Anybody that has read anything I have written around here knows I use some terms pretty regularly. I describe America's enemies as godless left wingers. Democrat/communists. Why would I use such harsh language, anyway? Come on Safe, don't you know the commies are old news? Who do you think you are anyway? Tailgunner Joe McCarthy? Finding commies under the bed?
Well, let's talk about that. First off, are the democrats communists? Yes. Yes they are. They stopped being the party of Harry Truman and JFK after the communists infiltrated them in the sixties. Remember all those unwashed maggot infested long haired hippies that ran Hubert Humphrey out and drove the party to turn hard core left wing? Yup. Those people. If you want to know the history of how all that happened, look up the Frankfurt School sometime. I won't go into it here, but they were a bunch of communists who fled prewar Germany and came to America. Little by little their influence spread. They infiltrated our schools. They persuaded lots of young people to reject the American culture and their religion and become long haired maggot infested hippies. Remember, the anti-war protests were actually supporters of the communists who were spreading like cancer. There were two sides to that fight, and they took the side of the communists.
There was a generation of those people who supported Soviet style communism. They helped perpetuate the myth that Stalin's Russia was a successful example of communism at work. They helped cover up the truth, that Stalin was purging his opposition through mass murder. That millions were starving to death because of government central planning which killed the agricultural industry in Russia.
So what is communism, anyway? Pay attention here, there will be a test later. Whittaker Chambers, a man who was a loyal communist but who saw the light and turned his back on it describes it as not a set of rules. Not a manifesto. No single version of communism exists. Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin. All a little different versions of the same evil.
No, he says communism is the absence of God. When mankind draws the conclusion that there is no God, that man is the highest form of life and thought process on earth because that's how we evolved, that's where communism grows. When man believes there is no God who created them for a purpose, who directs events, who teaches us and leads us, that's where communism grows. When man believes he is ultimately the highest form of being in the universe, that's where communism grows.
To those who believe in a sovereign God however, we know man is not the highest form of life in the universe. We believe we are given direction by a Creator God who leads us to a better life. That man doesn't always know everything and one man is not the best source of direction for other men. That role belongs to God.
You see, communism and Christianity cannot exist in the same mind. You cannot believe you are the highest form of life if you know there was a Creator who formed you and gave you thought.
So you see it today. Hollywood celebrities. Left wing radicals. High school kids. They all think they are the top of the hierarchy in thought and are tasked with leading us lower level thinkers. They think they can decide what is best for us.
It's why you see the godless left fighting tooth and nail to push God from the public square. Why you see the democrat/communist party booing the name of God when it come up at their conventions. It's why you see Joy Behar saying hearing from God is mental illness, and to great applause.
So do I really believe the godless left is godless? Yes. Do I really believe the democrat/communist party is communist? Yes. It's the only explanation for their constant relentless drive to control the lives of every citizen of America. Their obsession with killing unborn babies, God's creations. With their drive to equalize outcomes. To take away from those who earn their wealth to redistribute it to those who don't. To destroy this Christian nation and turn it to a godless society where communism can grow.
So that's just a little bit of what I think. And I hope it helps you see why I say what I do. America has been headed down this road a long time. Ike warned about the insidious atheist threat to the world when he left office. And now it's taken root in the other major political party in America, out in the open, no longer lurking in the darkness feeding poison to our youth. They now have enough converts to openly do their work.
So the war is on folks. More than anyone knows. Every day. Relentless. Chipping away, eating the souls of our young. And if we lose this fight, we lose our country.
Let's Make America America again.
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Because they are Godless commies!!
ReplyDeleteI suspect you will delete my post because you either cannot provide a coherent response, or you’re just throwing another hissy fit. But you fail to acknowledge what was widely accepted by the founding fathers, and by most advanced societies around the globe; religion and politics should be separate. An argument could in fact be made that a society that demands adherence to a specific deity, or tradition is more dangerous than one that does not. Christianity is not monolithic. Which Christianity are you promoting? Catholicism? Eastern Orthodoxy? Methodism? Christianity under the guise of religious fascism is nothing new. In fact it has been the norm for most of the 2000 years of Christianity’s existence. Have you visited Prague to see the statute of Jan Huss, the early reformer who was burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church for deviating from its teachings? Were the Puritans more tolerant ?
