Since John Nolte is almost always spot on I figured we'd go with another piece he put out yesterday.
Here goes...
Nolte: Democrat-Run Cities Are Doomed

Things will someday get better. This left-wing moral panic will pass. Just not anytime soon. And not before things get worse — most especially in Democrat-run cities.
Please do not fool yourself into believing the rioting and mayhem and blacklisting and canceling will quickly burn itself out. It won’t. The radical left is emboldened, and when the radical left is emboldened, cities burn, violent crime explodes, good men die, people and content are disappeared and blacklisted, and human rights are violated — all as the corporate media propagandize these obscenities as progress and virtuous.
As I wrote earlier, the “Woke Taliban are literally toppling statues, literally rewriting history, literally creating their own caliphate, literally renaming streets, literally forcing people to their knees,” and literally blacklisting and desecrating art.
And they are just getting started…
But it is in the Democrat-run cities where things are going to get especially awful.
We are already seeing this play out in Seattle, where the left-wing terrorist group Black Lives Matter have established their own caliphate or confederacy.
With the help of a city council member, Black Lives Matter briefly took over Seattle’s City Hall and have now created a permanent Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), a six-block zone blocked off by barricades and signs that read, “You are now leaving the USA.”
The police are banned from this zone and have, at least for now, agreed to abandon the area to armed protesters and terrorists.
Within this six block area are 500 residential homes.
It will only be a matter of time before criminals prey on these helpless residents.
Freedom is dead in this zone. Just try wearing a MAGA hat or hanging a Confederate flag or watching The Jeffersons where everyone can see you. Just try questioning or challenging your new overseers…
This is a caliphate.
So how was this allowed to happen…?
In a word: Weakness.
Few mayors have sought to appease the left-wing terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter more than Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. Weakness not only invites aggression, it also increases demands for fealty. The terrorists who took over city hall and those six blocks are holding Durkan’s resignation as a form of ransom.
Whatever her shortcomings, she was legally elected by the people of Seattle. But the Woke Taliban want her gone, and now they have essentially recalled her by creating their caliphate.
As we have seen over the past two weeks, weakness is a problem in all of these Democrat-run cities. Another problem is that Democrat politicians cannot defy the monsters they created without being devoured by them. The bind they are in, and by extension the bind they have put their city residents in, is that if you defy the Woke Taliban, you will be attacked as a racist and find yourself under fire by a corporate media that has also been taken over by the Woke Taliban.
In other words, you can either abolish, defund, and otherwise weaken police protections, or you will be voted out of office, recalled, or worse… Your city will be relentlessly besieged with disruptive protests and riots: blocked traffic, damaged property — the extortion of chaos and mayhem.
Of course, these Democrats will give in and are already giving in. Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York, and a host of Democrat-run cities have already agreed to abolish, defund, or otherwise weaken the police — even though there is no question this will lead to a dramatic increase in every imaginable crime, including rape, murder, armed robbery… Street gangs and cartels will again own streets.
There is no way out for Democrats.
And there is no way out for the idiots who live in these cities and vote for Democrats.
You can either weaken the police and suffer through the increase in violent crime and lawlessness that will follow, or you can subject your city to the unceasing disruption of protests and riots.
Of course, Democrat politicians could do the right thing and uphold the law, but they are not capable of that… They are almost all radicals themselves, and they want to remain in power…
So what does this mean for the average citizen in Democrat-run cities…?
In a word: blight.
The return of urban blight.
Dirty streets. Crime. Collapsing property rates. Boarded up storefronts. High taxes. Homeless. Terrible schools. Living in fear. Bars on windows.
We tried to warn you.
But you idiot Democrats still voted to make a communist the mayor of New York, an appeaser the mayor of Seattle, and an open Antifa supporter the attorney general of Minnesota.
You get what you vote for, and Democrats are about to get exactly what they deserve…
Yup that's about it in a nut shell..
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
As usual, a great piece from Nolte.
ReplyDeleteHere's a taste of what is specifically happening.
Want to go further?
Follow on Twitter about their intentions and future actions.
Better cordon them off right now.
Build that wall!!!
Nobody in nobody out...
ReplyDeleteSo the homeless brothers they invited in stole all their food.
Problem is there are something like 500 households caught up in the middle of their shit show.
I'm pretty sure every single one of them will soon be ransacked.
The terrorists holding American soil have already appointed a Warlord, some wanna be rapper who has ordered stop and frisk and is building a wall. Which would be hilarious if it wasn't so frightening.
ReplyDeleteThey are also demanding the businesses in the area pay them protection money.
Our President has warned the commie mayor and governor if they don't act he will. And being loyal lapdogs of the communist apparatus, they won't do anything. They will probably bring them whatever they ask for.
This is a very bad situation that will only get worse, and begin being repeated again and again. The war is on folks, it's just that most people can't wrap their minds around it. The democrat/communist party has declared war on us. Shades of 1860.
Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it.
The head man is a rapper.... Lmao!!!
