That was by request for Kevin.
But before I go any further, I want to express my sorrow and condolences for Cats. She was a valued and respected and well liked member of our community, and she will be missed. I hope she is resting in the Father's arms now, free from pain and sorrow. I hope she's in a place where politics don't matter any more and there are no godless communists roaming about causing people to suffer.
God's speed Cats. We will miss you.
Did any of you catch any of our President's speech at the rally in Michigan? I swear, I haven't enjoyed hearing a President speak this much for 35 years or so. The last President we had who could raise people up like that was the great Ronald Reagan. That was a sight to behold.
And I'm sure the godless left was spitting blood and the wrath and bile was boiling up out of them. It must have been horrible to be them that night. Even though they were having their own gathering to attack and impune our President and his people.
Seeing a couple of clips of that freak show made me sick to my stomach. Something that was supposed to be a comedian apparently was standing in front of those people saying the most horrible things about people while they were sitting right there. It was disgusting and was a peek into the minds of the godless left. Or what passes for minds of the godless left anyway.
I think next year the President should not send any of his staff to that horrible event. They don't deserve to be humiliated like that. And I hope Sarah Sanders Huckabee was taking notes on who laughed and who didn't. And I hope she pours out the retribution at future White House Press Conferences.
But that's the difference between us and them. Our President was lifting America, engaging with people who love him and was greeted with thunderous applause and cheers. That was a man in his element.
And the godless left was spewing hatred and insults and leaving their crowd wondering what the hell was going on. Some of them were in complete agreement with that hack speaker, some were not. But they didn't stop her. They let her go on and on.
But anyway, it's Monday. And I have exactly three months left to work. That breaks down like this.
12 weeks left, which means 5 working days per week so 60 working days. There's a couple holidays in there and I'm taking a vacation in June so that's 52 days left to trudge into the salt mine and suffer.
Not that I'm counting or anything.....
Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Rest in peace cats...
- catsncatsMarch 24, 2018 at 12:05 PM
- I agree, Dive...sadly, these politicians have turned it into Lucy's football.
- ReplyDelete
- Remember that exchange?
- I do.
- It was our good friend, catsncats last comment here in The Bunker before she got finally fed up with everything going on and took another one her extended breaks from the whole thing.
- She'd done it before and I think we all figured one of these days she'd show back up to set us straight again.
- Well, because cats and I were friends on Facebook a notification popped up on my phone yesterday alerting me that it was her birthday, so naturally I went to her page to wish her well.
- That's when and how I got the news.
- Our good friend and fellow patriot catsncats AKA Virginia (Jenny) Pierson has passed away.

Rest in peace my friend.
Your absence will be felt probably more than you could ever have imagined...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, April 27, 2018
Good Grief it's Friday...
Good morning boys and girls.
First it's a trickle, then it's a crack, then it's a full blown flood.
I gotta admit watching the left's world collapsing all around them has been one of the most satisfying things I've witnessed in a very long time.
The Russian collusion wet dream is on life support.
Disgraced former FBI director James Comey's book tour is falling apart.
Unemployment numbers are at a historical lows.
North Korea seems to be coming around.
And the lock they've had on black voters for the last 50 plus years is starting to unravel.
Heads are exploding.
And I'm laughing my ass off.
Here's to a productive Friday and 7 more years of winning with President Trump.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
A most disgusting human being... And she's a college professor?
I think from time to time we all wonder what the hell has happened to this country.
Give me 4 minutes and you'll have your answer.
Now answer me this.
Which is worse, foul mouthed professors like her or the colleges that hire them?
That's all...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Proud to call Topeka home...
According to reports Blue gets from family members who still live here and stories he gets from his favorite left-wing websites, things here in my hometown of Topeka, Kansas can't get much worse.
I disagree.
I suppose if you judge everything in terms of what the government has to offer, well, maybe we do fall short.
I don't know.
What I do know is that I've traveled this country from one end to the other.
I've been in almost every state and major city America has to offer.
And I've met the people.
For the most part the people I deal with are just like I am. Working class stiffs who get up every day and do the best they can to provide for their families regardless of what the politicians do or don't do.
Topeka's no different.
Do we have our problems?
Of course we do.
Just like any other city in America it's almost all drug and gang related.
Blue likes to point out that we have Fred Phelps' clan to deal with.
True. But what he doesn't mention is that for the most part their particular brand of hatred is routinely rejected every time they make an appearance.
He also leaves out the fact that Fred Phelps was a democrat.
But I digress.
He loves to point out how our downtown is all but abandoned.
Yeah, well, that was a self inflicted wound when the city chose to develop the wildly successful Wanamaker corridor.
So, what's so great about my hometown anyway?
Glad you asked.
Just like any other city in America, we have every chain restaurant there is.
We have everything from Larry's Short Stop to Cracker Barrel and everything in between.
I specifically mentioned Cracker Barrel because for some reason, Blue really hates the place.
I guess the thought of families going out to eat together after church on a Sunday afternoon really upsets him.
Looking for a micro brewery?
We got em.
