With the mid terms coming up it looks like the democrat/communist party has picked the battles they want to fight. And from my point of view, it looks like someone from President's Trumps team is helping them pick the fights.
Repeal of the Second Amendment and taking away our guns. I guess since a bunch of teenagers have made a big noise the democrat/communists think that means America has turned the corner and is suddenly willing to surrender our guns and submit to their control. Somehow I think they have seriously misjudged us on this one. They may have all the usual voices out there speechifying and carrying the totalitarian water, but most of America isn't having it. They never have, even from the days we weren't yet the United States. That is not going to be a winner for them.
Illegal immigration. They look like they are going to run on open borders, legalizing millions and millions of criminals who are costing America hundreds of billions of dollars, filling our prisons and voting illegally, virtually exclusively for democrat/communists. Are there enough of them to sway the elections? I doubt that. But I think just like me America is growing weary of being lectured by people here illegally on what we are compelled to do for them. I don't think this one is going to be a winner.
Russia, Russia, Russia. They are going to keep trying to beat that dead horse and sell that snake oil. But I think America has pretty well figured out what happened with all that. And as the truth slowly unfolds and shows that forces within the FBI, DOJ, NSA and operatives all the way up to the Kenyan president were the ones actually conspiring with Russia and spying on American citizens and involving themselves in the campaign, I think this one is going to backfire bigly. Another non winner.
And according to senile old Nancy Pelosi they are going to repeal the tax cuts if they take the house. Of course, anybody with even a partial brain knows that isn't enough to accomplish that task, but it sounds good to rally the communist base. And there's nothing the communists hate more than tax cuts.
So we'll see what else the democrat/communists can come up with, but what they are dragging around now isn't going to do it. Remember, this "blue wave" they keep predicting is being predicted by the same people who said Donald Trump didn't have the slightest chance of beating crooked hillary, so you know what that's worth.
So this one's going to be fun. Remember how weepy and broken up they were when Donald Trump won? How they literally had mental breakdowns? How insanity spread through the democrat/communist party like nothing America has ever seen? Well, they have kept themselves afloat by convincing themselves they are going to take back the House and Senate. That's the pipe dream. The crack pipe dream in fact. And that little shred of hope keeps them from just hiding in the basement and never leaving their houses again. So, when that doesn't happen look for all hell to break loose. The insane asylum doors will fling open and the democrat/communist party will pour out to wreak havoc on America.
But it will be fun to watch, won't it?
Lets Make America Great Again!!!!!
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Howdy writes -
ReplyDelete“Ah Boz, I see you're making new friends again. As Safe pointed out in the intro, we have differing opinions here. Did you know that Safe, my brother Scott, and myself all caucused for Kasich here in Kansas? Not even for Trump - initially. What happened? Snowflakes happened. Now Safe's movement to The Donald has happened and I'm moving that direction, too.”
Well then, it looks like I am having an effect. Then you write;
“And when you try to act nice, avoid gratuitously antagonizing people (e.g. "fearless, draft dodging, womanizing" which I suspect never seemed to bother you with Bill Clinton). That's usually a good idea, even if you're not really trying to convert them.”
So do we have a double standard here? I call Trump a ‘fearless, draft dodging, womanizing …’ as you quoted, and that’s not appropriate. But just Wednesday SSAH writes “ This isn't the democrat/communist party where you either toe the line or you're out.”
Really ? Democrat/ communist party …. Hyperbole much ? Then Rikki writes shortly after the above post,
“Chicken shit isn't interested in civil discussion / debate. All he's doing is fluffing himself up to cover up his insecurities....he stalks us here because he is jealous and hates himself.”
As hominem attacks much? Attacking a public figure is one thing, but no, of all the things I am, ‘chicken shit’ isn’t one of them.
Then McGinty weighs in with “ The reason I delete them is simply because (1) I can and (2) because I know it pisses him off...”
No, it really doesn’t. And in fact it appears I get the occupants of this room far more riled than they do me.
As for the tone of my posts, look at the post of April 4 at 10:09. My comments are directed at this administration and its disastrous policies. Now who is the snowflake ?