I can hardly wait for chapter two and these commie Rat Bastards, it is impossible to have a good ending.
ReplyDeleteWe already knew this.
I find it fascinating that the first actions of a group dedicated to eliminating the Police did when they took over the section of Seattle is they set up a police force.
ReplyDeleteAnd put up a wall to refuse entry to whoever they decided should not enter.
We hate cops. So we now have out own cops.
ICE is bad, we need to welcome anybody into our country without borders. We now have borders and only the people we choose are welcome to enter.
And there's already video of the seditionist police force chasing somebody down and beating them up for spray painting graffiti.
You gotta admit. This stuff is hilarious and frightening at the same time.
It's a kill box, brother.
DeleteGranted anytime seditious and treasonous behavior becomes acceptable is very frightening.
I do find myself in a bit of a pickle, though. I don't have nearly enough popcorn for this. Gonna have to make a run for some.
You know my background, interests, and skill level. I'm sure you understand how cute, hilarious, and cringy I find it when wannabes act out.
I just want to see the rapper hold his rifle sideways, gangster style.
Owning is not the same as owning and training.
As a side note, I would be willing to bet that if six of my compadres had four hours of honest discussion and training with 50% of these kids we could change their mindset. They don't have a clear view of freedom, because of where they are from. Democrats have poisoned them.
They don't need lectures. They need honest questions that they need to answer for themselves, in their own heart and mind. We want what's best for them, the democrats do not.
Tell someone they are victim over and over and they will believe it. They need self confidence, empowerment, and the understanding of what a free thinking, gibsmedat free American can actually do.
Live free, or die hard.
Now Mikey, I want you to pay close attention to this shit as it plays out.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing is on you.
It's what you voted for.
Your new overlords will soon demonstrate exactly what the term "useful idiots" really mean...
Rub it in Kevin. hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteAnd Mikey, don't mistake my comment as an invitation for you to speak.
ReplyDeleteThe same conditions still apply...
Sorry to say I never thought I would see the day when Nascar bowed down .
ReplyDeleteNASCAR to allow peaceful protests during national anthem
It is now ok to kneel when the National Anthem is played.
Kirk Price, a NASCAR technical inspector, took a knee and raised his right fist during the invocation before Sunday’s Cup race at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
News brief Nascar has given Colin Kaepernick a job with the BLM car. He will be the co driver for Bubba Wallace in the BLM black car
ReplyDeleteYup the party is over Skipper, can't believe NASCAR got into this crap.
DeleteIt's the strangest thing I've seen in a while.
DeleteVirtue signaling is getting the best of weak Americans.
I'm dangerous to the mind set you gave your children, troll.
ReplyDeleteYou better keep them away, for I could show them the ways of free thinking, liberty, duty to self and family, honor, and love of country.
It could change the conversation at your dining room table during the holidays.
I am the epitome of what is subversive to the Democrat "handouts for control" party.
You've been warned.
I really hate to even think or say this but. Its getting to the point that the government is going to have to either send in the military or and declare marshal law. I don't think that would be good but damn these libtard city and state governors and mayor's haven't gat the fortitude to get this BS shut down. People are going to die and the business's in those cities are going to pay the price.
ReplyDeleteWhat is next Mount Rushmore??? I think this is the same shit that the Taliban did destroy History.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWanna good laugh? The cops are Trolling!!!!
Ask and you shall receive. Lmao
Ane just think what all those commie countries and their leaders think about this. Lets see HMMM if this is all it takes to bring these people down why hell we should have thought of this a long time ago. And all those years we thought we would have to fight our way to DC. Ha Ha Walk right in and take over. The politicians will be kneeling down to us.
ReplyDeleteThe term Fudd has been used in a derogatory manner for some time now in the firearms community. It is used derisively to indicate someone who owns firearms for recreation and hunting, but who does not actually believe in the true premise of the 2nd Amendment. Now, in a bit of irony Elmer Fudd has had his trusty old shotgun taken away in the latest Looney Tunes cartoons. That’s right; the iconic character will no longer be seen with a firearm
ReplyDeleteUnknown are you enjoying your democrat Leaders, you will be the first they eat...
ReplyDeleteWhy do you worry about other peoples lives, it is not your busyness. Get a Life. You better check your number On liberals...
ReplyDeleteUnknown tell your wife she might try getting a Blue-ball book on canning Freezing and drying she might learn something. No need to be stupid unless she can't read.
ReplyDeleteI know Skipper but I keep trying to help the asshole out, and I know it is a loss cause.
ReplyDeleteBut anyhow he just went Poof!!!
ReplyDeleteOnly character matters.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Twitter great? Especially the dumbest losers from the left who think that they are slick!
Snoop dog..... Lmao
In 2018 all over the US Democrats were refusing to concede their defeat in major races. Now they have a new,(old) tactic. Claim they are worried Trump won't leave if they are defeated. Democrats have to project their intentions. The Democrats are now big supporters of the military. They imply the Presidents before Trump had the best possible relationship with the military. Apparently these morons cannot read. Generals throughout our history have spoken against and defied the President. Just as they have spoken against against each other.