Want to go to see a play?
Look no farther than the Helen Hocker Theater or TPAC.
Maybe you're looking for something to do outside.
Lake Shawnee is second to none.
Gage Park and The Topeka Zoo has been a favorite kid's destination for decades.
Maybe diversity is your thing.
Then the annual Mexican Fiesta is where you'll want to be.
Looking for a gun show, lawn and garden show, boat and RV show, monster truck show, moto cross race, arena football game, or some politician speak?
There's no better place to be than The Kansas Expo Center.
Like history?
I'm a big museum fan and The Kansas Museum of History has always been one of my favorites.
Looking for a place to stay while you're visiting our fair city?
We have everything from the very top of the line to crappy little motels you can imagine.
Health care?
Yes, Topeka offers world class healthcare.
Topeka offers up a variety of choices. Everything from public education to private schools to a top-notch Vo-Tech school and Washburn University.
I could go on and on.
Everything I've mentioned is just stuff.
Things to do.
Distractions form everyday life.
For me, Topeka is home.
You see, because of circumstances way beyond my control, my childhood involved constantly moving from one house and one town to another.
So when I say Topeka's home, it's more than where my house is.
Yeah, we bought our house 25 years ago but it took time to truly turn it into a home.
It's the same home my kids grew up in.
It's the same home where daily after school football games took place.
It's the same home where weekend sleep overs were routine.
It's the same home where birthday celebrations took place.
It's the same home where graduation and wedding parties happened.
It's also the same home where life's little victories were celebrated and major disappointments were dealt with.
We've laughed together, cried together, and yelled at each other.
Nowadays it's grandma and grandpa's house.
We have the same birthday parties and backyard cookouts we've always had but with three grown kids, two daughter in laws, one son in law, and 7 grand kids it's a hell of a lot more work.
It's also where my little dog, Buster Brown is buried.
I'm not going anywhere.
My roots run deep and I wouldn't trade it for anywhere in the world.
So Blue, you can go about judging us based on government statistics and left-wing website all you want.
You can even stick with reports you get from your relatives that things can't get much worse.
But speaking strictly for myself.
Things in my world can't get much better...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, April 20, 2018
The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine
It looks like the tide is turning on the democrat/communist party. They created this mythological Russia collusion business during and after the election with the hope that if they flung enough shit at the wall some of it would stick. They knew as well as we did it was completely fabricated, that our President had no ties to Russia or Putin. But they got their wish and got their boy Mueller appointed special counsel. A partisan hack with a long history of railroading innocent people for crimes they didn't commit. But the other goal was just to use this process, which they knew would not produce any results, to smear and slander our President. They have throughout this whole thing made false claim after false claim. They've told lie after lie. They have hoped, as communists have done throughout our history to spread enough disinformation to cause doubt and mistrust. They stoked the fires of hatred among the deranged democrat/communist party which was unable to accept the loss of their candidate, probably the worst candidate for president they have ever run.
So it continues. The hapless and hopeless communist godless left continues to hope there will be some little shred of evidence turn up to use against our President. And their hopes continue to be dashed. But that doesn't stop them from continuing to hold the fantasy that it's out there, and they're getting close. We hear that from delusional godless leftist virtually every day. It's coming, they promise.
Instead, what has happened is they forced our side to do their own investigation. And open up cans of worms the democrat/communists thought would never turn up. And their distractions and misdirections and misinformation campaigns are all failing to keep those discoveries down.
Criminal charges coming against lying FBI agents. DOJ operatives working on behalf of hillary and the Kenyan. Illegal wiretapping. Illegal surveillance of opposing political campaigns. Lies to congress. It's getting uglier every day folks. And that's where the wheels of justice come into play.
We want this to happen, fast!. Charge these criminals! Throw the harridan in prison!
Be patient friends. It takes time, but those wheels will grind.
The Watergate burglary happened on June 17, 1972. Richard Nixon resigned August 8, 1974.
It took over two years, and that was a full press attack. The media was against him. The people thought he was guilty. Even the Republican party knew he was guilty. And he really didn't do all that much, it was mostly operatives on his behalf that did the dirty work. CREEP. Committee to ReElect the President. He fell because he covered it up. That get's em every time.
So it's happening. Remember, the democrat/communists have the media working with them. Covering up. Printing the lies they feed them. They have operatives still deep in the government and the FBI and DOJ. They followed the tried and true communist apparatus method of slow and steady infiltration, planting apprachiks everywhere possible.
So it's coming friends. We get little teasers almost daily now. The democrat/communists are turning on each other like rats on a sinking ship. That's what communists do. They eat each other. That's why the communist agenda has never succeeded. It can't succeed.
As a famous President once said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.....
So it continues. The hapless and hopeless communist godless left continues to hope there will be some little shred of evidence turn up to use against our President. And their hopes continue to be dashed. But that doesn't stop them from continuing to hold the fantasy that it's out there, and they're getting close. We hear that from delusional godless leftist virtually every day. It's coming, they promise.
