You assholes wanna play, huh?
Here's your chance...
82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force Headed to D.C. amid Riots

The Pentagon has ordered the 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force to deploy to the D.C.-area amid rioting across the nation, according to multiple sources on background.
The force is the same one that deployed earlier this year to quell violent Iran-backed protests in Iraq. Sources told Breitbart News earlier on Monday that the forces were preparing their gear to deploy, but Pentagon officials would not confirm.
A source also told Breitbart News that the 16th Military Police Brigade from Fort Bragg was also headed to D.C.
The deployments to D.C. comes after rioters looted stores, defaced national monuments, and burned a historic church a block from the White House.
Trump during a press conference on Monday announced he was dispatching military units in response to the riots.
“My first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation, and that is exactly what I will do,” he said.
“As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily-armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and the wanton destruction of property,” he added.
Trump also spoke to governors earlier during a conference call in which he urged them to show strength and take back the streets from rioters.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), an Army veteran who is close to the Trump administration, said Monday morning that “anarchy, rioting, and looting needs to end tonight,” and suggested sending active duty forces.
He added: “And, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry — whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters.”
35.4K people are talking about this
Trump had responded with: “100% Correct. Thank you Tom!”
Cops shot in Las Vegas, St Louis, Buffalo New York, and I think Dallas last night.
ReplyDeleteThere ya go, Mikey. You proud of your boys?
It is about time, Lets get it over with... Oh and good morning America...
ReplyDeleteCop in Vegas was involved in a confrontation with one of the murdering Antifa thugs when another one came up behind him and shot him in the back of the head.
ReplyDeleteHe's now on life support.
How about you, Blue?
You proud of your people?
And don't tell me they're not your people.
The political leaders of your fucking party are backing them all the way...
It is ways pass time to put these thugs down, the learning period is over..
ReplyDeleteI have with many others have said this country will be destroyed from within, we are seeing the start of that, better get a grip on this bullshit.
ReplyDeleteThe possible start. There is still time to stop the bullshit. The Democrats can't resist politicizing the the situation. They used the same playbook in the 1960's when they began their partnership with the extremist left. It now permeates the entire leadership. The MSM is also made up of leftist. This will not help the economic recovery and the Democrats see this as their opportunity to remake America as a socialist country.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting after the 1960's minority LEO's were recruited and make up a substantial portion of the big city LEO's. The leadership of the larger cities is made up of a substantial number, if not a majority, of minorities. Has it made a difference. Not really as the minority LEO's are targeted and the minority led cities have the most violent protests. As they seem to degenerate into violence, why not shut down the protests as soon as they become violent.
ReplyDeleteMost dangerous thing to this country is a Democrat.
Why are the minority politicians, when they control a city unable or unwilling to help those in poverty? Perhaps it ensures they will stay in power? Perhaps it is because the vast majority of those in poverty are white? All Americans should have the opportunity to peacefully protest. What we are seeing is peaceful protests degenerating into violence spurred by numerous Democrats and professional sports figures. The very people who have benefitted by living in this country. If they are so serious why are they not using their wealth to help others. I do not believe all Democrats and sports figures are the same.
ReplyDeleteI was about to say that SSAH!!! lol
ReplyDeleteFrom Sen Sasse:
ReplyDelete"There is no right to riot, no right to throw rocks at police, and no right to destroy property. But there is a fundamental--a Constitutional--right to protest and I am against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the Word of God as a political prop."
All of you were for those Michigan nazis going to Lansing with their firearms demanding the right to open up and second amendment rights. So it comes down to my rights only and the hell of others and their rights. As Sen Sasse stated if the demonstrators commit crimes, then they should be arrested and tried in a court of law. Shooting at demonstrators for the sake of "Dominating" as dear leader stated is wrong and unlawful.
Don't bother to answer morons.
ReplyDeleteHe came from his basement (5 stories down), had federal police teargassed and flash bombed those protesters in the Park so he could stand in front of the church with an unopened bible. If that is leadership, then no wonder this country is doing poorly in handling the pandemic and riots. This country can handle this if we had leadership, but we don't. Go ahead and shoot them and watch how the country turns on you.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong tommy? Can't use your gun on some girl protester?
ReplyDeleteThere is some criticism to go around. I fail to understand why all the money the NY City Police get, especially to fight terrorism, is unable to stop looters.
