Sunday, April 8, 2018
I Proudly Stand With Mark Robinson...
Good morning fellow patriots.
I realize we've talked the issue of the gun grabbers almost to the point of exhaustion here in the Bunker.
And to tell you the truth, it wasn't even what I wanted to talk about today but then I heard what a man from North Carolina named Mark Robinson had to say to the Greensboro City Council the other day on the issue and decided it was too good not to bring it up.
Of course we'll hear from the bottom feeding shadow dwellers that no one is coming for your guns.
That's a lie and we all know it.
As the left-wing extremists seize more and more control of the once proud democrat party the masks are coming off like never before.
Did you ever think you'd witness entire cities and states declaring themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when an American state governor would pardon convicted felons in order to shield them from deportation regardless of the danger they pose to American citizens?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when an American governor would fight tooth and nail to keep the federal government from enforcing it's immigration laws?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when you'd see people marching down the street of an American city openly chanting for the murder of police officers?
Did you ever think you'd see the day when high ranking officials within our own government attempting to overthrow a sitting president?
Yet here we are.
Today's democrats hate the Constitution and in particular they hate the second amendment and will stop at nothing to repeal it.
Make no mistake, the America we all grew up in is under attack from within.
These people will never compromise and they'll never stop.
And the only they win is for good people like you and I to sit idly by and let it happen.
I will not sit down.
I will not shut up.
And I most certainly mill not comply.
This is my country and those of you who want to change it into something it was never meant to be can kiss my ass.
I proudly stand with Mark Robinson and the law abiding American citizens who make up the majority of this great nation...
Kevin McGinty
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I seen that and I can't add much to it that's for sure but it is a good conversation piece. I say don't bother me and I won't bother you, government has way to much power that they should not have.
ReplyDeleteDitto here, that speech Mr. Robinson made from his heart spoke truth and he's right.
ReplyDeleteAnd before our leftist chicken shit stalker shows up here with his croakings of crapola.... all you libs reading in the shadows take heed - all your junk is what fired up President Trump to run for and get elected to office and all your junk is what is firing up common sense citizens across our nation to stand up to your anarchistic communistic crap.
The hasbeen of a presidential candidate that you libs so desparately wanted would have sold America down the tubes and you along with it. Look at your beloved Hillary now... she's nothing more than a rambling babbling pshycopath who can't grasp that she lost her bid. Can you just imagine for a moment that if she were actually elected how she'd be reacting to congress going against her campaign promises, etc.? Hillary needs a psychiatric exam and admitted to an institution for insanity.
Getting back to Mr. Robinson and his stand for the 2nd Amendment. Did you notice that he said that if the 2nd Amendment were to be taken away, the 1st Amendment would be next? I believe he is right about that.
I was just about to say that, damn late again. :):)😂
DeleteFox News reports, “Students at Florida high school stage walkout in support of Second Amendment.”
ReplyDeleteA group of students at a Central Florida high school walked out of class Friday as part of a protest in support of the Second Amendment.
About 75 students participated in Friday’s walkout at Rockledge, Florida Today reported. The protest lasted 20 minutes.
They walked onto the schools track carrying the American flag and signs that said “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” the paper reported.
Zachary Schneider, a junior, was quoted by the paper as saying, “It’s all over the news right now that all students hate guns. I wanted to show that not all students feel that way.” Just shows you not all students are stupid. Or led by the nose.
The local ABC affiliate, WFTV 9, reported, “Rockledge High School students stage walkout in support of Second Amendment,” saying that some were left out or at least felt they were excluded from having a voice.
ReplyDeleteSome of the students who participated in the walkout said when the movement to honor the victims and survivors of the shooting in Parkland became political, they felt silenced.
“I’m pro-Second Amendment. I wouldn’t mind deeper background checks, of course, but the Second Amendment will not be infringed upon,” said student Anna Delaney.
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
I seen a on line petition about Jimmy Kimmel After he was mocking the first lady on his show. He is another one of those sick o's from the left. Seen Hanity had some of his old clips on. Pretty sick o
ReplyDeleteYa Hanity did a job on that pervert Kimmel the other night.
