Friday, March 30, 2018
Summit 2018...
When--- Saturday, May 26th
Time--- Pretty much in the air.
It's about time to start planning for this year's Summit.
Nothing's set in stone but I have been kicking around a few ideas and wanted to get you guys's opinion.
Due to the obvious drop in participation in this little Underground Bunker of ours I'm not sure it makes sense anymore to have it out at Truckhenge.
First off, I'm not sure we need that much space anymore and it costs us a couple hundred bucks to hold it there.
So, I'm thinking it might be time to downsize a little.
Here's a couple other options I've been considering.
1) We could have it at my house like we did a while back and just have a little get together.
This would be fine with me. My grill's all set and ready to burn just about anything you guys decide you want to eat.
The biggest drawback would be the fact that someone would probably get all butthurt when we started shooting and call the cops.
Which leads me to a second option.
2) We could have it up at my son's place a few miles east of Hoyt.
My camper's already up there and so it's be pretty easy to set things up like we've done in years past.
He has a 30 acre pasture and a spot where we can do all the shooting we want.
In fact that's where we do all our shooting throughout the year anyway.
And the price it right.
You guys kick it around and let me know what you think and we'll take it from there.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Democrat priorities on full display...
You guys remember the "Schumer Shutdown," don't you?
Remember how he willingly turned his back on the American people in favor of illegal aliens?
Remember that?
I do.
I also remember how it blew up in his face.
The blow back was so great that even the Trump hating, America media, turned tabloid trash couldn't cover for him.
You'd think they'd have learned by now that the American people are sick and tired of taking a back seat to illegal aliens.
Out of control, illegal immigration is one of the main reasons Trump was elected president in the first place.
But they still don't get it.
A perfect example is how they're reacting to the news that the question of citizenship will appear on the 2020 census.
Unconstitutional, they cry!
A throw back to Jim Crow days!
Promoting White Supremacy!
I call bullshit.
The don't want the question included for the exact same reason they oppose Voter ID laws.
They want the illegal vote.
They want the illegal numbers for federal funding.
And they want them for congressional district reasons.
Period, end of story.
Since the following videos explain the issue better than I could ever hope to I'm going to ask you to check them out.
One liberal state after another are desperately lining up to sue the Trump administration to keep the question of citizenship off the record.
Why do you suppose that is?
Just kidding, we all know why.
My advise to our friends in the democrat party is to just keep doing what you're doing.
Choose illegal aliens over American citizens every chance you get.
Threaten to take away our guns.
Threaten to repeal the 2nd amendment.
Keep on attacking and mocking us and our president.
In other words, just keep being who you are...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Since when do we just roll over and give up?
He's a traitor!!!
He betrayed us!!!
Fuck Trump!!!
I'm through with him!!!
I'll never vote again!!!
Yada, yada, yada.
People are pissed.
I get it.
Actually, I knew Trump was in trouble Friday night when my wife and I started talking about the spending bill he'd just signed and she started expressing some of the exact phrases I just mentioned.
She's been an unwavering Trump supporter from the moment he announced he was running for president.
And for once, I didn't argue with her. I just listened.
As I listened I realized that exact same conversation was taking place in millions of households all across the nation.
Why'd he sign it?
I don't know.
He could have vetoed it!
Yeah, but then I don't know what he knows.
What I do know is that he's under attack from every imaginable angle including this worthless, swamp filled Congress.
Rush Limbaugh threw an interesting theory out there about this bill being specifically designed to separate Trump from his rock solid base.
And if that's the case, it worked spectacularly.
Fine. Nothing I can do about it.
But what's your plan now?
Roll over and give up?
You see for yourselves what's taking place all across the nation with the pussy hat wearing, Godless freaks on a weekly basis.
You see for yourselves how the schools are sending hundreds of thousands of kids into the streets to spread their anti-American messages.
You see for yourselves the non-stop media attacks against this president.
You see for yourselves the never-ending, bullshit Russia investigation going on.
You see for yourselves the whores the left has dug up and given leading rolls in the attempt to bring him down.
