Sunday, March 25, 2018
Since when do we just roll over and give up?
He's a traitor!!!
He betrayed us!!!
Fuck Trump!!!
I'm through with him!!!
I'll never vote again!!!
Yada, yada, yada.
People are pissed.
I get it.
Actually, I knew Trump was in trouble Friday night when my wife and I started talking about the spending bill he'd just signed and she started expressing some of the exact phrases I just mentioned.
She's been an unwavering Trump supporter from the moment he announced he was running for president.
And for once, I didn't argue with her. I just listened.
As I listened I realized that exact same conversation was taking place in millions of households all across the nation.
Why'd he sign it?
I don't know.
He could have vetoed it!
Yeah, but then I don't know what he knows.
What I do know is that he's under attack from every imaginable angle including this worthless, swamp filled Congress.
Rush Limbaugh threw an interesting theory out there about this bill being specifically designed to separate Trump from his rock solid base.
And if that's the case, it worked spectacularly.
Fine. Nothing I can do about it.
But what's your plan now?
Roll over and give up?
You see for yourselves what's taking place all across the nation with the pussy hat wearing, Godless freaks on a weekly basis.
You see for yourselves how the schools are sending hundreds of thousands of kids into the streets to spread their anti-American messages.
You see for yourselves the non-stop media attacks against this president.
You see for yourselves the never-ending, bullshit Russia investigation going on.
You see for yourselves the whores the left has dug up and given leading rolls in the attempt to bring him down.
You see for yourselves the blatant corruption within our own government he's up against.
And now because you're pissed, you're going to turn your backs on him?
Go ahead and sit out the mid term elections.
I guarantee you the democrats will take back the House.
And I also guarantee you, their first order of business will be to introduce articles of impeachment against him.
You guys do what you want.
Stay home.
But don't come whining to me when the gun-grabbing, communist loving sons of bitches finally take us over.
I refuse to roll over and give up.
When I said I was 100% all in in support of this president I meant every word of it.
I proudly stand with Donald Trump as he takes on the forces aligned against him...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
The TrumpMaster BS Repeater
ReplyDeletewith patented mouse triggered vibrating BlunderStock
Don't leave home without one.
Well Trump has me on his side for a full term that's for sure lots can happen between now and than is that asshole gimme back running his lips again? Hey JJ how is that old broad Hillary doing ? HHH
ReplyDeleteWhere are the Shadrachs, the Meshachs, the Abed-negos who will say, "Our God is able to save us – but even if He doesn't, we will not bow?" If the worst happens and no cavalry rides over the hill at the last moment and we lose everything on earth, we will not give up our hold on heaven!
ReplyDeleteIn Hebrews 11, we see faith caused some to be delivered, and others to be stoned. Some won great battles, some were sawn in two. There may come a point for each of us when we get to decide whether we're going to pay the high price of principle, or the higher price of abandoning principle. The world, or your soul? The devil will try to dress up the choice and make it look a lot more complicated, but there's the choice.
Christians accepted torture and death rather than sprinkle a pinch of incense at the altar of the state deity. Only a tiny compromise. Only going along to get along. Only doing a harmless little wrong to do so much good. No, tell my kids I love them and I will see them in heaven.
How are we able to hold our heads up as their descendants?
John F. Kennedy said, "There is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it." If those "traditions" include our best virtues of faith in God rather than man, valuing a clear conscience above all, and seeking God's kingdom even if it means the demise of our once-beloved political system, then I agree.
ReplyDeleteThe Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth.
I'm still with Trump also, 100%! I think that he is doing what he believes he needs to do to get this country back in order, even if it sometimes is painful to the people who support him. Success is not a path of least resistance, it is a vision of what is ahead and what it takes to get there.
ReplyDeleteThe alternatives are not only not good, they are the things that will eventually destroy our country! If you don't vote in the mid-terms and if new candidates who support Trump's mission are not running against the "never Trumpers" in the primaries, just what choice do you have? The scumballs who are currently in Congress, for the most part only support what they think will keep them in power, in spite of who is President. They really don't care as long as their power and supply of money is not diminished!
Most people are now so brainwashed, that they have no concept of what our country, run by these Liberal idiots, and with a Liberal Congress, will actually become.
Well Gary looks like we got everything under control around here.
ReplyDeleteGlad to have the two of you aboard...
