Watching these democrat leaders who just a few weeks ago were all big and bad while having moms arrested for taking their kids to the park, opening a beauty salon, arresting people trying to go to church, or trying to destroy a 77-year-old man's life for refusing to close his barber shop.
Remember that shit?
I do.
They ruled the roost, and by god, what they said goes!
Then came along the rioters burning down entire sections of the cities under their direct control of.
Citizens they were responsible for were beaten and killed.
Cops were attacked and sometimes killed.
Billions of dollars worth of goods were stolen in broad daylight.
And in the case of Seattle they've taken control of an entire section of the city and claimed it as their own.
Where are these bad ass leaders now?
Hiding behind their desks in the fetal position begging the attackers not to hurt them.
Thank God that's not the case everywhere.
Take the great state of Texas for example.
Them boys don't play.
Texas Prepares for Rioters: ‘Don’t Mess with The Alamo’

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush warned rioters who might be planning to target the Alamo in a tweet saying, “Don’t mess with The Alamo.” The Texas General Land Office is responsible for the care and safety of the Texas shrine.
“The Alamo is the Shrine of Texas liberty. And it will be defended,” Bush began in the tweet below. “Rest assured we have already deployed, for several weeks and will continue to do so, the Alamo Rangers in partnership with the SAPD (San Antonio Police Department, The Department of Public Safety, and the National Guard to protect this sacred site.”
“My message to protesters is simple: Don’t mess with The Alamo,” Bush concludes.
In late May, protesters in San Antonio spray-painted graffiti on the Alamo Cenotaph. The graffiti included a downward arrow with statements of “white supremacy,” “profit over People” and “the ALAMO,” Breitbart Texas reported.
A group of Texans responded and stood guard at the Cenotaph to prevent further damage.
“Well, it’s all pretty simple. If you’re mad that George Floyd got murdered, well good. So am I,” David Ahmad with Open Carry Texas said in a video posted on Facebook. “If you want to respond to that by burning Target, or a drug store, or looting a liquor store, or destroying the Alamo, you can kiss both sides of my ass. We’re going to put a stop to you.”
“So, just do it right. Protest the man’s death because it should be protested. Things need to change. This bullshit’s got to stop.”
Commissioner Bush is the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush, and the grandson of the late President George H.W. Bush. The commissioner recently endorsed President Donald Trump’s re-election bid, the Washington Times reported.
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Face book.
Oh brother that would be a mess to mess with the Alamo..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteA little off topic, but a fun and exemplary example of media gas lighting for sure.
With Sars-cov2, anarchy, and protests still lingering, it's reassuring to know TDS is still a thing. Lol
They take their monuments seriously in Texas. People are banned for life for not following protocol at the Alamo. Ozzie Osbourne for one. I pity the fool who tries to paint slogans on the Alamo.
ReplyDeleteBenevolent totalitarianism is the concept of government control by and through deception, always purporting to "take care of us." For more than 100 years, America has operated as a benevolent totalitarianism. But what happens when totalitarianism ceases to be benevolent?
ReplyDeleteIf benevolent totalitarianism is subtle, outright totalitarianism is open warfare on the people. That is what we have in America. We now find ourselves dealing with outright attacks on the people as government exerts greater control in order to suppress dissent over unconstitutional suppression of liberty.
These rioting terrorists can kiss my ass and bark at the hole as Nick Searcy says. I'm so tired of this. Seems like our country turned into a bunch of cowards overnight. These people have violent riots and half of America kneels down and licks their jackboots just to try to appease them.
ReplyDeleteYou know what appeasal is? It's hoping the alligator eats you last.
Let's listen to Winston Churchill. Never surrender. Never, never.
Now the godless commies want to go back to the days of the Marxist from Kenya. He stopped the 1033 program which allows police and other law enforcement agencies to obtain military surplus equipment. They're mad because the police are showing up at riots with military body armor, M16s and armored vehicles. Well, the commie terrorists are burning cop cars right and left, throwing bricks, and outright shooting cops all over the country. The 1033 program allows these guys to get much more protective body armor they couldn't otherwise afford That military armor they wear cost a couple thousand bucks or more a copy. The last president, who was a sympathizer with any terrorist who hated America stopped the program, our patriot President started it back up.
This either has to stop or we lose our country. And giving in to terrorists won't end it. I remember when America's policy was we don't negotiate with terrorists. But we sure are now. At least the democrat/communists are. But I expect that since they have so much in common. They're all commies, they all hate America and they all crave power over our lives at any price.
Those who surrender freedom for security will end up with neither.
Many of those deceived welcome the government "doing something," and in fact have been trained to turn to the government for all their needs, as intended. But manna to the group is poison to the individual. You must by now know the phrase "divide and conquer." First they divided our families. Then they divided the people against each other (Democrats vs Republicans, haves and have not's, employed and unemployed, illegals and citizens). It is the involvement of this strategy that has brought us to our present state. We have been "socially distanced" from every other American. Beware these code words! Tyranny follows! It is here!
ReplyDeletevery true, those who surrender freedom for security will have neither.
ReplyDeletethe Democrats have been the problem all through US History. Their lust for socialism / communism is a failed dream. All they have to do is to look back in world history of the countries that had it and failed.