DeleteI want to see those types get what they dish out. If it was some conservative on tv sayin gross things they would have him removed and his whole life and career gone. Turn about is only fair. ABC and Disney need to fire the a hole. Make him go POOF
ReplyDeletePretty rich for a guy who does a "blackface" comedy routine to try and tell me conservatives are bigoted and racist.
ReplyDeleteOh the logic...
I absolutely stand with the man. Just look at London. Today they announced "knife control". Seems they banned guns and that didn't stop them from overtaking NYC for murders in 2018 todate.
ReplyDeleteExcellent point, Dennis.
ReplyDeleteI think the moral of the story, which the left wants us to ignore all together is that evil cannot and will not be controlled.
Evil will always find a way...
Oh yeah, thanks for stopping by. It's good to have you aboard...
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is that way too many Americans actually get their news from the likes of likes of Jimmy Kimmel and Bill Maher...
ReplyDeleteThe Judge says like it is
ReplyDelete"Who do we blame for the repeated trashing of the first lady? Why is it open season on the first family? Who do we blame for the refusal to honor congressional subpoenas? There is only one group to blame, and that group is the Republican Party," Pirro said in her opening statement on "Justice" Saturday night.
Judge Jeanine Pirro said it's time for Republicans to stop fighting with each other and start supporting President Trump.
But the good news is that the gullible masses don't make up the majority.
ReplyDeleteAs proven in November of 2016 the majority is awake, paying attention, and are getting more fed up with the madness we're seeing every day now.
If you bottom feeding shadow dwellers think for one minute that impeaching Trump, repealing the second amendment, and providing sanctuary to illegals over American citizens is winning the hearts and minds of the American people, you're crazier than I thought you were...
ReplyDelete(SA) Samuel Adams?
Winner winner chicken dinner.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
Thomas Jefferson! and a good morning everyone.
Delete"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance ofpower is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves."
Let's see if I've got this right.
ReplyDeleteThomas Jefferson
Ben Franklin
Thomas Paine
Nailed it.
ReplyDeleteMy whole intent was to show that what is happening in these attacks on the 2A was already predicted and forseen. Nearly 250 years ago. By the men who had their hand in forming our great nation.
Seems times haven't changed. Not at all. The importance of firearms then and now.
History can't be changed, only ignored. We won't let that happen.
And you illustrated it perfectly.
ReplyDeleteTechnology has changed but men haven't.
The Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing...
I guessed TP was Teddy Pentergast. Darn.
ReplyDeleteThat Sam Adams guy makes beer, right?
DeleteNow it is a good morning!
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I should act like a normal person and go back to bed, to early to work on tax's I guess... JR
ReplyDeleteLol... Yes it is...
ReplyDeleteLets try this again, good morning America.
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way.
ReplyDeleteIn 1776 or so the British demanded we turn in our weapons.
We killed em...
I'm not saying I'd personally shoot anyone.
ReplyDeleteBut some would. That's just a fact.
I guess then we'll see just how serious the gun grabbers really are.
Are they willing to murder hundreds of thousands of law abiding American citizens in order to disarm them?
In the words of Doc Holiday in the movie Tombstone.
Say When...
A Necessary Reassessment of United States Foreign Policy
ReplyDeleteAmerican foreign policy is beyond a required reassessment of the coming situation which is being fomented against her, and that includes the myriads of foreign vermin changing the dynamic in America, so America is fighting Muslim wars for Muslims.
Britain has not been an honest broker with the United States, so what kind of treatment will Americans receive when Muslims acquire the nuclear, intelligence and financial interests of Great Britain.
You do remember MI6 spying on Americans in the 2016 election and disrupting the Presidential elections. What happens when Islam gains control over this cyberwarfare against Americans?
Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds .. MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford .. MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton .... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale .... MUSLIM
All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population:
Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women...78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men...63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families...6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!
That's the left's idea of diversity...
ReplyDeleteIf people really check around this world they will find out that we are pretty much out here all by ourselves. We are not that well liked around the world to begin with. They like us for one reason and that's about it. We have the libtard left against us with them getting their backing from all these other countries that don't like us and see a easy way to take us all down at once. The stupid libs think the muslims are behind them. LOL That's one thing these other country's and religions want is to do to us conservatives what the Nazi's did to the Jews. Why do these libs think these countries like them and not us? Ha Its the easiest way take away our right to guns and they take the whole country down all in one swipe. Yhea we are in this all by ourselves.