ReplyDeleteBeen pre-occupied for a while folks. sorry for the brief absence. There was another passing in my mother's family - two actually. My mother's older sister and a son of one of my cousins. I hope the "they go in three's" doesn't come true....
ReplyDeleteKevin, I'll always stand with y'all and back President Trump 150%. I ain't gonna waiver on that -
Here's a good analogy of our support for President Trump.
Imagine if you will, a farmer with his hands on the plow -he keeps going forward. The farmer doesn't look backward - always forward. That is what I'm doing in my support for President Trump - and I will never regret voting for him.
Will visit later on - we gots dinner plans with older son & his wife...and our beautiful adorably awesomely handsomely extremely cute grandson.... he's 10 months old now and I is lovin' bein' a gramma.....
Hugs to y'all always
So sorry to hear about your aunt and cousin's son, Rikki.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy that grandson...
I believe I will stand fast with my friends. I sometimes get a little nervous I admit. But you have to remember our President is light years smarter than these morons. He knows what he’s doing and there’s always a reason behind whatever he does b
ReplyDeleteAnd ultimately remember the other choice was a corrupt drunken probably brain damaged hillary clinton. So there’s always that.
Well I was a little upset with what went down. But after listening and thinking about it I can see that he did keep his promise on the military. Like they say You can have your fluffies and duffies some of the time but you cant have them all the time. I will still back him up cause like is stated the other option will end us for good. The swamp is so determined with the help of the libs to end him. They aren't smart enough to see that if he goes they will go down also. They seem to think they are going to be buds with the libs for some reason. We only have this one chance and we got to go with what he can get. Just hope he can get it together. As far as those RINO's they need to be taken out as the tree of liberty needs some feeding and they would be real good fertilizer.
ReplyDeleteSome one out here smarter than I explain this, Congress appropriates the funds to the Government to spend the funds is spent by the President, so if he doesn't say spend the money allocated to planed Parenthood, it doesn't get spent than at the end of the year he can turn it back over to the Treasury, I think that is how it works. Been awhile for me many years now.
ReplyDeleteI still back Trump. One thing you can say about him, he is courageous.
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you all on board.
ReplyDeleteMaybe not all is lost after all...
Even my wife who just happens to be the most stubborn woman I've ever known has lightened up a little...
ReplyDeleteI think he is out smarting all of them. At least I hope so.
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone, Trust me I do think everything Trump does is planned in his mind before hand, he still has them all so confused they can't think straight. And to be honest about it I am loving it.
ReplyDeleteThunder storms almost on top of us in Topeka!!!
ReplyDeleteI ain't sceered...
ReplyDeleteAnybody watch the whore on 60 minutes last night and if so did she say anything to change your mind?
ReplyDeleteDidn't watch it, wasn't one bit interested in any of it, sat back and enjoyed a movie.
Deletegood morning y'all. yep it be precipping out there.
ReplyDeleteKevin, thank you for your kind words.
Last evening we had a great time at dinner. Did I mention how beautiful adorably awesomely handsomely extremely cute my grandson is? I know I have, I'm just lovin' being a grandma - he's such a happy go lucky little munchkin.
As for the stormey daniels interview....when it came on, my tv went off.
As for President Trump and what he's been doing since his inauguration....Kevin you did say his time in office would be a bumpy ride and it has indeed. I will still and always back President Trump. I would hate to think of how the state of our nation would be under crooked hillary - I really have come to the conclusion that she's not only crooked....she's flat out nutzoid.
Did y'all hear about snow in the forecast for later this surprise.....old man winter always has a few more flings before yielding to Spring weather (giggle giggle).
Y'all have a good day. I'll check back in later today sometime.
Before I go.... a little funny for you.
Q: What is tall,green, and (think western) rides through the west?
(enter the music from Jeopardy)
A: The Lone Pickle! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha snicker snicker
Later y'all....
I'll hold with my position that Trump has a government to run. Thus he can ill afford to make political statements with his budget. I think he got his point across to Congressional leadership as well. As for what's in the budget: Hell, what's in any budget? Lots of things, and when there are hundreds of thousands of entries, there are sure to be plenty to dislike. And there were many to like, even in the Obama era. The government can't, NOR SHOULD IT, change radically whenever the prevailing political winds shift.
ReplyDeleteI still can't stand the man personally. Nonetheless, his political moves are gradually moving me in his direction.
