How did this disaster of a spending bill pass? And what in the wide wide world of sports is going on here.
I heard Chuckie Shumer crowing on the Senate floor about how they got everything they wanted and the "years of austerity were over". He sounded like he was talking about hillary as president. Never heard him so happy, and gloating so much.
So how and why did this happen?
We didn't elect these people to do this. We elected them to stop this.
Is this supposed to be some kind of compromise? Give them everything they want and get virtually nothing in return?
These democrat/communists seem to be running the show even when they are out of power and just got handed the ass whipping of their life. And the Republicans are still acting like a beaten hound dog hiding under the porch.
I know part of the problem is the quisling Republicans who are part of the swamp and are doing this just to spite the President. Those people need to go. This just stinks.
I love most of what this President has done. And I know that a lot of what he's doing is strategic and he has more going on than we know. But this one has me puzzled.
They got baby murder funding. They got gun control funding. They got everything they want. We got the shaft.
I guess we just have to wait and see what happens but I'm pretty pissed off this morning.
So happy Friday everyone. I guess life goes on, even if the United States doesn't, right?
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OK, just saw the President is threatening a veto. That's the only thing that could resolve this, but they'll just blame him for the shut down and on we go.
ReplyDeleteAnd he says it's because no wall and no DACA. The wall, yes. Fund that. NOW!
DACA? I could care less. Boot them all out. I'm so sick of these people who are here illegally Demanding we do something that I've lost what little sympathy I ever had for them, which was very little.
That whole spending bill needs to get flushed down the toilet and start over. Shut down the government? Hell yes. Shut it down.
It is a mess right now not what I was expecting, I hope he does.t sign this bill, when Chuckie is happy it is a bad bill.
ReplyDeleteOn Beck just now...
ReplyDeleteQuestion: when did the deficit hit 20 trillion?
Answer: this past September...
Comment: this morning it hit 21 trillion.
Helped, of course, by that interest rate increase...
Dow down 700+
Investors going to gold, bonds and/or out.
China holds a goodly amount of our debt and now they' re pissed about tariffs.
People seem to be forgetting this, but: Trump was a Democrat until quite recently. Trump was golfing buddies with Bill Clinton. Ol' Chuckie Schumer, guess who contributed $ to all of his campaigns?
ReplyDeleteI fail to see anything too surprising here.
Key word is "WAS" Ken..
DeleteYes, but his chosen party identification until he reached the age of, say, 60, does provide some clues of why he does what he does. Hell, the fact that he made his mark in glitzy real estate development and TV does sort of lead one to the conclusion that he understands completely the importance of image and showmanship.
ReplyDeleteBesides, you know as well as I do that if the Dems hadn't come out of the chute posturing as "the resistance" and demonizing him at every turn, he'd be more than happy to have worked with the Dems on all sorts of things. Take his "ideas" on gun control. He realizes that the Dems will never really work with him and then he'd have alienated his own base. Because the Dems will fall in line behind their beloved leaders no matter what. The right is a little more discerning.
As I said, nothing too surprising here.
Funny that you addressed nothing in my argument other than the final sentence. Funny, but not particularly surprising.
DeleteWant to talk about premature aging, do you? Cool, just take a look at The Harridan. Haw-Haw-Haw!!! I could say more, but I'll just leave it at that.
You're whining about "the Russians" now, but remember when you pooh-poohed the predictions of my friends in Riga - over 10 months from Election Day? Turns out they were more accurate than your vaunted polls.
Your one liners beginning your post are nothing more than Dem talking points. Two peas in a pod ... with Roy Moore?? When he endorsed Strange in the Primary??? Shares racist positions?? Really? Since when? He was palling with lots of rappers before the campaign began. And got awards from civil rights organizations. Let's keep it real, his big crime was beating the brakes off la Bruja.
As for electing Brownie, just wait, we may elect Kobach. You should be pleased, he's not Brownie! And hey, since we've similar backgrounds, maybe I'll support him. Think I can get a patronage job?
Hate to be the one to remind you, Boz, but I didn't vote for him.
DeleteOf course I don't care for Bolton. Then again his shelf life isn't likely to be long, either.
DeleteI hope I'm not suffering from dementia too. At my age, that's a concern.
Might be peeling away the layers and seeing the heart, bottom line is I just don't know, but am concerned. Nothing I can do at the moment.
ReplyDeleteThe swamp is healthy, senate voted 62 - 35 and house 256 - 167. Lots in this 2,000 page document besides more debt. Also, lots left out of the bill! Then I wonder how many more little things like gun control by government agencies, funding baby killers and illegals are hidden in there?