Instead, what has happened is they forced our side to do their own investigation. And open up cans of worms the democrat/communists thought would never turn up. And their distractions and misdirections and misinformation campaigns are all failing to keep those discoveries down.
Criminal charges coming against lying FBI agents. DOJ operatives working on behalf of hillary and the Kenyan. Illegal wiretapping. Illegal surveillance of opposing political campaigns. Lies to congress. It's getting uglier every day folks. And that's where the wheels of justice come into play.
We want this to happen, fast!. Charge these criminals! Throw the harridan in prison!
Be patient friends. It takes time, but those wheels will grind.
The Watergate burglary happened on June 17, 1972. Richard Nixon resigned August 8, 1974.
It took over two years, and that was a full press attack. The media was against him. The people thought he was guilty. Even the Republican party knew he was guilty. And he really didn't do all that much, it was mostly operatives on his behalf that did the dirty work. CREEP. Committee to ReElect the President. He fell because he covered it up. That get's em every time.
So it's happening. Remember, the democrat/communists have the media working with them. Covering up. Printing the lies they feed them. They have operatives still deep in the government and the FBI and DOJ. They followed the tried and true communist apparatus method of slow and steady infiltration, planting apprachiks everywhere possible.
So it's coming friends. We get little teasers almost daily now. The democrat/communists are turning on each other like rats on a sinking ship. That's what communists do. They eat each other. That's why the communist agenda has never succeeded. It can't succeed.
As a famous President once said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.....
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Starbucks is a bunch of neo Nazi alt right white supremists
I always thought all that liberal stuff was just an act to cover up them actually being hate filled racists.
In fact, Starbucks is just the latest victim being hoisted on the public petard in the never ending, never ceasing, never sleeping quest to destroy America by the godless communist left.
So it seems in downtown Philly, the city of brotherly love, also a giant cesspool of filth and liberalism at its worst, a couple of black guys go into a Starbucks and want to use the restroom. They're told that they can't use the restroom, or in fact hang around there unless they buy something. So of course, you already know what happens next. They decide they aren't leaving so they sit down. The cops get called. They throw a fit. Call everybody names. And get arrested. Now it's national news. All over social media. And now Starbucks is going to shut down all their stores for a day and put 175,000 people through "racial sensitivity training".
This is just wrong on so many levels.
First of all, it pisses me off on those rare occasions I go to a Starbucks and want to sit and have a coffee and the seats are all taken by people who didn't even buy anything. Starbucks is just taking care of its paying customers by doing what they did. But that's not the real story.
This is happening more and more often. Godless liberals putting themselves in situations where they already know the outcome just for the purpose of claiming some kind of injustice. This is the continuing quest to cause disruption to our civil society, to cause division, to ramp up bigotry whether real or imagined and to generally further the already extreme polarization of America.
Why would they do that you ask? Good question. A couple of reasons.
First, they always, and I mean always drag our President into this. They make insane claims that this stuff is getting much worse since his election. That his very existence is causing racism and hatred to grow exponentially. So this is just one more tool in the godless leftist toolbox in the drive to impede his success and overturn the election of our duly elected and selected President.
Second, this is what communists do. They have a long history of this kind of activity. It's changed and adapted over the years, but the goal remains the same. Spread disinformation. Sway people away from loving America and open them up to alternatives, like "socialism", which is actually communism. Cause disruption. Cause mistrust between Americans. Cause suspicion between us. Cause us to mistrust our electoral process and open the door to other governing options.
And they are doing pretty damn good at this seditious behavior, when a self identified openly practicing communist can run for president on the democrat/communist ticket. And would have probably won the primary if he wasn't up against someone even more evil and crooked than himself.
So I say shame on Starbucks for backing down. But that's what's required these days. The forces are strong and will destroy you if you don't yield to the jackboot on your neck from the godless left. Starbucks is as liberal as it gets. And they turned on them when the opportunity presented itself.
So maybe that's the good news. The godless left will eat their own. They have no limits, and they aren't smart enough to know who their friends are and who their enemies are. (I'm in the latter camp).
So like the snake swallowing himself by the tail, they will eventually run out of targets and wipe out their own support base.
One can only hope.
Monday, April 16, 2018
James Comey. Should he be in prison instead of on TV?
My answer to that is yes. This man is a criminal. He has manipulated the justice system time and time again to attempt to sway an election, then to try to undermine and discredit a sitting President. He has done this because of his personal hatred of President Trump. He was fired for misconduct as head of the FBI, justifiably and deservedly. He lied, he provided disinformation (shades of communism) and he leaked government information to the press in the hope it would lead to the impeachment of our President.
I've been seeing excerpts of this idiot's interview from yesterday. He was interviewed by someone pretending to be a journalist, who is in fact a former hillary clinton staffer, who has supported her financially and is a hyper partisan democrat/communist operative imbedded within what used to pass for a news organization.
James Comey is a disgrace. And seeing him treated like a hero wrongfully fired is a disgrace. This man should be on trial for criminal activity, conspiracy, obstruction and attempting to interfere with an American election. Not paraded in front of the cameras as some kind of pitiful character done wrong by this evil President.