Well Ken better late than never.
Delete"The government can't, NOR SHOULD IT, change radically whenever the prevailing political winds shift."
DeleteThis comment reminds me a bit of church history. Pope John XIII felt perhaps the old Latin Tridentine Mass was a bit anachronistic, and certain nefarious parts of the liturgy, e.g. the Good Friday Solemn Collect which included a petition directed at the "perfidious Jews" might be just a little inappropriate. Pope John felt perhaps opening the windows of the Vatican and letting a bit of fresh air in would be healthy for the church. So the windows were opened, and the pope was blown off his feet.
The government is republican. It runs the Hill, the Executive, and has nominated most Justices. And what has it given us ? A tax cut that is intended ultimately to benefit the wealthy, and is seen as not only unnecessary by the overwhelming majority of economists, but damaging to the economy in the long term. I would cite Forbes Dec 2, 2017 article signed by no fewer than 201 economists. The article is entitled " Economists Say The Trump Tax Plan Will Have Disastrous Consequences". But it would seem Kansans more than anybody would have seen this legislation for what it is: a clear giveaway to those who don't need it. Sure enough, Ryan is now hellbent on slashing social programs to pay for this insanity. We are not talking about research into the reproductive life of penguins, Ryan wants to slash funding for programs like Medicare - something so many Kansans need so desperately. Is this not radical change ?
Then there is trade. We are now officially out of the TPP. The Chinese are licking their chops because they will take over trade in the Pacific Basin and we will be left out. Add to that tariffs - a bad idea, and Kansas will suffer probably more than other states because its economy is not particularly diverse.
The bottom line is that as much as we might like to think we can go back to the 60's, globalism is real, and we had better be prepared to deal with it.
At least Pope John realized it was time to emerge from the 60's.... the 1060's. He realized the church had better move toward radical change, or it would die. Republicans continue to look backwards, and we will pay the price.
But in the time being, I suppose all of you can have your significant other spank your hiney with a nice thick magazine. It might be a bit titillating at first. But at some point, you will regret it.
"Spank ... hiney??" WTH Boz? The example of Vatican II, while pretty much of a stretch, I can at least draw some parallels. But spanking?
DeleteYou know, Boz, we get it. You don't like tax cuts. You imply that we're local yokels. Perhaps discussing something else or being a bit more respectful would be an idea.
I suppose you did change your approach some, but going from yokels to masochists isn't the right direction, I'm afraid.
Besides, I don't know if quoting some blue-ribbon panel of economists is a valid idea. It looks as though the economy is heating up. Ah, but cold recoveries were fine for you so long as a Democrat was in charge, no?
Spanking ?? Evidently you didn't watch the Stormy Daniels interview last night. But that's another issue altogether.
DeleteI like tax cuts when they make economic sense. The majority of economists from all the polling I've seen see this tax cut as detrimental to the economy in the long run. Laffer sold his economic policies to the government of Kansas. Do we need to discuss how that worked out ? The economy is heating up... a great choice of words. The idea I think, is to put the economy on a stable sustainable level of growth with minimal inflation and unemployment. That largely describes the economy during the Obama years. I don't think anything the republicans have done has had anything to do with that, the economy turned a corner the minute Bush left office and Obama move into the White House. I'm not going to belabor the point with more documentation than I have to, but it's out there. So is a significant amount of evidence that the economy on a micro and macro level performs better under democratic administrations. But nobody here is going to believe that, and that's fine. I will cite this from Forbes, hardly a lefty leaning source, recalls the Brownback years...
"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda." Forbes 1-7-17, Howard Gleckman.
I still have friends and family in Kansas. I have an interest in Kansas's economy doing well, and it IS my home state for which I have a lot of affection. But I also have my own interests, and what is coming out of red states in my always humble opinion is damaging the country. Do you really think protectionist policies are going to be a positive thing ? Really ? When historically has that been the case? The steel and coal industries are what we should be focusing on ? No. I don't think so.
No, catch up with contemporary culture and watch the Stormy Daniels tape - Then you'll understand my comment. And I still think the allusion to Vatican II was apt.
Dominus Vobiscum
Your tell all ho was competing against Devonte & Company. I make no apologies for watching a great tournament game between two of the blue chip NCAA teams.
DeleteBesides, what was it you Dems always used to say? That's right: It's just about sex. Unlike der Schlick-meister, it was before he had public office - hell, it took place when he was still a Democrat. Oh boy, am I SURPRISED, huh?