Stephanie Abrams comes to mind...
ReplyDeleteDam. First the troll runs away when I show up.
ReplyDeleteThen he takes his posts with him.
How rude.
And he even had me at covid-29....
I don't and never have "run away". In fact the deletion of my comments is a sort of running away isn't it Hammertime ? I will take it as a sign that nobody here is capable of engaging in a civil discourse. But perhaps you can respond like an adult. The blue wave decimated republicans across the country in 2018. The polls now are showing 2020 likely to be even worse.No, I have not visited Lafayette Park because I have no business as a medical practitioner to mingle with large crowds.But let's overlook the surge in Covid 19, the implosion of the stock market and an economy in deep recession if not depression. Let's talk about how the military is responding to Trump's pathetic photo ops, and laughable rants about his use of "his" military. These are comments from our military leaders current and past.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThey provide a sad commentary.
Delete1) Marine Corps Gen. James MattisContent by CNN UnderscoredFormer Secretary of Defense under TrumpStatement released June 3"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people -- does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.
"2) Marine Corps. Gen. John KellyFormer Chief of Staff to Trump, Former commander of US Southern Command under Obama Interview on June 5"I would've argued against it, recommended against it," Kelly said of Trump's photo-op. "I would argue that the end result of that was predictable.""I think we need to look harder at who we elect. I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?"
3) William Perry Former Defense Secretary served under ClintonTwitter, June 4"I am outraged at the deplorable behavior of our President and Defense Secretary Esper, threatening to use American military forces to suppress peaceful demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights. This is a deeply shameful moment for our nation."
4) Navy Adm. William McRavenFormer commander of US Special Operations Command under ObamaInterview with MSNBC on June 5"You're not going to use, whether it's the military, or the National Guard, or law enforcement, to clear peaceful American citizens for the President of the United States to do a photo op. There is nothing morally right about that."
5) Navy Adm. James Stavridis Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Commentary published by Time on June 3"Our active duty military must remain above the fray of domestic politics, and the best way to do that is to keep that force focused on its rightful mission outside the United States. Our senior active duty military leaders must make that case forcefully and directly to national leadership, speaking truth to power in uncomfortable ways. They must do this at the risk of their career. I hope they will do so, and not allow the military to be dragged into the maelstrom that is ahead of us, and which will likely only accelerate between now and November. If they do not stand and deliver on this vital core value, I fear for the soul of our military and all of the attendant consequences."
Delete6) Army Gen. Raymond A. "Tony" Thomas Former commander of US Special Operations Command under Obama and TrumpTwitter, June 1On Esper's use of the term "battlespace" when discussing quelling violence on the streets amid civil unrest: "The 'battle space' of America??? Not what America needs to hear...ever, unless we are invaded by an adversary or experience a constitutional a Civil War..."
7) Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden Former director of the CIA and NSA under Bush and Obama Twitter, June 2On Milley joining Trump for his walk in front of the White House after protesters were cleared: "I was appalled to see him in his battle dress. Milley (he's a general?!?) should not have walked over to the church with Trump."8) Ash Carter Former Defense Secretary under Obama Statement on June 5 "The Department of Defense exists to safeguard our citizens, not dominate them. I was dismayed to see DoD drawn inappropriately this week into the President's response to protests. There is here no need, no warrant, and no excuse to bring active-duty military force into the restoration of order. I say this as a former Secretary of Defense."
These comments are now on the record. I have it on good source that the Pentagon top brass despise Trump. How could they not ? He has accused the military of being made up of a "bunch of losers - Vietnam, Iraq, I like winners". Yes draft dodger in chief, and you even had the nerve to trash John McCain.Yet posters here continue to celebrate this man. You delete any post you cannot deal with in your insular little circle. And you insult cities as being "democrat led". Those cities are frequently in red states. Cities have minimal resources. The cities that move America, Seattle, SF, LA, NYC, Chicago, Boston are all in blue states. Those cities that thrive in the "red belt", Atlanta, Dallas, and above all Austin are all deeply blue. In any case, Topeka, with an ever decreasing population appears evenly split. But it shows all the problems of a big city ( your crime rate has frequently exceeded Washington's).
DeleteYour guy is going down. Fast. The only remaining question is how many of his complicit republicans will be taken down with him. The polls look horrible for repubs. And by the way, Breitbart's Nolte ? Nobody outside his cult of followers pays him any attention.
Paw patrol. Very, very popular preschool age show.
ReplyDeleteAll because of Chase, who's a cartoon German Shepard and happens to pretend to be a cop.
I'm not kidding.
Stop Skipper you are killing me. LOL
ReplyDeleteNew Hodge twins stuff.
Well good night room 235... MAGA 2020
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteMight as well get ready for a Nap...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your nap Sarge...