ReplyDeleteDo we need to review the history of the Inquisition? How about the Spanish invasion of the New World? Cortes was accompanied by his spiritual advisor, the notorious Bishop Landa who slaughtered thousands of Aztec Indians who refused to convert. The linking of the Christian Church and Fascists movements is nothing new at all. Franco was closely linked with the Spanish Catholic Church in a relationship that was mutually advantageous. So, if I was a Catholic cleric, the Communists fighting Franco in the Spanish Civil War, would likely have lined me up and shot me. If I was a Communist fighting Franco, and got caught by the Fascists, I likely would have been lined up and shot just the same. No difference in the end result.
What you fail to recognize is that religions and political movements BOTH tend to identify themselves with that which they worship. The Christian Church, especially its Catholic iteration, is holy. In other words, it functions as if it were god. Communism in its most extreme iterations, takes on many of the same characteristics. Consider Mao’s China, Russia under Stalin, or Kim in North Korea. Watch films of scenes from the Cultural Revolution. Mao even had his own holy writ, the ‘Little Red Book’ as most Americans call it. We don’t need a national religion. We don’t need dogma shoved down our throats whether from the extreme right, or the extreme left. If that’s what you want, consider moving to Saudi Arabia.
Finally, if you want to wrap the flag around your brand of Christianity, I suggest you read a little Jefferson. For instance: “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.”
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Horatio G. Spafford, March 17, 1814
You said nothing that discredits what SSAH said is going on today, he is on the Mark and most real Americans can see that, moron.
DeleteAnon: did you listen to Dr. Arnn on Levin last night? If you had, you might have learned a few things.
DeleteI read on drudge this morning that the D>C economy is collapsing, whats with Blue?
ReplyDelete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
Good Grief Now he is a expert on religion. What could be left for him to do? Brain surgeon? Nope he doesn't have enough brain for that. Maybe he will run for president. Now according to him he is more than qualified for that. So stay tuned for another lesson from some Dim Witt In DC.
ReplyDeleteHow many bed pans just got delayed in being emptied....
ReplyDeleteWell Mr Anony-mouse, you said nothing that addresses my point.
ReplyDeleteYou completely missed the point of the entire blog, as usual. You instead choose to babble on with that imaginary separation of church and state nonsense, or as you godless lefties are prone to do you pull the inquisition out of your ass. Is that really all you people have? The inquisition? That's really the best you can do?
I've read Jefferson. And Madison. And Hamilton. All men of various degrees of faith. Some like Jefferson changed as he neared death. But one thing they all believed in was freedom of religion. Not suppression of religion as today's godless left does.
If you actually read a book instead of googling bits of pieces to copy and paste that you imagine prove some point you don't even really understand, you would know what I am addressing.
Communism is a godless religion. The lack of understanding of God and who He is leads man to believe himself to be the center of the universe, which is a breeding ground for communism. It can only exist in a godless environment. Where a nation remains a Christian nation, as America is, communism cannot take hold. But you and your kind have done everything possible to push God out of the public sphere.
My point, and the one Whitaker Chambers made, is that a man cannot embrace communism and God. The two are mutually exclusive.
Now, I have spent more time explaining myself a second time than you are worth. If you have a response to my actual point rather than blathering on about your hatred for Christianity or Catholics, or dragging the usual false narrative about the inquisition into the discussion,then go for it.
Otherwise I might just delete you. You add nothing but more godless drivel and this country is being slowly destroyed by you people and your hatred for God. No need to pollute America's Blog with lies from you and your father, the prince of this world.
"Imaginary separation of church and state nonsense ?" Oh Yeah, well, take this
Delete" Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT., Jan. 1, 1802
Anon: you really don't get fact, I hope you don't get poofed off the blog because you are a legendary example of progressive leftwing indoctrination. You are clueless as to how to think for yourself; instead you simply parrot old worn-out talking points that have been used by the radical left for decades now.
DeleteIt's early in the conversation but from what I've seen so far, Dipshit, is that nobody gives a shit what you think.