I’m frustrated with what somewhere around a third of the country it doing. I argue facts and support my argument with respected sources. No, Trump has not “turned the economy around”. Obama inherited an economy in the brink of collapse and brought it back to life. Check Politifact Jan 8, 2018 regarding the stock market :
Now Boz, I don't do ad hominem attacks much. And I'm afraid that your "respected" mainstream sources have lost any semblance of objectivity and are so imbued with advocacy journalism that even I don't partake anymore. I mean, a year ago I subscribed to "Time" and watched the CBS Evening News. I no longer do either. You can only go to the well so often. Agnew complained of news slant in 1970. That slant would qualify as completely objective now. The press has gotten so into bed with the Democratic party that I tune them out. Jelena had a few things to say to me about Trump wanting to let the Baltic press ask Qs this week instead of the American. In fact, I've noticed that Al Jazeera, Sky, EuroTV, et. al. have better American news than our own outlets for years. Nothing like being an ex-pat to give a little perspective.
Delete(Note to Boz: I don't care about either Trump nor Clinton in their private lives. Hell, if I were married to a Harridan, I might see things Bill's way. Back in 1995 I had a bumper sticker "Can't Blame Bill, I'd Cheat On Hillary, Too." Yep, that's your ol' Holliday Howdy; keeping things classy as always. Besides, you might be surprised to learn I wasn't for removing Clinton from office. I mean, why let Al Gore run as an incumbent? Isn't that GOOD of HH??!!)
From Politifact:
ReplyDelete"President Donald Trump likes to boast that he and his achievements are the biggest and the best, and not just about the size of his nuclear launch button.
In recent weeks, Trump on Twitter and in speeches has repeatedly touted the rise of the stock market on his watch.
In a tweet on Jan. 5, 2018, Trump said, "Dow goes from 18,589 on November 9, 2016, to 25,075 today, for a new all-time Record. Jumped 1000 points in last 5 weeks, Record fastest 1000 point move in history. This is all about the Make America Great Again agenda! Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Six trillion dollars in value created!"
And Trump has explicitly compared his stock market record with that of his predecessor, Barack Obama.
"The Fake News Media barely mentions the fact that the Stock Market just hit another New Record and that business in the U.S. is booming...but the people know! Can you imagine if ‘O’ was president and had these numbers - would be biggest story on earth! Dow now over 25,000," he tweeted on Jan. 4.” The article continues:
“ For instance, Trump’s comparison falters if you look at the Dow’s performance between Inauguration Day and Jan. 5 of a president’s second calendar year in office, rather than Election Day.
Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive.
But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.
In fact, the Dow’s rise was even more impressive under Obama if you start measuring at the market’s low point, on March 9, 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession. That day, the Dow closed at 6,547. Between then and Jan. 5 — a 10-month period — the Dow rose by a stunning 61 percent. That’s more than three times faster than Trump’s rise over the same period in his term."
Look, it's way too early to see how the economy will respond to Trump's economic agenda. But the facts at this point simply do not point to anything good. In fact, economist on both sides of the aisle are biggly concerned with Trump's agenda. Now we are heading for a trade war with China. YOU in Kansas will suffer for this, as the Chinese have targeted red states more than blue. The soybean sector is big in Kansas. Now it will be much more difficult to sell. Watch what's left of rural Kansas continue to die off.
Finally, Howdy chimes in with ....
"Everybody else - c'mon I feel sort of responsible for Boz. Sort of like having a cousin who lacks social skills. Besides, he's fun to razz. He hates the "working class hero" schtick and I can always get him to rise to the bait when I refer to my JD as making me a doctor."
So….. do you want everyone to address you as “Dr. Howdy”? After all, if it’s “fun to razz”, then two can play that game. I’m afraid if I were to find myself in court as an expert witness and addressed the judge is “Dr. Your Honor”, he’d break out in laughter.But whatever floats your boat. Back to work.... let the chips fall where they may. Keep an eye on the stock market ... I suspect it's going to take another big hit... maybe even biggly. You just have to be exhausted by all this winning. Sad, very sad.
Blue repeat after me President Trump!! Hehehehe And I am 100% sure he doesn't give a shit what YOU think of him.
DeleteIs it true what they say, that if Blue farts in the forest and no one else is there to smell it, does it still smell like Chicken Shit?
DeleteBoz, I see you did rise to the bait again. That Juris "Doctor" thingie works every time. Now, you know I don't even believe that myself. But I do get a kick out of righteous indignation.
