Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Starbucks is a bunch of neo Nazi alt right white supremists
I always thought all that liberal stuff was just an act to cover up them actually being hate filled racists.
In fact, Starbucks is just the latest victim being hoisted on the public petard in the never ending, never ceasing, never sleeping quest to destroy America by the godless communist left.
So it seems in downtown Philly, the city of brotherly love, also a giant cesspool of filth and liberalism at its worst, a couple of black guys go into a Starbucks and want to use the restroom. They're told that they can't use the restroom, or in fact hang around there unless they buy something. So of course, you already know what happens next. They decide they aren't leaving so they sit down. The cops get called. They throw a fit. Call everybody names. And get arrested. Now it's national news. All over social media. And now Starbucks is going to shut down all their stores for a day and put 175,000 people through "racial sensitivity training".
This is just wrong on so many levels.
First of all, it pisses me off on those rare occasions I go to a Starbucks and want to sit and have a coffee and the seats are all taken by people who didn't even buy anything. Starbucks is just taking care of its paying customers by doing what they did. But that's not the real story.
This is happening more and more often. Godless liberals putting themselves in situations where they already know the outcome just for the purpose of claiming some kind of injustice. This is the continuing quest to cause disruption to our civil society, to cause division, to ramp up bigotry whether real or imagined and to generally further the already extreme polarization of America.
Why would they do that you ask? Good question. A couple of reasons.
First, they always, and I mean always drag our President into this. They make insane claims that this stuff is getting much worse since his election. That his very existence is causing racism and hatred to grow exponentially. So this is just one more tool in the godless leftist toolbox in the drive to impede his success and overturn the election of our duly elected and selected President.
Second, this is what communists do. They have a long history of this kind of activity. It's changed and adapted over the years, but the goal remains the same. Spread disinformation. Sway people away from loving America and open them up to alternatives, like "socialism", which is actually communism. Cause disruption. Cause mistrust between Americans. Cause suspicion between us. Cause us to mistrust our electoral process and open the door to other governing options.
And they are doing pretty damn good at this seditious behavior, when a self identified openly practicing communist can run for president on the democrat/communist ticket. And would have probably won the primary if he wasn't up against someone even more evil and crooked than himself.
So I say shame on Starbucks for backing down. But that's what's required these days. The forces are strong and will destroy you if you don't yield to the jackboot on your neck from the godless left. Starbucks is as liberal as it gets. And they turned on them when the opportunity presented itself.
So maybe that's the good news. The godless left will eat their own. They have no limits, and they aren't smart enough to know who their friends are and who their enemies are. (I'm in the latter camp).
So like the snake swallowing himself by the tail, they will eventually run out of targets and wipe out their own support base.
One can only hope.
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Count me in the latter camp as well.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you nailed it, Safe.
None of the crap is just happening.
It's all staged, set up, and executed for maximum exposure.
I was surprised they set their sights on one of their biggest corporate allies though.
But then I remembered who we're dealing with here and it all made sense.
These are evil people who will eat their own in the blink of an eye if they think it'll help advance their agenda.
The brain dead believers should pay particular attention to what's happened here.
They're nothing more than expendable pawms in a much larger plan...
I agree. Pretty much dead on accurate.
ReplyDeleteExcept I have boycotted Starbucks for quite some time. Ever since the Christmas debacle years back. And yes, the last time I went I told them my name was Trump for my order. The had to write it, except I was Trump III because two guys in front of me had same idea. 😉
Can I recommend PT's, or the Bean?
PT's and the Bean are local too. Even better.
DeleteLove PTs. Except for all the college snowflakes that hang around. But you can ignore them and enjoy a great coffee and good food as well.
ReplyDeleteKurt Schlichter has been saying for some time now the left changed the rules and they are going to hate playing by the new rules eventually.
ReplyDeleteI think Starbucks just crossed that line. So now if anybody can come in and sit and use the restroom without buying anything, welcome to the new rules. Downtown Philly. Hundreds of smelly nasty deranged homeless people milling about. Come on in! Have a seat! Use the bathroom! We don't need paying customers. We're a public conveyance, not a private business.
Those are the new rules. The godless left loves the homeless people in the abstract. But they don't want them up close. This changes everything.
More rules they're gonna hate.
ReplyDeleteThere's a video going around on Facebook of a black guy in a Starbucks demanding a free coffee voucher for reparations.
I can see it now. Starbucks from coast to coast filling up with black people demanding free coffee and paying customers going somewhere else.
This is the price you pay for bowing down to them...
ReplyDeleteOn Newsmax (not too sure of this website) but it mentions this book written by Jerome Corsi "Killing the Deep State The Fight to Save President Trump".
I wouldn't mind finding a copy to read.
What's y'all's take on this book? You'll never see it publicized like Hillary's What Happened nor Comey's A Higher Loyalty.
And the plot thickens.
ReplyDeleteEric Holder will be among those re-educating Starbucks employees.
According to Holder this isn't just an isolated incident. Racism is raging all across America.
What a crock of shit...