ReplyDeleteBut it is nice to have someone come along and prove the point Safe was making in the first place.
So there's that...
I think Safe's real thrust is toward the Communist part, not the religion. He's well aware of the establishment clause. If anybody gets to put the flag on a world-view, it's the Masons. That's because a bunch of the people who wrote it were in a lodge. As I said before, those who argue that the Founding Fathers were atheists or bible-bangers seem humorous to those in the know.
ReplyDeleteAs for the fascination with communism by the young, Jelena was surprised by this, but her response was to let them know that if they think communism was fine, they "need to wipe their arse with newspaper." Helps them get used to living in the real thing.
But my old pal Boz does seem to have lost his sense of humor. I've heard that's one of the symptoms of TDS.
That's NOT TRUE. I have a great sense of humor. Your very classy lady Yelena is right. You can tell her I said 'Eto horosho'. I recall the story of a communist official conducting a meeting with his work group in a factory of some sort. The group had been assigned to read something out of Izvestia, or Pravda... and he led a discussion. At the end, the leader of the factory soviet ( committee ) asked " well comrades, is there anything you would like me to convey to the author of this glorious publication?" One worker held his hand up and the leader said " Yes Arkady ?? " Arkady said " Tovarishch, please tell the printers to use a different ink. This ink turns our asses blue". Of course the other workers snickered a bit. And the questioner was sent a a factory in Irkutsk in the middle of Siberia.
DeleteWell Boz, perhaps it's as you say. But insulting bloggers gratuitously is poor humor. Try to stow that stuff. The regulars here are all personal friends of one another. You should note that your only posts which are getting nuked are the insulting ones. People here are more open-minded than you want to acknowledge.
DeleteOh right.... so being called "a dick" is not insulting? "Blue you never disappoint me, they say laughter is good for the soul, and you give me plenty, Moron." from sarghrjim, or " Sorry Dipshit. We really only have one simple rule around here. " from McGinty himself. Now, who is insulting whom ?
DeleteLook, if SSAH wants to go on believing that Jefferson was a bible thumping Christian, and would have had no problem with Christian scripture ... in a very specific way... forming the basis for American jurisprudence, I think the evidence says otherwise. For this sort of comment, I get called a dick, or moron, yet YOU point to my gratuitously insulting other posters ?? Really ??
Look, I'm once again, trying to figure out why there is such strong support for a president, and party that appears to me at least, to be so out of touch with what the majority of Americans want. And if I need to posts supporting documentation, I can cite poll after poll. But Trump ? Really ?? I go home to visit, and I'm sorry, but it's heartbreaking. Topeka is ON ITS HEELS. At least Kansans sent Brownback packing, but I don't know if it will ever recover. The epithets are just over the top - "godless liberals", Democrat/Communist. Does anyone ever wonder if that sort of rhetoric not to mention the attitudes it identifies, has anything... just a little tiny bit to do with the sorry state of most red states, and certainly Kansas ?? Nothing I have said here is insulting, but I suspect that my comment will get discarded. I find that a sad commentary. And frankly, your comment of 3:01 just doesn't make any sense.
Ah Boz, didn't I once identify you as the "Truth Tailor?" Take a little bit off here, add a little bit there - now it fits you fine! Firstly, my College Hill pal, you mentioned someone else has having no "dick." Classy. Had you said that about me I would probably come up with something saltier than "Truth Tailor" as well. As for Sarge, you know just as well as I do he likes extreme language just for the hell of it.
DeleteAs for the racism bit, if we only disliked Obama "because he was black," why would we have hated The Harridan more? Obama was disliked here because he was in the opposing party. You went to Johns Hopkins and can't figure that out? Hell, you went to Topeka High and can't figure that out? Harley Becker would be ashamed of you.
I don't know about anyone else, but no, I don't believe all Dems are Communists.
Topeka is run by Dems, not Rs. Perhaps in your return trips you noticed Tecumseh, Silver Lake and Rossville are all doing better than T-Town. Wanna see my surprised look?
Far be it for ME to prescribe to YOU, but you might want to try St. John's Wort. It could put you in a better mood when you write.
