of elites over raising the alarm to save the lives of thousands and thousands of protesters, and the countless millions those thousands will infect.
What kind of man raises the alarm about the fact the black population is disproportionately killed by this virus and then remains silent as the black population gathers en masse, and remains silent as his fellow healthcare workers openly encourage the mass gathering of black America?
I’m almost as disgusted with myself for trusting Fauci as I am with him.
Never again will I trust the “experts.”
Fuck them.
Fuck them all forever.
I have never believed the so called experts on this issue. I do not deny the Wuhan Virus is as dangerous as the 1918 to 1920 Flu Pandemic. The Virus is most dangerous to older people (like me) and those with compromised immune systems. I have not bought in to the hype it is comparable to the Black Plauge of the Middle ages. I believe the sanitary practices should be practiced by a certain segment of the population every flu season. The unnecessary quarantine practices have dealt a major blow to our economy and a major blow to our national psyche. I believe the frustrations from the lockdown are a major factor in the non peaceful criminal behaviors of the past few weeks. I see similarities to the Global Warming arguement. It is somewhat obvious the earth is in a warming period . What is not obvious is whether mankind is causing the rise. One is condemned as a flat earthers if one doesn't wring their hands and make meaningless gestures as the extremists demand. One has to believe a certain way or one is a flat earther or a racist.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in high school the so called experts were warning of a "mini" ice age starting apparently they were wrong.
Since the 1960's many police departments have hired lots of minorities, some are led by minorities. Many major cities leaders are minorities. Apparently that has not helped the plight of minorities as evidenced by those saying nothing has changed. I could write copiously on the theory that the super-racist LBJ's Great Society has caused more damage to the minority families and the minority middle class than any other event in our history. However the current "woke" narrative doesn't allow any deviation from their "truth".
ReplyDeleteAnd good morning room 235...
I agree with everything you said Tom, But for me I have a hard time betting my money on one or two experts. But I rather be safe than sorry at my age.
ReplyDeleteI think that is always the key Sarge! Be safe than sorry and use common sense. We should be and should have always been protecting our most vulnerable against this and the many other unknown and invisible enemies.
ReplyDeleteThe use of the computer "models" that have been predicting what would happen to us with this virus is, in my opinion, exactly what we will see as they continue to use the "models" to determine Climate Change! Computers are only as good and accurate as the information fed into them. Faulty and stupid thinking does not fit well in predicting an accurate outcome. Add to that, there are those who don't care if the info. is faulty. They just want it to produce the right political action for their benefit and be-damned the deplorable public! But, any disagreement with those in charge has to be RACIST, doesn't it?
Our country is if full scale freefall at this point. The Social Contract has been dissolved. We have people who are actively pursuing the destruction of this country. And they are making serious progress.
ReplyDeleteHere's why this is happening. The left are pagans. Simple as that. They believe, as pagans do in the idea they are part of a blood group. A sin against a member of their group must be answered with violence and rage against whatever blood group they believe perpetrated the sin.
The fact is, we are all sinners. We are carrying sin from our birth. Our sin goes back to the first Adam, who sinned against God and we inherited that original sin through every generation.
This being true, the sin committed against the guy in Minnesota that started this whole thing was one man committing a sin against another man.
Now...the left, being pagans believe in the pagan philosophy that the answer to that is to commit acts of violence and rage against the people they consider the blood group, not the individual. This idea is very old, and has led to many many wars.
The truth is, one man killed another man. We didn't do it. The invention of systemic racism and whatever else that is used to justify the rage is false. The fact is one man did the crime. Not every white man, not every police officer.
As Christians we know that raging against a group for their sins will change nothing. God provided the answer to sin, the sacrifice made by the God/man who died 2,000 years ago. All will answer for their sins, either through acceptance of God's gift of salvation, or standing face to face with God on that judgement day. No amount of raging at a group you imagine to be to blame will change anything. The sin is still there, in each individual.
The Christian will be led by God. The pagan will be led by Satan. And we are witnessing the result today. It's a battle as old as time. And nothing will change.
Well I wonder when they will demand that the Pope Make George A Saint???
ReplyDeleteElmer Fod Just had his gun taken away from him, now I guess he has to give up hunting that Nasty rabbit. Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteShut down a farmers market in Topeka like it's a wet market in Wuhan?
ReplyDeleteAnd never addressed the concerns with protestors and rioters "spreading", even with he fact that some of them tested positive?
That's not a good look.