ReplyDeleteI will say this. If President Trump signs this bill as is, I think the chances he will lose the House goes way up. And maybe the Senate.
ReplyDeleteIf he thinks these democrat/communists are his friends wait until that happens and the first day of the new session they pass an impeachment case against him. And if he thinks the Senate won't convict him, he better take a look at how many of those people hate him as much as the democrat/communists.
This is the line in the sand. Think this one over carefully, Mr President.
Nope, gun control is the line in the sand. Budget is a complicated thing and you can make almost any argument for almost anything. If he addresses anything except maybe bump stocks concerning gun restrictions, that, my friend, is what you lose coalitions over.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too happy with the budget either, but he's the President. He administers the federal government, he's charged with keeping it running. I understand that. While I agree with Sen. Paul (and keep it real, that photo of him holding part of the budget was funny and [sadly] money on accurate), I appreciate the President's position as well.
Remember "New York Values"? Most of these republicans from the upper northeast may as well be the very least they are far more progressive than conservative in matters of big government. As a business tycoon and builder he spent decades playing footsie with politicians when he built his empire.
ReplyDeleteThat can either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what he cho9ses to do with that experience...2 examples:
He's all about eminent domain even to the extent of trying to kick that old lady out of her home so he could put a parking lot next to his casino.
Also: most average Americans don't want the stigma of bankruptcy attached to them. In his case, his companies filed 4 times and got away with same...he claims his companies, not himself.
A similar example of that is none other than our own Kent Lindemuth. Bilked banks out of millions around here. And who can forget Wittig?
Those clowns just didn't have that flair for showmanship.
Quite honestly, I really don't give much of a damn what this bunch of assclowns say or promise any more. All but a scant handful of them, both parties, sold our nation down the river long years ago in pursuit of their own self-interest. They puff themselves up like the buffoons they are, waving the red, white and blue just so they can get themselves elected to another term. No qualms whatever about broken promises, fleecing taxpayers and bankrupting the country.
ReplyDeleteThis debacle is just one more example of it. Seen it for too many years now.
Don't be so morose. The federal budget is so vast I don't think any of us have a good handle on what it is about. What I'm quite certain of is that I'm never going to love everything in it. As Bismarck once said, "You don't want to see laws or sausages being made." Since representative government is all about compromise, I can accept about anything in a budget. No line in the sand. Now as for our explicit constitutional rights ... . That's another matter.
ReplyDeleteMorose? Hardly...just fed up. And I don't believe in perfection in anything especially government. But it could be a hell of a lot better of these asshat politicians would actually follow through on promises made.
ReplyDeleteI say this as Trump readies himself to sign this beast. As congress is fleeing the halls of the swamp for the weekend.
Woops...ap report said he's signing...but fox is readying to see just what he does do.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am happy the soldiers got their raise, Trump caved.
ReplyDeleteIf anybody really thinks congress is going to reinstate line item or the 51-vote majority, then I am guaranteed a jackpot winner the next time I purchase a lottery ticket at Casey's.
I'm afraid Trump just set his own impeachment in motion.
His base will rightfully feel, "what's the use of winning" if winning means we still lose?
Of his base sits out the mid terms the dems will take back the house.
If that happens they'll impeach him within the first few days.
And if you think the Senate won't convict gim you're delusional...
Stupid smart phone anyway...
ReplyDeleteGood point about the second amendment Captain.
ReplyDeleteBut what's gonna do him in is immigration.
Mark my word...
Rush: we are going to spend money on border enhancement in countries in the middle east but not our own.
ReplyDeleteMy personal take? Secure your loved ones, get yer ducks in a row and stay prepared for any damned thing. Our country as we know it is gone.
Sad, but not surprising, as someone already said trump has been a demon most of his life and you don't get to where he is without dirty deals and closet full of things you want hidden. Playing both sides of the fence will get him gone. I think it would take another civil war to get this country back on track, but don't believe that will happen. Take great empires like Greece and Rome, world leaders for many centuries. Then from corruption and moral decay, they collapse from within and- then some other country comes in and destroys and takes over.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to say what you want Blue if you think what you say Punk bothers me you are clueless.
ReplyDeleteoh well I was just about to do him in, maybe next time! heheheh
ReplyDeleteGee whiz, I always miss the good stuff.
ReplyDeleteLet me guess, our fake doctor dropped by to set us hillbillies straight?
No he was here looking for some tube steaks, but I told him batshit and JJ isn't around...
DeletePoor little guy anyway...
