Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Democrat priorities on full display...

You guys remember the "Schumer Shutdown," don't you?

Remember how he willingly turned his back on the American people in favor of illegal aliens?

Remember that?

I do.

I also remember how it blew up in his face.

The blow back was so great that even the Trump hating, America media, turned tabloid trash couldn't cover for him.

You'd think they'd have learned by now that the American people are sick and tired of taking a back seat to illegal aliens.

Out of control, illegal immigration is one of the main reasons Trump was elected president in the first place.

But they still don't get it.

A perfect example is how they're reacting to the news that the question of citizenship will appear on the 2020 census.

Unconstitutional, they cry!


A throw back to Jim Crow days!

Promoting White Supremacy!

I call bullshit.

The don't want the question included for the exact same reason they oppose Voter ID laws.

They want the illegal vote.

They want the illegal numbers for federal funding.

And they want them for congressional district reasons.

Period, end of story.

Since the following videos explain the issue better than I could ever hope to I'm going to ask you to check them out.

One liberal state after another are desperately lining up to sue the Trump administration to keep the question of citizenship off the record.

Why do you suppose that is?

Just kidding, we all know why.

My advise to our friends in the democrat party is to just keep doing what you're doing.

Choose illegal aliens over American citizens every chance you get.

Threaten to take away our guns.

Threaten to repeal the 2nd amendment.

Keep on attacking and mocking us and our president.

In other words, just keep being who you are...

Kevin McGinty


  1. This reminds me of why I cant stand these Libtard fool A new word to really describe them.

    That really awkward moment when you're standing there, mouth hanging open, head tilted, blinking repeatedly because your brain just cant comprehend the magnitude of absolute stupidity of another Liberal person

  2. Finally at long last the left is coming out of the closet on gun confiscation. Their goal has always been to ban guns. They have just always lied about it because their method was to incrementally ratchet up gun restrictions until they could pull off the big one.

    But now with the radical godless left taking over the democrat/communist party they have just gone ahead and gone for it. And now with an old addle brained former Supreme Court Justice allowing his name to be used on some editorial somebody wrote suggesting the godless left just go ahead and try to repeal the second article of the bill of rights they are going all in.

    I'm hoping this becomes a central plank in their platform. It's a party killer for sure. They seem just too stupid to know that a country that elected Donald Trump is not going to give them 2/3 majority in the House and Senate and then get ratified by 3/4 of the states.

    It's long been a dream of ours that they would go this direction. And hopefully they will.

    Of course, in their ignorance they fail to understand our Constitution. I know, big surprise. They fail to understand the bill of rights doesn't grant us any rights. Those are defined as God given. So the can't take a right God gave us, now can they?

    So I hope this is their platform. Outlaw guns by repealing the second amendment. Putting illegal alien's interests ahead of American citizens. Raise taxes and keep promoting their fantasy of our President conspiring with Russia.

    I couldn't ask for more than that. We will win bigly in the House and the Senate and our President can get busy making America Great Again.

    1. It doesn't make much difference if there was no 2nd amendment, Every person in this Country has the right to self defense anyhow.

      God Bless America"
      “One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus" Beer!

  3. I cant wait to see which one of those libtards is the first to come out for repealing and taking away guns. I think every one of them in DC should have to tell us their stand. Make it public

  4. I saw they are going to put up a statue of obama. They said they are putting it in the place of his birth, but they are putting it in Hawaii instead of Kenya.

    Sounds racist to me. What does the godless left have against Africa? Too many Africans? Is obama ashamed of where he was born?

    Love to know the whole story behind that one.

  5. And that dumbass anonymous doctor foolishly claimed times are a changing.

    The only thing that's changed is they've removed their masks and aren't even trying to hide their intentions anymore...

  6. That brain dead supreme court retired judge shows how much of a idiot he is by saying the constitution is a living document and outdated. Well there is a process for getting it changed and it is not by brain dead rich ass supreme court judges or any other jackass judge. The creators of the constitution made a process to change the constitution. That old skinny ass judge on there now is a fine example of half dead with few brain cells and a good example of why term limits are necessary.

  7. Well Dive, that old hag's days on earth are drawing to an end.

    And when she's finally gone you'll be glad Donald Trump is president regardless of whether you support him or not...

    1. Hey!!! I am older than that old Hag, careful how you throw that stuff out there. :)

  8. No way Sarge. She's gotta be pushing 90...

    1. Oh I see you are going by looks, good point.

  9. You need to pay attention soldier...

    1. Lol that what's happens when you get up at 3 AM, mind falls apart.

  10. Good grief what happen did everyone crash at the same time last night.

    Well good Morning.

  11. good morning Sarge (smiles)
    and good morning to everyone else too.

  12. Lol... The left is shitting themselves over Trump replacing the last Obama holdover at the VA.

  13. kudos to Roseann Barr's tv comeback! High ratings, etc.

    She even got a phone call from President Trump.

  14. I don't blame President Trump for firing David Shulkin.


    1. Roseann Barr is someone who I have gained respect for recently. She and John Goodman know a thing or two about "reality TV." Because I know people just like this, and I'm sure most of you do, too. Still not as funny as "King of the Hill," but getting there.

  15. Did y'all see where Poland signed huge defense deal with the United States?


  16. Democrat Pushes Ammunition Background Check
    Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) recently announced the Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018 which suggests there be background checks on Americans who purchase ammunition.
    Schultz stated, “Unlike firearm purchases, someone who wants to go into a store that sells ammunition can buy as much ammunition as they want without so much as being asked their first name.”

    “This is just such a gaping and grave and dangerous loophole that I could not wrap my mind around it when I was told that that was the case.”

  17. Good news... The Pope announced yesterday that there's no Hell...

    1. Well, I am really relieved to hear that! But I hope that doesn't mean that instead, we will have to spend eternity at a Liberal women's rally instead! Now that would be True Hell!

    2. Damn I will sleep better now! That has always been on my mind, but now where do I go???????????????

    3. And how in the Hell would the Pope know that, I bet my last dollar he hasn't been to either Heaven or Hell.

    4. Well Ken look on the bright side you or I don't have to worry about going to Hell. and you are right the Pope is a Dope.

  18. in y'all taking about Pope Francis - it bothers me greatly that he wants to change some of the wording in the Lord's Prayer and now this -

    Kind of like when I had that detailed discussion with keri about the Holy Spirit... and the Trinity and her belief that there is a 4th being.... my point to her (long story made short) is that you cannot add to nor take away from what is written in the Bible.


  19. Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does". Man was a genius.

  20. Yup but back than the Government had Muskets also.

  21. Meanwhile on the local scene....

    Coming to a computer near you – but what does it all mean? With every new technological gain there is something lost. Renewing vehicle registrations….the latest greatest from the grand office of the Governor.

    Mindyou, I’m all for shorter lines – I thought that the ‘mail in’ stuff took care of most of that to where you could just stuff the envelope, stamp it, and send it with the end result is the new stickers to adhere to your tags.

    I can see some good in this updated change but I also see an uncertain future for some of the employees who process the information to get you the new stickers for your tags. When you see the words “to make it more modern, more effective, more efficient…..” you can almost count on layoffs.

    We shall see how all these new changes pan out. I still haven’t made my mind up about our new Governor – I’m holding off on my opinions until more time has passed.


  22. What? Where are we at right now. I got hooked on this channel AHC 105 last few night it has been on the Asshole Hitler.


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