Bear with me while I proved once and for all this whole Corona Virus thing is bullshit.
Bottom line here is that with almost a million patriotic Americans signing up for Trump's upcoming rally in Oklahoma they're scared shitless and are willing to do and say anything to slow him down.
There's only on thing I have to say to the democrats, the media, the deep state, and those dumb enough to keep voting against America.
Hypocrisy: NBC Highlights Danger of Trump’s Rallies, Paints BLM and LGBT Protests in Positive Light

NBC News on Sunday displayed the widespread hypocrisy in establishment media coverage of President Trump’s MAGA rallies, posting a cautionary piece on the president’s decision to resume the iconic events in the age of the coronavirus yet failing to extend the same analysis to the massive crowd that congregated for the Black Lives Matter, LGBT demonstration in Brooklyn Museum plaza on Sunday.
“Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza,” NBC News tweeted on Sunday, showing a picture of massive crowd:
“Protesters packed the courtyard of the Brooklyn Museum and surrounding parkway in New York City on Sunday in support of Black trans lives, merging the fight to protect two deeply marginalized groups,” NBC reported, estimating the crowd to be “likely in the thousands.”
“As the country rallies behind dismantling racist systems that put Black lives at risk in the wake of George Floyd’s death, activists have also put a lens on Black trans people who are at the intersection of two dangerously marginalized groups,” the outlet continued.
NBC did not once mention the coronavirus or risks associated with large gatherings throughout the entire article.
Yet, less than two hours later, NBC News tweeted an article focused on the risks associated with President Trump’s upcoming rallies.
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus. But health experts are questioning that decision,” NBC News tweeted:
1,116 people are talking about this
NBC News appealed to health experts, who warn of the virus “spreading among the crowd and sparking outbreaks when people return to their homes.”
The outlet was relentless in the piece, painting a dire picture laden with cautionary language, yet failing to do so in its previous description of the Black Lives Matter and LGBT protest, which likely drew thousands:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlines the highest risk events for transmission of the coronavirus this way: “Large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and attendees travel from outside the local area.” The CDC recommends cloth masks in places where people might shout or chant.Trump’s rallies typically draw tens of thousands of supporters. They usually stand outside in line for hours before passing through airport-style security and cramming into an arena, where they sit side by side or stand shoulder to shoulder. The rallies are typically raucous, with much shouting, cheering and chanting. Some people dance and jeer at reporters. Sometimes protesters are met with violence before they are removed by security.…Dr. Ashish Jha, director of Harvard’s Global Health Institute, called the upcoming Trump rally “an extraordinarily dangerous move for the people participating and the people who may know them and love them and see them afterward.”
NBC is hardly alone in its purported agenda. Former Trump challenger Hillary Clinton, citing the disclaimer on the registration page for Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa, suggested that he should not be holding rallies at all:
And this one is just icing on the cake.
NYC Coronavirus Contact Tracers Won’t Ask About Protest Attendance

New York City contact tracers, those who are tasked with tracing and monitoring the contacts of those who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, are not asking infected individuals if they have recently participated in large-scale protests, according to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) office.
The state’s contact-tracing program is designed to “slow the spread of COVID-19 and make it safer to begin to return to normal again” and has been touted by leaders across the state. However, after months of warnings detailing the risks of attending gatherings — both large and small — contact tracers are being instructed to refrain from asking individuals if they recently attended protests, some of which have drawn thousands.
“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, told THE CITY in an email.
THE CITY reported:
Instead, test-and-trace workers ask COVID-positive individuals general questions to help them “recall ‘contacts’ and individuals they may have exposed,” Cohen said. Among the initial questions: “Do you live with anyone in your home?”Tracers then ask about “close contacts” — defined as being within six feet of another person for at least 10 minutes.It’s up to tested individuals to volunteer whether any of those close contacts occurred during protests. “If a person wants to proactively offer that information, there is an opportunity for them to do so,” Cohen wrote.
Failing to ask infected individuals if they recently attended protests could hide the impact the widespread gatherings are having on the spread of the virus. Several progressive politicians — from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to Hillary Clinton — have praised the efforts of the protesters, while others — like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) — have ditched all previous warnings and gathered to be among the demonstrators themselves.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has indicated that officials are “not sure” of the role protests are playing in the spread of the virus, but it appears to be a question that will remain outstanding, at least in New York City, where contact tracers are instructed to avoid asking the question, leaving the divulgement of such information to the individual.
Jonah Bruno, spokesperson for the state’s health department, provided a relatively vague statement, explaining that the department is working with the city “to balance the public health priority while also protecting personal privacy, as we seek to ensure a thorough contact tracing program that helps us contain the COVID-19 virus and monitor any fluctuations in the infection rate as we continue reopening New York.”