I don't like Starbucks - never did. So I don't part with my monies for their product.
ReplyDeleteBesides....giggles....they ain't got no Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee (Kevin's favorite - lol )
Gross... And speaking just for myself. I usually read a book about every two weeks and I do it purely for pleasure. I never by political books regardless of who they're written by. For the most part they're just repeating things we've already heard anyway...
ReplyDeleteCranberry Crème Brulee ain't that bad either.... (giggles)
ReplyDeleteKevin, where's your sense of adventure? Just kidding here. I know you're a straight Folger's type...
Those libtards are flipping out so fast. Hope they like eating their young cause that is what they are going to have to do. Maybe that's how we can get rid of them. FREE condiments, not condoms, but like mustard ketchup etc. They all like FREE so this might work out for us.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there is all of this BS from them.
Pittsburgh police warn officers to bring 'riot gear' to work in event Trump fires Mueller Rumors spread by left-leaning groups alleging President Trump will fire special counsel Robert Mueller have begun prompting official action, with Pittsburgh’s police department preparing for an eventuality the commander-in-chief has said will never come.
And advocating violence.
Whoopi Goldberg said that if President Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the potential resulting riots "would be fun to watch."
Talking about eating your own. Look at these two idiots. going after each other. LOL Ha Ha He He
ReplyDeleteJames Comey on Wednesday confirmed he was the one who kick-started the inspector general probe that led to his former deputy Andrew McCabe’s ouster, while seeming to back its findings that McCabe lied about a media leak.
Looks like Comey's gonna flip on McCabe's gonna flip on Comey's gonna flip on Lynch's gonna flip on Bill's gonna flip on Rosenstein's gonna flip on Obama's gonna flip on Hillary's gonna flip on..........You get the picture.
DeleteTalk about eating your own LOL
DeleteThat's kinda what happens when your house of lies start crumbling down around your head...
ReplyDeleteAs far as coffee, my favorite for the road is good ole' McDonalds coffee. I like it so much that I've started buying the McCafe coffee in the can.
ReplyDeleteNow, Starbucks, I have been to a Starbucks, I think, Once! Anyway, Safe is absolutely right about the Left eating their own. Even though Starbucks seems to promote the Liberal talking points, it is still a US Corporation. too big and too profitable to suit them. They would only be happy if the company gave all of their profits to Liberal causes until it folded up. They seem to only be happy if they are destroying anything in this country that promotes free enterprise and capitalism.
What gets me most about that attitude is that all of the ones who seem to think this country should become another 3rd world country are the exact ones who could not possibly even live without what this country offers them! Can you imagine a young liberal living without their Starbuck's coffee, or a computer, or fast food restaurants, cell phone, etc.,etc.etc., unless they somehow believe that the government is going to supply them all of this stuff! And just where do they think that the government is going to get all of the money needed to supply all of this stuff? I just Shake my head every time I hear this crap!
And Gary, if you're anything like me you spend a lot of time shaking your head nowadays...
ReplyDeleteI mentioned the federal judge presiding over the Michael Cohen case, Kimba Wood was nominated to be Attorney General, but guess why she never made it. It was found out that she hired illegals to work in her house.
ReplyDeleteTrue statement Kevin! Now, did you also hear about Starbucks shutting down 8000 stores for a day to give sensitive racial bias training to 175,000 employees, headed by none other than Eric Holder, The anti-defamation league, and, I don't remember the other group, because of this incident in the store with the two black people who were arrested for trespassing in the store. SMH again!!
ReplyDeleteGot an email from NRA today:
This was all scam. Did the two "men" pee their pants waiting for the cops to come and arrest them? No. I wonder if the officer let them use the restroom while they were cuffed and brought to the station. I doubt it. It was all a pee pee BLM scam. Starbucks has rules and these punks acted like they were above the rules. I read somewhere that they were real estate professionals. Not likely, but if they are then I would love to find out where they work, just so I could buy a cup of Starbucks coffee, go to their office and ask to sit in their office while I drink my coffee. Or just go to their office and ask if I could use their restroom.
ReplyDeleteAfter Starbucks conducts their sensitivity training I wish hundreds of white people would flood Starbucks and ask to use their restrooms and not buy anything. Wonder how that would go over? Of course someone would need to film it, so the MSM could report on it, but that would never happen. These two men are pigs. Why didn't they say they were waiting on someone? I still think it is weird they wouldn't even buy a cup of coffee or something while they waited on the third person, but some people have no manners at all. I sure hope they publish the names of the two men and the company they work for. I don't care for Starbucks. I don't like their coffee nor their political stance. Just wait. This will backfire on Starbucks. I can see it now. Hundreds of homeless people waiting for the doors to open, so they can use the facilities and have a nice place to sleep. I bet the libraries will be happy.
Well good Morning Bunker world. Well Kevin when you got COPD it it is hard to get air in and hard to get air out, but I am feeling okay this morning. I did get hire a guy to get the work done at the rental that I couldn't do,when he gets done with repairs, I will have the carpet people put down new carp though out the whole house. Then I will just have od and ends to touch up, still might have house painted on the out side should be all done by June hope fully. Than I can get back to the County stuff before all the shit hits the fan, looks like many people should end up in jail.