DeleteAs for razzing, let me make some important distinctions for you. Leftist "humor" = snark and crude political gibes. Howdy humor = harmless joshing and good-natured kidding. See the difference, Boz. You, unlike most lefties, are capable of the latter, but you do seem to have lost some of your sense of humor lately. Perhaps since the election.
Bye the bye, I'm not into the stock market. All of my TSP is in bonds. So stock prices are antithetical to my well being. I'd rather have some higher interest rates.
I, too, would like to hear your answers to Kevin's 2 Qs. You should be able to knock it out of the park, right. You don't need to be Michael Barone or Karl Rove to do that sort of political analysis.
What about it, Blue?
ReplyDeleteDo you think the non-stop attacks on the 2nd amendment is going to be a winning strategy for your beloved democrat party?
How about siding with illegals over American citizens at every single turn?
Do you really think that's a winning message?
The faux doc is just repeating the same talking points we've heard from every communist source for the past year. If you watch FOX news you will see they have these empty headed godless left wing parrots on almost every show. And they repeat the exact same talking point virtually verbatim as the faux doc.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I wonder why he haunts America's Blog like he does. Does he imagine that by insulting us, demeaning our state and generally being an obnoxious asshole we are suddenly going to listen to his regenerated excrement and be swayed to become democrat/communists? Is it possible he is so dimwitted that he thinks his style of persuasion every actually persuades anybody?
I think he does, because his ego is so enormous it crowds out any form of rational thought that might intrude into his tiny little brain and actually help him understand just how foolish he appears.
But blather on my friend. We'll skim through your bloviations, make note that we've heard it all a hundred times before, have a chuckle and then move on to more substantive discussion with more rational people. Our little community here on America's Blog.
And feel free to answer Kevin's question, if you can. Do you think going full commie is a winning strategy for your side? Do you think constant personal attacks on our President will win the day for your people? Cause I suspect you are going to be just as surprised after the next election as you were after the last one.
I'm going to say this about our President.
ReplyDeleteHe had a life most people would kill for. Extremely wealthy, and making more money all the time. Multi billionaire. Happy family. His own jumbo jet and fleet of aircraft. Adored by the left until he ran for President. They gave him awards and heaped praise on him.
He could do what he wanted. Live where he wanted. He had celebrity like few in this country. Everybody knew his name. He owns skyscrapers. Country clubs. Homes wherever he wanted them.
He was safe, nobody wanted to see him dead. Nobody was threatening him.
And this man gave all that up to run for President.
Now he endures endless slanders and libels. Horrible lie filled fabricated attacks, every day. He is attacked on TV, in the media, all over the internet, on TWITTER. Everywhere. Nonstop. And all of it lies and godless left wing media disinformation just like the old Soviet communists used to do.
His life is in constant danger. The left calls daily for him to be killed, with no repercussions. They post veiled threats daily. Famous people who don't even hide their threats. They endlessly make vicious hate filled claims accusing him of crimes and racism and being a fascist and a Nazi. Painting him as an evil man and just hoping they will inspire some half crazed godless left winger to decide they have to take action to stop him, to save the world from this horrible horrible person who is the next Hitler.
If you don't think his life is in danger every day, you are too stupid to be reading this so go away and don't ever come back here.
And this man took all this on, and gave up a life of luxury because he believe he could save this country from it's apparent self destruction of turning further and further left toward communism.
And every day he turns out to be right in everything he said. And everything he does seems to be more and more exactly what this country needs.
There are things happening behind the scenes with all the Russia nonsense we know nothing about but someday will understand he knew exactly what he was doing.
So, I just needed to get that off my chest. I'm standing with this man because he is standing behind my country.
Uh huh. Trump is HATED in New York. He was born with a silver spoon up his ass. As a businessman, he has had a horrible career - known for cheating contractors, filing trivial suits to get out of contracts, defend nefarious business practices... on an on. Check your sources. He has been involved in over 3500 >>> An exclusive USA TODAY analysis of legal filings across the U.S. finds that Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in at least 3500 legal actions in federal and state courts during the past three decades. 1900 of those actions were filed against Trump his various companies. His mentor was Roy Cohn, yet you think Trump is some hero ?? LMAO... you CANNOT be serious. Married three times, son Donald went a year without speaking to him after he divorced Ivana to marry his new arm candy Marla Maples. What a joke. ... And now this.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS ---
Dow slides more than 700 points as Trump threatens to escalate trade dispute with China
U.S. financial markets slump on Trump’s threat to escalate trade dispute
By Thomas Heath April 6 at 2:45 PM Email the author
Markets roiled Friday as stocks dropped across the board on the latest volley in the United States’s trade dispute with China.
