I just wanted to address an issue that bubbles up from time to time that always bugs me. Occasionally, we don't agree on everything. I know, I know, that just sounds crazy, but it's true. We're all free thinking people and we don't always agree.
But we are also friends and neighbors. And friends don't always have to agree.
I hope nobody ever gets mad and drops out of our little community over something I say. I'm just expressing my opinions, which is kind of the point of the whole exercise. Back in the days when we were over on that commie mouthpiece the CJ Urinal, we would get booted off or deleted at the whim of some godless left wing censor who followed the dictates of a whining pervert who haunted our blog. That's not how it works around here.
Now I know, you're saying, but Safe! You guys are pretty rough on the fake doc who comes around here to express his opinion. And sometimes you guys just summarily delete his comments. So what about that Mister Everybody gets their say?
Well, I'm glad you asked. That's different. You all know the fake doc comes around here all full of himself, his giant ego leading him to our little blog where he fancies himself the smartest guy here, towering above all us hayseeds in Kansas. He insults us, he demeans us, he attacks us and our city and our state. He could choose to have an actual conversation here but instead he takes the low road pretty much every time. So he gets what he gives.
And the worst thing he does is personally attack my friend Sarge. He seems to focus his hatred on Sarge pretty often. Now Sarge is perfectly capable of defending himself, and does so without hesitation, but when you attack Sarge you are crossing a line. Sarge is a charter member of this blog. He's been around as long as we have and he was with us on the CJ Urinal as well. People might not know Sarge but he is a generous, kind person. He provides hours and hours of work to make the Summit happen, and spends a bunch of money to feed everybody. And above all, this man devoted his working life to serving out country in the military. And anybody that doesn't appreciate the sacrifice that takes doesn't know shit from shinola. And the fake doc seems to have a special dislike for Sarge which I find personally offensive.
And the same story goes for the fake doc and Kevin. He seems to hold Kevin in contempt, attacking him based on what he does for a living and the very fact he has the cajones to do this blog.
So, when you come around here attacking and insulting you don't earn the right to have a conversation. You earn the right get back what you give.
But everybody else? Hey, if you disagree with me, say so. We can talk about it or not. But this is an opinion blog. And we won't always like each other's opinion.
This isn't the democrat/communist party where you either toe the line or you're out. The communist party has a long history of purging anybody who disagrees with them. Stalin murdered millions of people simply because they opposed him taking over. That's how they work. That's not how we work.
If we can't disagree on some points and still be friends, then Kevin and I are wasting our time. Because if we have to make everybody happy then we both need to just shut up and talk about the weather.
So let's agree to agree on this. We're friends. We have some similar views, we have some dissimilar views. But always remember this.
In the department store of life, this is the toy department.
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I like what you have here Safe. I, too, agree that we are free to express our opinions because here we don't have to worry about the mods booting us and taking away our posting privileges like over at the other site.
ReplyDeleteI've said this before and I'll say it again and I know y'all will agree.... anonymous is a chicken shit.
A while back ago he even said "And Rikki - you don't know shit"...but yet he continually posts fallible information and he knows it.
here is the idiot's post from March 28th
"AnonymousMarch 28, 2018 at 2:47 PM
Yeah, tell Trump fan Richard Spencer about the 'Heiling'. You've been spared - we actually have to hear that crap "HAIL TRUMP". Like a scene out of The Mouse That Roared. Spencer called Trump's victory "the victory of will," LMAO- cue in Leni Riefenstahl. The clown isn't even original. He would be good for comic relief like so many posters here if not for his fascist movement killing someone in Charlottesville.
And Rikki - you don't know shit. Busy day, back to work."
We all get pissed off that the pompous arrogant ass who is so chicken shit that he literally hides behind the "anonymous" tag. For someone to claim to be a doctor, to hide like a coward, peddle his bs'n nonsense to me is the mark of a liar as well as a yellow bellied coward.
As for the bunkies who once posted on here but have grown silent, please know that you don't need to be silent.
Now how the hell do I comment on this blog, my own ego stops me from saying you hit the nail on the head, lol But thank you for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteI'll also agree with you Safe that I, too, am tired of the unjustifiable badgering that chicken shit posts against Kevin and Sarge -
ReplyDeleteChicken shit isn't interested in civil discussion / debate. All he's doing is fluffing himself up to cover up his insecurities....he stalks us here because he is jealous and hates himself.