Far be it from me to suggest things to you, Boz, but the current topic of the day is the budget. Any salient thoughts about that one?
Anonymous - so chicken shit that you hide like a coward under the name of anonymous.... but then to, considering the source - you're being true to your bs'n self.
DeleteThe only thing you got right is that there are 5 Republican Justices and 4 Democrat Justices....but that is neither here nor there -
You're really a piece of work aren't you.. you never got your facts straight on Cj and you sure as hell ain't got your facts straight here either but like I already said....considering the source - you're being true to your bs'n self.
Pope John XIII reigned from 10-1-965 to 9-6-972.... so that knocks your "1060's" crap out of the water.
Forbes isn't really a credible source for factual news - but knowing you and that you only read pro-leftist junk....again as aforementioned considering the source - you're being true to your bs'n self.
President Trump while campaigning said many times "America First" and that also meant he was going work on the trade deals that would put America first....which also meant bringing jobs back to the Americans.... and with the tariff's on China - he's keeping a campaign promise.
Globalism - sounds much like what the Babylonians did when they tried to build the Tower of Babel.....long story made short that venture was ill fated. Globalism isn't working in Europe - if it were working would Britain's people vote to get out of it?!
And as far as "Dominus Vobiscum"..... is a phrase used by clergy in Roman Catholic Mass....but the way you posted it is in vain! But then to....considering the source of who you are - you're being true to your bs'n self.
Rikki, I think our College Hill buddy meant that Vatican II changed ritual from the 11th Century to something more modern. While true, I don't know what relevance it has to the 2019 budget.
DeleteOf course if the theme is "change," my personal belief is that the President has changed a good portion of the political climate. I know everyone here thinks I tend to give the Chief Executive, of whatever party, too much benefit of the doubt. But my reason for doing so is that their actions are quite constrained. There is a lot they cannot do because real consequences ride on their actions. Such as Hannity and Maddow can be as irresponsible as they please, nothing rides on their decisions.
Hi Captain, many thanks.
Deleteyou're right about the lack of relevance between the 2019 budget and the Middle Ages....
Okay, I'll bite. The subject was the budget ? Really ? It kinda sorta started that way, then went off the rails, especially after the fake picture of Emma Gonzalez ripping up the Constitution. That litany touched on about every topic floating around the blogoshpere.
DeleteMy take on the budget ? It kicked the can down the road. But more importantly.... it also showed ( again ) the fissures in the republican party. The so called Freedom Caucus, voted against the spending bill, and with all the other Hill people, fled town like a fart in a dust storm. SO how pissed off are they ? I don't know. But Cadet Bone Spurs was able to sign something after huffing and puffing, no doubt using his favorite crayola.
My wife and I spent Saturday on Pennsylvania Ave. along with about 700,000 other people. Sunday went with friends to The Front Page to watch KU, which was followed by 60 minutes. What, it didn't work out that way in T Town ?
The rally I think, touched everyone who attended it. Seeing eleven year old children speaking with a degree of articulation this president has shown himself to be entirely incapable of was astounding. But one thing was clear - the country is changing, and it seems the republican party is doing all it can to alienate this new generation. Many of the speakers will be 18 in November. My prediction is the Hill will make a huge switch, and the reverberations will be felt across the country. Texas for instance, may well turn purple if not blue altogether. Yet, the republicans insist on once again turning to old economic policies that didn't work before, social policies that are out of step with the sentiments of the majority of Americans, and a strange religiosity that is fading. News flash: the fastest growing cohort in the religious sphere is made up of those who self identify as "non-religious".
Speaking of religion Howdy, this was my reason for the allusion to the Roman Catholic Church, and Vatican II. At least the Pope realized the status quo was no longer meeting the needs of the people. For those who argue his liberalizations ( Mass in the vernacular and others ) have led to the slow decline of the church in the West, I'd suggest you join the Society of Saint Pius X. Somehow the sight of a bishop wearing not only an alb and dalmatic, but chasuble, mitre, and of course nice gloves in a color intended to emphasize the flashy episcopal ring on his finger, doesn't do much for me. And given the numbers of catholics attending these now sanctioned traditional Latin masses indicate I'm not alone.
