Gunnery Sargent Thomas Highway, from the movie Heartbreak Ridge.
Honestly, the godless left needs some new material. I saw one of the talking parrots on FOX the other night in a discussion on immigration. He reached way up his ass and pulled out the new standard line about how the Republicans control the House, Senate and Presidency, so they need to do something. The Democrats are helpless.
Such a load of crap in the first place, but what's irritating is this is the new talking point for the day.
These demonic morons must just get their talking points from the same source at the same time, which by the way is likely since Satan is the source. You notice every time you hear one of these talking points, suddenly you will hear it a hundred time over the next few days about any subject where the godless left has gotten their ears pinned back.
So you're getting boring lefties. At least try to say something thoughtful once in a while instead of repeating what you heard from one of your fellow commies.
And on the subject, what exactly is broken about our immigration system. They have repeated that so often that people actually believe it. "Broken immigration system". "Comprehensive immigration reform". Can one of you godless lefties explain what the hell that means?
Our immigration system is not broken. It's ignored. Mostly by godless left wing commies. What the hell are we supposed to fix? What they believe is amnesty and citizenship for 30 million or how ever the hell many of these lawbreakers are living in our country off our dollars. That's what they call "reform".
What needs to be fixed? We have laws. They ignore the laws. They are lawbreakers. Now they want the law changed so they aren't lawbreakers.
Nope. Not happening.
Round them up, throw them out. Each and every one. And when you catch one that has committed crimes beside being in our country illegally, throw them in prison, and when they get out throw them out of the country.
Build the wall. Double the number if ICE agents. Sue the hell out of California and anybody else who wants to shelter criminals. Cut off funds. Arrest the Governor. Whatever. But this crap has to stop.
So unless one of you godless commies can explain to me what is "broken" about our immigration system and what needs to be "reformed", that's my position.
Flush that toilet and let it flow back to Mexico where it came from.
Thanks for listening.
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Gunnery Sargent Thomas Highway, from the movie Heartbreak Ridge. Also said you improvise, Adapt and over come...Hear Me!!!
ReplyDeleteJerry Brown, Governor of California said this about the lawsuit against them by the Federal Government for committing crimes against America:
ReplyDelete"This is basically going to war against the state of California, the engine of the American economy," Brown said. "It's not wise, it's not right and it will not stand."
Funny, that's almost exactly what the Confederacy said about the Lincoln and the Union. They thought "King Cotton" would prevail because of the economic power they wielded. They believed the Union would capitulate and let them keep their slaves.
Seems like the democrat/communists never learn, doesn't it? They just keep repeating the same mistakes.
Maybe we need to send Highway over to the VA...latest report from the IG is scathing and the problems continue. Dirty conditions. Lack of adequate care, supplies. Backlogs.
ReplyDeleteAnd...they squandered 3.3 million on office design and refurbishing. Shulkin and wife also traveled overseas and bought tickets to Wimbledon courtesy the taxpayers.
Story on the Blaze...
This crap really pisses me off no end. Our veterans are treated shamefully and my heart hurts for them.
But the government can run our heathcare system much better than the private sector, don't you remember? obama the Kenyan told us so.
ReplyDeleteDavid Shulkin was Undersecretary of the VA, appointed by the emperor in 2015. Promoted to secretary in 2017 by Trump, following unanimous approval by the senate.
ReplyDeleteJust another government swamp creature, here to "help".
unrelated to topic y'all, but iffen y'all ate at Applebee's and paid with a credit card..... you'll need to read this that is from the WIBW website.
Predictions...remember when news broke about those 13 russian spies being indicted? At the time I posted that bodies would start popping up. Didn't take long...being reported on fox that a spy and his daughter have survived a poisoning attempt and said to be connected to that dossier...just heard the dossier stuff so expect more about that.
ReplyDeleteYup, on all fronts likely...
ReplyDeleteI still say send in the military to enforce the laws, federalize the California National Guard and arrest Jerry Brown. Stop the pissing in the wind and blowing smoke and get down to business. I don't like all this talk/mouthing, when someone does that lip flapping, it's is just time throw the first punch and see who comes out on top.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that is what makes you a Conservative. Anything but a Lib..will do.
DeleteHope Catalina Island isn't the next Ft Sumpter. I kind of like that place.
ReplyDeleteY'all haven't eaten at Applebee's come lately have you?
What the hell is a AppleBee's ? I gotta know.
DeleteMy daughter is the kitchen manager at one of the Applebees in Kansas City. I usually eat lunch with her while i'm in town.
DeleteWhy you ask?
Because that way I can eat for free...