ReplyDeleteGood to see you out and about this morning.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think the more work you can have someone else do the better off you're gonna be...
Yup, I am burnt out for sure, this guy is doing a whole house inside paint job and replace some trim and 4 doors, detail stuff. I will be very happy when I can sell it, it sure cost lots of money just to sell a house. Have a good day, I am going to take a NAP!
DeleteSarge, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Please take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rose I try, but sooner or later the old parts wear out.
DeleteOh, and Rose, you mentioned something earlier this morning on Facebook about being normmal.
ReplyDeleteSame here. I've always considered myself somewhat normal.
But when I see some of the crap that's considered normal nowadays I'm not so sure anymore...
The poor oppressed Starbucks squatters have kicked things up a notch.
ReplyDeleteThey both feared for their lives.
Somehow I think maybe a multi million dollar settlement, an apology, and a very public shaming of the racist manager will help them cope...
Laura Ingram had a black comedian on last night. He went to a Starbucks and told the girl working he wanted free coffee because he was owed it. And he got it. Starbucks wanted to be liberal and they got it. The poor manager was just doing here job per company rules and they threw her under. Now starbucks will get what they deserve.
ReplyDeleteI hope every Starbucks in the country ends up with a line of stinky, smelly homeless degenerates outside their door waiting for their free coffee and a turn at the restroom...
ReplyDeleteI see where ole Cummy Comey has started to p the libtards off. This guy is living in a very tight place. He may wind up having a oxygen problem. Pee ing off the Clintons is not good. His whole world is going to come down on him like he has no idea. And its going to be fun watch the libtards carve him up and trash him. Eating their own LOL
ReplyDeleteThis is just too rich.
ReplyDelete"They make insane claims that this stuff is getting much worse since his election. That his very existence is causing racism and hatred to grow exponentially. So this is just one more tool in the godless leftist toolbox in the drive to impede his success and overturn the election of our duly elected and selected President.
Second, this is what communists do. They have a long history of this kind of activity. It's changed and adapted over the years, but the goal remains the same. Spread disinformation. Sway people away from loving America and open them up to alternatives, like "socialism", which is actually communism. Cause disruption. Cause mistrust between Americans. Cause suspicion between us. Cause us to mistrust our electoral process and open the door to other governing options.
-- Well, SSAH, it would appear Cadet Bone Spurs has already opened the door to other governing options; anarchy.
Nimrata Randhawa aka Nikki Haley gets her signals crossed and rants at the Russians that ' we're gonna get mean now.. NO REALLY MEAN... no more mister nice guy. Sanctions are coming.. .BIGGLY !! '
Then that nice Mr. Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow suggests " Ummmm... maybe the nice little lady... uh, what's her name .. got a bit too frisky. We're just joshing with the Russkies... they know we love 'em."
The rest of humanity collectively rolls its eyes. 'Muricans, the god lovin' kind who want Cadet Bone Spurs to be the next pope because of his strong "Crishtin Beliefs", follow Reichsarbeitsführer Richard Spencer in a chant of "Indians won't replace us ! Indians won't replace us".
The rest of America applies for asylum in those evil socialist countries like Sweden,Denmark,Finland, Netherlands, Canada,Norway. Six weeks paid vacation, at least a year's leave after having a child, complete medical care provided by the state which lo and behold providers superior epidemiological outcomes than the U.S.... free university education, and on and on.. In evil Socialist Denmark If you lose your job, you get up to 90% of your old salary for the first two years you’re unemployed. This gives you time to refocus your energy and seek out new job opportunities, without the fear of losing your home just around the corner.
How horrible that must be. As SSAH so brilliantly put it -" 'socialism', which is actually communism." How could ANYBODY want to live in one of them nasty evil socialist/communist states ??
But it's true !! They DO get all those goodies. I've been there and seen it for myself !! But us 'Muricans.... we're real men... real women. Real chumps takin' it on the chin.
Why, it sounds like paradise on earth over there in Demark and all those other communist countries. Why on earth aren't they overflowing with immigrants pouring into their utopian dreamlands?
ReplyDeleteCanada is just across our border. And their free healthcare is so wonderful that anybody that actually needs medical care comes to America. Probably because our healthcare is so inferior and expensive.
So how about it faux doc? You ready to work for twenty bucks a month and live in a communal village sharing a house with a couple other families so the poor downtrodden proletariat can have that "free" healthcare?
Why is it everybody wants to live in America do you suppose? With this litany of sins you describe? No free stuff. Pay your own way. Positively archaic I tell you. We are the scourge of the free world.
And we're also the most free, most prosperous land of opportunity in history. Maybe that's why so many people choose us over those communist lands O'plenty that hand out basic needs like candy from a candy jar.