You see for yourselves the blatant corruption within our own government he's up against.
And now because you're pissed, you're going to turn your backs on him?
Go ahead and sit out the mid term elections.
I guarantee you the democrats will take back the House.
And I also guarantee you, their first order of business will be to introduce articles of impeachment against him.
You guys do what you want.
Stay home.
But don't come whining to me when the gun-grabbing, communist loving sons of bitches finally take us over.
I refuse to roll over and give up.
When I said I was 100% all in in support of this president I meant every word of it.
I proudly stand with Donald Trump as he takes on the forces aligned against him...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, March 23, 2018
What the hell just happened?
How did this disaster of a spending bill pass? And what in the wide wide world of sports is going on here.
I heard Chuckie Shumer crowing on the Senate floor about how they got everything they wanted and the "years of austerity were over". He sounded like he was talking about hillary as president. Never heard him so happy, and gloating so much.
So how and why did this happen?
We didn't elect these people to do this. We elected them to stop this.
Is this supposed to be some kind of compromise? Give them everything they want and get virtually nothing in return?
These democrat/communists seem to be running the show even when they are out of power and just got handed the ass whipping of their life. And the Republicans are still acting like a beaten hound dog hiding under the porch.
I know part of the problem is the quisling Republicans who are part of the swamp and are doing this just to spite the President. Those people need to go. This just stinks.
I love most of what this President has done. And I know that a lot of what he's doing is strategic and he has more going on than we know. But this one has me puzzled.
They got baby murder funding. They got gun control funding. They got everything they want. We got the shaft.
I guess we just have to wait and see what happens but I'm pretty pissed off this morning.
So happy Friday everyone. I guess life goes on, even if the United States doesn't, right?
I heard Chuckie Shumer crowing on the Senate floor about how they got everything they wanted and the "years of austerity were over". He sounded like he was talking about hillary as president. Never heard him so happy, and gloating so much.
So how and why did this happen?
We didn't elect these people to do this. We elected them to stop this.
Is this supposed to be some kind of compromise? Give them everything they want and get virtually nothing in return?
These democrat/communists seem to be running the show even when they are out of power and just got handed the ass whipping of their life. And the Republicans are still acting like a beaten hound dog hiding under the porch.
I know part of the problem is the quisling Republicans who are part of the swamp and are doing this just to spite the President. Those people need to go. This just stinks.
I love most of what this President has done. And I know that a lot of what he's doing is strategic and he has more going on than we know. But this one has me puzzled.
They got baby murder funding. They got gun control funding. They got everything they want. We got the shaft.
I guess we just have to wait and see what happens but I'm pretty pissed off this morning.
So happy Friday everyone. I guess life goes on, even if the United States doesn't, right?
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Time to reign in these Federal courts
Mississippi outlawed the murder of unborn babies after 15 weeks. Now that's 15 weeks too late for me, but it's a start. And of course the godless baby killing left went nuts. And a godless left wing federal judge put a hold on it.
So where is America these days? Mississippi voted to implement this law. No, they didn't vote on the law. We are not a democracy. They elected Representatives to represent them. That's called a Representative Republic. And they did the will of the people who elected them. And along comes an all powerful federal government who overturns the will of the people and implements the will of the state. That's why they're called statists. A polite word for communists.
Same thing with sexual pervert marriage. The people voted time and again that marriage was between a man and a woman, a real man and a real woman, not imaginary constructs of gender. And the all powerful federal government steamrolls them. And the Supreme Court finds it in the constitution where it never existed.
But in California, they have declared themselves an outlaw state. Passing laws requiring it's citizens to violate federal law. Stating openly they will harbor criminal fugitives and thwart federal officials in carrying out their duties. Not just a public statement, these people codified it into law.
So where's the federal judge putting a hold on that openly illegal and unconstitutional law? Where's the federal activist judges lining up to slap California for it's seditious and rebellious actions? Nowhere, that's where.
