Defund the police, my ass.
Won't be long and there won't be any police to defund.
But hey, this is what you wanted, right?
That's what you said.
Remember that?
I do.
Good luck...
Multiple Reports: Atlanta Cops Walk Out in Protest

Swathes of police officers in Atlanta, GA, are “walking off the job,” according to multiple reports published Wednesday evening.
Todd Starnes tweeted, “BREAKING NEWS: Georgia police sources tell me only two police precincts are staffed in the entire city of Atlanta. Entire zones of officers are walking off the job. Zones 1,3,5 and 6 have left their posts. Zones walking off the job. #BlueLivesMatter.”
BREAKING NEWS: Georgia police sources tell me only two police precincts are staffed in the entire city of Atlanta. Entire zones of officers are walking off the job. Zones 1,3,5 and 6 have left their posts. Zones walking off the job. #BlueLivesMatter
11.6K people are talking about this
Atlanta’s CBS affiliate reported that it had confirmed the walkout through its own sources:
Several Atlanta Police officers have reportedly walked off the job at precincts across the city. The claim comes hours after charges were filed against ex officer Garrett Rolfe and Officer Devin Brosnan in the Rayshard Brooks’ case.The buzz of patrol officers staging walkouts and refusing to answer calls from Precincts 3,5,6 and others began circulating social Wednesday evening. CBS46 confirmed the walkout through sources at 8:30 p.m.
The Atlanta Police Department acknowledged a “higher than usual number of call outs” on Wednesday evening while claiming that it had the resources necessary to “respond to incidents.”
Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the job were inaccurate. The department is experiencing a higher than usual number of call outs with the incoming shift. We have enough resources to maintain operations & remain able to respond to incidents.
12.2K people are talking about this
Atlanta’s FOX affiliate also reported on the police walkouts, stating that it had “received several tips that officers were walking off the job en masse.” It linked the reported police walkouts to the charges — including felony murder — against 27-year-old former Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe, who shot and killed 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks.
Breitbart News reported on the incident between Rolfe and Brooks:
Police body camera video shows Brooks and officers having a relatively calm and respectful conversation for more than 40 minutes before things rapidly turned violent. Brooks wrestled with officers, snatched one of their stun guns, and turned and pointed it at one of them as he ran through the parking lot. Rolfe then opened fire.
Morale among Atlanta’s police “is down tenfold,” said Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) on Wednesday.
According to the Atlanta Police Foundation, eight of the city’s police officers have resigned since the beginning of June.
Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.
Hammertime June 17, 2020 at 9:55 PM
ReplyDeleteNow we have good officers, not coming for their shifts. Or not answering calls. It's already started. Great. Just great. 😒
The public will know this, or quickly find out.
Yep, riots and burning.
When the cops get aquitted? Because they will be, because DA blatantly lied to the public in the presser multiple times.
Yep, riots and burning.
Sorry guys.
Let it all burn. Back up and just get out of the way. Let it burn. Only the culturally stupid would do this, so let stupid be stupid. Don't even worry about their women and kids. It's their problem.
When the culturally stupid have nothing left? They will die on their own, soon enough.
Fine with me. My intelligent culture will just simply watch, if necessary with the utmost care keep them at distance.
In my mind I am satisfied with the fact that democrats will be killing democrats, and the surviving masses will move even farther right for safety.
Fucking morons don't know how to win or achieve at anything without a ball.
Culturally dumb.
Let them burn. They don't deserve help.
Without the police they despise, it won't even take that long. Pity.
#bluelivesmatter > #culturallydumb
Burn Baby Burn, sound okay to me..
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
Typical croaking's of crapola from you troll. None of it is actual factual truth.
ReplyDeleteBut then to, none of your posts that you publish are truth. They're all lies.
How many times have you been told we don't go to you links....
ReplyDeleteLook troll, we know you're suffering from lack of schooling. The truth is definitely nothing of the contents of your published posts.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats have been the problem all through US History. The Democrats are responsible for the problems that created the Civil War, they wanted supremacy over their slaves, they wanted segregation, they were against interracial marriages, and they were against the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and now they're portraying themselves as the answer to America's problems? Give me a freakin' break! Their front runner Biden is a racist! If black people don't vote for him, then they're not black!