The interesting thing is if you let these godless liberals keep talking they usually prove the point they are arguing against.
ReplyDeleteOne rule that is virtually always true. If the democrat/communists start making a bunch of noise about something someone is doing, chances are they are doing it themselves.
Collusion with Russia we've heard no end of? So far the only Russian collusion is by the democrat/communists.
And so on.
Captain, you are correct. I'm not advocating America declare Christianity our national religion. But in fact a very large majority of Americans say they are believers.
ReplyDeleteDepending on who you ask, some 280 million people in this country say they are Christians.
And make no mistake about how I feel about our founders. They were great men, brilliant and accomplished. They educated themselves and were light years ahead of todays young people.
But they were also politicians and they did stuff that would make todays "resistance" pale. They were a devious bunch and used every tool available.
Remember, Adams had the Alien and Sedition act. He threw the people who disagreed with him in prison. Hamilton virtually left the Federalists powerless with his over the top publishing of pretty scathing diatribes. After Washington we got a whole bunch of Republican Presidents because of Hamilton's over the top politicking. And some might argue that was a good thing, but it also eventually led to the Civil War. State's rights and all that.
Remember, these people were way more radical than this sissified snowflakes today who think holding up signs and breaking a couple of windows is a big deal.
Alexander Hamilton was shot and killed in a duel with the sitting Vice President of the United States. These people didn't write a bunch of nonsensical tweets and think they were revolutionary heros. They fought a damn revolutionary war.
You're damned right about the toughness of the founding fathers. These guys were passionate about LIBERTY! They weren't plaster saints, they fought like hell amongst themselves. You know Aaron Burr would make our snowflakes evacuate in their trousers. Ol' Aaron knew exactly which necessary room to use and wouldn't have eaten detergent if his life depended on it. He would scowl at them and then they had better hope he didn't decide to level his .56 pistol at them.
DeleteMy point though, was that the Masons were basically in charge. Yes, some big names weren't Masons - Jefferson and Adams come to mind. But Masonry was in the air in revolutionary America. Look close at a dollar bill.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBlue you never disappoint me, they say laughter is good for the soul, and you give me plenty, Moron.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou're still skating on thin ice Dipshit but I'll let you slide this time...
ReplyDeleteSafe, not trying to overstep my bounds here. The comment I deleted isn't gone for good. It's still recoverable if you so choose...
ReplyDeleteNaw, I'm about done with this waste of space.
ReplyDeleteHe's just proving to us that he has very low comprehension skills. He's arguing about something I didn't say, which is kind of like talking to yourself.
Fairly typical of the godless left. We see this a lot these days. They know they can't win a head to head argument. Their positions are weak, their ideas are stale. Just the same old talking points they received from their handlers, recycled, regurgitated and excreted all the while pretending it means something.
Since they can't debate the subject directly without getting their ass handed to them, they try to divert and create a straw man to burn up hoping nobody will notice it has nothing to do with the actual argument.
Now he pulls out that sorry old Letter to the Danbury Baptists where Thomas Jefferson was actually taking the position not that religion had no place in government, but the danger was in government inserting itself into religion. Every time you pin them down on this subject they drag out the Danbury letter. That's right after the inquisition. They only subject he hasn't broached yet is the Crusades, and I'm sure he'll get around to it.
Wake me up if he actually has anything meaningful to say about the actual subject of my blog, which everybody else seems to understand. But then, we're not faux docs pretending to be brain surgeons. Just him and Jethro Bodine.
OH hold on there. You wrote the following :
Delete"It's why you see the godless left fighting tooth and nail to push God from the public square."
This is EXACTLY the sentiment that Jefferson was referring to. Which god ? Or gods for that matter. A transcendent god ? Or a more animistic god ? Jefferson if he was anything, might.. and I say 'might' be called a deist, but if nothing else he was certainly agnostic. If you have not seen his personal bible, it's worth the trip to Washington. It's in the Library of Congress. He took a knife to it and cut out all of the miracle narratives about Jesus, denied his resurrection, virgin birth, you name it. He left only the moral teachings alone. Who said I was a brain surgeon ? Neurology is not the same as neurosurgery. But that's neither here nor there. I don't understand the following :
" Thomas Jefferson was actually taking the position not that religion had no place in government, but the danger was in government inserting itself into religion." How do you square that with what the man actually said
" religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God". Note he mentions nothing about government having anything to do with religion. Your assertion that Jefferson argued not that religion had no place in government, but that government should not insert itself in government. In light of what the man actually SAID, that seems dysfunctional. Can you clarify what you meant ?