This is a great example of how far these people are willing to go. This is just one small blip on the radar screen of the reach of these people. How deep they reach into the government. How influential they are in the media. And how much ability they have to sow discord and lies and misinformation into the American mind.
This is like nothing America has ever seen.
Our founders knew the biggest threat to this great experiment called America would always be attack from within. We proved to the world that we were a force to be reckoned with from attack by outsiders. But they also knew that attack from within our country would be deadly. They tried to create a government that could withstand it. They tried to write a constitution that would prevent it. But they never anticipated anything like this.
We will survive this. These people are not the majority. They are the loudest. They do the most damage. They think they represent the majority of America. But they don't. The rest of us are busy working and living so we don't have time to wear funny hats and march around carrying stupid signs. And the majority of America is slowly catching on.
People just like this have tried to destroy our country from within for as long as we've been here. It's gotten a lot worse since WWII and the birth of Stalin's Russia and the communist movement. They may hide behind other names and faces but they are the same people. They hate America and they hate us.
But when this is all over, and America shakes off the dust and ashes of this anarchy, and all that is left is the dust and ashes of this movement to destroy our county history will record this time as one of the darkest periods in our history. The Civil War was one of those times. This will be remembered as another. Let's just hope it doesn't lead to that level of rebellion.
I've been seeing excerpts of this idiot's interview from yesterday. He was interviewed by someone pretending to be a journalist, who is in fact a former hillary clinton staffer, who has supported her financially and is a hyper partisan democrat/communist operative imbedded within what used to pass for a news organization.
James Comey is a disgrace. And seeing him treated like a hero wrongfully fired is a disgrace. This man should be on trial for criminal activity, conspiracy, obstruction and attempting to interfere with an American election. Not paraded in front of the cameras as some kind of pitiful character done wrong by this evil President.
This is a great example of how far these people are willing to go. This is just one small blip on the radar screen of the reach of these people. How deep they reach into the government. How influential they are in the media. And how much ability they have to sow discord and lies and misinformation into the American mind.
This is like nothing America has ever seen.
Our founders knew the biggest threat to this great experiment called America would always be attack from within. We proved to the world that we were a force to be reckoned with from attack by outsiders. But they also knew that attack from within our country would be deadly. They tried to create a government that could withstand it. They tried to write a constitution that would prevent it. But they never anticipated anything like this.
We will survive this. These people are not the majority. They are the loudest. They do the most damage. They think they represent the majority of America. But they don't. The rest of us are busy working and living so we don't have time to wear funny hats and march around carrying stupid signs. And the majority of America is slowly catching on.
People just like this have tried to destroy our country from within for as long as we've been here. It's gotten a lot worse since WWII and the birth of Stalin's Russia and the communist movement. They may hide behind other names and faces but they are the same people. They hate America and they hate us.
But when this is all over, and America shakes off the dust and ashes of this anarchy, and all that is left is the dust and ashes of this movement to destroy our county history will record this time as one of the darkest periods in our history. The Civil War was one of those times. This will be remembered as another. Let's just hope it doesn't lead to that level of rebellion.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Nikki Haley: The Time For Talking is Over...
Alright guys, you all know I have reservations about this Syria crap.
There's always a "But," isn't there?
You can say what you want about UN Ambassador Nikki Haley but you can't say she doesn't have nerves of steel and she does not stutter.
She stands up to the world.
She's loyal to her country, her president, and her friends.
Nikki Haley to Russia on Future Gas Attacks in Syria: ‘The United States Is Locked and Loaded’
y PENNY STARR14 Apr 20184,396
Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, said Saturday at the second emergency meeting in as many days that the overnight strike against Syrian infrastructure was justified “to deter the use of chemical weapons.”
Haley gave Russia a stern warning about the Syrian regime’s future use of chemical weapons, a warning she said came directly from President Donald Trump.
“I spoke to the president this morning, and he said if the Syrian regime uses poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded,” Haley said.
Saturday’s meeting, like the one that took place on Friday just hours ahead of the strike that took out a research facility, storage bunkers, and other infrastructure that supports Syria’s chemical weapons program, was requested by Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the strike illegal and “an act of aggression on a sovereign state.”
Russian diplomat Vassily Nebenzia was the first to speak at the meeting at the U.N.’s headquarters in New York City and deemed the strike “hooliganism.” He also called for attacks on Syria to cease.
“The whole world is looking at you,” Nebenzia said. “Take a principled step.”
But Haley did not back down from the claims she made on Friday and repeated on Saturday–that the evidence was clear that Bashar al-Assad’s regime was responsible for ongoing chemical weapons attacks, including the latest on April 7 that reportedly killed dozens of Syrian civilians.
“The time for talking ended last night,” Haley said, noting that the strike, which was a joint effort of the U.S., France, and the U.K., was strictly done “to deter the future use of chemical weapons by holding the Syrian regime responsible for its atrocities against humanity.”
Haley’s U.K. counterpart, Julian Braithwaite, said the strike was “limited, targeted, and successful”–and justified.