President Trump’s upped the ante with his latest threat to impose $100 billion in new tariffs on Chinese goods imported into the United States.
Hours later — and minutes before U.S. markets opened — a Chinese official said its government was prepared to respond “forcefully” with “detailed” countermeasures.
Yeah, he's a great fan. God.. SNAP OUT OF IT !!
"Snap out of it?" Boz, we're not in some sort of hypnotic trance. You do realize, of course, that the more the lefties, assorted snowflakes, and the perpetually indignant rail about the guy the more people like him, right? He won the presidency due to all the free press he got. Alice Cooper once said there's no such thing as bad publicity. Perhaps someone in the media will someday show the perception an old glitter rock guy has. Perhaps.
DeleteSometimes I almost think the President is like "The Mentalist."
Yeah, great year under Trump
ReplyDeleteDespite Republican tax cuts and hyperbole, the Trump economy is not outperforming the Obama economy. So much for supply-side economics.
- When Obama took office the SP500 was at 826 and was at 2290 when he left office, so SP500 grew at 13 % annually during the Obama administration. If it continued to grow at 13% it would be expected to be at 2692 today.
However, today it is currently at 2593.
- GDP growth, no difference
- Job creation, flat.
-wage growth, no better than Obama's second term.
Easy Blue you are losing it big boy, It is what he is doing for the Country that counts now don't you know Punk?
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how our internet doctor can parrot left-wing drivel from his favorite Trump hating experts but can't answer a couple simple questions.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't like it hasn't been brought to his attention.
DeleteLol... He's probably searching through his favorite left-wing websites looking for a proper response...
ReplyDeleteHe cracks me up with his claim of providing backup from reputable sources.
ReplyDeleteHis sources are almost opinion pieces and the only one's he considers reputable are the one's he agrees with...
Not to mention pretty much everything he says is a lie...
ReplyDeleteWhat everything he says is a lie, Damn he almost had me convinced that Hillary is the President, Not!!!! hehehehhehehe
DeleteBe kind of silly for the Chcoms to sink our economy since they hold a ton of our debt. Who you imagine gets stiffed first if we bail ourselves out?
ReplyDeleteThis is all posturing. The market will be right back where it was.
And the same people who claim the Kenyan had a great economy and President Trump's is terrible are the same people who will try to convince you the Reagan years were terrible and Supply Side Economics were a terrible failure.
I mean, Reagan only brought us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression. 30+ million jobs, revenue to the government more than doubled. And that was a failure.
Well, of course if you are a democrat/communist great economic news is a failure. Communists hate a thriving economy. Less people dependent on the government. Less people turning to the government to save them. People going back to work. People succeeding, thriving, making money. That is exactly the opposite of what the communists want.
They want poverty, unemployment, no jobs and people dependent on an ever growing ever more powerful government.
An old axiom: Make beggars out of them, they're easier to control.
That's why they believe the Kenyan was the greatest president since FDR. He's a Marxist and gave them everything they hoped for. Failure.
1. Anon comes on here supposedly so busy being a doctor but yet has time to post his croakings of crapola.... The dow will bounce back - stock markets fluctuate regularly - it's the biased media that is trying to pin it on President Trump. Obama didn't have the guts nor the spine to stand up to China - glad that President Trump does!
ReplyDelete2. Anon you're still a chicken shit because you hide like a yellow bellied coward behind the "anonymous" tag.
If you look at the weather radar map , it should be snowing in Topeka, and bigger west of us....
ReplyDeleteSnowing in Topeka!!! Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, looks like just a dusting.
ReplyDeleteI am trying again, zzzzzzz's, Later...
ReplyDeleteAnd that's more than enough...
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, good morning...
ReplyDeleteCongress refuses to help Trump build a wall?
Trump does it his way.
National Guard headed to the border as we speak.
Yesterday he ended Obama's catch and release program by executive order.