And for the record, I will state that Anonymous (aka Chicken Shit) is long on mouth and short on brains & common sense!
Good Grief Rikki, I take it you an't offering him a hug. You know I think that is a 1st. Lol
ReplyDeleteLol... The only reason I ever delete the good doctor's comments have nothing to do about anything he says. First of all I'd have to give a shit what he thinks to be offended by something he said.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I delete them is simply because (1) I can and (2) because I know it pisses him off...
hug? lol..... I'd rather spit on chicken shit but he ain't worth that either....
I think that at one time or another we all have had a different opinion about something that was said by one of our bunker people. But we all have to come to what is our end goal and our mission. I think that we all want the end result. If we don't then we are in for a very rude awaking. Being ticked off about what one of our bunker folk says is just doing the work of the libtard left devil worshipers. We have to roll with the flow and keep going on. We have lost some very good people and for that I hope and wish they would pop in here off and on. We need to remember that fighting amongst our selves is just what the bastard SOB's want. They know they cant beat us unless they separate us. So we all need to understand that we all don't think the same but we all think about the end the same.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for those jack all's from their so called promise land They can all kiss my Kansas Ass. And if it was up to me they would never step foot on this blogg. Make them go POOF as soon as they stop by. They don't deserve to be in our presence.
But seriously, I don't set out to intentionally piss anyone off here. But I am aware that not everyone here is going to agree with me.
ReplyDeleteSo be it.
That's part of the reason I look forward to our annual Summit meetings. It's a chance to set aside our differences, share a few beverages of our choice, burn a few burgers, and shoot the hell out of some shit.
I remember when we had our first get together and how hard I tried to reach across the aisle in order to find common ground with losers like our fake doctor.
Screw that.
Having disagreements with reasonable people who are willing to listen is one thing.
But I have zero interest in making nice with a bunch of lying, communist loving pieces of crap is another thing all together.
If something I've written here offends them it's because that was my intention from the beginning...
And now from the "Just So You Know Dept..."
ReplyDeleteEven though our numbers are down from the days right after cj finally pulled the plug on us we're still holding our own.
In the days following the "Purge" we averaged between 12,000 and 13,000 hits per month.
It's now holding steady at about 8,200 hits.
I know, it's pocket change compared to the big boys of the internet but it's still enough to know for a fact that at least a few of our shadow dwellers are still out there, still taking screenshots, and still trying to build that imaginary case against us.
To them I can only say one thing.
Screw you, we're not going anywhere...
I say just Adapt, Improvise and over come, and everything will be okay, And nevergiveup!! And if anyone really wants to slap the shit out of me, at least do it over a cold beer! I have been around 100's of personalities and found very few I couldn't Adapt to right off. And for all the bunker people that I have met, there isn't one that I wouldn't stand side by side with thru go times and bad times if need be.. And I think they would also. I would say Hug's to you all but that line is taken and I don't want my ass kicked Lol.
ReplyDeletehugs back at ya Sarge
ReplyDeleteWell, this says it all "This isn't the democrat/communist party where you either toe the line or you're out".
ReplyDeleteReally? If someone doesn't support the point of the blogger du jour, they get blasted. The posts today smack of victimhood, but that's part of the MO of the tea party right. If you want to exist in a vacuum and cannot confront opposing views in a mature adult way, then you're not going to succeed. It concerns me because you don't really exist in a vacuum. Your views have dominated Kansas for years now, and it is suffering the consequences. Your views do NOT dominate, but they are damaging the country - and that's why you need to be introduced to opposing views.
The complete moron in the White House is hellbent on destroying the economy. A trade war with China is by all accounts, a deeply flawed strategy, and the stock market is reacting as we expected it would. Kansas will suffer in a trade war... bigggly. But we'll go on peddling the anti-science garbage, an outmoded religiosity and intense strain of anti-intellectualism. If this was confined to Kansas I'd tell you to 'break a leg'. But it's not.
Mueller is setting a trap for your fearless draft dodging, womanizing leader. I suspect this nightmare will end. November 2018 will likely mark the beginning of that end. Even conservative sites like Newsmax are in full panic mode. IF in the time being the visitors wish to take refuge here in what is more of a collective security blanket than a place for an honest exchange of ideas, then Topeka, and Kansas will continue to suffer. I'd suggest you check the stock market. Your hero is dragging it into the mud.
Mueller... hurry up.
