Friday, March 2, 2018
Tread Lightly Mr. President...
Mr. President, you can count me as one of the 63 million or so American patriots that proudly voted for you in last year's presidential election.
You can count me as part of the unwavering base that's had your back ever since the day you announced you were running for president.
We've been with you every step of the way.
But that unwavering support has never been without conditions.
We all heard your comments the other day about taking the guns and worrying about due process later.
Mr. President, there's only one person in this world that can destroy that rock solid base you've always been able to count on.
That's you, Sir.
Tread lightly, Mr. President...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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I second that Mr President, whats that old saying we Made you president and we can take it away, stick with making America great again! And read my foot note.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteI see dipstick tried and failed again. hahahahah
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
As my grand son might say... "Epic Fail..."
ReplyDeleteCondi Rice silenced the harpies on the View by explaining why she's a 2nd a child she recalls her father being part of a neighborhood watch in Birmingham, Alabama where she grew up. Prior to the civil rights fight in 1964 members of the White Knights would occcasionally come out of the woodwork to terrorize black families. Her dad was one of several who, when they got word of these rides, would grab his shotgun and run up to the head of his cul-de-sac and they would shoot into the air to warn the families of these Klan escapades. They all knew Bull Connor and company would do nothing to stop it.
ReplyDeleteStory posted on the Blaze from original on the Daily Caller.
The mayor of Oakland CA warned the criminals that there was an ICE sweep coming so they could run and hide, and presumably arm themselves against the agents.
ReplyDeleteThis person is no different than the kid who sits outside the crack house warning the criminals inside that the police are coming. Exact same thing.
This hatred for our President is beyond anything America has ever seen before. The last time it was this bad we ended up in a Civil War with the democrats over their open rebellion against the United States. This is the same thing. And they hated Abraham Lincoln so badly that even after the war was over they murdered him. And today we have godless left wing radicals openly threatening our President. Celebrities threatening to blow up the White House. Democrat/communist party members making veiled and not so veiled threats. An entire political party committing treason against the rest of us driven by pure unadulterated hatred.
And they want us to give up our guns? With the wolves howling at the door? With them threatening the stability of our government, violating the law right and left and openly trying to overthrow the government of the people?
I don't think so. I might be willing to talk about some small concessions if you people weren't attempting a coup against my sitting President. So no deal you seditious commie bastards.
When there's a war on, you don't disarm. That's just common sense. And there's war on. Don't doubt me on this.
Adolph Hitler said this:
ReplyDelete"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty."
Chairman Mao said this:
"All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party."
Are you getting our guns? Hell no! Next question.
No grey area there...
ReplyDeleteShooting at a college in central Michigan don't know much yet Perp still at large Black guy with hand gun. nothing on injuries yet.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Well there you go, it wasn't a so called assault rifle and the guy was black.
ReplyDeleteNothing to see here, folks.
Move along...
Two people Killed in Michigan... Up date.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Kevin - email.
ReplyDeleteHi y'all.... good morning.
Hug ~ Rikki
The problem isn't guns, it is those hoodies! Just think of all the shooting, robberies etc, there is a trend you will see and it's hoodies.
ReplyDeleteThis was an interesting story happened on same day as the Florida shooting. As far as I know it didn't make the news until today? It was a shooting in a Texas church where the shooter shot, but didn't hit anyone. Was disarmed by someone in the church and then the cops shot the person that disarmed the shooter.
Wow...can you imagine the leftist loons flying off about that? Hoodies. Hmmm.... well there's automobiles that are used to kill people, there's now hoodies with pockets to hide knives and guns etc., and while we're at it.... pretty much jeans have lots of pockets in some brands offered.... ban hoodies, automobiles, and pockets.... and blue jeans! Since the leftist loons want to go down the path of idiocy.... why not this too?!
ReplyDeleteIt's not the gun, it's not the automobile, it's not the pockets on clothing.... drum roll please.... it's the ding dang idiot holding the gun, driving the automobile, wearing the clothing with the pockets.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That shithead killed his parents, and his father was a police officer.
ReplyDeletePolice said James Eric Davis, Jr., 19, opened fire inside Campbell Hall at Central Michigan University around 8:30 a.m., in what officials described as “a family-type domestic issue.” They said Davis was still at large and considered “armed and dangerous.”
More on this:
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Boone County Sheriff’s Deputy Jacob Pickett was shot and killed Friday while trying to catch a fleeing suspect.
ReplyDeleteMore on this:
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
For those interested, below is the link to the NRA's tool to email ALL of your legislators in one shot. Just fill in your information and it will automatically select all of your reps. The letter is already completed, although you can edit as desired. Easy, fast, and effective way to make your voice heard!