ReplyDeleteThe problem isn't Donald Trump, the problem is the Anti American Democrats!
Lol... Well played, Safe...
ReplyDeleteAnd a speaking of culturally dumb.
ReplyDeleteTrolly Polly minnow shows up.
I see he was up early, probably just to make sure he has his gas and matches ready.
Absolutely none of what is going to take place in Atlanta has anything to do with out great president.
It's the culture. Until the culturally dumb clean up their own house? Your takes and views mean nothing, and won't last long.
You make yourself exactly what you are.
hey troll, I hear Putin has a spot just for you! you best pack your bags and head to Russia!
ReplyDeleteGood to see Rikki around!!!
ReplyDeletemore garbage from you troll - just keep beating that drum you're playing - you're off beat on a regular basis!
ReplyDeleteHi Hammer :)
ReplyDeleteYou don't understand.
ReplyDeleteThe cause, not the result, minnow.
You don't understand what the right is.
I'm not a Republican, only register that way because of my locale.
Fix your house, instead of burning it down. Would ya?
Get smarter. I'm fully aware that you won't...
ReplyDeleteHere's an example of culturally dumb. Using a faux movement, to instigate violence and destruction. Wanting no end game, or building anything of any significance.
And then use Snapchat to show your insignificant culturally dumb buddies on the net??? Lmao!!!
Is that you, minnow?
We damn sure know you didn't pay, got have a job first.
ReplyDeletetroll whatever is wrong with your brain is no little thing!
ReplyDeleteGuess what's going happen to Atlanta when the cop gets acquitted.
ReplyDeleteBurn it to the ground.
Guess who won't be there to help restore law and order.
The same cops you and your communist loving party hate so much.
Don't come around here crying about it either.
You fuckers are gonna get everything you asked for...
Some states you can't vote in primaries, if your party doesn't have a candidate.
ReplyDeleteAre you really that stupid?
Secondly, we don't care about outcomes. Especially when you have video evidence, that makes it real clear. And when you have a DA that blatantly lies in a presser, and fails to wait for the third party investigations to be complete before filing?
I guess due process doesnt apply.
I'm not even going to try and straighten you out.
Grandad was right, you certainly can't fix (culturally) stupid.
Clean up your house, make yourself relevant and credible. That's the starting point.
Something, will not engage nothing.
Enjoy the proofing.
you need to go *poof* troll.
Deletethere you go again troll, beating on that drum of yours - off beat as usual but consistently off beat!
ReplyDeleteAs far as a solution to the police situations.
ReplyDeleteIt requires more help. Should of been six cops at Wendy's that night, not two.
Two to handle him, two more backing them up when the violent suspect flips out, and two on the fringes to evaluate and eventually mitigate the escape.
It's like guns. More guns less crime, proven by FBI stats and John Lott.
More cops, better training and preparedness will yield better results.
But you don't want that. You want rampant anarchy.
Your just a nothing Pyro... That's all.
You won't last long.
Might as well get started.
The Democrats are the problem troll - they've been the problem throughout all of US History!
ReplyDeletePutin has a job for you troll, he likes people that he can control.
ReplyDeleteturning the reins over to the rest of y'all - I'll be back later this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteThe more the MSM paints a picture of President Trump going down in flames, the more I am convinced he will win in a Nixonian landslide. That would be 1972 for the youngsters on here. He was the first President I voted for. His reelection in 1972 was a huge blow to the MSM. They believed that could do the same to him that they did to Goldwater. The 18,19, and 20 year olds who the left fought for didn't show up in 72. One of the few times I agreed with the left, but for different reasons. If one is old enough to be shot at, one should be able to vote and buy liquor.
ReplyDeleteThat's why the banned Gone With the Wind. It makes people see what happened to Atlanta in the last Civil War. Sherman burnt it to the ground then rolled to the sea blasting everything in sight with twenty pounders.
ReplyDeleteThis time it's the commies burning Atlanta and rolling across America burning everything in sight.