The news coincides with another massive gathering, as thousands gathered in Brooklyn Museum plaza on Sunday for a “black trans lives” demonstration:
Scanners say that the crowd outside Brooklyn Museum for Black Trans Lives is over 12,000. #BlackTransLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter
1,612 people are talking about this
Huge crowd gathering for today’s action for Black trans lives in front of the Brooklyn Museum
1,714 people are talking about this
New Yorkers turn up at @brooklynmuseum to stand up for #BlackTransLives! #BlackTransLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter
1,553 people are talking about this
There you go again nailing theme two faced bastards to the wall. They aren't going to stop Trump rallies noway in hell..
ReplyDeleteAnd a good morning room 235...
To bad the rioters pick their places and Trump picks his places for a rally whine all you want, Winning Baby...
ReplyDeleteUnknown you might try reading this blog, if you can't read look at the Picture's Moron....
ReplyDeleteI know it you can't read, get a tootor, hahahhahahah
ReplyDeleteNot a chance base is like a rock, keep fooling yourself. Unknown
ReplyDeleteThe MSM will desperately attempt to trace a Wuhan Virus to Trump rallies, so they can excoriate the GOP. Yet states like New York won't ask during tracing if the positive person participated in a peaceful protest and/or a full scale looting outing. Typical tactics and certainly not objective.
ReplyDeleteDoctor Unknown thinks he knows but knows nothing, hahahahahahhahahahhah
ReplyDeleteGood Grief the Poof doctor is up early, hahahaha
DeleteHe must have posted something that violated the standards of this blog. Of course every thing he writes contains said violations.
ReplyDeleteTrump's Executive Order may mean well, but having Social Worker types accompany Police Officers will not help. The Social Worker types quickly become more jaded then the LEO's. Looks more likely I will not watch the NFL this year. I am unable to watch millionaire over paid athletes with their own security details disrespect the flag.
ReplyDeleteLike wise with me Tom...I'll just drink my beer on the patio and listen to oldies but goodies....
DeleteSomething fishy about NYPD's disbanding of plains clothes anti-crime unit. Muslim radicals have wanted this for years.
ReplyDeleteYup that is a stupid move for sure,....
DeleteIt's interesting that the NYC contact tracers won't ask if they attended a terrorist riot. I would expect that policy to be adopted in all the democrat states that support the terrorists.
ReplyDeleteThe goal here is to falsify the whole thing to support the narrative. The point of contact tracing is to try to determine where the virus hot spots are. They find out who the contaminated person had contact with and draw some kind of conclusion from that. For example if a certain location shows up a lot, that draws suspicion.
So if they don't know the person was at a terrorist riot, then they use the other data to draw a probable false conclusion. It's obvious why the are doing this. They encouraged people to go to the riots, so is they turn up in the history of the contaminated then there's a conclusion to be drawn. And blame to be assigned.
Now watch to see if the same standard applies to Trump rallies. Will they be excluded? Of course not. In fact, the commies will create the data if they can't find it to prove that the Trump rallies were massive contamination hot spots, true or not. That will be the claim.
Criminal get shot while resisting arrest in Atlanta. Assaulted two officers, stole a weapon and ran. Fired the weapon at the pursing officer resulting in a justifiable shooting.
ReplyDeleteNow his family is "demanding charges" be brought. So now we charge people based on the emotional wailings of people who were not there, not due process and the rule of law. Fear of mob response cause government officals to submit a sacrifice of a likely innocent person to quell the threat. Mob rule is a strange thing. Study the French revolution if you want to see how this story ends.
Quit dickhead the President of the USA is speaking, show some respect.
ReplyDeleteThe mouse (mouth) that roared.
ReplyDeleteMove out rat face.. Pay attention on the president speaking in the rose garden on police reform, Moron.
ReplyDeleteBasic science.
ReplyDeleteI just want to know UnKnown, with all of the Bullshit that you continually spout, just what exactly is "Dear Leader", Joe Biden going to do to eliminate the covid virus, to help Black people in getting jobs, to bring the economy back to the pre-virus level, to get a vaccine and a cure! You say we mush go forward....To where? Do you even have a clue? It's apparent that Joe Biden doesn't nor any of his potential VP's which will be President withing 4-6 months of the election IF Joe is elected! It's apparent that your only goal on this site is to agitate and ridicule others, which is the amusement of a sick, lonely person who doesn't have one real friend that they can count on in a pinch! To be such a sorry person and also such a moron at the same time truly must make you feel even more stupid than you appear! It is truly great NOT TO BE YOU!! LOL! Ass hole!