ReplyDeleteSoooooo, have y'all heard BLM is funneling their donations to Biden. Now it makes sense. All those large corporations shoveling their loot to Biden, now I see the whole picture.
ReplyDeleteGood morning again room 235...
ReplyDeleteThe Faux doc was drunk last night. See above....
ReplyDeleteLmao! 🍻🤣🤣🤣
Nope, he's still drunk... Lol
ReplyDeleteAnyone thinks that Biden is winning is lying to themselves, drunk, or crazy. Take your pick.
Lastly, dems are too busy damaging themselves with insurrection and cancel culture....
Pandering to people that don't even vote, and scaring the shit out of real voters. That cannot be denied.
Just read Twitter, not politics, but regular Joe's and Jane's from around our great country.
Biden is still trying to wear a Mask and learning to take one off, Good the Guy is brain dead.
ReplyDeleteTo give you an idea of how easy it was for the domestic terrorist group to take over a 6 square block of a major city all you have to do is listen to the mayor.
ReplyDeleteShe's comparing the whole thing to a block party and is looking forward to a summer of love...
Ya i heard her say that, she is another Liberal nut case. Good Grief there a lot of them...
ReplyDeleteLol... Their block party has a border wall. It's patrolled by armed thugs. And businesses are forced to pay a $500 protection fee.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your goofy little party while you can, dipshits. It's gonna come crashing down very soon...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry Mikey but I still haven't given you permission to speak...
ReplyDeleteWell maybe he should have to pay a $500 .. fee to enter.
ReplyDeleteWell I got a busy day today, Beer Run, water the vegies, mow the grass, damn I am beat just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteNo mention of your peeps rioting last couple weeks.
ReplyDeleteThere's the reason for the spike.
Sickle cell, obesity, diabetes, heart disease are a bitch.
Nice try
Regarding the occupation of Seattle. They have done the following:
ReplyDeleteBuilt walls and barriers so they could let in only the people they choose.
Require photo ID to be in the area.
Stop and frisk and require to show your ID on demand.
Appointed a Police Force of unqualified violent protesters and armed them with military style weapons.
Chase down and beat up anybody violating their new rules. So far people have been punished for graffiti and stealing.
This happened so fast nobody noticed they turned into everything they claim they hate about Republicans and the Police. They have basically become the Taliban.
It's beautiful friends. This is just a tiny look at what to expect if these terrorists get their way. And every state that allows this stuff to happen in their cities should be immediately suspended from any federal aid of any kind, including relief for the Chinese flu, including the unemployment bonus for the unemployed. Harsh, you say? Sure it is. That's the point. Make the people wake the fuck up and stop supporting these gangsters.
Hope you don't mind Safe. I'd like to copy your post and use it! Thanks!
DeleteHelp yourself Gary.
DeleteWhen Sherman marched to the sea through Georgia it was considered a horrible thing. Everything in their path was destroyed. Crops, warehouses burned. Southern mansions looted and destroyed. Supplies headed to the troops confiscated. All exports and imports stopped. All done at the direction of Ulysses S Grant with the blessing of the Great Emancipator.
ReplyDeleteTruman dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, creating a terror never imagined.
Why did they do this? General Sherman explained it. He said war is hell. And he proceeded to show the South what that meant.
You win wars by making the cost too great for the enemy to continue. Time to make the cost too great for these seditionists who are at war with America to continue. If entire states have to suffer, that's how it works. The people who don't want this war pressure those fighting it to stop.
The governor of WA and the mayor of Seattle say it would be "unconstitutional". They vow to "not allow him to intervene". Tell that to Abraham Lincoln.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a threat of civil war. If the President sends in troops to stop a rebellion against the United States, how does the governor "not allow" that? Does he imagine he will use state militia, the National Guard to stop the Federal Troops? That sounds like his only option when the armored personnel carriers start rolling down the street disgorging the 5th Cav.
This is exactly the language from the south that led to the civil war.
Unknown they should all be shot on site, you got that shot on site.
ReplyDeleteThe mayor of Seattle says it's "patriotic" to do what the Taliban terrorists are doing. Sounds like Jeff Davis defending his armed insurrection against the Union.
ReplyDeleteShe says it's just "first amendment rights". Sounds like the confederacy. It was just their god given right to own slaves.
Unknown You are just like them, you don't last long.hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteThey will be wiped out soon Unknown, go join them while you got a chance. hahahahahah
ReplyDeleteUnknown You do Know that the Governor of that city has no balls. hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteThe leader is a failed rapper.
ReplyDeleteSo does the phrase "gangsta rap made me do it" apply?
Lol... Evidently he's the creme of the crop...
ReplyDeleteSeattle council woman demands the precinct taken over by domestic terrorists be permanently surrendered to the good folks of CHAZ.
ReplyDeleteYou dumbasses get what you voted for and everything you deserve...
It is not going to end well!!! For the Terrorist.
DeleteGo buy it and see for your self..
ReplyDeleteHe's desperate for our approval. Of course he'll be back...