News Nugget Cracker Jack changes name to more politically correct
I just don't know when the corruption and hypocrisy of the Left will stop failing to amaze me! Without even finishing an investigation of the shooting incident in Atlanta, the prosecutor has already filed all of these charges against the officer! From everything being said about the prosecutor, he is simply using this incident to try to help cover up his own crime and corruption! Somehow, I have to believe for the sake of the country, that those friends of mine who seem to be leaning Left during all of this, are at least still smart enough to realize this is not how we want our country to operate! God help them and us if they don't!
ReplyDeleteLOL. Skipper I never gave the word Cracker a thought until now what is funny is I am at this moment eating a box of cracker Jack, you know they don't put a toy in them any more, it is digital thingy that I trow in the trash...
ReplyDeleteWhen old men, particularly the enemy, change up and try and spin my lingo?
ReplyDeleteHahaha... That's telling.
First it tells me that it Triggers them. 👍
Secondly, it shows they have no concept of nuance, trope, or any creativity.👍
It also demonstrates Alinsky, by using and accusing them of what you are doing. 👍
Fucktard old men from the Communist left being used is sad.
Concepts of virtue signaling, cultural appropriation, satire, etc... are to deep of concepts for them.
They try and dip their toe in the water, think they have a gauge of what's going on, and demonstrate ignorant silliness.
It aint your world anymore, minnow. You done lost it when you had your day.
It's mine. That's why we are taking it back.
You don't understand. Nothing gives me more plaersure seeing you try.
The login thing was funny, too.
You have no idea the depths of the water, or the trouble you are in.
Good day! Enjoy your nap. Have good dreams of Orange man.
November cometh, and your behavior breeds right votes.
See Twitter, FB, SC, and IG.... Not CNN.
It's for your own good.
Lmao!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What you going to do about Punk???
ReplyDeleteWell Punk what are you going to do about it, lets see how bad you are>
ReplyDeleteNow they have done went and done it. I am officially offended by this my favorite.
ReplyDeleteAfter decisions by Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s to overhaul their imaging in the wake of renewed calls for racial equality, Conagra Brands announced Wednesday it has “begun a complete brand and packaging review on Mrs. Butterworth's.”
And if any one here works for MARS your on my list also
Mars-owned Uncle Ben's said it plans to change its rice but said in a news release that it didn't know "what the exact changes or timing will be, but we are evaluating all possibilities."
Skipper the left are all whining crazy nut cakes.
ReplyDeleteI know where your mother lives in Jackson county, I also know she has plenty of male friends.. You should check on her.
ReplyDeleteMarxist totalitarians rely on compliant little robots who they can depend on to do whatever they want done. Corporations are afraid of the monsters who are controlling these minions of the commie left. They know they must obey or be attacked. And they have seen far too many attacks. They bow down and get on one knee to appease the fascists. That's what you do. You either announce your surrender and hope they leave you alone, or you act like an American and tell the commies to go fuck themselves. But these demonic led pagans will burn your business down, sometimes even if you are a compliant surrender monkey who rolled over on their back and pleaded submission.
ReplyDeleteAnd we have governors and mayors allowing it all to happen. Primarily democrat/communists governors and mayors if you watch closely. Chaos and anarchy creates an environment conducive to what these people are trying to achieve.
Brain less.
ReplyDeleteUnknown I see you can't stay in line for long.
ReplyDeleteI know many people Unknown been around the block a time or two.
ReplyDeleteYou have no imagination at all.
ReplyDeleteNow I see MisCreant can't stay in line very long either, hahahahhahahah
ReplyDeleteI mean the June 19 good grief..
ReplyDeleteNow I am sticking steaks tomorrow, Rib-eye's if you need to know... You have the rice..hahahah
ReplyDeleteWhy would I eat cheap meat?
ReplyDeleteWhat's on June 19th? What are we supposed to be celebrating? Is it National Potato Day? I always miss that one. Guess I'll fry up some spuds and celebrate.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief SSAH a Bake Potato sounds good with a grilled steak...
ReplyDeleteALERT: Democrats are SUING to stop President Trump’s rally in Tulsa this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThis is unacceptable! We CANNOT sit back and let Democrats SILENCE Trump. It’s crucial that the American people hear from their President.
Why didn't the Dem's Sue the people that Riots./?????
Trump MAGA 2020 Get it.
ReplyDeleteUnknown what is your Plan when Trump wins again??? Find that High building to jump off yet?