ReplyDeleteWhen you're from the farm, your perception is a little bit different.
A farmer drove to a neighbor's farmhouse and knocked at the door.
A boy, about 9, opened the door.
"Is your dad or mom home?" said the farmer.
"No, they went to town."
"How about your brother, Howard
Is he here?"
"No, he went with Mom and Dad."
The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other, mumbling to himself, when the young boy says,
"I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give Dad a message."
"Well," said the farmer uncomfortably. "No, I really want to talk to your Dad, about your brother Howard getting my daughter Suzy pregnant."
The boy thought for a moment, then says, "You'll have to talk to my Dad about that.
I know he charges $500 for the bulls and $150 for the pigs,
but I have no idea how much he charges for Howard."
Don't worry you can keep your guns, just like you didn't have to worry about keeping your doctor. Or maybe they will just outlaw ammunition?
ReplyDeleteSeems like the FBI is doing more illegal activities?? They raided Trumps lawyer's office, Mr Cohen. Looks like they wanted documents on the whore's case that may or may not have happened and $130,000 payment.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that have to do with Trump being president or Russia?
What ever happen to attorney client privileges of privacy?
ReplyDeleteI could care less If President Trump fired Muller, Sessions and Rosenass, right tonight. All this is bullshit.
ReplyDeleteMark Levin just burned down Sessions. Just said it's time for him (sessions) to step aside and resign.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind they are long time friends and colleagues.
Sessions, Rosenstine, and Mueller need to fired.
Well is Sessions has any brains at all he will resign He is a big problem and a swamp dweller. He can save grace if he does. If he doesn't his whole life and career are down the drain. He will nothing just a fired swamp dweller.
DeleteYhea I think Trump is getting ready to totally blow the Libs heads off. They are going to go 110% off. He is fixing to clean house and its about time.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am waiting and time is not on my side Lets Roll.
ReplyDeleteSessions, Rosenstine, and Mueller want to be fired, then they can be even more evil with their spewing. Then the RINOs and demons will spew even more hate. I don't see a good way out, well unless
ReplyDeleteWell What? That's a deep subject for shallow mind.
DeleteOur government system of laws and decency spirals into the sewer like bathwater draining from the tub.
ReplyDeleteI'd be surprised if Sessions lasts till the end of the week...
ReplyDeleteIf he bits the dust tonight I might get a good night sleep.
ReplyDeleteWell good night folks.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief, well good morning folks!!
ReplyDeleteWell this seems like a good time to try for some zzz's, better than working on my son's tax's, I can do that around 9 AM, I thought maybe SSAH would be up by now, but I was wrong again. Thats what happens when you get older than dirt.
ReplyDeleteSo, I tell my husband I am buying a gun. He laughs hard. Then I laugh hard. He's out of town. I will have a new gun tomorrow. Let's see how hard he laughs when he sees my new gun. He thinks I'll be at my woman's group on Wednesday. Nope, I'll be at the range brushing up on my shooting skills. I haven't shot a gun in 15 years! It's time.
ReplyDeleteActually, it's time for a lot of things to happen and I don't think any of them are going to be good...
ReplyDeleteTime for coffee nd to read the paper, later. Oh and good morning.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know where to start anymore. You talk about one thing the godless democrat/communists are doing and there's ten more happening at the same time. You can't keep up.
ReplyDeleteBut this is by design. The old Soviet Stalinist communists, which is where these people were born did the same thing. They had operatives in FDRs administration all the way up to the top levels of the State Department and Treasury. They had sympathetic Generals who gave them top secret documents to photograph.
Their goal was to gather as much information as possible, but also to spread as much disinformation as possible. The goal was always to maximize disruption in our country.
They're still doing it today. In fact they are a lot better at it. And they have a LOT more sympathizers, or as they call them useful idiots. They have the American media working on their side. They have an entire political party dedicated to advancing their cause.
It was recently revealed that when John Kerry, American traitor, testified before congress about what he allegedly saw happen in Viet Nam his testimony was provided by the Soviets. He read it word for word. It was disinformation planted by Soviets. And this man ran for President.