ReplyDeleteThe cops just walked into their precinct. No fights, or arguments. Now of course, they haven't taken it back yet. But just an example of why I called this whole situation bait.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite obvious when those that are armed, requiring no police presence and running security for CHAZ do nothing and just watch while adversarial combatants just stroll on by.
Must of been really low on vegan meals and weed. They don't have a stomach for a fight.
What did we expect. From area that has the same name as a tranny(see Cher...).
Fighting and violence can't be postured. It can be faked, though. Just like the rest of their hysteria.
ReplyDeleteSpell much troll?
First covid-29, then this.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI apologize Sarge, but I mess around with your toy a little much.
ReplyDeleteBut it's so easy.
Do I feel bad for picking on the stupid ones?
No, not at all. Lol
Lol. Keep up the good work... I can always find another toy even if I have to improvise. :):)
DeleteUh oh.
ReplyDeleteBLM is accusing antifa of hijacking their movement in Seattle.
Just what was said all along.
They eat their own.
You just can't buy this entertainment. I say that knowing their will jot be a cost to our country.
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit about Seattle. It was lost a long time ago.
1. 1984. Dystopian, history denial and revision, leading to social control and destruction of independent thought.
ReplyDelete2. Brave New World. Sensual(internet) distractions and disconnect from a moral and sane base.
3. Lord of the Flies. Dangers of mob rule, encouraging tribal and animalistic behavior when social breakdown occurs.
All of these apply. Should be mandatory reading in this country.
Along with Twain, Emerson, Coleridge, etc...
I could go on and on.
I guarantee, nobody in CHAZ, antifa, or BLM has read and understood any of these fine pieces of literature.
Emerson is key. Especially Self Reliance.
DeleteTrolly Polly should take note. He could learn.
In that era, sure.
DeleteBut you didn't dispute my take.
Benjamin Franklin was high all the time. Tesla was high, all the time.
But if that's all you got? Sure. OK.
Sparta? The warriors were queer.
ReplyDeleteTell me something I don't know.
The Minneapolis city council voted unanimously to disband it's police department.
ReplyDeleteYou stupid bastards are getting everything you voted for and exactly what you deserve.
Good luck with that. You're gonna need it...🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteFools. Be interesting to see this.
ReplyDeleteTime to get out of that city.
Anarchy will rule the day...
ReplyDeleteApparently, things are getting so bad in CHAZ since th cops just walked in and out, that now a group is trying to firm an autonomous zone, within the autonomous zone.
ReplyDeleteI'm not kidding. 🙄
I love the free pass you give to the rioters, and won't acknowledge their complicity in uptick in cases.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, nobody cares about asymptomatic cases. Let's talk hospitalizations.
ReplyDeleteI see that.
Not slick
If you'd pay attention, the rioters took advantage and hijacked BLM. BLM is complicit.
ReplyDeleteTry again
ReplyDeleteFollow Twitter and see the infighting, right now.
ReplyDeleteYou are told old and slow to keep up.
Advantage me
Showed some naivete their.
DeleteTry Andy Ngo's feed.
He's asian. And he's solid.
Try agin
ReplyDeleteEvery time, every post.
ReplyDeleteYou have no legs
And remember old man, I handle your retorts while multi tasking.
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem with you democrats. You instigate, have no structure and can't debate topics.
You flail.
You don't know how this works. The porch is better for guys like you.
I din't jump in Hammer because you had your foot on his neck.
ReplyDeleteJump in anytime. I'm just picking on stupid.
DeleteI do it all day, in much more sinister venues.
I still don't get dog piled, and once in a while I shine a light on a couple folks.
That's my role in this social war being waged.
It's real. Look around, Trolly Polly
*see avatar
He can't breathe..... Lmao
Yes, yes I did.
DeleteStupid? Hahaha
ReplyDeleteTriggered, eh?
And as far as the threat, no. You can't breathe because your arguments are refuted instantly.
Old man.
I don't threaten weakness. What does that do?
Refer your posts to me, please.
ReplyDeleteI'm the one kicking the social media version of you.
Just me. Come at me.
Just don't kick your dog. He had nothing to do with the pathetic nature of your posts.
ReplyDeleteSmart people know when to shut up.
ReplyDeleteSo please, continue....
He can't breathe,... Again!
ReplyDeleteHe likes you, Sarge.
ReplyDeletePretty sure he doesn't like my style.
Betas don't like Alphas.
Ya I maybe to easy on him, oh I seen that a long time ago, he can grasp your style at all...
ReplyDeleteI'm not nice. I don't intend to be.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a flaw, maybe not.
But right now, I'm not taking any shit from any communist.
You guys know me, normally I stay in my lane and try and post the most informative up to date stuff out there. I'm no parrot. So in this case I:
Kevin and Safe already know that all they have to do is say something, and I'll go back to that and only that.
DeleteUntil then, I'll torment.
It does bother me though. I feel like I'm driving folks like Rikki, away.