“The Syrian regime and its supporters are responsible for the gravest violations of international humanitarian law in modern history,” Braithwaite said.
Francois Delattre, the permanent representative of France to the U.N., said the evidence of Syria’s use of chemical weapons against its own people was clear and that the United Nations’ mission should be to hold war criminals accountable.
“The U.N. charter was not designed to protect criminals,” Delattre said.
A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!
Haley said a Russian disinformation campaign was in “full force” but that efforts to change the subject would not succeed.
“The pictures of dead children were not fake news,” Haley said.
And she warned that Syria and its allies, which include Iran, should not be “foolish enough to test our will.”
“With yesterday’s military action, our message was crystal clear,” Haley said. “The United States of America will not allow the Assad regime to continue to use chemical weapons.”
International law banned chemical weapons in 1925.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Free For All Friday...
Special programming note:
It appears as though one of our bottom feeding shadow dwellers has been abusing the anonymous posting option.
I've kind of kicked it around and even asked for your input about what to do about it.
It's not looking good.
I'm going to ask that everyone that wants to continue posting here on America's Blog from here on out creates a Google account so we all know who we're talking to.
A very simple and reasonable request.
Unless you can convince me otherwise, once this particular blog has run it's course I plan to shut down the anonymous option all together.
If you feel this is unfair and want to file an official complaint you can do so by speaking directly to the Complaint Department Manager, Still Safe At Home.
Good luck, depending on the day of the week and what kind of a mood he's in, he's usually a bigger asshole than I've ever dreamed of being.
In the meantime enjoy the pretty pictures and be sure to check out today's action packed videos.
The first one came to me courtesy of our good friend and fellow patriot, Hammertime.
Enjoy the show...
Any questions?
Yeah, I didn't think so...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Maybe Blue's right... Maybe we should be more progressive like California...
I see our internet doctor has arrived and as usual he's running down my hometown again.
Can't get much worse he says.
AnonymousApril 11, 2018 at 4:31 PM
And you wonder why Topeka (and Kansas as a whole)is rapidly deteriorating, its downtown on life support, its population dropping, and its crime rate rising. My hope is that the next generation may bring about much needed changes. There is a chance. And I suspect some of them read this blog. I have great memories of the Topeka I grew up in, Macy's downtown, Poor Richard's, AAU swim team at Gage pool, the zoo in great shape... but alas, Topeka seems to be dying a slow death, and the rest of Kansas is not far behind. So yeah, I'll interject my comments now and then. Blogs should always be about dialogue. Otherwise they only serve the blogger who in this case normally doesn't know diddly shit about much of anything. People see things like this blog. They see what's left of the Phelp's crew, they see the abandoned houses around THS and Central Park... and Wanamaker doesn't do much for them. So maybe, just maybe it's time to consider other ways of doing things. If that comes across as arrogant, condescending, rude, I can't help that. It may be more a result of the insecurities of the reader than anything else. But from what I hear from family still in Topeka, things can't get much worse.
Maybe we could take notes from the democrat leaders who've driven a once leading American straight into the ground.
Or perhaps we need to declare ourselves a sanctuary state and allow an unlimited number of illegal aliens to waltz right on in here to suck off the tax payers like that Utopian state of California has done.
Nah, I think I'll just stay put.
I've never claimed we don't have our problems.
But when some arrogant internet doctor claims things can't get much worse than they are here in Topeka, Kansas, well, well that's just a fucking lie...
Kevin McGinty
Juggling Topics with Commitments...
Good morning fellow patriots and assorted bottom feeding shadow dwellers.
I have several topics I'd like to discuss today.
And when I say several I'm not kidding.
Let's see, we're all set to go to war with Russia and Iran in Syria.
We're witnessing the FBI and DOJ officially joining forces with what passes as today's democrat party to bring down the President of The United States.
Hammer brought up an excellent topic the other day when he spoke of a "Convention of States" as a means to fix a lot of what's wrong with our country today.
Good idea? Bad idea? I don't know but it's sure as hell something worth talking about.
I wanted to talk about the Kansas Supreme Court reversing the Dana Chandler murder conviction due to gross prosecutor misconduct.
You guys know I like to give our friend, Divemaster hell when he talks about bringing back the good old days of trying em one day, hanging em the next and letting em rot in the streets to send a message.
The Chandler case and others like it are perfect examples as to why that's a really, really bad idea.
So many topics so little time.
But unfortunately I must be in Kansas City in a couple of hours and like most days I've run out of time to do any of them justice.
Stay focused.
Keep your heads up.
And don't let those who seek to destroy us get you down.
I'll talk to you guys later but right now I gotta go...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, April 8, 2018
I Proudly Stand With Mark Robinson...
Good morning fellow patriots.
I realize we've talked the issue of the gun grabbers almost to the point of exhaustion here in the Bunker.
And to tell you the truth, it wasn't even what I wanted to talk about today but then I heard what a man from North Carolina named Mark Robinson had to say to the Greensboro City Council the other day on the issue and decided it was too good not to bring it up.
