Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Watch, Listen, and Learn...
I'd like to thank our good friend and fellow patriot for bring these two guys to my attention.
I'd also like to encourage all of you to check them out and actually listen to what they have to say.
And I'd especially like to encourage our local troll to take the time to listen to their message.
He probably needs to hear it more than the rest of us.
Hey, I'm just trying to help...
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Lol, any thing that comes out that is positive Our local Troll becomes deaf and we know he is dumb.
ReplyDeleteWhen people actually think for themselves, use common sense, and have enough self respect to better themselves as a contribution to society?
ReplyDeleteThat's when we lose the liberal left and truly go color blind.
When people figure out that they really can do stuff for themselves and without govt interdiction with austerity and gibsmedats?
That's when SLAVERY will officially be beaten.
I may be dreaming, but that's what I think it will take.
I don't see the Hodge twins as black Americans. Just Americans. Same as me.
And I never needed George Floyd to show me that.
Well I am stretching it tonight, but I must say good night to the great Americans in room 235.. I for one am proud of knowing you all. MAGA 2020
ReplyDeleteI see Biden taking a knee. How weak is that? No American president should ever take a knee. Now the BLM crowd is telling (demanding) "ALL" NFL and NBL players to take a knee. If the player does not comply the player will be called a RACIST. I hope KC does not fall into that racist trap.
ReplyDeleteSo now that THREE funerals will be held for George you can bet Biden, Hillary, Obama and Bush will be leaning up against the coffin for their photo op. I am sorry George died, but come on. He wasn't the most upstanding gentleman the MSM will have you believe. He was in prison during his little stay in Houston for armed robbery, a number of drug charges and the guy likes to steal. Now, how will this turn out when it is disclosed George and the cop were in on a money laundering scheme and the cop off'd George because George had sticky fingers and George was losing control with his drug use? My thought is, if the cop is dirty then he deserves to rot in a cell. There is something fishy about about George and the cop. They worked at the same joint for over 15-17 years and they didn't know each other? Yeah, I'm not buying it and I think more will come out. Or I should say more will come out, UNLESS the FBI or some other gvmt agency is involved. At this point nothing would surprise me. But there was some funny money handling going on, that you can be sure of.
Yup Rose, I am waiting for page two at this time.
DeleteLoved the video. Makes sense to me!
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure Unknown is no one here gives a shit about you, and you can take that to the bank. Have a shitty day..
ReplyDeleteYou got a problem, deal with it before it is to late.
ReplyDeleteSorry Mikey but I'm going to have to insist you stick to the topic at hand.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I'll be forced to delete your comments.
Sorry man, but rules are rules...
Hammer your comment was right on. Rose you are correct there is something fishy. I still don't see evidence the kneeler killed him. He was kneeling on the head which is a common restraint. He should be charged with murder for not attending to him when one cop stated he could not feel a pulse we should move him. Based on his being handcuffed behind his back and lying front down I believed the cop kneeling on his back caused his death. His lungs couldn't expand and he passed out. At which point he quit struggling to breathe. This cop is only charged with accessory to 2nd degree murder. Having said that I believe Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Chiefs do not start kneeling during the Anthem. I was enjoying watching their games last year.
ReplyDeleteThe NFL players are entitled to their opinion and I can make the choice not to watch.
ReplyDeleteI see Police Officers kneeling. They should be immediately suspended and relieved of duty until they account for it.
ReplyDeleteI see uniformed military kneeling. They should be removed from service pending a court-martial.
I see big groups of people kneeling and prostrating themselves before groups of black people begging forgiveness for something they imagine they can be forgiven for. They should be ashamed and humiliated, but they are liberals so that's not possible for them.
Chris Cuomo says on CNN he doesn't see where protesters are required to be peaceful. The first amendment specifically says the right is to peacefully gather. Stupid asshole.
This is all beyond crazy. First we let the commies shut down our economy and our country on a created crisis and then allowed them to keep it shut down so they could keep the economy down and millions out of work just to leverage the Presidential election.
Then we allowed them to gun up riots in the street, causing billions in dollars in damage and many lives lost. Also to leverage the election.
So we're sandwiched between petty tyrants ordering us around and rioting communists burning our country to the ground. All for power. What a mess.
One last thought. If systemic racism in the Police Department is the problem in Minnesota, why hasn't decades of control by democrat/communists of the state government, Mayor's office, city council and police department fixed it? They have complete control and can literally do anything they want. It should be the shining example of liberal policing. But it's being used as an example of everything that is wrong with policing.
ReplyDeleteSomething stinks here. And I think it's godless commie rat bastard lying hypocrites.