If we don't take action continually, they're going to roll right over us on the backs of the weeping school children!
Done. Thanks, Skippey!
ReplyDeleteWatched the segment on these kids that have died in College's Not by gun's or a AR 15, But by Hazing, Now what is the difference, they are dead, by people that should be their friends. HEAR ME Murder is murder! Now Ban Hazing Damn it!
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Good morning!
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Good morning Sarge. Over in Kansas City this morning. Myself grabd daughter and I just got back from our donut run.
ReplyDeleteLife is good...
No tariffs. Has he not looked at Hoover, Smoot-Hawley and the trade disaster that was?
ReplyDeleteThere are better options for negotiating on trade than that.
One last comment: Hoover thought we could win trade wars too..."easy", he said. By 1931 we were in the beginning of the Depression.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that is Trumps plan, he has something up his sleeve and he has long arms, He is a sly one, at least I can hope to be right on this one.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.
Well stuff to do today it is going to hit 70 degree today and I don't want to miss any of it, Good Grief My Son hits 50 today, now more plans. Later..
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
This President has priced, purchased and hung more steel than anyone who is criticizing this move. I can’t help thinking he’s got a bigger picture in mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd this isn’t 1930.
Know what guys? I myself am tired of seeing Chinese made steel erected in new construction.
ReplyDeleteIf a political move has the possibility of forcing domestic production based on a profit margin, I'm willing to look at it.
Smoot-Hawly came during a major recession/depression where there was virtually no work except for what the government helped subsidize. The times aren't the same. The demand is high for steel now, and construction is booming.
I have always pushed for true capitalism, but when that very concept pushed for things going overseas based on bottom lines? Capitalism vs Nationalism?
I'm differing from Levin on this one. It's a wait and see for me. Make and use it here, and it's 25% cheaper. It doesn't count against raw ore, only finished and refined product. We could benefit from it.
Also, let's keep in mind that the US is starting to export more and more oil. Increasing that "trade" everyone is so concerned about. But it's causing prices to creep.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I really would like to see us keep our own stuff, stop worrying about profits. Again, capitalism can hurt domestically when it's a "global" concept.
That steel deal could backfire, depends on how other countries react to our exports? They could start charging higher tariffs and then we react by charging more? You just don't know, I think we have let things get out of control and it will be hard to bring things back on a level playing field. All the various countries and tariffs seems like a real mess to deal with and has backfired in the past. Guess we will find out, there are always winners and losers in these deals.
ReplyDeleteRemember if there is a 800 billion defecate on steel and we cut them 25% charge they still have a big advantage so I don't think they will cause much trouble over this. And I double the cost to us consumers is enough to worry about, price always go up and down. And if the do cry to much cut off their AID which almost all Countries get from US!! Piss on them...
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
I like the idea of cutting aid and pissing on them.
ReplyDeleteI've not hung any steel but I have looked at the history of tariffs and there has been no good outcome. Big industry back in the day tried to warn Hoover not to do that; he didn't listen. And I don't like cheap junk pot metal either. I'm just saying that there's a better of the deal, remember? Trump has been pushing tariffs since forever.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess we'll see.
As to any potential loss of exports...China doesn't give a crap if her people starve but our current ag economy relies so heavily on those soybean exports that the loss of same would be a major blow.
ReplyDeleteMuch more at stake here, not to mention that any tariff slapped on imports would be passed on down to...guess.
Just a thought while things are slow.
ReplyDeleteMany argue that our founders never meant for the Second Amendment to apply to a weapon like an AR-15. It’s important to note that the Second Amendment does not specify what constitutes “arms” (armaments) in the same way that the First Amendment does not specify what constitutes a “press.” Can you imagine printing companies and newspapers restricted to using an actual press to print books, magazines, and newspapers? Should freedom of speech be prohibited if electronic means are used to broadcast that speech?
We live in a dangerous world. We always have. Today, however, because of numerous shifts in worldview thinking , moral subjectivism reigns.
Better to be armed and never have to use a weapon than to need a weapon and not have one. If you’re going to purchase a gun of any kind, learn to use it and follow all safety procedures, including guarding your weapons so your children don’t have access to them unless they are well trained and very responsible. If your children have other children over at your home, place your guns under lock and key.
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Any one going to the gun show Sunday? I will be there in the mporning
ReplyDeleteA tariff is a tax imposed on imports, which are goods coming into a country, the government gets to keep the tax. Perhaps this will help make up for the tax cut? This tax is ultimately passed on to consumers, resulting in higher prices. So as always, they consumer gets the short straw.
ReplyDeleteLocal steel companies run by labor unions will like it as they will not have to strive to gain sales keeping cost down.