ReplyDeleteNot my intention, but it's not my intention to let people come in and piss on Kevin and Safes gate. Ain't happening.
What's going on out here isn't pleasant folks.
So for what it's worth, I'm sorry for that.
Ya gotta do what you gotta do, no reason to be sorry for anything, I sure the hell am not...
ReplyDeleteLol... You never have to apologize for being who you are Hammer.
ReplyDeleteHear me...
ReplyDeleteHere's an ugly and sad story, my wife showed me. My heart goes out to the family. I can't imagine what that experience would feel like.
But I have to point something out. It's another example of the media working against truth, and trying to make something into its not.
Look at the headline.
A 16 year old kid, weighing 350 lbs, whose mother is a nurse, most likely diabetic if not pre-diabetic, and has medals from the special olympics. See the picture.
People magazine calls him "perfectly healthy". That's doing a disservice to everyone. Victim, family, and readers.
The media wants you to fear, based on the fact a child is involved.
Another caveat, his whole family had been tested but not the mother. Nobody will say why that's the case.
The whole point here, is the media is trying to provide a narrative, and not the truth.
The hard question is "why"?
These are the disturbing things in our country that piss me off. The media provides no truth, only narrative. Then compound the problem by blaming a president that we the people elected and the media hates.
An example of why we are, where we are.
And it bothers the shit out of me.
It's more dangerous behavior than any virus could ever be.
That's my take.
Well I got my Beer run and the plants watered but didn't get to the grass 2 out of 3 not to bad, getting ready to call it a night, so enjoy your rest of the night.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteIf we don't have police anymore and we shoot a home invader what do we do with the body?
ReplyDeleteSarge...friends will help you move, real friends will help you move bodies.
DeleteInteresting story. A young woman in Tennessee decided to take a stab at organizing a riot. So she and her friends created a facebook page to help organize for an upcoming black lives terrorist group riot. They got about 600 responses. A "counter protest" group created their own facebook page and soon had over a thousand followers.
ReplyDeleteAfter the riot, the counter-protestors revealed her identity and the police came to her workplace, she worked for a janitoral service, pulled her out of the workplace and took her to a big truck where she was interrogated. She says she was never so scared in her life.
Good. These people need to know there are consequences for these riots. Not for all, but for some. And they will never know who. Leaving electronic signatures, facial recognition software at play, they don't understand who they are dealing with.
We have folks working on our side who have far superior tech skills than this bunch of amatuer commie aparachiks. There are folks working hard deep behind the scenes. Not me, I'm just see the results and have heard just enough to know these folks are out there and have done some serious damage. They hack their networks. They steal their data. They post fake posts on Twitter and Facebook. They are so far ahead of these people it's funny.
So my thanks to those guys who are taking the fight to the enemy. They are the resistance to the commie attacks on our country. And hopefully many more rioters will realize this is no game. Law Enforcement coming to your workplace and escorting you out to question you can have pretty grave consequences. And the cops don't do that sort of thing without some pretty solid evidence, so don't worry about some petty troll like the one that haunts us doing it. He tried with Kevin some years ago and only embarrassed himself.
Keep up the fight Patiots. Our thanks to you, though you will probably never be known.
Commander-in- Chief
ReplyDeleteHe seems to have disappeared. It was an attempt to explain Presidential salutes.
ReplyDeleteSorry Thomas but our resident troll isn't smart enough to know that...
ReplyDeleteThanks thought for a moment I was dreaming. Shoulder replacement has got me down. Pain killers too.
ReplyDeleteGood tactic bro. Straight out of the book.
ReplyDeleteAccuse then of exactly what you are doing.
What a goo little comrade you are. Lmao
Hey you like polls? Eat this bud. Real clear hland honest discussion in why what you parrot is warped, and your errors make you look bad. Plus, it's gonna hurt your feelings again in November. AGAIN. Lol
It's true, though. You might not be intelligent enough to follow.
Sad, but funny.
Have a great day!
Actually, everybody should watch this.
DeleteCrowder breaks it down as to why they can't poll correctly. They try to present the narrative so hard, they fool even themselves.
You are the epitome of why guys like you are getting your ass kicked throughout all of this.
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious to think you are winning.
But hey, it makes for great Triggered compilation videos in November.
Gosh did I enjoy those in 2016.
Cant wait.
Laugh so hard, that I won't be able to breathe.... Lol
Unknown,I'm not a PROCTOLOGIST But I know an ASSHOLE when I hear one a see one and that is you...
ReplyDeleteI ran him off again. Sorry.
But hey, I got shit to do. Handle him Sarge. I'm mobile, and I'll be watching.
Have super day!
Got ya Covered Hammer..
ReplyDeleteThe Nut case returns....
ReplyDeleteWell he has to use the PC at work. He is afraid some one might find out who he really is. Just so he knows that isnt that hard to do. But you should be ware that their arent some noisy whistleblowers following you around just looking at a chance to take you down. maybe you done went and peed off someone at your place of work. Best to be looking over your shoulder.