That America is a fascist Nation is no longer deniable. Fascism, as described by Benito Mussolini, is the merger of state and corporate power. How else would you ascribe piling $19,000 in debt on top of the head of each American and giving that money to corporations, while you get, in return, a check for $1,200?
ReplyDeleteAll significant legislation passed in recent years has been designed to either increase the power of the state to control the people, to increase the power and wealth of corporations or to strengthen their symbiotic relationship.
America was designed as a representative republic, with Representatives elected by the people to represent their interests when laws are passed. Senators were to be selected by the States to represent the interests of their States. Neither the Congress nor the President is answerable to the people or the States today. They answer only to their corporate sugar daddies and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that operate behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteThese NGOs, dominated by moneyed interests, include, but are not limited to, the Federal Reserve, The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, The World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and various and sundry "think tanks" propped up by the same corporate sugar daddies lining the pockets of Congress.
There is a crackdown on what's left of free speech. Sure, you can "say" what you want, but prepare to be canceled. "Say" anything freely and your life as you know it is over. You will be branded a traitor or worse. Your family will suffer. Your 1st Amendment rights have been stripped away. And get too close to the truth and there are serious consequences.
ReplyDeleteHistory shows that as regimes begin to fail they become more onerous, more aggressive and finally more violent toward their own citizens. The American system is in a state of collapse unless something changes drastically. Unfortunately, the recent drastic changes are for the worse. I hope you have continued to prepare as I and others have advised.
Educate those you care about as to the mechanics of defense and preparedness. Not many will listen as long as they perceive no crisis.
President Trump's campaign and the RNC raises more than $14 million in one weekend.
ReplyDelete"President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) raked in a record $14 million on Trump's birthday on Sunday, marking the groups' best day of online fundraising, according to the committee. Sunday's record surpassed the RNC and Trump campaign's previous daily best of $10 million in October 2016." (The Hill)
OH Ya and To date, the Trump campaign and RNC have $255 million cash on hand to Biden and the DNC's $100 million cash on hand. Cheap Dem's...
ReplyDeleteDNC doesn't have enough money to buy his voters off.. You know how the Dems voters are money no vote.....
ReplyDeleteDon't hold your breath...
ReplyDeleteI pity the fool(s) who try to attack the Alamo.
ReplyDeletethat is incorrect and racist! you just don't want to see the truth about the Anti American Democratic Party!
ReplyDeleteUnknown, you are Anti American - your hatred of America shows in every post that you publish.
ReplyDeleteYou are a traitor to American values!
Gun rights are not going any where, get a grip.. Buy a gun. hahahahha
ReplyDeleteGun rights are not going any where, get a grip.. Buy a gun. hahahahha, take stock on that,and lock and load, hehehehhe
DeleteNo dont let him buy a gun. He no doubt doesn't have a clue as to how to handle one and he would more than likely hurt some one else. Or himself.
ReplyDeleteOr himself sounds good. Skipper
DeleteAnd your problem is what???
ReplyDeleteIt didn't bother Trump on bit he said the court has spoken, Nice try wimpy.. can stir shit on that lie...
ReplyDeleteNot a chance it won't bother anyone's vote out here, it seems to bother you more.
ReplyDeleteAnyone hear from Unknown today?? hahahhhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhhhahahahah
ReplyDeleteOh by the way I notice today I have a couple of Cuke's on my plants, Breaking News over. hahahhha
ReplyDeleteGood Grief SSAH or Kevin go ahead and take most of my meaning less comments of save space.
ReplyDeleteGonna deviate in this post.
ReplyDeleteGonna put some edge on it.
Truth, is edge nowadays. And sadly many consider it inappropriate.
Rashard Brooks, man shot in Atlanta is a serious PIECE OF SHIT.
Did time for beating his child, and false imprisonment. Seven years in the pen.
Wonder if the daughter he was so sweetly celebrating the birthday was the one who beat mercilessly?
Rayshard Brooks being six feet under is a public service. Thank you officer, and I'm so glad you were able to not be tasted and lose your sidearm and die at the hands of ANOTHER multiple FELON.
Anyone see a pattern?
Here's the list, and a selfie. Err I, mean mugshot.
No matter what, your previous record DOES matter.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good gauge of character.
I once heard a true activist say judge by the content of character.
Let's connect the dots...
None of these recently have character worth note. That matters.
David Dorn? He had character.
Next case Ahmad Arbury.
Yea, this little angel wasn't out for a jog. Hes a bitch ass punk gangster.
Anyone see the pattern yet?
The whole point, and I can go further, is that character cost these guys their life.
ReplyDeleteYes, George Floyd as well.
I may not agree with how Floyd's ending went down. But hey, you sign that check? Somebody will cash it. He put himself in that position. Just like the other two.
Folks, character matters. Apparently not in some circles and culture. But it sure as hell does in mine.
#bluelivesmatter > #culturalstupidty
There's your edge for the day, folks. A little venting from the hammer.
DeleteI'm chuckin dueces... ✌️
Lol... Now Hammer, you know as well as I do no one is allowed to stray from the official marxist approved narrative...
ReplyDeleteGood to see ya posting girl!!!!
New blog up...