I mean, it's not like anybody has to pay for all that free stuff, right? It's all just free. Paid for by that big giant government stash they have. I mean, after all Denmark has a whopping 5 million people and the one of the highest personal income tax rates in the world. America has an estimated three times that many illegal aliens residing in our borders. And by the way, getting all that free stuff that our own legal and hard working citizens don't.
So faux doc, you can go sell your false equivalencies elsewhere because just like all your regurgitated godless communist left wing talking points, we're not buying what you're selling.
So we find out our President spent years flying around on his own private jumbo jet, driving exotic sports cars, staying at the most luxurious hotels and sleeping with Playboy Playmates of the Year.
ReplyDeleteAnd the godless lefties are standing there with their hands on their hips, faces twisted into a giant scowl repeating this over and over while demanding we dislike him for this. And his poll number just keep going up.
Meantime, they've completely forgotten about Bill Clinton and how they stuck by him. But Bill is probably thinking "that guy is a rock star. I could only dream about scoring like that. And he's still married to a beautiful supermodel and I gotta go home to hillary. My life sucks".
Yeah....Just think about it. Bill probably has all of the money he will ever need, yet he still has to go home to Hillary. I (almost..just almost) feel sorry for him!
DeleteI think the faux doc is really just an assistant to a butt doctor. He is there to clean up the dirty parts and then he spreads it around for all to see. He's nasty that way.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Love it Rose!
DeleteWow, that was funny. Sort of like Cadet Bone Spurs watching women pee on each other. He's nasty that way. A "Butt Doctor"... ? God, when are you people going to WAKE UP ???
Delete"A new poll conducted by the Toronto-based Nanos Research points to overwhelming support — 86.2 percent — for strengthening public health care rather than expanding for-profit services."
ReplyDeleteFrom the National Bureau of Economic Research -
"Much of the appeal of the Canadian system is that it seems to do more for less. Canada provides universal access to health care for its citizens, while nearly one in five non-elderly Americans is uninsured. Canada spends far less of its GDP on health care (10.4 percent, versus 16 percent in the U.S.) yet performs better than the U.S. on two commonly cited health outcome measures, the infant mortality rate and life expectancy."
And the link -
So, "FREE"... Of course it is not free. But if you read the article, you can see the Canadians invest 10.6 % of their GDP on healthcare, while the Unites States invests 16%. That's half again as much. SECOND, Canadians experience superior outcomes on two key epidemiological factors, 1) Infant mortality, and 2) life expectancy.
So "everybody wants to live in America". Really ? Provide a source. Do you see many Europeans immigrating here ? No ? I don't either. Immigrants who come here legally normally come from poorer countries but were able to obtain a solid education. Why don't they go to one of the social democracies (socialist) countries of Europe, or for that matter, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe has accepted migrants for a number of reasons. Most European countries let's not forget had extensive colonies. My gut feeling is that for many European, especially Germany, they are accepting migrants in large numbers because they feel a collective guilt. Even little Belgium went into Africa and treated the indigenous peoples much like the Germans treated the Jews during the 30's and 40's.
Why don't Americans try to move to those countries ? Many do. It is extremely difficult. Keep in mind that France is slightly smaller than Texas, yet has a population of around 65 million.
As for taxes, Canada's average tax rate is 33% vs. 30% in the U.S. Yet their health care is provided for them, education is heavily subsidized.
So, a question for you Faux Safe. ( nobody is safe in Topeka... it's homicide rate was far higher than Washington D.C. in 2017 sparky ), why are we paying for YOUR Medicare ? Why can't you pay on your own, on the free market ?? How is the system we have NOT socialist ? Huh ?
I was part of a panel that addressed the cost of insurance on the private market. For someone applying for health insurance, not part of a group plan at around age 64, not quite old enough for evil old Medicare, premiums quoted by geographic regions surpassed in ALL regions, $1000 a month. Can't you foot that bill ?? We're talking basic bare bones insurance. Nothing fancy. We reviewed the rate filings of a number of insurers. So tell me Faux Safe.... how do you 'splain this ??
Well Boz, which of those earthly paradises are YOU applying for asylum in? 'Cause I am going to become an ex-pat again, albeit not for the reasons you posit. Had the Harridan won, I would be there already. While I can work (ostensibly) for Bush, Obama or Trump, I don't think I could have done so with Witchie-Poo.
ReplyDeleteSafe, take my word for it, Trump and der Slickmeister were buds before he ran for Pres. The Slick One even told Obama to his face that he liked the Donald.
Well the Deus Ex Machina drops with a thud, and out pops Howdy, dudded up in his finest toga. So slick Willie what.. said he liked Donnie Two Scoops? Guilty !! Wait, guilty of what ? WHOA ! He told OBAMA he liked him ?? And this is significant because...... what cute little Howdyism you gonna toss out now.
ReplyDeleteSo Howdy... here you are leaving for a country with socialized health care, what's your spin on that ?