That's why I will never take these fools seriously. They leave me no choice.
Screw that goosestepping Fezzino. Should change his name to Mussolini. Drunk with power, with only two weeks left.
Go Nazi, go.
Piss on all of them.
We are at that point where we have to Adapt, Improvise and Overcome. A lot of shit is going to be thrown out there. Be Prepared.
ReplyDeleteWell for me room 235 I am going to prepare to go to bed , Good night.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteAre you all geared up and ready for whatever insanity the dems bring us today?
I am prepared...
ReplyDeleteYou must be planning on mowing soon the weather is predicting rain..
ReplyDeleteAs a man, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular guy, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me "Privileged", a racist & responsible for slavery.
ReplyDeleteI am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget & support myself.
I went to High School, College, the Marine Corps, & have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.
I am heterosexual, which according to "gay" folks, now makes me a homophobe.
I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a defacto member of the "vast NRA gun lobby!”
I am older than 60, making me a useless person who doesn't understand Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter ( and kinda don’t give a rat’s ass about ‘em).
I think & I reason, and I doubt much of what the "main stream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.
I am proud of my heritage & our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.
I believe in hard work, fair play, & fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
I believe in the defense & protection of America for & by all citizens, now making me a militant.
I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand & salute during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist.
Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who the Hell I am anymore!
Ya know, it kinda all took place over the last few years of Socialist Political control; it’s time to get rid of these damn fools!
And as if all this silly-ass nonsense leftist-labelling me a privileged, advantaged, racist, fascist, homophobe, infidel, gun-nut, old, right-winger, xenophobic, anti-socialist, sociopath, militant, wasn't enough to deal with, now I don't even know which restroom to use… and I gotta go one HELLUVA lot more FREQUENTLY!
Excellent post.
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ReplyDeleteOh my Been reading the headlines for this days news. The libs got Trump for sure now. Got him way down in ALL the polls. Libs are rejoicing again. The libs have Trump over the barrel and are porking it to him. Its just a new day for the libs. They have started sending out the party invites.
ReplyDeleteHa? I must have slept thru all that or is this history repeating its self. You know how that was with ole Hillary. Ho Hum think I ll go mow grass. That has to be more interesting than the news.
I refuse to watch the lib news and all the crazy lib talking heads - they're full of bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI don't place any stock in the lib biased polls either. Frankly, these "polls" aren't accurate and the libs know this.
The dems know their time is limited as to their power in the House. The dems can be compared to George Custer and his last stand because they're going to lose power in the House and lose more seats in the Senate and Donald Trump will be re-elected to a 2nd term.
I think the dem/coms can be compared to Robert E Lee at the end of the Civil War. He fought a good fight, nearly won but in the end the Republicans and the forces of good won. American North knew, even though there were those who supported slavery that they had to fight these people until they had no fight left. They offered chances to surrender and stop the fight, but the Southern democrats refused. And in the end, even though they believed completely in their cause, they lost. They were overwhelmed.
ReplyDeleteI think the fight is yet to be fought. I think when these commie apparachiks run out of stores to burn and loot, they'll move to the suburbs. That's where they think the enemy really is. Right now they're just opportunists, burning and stealing from their own defenseless neighbors. At some point they'll bring the fight to us. That's when the real battle starts. That's when they find out not everybody is a liberal who will take a knee and surrender.
Hitler walked through Poland and France like it was nothing and thought he had it made. Then he tangled with Britain and America and found out freedom will fight tyranny to it's last breath.
The commies are soon to find out. Let them eliminate the cops in the democrat cities. They will soon discover people will at some point fight back. And with no cops....it will look much different than LA and NY and Chicago. Things will get wet.
He should have been home napping and not grabbing a cops arm. Don't feel sorry one bit.
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ReplyDeleteYou got a problem and way behind on your fake information.
ReplyDeleteThe old commie that fell over in Buffalo was doing exactly what our President said. He was a veteran commie protestor. He was holding his cell phone against the officers radio equipment, a practiced tactic to steal electronic data.
ReplyDeleteThe officers were given orders to clear the area because it was past the curfew. The formed a skirmish line, as trained to do. When a skirmish line moves forward, they move in unison. If one member stops, they all stop. The agitator got in the way of the officer while trying to steal his information, the skirmish line stopped. He was ordered to move several times, then given a push. He fell over and that's where the tape stops if you're watching on the commie media. They imply the cops just walked away and left him bleeding. The facts are there were EMT trained officers who immediately tended him. The skirmish line had to move.