Never mind I think I figured it out. It is a Bar! I should have known that.
ReplyDeleteNo Sarge....Applebees are the bees that are put in apple orchards to pollinate the trees! :)
DeleteI continually see these guys that they bring on Fox to "debate" the Illegal immigration issues, and many of them say they are Lawyers but, they are not legal citizens. Now, I asked, How in the hell is someone who is not a legal citizen of the United States able to get a law license in the United States? Can anyone answer me that?
ReplyDeleteI can't, I am at the point that I just don't know what the hell is going on anymore.
DeleteWent to Manhattan Bramlage Coliseum tonight to watch Burlingame HS play at state, they lost. Oh well it was a fun trip and good company.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I will go take a nap, why you ask? Because I can, Dilly Dilly. :) It will be in the 60's today and that is bad, because it always cost me money when it is nice out. But whining doesn't help so I won't. Later...
ReplyDeleteIf Trump pulls this deal off with North Korea you could actually say he saved mankind.
Feb. job numbers exceeded all expectations.
ReplyDelete+ 313,000
More winning!!!
But you can't expect miracles.
ReplyDeleteEven after a year of solid winning CNN talking head Chunk Todd said yesterday that Trump's word is increasingly meaningless.
Scew you Chuckie...
I think Chuckie is that little Manic D''oll you see in the movies.
DeleteChai Feldblum...
ReplyDeleteWho's that?
Appointed to EEOC in 2010 by the emperor.
And REAPPOINTED by Donald J Trump to run the EEOC...
She is a radical lesbian activist and believes that sexual liberty should be placed above religious liberty. All those genders...
As for me, I am done with Trump. He's turning the Commandments and teachings of Jesus upside down by such a nomination.
Beck reported on this just now.
I won't go into more detail about this woman; look her up. Google her name and you'll find plenty of conservative websites that are reputable discussing this.
Let me say too that I don't give a rat's rear end about anyone's gender choice. Their business.
But do NOT renominate a radical leftwing activist to run a commission with such power over workplace, religious belief and FREEDOM COURTESY THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
You're done with Trump?
ReplyDeleteObviously that's your choice, my friend.
But the only other option was Hillary and you would have hated that.
And no, I don't agree with everything Trump's done. But all in all he's doing everything he said he would.
And given the default of most republicans (be very very afraid) Trump's the only person who could have beaten the Godless left...
To my mind, this is placing political agenda above principle and the country is in the mess it is in because too many are playing that game. May take longer for a complete falling away to happen with an r than a d running the show, but a day of reckoning will come at some point.
ReplyDeleteI'm a sinner, as are we all. I don't have much in this life materially, nor does that matter all that much to me. But I try as much as anyone can, I suppose, to keep my Bible and the teachings of Jesus uppermost, where they belong.
Our Founders put God in charge.
One Nation Under God, not one nation under 93 genders.
The godlessness is everywhere and I will not support it, whatever form it takes.
Stick to your Bible and Gun's Cat, I an't happy with everything either, but until Trumps appointments makes mistakes against what effects me I will keep backing him. So far so good! Well I got to get busy, Later...
DeleteThat is a fact, it comes down to man's priorities or God's priorities. Revolutions is real clear of what is thought of those who straddle the fence, neither hot or cold.
DeleteJust wondering Cats, Do you know when this appointment was made by Trump? My guess is that he probably did not know this Chai Feldblum at all and she was probably recommended for continuing the post from someone else. Not that it is good to make a nomination that way but Trump was not a part of the swamp going in and I don't think he had the connections in Washington to know a lot about many of these people to begin with. Needing to fill some of these slots, and based on the speed that the democrats have slowed down the nomination nomination process to a snails pace, simply to cause more disruption in the Administration, I think he left some in the lower positions to at least carry on the departments until he could get them filled. I say this, looking at examples like Rod Rosenstein and James Comey. I don't think he would have appointed them, knowing what he knows now. He also seems to give some people the benefit of the doubt until they screw him a second time. Maybe not a legitimate argument for defending Trump in this instance, but just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteGary Sandell
Gary, Breitbart 22 dec 2017 ran a story about rabbis protesting this renomination. Given that Ivanka and Jared are Jewish, I find it hard to believe that he isn't aware of Feldblum's activism. Just using her name as a search term, there are a ton of articles on this. He would have to be living under a rock to be unaware of it. My guess is that there is a backdoor deal in there somewhere, with the expense of traditional values in gender roles via schools, workplace, bakeries, florists etc who are constantly getting sued and put out of business by these activists. And she is a bigtime leader of it according to the Breitbart piece.
DeleteJust a few reasons I support the president.