Ah Boz, I see you're making new friends again. As Safe pointed out in the intro, we have differing opinions here. Did you know that Safe, my brother Scott, and myself all caucused for Kasich here in Kansas? Not even for Trump - initially. What happened? Snowflakes happened. Now Safe's movement to The Donald has happened and I'm moving that direction, too. All in response to P.C. platitudes and leftist hi-jinks. I hope you've still got enough of THS in you to realize that putting on pink hats, mouthing poly-syllables like "cis-gendering" and "white privilege" and enjoying "news" with more bias than your average Tass article don't make your wares more saleable.
DeleteTake some advice from your ol' pal Holliday Howdy, try to avoid the superiority mode. I know that may be hard for you, but pretend you're in a play. I know you didn't act this way at THS (you'd have gotten to go to Fist City in the back halls if you had).
And when you try to act nice, avoid gratuitously antagonizing people (e.g. "fearless, draft dodging, womanizing" which I suspect never seemed to bother you with Bill Clinton). That's usually a good idea, even if you're not really trying to convert them.
Everybody else - c'mon I feel sort of responsible for Boz. Sort of like having a cousin who lacks social skills. Besides, he's fun to razz. He hates the "working class hero" schtick and I can always get him to rise to the bait when I refer to my JD as making me a doctor.
just like flimsy clock work.... chicken shit returned...
ReplyDeleteWell chicken shit what croakings of crapola have you today!?
Blue, Trump will have a full term in office and no matter how much you whine will change that, now get back to your bed pans.
ReplyDeleteHey anti-freedom Leftists, we don't need your permission to Keep and Bear Arms. The Constitution already guarantees Americans that right. Back off!
ReplyDeleteOne of the most dangerous developments of the last few decades has been the subversion of our universities by radicals who in the 1960s first tried to burn them down and then, after this strategy of destruction failed, decided to get on the tenure track to take them over. Their generational long march succeeded, possibly beyond their wildest expectations. With the exception of a few rear guard actions by conservative students, American higher education is now an indoctrination center for cultural Marxism, identity racism, and other anti-American ideas.
The effects of this systematic effort to radicalize K-12 education are being felt in school districts all over the country. No corner of the classroom is immune from indoctrination. Young students learning arithmetic are given thought problems involving homelessness and the percentage of "undocumented workers" subjected to heartless deportation proceedings. Social studies is now a race, gender, and climate changed-obsessed curriculum designed to frighten rather than educate. In the hands of leftist teachers, America is a nation of victims rather than a nation of immigrants.
ReplyDeleteSome concerned parents and educators appalled by this new regime have reported educational horror stories that should concern every citizen. I think this how we get idiots like Blue!
Hey fake doc, do you ever actually read what we write or do you just generate your excrement at random?
ReplyDeleteIf you actually read what I wrote you would know why we don't give a crap about your opinion. It has nothing to do with content, it's you.
Maybe nobody around you has told you this, or maybe you behave differently around the people you see face to face, which I suspect is the explanation, but around here you come across as an arrogant condescending prick. So if you ever had the idea that you would change any minds or make any points with anybody here you are even dumber than I suspect.
I'm guessing you're that guy who goes to social gatherings and when you corner somebody to harangue them you probably don't notice they are looking over your shoulder looking for somebody interesting to talk to.
Or you're that guy who when people see you coming they say "oh crap, it's fake doc. Duck out of sight before he sees us".
Or you're that guy who sits at home on Saturday night eating Cheetos and typing away pretending to be somebody you're not.
But whoever you are, around here you are appreciated about as much as that dead fly you find floating in your beer when you're sitting around the campfire.
Just so you know.
"Mueller is setting a trap for your fearless draft dodging, womanizing leader"-Fake Doc Chicken shit
ReplyDeleteDershowitz on Alleged Trump Collusion: Robert Mueller 'Inventing a Crime'
Follow the link. You seem to have a lot of time, in your "busy" medical day. Taking time to read Kevin's blog between patients? Maybe you will believe Alan Dershowitz Blue. He is about as liberal as they come, and thinks the case against Trump is mostly made up, with Mueller and Rosenstein him trying to "make up crimes"..
Gees that seems to sums it up. Blue did you get the hint or are you that stupid. I dont' even think Capt Howdy can help ya. That means you are history.
ReplyDeleteHe's just pissing in the wind.
ReplyDeleteHe's pissed because even as the Dow drops 800 points it's still higher than it's ever been.
He's pissed because the economy added another 241,000 jobs last month.