Lesson here? If you don't want to be pushed out of the way, don't try to block a Police skirmish line moving forward. And by the way, the old fart was carrying a helmet. Guess he should have had it on instead of just carrying it.
Everytime a cop causes somebody to fall down now, while fighting with people trying to kill them, they get charged with assault. But the rioters can throw bricks, stab and shoot, throw firebombs and generally create any mayhem they choose without consequences.
Something is seriously wrong here, and it's not the Police. It's the commies rioting and the godless commie democrats encouraging it.
That and the brain dead sheep who mindlessly follow them...
ReplyDeleteI was reading a post from a buddy of mine from a small town about 70 miles south of me and he stated that the protest was coming to his down town tonite. He stated that him and local citizens would be patrolling the streets armed. Bring it on
ReplyDeleteWell Skipper keep us posted on that...
ReplyDeleteHe is doing Great and will do great for 4 more years hahahhahahaha Suck it up, it will be a long 4 years. MAGA 2020
ReplyDeleteHe set the schedule not anyone else Under stand that?
ReplyDeleteRemember unknown if he is right there will be a lot of dead Rioter...
ReplyDeletePeople who think the 75 year old antifa provacatuer that was skimming the cops, is a conspiracy and he's a harmless old man?
ReplyDeleteYea, those people are woefully illiterate and obviously take the communist line instead of simply reading the man's Twitter, IG, FB, or his blogs.
All I have ever asked of folks is to read for themselves.
I'd take you other places, too.
Like perhaps the entire communication network that coordinated the rioting and insurrection nationwide?
Yea, it exists.
It was happily archived and handed over to the FBI, CIA, and NSA yesterday.
We learned OpSec a long time ago. Apparently the left doesn't understand what that is. Good thing, too.
Yup that's why I always wait for page two. Always more to a story.
DeleteGood day today no T.V or radio, Just iTunes all day, oldies but goodies''Life is good.
ReplyDeleteBest way to spend the day, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteWell when I was younger I could have thought of better Ideas. :):)
DeleteCaught a little bit of the dead guy's funeral out of the corner of my eye. Good God, you would have thought this guy was JFK. And the most embarrassing thing was the cops lined up saluting his casket passing by. Lord, that takes the cake. Maybe we do need to defund some Police Departments. Specifically the ones who pussied out and took a knee or saluted at a criminal's funeral.
ReplyDeleteThis guy was a career criminal, multiple arrests and high on drugs when he died. Specifically fentanyl.
As Hammer pointed out there were 26 people killed in Chicago just this weekend. Blacks killed by other blacks. This is a shooting gallery. Criminals killing other criminals. But no cops lining up saluting their funerals. Al Sharpton doesn't show up to suck all the oxygen out of the room. Nobody cares.
Floyd was a case the godless commie left could exploit to justify bringing out all the heavy hitters to gin up a war. And they did it. But these things can turn on them.
They are believing their own fake polls now. Same thing they did with crooked Hillary in 2016. Remember the big poll the night before the election? Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. They were all laughing and had it in the bag. Polls are shit. Americans will only allow this shit to go so far, then the hammer comes down. Which it is about to.
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DeleteLooks like a bad ass storm headed to T town. Be safe
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235, blame the rain on Kevin, He is planing on mowing tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteLol... Pretty much how I spend every Sunday and Wednesday...
ReplyDeleteBut hey, if it rains me out I'm okay with that too...
I am sure you are but it takes down also, and I am okay with that also.
ReplyDeleteBut it still worth a good morning room 235... Now to read the bullshit news..
Well, so much for getting rained out.
ReplyDeleteDang it anyway...😎😎😎
Dang...And I was wanting some good rain on my new grass! I love the cooler weather but, you can cut off all of the wind though. I'm never satisfied!
ReplyDeleteMy little mountain community cancelled their fourth of July festivities this year. They have for years had a big party, our park in Kernville filled with food sellers and vendors selling goods. The restaurants gear up and are filled to overflow. Campgrounds and hotels all filled. And a fireworks show funded by donations. We raise about $50K every year and have a hell of a show.
ReplyDeletePeople come from neighboring cities, and all the way up from LA for it. The rafting companies are all booked up. Fishing everywhere. It's probably the biggest economic weekend the community has every year.
But the fear of the Chinese flu, and the state of California saw to it that it had to be cancelled months ago. Because people would come.