Our system of government has gotten completely twisted. And my feeling is it's because of the influence of the godless left in our educational system and our government. They have uneducated our children. They have steered us away from the government our founders intended, which was a weak federal government and strong states. They have empowered the judiciary way beyond their constitutional limits.
Kansas is a prime example. The Kansas Supreme Court, a staunchly godless liberal bunch, tells us we have to pony up billions of dollars to pump into an already overfunded failing schools system. Nowhere in our state constitution are they granted the power to provide funding. That power resides solely with the legislators. But still, here we are. What the hell has happened?
And we just finally got rid of a president who believed if the congress didn't do what he wanted, he could use his pen and his phone to make it happen. And the godless left lined up to cheer him on.
We've reached a sad time in the life of this great experiment called the United States. We no longer know who we are. We have become a post-constitutional country. We no longer believe the rule of law should apply equally.
But the good news is, we have a President who does believe in the rule of law, and the constitution. And that's why the godless left has gone absolutely insane with rage. They thought they had it fixed with the Kenyan president. They had crooked hillary lined up ready to go. And along came Donald Trump. And now they've lost their ever loving minds.
So let's stand fast folks. Let's stand behind our President. Let's elect congress critters who will support his agenda. Let's work against the godless left who seeks to destroy our civil society.
In fact, lets.....Make America Great Again!
Monday, March 19, 2018
So why do I call them godless commies?
Anybody that has read anything I have written around here knows I use some terms pretty regularly. I describe America's enemies as godless left wingers. Democrat/communists. Why would I use such harsh language, anyway? Come on Safe, don't you know the commies are old news? Who do you think you are anyway? Tailgunner Joe McCarthy? Finding commies under the bed?
Well, let's talk about that. First off, are the democrats communists? Yes. Yes they are. They stopped being the party of Harry Truman and JFK after the communists infiltrated them in the sixties. Remember all those unwashed maggot infested long haired hippies that ran Hubert Humphrey out and drove the party to turn hard core left wing? Yup. Those people. If you want to know the history of how all that happened, look up the Frankfurt School sometime. I won't go into it here, but they were a bunch of communists who fled prewar Germany and came to America. Little by little their influence spread. They infiltrated our schools. They persuaded lots of young people to reject the American culture and their religion and become long haired maggot infested hippies. Remember, the anti-war protests were actually supporters of the communists who were spreading like cancer. There were two sides to that fight, and they took the side of the communists.
There was a generation of those people who supported Soviet style communism. They helped perpetuate the myth that Stalin's Russia was a successful example of communism at work. They helped cover up the truth, that Stalin was purging his opposition through mass murder. That millions were starving to death because of government central planning which killed the agricultural industry in Russia.
So what is communism, anyway? Pay attention here, there will be a test later. Whittaker Chambers, a man who was a loyal communist but who saw the light and turned his back on it describes it as not a set of rules. Not a manifesto. No single version of communism exists. Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin. All a little different versions of the same evil.
No, he says communism is the absence of God. When mankind draws the conclusion that there is no God, that man is the highest form of life and thought process on earth because that's how we evolved, that's where communism grows. When man believes there is no God who created them for a purpose, who directs events, who teaches us and leads us, that's where communism grows. When man believes he is ultimately the highest form of being in the universe, that's where communism grows.
To those who believe in a sovereign God however, we know man is not the highest form of life in the universe. We believe we are given direction by a Creator God who leads us to a better life. That man doesn't always know everything and one man is not the best source of direction for other men. That role belongs to God.
You see, communism and Christianity cannot exist in the same mind. You cannot believe you are the highest form of life if you know there was a Creator who formed you and gave you thought.
So you see it today. Hollywood celebrities. Left wing radicals. High school kids. They all think they are the top of the hierarchy in thought and are tasked with leading us lower level thinkers. They think they can decide what is best for us.
It's why you see the godless left fighting tooth and nail to push God from the public square. Why you see the democrat/communist party booing the name of God when it come up at their conventions. It's why you see Joy Behar saying hearing from God is mental illness, and to great applause.