Of course we'll hear from the bottom feeding shadow dwellers that no one is coming for your guns.
That's a lie and we all know it.
As the left-wing extremists seize more and more control of the once proud democrat party the masks are coming off like never before.
Did you ever think you'd witness entire cities and states declaring themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when an American state governor would pardon convicted felons in order to shield them from deportation regardless of the danger they pose to American citizens?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when an American governor would fight tooth and nail to keep the federal government from enforcing it's immigration laws?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see people marching down the street of an American city openly chanting for the murder of police officers?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when high ranking officials within our own government attempting to overthrow a sitting president?
Yet here we are.
Today's democrats hate the Constitution and in particular they hate the second amendment and will stop at nothing to repeal it.
Make no mistake, the America we all grew up in is under attack from within.
These people will never compromise and they'll never stop.
And the only they win is for good people like you and I to sit idly by and let it happen.
I will not sit down.
I will not shut up.
And I most certainly mill not comply.
This is my country and those of you who want to change it into something it was never meant to be can kiss my ass.
I proudly stand with Mark Robinson and the law abiding American citizens who make up the majority of this great nation...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, April 6, 2018
Looks like the lines are getting drawn
With the mid terms coming up it looks like the democrat/communist party has picked the battles they want to fight. And from my point of view, it looks like someone from President's Trumps team is helping them pick the fights.
Repeal of the Second Amendment and taking away our guns. I guess since a bunch of teenagers have made a big noise the democrat/communists think that means America has turned the corner and is suddenly willing to surrender our guns and submit to their control. Somehow I think they have seriously misjudged us on this one. They may have all the usual voices out there speechifying and carrying the totalitarian water, but most of America isn't having it. They never have, even from the days we weren't yet the United States. That is not going to be a winner for them.
Illegal immigration. They look like they are going to run on open borders, legalizing millions and millions of criminals who are costing America hundreds of billions of dollars, filling our prisons and voting illegally, virtually exclusively for democrat/communists. Are there enough of them to sway the elections? I doubt that. But I think just like me America is growing weary of being lectured by people here illegally on what we are compelled to do for them. I don't think this one is going to be a winner.
Russia, Russia, Russia. They are going to keep trying to beat that dead horse and sell that snake oil. But I think America has pretty well figured out what happened with all that. And as the truth slowly unfolds and shows that forces within the FBI, DOJ, NSA and operatives all the way up to the Kenyan president were the ones actually conspiring with Russia and spying on American citizens and involving themselves in the campaign, I think this one is going to backfire bigly. Another non winner.
And according to senile old Nancy Pelosi they are going to repeal the tax cuts if they take the house. Of course, anybody with even a partial brain knows that isn't enough to accomplish that task, but it sounds good to rally the communist base. And there's nothing the communists hate more than tax cuts.
So we'll see what else the democrat/communists can come up with, but what they are dragging around now isn't going to do it. Remember, this "blue wave" they keep predicting is being predicted by the same people who said Donald Trump didn't have the slightest chance of beating crooked hillary, so you know what that's worth.
So this one's going to be fun. Remember how weepy and broken up they were when Donald Trump won? How they literally had mental breakdowns? How insanity spread through the democrat/communist party like nothing America has ever seen? Well, they have kept themselves afloat by convincing themselves they are going to take back the House and Senate. That's the pipe dream. The crack pipe dream in fact. And that little shred of hope keeps them from just hiding in the basement and never leaving their houses again. So, when that doesn't happen look for all hell to break loose. The insane asylum doors will fling open and the democrat/communist party will pour out to wreak havoc on America.
But it will be fun to watch, won't it?
Lets Make America Great Again!!!!!
Repeal of the Second Amendment and taking away our guns. I guess since a bunch of teenagers have made a big noise the democrat/communists think that means America has turned the corner and is suddenly willing to surrender our guns and submit to their control. Somehow I think they have seriously misjudged us on this one. They may have all the usual voices out there speechifying and carrying the totalitarian water, but most of America isn't having it. They never have, even from the days we weren't yet the United States. That is not going to be a winner for them.
Illegal immigration. They look like they are going to run on open borders, legalizing millions and millions of criminals who are costing America hundreds of billions of dollars, filling our prisons and voting illegally, virtually exclusively for democrat/communists. Are there enough of them to sway the elections? I doubt that. But I think just like me America is growing weary of being lectured by people here illegally on what we are compelled to do for them. I don't think this one is going to be a winner.
Russia, Russia, Russia. They are going to keep trying to beat that dead horse and sell that snake oil. But I think America has pretty well figured out what happened with all that. And as the truth slowly unfolds and shows that forces within the FBI, DOJ, NSA and operatives all the way up to the Kenyan president were the ones actually conspiring with Russia and spying on American citizens and involving themselves in the campaign, I think this one is going to backfire bigly. Another non winner.
And according to senile old Nancy Pelosi they are going to repeal the tax cuts if they take the house. Of course, anybody with even a partial brain knows that isn't enough to accomplish that task, but it sounds good to rally the communist base. And there's nothing the communists hate more than tax cuts.