ReplyDeleteGood Grief you are a nut case without a Brain.
ReplyDeleteUnknown did you find a tall building to jump off when Biden takes it in the shorts??? hahahahhah
ReplyDeleteWhat a moron.
ReplyDeleteNow the Shawnee county Sars-cov2 nazis are concerned about funerals. Just like the farmers market.
Ignoring the protests and rioting. And they have verified cases from those situations.
Can't people see what they are doing. As long as you a communist Democrat hell bent on disruption and destruction, you are fine.
Be a regular citizens, buying produce from local hard working farmers or mourning the death of a loved one?
Yea, exactly.
As far as Bidens website? Yea, you'll have to consult that for sure, because the man can string a thought together to convey publicly with words. And lest ye forget, AOC is an advisor on that campaign. A police defunder.... Go Joe go.
What a moron.
Wait till the debates, if Joe comes out of the basement.
ReplyDeleteWait till Joe's campaign rallies, if he gets out of the basement.
Winning a presidential election by doing nothing? Nope, he's to dirty with connections to Hillary and Obama.
Summers heating up, and Joe is gonna stay cool in the basement. Like a corpse being preserved.
Good luck with that.
Dear leader probably will not do debates as he is too incoherent
ReplyDeleteLOL. he is sharp as a needle. hahahahahahha
DeleteLike the Aids vaccine he just said. Dear leader has no idea what the hell is going on as he is the most inept, incompetent and illiberal president in modern history.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot Obama was....the mos incompetent... hahaha you have a short memory.
DeleteNote: there appears to be a battle going on now at the border between China and India--20 dead Indian soldiers confirmed. Great! War between 2 nuclear powers and unsure where this could lead.
ReplyDeleteYou need to get your sorry ass out of bed earlier, you are always a day and half behind the real news.
DeleteMoron Mikey,
ReplyDeleteIndia is our ally. More for the ChiComs to worry about. Russia is their enemy too. China must feel surrounded. Taiwan doesn't care for them. Tibet is in a state of rebellion. India is taking advantage of the situation. Get a grip sissy
"Dear leader probably will not do debates as he is too incoherent'- Ass hole Mikey, Sleepy Joe's butt plug.
ReplyDeleteJoe, on debate stage; "I can't, you know Man, mumble...mumble...take him out behind the barn...mumble...mumble...let me smell your hair little the Police...If you don't vote for me, then you ain't Black!...mumble...mumble...take me back to the basement my dear sister Jill, I mean my dear Dr. Jill...oh that's right, you are my wife, aren't you.. you are not a medical doctor, guess you can't help me..... as she takes his arm and leads him off stage. It will be a debate for the ages! Who bets he is a no-show at the debates?
I'll bet he is a no show Gary, but not much he isn't worth much.
ReplyDeleteHow come every time Hammer comes by ole a hole troll takes off and hides? Gee Hammer I dont think that troll likes you or just maybe he knows that his shit is out in the street.
ReplyDeleteNot sure... 😉
lol skipper I noticed that also, I don't know why he would run from Hammer he is such a nice Guy, well maybe Unknown knows Hammer doesn't take any bullshit. The weak doesn't like the strong could be it.
ReplyDeleteRule no. 1.
DeleteBe nice, till it's time to not be.
Remember when the Taliban came to take over? What were the first things to go? STATUES
ReplyDeletePeople essentially get to vote on two scenarios...
ReplyDeleteWhat we had pre-pandemic. An economy that is killing it, good market, everyone that needs jobs working, lower taxes, a reduction in rampant illegal immigration designed to hurt minorities and wage growth. A president not afraid to tackle the issues his base and rest of the country want addressed. Doing his job, while holding rallies to unify America in making it great.
What we have now this summer, a democratic narrative in destruction and malfeasance. Unabated anarchists rioting and insurrection and overtakeing of property in Democrat hostals, rampant violence in Democrat cities with black on black crime, Democrat threats of defunding the police, this silly virute signalling cancel culture, and the myth of racism being systematic. A campaign using a blatant socialistic in AOC as a advisor, who essentially wants to bankrupt our country and kill jobs behind the mask of climate change.
All while being led by a corpse, who can't speak and string together one simple thought during an online townhall on Zoom that gets less than 10 people, while being cooled in a basement like a corpse?
It's a simple decision for average American.
Orangeman is good! Orangeman great!
Give me policy over optics, any day. Give me a proven winner for four more years. America likes winners, and winning.
Let's continue to make America Great!