So do I really believe the godless left is godless? Yes. Do I really believe the democrat/communist party is communist? Yes. It's the only explanation for their constant relentless drive to control the lives of every citizen of America. Their obsession with killing unborn babies, God's creations. With their drive to equalize outcomes. To take away from those who earn their wealth to redistribute it to those who don't. To destroy this Christian nation and turn it to a godless society where communism can grow.
So that's just a little bit of what I think. And I hope it helps you see why I say what I do. America has been headed down this road a long time. Ike warned about the insidious atheist threat to the world when he left office. And now it's taken root in the other major political party in America, out in the open, no longer lurking in the darkness feeding poison to our youth. They now have enough converts to openly do their work.
So the war is on folks. More than anyone knows. Every day. Relentless. Chipping away, eating the souls of our young. And if we lose this fight, we lose our country.
Let's Make America America again.
Well, let's talk about that. First off, are the democrats communists? Yes. Yes they are. They stopped being the party of Harry Truman and JFK after the communists infiltrated them in the sixties. Remember all those unwashed maggot infested long haired hippies that ran Hubert Humphrey out and drove the party to turn hard core left wing? Yup. Those people. If you want to know the history of how all that happened, look up the Frankfurt School sometime. I won't go into it here, but they were a bunch of communists who fled prewar Germany and came to America. Little by little their influence spread. They infiltrated our schools. They persuaded lots of young people to reject the American culture and their religion and become long haired maggot infested hippies. Remember, the anti-war protests were actually supporters of the communists who were spreading like cancer. There were two sides to that fight, and they took the side of the communists.
There was a generation of those people who supported Soviet style communism. They helped perpetuate the myth that Stalin's Russia was a successful example of communism at work. They helped cover up the truth, that Stalin was purging his opposition through mass murder. That millions were starving to death because of government central planning which killed the agricultural industry in Russia.
So what is communism, anyway? Pay attention here, there will be a test later. Whittaker Chambers, a man who was a loyal communist but who saw the light and turned his back on it describes it as not a set of rules. Not a manifesto. No single version of communism exists. Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin. All a little different versions of the same evil.
No, he says communism is the absence of God. When mankind draws the conclusion that there is no God, that man is the highest form of life and thought process on earth because that's how we evolved, that's where communism grows. When man believes there is no God who created them for a purpose, who directs events, who teaches us and leads us, that's where communism grows. When man believes he is ultimately the highest form of being in the universe, that's where communism grows.
To those who believe in a sovereign God however, we know man is not the highest form of life in the universe. We believe we are given direction by a Creator God who leads us to a better life. That man doesn't always know everything and one man is not the best source of direction for other men. That role belongs to God.
You see, communism and Christianity cannot exist in the same mind. You cannot believe you are the highest form of life if you know there was a Creator who formed you and gave you thought.
So you see it today. Hollywood celebrities. Left wing radicals. High school kids. They all think they are the top of the hierarchy in thought and are tasked with leading us lower level thinkers. They think they can decide what is best for us.
It's why you see the godless left fighting tooth and nail to push God from the public square. Why you see the democrat/communist party booing the name of God when it come up at their conventions. It's why you see Joy Behar saying hearing from God is mental illness, and to great applause.
So do I really believe the godless left is godless? Yes. Do I really believe the democrat/communist party is communist? Yes. It's the only explanation for their constant relentless drive to control the lives of every citizen of America. Their obsession with killing unborn babies, God's creations. With their drive to equalize outcomes. To take away from those who earn their wealth to redistribute it to those who don't. To destroy this Christian nation and turn it to a godless society where communism can grow.
So that's just a little bit of what I think. And I hope it helps you see why I say what I do. America has been headed down this road a long time. Ike warned about the insidious atheist threat to the world when he left office. And now it's taken root in the other major political party in America, out in the open, no longer lurking in the darkness feeding poison to our youth. They now have enough converts to openly do their work.
So the war is on folks. More than anyone knows. Every day. Relentless. Chipping away, eating the souls of our young. And if we lose this fight, we lose our country.
Let's Make America America again.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Free For All Friday...