As in most changes, especially government changes, there are going to be winners and losers in business. Then the consumer usually pay the price.
GUess like gun control, we will have to wait and see, could be a major problem or just minor. Regardless, we will pay more, there is no doubt about that.
Just a thought without thinking it through, what if all tariff got thrown out world wide? Any country with a tariff got their shipped sank to Davy Jones Locker.
Hope you all enjoyed today weather was great, out in it all day. Now for the Ben Gay, but was worth it more done today than 3 weeks of shitty weather.
ReplyDeleteSkippey Man I wish I could but just can't fit it in this time.
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Didn't do too much outside, but did work on truck some. Did it in garage with doors open, didn't want to deal with wind outside while working on truck. Took a section of dash out today and rigged up a buzzer that will go off when brake light comes on, always forgetting to release brake and light is hard to see. Over 200,000 and still going strong.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't say the year of the truck, but mine is a 2004 F150 bought it with 25,000 miles on it 12 years ago, it now has 36,286 miles on it original miles on I this year had my first oil change with Mobile 1 oil new battery, and wipers, and that is it in 12 years, and have a hard time knowing it is running. Dang friends keep bugging me to sell it hahahah.
Delete"God Bless America" With good Trucks...
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4
DeleteI change oil every 6 months regardless of miles and use full synthetic. Even change transmission fluid now and then, made it easy, put in a drain plug, now don't have to drop the pan.
DeleteHummmm interesting I have always kept my Veh 10 years or longer, and I have never changed my transmission fluid in any of them. but I agree if you are using your truck as a work truck what they are made for VS. me using it like a hermit driving it. But paying cash helps knowing I never have a Car or Truck payment for 10 year or better is nice also. Glad you are on top of preventive maintenance, that is a good quality.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Good night another productive day tomorrow I hope, but regardless I am tired now...
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Good morning fellow Americans, Just settling in with a cup of coffee. Going to read the papers now.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Now I am pissed two weeks in a row NO comics in the Sunday Paper, What gives CJ, what the hell do you think I am paying for?? Good Grief.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
After $1 Billion in Govt. Subsidies ‘Green’ Tesla Fined $139K for Air Pollution, You can't make this shit up on stupid. Read it on Drudge.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Algae growing in that swamp water...
ReplyDeleteBreak time... NASCAR on, the party is on.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
To my friend Skippey....Motorcycle Friend
ReplyDeleteWhile riding my Harley, I swerved to avoid hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch, and severely banged my head.
Dazed and confused I crawled out of the ditch to the edge of the road when a shinny new convertible pulled up with a very beautiful woman, who asked, "Are you okay?"
As I looked up, I noticed she was wearing a low cut blouse with cleavage to die for...
"I'm okay I think," I replied as I pulled myself up to the side of the car to get a closer look.
She said, “get in and I will take you to my house so I can clean and bandage that nasty scrape on your head.”
"That's nice of you," I answered, “but I don't think my wife will like me doing that”!
"Oh, come now, I am a nurse" she insisted. "I need to see if you have any more scrapes and then treat them properly."
Well, she was really pretty, and very persuasive and being sort of shaken and weak, I agreed, but repeated, "I'm sure my wife won't like this."
We arrived at her place which was just few miles away, and after a couple of cold beers and the bandaging, I thanked her and said, "I feel a lot better, but I know my wife is going to be really upset, so I'd better go now."
"Don't be silly!" she said with a smile, while unbuttoning her blouse exposing the most beautiful set of boobs I’ve ever seen. "Stay for a while. She won't know anything, and by the way, where is she?"
I replied, "Still in the ditch with my Harley, I guess."
LMAO... That's just wrong...
ReplyDeleteGlad I don't have to worry about that. Just watching out for those four legged deer. But I have seen guys ride off and forget their female partners. Hard to explain for sure
ReplyDeleteIt's official. Vacation is finally over and to tell you the truth I'm kinda glad.
ReplyDeleteSpent most of the week tearing the kitchen up, painting, and putting it all back together. Finally finished up phase 1 this afternoon.
Next step is replacing the cabinets and counter tops and eventually we'll get to the floor.
Right now I'm sitting here in a motel room waiting for a pizza...
Well I got the garage door Co. coming tomorrow to tell me what the cost of taking the old out and installing the new. Than the painters, then the carpet, and then all over with I hope. Getting Yard all back in shape, starting to look like a nice home again.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Well Like always I like saying good night to my bunker friends, so good night.
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Good Grief, Good morning!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again...
Yup, but you are the one getting the dollar.
DeleteWeeks seems to go by fast now that I am older, and if sucks. But anyhow have a safe day.