Rioting is okay, but no church.
ReplyDeleteSays it all, Safe.
I see Floyd tested positive for Sars-cov2. Considering the narrative, did the cop kill him or the virus?
I need to see the death certificate....
If it is a Right under the law so be it... Law works for everyone doesn't mean who wins...
ReplyDeleteI am just wondering: I am seeing this type of stuff coming up on FB and other places: "RIGHT-WING GROUPS ARE REPORTEDLY INFILTRATING GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS TO START A CIVIL WAR"
ReplyDeleteI really want to call "BULLSHIT" on this but don't have any real facts to back it up. Anybody know or heard anything about the crap? Just wondering!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGary, they started spouting that bullshit a few days ago. When these riots became out of control and they completely lost the narrative of "peaceful protests" they invented this white supremist infiltration bullshit. But at the same time, the Hollywood commies are throwing a bunch of money together to bail out the rioters as they get arrested. So if they are actually right wingers then the Hollywood commies are bailing them out.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, if it was true, which is isn't I wouldn't mind. Turn their tactics back on them. They made the new rules, but they are going to hate living by them. I think it would be a brilliant idea. They tried that during the TEA party rallies. They would infiltrate, hold up racist signs then take pictures to post online. The TEA party people always threw them out as they caught them, but they got their pictures. If the right is doing the same tactic, more power to them. It's sure as hell working well.
Pot head liar from GB is gonna go poof.
ReplyDeleteHave you done what Kevin and safe asked yet?
I'm sure you haven't.
Go get ya a bong rip, Mikey....
Did you know George Floyd put a gun to a pregnant women's belly, while his buddies robbed the whole group? Maybe he was just offering a low cost abortion?
ReplyDeleteJust awful he was killed.
But his low character, criminality, and lack of care for his kids sure makes me care less.
Similar to Michael Brown(the celebration of his sobriety is coming up, ya know) situation. He was a pothead too, Mikey. Maybe you could been buddies? Who knows.
I would gladly support any effort to celebrate the life of Capt. David Dorn.
That's a man I could look up to.
And the left ignores him. Just like black on black crime. Ugly look.
ReplyDeleteThe step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Take that first step and admit you're a liar.
Then and only then will you be allowed to join this group you're so desperate to be a part of...
Holy shit. Wow.
ReplyDeleteYou go girl.
I felt what she said in my heart.
They don't want the police on the streets, I would put them in the shops and when the looters come in take them out, No reason to be on the streets with bricks and trash pitched at them.
ReplyDeleteGood grief who is making all the noise this morning???
ReplyDeleteWell looks like it is passing guess I'll go take a Nap, stay alert however.
ReplyDeleteHammer, yes I read about George pulling a knife on the woman. He is a piece of junk. And no, he didn't turn his life around. He continued to use drugs up until his dying breath. And he was a thief.
ReplyDeleteBut the only thing you'll ever hear is that he was a saint...
ReplyDeleteKinda like Trayvon Martin. Just a poor innocent little kid out to buy a bag of Skittles...
ReplyDeleteAnd Michael Brown. Hands up don't shoot.
Exact same shit here...
Now that they have decided old George was a model citizen murdered by the police, the Minneapolis City Council is considering dismantling and revising the PD. I pity the poor social worker type sent to a domestic violence incident it some crackhead freaking out. While there can be abuses this thinking makes as much sense as having a kinder, gentler military. Who do you want to protect you in a hostile situation the person who takes action and controls the situation, or a person who pleads, "Can't we all get along?"
ReplyDeleteScrew the Secretary of Defense.
ReplyDeleteHis job is to serve at the pleasure of the Commander-in-Chief, period.
I wouldn't want an unelected bureaucrat defying any President. That includes Obama and the next President.
ReplyDeleteGood morning again, gees weather radio woke me again...
ReplyDeleteLet's just keep suspending cops for doing their jobs. Sure it is unfortunate the 75 year old was injured. Ask yourself what was he doing there? Was he warned to leave? Did the PD know his intentions? In a line of police moving forward to a confrontation can you allow civilians to mingle freely in the line? Was this a peaceful protest that had not been declared an unlawful assembly? Collateral damage is an unfortunate consequence of battles? Should we just run scared and let the mob take over? Which of you liberal morons are willing to be in the front lines? Damn glad for the Second Amendment if these idiots win.
ReplyDeleteFull disclosure. I oppose the way RICO statutes are used. I believe FISA courts should be abolished and the Patriot Act was the most serious assault on our freedoms in many years.
ReplyDeleteSo the riots should go a long way to proving or disproving if the whole Chinese flu lockdown was what prevented mass infection. We isolated and locked down and the numbers were far less than expected. Was that because the of the lockdown or because it was all bullshit from the beginning?
