Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Time to reign in these Federal courts
Mississippi outlawed the murder of unborn babies after 15 weeks. Now that's 15 weeks too late for me, but it's a start. And of course the godless baby killing left went nuts. And a godless left wing federal judge put a hold on it.
So where is America these days? Mississippi voted to implement this law. No, they didn't vote on the law. We are not a democracy. They elected Representatives to represent them. That's called a Representative Republic. And they did the will of the people who elected them. And along comes an all powerful federal government who overturns the will of the people and implements the will of the state. That's why they're called statists. A polite word for communists.
Same thing with sexual pervert marriage. The people voted time and again that marriage was between a man and a woman, a real man and a real woman, not imaginary constructs of gender. And the all powerful federal government steamrolls them. And the Supreme Court finds it in the constitution where it never existed.
But in California, they have declared themselves an outlaw state. Passing laws requiring it's citizens to violate federal law. Stating openly they will harbor criminal fugitives and thwart federal officials in carrying out their duties. Not just a public statement, these people codified it into law.
So where's the federal judge putting a hold on that openly illegal and unconstitutional law? Where's the federal activist judges lining up to slap California for it's seditious and rebellious actions? Nowhere, that's where.
Our system of government has gotten completely twisted. And my feeling is it's because of the influence of the godless left in our educational system and our government. They have uneducated our children. They have steered us away from the government our founders intended, which was a weak federal government and strong states. They have empowered the judiciary way beyond their constitutional limits.
Kansas is a prime example. The Kansas Supreme Court, a staunchly godless liberal bunch, tells us we have to pony up billions of dollars to pump into an already overfunded failing schools system. Nowhere in our state constitution are they granted the power to provide funding. That power resides solely with the legislators. But still, here we are. What the hell has happened?
And we just finally got rid of a president who believed if the congress didn't do what he wanted, he could use his pen and his phone to make it happen. And the godless left lined up to cheer him on.
We've reached a sad time in the life of this great experiment called the United States. We no longer know who we are. We have become a post-constitutional country. We no longer believe the rule of law should apply equally.
But the good news is, we have a President who does believe in the rule of law, and the constitution. And that's why the godless left has gone absolutely insane with rage. They thought they had it fixed with the Kenyan president. They had crooked hillary lined up ready to go. And along came Donald Trump. And now they've lost their ever loving minds.
So let's stand fast folks. Let's stand behind our President. Let's elect congress critters who will support his agenda. Let's work against the godless left who seeks to destroy our civil society.
In fact, lets.....Make America Great Again!
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And I am glad the Austin bomber got what he had coming to him. Now, let's hope he was alone in this and there aren't more.
ReplyDeleteAnd let's wait to see what "resistance" group he's with. ANTIFA? BLM? Occupy Wall Street? I strongly suspect he is some kind of resistance guy. But the media will ignore it when we find out, just like they are ignoring the school shooter who got stopped by a good guy with a gun. Doesn't fit the narrative, and the narrative must be protected by all good little Apparatchiks.
He identified as 'politically conservative'. But that's a fact. And we know the Trump supporters struggle with pesky facts. Nonetheless, here goes
Delete" A blog Conditt appears to have written as part of a class requirement for a government class at the school in 2012 includes a short biography which says that he likes “cycling, parkour, tennis, reading, and listening to music” and describes himself as politically conservative.
In one post, the blogger argues that same-sex marriage should be illegal — “Homosexuality is not natural. Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple,” it reads, comparing homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality. In another, he defends the death penalty." Wa Po 3-21
Anon: are we supposed to be impressed? Nut jobs come in all colors, creeds and political affiliations.
DeleteThat you would use a nut job domestic terrorist as a reason to try to score points is laughable. Smacks of desperation.
And may I remind you that Ayers is a radical leftist nut job? He and his band of weathermen did a lot of damage during their heyday...
Good morning SSAH.
ReplyDeleteYou are on the Mark again Safe, we need to go all out this election and vote in more Trump supporters, that means people will have to get off their asses and vote!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I added a picture just for Kevin.
ReplyDeleteLol, That's a good one he will like that.
DeleteLol... Love the addition...
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly right SSAH, you hit the nail on the head and sunk it in with one stroke.
ReplyDeleteIt is also good new they got that bomber that was terrorizing a whole town,I was think it might be like the one that took years to find.
As always, you can count me in on being a Trump Supporter.
ReplyDeleteOh, side note.... I went to the Clinton Foundation website and sent Hillary a scathing strongly worded message. I don't give a damned if I get a reply - I am getting satisfaction that my message will actually be read even if it is by one of her staff.
It's amazing how our gutless congress has allowed the judicial branch to steal the power that's supposed to belong to them.
ReplyDeleteThe real problem is all the lifetime judicial appointments Obama made during his 8 year reign of terror.
Our only hope is to hold on to power long enough so Trump can appoint enough feeder judges to counteract the damage Obama's puppets are doing as we speak...
It is an abridgement of the constitution for the legislature to yield power to the judiciary.
ReplyDeleteThere are three distinct branches of government, each defined clearly by the constitution. Each given specific and enumerated powers by the constitution.