I came across the following article a little while ago and thought it was well worth sharing...
The national school walkout for gun control that took place at many public schools across the country Wednesday likely violated the Constitution.
That is because the government — in this case, public schools — made a special accommodation for a political viewpoint that it would not make for the opposing view, or for any other view.
A long history of First Amendment jurisprudence establishes that such viewpoint discrimination is impermissible.
The way to put schools on the hot seat would be to organize a pro-Second Amendment walkout, or a walkout on various other issues.
Pro-life organizations could organize a national student walkout on behalf of unborn children, for example, and dare school districts to provide equal support and funding to that which they provided for the national anti-gun walkout. (That ought to make next year’s March for Life, usually held in January, even more interesting.)
School districts could argue that they were not discriminating among viewpoints, but rather expressing their own viewpoint. That it unlikely to pass constitutional muster, either, because schools are not supposed to be advocating for certain public policy issues, not to mention taking a position that arguably undermines a provision of the U.S. Constitution.
But it would require the school districts to argue that the walkout was not “student-staged” at all. It would expose the fact that the walkout was largely run by national political organizations like Women’s March and lobbyist groups like the PTA.
In any lawsuit, moreover, many school districts would likely have to face the fact that their participation in the anti-gun walkout violated their own policies. That is not even a constitutional issue, but a basic administrative law issue. It is the basis for a potential lawsuit by angry Connecticut parents against the New Milford Board of Education, for example.
What happened Wednesday was wrong, and no amount of Democrat-media cheerleading can change that.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named to Forward’s 50 “most influential” Jews in 2017. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Silly little Conor Lamb...
You gotta love those (few and far between) starry eyed, idealistic little democrats out there who still believe in the American Dream.
Yeah, I'm talking about Conor Lamb who could possibly end up pulling iff a razor thin victory in last night's Pennsylvania's special election.
According to what he says, he's pro-family, pro-life, and pro-second amendment.
He supports Trump's economic policies and tariffs.
He refused to bash the president during the campaign.
He's vowed to put an end to Washington gridlock by reaching across the aisle.
He claims he opposes Nancy Pelosi in any leadership position.
And he's a Marine veteran to boot.
All around good guy, right?
It doesn't really matter whether he's the real deal or not.
As soon as he gets to Washington he'll soon learn the democrat party demands nothing less than total party loyalty.
You either vote on issues as you're told to vote or you'll be destroyed.
Or the democrats have finally figured out that images of illegals flipping us off while burning the American flag isn't exactly a winning strategy.
He wouldn't be the first politician who promised one thing and delivered something else all together.
I rest my case...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Promises Kept...
As usual, the gutless republicans, the Godless democrats, and what passes as today's God-awful media are cowering in fear.
Trump's tariffs will be the end of the world, they whine!
They'll destroy the US economy!
Millions of hard working Americans will lose their jobs!
As the president has rightly pointed out, America has gotten the short end of the stick for decades now, and it's time to put an end to it.
I agree.
But hey, that's another story for another day.
What I really wanted to talk about today is another issue all together.
It's another issue that has the gutless republicans, the Godless democrats, and what passes as today's God-awful media cowering in fear.
North Korea and the snot-nosed little wannabe dictator who thought he could intimidate Donald Trump like his dad was able to do with Obama, Bush, and Clinton before him.
Not gonna happen.
Trump made it perfectly clear that he had the means and the willingness to completely and totally destroy his entire country if he had to.
Crazy, reckless, and unstable, the cowards called him.
Business as usual, they wanted.
The business of appeasement, backing down and cowering in fear, they demanded.
Do me a favor and watch the following video then let's talk about it.
Like everything else in life there will be issues we can agree on and one's we'll be miles apart on.
But you can't say that all in all Donald Trump isn't doing his best (against almost impossible odds) to keep the promises he made to the American people while he was campaigning for president.
The main one being that he'd always have our backs.
And that, my friends, is a promise he's never wavered on...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, March 8, 2018
"You can run me, you can starve me, you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
Gunnery Sargent Thomas Highway, from the movie Heartbreak Ridge.