He's pissed because Trump's actually trying to something about the thousands of illegals flowing into our country.
He's pissed because Trump's approval ratings are now higher than his big eared Kenyan hero was at the same time in his second year.
He's pissed because America has tuned out Little David Hogg and his gun grabbing handlers.
And he's still pissed because Hillary lost just like I told him she would.
Oh, and he's pissed because he's a fucking leftist. They're some of most miserable pieces of shit you'll ever come across.
That's just a fact...
Kevin, you are living alive and well, rent free in Blue's head! I feel sorry for you. It must be a terrible place to live!
DeleteLol Hell Gary I know Kevin it isn't hell to him but you can bet Blue is living threw hell. hahahahah
DeleteLol... I'm loving every minute of it...
ReplyDeleteGary, I'm not sure if you saw the blog about this year's Summit having it on Saturday May 26th up at my son's place east of Hoyt.
ReplyDeleteAs we get closer I'll have more details including directions.
Hope to see you and your wife there...
And remember Gary it wouldn't be a summit with out you and Ilean being there, and hell you are the only one that shoots worst than me, well maybe not.
DeleteThanks for the Summit info. Kevin. I saw some of the discussion, but did not see the decision. Great choice IMO. Will definitely plan to be there! Ilene's back is in bad shape, but hopefully she will be back in commission way before summit time!
DeleteAs for you Jim...I only shot with both my eyes closed, to make it more fair for you! :)
Thanks my friend for not showing me up in front of my Grandson, I will never forget that heheheh And I do hope Ilene is feeling better. See ya's there.
DeleteAny one notice that the left is extremely quite about the latest shooting at You Tube? Maybe because it doesn't fit their agenda. No AR and a female shooting. Hmmm Strange
ReplyDeleteAnd Y T has banned all gun related posts
DeleteThey're afraid that if a big thing is made of it, people will notice that she's an Islamic immigrant. As Kevin said on FB - "nothing to see here."
DeleteKen, I did go up there and read your comment to your toy Bozie, well said but you don't really think any of that soaked in do you? But you do try hard to bring that Boy around.
DeleteCome to think of it, her grievance with YouTube was the same as Bat's with CJ. Of course, she looks better and had more talent, so the similarity goes only so far. But I'll be damned if I ever met an Islamic vegan in 7 years of living in Kuwait and Iraq. I guess if you are a "pistol," you may soon end up using one.
DeleteYeah Sarge, but you gotta admit it's a lot of fun watching the Captain bat him around much like a cat might do with a mouse trapped in a box...
ReplyDeleteAnd while I'm thinking about it, Captain, will you be joining this year at the Summit?
ReplyDeleteHoyt makes it so I'm probably going to have to make it an overnighter. But, yep, that's the plan. I was spoiled by having them between Oakland and Tecumseh. I'll try to keep from being scalped in Jackson County.
ReplyDeleteRest easy Ken, I and Zach will keep you company most likely, I am leaning on staying the night. Just to give Zach a little taste of camping out. Not only that he has not met the Capt Howdy, that will be something he will remember for sure. Heheheh
DeleteJim, I will never, ever forget that Sunday morning B.S.ing until about noon, watching those stupid birds see their reflection in a dark blue car.
DeleteLol, that was the best Sex they ever had the way they were going at it. Last time I seen something that stupid was when I was talking to a Democrat. Good Grief.
DeleteCouple things of note here.....
ReplyDeleteBlue, don't start no shit and there won't be no shit. And sadly, I have no respect for you. Mainly for your arrogance and treatment of us plebian Kansans who you were so lucky to get away from. That's mostly why I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire. Being pompous and arrogant will gain you karma. Not the kind you want either.
Always remember where you are from, and pay attention to where you are going.
I guarantee it don't have the same outlook or opinions as most here. My demographic is definitely different than most here, and I embrace it. That's why I love the bunker folks. We all are honest with each other and are willing to listen. Many backgrounds are represented that come with a litany of experiences and wisdom.
Cap'n is about the only attorney that I think I could hang around for any period of time and not feel out of place. I remember meeting him at the caucus, then realizing I knew some family of his. And yes, we didn't caucus for the same guy. We didn't look down on each other for it either. Even if he is a legal beagle.... Lol
Hey OP!(Gary) Make sure your step son that I know is informed about the summit please. I think he would love to meet these folks and vice versa. I look up and admire the guy for what he has done. Just saying. Thanks.