No branch of the government has the authority or the right to give any of the other branches of government any power not specifically granted them by the constitution. Not even if they wanted to. If they allow that to happen, they are operating outside of the boundaries of the law.
Each branch should jealously guard their powers and authority. And if they allow a breach of the constitution they should be forced to answer for it.
Our founders, in their brilliance, when they wrote the constitution knew the possibility would always exist that two of the branches could conspire against the third and we lose our government.
That is more or less what has happened. We saw the Kenyan operate outside the constitution, and have it upheld by the courts. We see the legislative operate within the boundaries of the constitution and have it blocked by the courts.
America has allowed this cancer of the three branches stepping outside their boundaries for so long it has become accepted by the people. And because the left uses this to their advantage more than we do, they have fought to keep it.
I've always said when the left operates outside the constitution and finds it acceptable because it moves their agenda, they are opening the door for the other side to do the same. I don't want anybody doing it.
But the left made up new rules under the Kenyan, and now they don't like having to live with the rules.
ReplyDeleteWith exception of the diehard freedom caucus, once again we see that team of Turtle, Paulie, Chucky and Nanners crafting a huge mess of a spending bill and demanding that all sign on. This crap is as deadly to our Constitution as what Safe has posted above. I hope Trump doesn't sign it; rumors are afoot that he may not, because they once again refused to fully fund the wall.
Yet once again, they're using the sad shape of the military to demand another year of Partshood funding, Obamadon'tcare funding and pork out the wazoo. Glad they gave up trying to fund that tunnel back east, but they ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Recently, Mattis said that these huge spending deficits are a threat to our national security...apparently these clowns chose once again to ignore that and ignore his warning.
Want an example of how the courts are ruining America, read Men in Black by Mark R. Levin. Things are even worse since he wrote the book, but it has been going on for decades. Much like brain washed kids in school and how we are all indentured servants to the government via the tax system. I believe it is around 107 days until we make our payment? Well the freeloaders and swamp creatures are not indentured servants, they live off of us and live better with more benefits.
ReplyDeleteBTW glad there are some more hang them high out there, just remember I get the beer franchise for all Kansas public hangings.
I was just reading an article on Drudge about that bullshit.
ReplyDeleteYeah, ol Chuckie's out there doing his victory dance and bragging about how well the democrats are getting everything they want.
And the gutless republicans are wringing their cowardly hands and doing nothing to stop it.
33 friggin miles of border fence.
Yeah, fence.
Scew that...
These gutless wonders still haven't figured out that Trump won on his hard line immigration stance.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: Trump agreed to sign the bill after meeting with the Feckless reported by Baier. For 100 miles of border wall.
ReplyDeleteOh, well...
ReplyDeleteNot so fast, hold on something always comes up!!
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen the 100 miles on news or internet, but if true, and he signed- disappointed!
ReplyDeleteHeard that on fox earlier...
DeleteGood night Mrs Calabash where ever you are. See ya all in the morning.
ReplyDeleteOn Ingraham: "the president is buying a pig in a poke here." in referring to Trump's supporting that damned bill...which, by the way, funds...AGAIN...sanctuary cities. She is ripping them all a new one. With a stack of paper about 1 1/2 feet high, representing that bill, over 2332 pages long now.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell can read that in 2 days?
Good morning Bunker people, is we the taxpers getting anything out of this bill?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading Drudge I have this sicking feeling we got screwed and didn't even get a Kiss. Sure looks like Chucky Schemer is happy. I am so pissed I think I will go down and tile a bathroom floor at the rental, just to take my mind off this shit.
ReplyDeleteBut for now I am thinking a Nap would be nice...
ReplyDeleteThe Fed increased the interest rate. Good news for those who socked away a few coins. Not good news for those who owe. Economy looks strong.
ReplyDeleteMy only concern these days is keeping my head above water on things economic. Even the strongest of economies will not be able to withstand the Keynesian nightmare method forever. Eventually these monster deficits will want to collect the bill, with interest. I'd rather risk a dollar on a lottery play than in some big bank whose bylaws now require bail-ins from their consumer deposits in order to keep themselves from going under.
ReplyDeleteBuried on page 1,760 of the latest and greatest spending bill republicans joined with democrats to expand the H-2B Visa-Worker Program by up to 100,000.
ReplyDeleteSo much for putting Americans first.
Story on Breitbart...
Looks like the swamp is healthy.
ReplyDeleteBeck is reporting that they are also increasing their budget for IRS agents...
ReplyDeleteTranslation: they are increasing their control.
And the Feckless Four put this thing together in secret...invoking the Pelosi Rule.
Rep. Mo Brooks: adamantly of about 20% of house and senate trying to stop this insanity. Gives examples of what happens when countries try to just keep printing money in order to keep going: Venezuela, Greece in recent years. Our own great depression; points out that we had to reduce military spending in the 30s on account of it.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Venezuela was solvent and one of the thriving and robust economies of south America. Was decades ago. Now look at it.
Brooks says that we are in a dictatorship run by 4 people, much more concerned about winning midterms than what they are doing to the country...
And if I hear the phrase about "doing the work of the American people" one more damned time, I may go ballistic on the television.