So we'll see what else the democrat/communists can come up with, but what they are dragging around now isn't going to do it. Remember, this "blue wave" they keep predicting is being predicted by the same people who said Donald Trump didn't have the slightest chance of beating crooked hillary, so you know what that's worth.
So this one's going to be fun. Remember how weepy and broken up they were when Donald Trump won? How they literally had mental breakdowns? How insanity spread through the democrat/communist party like nothing America has ever seen? Well, they have kept themselves afloat by convincing themselves they are going to take back the House and Senate. That's the pipe dream. The crack pipe dream in fact. And that little shred of hope keeps them from just hiding in the basement and never leaving their houses again. So, when that doesn't happen look for all hell to break loose. The insane asylum doors will fling open and the democrat/communist party will pour out to wreak havoc on America.
But it will be fun to watch, won't it?
Lets Make America Great Again!!!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
You don't agree with me?? Whadda ya nuts or something?
I just wanted to address an issue that bubbles up from time to time that always bugs me. Occasionally, we don't agree on everything. I know, I know, that just sounds crazy, but it's true. We're all free thinking people and we don't always agree.
But we are also friends and neighbors. And friends don't always have to agree.
I hope nobody ever gets mad and drops out of our little community over something I say. I'm just expressing my opinions, which is kind of the point of the whole exercise. Back in the days when we were over on that commie mouthpiece the CJ Urinal, we would get booted off or deleted at the whim of some godless left wing censor who followed the dictates of a whining pervert who haunted our blog. That's not how it works around here.
Now I know, you're saying, but Safe! You guys are pretty rough on the fake doc who comes around here to express his opinion. And sometimes you guys just summarily delete his comments. So what about that Mister Everybody gets their say?
Well, I'm glad you asked. That's different. You all know the fake doc comes around here all full of himself, his giant ego leading him to our little blog where he fancies himself the smartest guy here, towering above all us hayseeds in Kansas. He insults us, he demeans us, he attacks us and our city and our state. He could choose to have an actual conversation here but instead he takes the low road pretty much every time. So he gets what he gives.
And the worst thing he does is personally attack my friend Sarge. He seems to focus his hatred on Sarge pretty often. Now Sarge is perfectly capable of defending himself, and does so without hesitation, but when you attack Sarge you are crossing a line. Sarge is a charter member of this blog. He's been around as long as we have and he was with us on the CJ Urinal as well. People might not know Sarge but he is a generous, kind person. He provides hours and hours of work to make the Summit happen, and spends a bunch of money to feed everybody. And above all, this man devoted his working life to serving out country in the military. And anybody that doesn't appreciate the sacrifice that takes doesn't know shit from shinola. And the fake doc seems to have a special dislike for Sarge which I find personally offensive.
And the same story goes for the fake doc and Kevin. He seems to hold Kevin in contempt, attacking him based on what he does for a living and the very fact he has the cajones to do this blog.
So, when you come around here attacking and insulting you don't earn the right to have a conversation. You earn the right get back what you give.
But everybody else? Hey, if you disagree with me, say so. We can talk about it or not. But this is an opinion blog. And we won't always like each other's opinion.
This isn't the democrat/communist party where you either toe the line or you're out. The communist party has a long history of purging anybody who disagrees with them. Stalin murdered millions of people simply because they opposed him taking over. That's how they work. That's not how we work.
If we can't disagree on some points and still be friends, then Kevin and I are wasting our time. Because if we have to make everybody happy then we both need to just shut up and talk about the weather.
So let's agree to agree on this. We're friends. We have some similar views, we have some dissimilar views. But always remember this.
In the department store of life, this is the toy department.
But we are also friends and neighbors. And friends don't always have to agree.
I hope nobody ever gets mad and drops out of our little community over something I say. I'm just expressing my opinions, which is kind of the point of the whole exercise. Back in the days when we were over on that commie mouthpiece the CJ Urinal, we would get booted off or deleted at the whim of some godless left wing censor who followed the dictates of a whining pervert who haunted our blog. That's not how it works around here.
Now I know, you're saying, but Safe! You guys are pretty rough on the fake doc who comes around here to express his opinion. And sometimes you guys just summarily delete his comments. So what about that Mister Everybody gets their say?
Well, I'm glad you asked. That's different. You all know the fake doc comes around here all full of himself, his giant ego leading him to our little blog where he fancies himself the smartest guy here, towering above all us hayseeds in Kansas. He insults us, he demeans us, he attacks us and our city and our state. He could choose to have an actual conversation here but instead he takes the low road pretty much every time. So he gets what he gives.
And the worst thing he does is personally attack my friend Sarge. He seems to focus his hatred on Sarge pretty often. Now Sarge is perfectly capable of defending himself, and does so without hesitation, but when you attack Sarge you are crossing a line. Sarge is a charter member of this blog. He's been around as long as we have and he was with us on the CJ Urinal as well. People might not know Sarge but he is a generous, kind person. He provides hours and hours of work to make the Summit happen, and spends a bunch of money to feed everybody. And above all, this man devoted his working life to serving out country in the military. And anybody that doesn't appreciate the sacrifice that takes doesn't know shit from shinola. And the fake doc seems to have a special dislike for Sarge which I find personally offensive.