Now we are seeing thousand of rioters encouraged to gather in the streets, standing shoulder to shoulder. Coming in contact with each other. And with blood in many cases. For a couple weeks now. And it's just perfectly fine with the same people who said we would be murdering people by having a big outdoor celebration. And don't bother telling me those people are wearing masks, so they are safe. Cloth masks, and the blue surgical masks people are wearing are nothing more than props to make people feel better. They are less than useless in preventing the spread of airborne disease.
The Chinese flu virus droplets have been measured at a size of less than .01 microns. An N95 mask, which is the best mask you can buy short of a cannister mask stops particles up to .03 microns. So at best it only slows them down.
And since most of the contagion is spread by touch, I suspect these rioters aren't carrying hand sanitizer or wearing gloves while stealing other peoples property.
So expect no sympathy from me. My feeling is if someone was participating in a riot, gets the Chinese flu they should have to pay the full bill for any medical treatment or testing. Then charged with violating the tyrant's edicts regarding the lockdown.
And anybody that attended any of the funerals of the criminal that died resisting arrest, same thing. I have a family member that died about a week ago and they can't have a funeral until it's allowed. And he was an honest law abiding citizen who had a heart attack. Not someone that can by used by the democrat/communist party to launch a riot.
So yeah, I think the whole lockdown was manipulated by the godless commie left as just one more in a long string of attempts to harm our President. That's all it was. It had nothing to do with public health. Commies at work.
Our good friend Dennis had this on facebook this morning. I agree with what he shared this morning and I thought it would be good to share here.
I couldn't share my friend's post so I copied and pasted it. I think a lot of people want to say it but afraid to.
I just watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes for the death of a man named George Floyd.
I have never seen them kneel or honor a fallen POLICE OFFICER.
I have never seen them kneel or honor a fallen SOLDIER.
I have never seen them kneel or honor a MURDERED man or woman regardless of color.
I have never seen them kneel or honor the TENS OF THOUSANDS of elderly people that died in our nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.
I have to ask WHY are our Democrat leaders acknowledging the life of George Floyd, as being MORE valuable than the lives of everyone else?????
In fact, these politicians have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, that they have allowed rioting, looting, arson, murder and mayhem in communities NATIONWIDE. Stand down orders were given by mayors and governors.
Elect people who actually care about the people they represent and understand their job is to serve and protect, not dictate and play nanny.
For the record, I see through their bullshit, & will only kneel for GOD!
So I forgot to ask our Nascar watchers [which I have been accused of being] what did you think about Sundays race? Think they gave it to him? And now he is the big shot and calling the shots. No more confederate flags, BLM races, and black BLM car.
ReplyDeleteOr the Start of another Civil war.
ReplyDeleteThought for the day
ReplyDelete"When tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes duty"
The Antifa terrorist group has taken over a 4-6 block area in Seattle, declaring it to be a "sovereign zone" and is not allowing the Police in. They have posted armed guards.
ReplyDeleteThis is President Trump's Fort Sumpter moment.
No group of seditionists have the right to declare American territory as "sovereign".
There have been people who declared their own property as sovereign, but this is not their property. It is the property of the American people.
President Trump should tell the governor he has 48 hours to reclaim that territory by any means necessary. At the end of 48 hours if he fails, he should send in federal troops to reclaim the land and arrest the seditionists. He should form a complete barrier around the area with one way out. If the traitorous rebels surrender, he can place them under federal arrest and charge them with sedition. If they don't surrender, the troops close the area with a standard pincher movement. If the rebels fire on the troops, return fire.
This sounds extreme, but taking property from the American people is extreme. Declaring part of America to be under the control of a traitorous terrorist group is extreme. The federal government has sent federal troops to end these kinds of sieges in the past. This time it is actually legal.
If this is allowed to continue unabated with no response, our country will be lost.
Good grief SSAH if that is is for real I agree 100% got to stop this bullshit now.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%. with Safe also. Time to crush the uprising
ReplyDeleteSpineless local officials need to be removed. If I ramble in the next few days it's due to pain pills. This country has an amazing medical system. Including time in surgery I spent 30 hours in the hospital due to having my left shoulder replaced and I am recovering at home. With two titanium knees and now one shoulder, I never get the expedited check in at the airport. Small price to pay for relief.
Good Grief Tom relax take it easy, any more of that you will be a Robot, Stay well hoping for the best for ya, I know about pain and hear ya.