Honestly, the godless left needs some new material. I saw one of the talking parrots on FOX the other night in a discussion on immigration. He reached way up his ass and pulled out the new standard line about how the Republicans control the House, Senate and Presidency, so they need to do something. The Democrats are helpless.
Such a load of crap in the first place, but what's irritating is this is the new talking point for the day.
These demonic morons must just get their talking points from the same source at the same time, which by the way is likely since Satan is the source. You notice every time you hear one of these talking points, suddenly you will hear it a hundred time over the next few days about any subject where the godless left has gotten their ears pinned back.
So you're getting boring lefties. At least try to say something thoughtful once in a while instead of repeating what you heard from one of your fellow commies.
And on the subject, what exactly is broken about our immigration system. They have repeated that so often that people actually believe it. "Broken immigration system". "Comprehensive immigration reform". Can one of you godless lefties explain what the hell that means?
Our immigration system is not broken. It's ignored. Mostly by godless left wing commies. What the hell are we supposed to fix? What they believe is amnesty and citizenship for 30 million or how ever the hell many of these lawbreakers are living in our country off our dollars. That's what they call "reform".
What needs to be fixed? We have laws. They ignore the laws. They are lawbreakers. Now they want the law changed so they aren't lawbreakers.
Nope. Not happening.
Round them up, throw them out. Each and every one. And when you catch one that has committed crimes beside being in our country illegally, throw them in prison, and when they get out throw them out of the country.
Build the wall. Double the number if ICE agents. Sue the hell out of California and anybody else who wants to shelter criminals. Cut off funds. Arrest the Governor. Whatever. But this crap has to stop.
So unless one of you godless commies can explain to me what is "broken" about our immigration system and what needs to be "reformed", that's my position.
Flush that toilet and let it flow back to Mexico where it came from.
Thanks for listening.
Honestly, the godless left needs some new material. I saw one of the talking parrots on FOX the other night in a discussion on immigration. He reached way up his ass and pulled out the new standard line about how the Republicans control the House, Senate and Presidency, so they need to do something. The Democrats are helpless.
Such a load of crap in the first place, but what's irritating is this is the new talking point for the day.
These demonic morons must just get their talking points from the same source at the same time, which by the way is likely since Satan is the source. You notice every time you hear one of these talking points, suddenly you will hear it a hundred time over the next few days about any subject where the godless left has gotten their ears pinned back.
So you're getting boring lefties. At least try to say something thoughtful once in a while instead of repeating what you heard from one of your fellow commies.
And on the subject, what exactly is broken about our immigration system. They have repeated that so often that people actually believe it. "Broken immigration system". "Comprehensive immigration reform". Can one of you godless lefties explain what the hell that means?
Our immigration system is not broken. It's ignored. Mostly by godless left wing commies. What the hell are we supposed to fix? What they believe is amnesty and citizenship for 30 million or how ever the hell many of these lawbreakers are living in our country off our dollars. That's what they call "reform".
What needs to be fixed? We have laws. They ignore the laws. They are lawbreakers. Now they want the law changed so they aren't lawbreakers.
Nope. Not happening.
Round them up, throw them out. Each and every one. And when you catch one that has committed crimes beside being in our country illegally, throw them in prison, and when they get out throw them out of the country.
Build the wall. Double the number if ICE agents. Sue the hell out of California and anybody else who wants to shelter criminals. Cut off funds. Arrest the Governor. Whatever. But this crap has to stop.
So unless one of you godless commies can explain to me what is "broken" about our immigration system and what needs to be "reformed", that's my position.
Flush that toilet and let it flow back to Mexico where it came from.
Thanks for listening.
Monday, March 5, 2018
How about those academy awards?
If you are like me you had a big academy awards watch party with all your friends, and you cheered Jimmy Kimmel and all the great political opinions expressed by all those people who know a lot more than we do just by virtue of the fact they are really rich and live in Hollywood.
Well, actually, if you're like me you didn't watch one second of it. And cared less about any of it. And are in fact disgusted by the whole thing.