We are seeing chaos being spread by the democrat/communist party. It is intentional. It is political. It is meant to destroy our civil society.
And frankly, I don't know sometimes if we can beat it. It keeps growing.
But at least we have a President who is behind us. Who loves his country. Who is a patriot. That's our last hope.
Let's Make America Great Again
Trump is behind us.
ReplyDeleteBut the forces out to destroy him are unlike anything this country has ever seen.
Yesterday changed everything...
and through it all is the force that stands behind President Trump, from his First Lady, his family, and his supporters. He'll come out on top on this latest bashing too.
The Hate is unbelievable, never seen anything like it. How he is still handing the Country is something. hat he is going threw now, I say fire all those sonofbitches, and pardon the rest that got screwed by Muller. And that Pig Hillary still walking around really sucks.
ReplyDeleteAlso, being that Mueller was originally supposed to investigate the 'alleged' Russian Collusion - this abuse of power by Mueller will bite Mueller in the end!. All Mueller is nothing more than a swamp dweller in fancy designer duds. You could say that the draining of the swamp has the swamp dwellers going into full witch hunt attack but all of their efforts will be their undoing.
Hate to gloat but if you had listened to me, read all of my proof against the liar in chief you wouldn't be hanging your heads low now.
ReplyDeleteWhose head is hanging low? You imagine just because you godless commies have undermined our rule of law, our constitution and destroyed principles that have stood fast since our founding that we have our "heads hanging low"?
DeleteYou imagine, whoever the hell you are, and whatever imaginary "proofs against" our President that you have somehow won the war?
Hide and watch my cowardly anonymous friend. This is nothing. You commies have been whittling away at our civil society since WWII. And you still haven't accomplished anywhere near what you imagine you have.
It was this kind of underhanded un-American activity that got you President Trump in the first place. Your candidate was so dirty she lost even with all the illegal voting you snuck through.
This too shall pass. What is this, about the hundredth time you idiots have proclaimed that the end is near? That you have the big one? That this is the one that will take President Trump down?
Keep dreaming sporto. You nitwits are no closer than you were a year ago. So keep marching around wearing pussy hats and breaking stuff. That's worked pretty well for you so far.
His fraudulency, his bimbo, and the clan will be forcibly removed from office. The wrong will be righted when the rightful President is sworn in. President Hillary Clinton!
DeleteThe Constitution is outdated. It must be scrapped and re-written to fit how things are today. First to go is the 2nd Amendment.
DeleteAnd after they swear in Hillary Clinton as the rightful President, scrap and rewrite the Constitution, the next thing that needs to be done is change the design of the flag to be totally inclusive of our LBGT population.
DeleteI see our chicken shit yellow bellied coward popped back in again with more croakings of crapola.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is Boz. I detect the presence of baitfish.
ReplyDeleteSame here Ken, I don't think Blue is that stupid.
DeleteRight. The faux doc doesn't troll. He condescends, patronizes, insults and attack, but this is pure troll boy.
ReplyDeleteSmells like fishboy for sure.
I was thinking more JJ on his commie attitude.
DeletePlus that's a special kind of stupid rarely found outside of a sewage pond. Found there floating on the surface as a rule.
ReplyDeleteOther than Thornton, is there anyone sillier than Minnow?
ReplyDeleteWell, well, well....
ReplyDeleteSomebody got their computer up and running or new device.
Either way, the posts look like someone delusional and on an acid trip.
Swearing in of hillary.... Lmao
I'll come back when my sides quit hurting.
Meanwhile, our anonymous resident troll should do some research to understand what it takes to change the constitution. And be sure to check into the current convention taking place...
But the swearing in of Clinton?
Dam man, my sides!!!!
I agree with you. I got a real chuckle out of the Hillary and flag thing. It scares me that there are really people "out there" with thoughts like that swimming around in their noggins.
ReplyDeletewell, if Boz is 'chicken shit'... then Minnow would be our 'nutzoid court jester on LSD'....
ReplyDeleteAnothermouth, Change the design of the flag to be totally inclusive of our LBGT population....what do you suppose in your messed up mind that design would look like.
ReplyDeleteoff topic....