ReplyDeleteUnknown you should stick around a little longer.hahahhaahahhhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaahhhahah
ReplyDeleteOnly smart thing you have said today...
ReplyDeleteLol he can't even stay awake, Leader good Grief you are nuts.
ReplyDeleteTrumps rally is driveling the left nuts, he has thousands coming if Biden had the guts for a rally, he could have it on a tennis court. May 75 people hahahahhahah
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks ago, the DA made a statement in Fulton County that tasers are considered lethal force.
ReplyDeleteThe Georgia Supreme Court has also ruled in that way.
Compound that with the fact that the third party investigation by GBI isn't complete?
These cops will walk. And will certainly sue the dog shit out of Atlanta for wrongful prosecution and denial of due process.
Good for the cops.
Too bad for the culturally dumb. Guess there wasn't a ball involved.
Too bad for Atlanta. We'll see the torch from space....
Let it burn.
Been a good day looks like I was talking to a nothing burger all day..
ReplyDeleteUnknown you do not have the slightest knowledge regarding human behavior when it comes to life or death combatants.
ReplyDeleteUnknown you really are losing it, make that call for help. I can't help you.
ReplyDeleteWHAT< WHAT < WHAT?
ReplyDeleteTrump keeps on winning the left keeps on losing. Bottom Line Unknown.
ReplyDeleteevery day open your eyes.
DeleteUnknown is that all you got?
ReplyDeleteEvery day it becomes more and more like 1972. Like Yogi Berra always said," It's deja vu all over again."
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how unknown and all his multiple personalities would have described the Twelve Apostles.
DeleteThat's actually pretty funny, Tom.
I must be getting soft in my old age, I almost feel sorry for that commie Rat bastard Unknown Prick.
ReplyDeleteDamn Better check your meds. Maybe to much Aunt Jemima, and Uncle Bens. Or I know You said you had some Cracker Jacks? Thats got to be it Those racist little crackers. Of course you know that Animal Crackers are also racist so I dont know what your going to do. Even White Rice is offensive.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hate black beans so I guess we are both racist now.
Don't forget cream of wheat!
Well, there's one truth.
ReplyDeleteJj, is culturally dumb.
We all want him to free himself.
But the guy justs to be controlled.
And we don't do "Tokens" here.
ReplyDeleteThat's the shit the democrats say and do.
Notice it was done yesterday? In Congress.
Is that cool with you, Jj?
Cause I don't think it is, minnow.
If it wasn't for double standards, Ya’ll wouldn't have any standards at all.
And for the libtards its all about hate They hate so much they are giving up white chicken and waffles. Biden supporters are far more likely to say fear that Trump might win is behind their vote choice (63 percent) than to say it is enthusiasm for Biden (31 percent).
ReplyDeleteRemember them last time the polls said that Trump was behind and no way to win? Hmmm How did that turn out? Strange Trump has more people ready for his Tulsa rally than Biden has had in all his rallys. History is going to be repeated again.
Yes sir!
What about Plantatiom Blackstrap Moleasses?
ReplyDeleteOh NO Not that How will we ever survive our BBQ without that?
DeleteI got a gal in my pantry Blackstrap Moeasses, I would hate to so that go away.
DeleteWhat the Hell do they have to lose, get with the program....
ReplyDeleteThe red pill for Mikey?
ReplyDeleteThat would require independent thought and we all know that goes against everything he believes in...
Well, I could of suggested the black pill. But that wouldn't be nice...
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking more along the lines of those pretty multi colored Tide Pods...
ReplyDeleteDam. Kevin got edge too!!!
ReplyDeleteLol... 🤣🤣🤣
All I know I am sure Blackjack gum is History.
ReplyDeleteSarge, I think you caved his head in today and tonight.
ReplyDeleteNot sure he'll show back up.
Nice work!
Thanks Hammer...
ReplyDeleteBut I will say good night to you all...
Goodnight all...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGetting close to Nap time, got a little rain and looks like more to come.
ReplyDeleteGetting your day started a little early, aren't ya?
ReplyDeleteYa way too early.
ReplyDeleteHave a good day Kevin, keep a eye out for those storms head our way.
ReplyDeleteI ain't scared of no storm...
ReplyDeleteOh, I just posted another blog...