Totally forgot to add China policy, and bring manufacturers and industry back the home land, including their money and assets. Sorry, but he's kicked so much ass the list is quite lengthy. I'm mobile, and was trying to be brief.
DeleteActually, their was some dog whistling yesterday.
ReplyDeleteFrom SCOTUS.
Admitted that the 2A has been stomped on and woefully disregarded for decades.
The average guy, would take that as "better vote for this guy again" in order to put more constitutionly aligned Justices on the bench to stop the erosion of 2A.
The second term will absolutely epic.
What happen to the pecker head Unknown, Hammer scare him off again...?
ReplyDeleteThere are two.
DeleteNow, if you notice one is capitalized one is not.
It doesn't matter though.
"You can and run as fast as you can, you won't catch me, I'm the hammertime man."
Unknown or unknown...
DeleteSo silly.
Amateurs.... 🙄
Lol.. Unknown only tells me he doesn't know his own name...
ReplyDeleteHow many times do you have to be told no one goes' to your links.
ReplyDeleteYou need to invest in depends, if you can't control yourself.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember anything Unknown said today, I don't either...
ReplyDeleteSilly little man...
ReplyDeleteRemember that cultural stupidity thingy, guys?
ReplyDeleteYea >>>>>>> unknown
If type fast enough, you silly little man, I might be able to beat you down in worthwhile posts and responses just a bit quicker than they can come down.
ReplyDeleteThat way, you got your ass whipped and disappear.
Use the tablet, it has bigger keys.
DeleteI know you are all thumbs.
Its okay, I'm here to help.
OK, try again.
Ready? Set?
Hammer you scare him let me try..
ReplyDeleteOkay Unknown ready get set GO!!
Your a slick dude Sarge. That worked!!!!
DeleteHave fun my friend.
You already know who I am.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay bepeppered. I don't forget so easy.
ReplyDeleteRemember that?
Personal, but no take?
ReplyDeleteInteresting but expected tactic
What if I told you I didn't exist?
ReplyDeleteWhat if told you you already know me?
ReplyDeleteTake a chance. Take a stab at it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a tell when you ignore me, bepeppered.
ReplyDeleteNice try. Try again.
ReplyDeleteI assure I am not Sarge. Would be nice to have the character he has. Guts and heart.
Unknown is happy today the High Court gave him the right to Sue. hahahahhahahahh
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think I'm big. Intimidation warps you....
ReplyDeleteWell, at least he has a time stamp to ease his mind about me being you, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really funny?
ReplyDeleteYou waste your time looking at a picture on a good man's blog.
Wait a minute.... That's actually kind of creepy.
He is losing it my friend,do I feel sorry for him, not at all.
ReplyDeleteIn such situations with internet stalking weirdos I have specific protocol.
ReplyDeleteI unlock all my doors.
Usually I lock them for weirdos safety. But stalking weirdos?
Not so much.
I think you sent him off crying for the night Hammer...
ReplyDeleteI do the most damage deep down inside you, bepeppered.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are all alone, you know as sure as the sun will rise, that I blacken the heart of your arguments.
You know what's coming in November, again.
Your type cannot contend with people like me, and you know it.
You think it's some novel concept to jump on and troll, and think you are making headway. The whole "I gottem this time" feeling.
Dont be fooled. You are insignificant, based on your poor contribution.
This is the underlying reason, you can't gain any traction. You want to instigate and cause trouble. Destruction. Offer nothing positive in the form of ideology, programs, policy, or TRUTH. You are fake as fuck.
But those of us that do the real damage, contribute arguments that win hearts and kinds. Not just here, or there but in society with the masses. Building on ideas and truths that will carry our country forward. Passing on to future generations Americanism.
I assure you, I hide behind nothing, and speak and converse the same way in public as I do here. I take pride in that.
I am the single most dangerous person to your leftist communist movements.
I embrace this country, and everything she is. She's beautiful.
You? Seek to destroy, never satisfied with incremental movements allowed by those that refuse to pay attention. You, never offering anything to build upon, only tugging and pulling. And you find humor in it.
I simply engage you, because I know what you are and what you are trying to do.
The love of my country, family and way of life is far superior to the ways of Satan you embrace.
I will reject you till my death. And seek to make those aware around me of what you truly are.
DeleteOh my sweet baboo, you handsome hunk of a man you. Ian Williams is not your real name. You and I both know this. So sweet cheeks, you come out and say what your real name is first.
ReplyDeleteI like that...
Good night room 235.. Stay strong and prepared.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteLooks like a slow day out here...
ReplyDeleteI guess Kevin doesn't have any yard work to do today... Shammer
DeleteLol... I wish that were true...