ReplyDeleteFeb. jobs +313,000
Manufacturing jobs since taking office + 263,000
Unemployment lowest it's been for decades.
Black and Hispanic unemployment at historic lows
Stock market at an all time high.
Taking a stand against the illegal and out of control lawmakers in California.
Gas and oil production is setting records.
So much so that we're about to become the world's leading energy producer
Fighting for common sense immigration laws.
Isn't the least bit afraid of the media that's trying to destroy him
I'm not sure how anyone could not support all he's accomplished in just over a year.
Yeah, I voted for him in 2016 and I'll proudly do it again in 2020...
News Nugget Trump pardon that Navy Kid for taking that picture of his ship, about time, way to go President Trump.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
That is good news and should have been done a year ago.
ReplyDelete“Nancy Pelosi: Democrats shouldn’t focus on ‘rumors’ about Trump’s ‘personal life’”
Well Nancy, they’re already on the band wagon of lies about the ‘Russian Collusion’….I guess they just don’t know when to get off the band wagon because they’re too used to lying about President Trump!
Cats, looks like you and I are gonna have to agree to disagree on matters concerning Trump.
ReplyDeleteBut that's alright.
I still love you like a very stubborn and opinionated step sister...
Thank you for respecting my thoughts, Kevin...when it comes to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and I see lawyers, politicians and the like continually chipping away at them, I get really disgusted. Most of them do that crap. Those rights are God-given and for a president, senator or congressman swear an oath to uphold same, then choose an appointee whose main goal is to keep hacking away at them? I suspect a lot of liberal radicals are secretly applauding that pick, including the Shillary and her emperor.
DeleteThat agency is nothing but a rat's nest of liberal activist lawyers anyhow, hell bent on continuing their mission. Should have been abolished a long time ago.
I don't think anything will improve any time soon, either, as regards the teaching of the founding of the country, those rights and why we have them and why we should never take freedom and its responsibility for granted.
But then who am I? Just an outspoken old bat who catches hell from both sides a lot, especially from liberal progressives...
Am also glad Saucier got his pardon. Flynn should get one as well. He's now having to sell his home in order to pay his legal bills.
DeleteAh hell, we agree on way too many issues to get sideways over something like this.
DeleteYour reasoning, as usual is rock solid.
I can't help but respect it...
Well, Oh never mind. Just got in Fooood.
ReplyDeleteThis is my opinion and I stand by it, Trump should and hope will Pardon Flynn, you don't lock up a 4 star Gen, as this country is letting Hillary Clinton walk. Makes no common sense.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Do I hear a good morning out here? Anyone!
ReplyDeleteGuess I will just go take a Nap! And try again when SSAH gets up around 10Am. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat DA!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat what?
ReplyDeleteGood grief I was wondering if the blog got Nuked.
DeleteNot yet anyway...
ReplyDeleteWe often hear the democrats don't have any other plan to hate Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we had them wrong all along.
They came up with a tax HIKE plan they're sure will win them the Senate and the House come November.
Go for it you dumbasses...
Going to be a nice day again, so I got to cook up some bacon and potatoes O'Brain this morning for the grandson. And go down to the other place and puts around. And get out all my gardening tools for the summer. All my seedling are coming up real nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd I too, must get going.
ReplyDeleteExotic locations such as St. Marys, Wamego, Westmoreland, and Onaga await me.
Woo hoo!!!
Pottawatomie county, watch out, H.P. friend of mine patrols that area.
ReplyDeleteHey, I finally got up. Planning my nap now.
ReplyDeleteLol, heheheh
DeleteOkay you don't have to hold back any longer.... Letter Rip.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a wonderful nap it was...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood move I take it.!!
ReplyDeleteOkay I will get this right, wish they had an edit. Got email from Kansas Senator Vickie Schmidt and a summary of various bills. I thought the one below was crap, I already think there are some bicyclist that cause problems, now golf carts at night:
ReplyDeleteHB 2486 will authorize the operation of a golf cart on any public street or highway between sunset and sunrise if the golf cart is equipped with lights as required by law for motorcycles. Municipalities can currently allow golf carts to operate on city streets of 30 mph or less during daylight hours.
Point is I don't want to deal with golf carts driving on city streets at night.
ReplyDeleteSolution, don't drive at night.
ReplyDeleteThat would be one solution, but there are others.
ReplyDeleteGees it is good morning time again, time fly's.
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to pull a SSAH and take a Nap... Later
ReplyDeleteLooks like many other's beat to the Nap thingie.
ReplyDeleteWhile you were napping I've been busy putting a new blog together.
ReplyDeleteIt's up and running...