As for me and what country would I seek asylum in ? Let's say if I was fresh out of med school, I would likely move to Vancouver. Something about a city that registered a shocking 17 homicides last year. Compare that to T Town. Plus, a ski area overlooking the harbor and downtown Vancouver 10,000 ft below...... Stanley Park, the San Juan Islands, beaches..... you name it.
Sounds pretty good eh ??
See what I mean --
DeleteCan't forget the dope and heroin! Trendy to show the good parts, though. Isn't it?
DeleteYou might like San Fran. Hear it's nice these days...
I am not uneducated, but I still can't figure out why Boz always likes to make me out like some Wizard of Oz character. As for "cute little Howdyism," I can't exactly figure that one out, either. Oh well .... Anyhow, perhaps you noticed Safe's comparison between the Donald and the Slickster in a paragraph above mine. THAT'S what I was referring to, although it may have been altogether too subtle for your grasp.
DeleteI don't know that I'd say Latvia has "socialized health care." Perhaps of a sort. I know I won't be eligible, but then again I have US single payer, of the VA sort, here. Contrary to what Hammer is saying, I like the VA and have found it to be superb. I was diagnosed with a cancer after Halloween and had the operation the day before Thanksgiving. I call that speedy. I doubt KU Hospital (where they were going to do the surgery until I objected) could have done it that quickly. As for my moving, I discovered there's a VA hospital in Poland.
Canadian health care? That's a farse. Unless you like waiting in line? Yea, that's it. And hey dumbass, your ingenious Kenyan race baiter more than doubled my insurance premiums, and I ain't in the older demographic you spoke of. It's already over 1000$ a month for my family of four. To go see a opiuate pusher at that. Or maybe an anti depressant? You guys gotta please the drug reps and companies, right? Right?
ReplyDeleteWhen are you going to wake up?
Immigration? Yea, I sure would like to see more come from countries that weren't such "shit holes", but hey that's what your previous precious emperor made for us. Unless they are Muslim or lack skills we ain't taking them. He didn't mind a few HB1 visas for tech, though. And no Christians, they aren't allowed.
I like takes, and I am always ready to listen or read. But your ivory tower, new republic(K), Vox bullshit has me running for my hip waders and gas mask.
Come stronger, and better. For a "doctor" you disappoint me.
A nureological-proctologist that needs to pull his brain out of his ass is all I see. And that's looking through all the bullshit.
Calling them like I see them...
Hammertime, a course in epidemiology is part of medical training. I do not practice in the private market. If I'm looking at a specific health care system, I'm looking at the big picture. I look at cost, and outcome first. If I see that in Canada, men on average live 2-3 years longer I want to know why. Any epidemiologist will start to control factors out. Lifestyle, access to health care, poverty, education, etc. etc. Regardless of what factors you regress out, the numbers don't change much. Because Canadians among almost everybody else in the developed world can obtain health care, they are far more likely to obtain preventive care.
DeleteThe U.S. does an incredible job of training physicians. And we likely have the very best facilities to treat any illness or condition. Our problem is the delivery of care and the cost.
So now Hammer, you're whining about the cost. Well here are some pesky facts to chew on. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything. Yes, health care became a for profit industry just like anything else. Nixon. A republican. But then when you consider the Edgar Kaiser was a good buddy of Tricky Dick's, it all makes sense. This was NOT all about doctors... they made good money then, they make good money now. The act included medical insurance companies, hospitals, clinics and yes even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be.
Cost ?? The republican politicians, those pesky little money grubbers were more than happy to take all the money they could from insurers. And to be honest, a some democrats as well. But Obama felt that cost would go down if usage went up, especially preventive. But unfortunately, while preventive care DOES reduce illness, it does not reduce cost. In other countries, the cost for medical care is negotiated normally by government bureaucrats. And it tends to work.
BUT, since the old Trickster said it was A-OK to make $$$, you pay perhaps $1800 for an MRI, or something equally absurd for any diagnostic exam (without insurance). In Canada, such treatment runs about $200.
You will have Medicare largely because it is less expensive. This is primarily due to two factors, the government promotes competition between providers relatively effectively, and the 'middle man'(insurers) are largely out of the picture, and if anything act as third party administrators. In other countries, prices for specific services as defined by CPT ( or their variant ) treatment codes are SET through gov. and provider negotiations. Period.
In any case, Hammer, and SSAH, YOU will both be on Medicare more likely than not at some point. It is a government funded program. It is a classic socialist program. Do you want it abandoned ??
And Hammer, $1000 for a family of four ?? Holy crap.... that is DIRT cheap. I know of people who pay closer to $1400 for themselves ...ONLY. But if you listened to Dr. Blue, you wouldn't be in such a fix.
Now, back to my favorite soap... "Days of Our Lives" starring Stormy Daniels".. HA HA HA
I wonder how long it took faux doc to find that info and then cut and paste.
DeleteThe HMO Act was also passed by a DEMOCRATIC Congress. What say you to that?
DeleteNixon also wanted to pass a Health Care Bill, both Dems and Reps blocked that one. Spite perhaps, Sawbones?
Rose said butt doctor....