ReplyDeleteIf I recall Trump is the legal President of the United States, and any one with a brain knows this election a won or lost by the Elector College not by who gets the most votes.So you can stop whining IAN, Maybe you should get a check up, you might have hit your head very hard and not know it, Brain Trauma don't ya know. :):)
ReplyDeleteLOL. Fake news again get over it pindick
ReplyDelete300,000 ticket requests for the Tulsa rally already. Gonna have to do a second event. Outstanding!!!!
What's that say? How many Zoom requests does Biden have from his basement?
Yep, November ain't far off.
Epic it will be.
Dam foiled again, aren't ya?
ReplyDeleteCan you breathe?
I'm giving the guy a chance to learn the right methods.
ReplyDeleteIts not on Fox or CNN.
Use social media from both sides, from the trenches in Seattle.
Hell if he would do that, he would even see how it blew up in Anderson Poopers show last night.
300,000 ticket requests.
ReplyDeleteIn Oklahoma.
Biden cant even get a Zoom request....
Wait a min Hammer Biden had a round table meeting the other day, 5 people showed up counting him, he is on a roll..
ReplyDeleteOh I wouldn't get excited over it, they may have been all family members , not sure.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Trolly Polly gone.
ReplyDeleteLt. Troll, you ain't got no legs...!!!
So, our codgerpuff Trolly Polly calls everything fake in regards to antifa in Seattle?
ReplyDeleteDoes he check the mayor, police chief, or governors Twitter accounts, for instance?
I mean this all fake, right?
Then why are all three pissing down their leg, fearful and argumentative about to handle the situation?
Police chief (a black woman, btw) wants her precinct back. And perhaps the mayor doesn't really want to do what it takes to get the city back?
That's a real problem, all being done in plain sight, and the public is piling on demanding something be done.
And yet, an idiot wants to show up and say it's all fake, parroting and displaying the most sickening form of denial that CNN has.
I just don't him to be confused about November. Why communist anarchist are losing now and again in November. Because it's in plain sight. Not supporting rule of law is a GUARANTEED red block vote, no matter the vote. Even grwasy Bill Maher understands that.
And I don't care how many times a white congress person can wear a symbol of West African slave trade. It isn't going to help (yea, we haven't forgot about the kneeling in a war tribe kente cloth).
We got your ass, no faking.
ReplyDeleteYou don't really believe that.
But please continue Mr cringy.
Don't worry I don't Kneel except for God and have no problem standing.
ReplyDeleteWell if that was the case Biden would still lose Dem's are finished.
ReplyDeleteWe need a new blog Kevin. running out of pages on this one.
ReplyDeleteLooks like they killed another drunk/high non-voting felon in Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteInstead of field sobriety test, he decided he would opt out. Go all in.
Hope they riot, and give me some more red votes.
Are those votes considered gibsmedats?
Maybe. Either way this deal is done. Especially when Biden can't complete a thought, and has a history of supporting racism. Just like a good Democrat does.
November will be fun.
Hopefully it causes commies like our troll to go all in, and shoot themselves.
It's the only safe way out, Trolly Polly.
The commie mayor of NY says he's cutting a billion dollars from the PD budget. Minneapolis says they are just getting rid of the PD.
ReplyDeleteSo if all cops all over the country have to suffer for the actions of one cop in Minneapolis then seems only fair that the rules apply to the rioters.
Because a lot of "nonviolent" protestors have among them looters and vandals and arsonists, then they should all be punished for the actions of a few. Round them up like cattle. Load them in livestock trucks. Haul them to camps where they will be punished for the crimes committed by other people. There is systemic violence and looting throughout the black lives terrorist group and the Antifa terrorist group. So using their rules, everybody pays for the actions of a few.
Seems only fair.
Use your enemies tactics, logic, and emotion against them.
ReplyDeleteBack them into a corner.
Sooner or later they will have to be taught a very valuable lesson.
You mentioned it before, and I'm not the biggest advocate for what Sherman did or what we did to Dresden, and understand the atrocities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But, it was an extremely important. War is hell. When a lesson needs taught, you teach it whole-heartedly.
Antifa and anarchists bastards better watch it, because all they are doing is trying to ring the school bell.
It's their move...
Piece of advice.
ReplyDeleteIf you point a weapon, lethal or not, you take the badge off of an officer. On top of that Dept regulations allow for it.
At that point, he becomes human. He is entitled to self defense whether you are drunk or high or whatever...
Culturally speaking, these idiot lawbreakers have no common sense. They are never held to account, or have enough self self respect to think in those terms.
Me being cognizant of that fact, doesn't make me racist. It makes me smart. Don't point weapons unless you are ready to receive ultimate return.
Culturally dumb people, being taught propaganda and fear, based on false narratives and fake news know no better I guess. They are only enabled and encouraged by weak politicians, committing those that are culturally dumb to self genocide.
Oh well.