ReplyDeleteUnknown the reason NY can't stop looters is because the Dem's don't want to and they are so stupid they don't now how. WIMP'S!
ReplyDeleteI haven’t posted anything since May 28th. I was going to keep it that way not that its neither here nor there so to speak.
ReplyDeleteBut I have changed my mind and I’m going to speak my mind. So deal with it.
1. I do not view these protests as protests. I view them for what it is – lawlessness. It’s riots!
2. Racism is wrong – there’s no argument there. The officer who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck is right where he should be. I also feel that the other officers who were there could have stopped the one officer from placing his knee on George Floyd’s neck, but they didn’t. To me the group of officers that were there should all be fired and jailed. The knee on the neck was extreme.
3. The rioters’ violence, vandalism, looting, destroying is not the way to bring change. If people want change, then go to the polls, vote out the folks that do nothing but sit on their butts.
4. What is also wrong is how these rioters not to take responsibility for their actions.
5. What these rioters are doing is not honoring George Floyd, Martin Luther King, Jr., or anyone else. It’s them glory seeking just to have themselves on the media which loves to give the spotlight to stuff like this.
6. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms correctly called it like it is….it’s chaos!
7. Richmond, Virginia Police Chief Will Smith denounced rioters who intentionally set fire to an occupied building that had people in it, rioters intentionally stopped a fire truck to getting to this building in time to save a child who died in the fire.
8. The needless deaths of officers at the hands of rioters is also unacceptable.
9. There was even an injured horse during a riot, that is also unacceptable.
10. Violence, lawlessness, the whole rioting crapola is totally unacceptable. Protests are one thing, rioting is a whole different thing in itself. What’s worse is that some of the rioters aren’t from the cities that have damage from these riots!
11. President Donald Trump is right in calling on the military to help put a stop to these riots.
12. Monuments in Washington DC were graffitied, buildings vandalized, and they almost got to the White House! Some Secret Service agents were injured, President Trump and his family were taken to the bunker for safety.
13. I believe that the Democrats are funding these riots – I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Obama himself is secretly funding these riots!
Not to mention the damage done to Downtown Topeka!
DeleteBoodis Freakin' Jeest! What's going to be next?!!!!!!!!!
What happen to Downtown Topeka ???
ReplyDeleteTOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) -- What started out as peaceful did not end peacefully in the capitol city.
A crowd gathered in downtown Topeka Monday to protest the deaths of George Floyd, Brionna Taylor and Ahmad Arbery.
“I pledge to Kansans and Kansans of color that I will not allow these injustices to feed into the next media cycle,” said Governor Laura Kelly on Monday. “We’re going to have these tough conversations in our state, we’re going to confront these painful issues and we’re finally going to treat this like lives depend on it because they do.”
A group that attended the peaceful protest earlier in the evening broke away and gathered in front of the Law Enforcement Center at 4th and Kansas Ave. The protest turned violent when the back window of a Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office vehicle was broken out.
Deputies then announced via a loud speaker that the group was “an unlawful assembly” and that if they did not vacate and disperse peacefully, they would be arrested.
At one point, chants of “stay peaceful started to rise from the crowd,” but they did not last long as some started to throw rocks towards the officers, and some tried to break window in a Topeka Police car.
A protester started having what was described as an anxiety attack by law enforcement officials. Officers showed up to help as things were thrown at them making it almost impossible to reach the woman.
A medic and deputies were able to reach her, transporting her with an armored vehicle that was used to block more rocks being thrown.
Shawnee County Sheriff Brian Hill told 13 NEWS at that point, there were reports of damage to some businesses including the Capitol Federal building.
About 20 minutes after the Sheriff’s update the Kansas Highway Patrol arrived in tactical gear and used a loud speaker to repeat orders to leave the area.
Troopers lined Kansas Ave. as rocks, bricks and water bottles were thrown at them.
Before moving forward, troopers shot tear gas into the crowd.
The troopers then moved down Kansas Avenue releasing CS gas and arresting more members of the gathering. Capt. Cross of the Topeka Police Department said officers came to the decision to use the gas due to the rocks being thrown. The intention of the gas was to keep group members far enough away from the officers so they would not be able to throw debris at them.
Kansas Highway Patrol dispersed a majority of the crowd and Topeka Police officers arrested seven people after the KHP team left the area.
TPD is assessing the damage done. Anyone with damage is asked to call TPD at 785-368-9551.
ReplyDeleteTOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) --- The Topeka Police Department says seven people were taken into custody Monday night and four more received citations.
Those arrested include:
- 19-year-old Brett House of Silver Lake, who faces charges for unlawful assembly, interference with law enforcement, criminal damage to property and disobeying a lawful police order.
- 42-year-old Johnathon West of Topeka was arrested for assault of a law enforcement officer and disobeying a lawful police order.
- 21year-old Noah Kelly, of Topeka was arrested for disobeying a lawful police order.
Also facing charges for disobeying a lawful police order include:
- 19-year-old Haley Elliot, Topeka
- 21-year-old Cameron Spagnola, Topeka
- 30-year-old Brian Rutschmann, Topeka
- 28-year-old Andrew Dome, Topeka
The Topeka Police Department says three other adults were cited for disorderly conduct and released at the scene.
A 15-year-old girl was ticketed for criminal damage to property and released.
ReplyDeleteTOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) -- While many of those who participated in Monday night's protest in support of George Floyd in downtown Topeka remained peaceful, there were some reports of damage that resulted from the gathering.
Among buildings that sustained damage were: the Capitol Federal Savings and Loan building, at 700 S. Kansas Ave., where a pane of glass on a revolving door and a side window were broken; Topeka Blueprint, at 608 S.W. Jackson, where a window was broken out; and the Columbian Building, at 112 S.W. 6th Ave., which also sustained some damage to a window.
Crews were busy before 7 a.m. Tuesday, repairing the broken glass.
Steve Briman, who lives across the street from the Columbian Building in a third-floor apartment in the 100 block of S.W. 6th Ave., said he was able to watch some of the protesters on Monday night as they marched to the east along the 100 block of S.W. 6th Avenue before they turned north on S. Kansas Avenue.
"There were police cars following them," Briman said. "One woman had a sign that was disparaging towards the police, pointing at the police cars as she was walking backward.
"They turned left on Kansas Avenue, and we wondered what that was, because it didn't seem like it was the group of protesters that was supposed to be rallying at Evergy Plaza.
"And that's the last we thought of it. There was no violence or anything at that point in time, and that was 9 o'clock. Then we wake up this morning and see this broken window, and a man said that was done around 1 o'clock in the morning."
While he said the protesters were justified in gathering, Briman said it was unfortunate that some resorted to violence.
"I think it's a shame that opportunists want to make something violent and commit property damage when we have a situation that justifies -- honestly justifies -- a peaceful protest," he said. "That's a shame."
An estimated dollar loss associated with property damage from Monday night's protest wasn't immediately available.
The protest began around 8 p.m. Monday near the McDonald's restaurant at 11th and S. Kansas Avenue. Three windows were reported broken at the McDonald's.
The protest then moved north seven blocks on S. Kansas Avenue through downtown Topeka, ending up at the Law Enforcement Center, which houses both the Topeka Police Department and the Shawnee County Sheriff's Office at 320 S. Kansas Ave.
A confrontation between protesters and law enforcement officers ensued at the Law Enforcement Center, with some protesters reported to have thrown rocks, bricks and water bottles at officers, who were able to disperse the crowd with tear gas and pepper spray.
In all, police said, seven people were arrested in Monday night's protest, which was one of many nationwide in the past week sparked by the May 26, 2020, death of George Floyd during an incident with police in Minneapolis, Minn.
Floyd, who is black, died after a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck for nearly 9 minutes. Chauvin since has been fired and charged with third-degree murder in Floyd's death.
Oh a normal long week end I see. Going to be a long hot summer.
ReplyDeleteGee now the dumbass Catholic Archbishop of Washington DC is protesting Trump's visit to a Catholic Shrine.The Archbishop needs to stick with Church matters and stay out of politics. He doesn't speak for millions of US Catholics and most Catholics do not listen to Church leaders. Isn't it amazing when the Archbishop speaks on abortion he is an enemy according to mainstream press. Yet, if he criticizes Trump he is a trusted source. I am s practicing Catholic and his statements are ignorant and wrong.
ReplyDeleteWell Tom the wife and I are not real impressed with the Pope either.
ReplyDeleteWe all seen it and Are fine with it, only Trump Haters have the shit's over it and we don't care how many diapers you go threw.
ReplyDeleteHe's high again, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteThat's all.
Just look at his socials.
He's the same hippie that would of spit on you when you came home, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteHe hates our country.
He's a doper.