You can take Healthcare problems back to some phony conservative in the 70's all you want. Just like i would take education problems back to say 79? When the DOE was started, and then our standing in education plummeted in world view. But I digress...
ReplyDeleteMy health care plan was fine before Obama showed up. Self funded group plan based on family coverage. Affordable. But what you fail to see is how the competition was taken out. Conglomerates crushed little providers, and basically you are left with three or four. Aetna, Coventry/Signature, etc... They colluded together to raise prices. Jeffrey Gruber anyone? Money grab? Have to "pass" it, to see what's "inside" it?
If what you said was true, when raising cost it would of provided for better delivery. And it did not. I see the same doctor and pay nearly triple(remember I was just referring to my premiums, not out of pocket deductibles, co-pays, and scripts. All of it went up) the cost as before. Nothing improved except the extra cost covers those that got subsidized under Obama, those same people who refused to pay for a plan. Healthcare welfare.
Healthcare is NOT a right. Access to it, and paying for a plan is. And they were available, but those dumb folks refused and continued to go to ERs for colds where they won't be turned away. Not my fault. I pay, and then I pay more because people abuse the system. Not to mention how many immigrants did this. California anyone?
Then, you run your mouth about being on some board to evaluate the industry and don't participate privately in it? WTF? And give a Canadian based research company link?
And you tell me that I'm whining about a good price? You truly are a Democrat, sir. Brain up the ass Democrat.
People like me are the ones making the economy go round. Not someone employed in government field.
Honestly and truly, if you were to ever tell me to my face I'm whining about the major costs of health insurance and not understand exactly what it did to the middle class individual citizen? You might wake up tommorow.
I do consider myself knowledgeable in this area. I was lucky enough to have a young child and pregnant wife with serious complications right when this was all taking place. I took it in the ass. Big time. I will never let anyone tell me otherwise. My experience tells me differently. Some long-winded oldman from the public sector working in the "belly of the beast" DC can't tell me other wise. And like I said before closed head trauma and dental surgery would be required. An "education" you would never get from a piece of paper, but the neighborhood. Reading what part of town you grew up in, you wouldn't know what that kind of "education" is.
I'll even back it up with a guarantee. Betcha can't get that from a doctor!
Butt doctor. So is he a doctor who works on butts or a doctor who is also a butt? Or both? Or neither?
ReplyDeleteI’m going with neither. He’s a guy who copies and pastes every communist talking point. That's for sure. Other than that...I’m sticking with my diagnosis.
Faux doc. And that’s a professional opinion utilizing my many advanced degrees of which I hold. Many.
New name....
Faux butt doc. Thanks Rose. Good one.
And it sure takes him a long time to say nothing. I’d probably be bored if I actually read that hyperbolic bloviating bunch of bovine scatology.
You have some sort of "butt fixation" ? Are you into anal sex ? You "insert" these butt comments all the time. Odd... Since you insult me, I can play that game. How could the people of Topeka insert an anus like Still Safe at Home into the body of this blog ?
DeleteWell... um, okay. LMAO... So what IS a right ? Education ? Clean water ? Good roads ? There is something called civil society, and since human beings live in community, there is no way around developing one.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans fought the individual mandate which would require that EVERYONE pay, because as you correctly point out- people go to "ERs for colds where they won't be turned away ". Yes, this is correct - it is illegal to turn someone away from an ER for acute illness. It is likely that had the individual mandate remained, your premium would be less. But republicans had no desire to see Obama succeed at anything.
There can be no realistic conversation about health care without going to a core problem which came out of the mind of a republican president. I don't care when it was. As for the typical gratuitous slam against immigrants, they pay more in taxes then they receive in benefits.
Other than that, you were "self insured" ?? You realize that means you were employed by an organization that provided a fund for your organization, and likely hired a third party administrator to handle claims, funding, etc. What... did you work for the state ? Some other government entity ? If you mean you paid your own insurance, or you just pulled money out of your wallet, then you must have a second home in Brentwood or Aspen.
Competition ? SO since you're an expert on health care financing, you tell me why it's gone, if that is indeed the case. If insurers are raking in the cash, why wouldn't more players enter the market ? Why don't you have more insurers in Kansas ? After all, the place has been ruled by republicans since dirt. Colluded together to raise prices ? You realize your state has an insurance regulatory body, and it is overseen by a republican government. They have to approve of rates. Oh yes they do dude.
As for your .... okay I'll say it... mean spirited comments about health care for those who can't afford it. Okay, I have no clue what you do, and couldn't care less. But you could lose your job. Do you want the state to assist you ? What, you gonna bring a chicken to the doc for a major procedure. Good luck with that.
But this took the cake - " Some long-winded oldman(sic) from the public sector working in the "belly of the beast" DC can't tell me other wise. And like I said before closed head trauma and dental surgery would be required."
No, you wouldn't kick my ass. Trust me. And I'm not "old". In any case, my 'public sector' employment is in the military. I thought that fact, that I was an army physician had been made clear.