NOW... the segue back to politics. The times as Bob Dylan reminded us, are changin'. In Howdy's 2:27 comment, he acknowledged this, but then shifted to the change The Donald has brought to the "political climate". Yes he has. We have now witnessed lunatics like Richard Spencer speaking before wannabe brown shirts in the Reagan Building on Pennsylvania Ave. screaming " HAIL TRUMP ! HAIL MY PEOPLE". We have become as a country, a source of amusement as well as disgust. We have a commander in chief who makes serious policy decisions after listening to 60 seconds of information. But we all know as he reminds us over and over, he has the best brain like.. forever... biggly brain. That's his adviser. God help us. And your comment about Trump infidelities ? What ? I care not in the least what he does with his pecker. It is a violation of the Federal Election Commission Act to provide what is essentially hush money to someone who may have info that would affect an election. That payoff was in 2016. The 'event' allegedly in 2006. Trump was a Democrat ? LMAO. Even I don't consider him a Republican now. The man is a hopeless narcissist who will do, join with, whomever provides him with the adulation he so desperately needs. He is a man truly without an identity. Whether or not Trump is guilty of violating the FEC Act, , I know not. But we will find out. Does it seem out of character ?? Not to me.
DeleteAnd Rikki..... No, sorry, but Pope John, died in 1963. His papacy began in 1958. And no, "dominus vobiscum" was the salutation used in Latin mass since like.. forever, and is actually quite innocuous. You might want to look it up.
So, go on interpreting a Constitutional Amendment written in 1789 in such a way that our country will resemble Dodge City. Turn your back on Science. Pass a tax cut that will transfer money to the rich. You'll only hurt yourselves.
LMAO... Times are changing? That's the same stupid shit you were saying as you guaranteed Trump would never be president and that republicans would never win a national election again...
DeleteOh, speaking of brown shirts. Have you actually listened to the shit your side is out there spewing about things they know nothing about? And get a load of the teenage lesbian ranting and raving while wearing a Cuban flag on her jacket...
Blue, if you really believe the hatred and ignorance on full display over the weekend is helping your cause you're dumber than I thought...
idiot....Pope John VI (is who you're talking about.... once again, considering the source - you're being true to your bs'n self.
DeleteYou just can't help yourself can you? Obviously not....
For the Record.... my maternal grandparents had a framed picture of Pope Paul VI on their living room wall - I grew up seeing that picture every time I went to visit them. It was part of the joy of visiting them. Pope Paul VI's successor.... Pope John Paul I....and then Pope John Paul II..... then there's Pope Benedict (now currently Pope Emeritus) and now Pope Frances....
Anon - you are full of faulty bs'n rhetoric!!!!
hey Anon you chicken shit..... you plainly posted "At least Pope John realized it was time to emerge from the 60's.... the 1060's. He realized the church had better move toward radical change, or it would die. Republicans continue to look backwards, and we will pay the price."....
DeleteIt was only after I called you out on your typical bs'n junk that you tried to change what you said.... kind of funny isn't it how you can't go back and "edit" the multiple errors in your swiss cheese theology, bs'n rhetoric, and your faulty statistics....
Like I said, considering the source - you're being true to your bs'n self.
Rikki, Maybe you should read the documents of Vatican II, or at least something about its history. I will quote from a Franciscan publication, The Divine Mercy. This will help you, and I'll provide the link for you.
Delete" Pope John XXIII and Vatican II "
"This is the first part in a two-part interview with Dr. Alan Schreck, author of Vatican II: The Crisis and the Promise, in which he discusses Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, as well as their roles in the "Council of Mercy," Vatican II.
Why did Bl. Pope John XXIII call an ecumenical council in the first place?
When he [delivered] his opening speech to the Council, he just said it was an inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But there was a lot of consideration behind it. Blessed John XXIII had a prophetic insight into the need to present the faith of the Church to a world that was rapidly and significantly changing. It was the time of the Cold War, [and] the [advances] in communication and transportation [were] making the world a global village. In fact, for public relations photos, he often posed next to this huge globe, representing his concern for the whole world. He wrote encyclicals — Pacem in Terris [Peace on Earth], Mater et magistra [Mother and Teacher] — [sending] the message of peace and unity out to the world. That [concern] was a seed of the new evangelization. John Paul II said that the new evangelization was born out of the Second Vatican Council.