Kevin and Safe. Just keep doing what you are doing. Enough said.
Sarge, keep being you. Hear me?!!
Rikki bring that big Dodge hemi pickup to the summit please. I want to park my Ferd fur by fur next to it. And as far as the rest of the ladies of 235 it would be an honor to meet Rose and Cats. Dan's sister Sarah might be okay, as long as I stay out of swinging distance and don't catch any glass... Lmao!
Skippey maybe we will have some more brass that you can pick up at the summit. Dude, you move like the wind for casings. Amazing cat like skills collecting you have... 😉Hehehehehehe ....
Nunya, get your ass back in the game bro. It kills me not reading your Nunyaisms every morning. You are killing me, and I hope all is well. Hopefully I get to chat with ya at the summit.
As for me, nothing has changed. Only that time seems to be fleeting these days. The economy has me busy(real busy) and my boys take precedence. Thank God for smartphones, right?
Ol hammer loves and respects the 235 because of who everyone is, not what they believe. Opinions are like assholes, but heart is rare.
All of ya got heart.
Catch ya on the flip folks.
Peace and chicken grease.
Hammer, just for you I'll bring hubby's Ram truck. Did you know that if you rotate the sideview mirrors on his truck that they look like Moose Antlers??? lol Well sorta-kinda in my opinion.
Well it looks like we're gonna have ourselves a Summit after all.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, just like we've always done at Truckhenge we'll as big a fire as we care to have, the camper will be set up and there's plenty of room for anyone wanting to throw up a tent...
Sounds like a plan, Hey will Luke be there??? I will need a Little support. Sounds like Kevin gets off easy. all he will have to do is try for a couple hours to start a fire, oh well we are use to it. Like always just adapt improvise and over come. Fun is Fun the way I see it. And you sure can't beat the company that's for sure.
DeleteOf course he'll be there and he loves the idea that when it's time to call it a night all he has to do is walk to the house...
ReplyDeleteHmmmm that is a good point, I may just have to walk to a tent and slip into a sleeping bag that is on a cot and crash, all the comforts of home, at least that is the plan so far. with out the noise of peacocks.
DeleteWell I Have to admit they do have a right to be pissed off, you know when you lose everything you believed in go down the drain, that is hard to handle. Hell even the biggest loser that pig Hillary still out there thinking she won and is the true president It just fills their minds with bullshit and can't shake it out. They will never except getting their ass kicked by Trump. Hahahahha even after we told them he would win.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief, ready to start another day' they seem to go by faster the older we get. But anyhow good morning.
ReplyDeleteThinking of taking a nap!
ReplyDeleteA nap? That's some bullshit right there...
ReplyDelete65 degrees today and snow tomorrow. Now, that's the very definition of bullshit...
ReplyDeleteStatement from the founder of My Pillow...
ReplyDeleteHell no we won't pull our advertising from the Laura Ingrahm Show...
You gotta respect a guy who refuses to bow down to the radical left...
YUP you do I m tired of his commercials but I like his attitude.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Nap has ended.
I have four of his pillows. Good pillows. But I like him even more now.
ReplyDeleteIf people don't stand up to these fascists this country is going to collapse from within. People that are afraid of them and surrender have apparently forgotten world history.
It never ends well when fascists are allowed to control thought. Nazi Germany and the Hitler youth. Chairman Mao and the Red Brigade, which this current group of teenage fascists most resemble.
Thank God we have a President who isn't susceptible to fascist intimidation.
Good Grief where is everyone, is there a parade in town?
ReplyDeleteGood grief indeed... Must be one hell of a parade....
ReplyDeleteYup and I wasn't invited, and everyone knows I love a parade.
ReplyDeleteCheck this out. The Mexican Senate has said it will no longer work with The United States on illegal immigration and the drug cartels if Trump deploys the National Guard on our southern border.
ReplyDeleteHmm, considering we have millions of illegals here already I'd say they quit working with us on that particular issue years ago.
As far as the cartels go, I'd say they need our help a hell of a lot more than we need theirs.
Screw em...
Amen and goodnight...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a plan!
DeleteI had a little sympathy for the daca people till they started making demands. Now I’m with Sarge. Boxcars and back home. If we haul them halfway into Mexico every time they show up eventually they’ll get tired and stay the hell home.
ReplyDeleteWell, Good morning America!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like the snow is staying north of us.
DeleteGood deal
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.