DeleteGet well soon, fellow patriot!
DeleteActually, we don't want to take the baithere. They are pretending they know what being armed is, merely thinking carrying firearms effectively is just purchase, point and pull. It's much more complicated. We know this. They are just wanting a pony show.
ReplyDeleteWhat they have set up, is a kill box. And not in their favor. Tactics they lack.
Sovereign areas deserve borders, so no traffic in and out.
Drop communications. Surround them. Starve them out.
Takes time. Optics are much better.
Wanna clean house? Do it beginning second week of November.
Just my thought and opinion.
These people couldn't survive for a couple of days in the wilderness.
DeleteLet alone a standing gun fight.
Hammer's approach makes more sense. Sometimes I just recommend actions, without considering all the options.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tom and agreeing with Hammer there is more options out there that those never heard of.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm with ya. Nothing would make me happier than seeing antifa bodies in the street. Leave them to rot, let the world see.
ReplyDeleteBut remember for example(warning, I'm using a false equivalency) McArthur was careful enough to go into Tokyo, and in ten days round up all militants and leave the Emperor alone.
America wanted the Emperors head on a pole. They didn't get it, and things worked out.
I'm sure somebody is gonna blow my post up, but hey I'm mobile and it's the quickest thing I could think of as an example.
Hope Ya’ll understand what I meant.
Lol when you mention MacArthur or Patton and Bradly who I had the Honer of meeting him a few time's at Fort Ord Cal, My people actually Order his last wheel chair' and supplied him monthly with his hearing aid batteries, and with his Wife they better not show up late. She was as tough as him. Brings back old memory's..
ReplyDeleteWell no more confederate flags at any nascar.
ReplyDeleteWell soon they will ban Southern food, Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteWell its started. If any one doesnt think so they are either stupid and ignorant. One by one little things first then on and on. The commie libtards are marching down our streets. They will disarm the police so their commie bastards can get away with killing us off. Its already started. They can burn down p0olice stations, take over city offices. And those cops that think they will be better off with out the unions are not going to like what happens to them. THe revolution has started. They got to get Trump out and then they can just walk right on in. And the commie's from all over the world will be in charge calling the plays as the libtards just follow along. This country is about to go down if we dont get off our ass's and do something. Its coming and its coming to your street.
ReplyDeleteWell skippey don't forget tonight's Race, just starting stag 2..
ReplyDeleteHammer, I know you are right but these people piss me off. Claiming they are seceding from the Union as if they were capable of doing that. Occupying the property that belongs to the city of Seattle after taking it by force. This isn't a confederacy of states seceding. This is a bunch of punk ass juvenile delinquents showing their ass to America.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is they are already asking for help. They invited the hobos in the area into their camp and the hobos stole all their food so they are begging for food.
That's probably where the leverage comes. Put them under siege. Circle the perimeter. Nobody in, nobody out. No food. Cut off the water. Cut off the electricity. Cut off the cell service. No ambulances in. That's how we got Richmond.
And the occasional mortar in the middle of the night.
ReplyDeleteSorry, couldn't help it.
Why not two 3 hours apart in the same spot, wouldn't want to hurt anyone :):)
ReplyDeleteTrust me my friends, I would love to just see a full reaper drone strike. They want six blocks, take out eight. Fuck subtlety.
ReplyDeleteBut delivering absolute sovereignty, and separation from all that belongs to us as modern society is the best method.
Start your new country, six blocks big. With no modern amenities. No water, power, communications, food, cut the sewer lines, and nobody in or out. Tow the cars out, no gasoline, and hell remove the dumpsters so they can't dig for scraps. Full on pacifist version of Khan.
You and I both know that when they can't upload their cute little selfies to IG, SC, FB, and Twitter they will quit.
Millions died establishing what these priviliaged little fucks take for granted. It's time we give them what they want.
Modern tactics for modern day sniveling little shits.
Fuck anitifa.
And if they get fiesty, let them start it. Plenty of civilians ready to withhold judgment and arrange "the meeting" if you know what I'm saying.
It's their move...
Yhep let them have it. Shouldn't cost the city any more than they pay now. less water, electric, sewer, no social. Yhea sounds like a plan. Then disarm them when they leave and get every one of them's picture and ID. Bet you they would be killing each other before it was ever over. maybe a good way to get rid of some of them. let them eat each other.
ReplyDeleteWell Skipper Truex jr takes this one, and the Clock tic toc...heheheh
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...