John XXIII also saw that there were various renewal movements underway in the Church, such as the liturgical renewal, which had been discussed for almost a century before the Council; new trends in biblical studies [and studying the Church Fathers]; the nouvelle theologie, a new ferment in Catholic theology which had been somewhat suspect, but was gaining traction among intellectuals in the Church. He realized the world's bishops [needed to discern]: allow these things to bear some fruit and be integrated into the life of the Church, or to reject them if they didn't seem beneficial."
Pope John XXIII died in 1963 while the Council was unfinished. Paul VI became pope and decided to conclude the Council which he did in 1965. The bulk of the Council had been finished, Paul directed the last two sessions. So, no.... you're wrong. Vatican II was initiated by John XXIII and he has been considered its author for better or worse ever since. As promised, here is the link
And that's a good thing...
ReplyDeleteKevin, he has service personnel, employees and pensioners to pay, contractors (who already delivered on their services and products) to pay likewise; government functions that HAVE to be delivered on, and a few thousand other things to worry about. He doesn't need people harping on some pet project or the other, trying to stop everything. Wanna stop soldier pay, retirement benefits, and homeland security over Planned Parenthood and a wall (wasn't Mexico supposed to build that damn thing, anyway)??? No spit?? I've made my point.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump has a government to administer. Limbaugh and Hannity ain't runnin' nuthin but their mouths.
Defense should be a stand alone budget, It doesn't belong in the pork barrel.
DeleteJim, I even agree with you there. Nonetheless, the President, like a good roadside juggler (or God), has to make do with the items at his disposal. Personally, I think he acquitted himself well here.
DeleteBesides, all the intemperate bombast over the budget will evaporate just as soon as the news cycle shifts over to the next "crisis." We all know this, too.
God, he has to feel just like a tetherball, getting hit first from one side, then from the other.
Trump kicks out 60 Russians, Now I bet even the Libs will start turning on Trump for doing that heheheh even though they whine about him not doing anything.
ReplyDeleteA Bit of Truth
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the tax year, the IRS office sent an inspector to audit the books of a local hospital.
While the IRS agent was checking the books, he turned to the CFO of the hospital and said, "I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do with the end of the roll when there's too little left to be of any use?"
Good question noted the CFO. "We save them up and send them back to the bandage company and every once in a while, they send us a free roll."
Oh, replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he went, in his obnoxious way.
"What about all these plaster purchases? What do you do with what's left over after setting a cast on a patient?"
Ah, yes, replied the CFO, realizing that the auditor was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question. "We save it and send it back to the manufacturer and every so often they will send us a free bag of plaster."
I see, replied the auditor, thinking hard about how he could fluster the know-it-all CFO.
Well, he went on, "What do you do with all the remains from the circumcision surgeries?"
"Here, too, we do not waste," answered the CFO... "What we do is save all the little foreskins and send them to the IRS office, and about once a year they send us a complete prick.
That prick wouldn't happen to be a doctor, would he?
ReplyDeleteAsking for a friend...
Good morning Ladies an gentlemen, oh and you too Blue.
ReplyDeleteHave a good day Kevin, sure been having some shitty weather lately.
ReplyDeleteLol... I noticed...
ReplyDeleteI call it the democrat weather loom an gloom. And it Sucks.
DeleteAnd just for the record...
ReplyDeleteNeither the Constitution nor the Second Amendment has an expiration date...
Imagine that , I was just reading that the NRA membership has increased since the the snowflakes protest, wonder why that happen?
ReplyDeleteOh and good grief, Gun sale has gone up also, who would have thought?
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
I think the gun sale's went up because of Skippey!!
DeleteGood Morning to y'all....I raise my mugs worth of wild mountain blueberry flavored coffee to y'all....
ReplyDeleteand for our cowardly eavesdropping are still full of bs'n rhetoric but you can't help how you are....
We all know that our stalker is missing how things used to be over at CJ so he comes over here because he enjoys being shown the error of his ways.
hubby is home today, so I cooked him up some scrambled eggs for breakfast to go with his coffee.
My theory is that President Trump signed the budget bill because it had the military increase he wanted. I think something is happening.
ReplyDeleteMcMasters leaving is significant. He needed a military man to get rid of ISIS and McMasters was the guy. And he did it. He did what the Kenyan claimed to be doing for eight years but was actually doing nothing. He got rid of ISIS.