DeleteSure glad we got these things in the bill
ReplyDeleteThe Senate increased its total salaries of officers and employees by $12.6 million.
Think about slavery. We all are slaves to our government. The government tells industry if and what they can do/build and forces a tax burden on them for building and providing jobs to us. Then they tell us, the slaves, we can work for those industries but we must pay the government money (taxes).
In reality we are all slaves to the government paying them for the privilege to work or build. We work just so we can buy our necessities and feel good about ourselves.
Really no new wall, just money to repair what little wall that exist.
Senate budget to $919.9 million, up $48.8 million from fiscal year.
House of Representatives increased its budget to $1.2 billion, which is $10.9 million above 2017 levels.
Senate also increased its expense account, as expense allowances are going from $177,000 to $192,000, an increase of $15,000.
Committee offices got an increase of $22.9 million in salaries, from $181.5 million in 2017 to $204.4 million in the final bill.
The bill also spends $2.05 million to prevent "elderly falls" and $8 million in the form of "breastfeeding grants."
$15 million goes to study "high obesity counties" and an increase of $5 million for the CDC program that seeks to "address obesity in counties" by leveraging "the community extension services provided by land grant universities.
Then money for new train system and a line to run under the Hudson river.
And then on and on for over 2,000 pages..................
Good morning messed up world.
ReplyDeleteMessage to American taxpayers: remember, those tax cuts are only temporary...obviously for a reason (themselves). Have heard them say a time or two that they'll make them permanent but I wouldn't count on it.
ReplyDeleteSo if you can, save what you can while you can and beware of banks.
Whew!!! Looks like the sun came up right on schedule this morning...
ReplyDeleteImagine that, wonder if old Blue noticed.
DeleteI don't like this shit any better than the rest of you. But keep in mind that things could be worse.
ReplyDeleteA lot worse.
We'll talk about it tomorrow...
Imagine that, it could be worse. Least we forget it could be Hillary dicker dock Clinton.
DeleteMay very well get worse if these swamp creatures and their lobbyists aren't gotten rid of.
ReplyDeleteAll of the things they stuffed into that bill are coming out now. Worse than an obscenity.
Also noteworthy...both of our senators and all of our representatives voted for this giant turd. Conservative Review has a list of all the names as to how all of them voted if anyone is interested.
Our senators and representatives in congress are just swamp creatures, not really Ds or Rs, just evil owned by lobbyist and lust for power.
ReplyDeleteYa know, the president could have vetoed that bill, then ordered all of them to stay in town and clean out the damned thing. Why didn't he?
ReplyDeleteAnd who the hell needs the shillary when we have Paulie, with his face jammed up the Turtlehead's ass? Maybe that's why he looks so smug all the time...probably feels good. He's worse than Johnny Bourbon ever thought about being.
Why is the defense of this Country tied into any bill, it should be a stand alone deal, it is the number one job of the Government, all the rest is garbage.
ReplyDeleteIMG_1942.JPG Don't think you can pull this up, but is a posting in the Denver Post.
ReplyDeleteI was under the impression that superintendents of school districts were well educated PHD’s. This article was in the 3-24-18 Denver Post. Please tell me this is a joke! When I was a kid, I was pretty good with a slingshot I got from Sears. Apparently, Wham-O, the slingshot maker, lost out in the school bidding to a box of rocks for child protection. I’m guessing the leader of this district is as dumb as the box of rocks he/she placed in each classroom. I guessing the only good to come from this directive is their baseball team may have a better pitching rotation next spring! Help me Jesus!!!!!!
Given Denver, hopelessly lib prog, I can believe this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI can see the new signs on school doors now " Our Kids Have Rocks"
DeleteThey been smoking too much dope in that state.
ReplyDeleteI believe the top job of government is to protect the country from foreign invaders, therefore military shouldn't be political and mixed in with all the pork.
I agree, Dive...sadly, these politicians have turned it into Lucy's football.
ReplyDeleteThe consequences of sticking to our guns are devastating: the loss of power, bad guys in charge, the death of the republic. OK, let's agree. But Jesus said there's something worse than death. Don't fear the guy who can only kill you, He taught. If the republic ends but we retain our integrity, we have a foundation on which we can rebuild. If representative government lives on, but there's no one in it with any integrity, what's the point?
ReplyDeleteWell so much for K State.
ReplyDeleteYea, K-State just not with it.
ReplyDeleteGood grief is everyone sleeping? HELLO!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I was at 2:30 this morning...
ReplyDeleteYou were a lot smarter than me that's for sure.
DeleteWell, I'm not so sure about that.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, there's a new blog up and running...