Slow learner Gees.
Delete"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus Beer!
And that, Blue, is what makes him so unique. He had his own personal belief system. As one who struggled with that for years, I identify with him and understand why he believed as he did. The left can continue all they wish to try to turn his words upside down but reasonable, thinking people who use their minds instead of outbursts based in raw emotion understand the difference.
DeleteExcellent article Safe!
ReplyDeleteMy blog was not about the debate over religion's place in the country. You apparently want to debate a subject I didn't bring up. My point was God and communism cannot coexist. That is why the godless communist left wants to push God from the public square. Not because of what Thomas Jefferson said.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is communism and the godless left boyo. I'll be sure and ask if I want your opinion on anything else, but until then either stick to the subject or prepare to be ignored.
If Thomas Jefferson was alive today I assure you he would be just as disgusted with his fellow Americans who are trying to sell communism to the country as we are. He opposed all forms of Federalism and Imperialism. Communism represents the worst qualities of both. Jefferson would have opposed it as vigorously as he did Federalism.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to handle this, I have been to my wife for 54 years, and last night my Grandson asked me why I always call Grandma Honey Darling or Babe, All I could tell him is I forgot her name 5 years ago. Good Grief!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was afraid to ask her.😇
DeleteLol...your grandson will no doubt understand one of these days, Sarge.
DeleteHere's the deal, Blue.
ReplyDeleteI don't like you and I never have.
And yes, you've been a dick for as long as I can remember.
You've insulted me personally and what you seem to think I do for a living.
You've mocked and ridiculed my friends and put down my hometown for years now.
I'm assuming you won't try denying any of this.
So, the charge of you being a dick is well founded.
Really, I don't care whether you agree or not.
But to be perfectly honest that's not why I delete so many of you comments.
I do it for no other reason than to piss you off.
That and after years of watching you and your good buddy Batshit being able to say any damn thing you wanted while my friends and I had comments removed and our accounts deleted on cjonline I take great personal pleasure seeing you whine about censorship.
However, when you're not busy being a dick I do enjoy your arguments. Regardless of how incredibly wrong they are.
Anyway, carry on.
Oh yeah, your earlier offer to provide several polls to back up whatever it was you were babbling on about was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteYou tried that already.
I do.
Remember how they all turned out?
I do.
Every single one of them were wrong.
But hey, don't let me stop you from making a fool of yourself all over again...
"I don't like you and I never have." What is this kindergarten ? I'm trying to figure out why YOU are supporting policies that have all but killed my hometown, and damaged the state I grew up in to the point its recovery is unlikely.
ReplyDeleteI haven't disparaged your work. You're giving me way too much credit. You come through as a classic red state Trump supporter, angry and resentful. You feel that you have little control over your life and you're more than willing to blame everyone but yourself. Your racism was subtle, but hardly off the radar screen when you wrote in the CJ. Now you're free to let it rip. It's not you, it's those blacks in Chicago, or all those illegal immigrants. Your anger reached a real fever pitch with Barack Obama. A black man as president !! Holy shit ! The irony is that the politicians you support are hellbent on taking away those things those of you in red states so desperately need. You had better get ready for major cuts in medicare and changes to social security. Jeff Stein wrote on Dec 6, 17 in the Post "
"Ryan said that he believes he has begun convincing President Trump in their private conversations about the need to rein in Medicare, the federal health program that primarily insures the elderly."
Keep in mind that was before this insane tax cut. YOU will be the one paying for it. Do the words 'deja vu' mean anything to you ? Kansas tried this bullshit, and now repubs are doing it to the country. Well fine. You folks out there are going to get hit much harder than those of us on the coasts. So enjoy it while you can. Unless democrats return to once again clean up the shit repubs have left .... you're gonna feel some real pain. And our little draft dodger in chief - is laughing his ass off. At you.