ReplyDeleteSo now with the riots bringing thousands of people shoulder to shoulder in all the big cities for days on end, we should see the virus show up like crazy in all those locations, right? Those people are wearing masks, but those masks are useless in preventing the spread. They are getting tear gassed (not enough) and in contact with each other for hours. So if we don't see a huge spike in Chinese flu in about ten days, then we can assume the whole thing was bullshit and open the country back up and let it roar.
Only the Trump economy can be wiped out by the godless commie left, down to depression era levels, and then come roaring back like a jet powered hurricane. Even the best efforts of the commie left can't stop America when we have a leader like President Donald J. Trump. The right man for these times if there ever was one. He is our Winston Churchill. Remember, Churchill was hated by much of England but he still won WWII for them in spite of it. Then they turned their backs on him and voted him out. Typical of the commie Brits. Not of America, though.
ReplyDeleteWell, the daughter came up and spent a few days with us along with our 5 year old grandson. What a blast. She has spent the last three months locked in her house only leaving for needed supplies. Son-in-law hasn't left the house but a couple times. Grandson only for short drives. Hasn't seen anybody but Mom and Dad the whole time.
ReplyDeleteShe was much relived from the pressure cooker of LA. She lives in Sherman Oaks, a nice upscale community surrounded by riots now. Curfews everywhere. Threats by the rioters of coming to the suburbs to destroy and kill. Like the wild savages they are, they promise death and destruction to all they can reach.
She got to spend a few days in absolute safety, without the fears of the virus or the riots. We saw the sights, went fishing, swimming in the lake. Drove around. Sat on the porch.
No chance of the rioter coming here. They're too lazy for one thing, and there are more guns than anywhere in California for another.
I offered the daughter a gun or two to take home, but she politely declined. She did pause a minute though. I think she was giving thoughts to her anti-gun sentiments versus the threat of rioters coming and burning down the house.
Remember, these cities that the rioters are claiming are filled with the imaginary "systemic racism" are democrat/communist controlled and have been for decades. So the interesting thing is that it's the democrats who created and control this systemic racism. Democrat governors, mayors, city councils, Chiefs of Police and Police Unions. If it was real, and could actually be ended that should be where it should end.
ReplyDeleteBut the democrats allow it, the Police unions have a free hand to let bad cops stay on the force, and in return they deliver the democrat votes. A system that if 50 or 60 years old. Unions vote democrat, democrats return the favor by letting unions run the show.
God old fashion fast poofs, hehhehehhehe
ReplyDeleteAnd the democrat/communist response? Defund and dismantle the Police. That should work out really well. I would laugh and sit back waiting to watch the chaos, but my family live in that hellhole in Southern California so I fear for them.
ReplyDeleteThat's understandable..
ReplyDeleteWe're starting to see the sprouts of a military coup starting. Generals disrespecting their Commander. Openly suggesting troops disobey orders. Soldiers kneeling before their enemies in signs of surrender.
ReplyDeleteThis needs to stop now. The Commander in Chief needs to fires some Generals. Court martials. Demotions. There is no room for this. The chain of command stops at the President of the United States. When you take that oath you promise to obey your Commander, and defend the constitution.
Idiotic quote of the day. Cory Booker says this about Rand Paul holding up the legislation about lynching, in effect making something illegal more illegal in a pointless misguided effort trying to make the race baiters feel better. He says this:
ReplyDelete"Booker added that Paul was injecting "legalistic issues" into a debate about legislation"
Imagine questioning the "legal issues" in a piece of legislation instead of just passing it so you can feel good about it.
Both law-and-order conservatives and progressive/statists suffer from cognitive dissonance regarding police. Conservatives claim to eschew and distrust big, tyrannical government, yet nothing symbolizes big government, tyranny and loss of liberty more than the military and LEOs, whom conservatives hail as heroes. Progressive/statists love big government and trust government implicitly as being beatific, and then seem to think of the police as the Gestapo and the military as baby killers. Some of them are now calling for police forces to be disbanded.
ReplyDeletePolice power is government power and vice versa. Government by definition, by nature, by history and by practical existence is police power. Government would not and could not exist without police power. When governments lose their police power, they collapse. Be prepared!!!!
Just love the libtards talking points. Over and over they say " WE NEED TO HAVE A DIALOG DISSCUSSEN "
ReplyDeleteWhat they need to do is pull their heads out of their fat ASS'S You cant talk to some one that is trying to destroy you. What part of destroy do you not understand? BANG Disscussion ended
Skippey I do not advocate or endorse offensive violence in any form. Nor do I think all cops are bad people. There are certainly many police officers with good and honest hearts who become police officers with noble reasons. But when LEOs enforce tyrannical laws just because they are laws, or if they "look away" when their fellow officers cross the line, they no longer have good and honest hearts but become part of the system.