Now Iran is on the table. And he needed somebody with balls of steel for this one. Bolton is that man. I think us and the Saudis are going to make regime change happen in Iran. And it takes somebody like John Bolton. And the Saudis have been all over this. They are changing their society from fundamentalist Islamic to a modern free society. And they have an extremely well trained military. We recently sent a message to Putin by wiping out his special forces in Syria. Decimated them in hours. That was a warning to stay out of this one.
It's all a theory gathered from various sources. But I believe by September Iran will have regime change and the Iran nuke deal is a moot point.
This President is playing the left's game at a level they can't comprehend. They screech and whine all day about peripheral things, about how he's incompetent etc all the while he is putting plans in place that will change the world.
No more doubting for me. I'm with this man all the way.
Thanks Kevin, for the wake up call. I needed a little kick in the rear to get my mind straight.
You tell em Trump's coming, and we're coming with him.
Good Morning Safe
kinda wished our pesky varmint of a stalker would go *poof*
Why? You're being tutored at no cost. Consider it a gift.
DeleteWhat Rikki That would be like taking a mouse away from a group of cats.
ReplyDeletehe is a glutton for punishment isn't he Sarge.... hee hee.... I guess you can say our resident stalker is so bored out of his gourd that he comes over here to reminisce how CJ used to be - he misses how we just batted him around....
No, you provide a nice mental break, though the site is a bit bittersweet I will admit. On the one hand, it's amusing to see what a fairly small group of right wing windbags in Kansas are saying, but then realizing what damage their views are doing to their town, state, and country. Topeka did not become the mess it is today without a lot of effort. Just keep it confined okay ?
DeleteNah, Boz, I think I'll continue traveling to Blue areas spreading ol' Howdy's version of good cheer. Yep, the kiddies at the Black Sheep were suitably stunned by the skepticism last year; but I wonder where I'll go this year. I've an invite to attend this year's reunion (as a transfer most of my friends were in other classes) and a possible return engagement in northwestern Oregon.
Delete"Right Wing Windbags," Boz that's "hurtful." Ah, but then hurt feelings only seem to matter when it's a snowflake on the receiving end.
there you go again.... spewing more of your bs'n rhetoric but then to, you've always been full of yourself - you're such a bore.
Oh Anon, btw, we all know you miss us that's why you keep coming around. It's also because you miss the truth being posted over at CJ and now CJ is pure lyin' liberal mumbo jumbo.... so you come over here to educate yourself with what Kevin and Safe post.
Besides that Rikki he is trapped in DC because Kansas wouldn't take him back once kicked out you stay out. So stay in the swamp Blue.
Deleteawesome point there Sarge
Looks like Obama is out looking for guinea pigs to brain wash. He wants to create political clones to be like him and Michelle. about the desire to rob folks of their identity and deny them individuality and deny them of thinking independently. Hope Obama fails miserably at his latest quest to make clones of himself and Michelle.
“Obama hopes to aid ‘human progress’ by creating ‘a million young Barack Obamas’”
I hope ole Dim Witt In D C volunteers for Obamma's experiment. We all know that him being a real faux dr he would be the first one to raise his hand. Wonder how his family is going to explain his sudden change of color?
ReplyDeleteHey Anon,
ReplyDeleteMy advice to you is to fact check your bs'n malarkey before you post it and embarrass yourself for the umpteenth time. Unless you totally enjoy posting malarkey on a regular basis much like you did on CJ.
Every weblink that I post with information is actually links to credible sources - I know it's foreign to you to post from credible sources being full of bs such as you are.
Like flies to a're drawn to the websites with bogus information but then to considering the're being true to your bs'n self.
Being the left winger Anon and showing up over here all the time..... one could say that you're actually trying to convince yourself that the left wing stuff is where it's at when in actuality you're believing the indisputable truth that Kevin and Safe post in their blogs. We know,you hate to admit but you are turning into a right winger aren't you??
ReplyDeleteSoon we will have you backing President Trump and cheering him on as he marches into his re-election campaign.
hee hee..... looks like Anon is a little "got".....
Yes, practicing my goose step for Cadet Bone Spur's parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. Soon, the Brownshirts will surround the Capitol to ensure passage of the Enabling Act. Seems a bit ironic since the repubs have been playing enablers for Donnie Two Scoops since day one.. and they STILL can't get their act together.