But, I look at Drudge first thing this morning and there is it. Kimmel said something or another. Some actor said something nasty about our President. The usual drivel.
But I did look at one story. Gary Oldman won best actor. And coincidently, I just watched that movie, Darkest Hour, on Saturday. And it was an excellent movie, and he more than deserved the award. That was acting. Not posturing. He won because it was as fine a job of acting as I have ever seen, and a great movie as well. If you haven't seen it you should.
And of course all the snowflakes are mad. Supposedly he did something 17 years ago that the godless left cannot tolerate. He allegedly smacked her with a telephone or some such thing.
But what they are really mad about is he isn't joining the ranks of the godless left wing communist America haters. He has been pretty neutral. And they can't stand that. It is not acceptable to not goosestep with the fascists in Hollywood. So they created a story about something he might or might not have done two decades ago. Because for fascists in Hollywood the accusation is all that is needed. The man is guilty and that's that. Because fascists don't believe in trivial things like due process or the constitution or the rule of law. Fascists believe in the power of the mob.
So a good man who is as good an actor as there is gets tarred and feathered by the godless leftist mob because his work isn't enough, he is required to join in the groupthink and spout the party line.
I didn't watch a minute of it, and never would. But I know without even seeing it what it was. It was the public face of hatred. Of hatred for America. Of hatred for our President. And of hatred for us, you and me.
If it was about awards for acting, they should have given Gary Oldman all the awards and sent the rest of those freaks home in tears. Because he's the only real damn actor that was there last night. The rest are a bunch of freaks.
Thanks for listening.
Well, actually, if you're like me you didn't watch one second of it. And cared less about any of it. And are in fact disgusted by the whole thing.
But, I look at Drudge first thing this morning and there is it. Kimmel said something or another. Some actor said something nasty about our President. The usual drivel.
But I did look at one story. Gary Oldman won best actor. And coincidently, I just watched that movie, Darkest Hour, on Saturday. And it was an excellent movie, and he more than deserved the award. That was acting. Not posturing. He won because it was as fine a job of acting as I have ever seen, and a great movie as well. If you haven't seen it you should.
And of course all the snowflakes are mad. Supposedly he did something 17 years ago that the godless left cannot tolerate. He allegedly smacked her with a telephone or some such thing.
But what they are really mad about is he isn't joining the ranks of the godless left wing communist America haters. He has been pretty neutral. And they can't stand that. It is not acceptable to not goosestep with the fascists in Hollywood. So they created a story about something he might or might not have done two decades ago. Because for fascists in Hollywood the accusation is all that is needed. The man is guilty and that's that. Because fascists don't believe in trivial things like due process or the constitution or the rule of law. Fascists believe in the power of the mob.
So a good man who is as good an actor as there is gets tarred and feathered by the godless leftist mob because his work isn't enough, he is required to join in the groupthink and spout the party line.
I didn't watch a minute of it, and never would. But I know without even seeing it what it was. It was the public face of hatred. Of hatred for America. Of hatred for our President. And of hatred for us, you and me.
If it was about awards for acting, they should have given Gary Oldman all the awards and sent the rest of those freaks home in tears. Because he's the only real damn actor that was there last night. The rest are a bunch of freaks.
Thanks for listening.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Tread Lightly Mr. President...
Mr. President, you can count me as one of the 63 million or so American patriots that proudly voted for you in last year's presidential election.
You can count me as part of the unwavering base that's had your back ever since the day you announced you were running for president.
We've been with you every step of the way.
But that unwavering support has never been without conditions.
We all heard your comments the other day about taking the guns and worrying about due process later.
Mr. President, there's only one person in this world that can destroy that rock solid base you've always been able to count on.
That's you, Sir.
Tread lightly, Mr. President...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, March 1, 2018
No commentary needed...
Good Thursday morning boys and girls.
I'm going to make today's edition of Room 235 (The Underground Bunker) short, sweet, and directly to the point.
And that, my friends pretty much covers it all...
Kevin McGinty
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