ReplyDeleteRemember, there are a lot of issues making headlines these days as the corporate media and the global powers work to keep you distracted. So, I want to caution you to remain vigilant. The media try to convince you that what they present to you is what's important. This is for the masses to be numbed down and dumbed down.
I dont think I have to worry about any of that. I dont think any thing will ever happen. There are way to many people that will kneel down and I will be either gone or to old to care. But I do have a little derringer.
ReplyDeleteIt's all there to distract you from the fact that we've entered George Orwell's 1984. Through the Federal Reserve the banksters and politicians have driven our economy to the verge of collapse. They've stolen our wealth. We have perpetual war, we have politicians engaged in doublespeak, and we live under medical tyranny and a police state. Be Prepared...
ReplyDeleteSick Puppy you are.
ReplyDeletePoof goes the weasel...
ReplyDeleteYa you can pay for admission at the end of my drive...
ReplyDeleteSorry Mikey but until you meet the conditions I've so plainly laid out your comments will continue to be deleted...
ReplyDeleteDamn I never to those as comments I thought he was preaching...
ReplyDeleteI've never seen anything like it in my life.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen anyone so desperate to be a part of America's Blog.
Well Kevin I think he could if he would ever engage his brain before his mouth...
ReplyDeleteI think it's too late for that.
ReplyDeleteThe poor guy is so brainwashed by the leftists he's unable to think for himself.
He thinks he's cute with all his memorized left wing talking points regardless how bizarre and easily debunked they are.
But anyway he knows the conditions he has to meet in order to become a member of this blog.
Being sued means nothing if you don't win, a nothing burger idiot... Wishful thing is not helping you.
ReplyDeleteI think you are looking for that Ham sandwich...hahahahahahhaha
DeleteLol He won't lose by one vote when he wins by millions. Wining Baby. MAGA 2020
ReplyDeleteToo late you went Poof, Rules Boy...
ReplyDeleteUnknown You are a beaten down fool, Relax have a beer if you can afford one.
ReplyDeleteDamn he went poof, I wonder if he has a cape....
DeleteGrandpa Dad Jayhawk Old Hippie ‘Everything You Can Imagine Is Real’ Pablo Picasso
ReplyDeleteLmao.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
LOL I never could understand french...
DeleteHis self written bio.
ReplyDeleteI can't make this shit up.
You are losing it and on the run...
ReplyDeleteTriple post.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, I piss you off Mikey, didnt I.
Your drone footage is shitty.
Would you at least get somebody younger to show you the good stuff?
Your age deceives you. You can't keep up with the socials. I notice you are always two to three days behind in the media. Too much pot, or can't get out of bed?
You can be a never Trumper all you want.
But I know you ain't voting for Biden....
Dont worry, I won't tell anyone.
Your are still a registered republican too.
That's great!
There's room to get back on the train bitch.
ReplyDeleteSure. Sacrifice all the protestors you want with Sars-cov2.
ReplyDeleteI don't care.
It's YOUR call to violence.
I won't turn this one in.... Promise. 😉😜
Sorry, I want to "Battlestache" this Motherfucker real bad.
ReplyDeleteBut I respect Kevin and Safe too much to do it on their blog.
But I am going to torment the "bozo thwacker".
I will also accept a cease and desist order from Kevin, if he so chooses.
But I've heard things from the past.
And I, without any doubt, have Kevin's back.
I hate wannabe trolls.
I like to show them how it's done.
And poof.
ReplyDeleteTail between his legs.
Yall come back now, ya hear?
Lol. Torment away my friend...
ReplyDeleteYou lost that bullshit earlier today get some new material, whiner. Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteToo much.
DeleteI shouldn't give you the heads up. Shouldn't even give the second chance.
Dig that grave, boy.
Damn I got to type faster. hahahah
ReplyDeleteNah, but that guy 5 miles west of you might some dog control again.
ReplyDeleteBarton County coyotes aren't that great.
But hey, if you want when I'm back that way we can have a cup of coffee?
You in?
I'll bring my drone. It's better than that piece of shit you used earlier.
ReplyDeleteWe can better footage for reddit.
You in?
Hell, you even followed me on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteThanks dog!
That was nice of you.
Your move, boss.
ReplyDeleteHe wimped out again Hammer....
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235....
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...
ReplyDeleteOh, and good morning...