ReplyDeleteAnother beautiful day above ground. Another day of depressing news around this great country. I try to make a list of what I am grateful for every day. This counterbalances the bad news and takes my mind off the negativity of today.
ReplyDeleteIn the headlines!
ReplyDeletePro-Abortion says that this election is "A life or Death decision"! How ironic for them to say that! Yes, it's a baby's life or death at the hands of Planned Parenthood if Joe Biden has his way! (Or, I should say, his Handlers!)
Another headline:
HUGE: "Economy Sees 20% Increase in Retail Sales For the Month of May"-- So Loony Left, is this because of Barry Obama also? Recovery can come back strong if only the idiots shut up and listen to President Trump!
What policy of Joe Biden's again, is it that would make him a better President than Donald Trump has been?
I truly fear for our country. For the future of freedom.
ReplyDeleteIt seems every day we hear another story of suppression of free speech. People being attacked by the communist left for holding a different opinion. Free thought is being attacked in America. Only the party line is accepted. By millions of communists, by the media, by some branches of government at local levels. People fired from their jobs for expressing what a month ago was moderate dissent from the commie narrative. Business under all out assault for expressing opinions that the communists don't approve of. Or just for not showing the appropriate level of support for the communist narrative.
History has seen this before. The Chinese communists Red Guard. Groups of students roaming the streets, attacking anyone they deemed to be not properly supportive. Violent thugs given free reign to accuse anybody of anything and take whatever action they choose.
Nazi brownshirts, whose job it was to weed out anybody not showing proper support for the genocidal maniacs running the country.
The French Revolution. Where an accusation without any basis could cost you your head.
It's obvious to me that Satan is controlling growing numbers of people every day. And it's not a huge surprise. You might wonder why God allows this to happen?
I believe the bible tells us this will happen. The separation of the wheat and the chaff. The lambs and the goats. Who will follow God and who will follow Satan? The lines are being drawn.
What we are seeing today is Pagan beliefs. People who have rejected God. Pagans believe if a sin is committed against them, they must violently rage against the blood group they believe sinned against them.
As Christians, we know our sin is offensive to God. Because of original sin, all people are born sinners. So none can claim righteousness, not one. So we don't sin against other people, only God. We may commit acts of sin that harm other people, but God holds us accountable. Not our entire blood race. We are each responsible for our sin and will have to face our only accuser, God. Either we will have been granted dispensation and salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ or we will have to explain our sins to God and give an account.
We are seeing growing numbers of young Pagans now, roaming the streets, causing mayhem and destruction. This goes back a long ways, to the fifties when the communists fled Europe for America. The birth of organizations like the Frankfurt School and communists like Antonio Gramsci, who Obama cited as an influence on his philosophy. They infiltrated our school system and virtually took it over, teaching children to reject their parents beliefs, reject God and hate America. We are now reaping the whirlwind.
It will get much worse friends. Much worse. Our fight is with powers and principalities. But some good news. I've read the book. We win in the end. No matter how bad it gets, we still win in the end. So stay strong and do what you can, but know we may get tested, and we may see terrible things before the end of it all.
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
You are right.
DeleteWell SSAH you can't go wrong doing that.
ReplyDeleteWell a peaceful day in room 235...
ReplyDeleteEphesians 6: 11-17
ReplyDelete"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Well couldn't par-take much today been under the weather,Sine's out of control today. Sinex didn't help. I blame it on the cat!!!
ReplyDeletewife won't let me get rid of the cat even that my grandson would take it, I guess the love is gone after 57 years... all good things come to a end sooner or later. :):)
DeleteGood night room 235....
ReplyDeleteSleep well Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNow we have good officers, not coming for their shifts. Or not answering calls. It's already started. Great. Just great. 😒
ReplyDeleteThe public will know this, or quickly find out.
Yep, riots and burning.
When the cops get aquitted? Because they will be, because DA blatantly lied to the public in the presser multiple times.
Yep, riots and burning.
Sorry guys.
Let it all burn. Back up and just get out of the way. Let it burn. Only the culturally stupid would do this, so let stupid be stupid. Don't even worry about their women and kids. It's their problem.
When the culturally stupid have nothing left? They will die on their own, soon enough.
Fine with me. My intelligent culture will just simply watch, if necessary with the utmost care keep them at distance.
In my mind I am satisfied with the fact that democrats will be killing democrats, and the surviving masses will move even farther right for safety.
Fucking morons don't know how to win or achieve at anything without a ball.
Culturally dumb.
Let them burn. They don't deserve help.
Without the police they despise, it won't even take that long. Pity.
#bluelivesmatter > #culturallydumb
New blog up...