DeleteOkay, since there is nothing on Kansas Ave. going on after 6PM, everybody head down and start practicing so YOU TOO can have a biggly parade just like the big boys in D.C. Okay, ready ??? Ras, dva, tri... ras, dva, tri... eto horosho ?? Рас, два, три, Рас, два, три. Hey KICK those jackboots up !! Shawnee eeez now to be no more county... eeez oblast !! область !!
knew you'd show up....we'll make a President Trump supporter out of you yet.... we'll straighten out your boggled up brain.
Anon, we all here saw through you years ago... your smoke screen isn't all that obscure.
At least you're right about Kansas Avenue, but don't worry, our assorted do-gooders ( I did tell you the Harridan won the City of Topeka, right) and quota queen Mayor want to fix up downtown EVEN MORE. But WTH, I think our prostitutes deserve the finest surroundings available, don't you?
DeleteAnd I already told you Boz, you do the "healing" and let me take care of the "heiling." Hell I can do enough of that for the both of us.
Yeah, tell Trump fan Richard Spencer about the 'Heiling'. You've been spared - we actually have to hear that crap "HAIL TRUMP". Like a scene out of The Mouse That Roared. Spencer called Trump's victory "the victory of will," LMAO- cue in Leni Riefenstahl. The clown isn't even original. He would be good for comic relief like so many posters here if not for his fascist movement killing someone in Charlottesville.
DeleteAnd Rikki - you don't know shit. Busy day, back to work.
I see you came back trying desperately hard to sound like your anti Trump.... you goof....
DeleteYou can't even post your bs'n rhetoric accurately and you have the gall to say I don't know shit?! Just scroll back through all your malarkey posts and see all your erroneous mumbo jumbo.
At least I post information in my comments accurately - you can't even do that - you're the one who don't know shit....
but like I said time and time again - you're true to your bs'n self.
The only reason you show up here is to read all the truthful blogs that Kevin and Safe write - and you have to admit that you really are a Trump supporter and you really want him re-elected in 2020.
We gots you figured out~
Oh, and another thing.... we already moved onto the next blog. So not only are you truly a Trump supporter behind all that fake anti Trump bs'n rhetoric, you're so definitely behind the times.. Get with the program slacker!
America survived 8 years of Barrack Hussein Obama, only to be threatened with the terrifying possibility of 8 years of Hillary Clinton. During the 2016 Presidential campaign, the mainstream media assumed Lyin' Hillary was a shoe-in. As the results came in on election night, however, liberals were shocked. They seriously underestimated the political power of patriotic Americans who refused to accept the socialist agenda being crammed down our throats.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we call certain people "snowflakes?" A snowflake is a slang term used to describe young adults of the 2010s who are more prone to take offense and less resilient than previous generations, or as being too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own. That's a nice way of putting it.
ReplyDeleteSpecifically, snowflakes are spoiled brats who know nothing about what it means to be an independent American. They have chosen to be coddled by their parents and the government rather than make their own way in this dangerous world. They would rather use the government to take Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens than punish evil doers. They call evil "good" and good "evil." They believe our rights end where their feelings begin.
God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus" Beer!
There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo. Please use in that order!
ReplyDeleteThe soap box represents exercising one’s right to freedom of speech to influence politics to defend liberty.
The ballot box represents exercising one’s right to vote to elect a government which defends liberty.
The jury box represents using jury nullification to refuse to convict someone being prosecuted for breaking an unjust law that decreases liberty.
The ammo box represents exercising one’s right to keep and bear arms to oppose, in armed conflict, a government that decreases liberty.
The four boxes (in that order) represent increasingly forceful (and increasingly controversial) methods of political action.
I would be Happy to indulge having one with you!! Sense they kind of fit our personalities!!
ReplyDeleteOkay we can talk again tomorrow, have a great night.
ReplyDeleteWell good morning everyone, I see nothing is going on this morning, My Grandson Cat faded away last night, he had a long good life, but he will be missed. Well guess I will go read the papers and see whats going on, Anything good comes from it I will pass it on. Later.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge. Sorry to hear about your grandson's cat.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I think he lived all 9 lives, think they got him in 2003 0r 2004, that is old for a cat I think.
DeleteGood Morning y'all
ReplyDeleteSarge - pets are family too - hugs for your grandson.
Well, another victory for President Trump
It wasn't a change of heart for this judge - it is because she ran out of time. The article is a good read - check it out.
New blog up and running...