Respond and kick his ass in posts like you always do. Just remember the guy won't remember what happened 10 minutes ago. That's pretty much why he's all over the place, and makes no points.
Don't respond to the moron. We know exactly who lost the Vietnam war
ReplyDeleteThe same politician types who won't stop the riots.
ReplyDeleteThat's an avocation of violence.
The Democrats are funding this lawless activity, and I wouldn't be at all surprised that Obama himself is up to his ears in funding the violence. Look at their track record - when they lose elections, beginning with Gore! Things went from one extreme to the next after every election they lost.
DeleteWasn't Biden a VP with someone?
ReplyDeleteDidn't they have a chance at changing law enforcement?
That's right, they militarized it. I remember, and deptments had to sell there stuff after riots...
Who was that president?
Stupid liberals.
They are all so high they can't remember.
Democrats support Antifa -
ReplyDeleteAntifa's prime goal is to exterminate white America
Democrats = Antifa = funding the lawlessness of the riots
Antifa labeled a domestic terrorist group
ReplyDeleteDemocrats support Antifa
Democrats support riots, vandalism, violence, looting, murder
Democrats are to blame for the riots!
Obama supports Antifa, Obama is also to blame for the riots
ReplyDeleteThe wuss Biden is now advocating teaching officers how to shoot knife wielding scum in the leg. What a moron. If I am, even at my advanced age within 21 feet of you and your weapon is holstered I can drive the knife into you chest before you can pull and level your weapon. If you have it out there is a fifty fifty chance I can take you with me to hell. Has that POS ever had someone try to stab him. I have witnessed highly trained expert shooters miss at ten feet because the other person was firing and missing as well. Does that moron realize how many rounds are fired and the shooter survives. We cannot have someone that stupid in the Oval Office.
ReplyDelete2016 is when Antifa was labeled a domestic terrorist group, that was April of 2016. Why didn't the Obama Administration talk about this? Because Obama supports Antifa, he was protecting them by his silence.
ReplyDeleteThe evil infiltrated when Bill Clinton was elected to office. Then we had 8 years of GW before a worse evil was elected to office (Obama).
ReplyDeleteObama is the epitome of the deepest evil.
anyone who supports the democratic party in it's current form is either brain dead or just plain as much evil as the democratic elected officials are.
ReplyDeletethe lawlessness of the rioters is funded, supported, and backed by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is wanting to destroy America. WAKE UP!
ReplyDeleteAlready did.
DeleteYou buying, oh never mind you couldn't afford it.
ReplyDeleteHave another bong rip, Mikey....
ReplyDeleteLOL, Hehehe
DeleteWell now that we have everything under control I will say good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya Sarge...
ReplyDeleteTrump has honored a fallen back police chief, killed by looters and rioters in St Louis.
ReplyDeleteFunny, no outrage or concern about the plight of the black officers caught in the middle of fake media hyped outrage, complicit in causing the escalation they want to blame on rule of law.
There is no difference in humanity between George Floyd and this police captain. Both killed on opposite sides of the spectrum.
But one caused looting and rioting, and the other gets forgotten by the left. One was an outstanding citizen, one was not. One was high, one was not.
Nobody deserves to die these ways. NOBODY.
But, we are obligated to judge by character, not COLOR. That is what was taught by a great republican and gun lover in MLK.
Rest in peace Capt. David Dorn.
Well said I agree. RIP Capt Dorn
DeleteCouple of points to ponder. That grifter of a Mayor you people have says it's our fault these poor little shits feel they have to "resort to violence". We've let them down you see, so they just don't have any other response. Guess it's like an out of control three year old. They want something, don't get it so they start banging things. Apparently this is all our fault friends.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the police officers taking a knee in support of the rioters. This is unacceptable. Maybe they think it will calm them down. It won't. These people are just criminals who have been given free reign to loot, burn and steal at will. This is about criminal behavior. These are psychopath children allowed to run amok.
And by the way. Every true leader knows the only way to control these riots is to dominate the battle space. Not concede, not surrender and sure as hell not take a knee in surrender.
Those cops who did that should be fired immediately and any commander who ordered them to do it should immediately be relieved of duty pending a hearing to punish him.
One city in my state decided to defend themselves. Posted armed citizens on buildings and throughout the city. The scum showed up, saw armed citizens prepared to defend themselves and their property and hauled ass right back out of there. This is what will happen more and more if these scumbags "invade the suburbs". Things will get wet and there will be pain.
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