ReplyDeleteLooks like the latest bit of news out of Washington is that Zuckerberg isn't all that trustworthy!
"Facebook assisting Mueller probe into Trump 2016 campaign"
“By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Facebook is working with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump campaign interactions with Russian operatives during the 2016 election, company founder Mark Zuckerberg told Congress on Tuesday.
Mr. Zuckerberg first said his company had gotten a subpoena from Mr. Mueller, then paused and said he wasn’t sure if there was a subpoena but his company is sharing information the investigation.
He declined to go into more details.
“Our work with the special counsel is confidential,” he said, testifying to the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees.
Mr. Mueller’s probe began as a look into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to sway the 2016 election. While Russian operatives did attempt to affect the election and some Trump figures had contacts with Russia-connected persons, no collusion has yet been publicly identified.”
Rm 235 folks, how do you interpret this?
As for me....I enjoy the games on there, visiting etc., but I can not help but feel this is very concerning meaning that fb is being run by a damned liberal.
Thanks Rikki. I hadn't heard that news. Zuckerberg is a very smart man and I am impressed with his comments as he testifies. But there is just something about the guy that bugs me. He is slick as a snake in the grass.
ReplyDeleteZuckerberg's eyes look robotic.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rose. Too bad that Zuckerberg didn't do anything to help with the investigation into Hillary Clinton, the DNC, etc. After all, Hillary & the DNC, etc., have facebook pages too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Zuckerberg is biased against President Trump.
Of course he is. This whole thing is a sham.
ReplyDeleteHe donates thousands of dollars to democrats and other left wing organizations.
And he's had two days of private one on one meetings with these same politicians that are supposedly grilling him today...
Zuckerberg is nothing more than a thief.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is nothing but a tool of those out to twist this world into ways that we don't want.
I understand what most people use it for, and I know it's helpful to some.
But I encourage everyone to get off of it, and delete their account. You may actually find it interesting to see how hard it is to actually delete it....
Just my opinion, and I'm sure alot different than most.
I did get off years ago and thought I was off and than went to get back on poof there I was I never went anywhere.
DeleteObviously I'm on Facebook and I intend to stay put.
ReplyDeleteI think of it the same way I did at cj.
I knew they hated the things I believed in and wrote about.
It was kinda like operating behind enemy lines.
If they want me off Facebook they'll have to throw me off...
You on FB who would have thought? :)
DeleteWhat you say about Zuckerberg and FB is all true, but Google is no better and I believe they run Blogger. Also, Yahoo may be worse than any of them and owned by Verizon.
ReplyDeleteI know some of my friends on fb hate seeing my political on fb. Some even debate with me about my posts. I'm glad when they want to debate. Some of my democrat friends are not very informed and it gives me an opportunity to help "inform" them. Most think the wall is cruel and so they are against the wall, and they think an AR-15 is a machine gun. Slowly they are coming around.
ReplyDeleteKeep after em Rose...
ReplyDeleteOh and Rose, while I'm thinking about it I wanted to let you know we've set the date for this year's Summit.
ReplyDeleteIt's Saturday May 26th.
I know it's a long shot but if you happen to be in the neighborhood we'd love to meet you and your husband...
Thanks Kevin. I think my husband will be recovering from hip surgery the week of May 26th. Anything can change. He's rescheduled his surgery three times now. We would love to meet the gang.
ReplyDeleteOK, from the outset, let me say I'm not saying that there is something sinister going on here, but at the same time, I'm not so naive to think there couldn't be something sinister, especially since this deputy questioned what was really going on and was only 42 years old and in excellent health. Still Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Fitzsimons died on April 1, 2018 at his home on his sofa.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Fitzsimons, unlike Sheriff Scott Israel, questioned a lot of what was taking place following the Marjory Stoneman High School shooting that took place on February 14 of this year. And he wasn't a coward about it either.
Fitzsimons took to social media and questioned the agenda behind the shooting. He used his influence to point out exactly what David Hogg and company have been doing. Sharing a post from another Facebook user, he posted this.
Check it out my friends...
Well, that's a bit peculiar. Don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteYes it is, seems like that kind of shit happens more often theses days.
DeleteGood morning bunker dwellers.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...