And the same story goes for the fake doc and Kevin. He seems to hold Kevin in contempt, attacking him based on what he does for a living and the very fact he has the cajones to do this blog.
So, when you come around here attacking and insulting you don't earn the right to have a conversation. You earn the right get back what you give.
But everybody else? Hey, if you disagree with me, say so. We can talk about it or not. But this is an opinion blog. And we won't always like each other's opinion.
This isn't the democrat/communist party where you either toe the line or you're out. The communist party has a long history of purging anybody who disagrees with them. Stalin murdered millions of people simply because they opposed him taking over. That's how they work. That's not how we work.
If we can't disagree on some points and still be friends, then Kevin and I are wasting our time. Because if we have to make everybody happy then we both need to just shut up and talk about the weather.
So let's agree to agree on this. We're friends. We have some similar views, we have some dissimilar views. But always remember this.
In the department store of life, this is the toy department.
Monday, April 2, 2018
So the Pope says there is no hell...
And right before Easter. Which got me thinking a lot about it this weekend, going to Good Friday service celebrating the crucifixion and then Sunday celebrating the resurrection which changed the world and birthed my faith.
Now what the Pope said is probably good news for people who live their lives based on hope that comes from believing heresy, but for Christians who believe in the bible that's just blasphemy.
I hope I don't offend any Catholics out there, but remember this is just my opinion. That's what this blog is all about, right?
So my opinion is that not only is this Pope a heretic, but I believe he is a Marxist as well. Too much social justice, wealth redistribution and other Marxist philosophy from this guy for me to believe otherwise.
Whittaker Chambers describes Communism as being based on a lack of belief in God. A communist believes in evolution, that man is the highest form of life in the universe. That man is the highest form of thought. That man was not created by an omnipotent God for a purpose but evolved from nothing. Something out of nothing. But they deny the existence of God. God is just too much for them to accept, but they believe the earth and everything on it came from nothing.
So, Communists believe everything that happens in this world is by man's action. That's how they can believe in the global warming hoax. In abortion. That men can turn into women and vice versa. Because if there is no God, anything goes. And only man can fix everything that is wrong in this world. Human inequality? Man can fix it.
So much of what this Pope expresses has faint and not so faint roots in Communist thought.
You see, it is not possible to be a true Christian and a Communist at the same time. They cannot coexist in the same mind. Man cannot be the highest, most important form of life in the universe if God exists.
So I really question this Pope. When he begins denying the fundamental tenents of his faith, one of the foundational doctrines that is in their statement of faith, I have to wonder what would cause the papal bull to fall away from his flock, and mislead them in such a dramatic and important belief? The only conclusion I can reach is he is led more by Marxist beliefs than God's teachings.
I think the Catholics need to deal with this before their church suffers the fate of all apostate churches. When God finds them guilty, and unredeemed. I wouldn't want to be there when that happens.
Putting your faith in a church instead of God is a very dangerous thing to do. Especially when the church is wrong.
Now what the Pope said is probably good news for people who live their lives based on hope that comes from believing heresy, but for Christians who believe in the bible that's just blasphemy.
I hope I don't offend any Catholics out there, but remember this is just my opinion. That's what this blog is all about, right?
So my opinion is that not only is this Pope a heretic, but I believe he is a Marxist as well. Too much social justice, wealth redistribution and other Marxist philosophy from this guy for me to believe otherwise.
Whittaker Chambers describes Communism as being based on a lack of belief in God. A communist believes in evolution, that man is the highest form of life in the universe. That man is the highest form of thought. That man was not created by an omnipotent God for a purpose but evolved from nothing. Something out of nothing. But they deny the existence of God. God is just too much for them to accept, but they believe the earth and everything on it came from nothing.
So, Communists believe everything that happens in this world is by man's action. That's how they can believe in the global warming hoax. In abortion. That men can turn into women and vice versa. Because if there is no God, anything goes. And only man can fix everything that is wrong in this world. Human inequality? Man can fix it.
So much of what this Pope expresses has faint and not so faint roots in Communist thought.
You see, it is not possible to be a true Christian and a Communist at the same time. They cannot coexist in the same mind. Man cannot be the highest, most important form of life in the universe if God exists.
So I really question this Pope. When he begins denying the fundamental tenents of his faith, one of the foundational doctrines that is in their statement of faith, I have to wonder what would cause the papal bull to fall away from his flock, and mislead them in such a dramatic and important belief? The only conclusion I can reach is he is led more by Marxist beliefs than God's teachings.
I think the Catholics need to deal with this before their church suffers the fate of all apostate churches. When God finds them guilty, and unredeemed. I wouldn't want to be there when that happens.
Putting your faith in a church instead of God is a very dangerous thing to do. Especially when the church is wrong.
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