Blue: medicare needs reined in. Progressives have abused it for years.
DeleteIn your world, I doubt you're concerned about paying for glasses or my world, I've had to pay out of pocket for both because medicare covers neither.
Try being poor. You would learn a LOT.
Hey Boz, now that we're on the subject, how do you feel about the "draft dodger" and man constantly being made fun of beating out "the smartest woman in the world?" Come on Boz, I'm your ol' buddy and pal, Holliday Howdy; you can tell me. That cold November night just a little over a year ago. It was a bigger upset than Buster Douglas over Mike Tyson. Ya gotta remember it! What were your thoughts that night? Did you have a good laugh at all the tender sensibilities in the Javits Center? But that's okay, Boz, I was laughing WITH them!
DeleteAnyway Boz, Brownie is gone here, but you know who's likely to be our next governor, don't you? Your hero, Kris Kobach. And he was accusing Brownie and his protégé of being squishes and acquiescing in new taxes. You and your Dem cohorts may end up nostalgic for those lenient days of Brownie!
But hey Boz, in all seriousness I need to ask you a Big Q. You know my resume looks quite a bit like Kobach's. Except he isn't a vet, but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, do you think in return for support, he might get me a nice patronage job in the state? Does that sound like an idea to you?
Good Night!
ReplyDeleteAnyhow. Before Blue injected his worn-out talking points onto the blog, I only came on to catch up and leave a note about McCabe's pension...anybody who knows how they work will understand that, once again, the left and progressives on both sides are spinning again. He'll get his pension but it will obly consist of what he contributed to it each payday; he will only lose the taxpayers' match. In the private sector, it would equate with the company match.
ReplyDeleteWell, Kevin sure told Blue aka (stinky butt) a thing or two. I agree completely with every word Kevin wrote.
ReplyDeleteLol... And I agree with every word I wrote as well...
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that it is a very good morning and hope all of you have a good day. Dilly Dilly!!
ReplyDeleteYou ever notice how the godless democrat/communists hate tax cuts? They hyperventilate about them, they lie about them, they warn everybody of the tragic consequences of them. Every time. Destroy the economy they declare. Destroyed Kansas to the point it may never recover they screech. Hyperbole much?
ReplyDeleteWell, they hate tax cuts because communists hate tax cuts. Tax cuts go against everything the communists believe. They believe all the money belongs to the state and they will determine how much of what you earn you may keep based on your needs, but primarily on your political affiliation. If they believe they can buy your vote by giving you other people's money, they will. If they believe you won't vote for them anyway, then you are one of those greedy rich people who doesn't pay their fair share.
Chief spokesman these days is the Bernie the commie Sanders. Rants and rails against the evil rich and those evil corporations (that employ everybody). And surprise! Bernie the commie owns three homes, one of them a nice lake house. And his wife bankrupted a college she was the president of by illegally claiming collateral the college didn't own so she could take out a massive loan that they couldn't possibly repay. Result....bankruptcy. And she is under investigation by the FBI, hopefully soon to face prison time.
So these people don't even try to hide it anymore. They want what's yours, what you earned. They want it all. They are communists. That's what they do.
And that's how they got Donald Trump as their President. And they hate it. It's like drinking poison every day. And I'm loving every minute of it.
Lol and i am loving it also.
DeleteAnother school shooting 2 shot and shooter dead. Next briefing 1 pm, don't know what type gun was used.
ReplyDeleteSo far Libs seem quit on this so far, and that always tells a story in it's self.
ReplyDeletequite! Damn,
DeleteI heard it was a good guy with a gun that took out a bad guy with a gun. Maybe that is why they are silent?
ReplyDeleteA gunman who shot and wounded two students at Great Mills High School in Maryland was killed Tuesday after engaging an armed school resource officer, an official said
DeleteI still want the facts that the shooter didn't shoot his self, but like you I hope it was the good guy that killed him, The libs won't like that.
DeleteNo, they won't like that at all.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely doesn't fit the narrative...