Look, if this kind of rhetoric is typical of what is being emitted out of Topeka, then I can see why each time I return, the population is smaller. People are fleeing. You came damn close to losing a hospital. Kansas needs doctors, but if they realize they're going to live in a community where they hear rants like yours, they will go someplace... ANYPLACE else. You do your community no service.
Say, Hammertime........ By the way, just a thought. Congrats on your new child. Is your child in school ? What about those neighbors who don't and perhaps never did have children. Is your child in a public school ? If so, then your neighbors are helping pay for the child's education. Is that fair ? Why are they responsible for this ??
ReplyDeletePost 1
DeleteYes I have children. Yes my plan is as I spoke, and if you don't understand what it is, I can't help you with that. I can't teach or make those who are ignorant to the health care system understand. In fact, that's the whole problem here. Democrats are socialists these days, only see common ideology instead of individual rights and consequences.
Don't have a second home, and I don't work for the government. Man, with exception of active duty and deployment I could see no worse place to be. Providing very little in goods, and shotty service. Very little contribution to economics, just my opinion. The "guberment way". Hearing "I'm with the government and I'm here to help" sends chills.
The individual mandate raised the shit out of everything, because that's what put everyone on the hook, and dropping the mandate did nothing to the rates. Your logic sucks there.
Kids education location I won't disclose, but I don't have a problem with contributing to public education. Again, it's the implementation and the interference by uncle Sam that perturbed me. It should be privatized and goal based. Parents should be accountable more and teachers should be on the hook for performance. Teacher pay should be increased and 50% of all administration should be fired. Just like with any government office. It's why we are broke. No private sector values or incentive to succeed. Even if I didn't have kids I would be interested in putting dollars towards education and children. Even a dumb "fly over hay seed" knows the value of the next generation. That's why I have despised democrats keeping kids suppressed in urban cities for years with welfare, section eight, blah blah blah.
Roads? Kiss my ass. We took a 1/2 cent sales tax to improve them ten years ago. Really worked. More government, and yes democrats mostly... Excellent to see our great president trying to see infrastructure improvements ignored by your past fuhrer. He was too busy race baiting and smuggling arms out of the country.
As far as me kicking your ass? Only when you called me a whiner or directly threatened me. I wouldn't take it any farther. Most here and other places openly know I train. Hands to whatever. I'm not the most skilled, learn new stuff everyday. I train with civs and soldiers. Marines to cops to fly boys. You being a former soldier doesn't mean shit. (I do thank you for your service, though. Every thing else aside, you deserve that btw). I'm not undefeated, I have been subdued by a devgru guy and contractor(they both showed some interesting tactics). But I know from your mouth that you ain't them. You aren't a alpha, but know enough to think you are something. I'll leave it at that.
Post 2
DeleteBeing a "government doctor" responsible for helping people near and dear to me doesn't put you in the highest of places with me. Guys I know are treated horribly at your "institutions". Strike one.
Lecturing me on why health is getting better while I get stuck in the ass, and helpless people not getting the insurance they need to help themselves? Abusing the system, then getting subsidies that I am raped for?
Strike two.
In closing, because I must leave because I have some duties to attend to, I don't know what to do with you.
Maybe you get sick and you are subject to the horrible VA hospitals around the country?
I hope not.
Maybe you lose the government insurance, and you go and private sector your ass and really feel some pain?
Nah, karma won't let me be that mean. That would be foolish over some arrogant government doctor turd that lives to lecture and look down on folks I know and love around here(blog and community). I'm better than that. I got character that you only wish you had.
But hey, my offer still stands. If you are ever back in your "hated home state" hit me up here in the blog. I would gladly let you call me a whiner face to face. We can go places where you would feel safe, and sort this out. No problem.
I ain't no whiner and I ain't no bitch.
Hope I could answer most of your questions about me my thinking. Sorry if I missed some. Glad you took such interest. Life must be tough in DC to care so much about a guy like me. But, ya know it happens.
And please, make sure you take care of your patients butts. As a doctor I'm sure they took care of your ass in the sandpile, it's time you took care of theirs. Literally.
Peace out.
Amen Hammer, very well said, enjoyed reading that.
DeleteLove see the faux butt doc stand eye te eye with Hammer and launch those pathetic insults.
ReplyDeleteFirst, he would need a stool to make eye contact.
Second I think if he ever got that close to the Hammer he would run away squealing like a little girl.
He’ll, he’d do the same if he ever met Sarah. If he didn’t get a Bud bottle upside the head first.
So anybody read that diatribe and can summarize it for me in a paragraph?
Didn’t think so.
Thanks for playing faux butt doc. You’re getting pretty close to sitting on the bench.