Darwin at its finest. Natural selection demands your life, for your stupidity. Maybe we are better off with just that.
Stay safe folks.
#bluelivesmatter > #culturallydumb
But he is right and you can't handle the truth..
DeleteGood morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteMay I recommend a book, unknown?
ReplyDeleteAyn Rand's, Atlas Shrugged. It might help you.
But unfortunately you can't be #culturallydumb to read and process it.
On second thought, maybe I have set the bar to high for you.
Probably. It's that cultural thingy....
Hell he is beyond dumb...
ReplyDeleteUntil you figure out how and why our president was elected, your rhetoric and thinking are going to fall flat.
ReplyDeleteLook at the conditions, not the result.
That's why you won't win.
Until then, you won't understand, either.
That's being #culturallydumb
The worthless chatter from pollsters is ramping up again and hard to ignore, but should be. Most polls are weighted with partisan Democrats. Most are weighted towards national results. Most do not factor in people who are not honest with pollsters. Most people contacted ignore the requests. National polls are worthless for many reasons. Polls are designed to achieve the results the pollster desires. The only poll that matters will be on November 3, 2020.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a case of wits, Trolly Polly.
ReplyDeleteIt's a matter of understanding what's going on around you.
Your best days of processing and evaluating are just simply behind you.
That was a choice you made as an individual. You simply found it easier to take up the mantra of those who seek to destroy you.
That's all.
Dont think? You die. Simple.
To see the situation as it is, be sure to gauge the mode. Not the anomaly.
ReplyDeleteLook at the conditions, not the result. Then you will get understanding on this.
As you fail to change the conditions? No matter what you do, you will see the same result.
November will be a continuation of that. That's all.
That's why it is so silly for you commies to not support law and order.
The soccer moms,for example, are getting uncomfortable. Just like in 2016.
You simply don't understand.
It's sad.
Let me simplify.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like Trump, change the conduits that made him.
Attacking him only makes his base stronger.
Change the conditions that created it.
You are unable to see and do just that.
There is your wisdom for the day.
No magic.
I'll leave you alone for awhile Trolly Polly. You have a couple hours to play with Sarge.
ReplyDeleteWe are quickly coming up on the Lord's time. And gosh, he's owed that. Especially today.
My prayers today go to the sick and recovering and to the sad situations in the deocratic and communist hostals in major cities nationwide.
Gotta do my part.
And again, no magic. Lol....
Good look at my friend Hammer leave me the trash to take out, Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteDumb Question, Wimpy you know he is, pay attention.
ReplyDeleteThat's why be like to pick on you. You can get the job done and we can sit back and relax. At least he is a little pile of shit. He thinks he is a big pile and doesn't stink but we all know better. The protesters like his style when it comes time to start a fire. A little bit of shit goes a long way. And the dumber the better for them.
ReplyDeleteHey Unknown, Trump doesn't know the word Loser, always winning Baby, get use to it.
ReplyDeleteThe Black Lives Matter movement is doing everything they can to destroy the United States.
ReplyDeleteWith the United Nations doing the very same for decades, it isn’t shocking they are teaming up.
And Black Lives Matter just went to the UN to push a scheme that puts every American in grave danger. Be prepared, keep a eye open on this shit.
The DOJ has filed charges against 75 individuals related to riots and destruction of property. Charges include:
ReplyDeleteCrossing state lines for purposes of riot
Throwing Molotov cocktails
Torching cop cars
Looting gun stores and pharmacies
Online threats against cops
Shining lasers in eyes of police helicopter pilots
Bringing guns to a riot
This is just the beginning I'm sure. The rioters filmed themselves and each other rioting and burning cop cars and stores and various other crimes. Then they posted them on the internet, apparently unaware that people other than their fellow apparachiks would be watching.
One thing in our favor is these people are a whole new level of stupid.
We will soon reach the point that nobody will want to be a cop. The cop in Atlanta that shot the criminal that attacked them and took one of their taser then fired it at them while running away is now fired. He's already been judged and the terrorists are burning down businesses so we all will know how mad they are.
ReplyDeleteHere's a tip. If you're so drunk you pass out in the drive thru, then fight the cops violently, steal one of their tasers and fire it at them you probably will get shot.
What will happen now is the cops won't do anything. They'll let crimes happen and not intervene. They'll not investigate possible perpetrators. They will let criminals run away. It's called the Ferguson effect and it's already happening. But it's going to get a lot worse.
Our society is breaking up. A lot of people have decided to submit to the terrorists and demonstrate in some meaningless way their white guilt.
Just wait until Trump wins his second term. The violence we will see from the commie rat left will make this stuff pale in comparison. They will go absolutely insane, more insane than they are now, if that is possible.
Well for Trumps next week he has 800.000.00 Request to go but the place only can take 300.000 He still has his Mo-jo hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteWhen the Twin towers were attacked the left told us not to judge all Muslims by the Actions of a few, So why the Hell are they Judging all Cops for the action Of a few???