Could the contrast between the school safety officer in Maryland and those Keystone Kops in Broward County be any starker?
DeleteHe's just a bitter old has been trying everything he can to stay relevant...
ReplyDeleteWe Second Amendment advocates often cite the ability to fend off a tyrannical government as one of the reasons why we need not just guns, but weapons like the AR-15. It’s the most effective tool we have access to in which to defend our freedom.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi hinted that maybe he gets it.
Yes, a Democrat.
A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief doesn’t follow the Constitution.
Rep. Tom Suozzi made the remark to constituents at a town hall last week, saying that folks opposed to Trump might resort to the “Second Amendment.”
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”
A listener then blurts out, “What’s the Second Amendment?”
The left-leaning Democrat says, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.”
The spectators laughed — some nervously. Republicans were not amused.
I get why Republicans aren’t amused. Democrats raked any conservative over the coals at the mere hint of insurrection against the Obama administration, yet the moment they get a president they dislike, suddenly it’s all fine?
Frankly, though, I don’t have a problem with the concept. That is part of why the Second Amendment is there, after all.
However, I don’t think Souzzi’s constituents are equipped to deal with a tyrannical government. For one, he represents Long Island. I’m not sure any of his constituents even have guns, much less the know-how to pull off an insurrection against a government of teddy bears, much less the United States government.
Sarge, I used to live in Nassau County. On S. St. Marks Street in Bellmore. All my neighbors had firearms, at least the ones that I knew did. Don't know about the really old couple down the block or my neighbors to the south. But every one I was friends with did.
ReplyDeleteOh I am sure most do have guns, and are most likely the ones that won't admit it because of their politics. Nice to see you back out here, best to you and yours, take care.
DeleteFrom everything that I am reading so far today, the ARMED SRO "took out" the school shooter before he could do more damage. Although 2 people were wounded, so far the only one to die is the shooter himself!
ReplyDeleteI find this so truth-telling about the need to have armed officers/faculty/Administrators at schools which can confront the shooters and possibly keep them from doing more damage, if left to continue to shoot without resistance from someone already in the building.
Going along with this, did any of you see or hear about ole dear Mayor De Blasio, of New York city, who is eliminating all ARMED RSO's in the New York schools? The following article from "Blue Lives Matter" tells about it.
Would expect nothing less from the communist di blah blah...
ReplyDeleteAnd the SRO who shot the shooter this morning was also a former SWAT. Am betting there are a lot of grateful parents in that community today.
That stupid march is this weekend...will be notable how that goes. Here and there, students are speaking out against this nonsense. And Beck interviewed a teacher from southern California this morning who got expelled from her classroom the other day for daring to ask students if they would walk out of class in support of a pro-life rally...her superiors didn't like that at all. But then her students rebelled against THEM, because she's been their favorite teacher since being in that district. She's a history teacher, is a constitutionalist and encourages them to discuss and think for themselves. Needless to say, she was reinstated to her classroom when the kids raised a stink...
Little victories.
Another bomb just went off in Texas!!
ReplyDeleteNot a bomb, incinerator device.
DeleteWonder if someone wants to be another unabomber?
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Miss Calabash where ever you are!!
ReplyDeleteLMAO... The media is losing their minds over Trump congratulating Putin for his election.
ReplyDeleteI think sometimes he does stuff like this just to watch the shit storm...
Funny how when Trump congratulates the leader of a superpower for winning a free election the left goes crazy and when The Chosen One bows to non-elected leaders that's all cool. Maybe it's because those unelected leaders are of a different faith. Maybe it's because Putin's white. But most likely it's because Trump's a Republican.
DeleteMaybe our Blue friend will stop by and splain it to us Heartland Hicks...
DeleteIn his defense, he saved the court system a shitload of money.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief finally some good News, Later going to read the paper.
ReplyDeleteTrue that...
ReplyDeleteGood news, Divemaster...
ReplyDeleteYou're not the only one calling for a return to public hangings...
BornAMileHigh✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ • an hour ago
Anyone that doesn't understand THIS was the insurance policy traitor strzok referred to is NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!!
I say we bring back public hangings!
And there you have it...
New blog up.