Hammer, you the man. Pimp slap you did.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why Ian keeps coming back, the only way he can survive is when he's put in his place -
ReplyDeleteWhen I am Frederick, I'm doing research. This site is good at putting my mind off my work. There is more - I cannot understand why anyone would take the positions they do. This site gives me insights I would not have had otherwise. And it's kind of fun getting everybody pissed off. I figure somebody has to introduce another perspective. But now that the CJ has kicked McGinty to the curb, the dialogue is really vile, and funny to read, and sad. Sad and lonely? That describes what Topeka has become perfectly. Sad, lonely and empty. It does seem like this is a primary social gathering place for the people who post. And post, and post, and post.... I just picked up on this by accident a few weeks ago. You have been posting regularly forever. So maybe this is a second CJ. Only this time the CJ stands for circle jerk. You all get off on each other. Same old garbage... the same lies, the same ignorance, the same inability to connect the dots.
ReplyDeleteSo, you can go back to sleep now. I don't think Topeka will ever wake up. As Dotard would say..... saaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Kevin, off subject but I wondered if you knew that one of the men who pulled the lady that was partially sucked out of the Southwest Airline window was a North Texas resident named Tim McGinty. My husband saw the article in the newspaper and brought it to my attention.
ReplyDeleteHammer, way to put the faux butt doc in his place. You truly hit it out of the park. LOL
ReplyDeleteGood Morning America I see we are still here, at least I am. I think that swamp in DC is about to drain.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you here Sarge. Hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI heard the guy's name on the radio as I was driving down the road the other day. But no, I don't know him...
ReplyDeleteOh, and good morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteNot sure whether it'll be drained or not but at least it's a start...
Thanks Rose am feeling better, Kevin ya it's a start either way a bunch of crooks will be ousted.
ReplyDeleteG'mornin' y'all
ReplyDeleteRaisin' my coffee mug
Top o' the morning
regular coffee this morning, ran out of blueberry flavored... (lol)
Sarge glad you're better - hugs.
With the further 'under the microscope' action against McCabe - can't help but feel that Comey is trying to make McCabe the scapegoat.
ReplyDeleteHoping that the federal prosecutors see through the smoke screen that Comey is putting out there.
The media.... still on course to take attention away from Comey with their continued coverage of the alleged affair involving Stormy Daniels.
President Trump has been enduring hatred on the worst level possible from since he was a candidate and how it has escalated since his Inaugural. President Trump will come out on top in this latest stuff too.
Thanks Rikki, had my coffee, pure black with 1/4 tea spoon of sugar, now it is getting close to Miller time. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Sarge.
ReplyDelete1/4 teaspoon of sugar in your coffee? (smiles)
have you tried cappacino? if you have a keurig coffee maker, you can get many flavors and even chai tea too. pretty good tasting stuff.
Green Mountain coffee is the brand hubby n' I pick up from time to time for the Wild Mountain Blueberry.
I'll stick to my way, thank you! heheh
DeleteFor those of us (including me) who remember stove top coffee pots with the glass bobble on top. All in all - with all the coffee makers out there in today's world....the only way to truly have a good mug of coffee is from a stove top coffee pot.
That's a youtube link to Al Hirt's Java -
I use mine everyday, didn't know there was any other way, I have 3 different size's peculators. I had the large one at the summit last year.
ReplyDeleteAnd it made the best cup of coffee I've had in years...
ReplyDeleteCJ kicked everybody to the curb, Boz. Besides, WTH is "funny" about my prose? Should I perhaps go back to the Big Apple and make the rounds with Elaine Boosler? That kind of funny? Or the "funny" that the Harridan thinks deplorables emit?
ReplyDeleteYou still think Topeka is a Republican city? No spit? A bit o' advice from your ol' pal, Holliday Howdy: don't go anywhere near a political science class if you're ever back on campus.
Coffee in the morning??? Truckhenge I, Sarge and I had BEER Sunday morning (although we did start out with coffee).
ReplyDeleteThe newest trend to kill the constitution is here.
It’s caused by a deadly lie.
20, 30 and even 40-year-olds believe this lie.
Here is the lie:
“The constitution is a living document that changes with the culture.”
That’s the lie, and it’s deadly.
It’s deadly because it ends with America no longer being a free nation led by a people-powered constitution, but rather being controlled by a liberal dictatorship.
…and the liberals like the Obama’s, Clinton’s, and the up-and-comers know it.
You see, their liberal agenda to rewrite the constitution that our forefathers created for our protection, has flooded the last 3 generations, the generations that will soon run the US.
They flooded that agenda through the public-school system, and preach it from the teachers’ pulpit in almost every college, If that is allow to happen this Country is doomed to fail.
I'm thinking the draining of the swamp might already be having an impact.
ReplyDeleteOl' Blue seems to be just a little more bitter each time he blesses us with an appearance.
IG is recommending criminal investigations into some of the biggest players in his beloved Obama administration.
And what exactly do they have?
Oh yeah, a whore that goes by the name of Stormy Daniels.
No wonder he's pissed...
So much winning...
ReplyDeleteEver notice every person that attacks Trump, they end up sitting in their own shit.
DeleteYep... Every single one of them.
ReplyDeleteI suppose it's good for business if you're an internet butt doctor...
DeleteI'm not going to be able to make it but Kris Kobach is hosting a pro second amendment rally on the south steps of the Capital Building at 10:00 this morning...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.