But wait!!!
ReplyDeleteAll is not lost!!!
In this bill, if passed, congress will be prohibited from spending more than $1000 per month on car leases!!!!
GOP leaders are trying to shove through a massive spending bill that funds Planned Parenthood and Sanctuary Cities - with hardly funding for border security.
ReplyDeleteLawmakers have barely 24 hours to read the 2,300 pages of legislation. In other words - you have to pass the bill to see what's in the bill.
The House Freedom Caucus is taking a bold stand in opposition -- calling it an insult to America's taxpayers.
Because it is...problem is that, as Mo Brooks points out, they are sorely outnumbered. Fox reported just a few minutes ago that Trump "grudgingly" supports that bill "in order to avert a government shutdown".
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe that is just what is needed...don't know if they will try it or not but the freedom caucus is making a lot of noise.
Well now Trumps head lawyer throws it in.
ReplyDeleteAnd that causes the stock market to drop 400 points, strange, a lot we don't know.
DeleteYhea that's a bunch of horse pucky. Seems like any time some thing comes out of the W H they just use it to drive stocks down. And then tomorrow and Monday they will drive it back up just so they can do it all over again.
DeleteTrump or no one else seems to have the backbone to fight- oh they will do mouth fighting. They just don't have what it takes to get down and get dirty. Oh, he can do it safely with a tweet or whatever, but any sissy punk can do that, time to get personal.
ReplyDeleteOn Rush: anyone remember the emperor's TIGER program? His invention of all kinds of grants, bells and whistles for infrastructure projects. Guess what one of them was? Yep...that collapsed pedestrian bridge in Florida. And...continued funding for that TIGER crap is in that damnable bill.
ReplyDeleteNoteworthy: Rush's callers are outraged...demanding a veto as is Rush.
Funnier than hell...Rush is playing devil's advocate with some of the callers and also demanding that voters stop re-electing these sellout rino bastards...they do as they please and talk shit to us because they are not worried about losing the next election.
DeleteGood Afternoon Y'all.... a little something off topic....
ReplyDeleteWell if this just doesn’t beat all… as a figure of speech.
“Police ‘tame’ Hellcat clocked at 160mph on Indiana Toll Road”
I’m grateful that there were no collisions and more grateful that there were no injuries or fatalities with this incident.
I did, however, got a giggle out of WIBW’s headline though…
I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of the guy who was arrested for this stunt, he’s got more than a speeding ticket to contend with.
also off topic - but merits reading...
ReplyDeleteKevin, knowing your stand and those of us here who are pro-life....this is out of California of all places.
"California high school student to test teacher's theory, lead pro-life school walkout"
The subtitle reads: "Students for Life cheers planned protest: 'Terrific example of the passion this pro-life generation has."
“A California high school student is trying to plan a walkout to protest abortion after his history teacher was recently placed on administrative leave when she questioned whether there’s a political double-standard concerning school-sanctioned protests.”
“Ms. Benzel said she discussed the walkout with students and openly questioned whether schools would be just as supportive of students protesting against abortion.”
Yup. Beck interviewed the teacher the other morning. Her students love her because she teaches them how to think, not what to think. In fact, when they forced that leave on her, students raised a big stink and she was promptly reinstated.
DeleteRush recommended Trump pull a Reagan on that hot mess of a spending bill and veto the damned thing...Reagan, hated by the establishment in both parties, once had a spending bill brought in to his podium at a SOTU speech...took 2 men to tote it in. Congress got a butt chewing...I'd forgotten that; Rush told that story today.
ReplyDeleteCan we imagine the looks on the faces of Paulie and the Turtleheads if Trump did that?
Good Grief, Dilly Dilly. Note to Trump don't sign this bill.
ReplyDeleteGiven all the news of the day...what the hell will News Dump Friday have left to drop this week!!
ReplyDeleteRevelations from that uranium 1 informant...the IG report about to drop...Rosenstein's name popping up more and more...
ReplyDeleteAnyone else get the feeling that some more heads (big ones) are about to roll?
Interesting story here:
ReplyDeleteCongressional Republicans are jeopardizing the Second Amendment rights of 4.2 million senior citizens. At the same time, they have voted to funnel tens of millions of dollars to gun control organizations and support other actions that Democrats will love.
All of this is wrapped up in the giant $1.3 trillion spending bill that the House of Representatives approved Thursday on a 256-167 vote and sent to the Senate.
Just before President Obama left office, his administration finalized new regulations banning Social Security recipients from buying a gun if they have trouble managing their finances.
About 10 percent of all people 65 and older risked being classified as “financially incompetent” – about 4.2 million in all.
Dow down 742 points today, might be time to buy? It was too high, I think everyone knew it needed to adjust and with all the budget and white house changes, people are nervous.
ReplyDeleteJust now on fox: Trump threatens to veto that bill...reasons? 2...nothing on DACA and he's pissed about that puny wall funding...
ReplyDeleteWill be the best thing he does for the country, let them shut down the government it is going on weeks of vacation anyhow, besides they don't do shit when they are in session.
DeleteOh Snap!!!
Developing story on Drudge...
New blog up.