(The left hates that he too has a pen and a phone)
Directed Sessions to implement a zero tolerance policy on illegal board crossers.
ICE raids are going on at facilities all across the country.
Don't like it?
Too fucking bad...
Lol, that is too bad, He should open a go fund me page for the money for the wall, I would donate $19.99 a month for the wall, hell I do that for everything under the sun now. Round every last illegal and ship them out.
ReplyDeleteOh and good morning Bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus" Beer!
Well I will be spending most of my weekend doing taxes, that really sucks. We should all stop paying taxes until they fund the wall.
ReplyDeleteLol... Excellent idea Sarge.
ReplyDeleteYou go first though...
Nope I am on second.
DeleteHere is a plan for President Trump, he does a executive order stating that people 70 or older making under $50,000.00 dollars has to pay no taxes or file, all they have to do is send the government a check at filing time for $250.00 dollars and verify their ages. Now that is a plan I could live with. Just Saying....
ReplyDeleteInterest read that describes me to a T.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started getting into
prepping my wife started to view
me the same way much of the world
views us survivalists. To her the
whole thing was crazy. Here was a
grown man with a wife, kids, and
stable job that seemed to become
obsessed with preparing for the
impending as she so delicately
put it, “Zombie Apocalypse”. For
what felt like decades I endured
her rolling eyes and constant
complaints of the time and money
I "wasted" on various prepping
projects around the house. As I
continued to pursue this new
lifestyle seemingly alone I
began to believe my wife would
never come around. I even feared
the worst for our marriage and by
extension the solidarity of our
One day a breakthrough came in the
form of a stunning change of
heart. Well, ok, it was actually
slow but steady warming up to the
ideas I had spent so long trying
to explain. I'd say it started
gardening. She had confessed that
she always had leanings to pursue
it is a hobby but just never
seemed to find the motivation. It
appeared, she said, as the books
and websites piled up that her old
husband was putting her to shame.
As she started asking more
questions and we had more talks
about it we decided to pursue it
together. As I got her involved
with the gardening before you know
it she started getting the kids
involved to. We all enjoyed access
to fresh and authentically organic,
homegrown produce for a small
investment that over the years has
paid for itself. The grocery bills,
she agreed, seemed to speak for
themselves. Even now we have
stockpiles ready as we also got
into canning as well, another
hobby the wife seems to enjoy.
In fact, it was her idea!
As she became more open-minded
about various aspects of what we
were doing she slowly began to
admit the benefits. She saw it
more on a practical level. The
generator, for example, didn't
just make us energy independent
in case the worst should happen,
but also saved us staggering
sums of money in hotel bills and
food losses, and so was also worth
the investment. She began to see
that despite my “obsession” with
getting off the grid and the
impending collapse of society,
that there actually was a rational
and practical side to it. Prepping
was no longer just about wearing
tinfoil hats and preparing for
the worst. It was also about
saving money and improving our
standard of living at the same
time. There was even more to it
than that. As we and the kids
became more involved in these
various projects and enjoying the
fruits of our labor we both saw how
it brought us together as a family.
We were spending time together,
and wouldn't you know it, we
actually really enjoyed each
others company.
She, like me, can now see that
we as survivalists aren't just
enjoying an above average level
of readiness for the inevitable
Armageddon, but also are reaping
a number of down to earth
commonsense practical benefits
as well. But best of all,
our marriage, and our family has
never been stronger because of it.
Your Friend,
Is this party over?
ReplyDeleteNo way. Sarge.
ReplyDeleteWe're just taking a break...
Who the hell authorized breaks? Good Grief, we are doomed.
DeleteOk Break time is over.
ReplyDeleteWell, there ya go...
ReplyDeleteFire at Trump Tower this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteHate to disappoint you, Blueboy, but Trump nor anyone in his family were injured...
Michigan passes article V support. I'm beginning to think ultimately that's how we change it all.
ReplyDeleteIt cannot be stopped by any liberal.
It cannot be stopped by any media.
It cannot be stopped by Congress.
It cannot be stopped any president.
It would be a true demonstration of a constitutional republic. DC would have no power. It would lie in the hands of the convention, and call me what you will, I think 38 is possible. Especially with attacks on the 2A and rampant illegal immigration.
I guess we will see, huh?
Life is lonely and hard in an ivory tower, Kevin. It's a hard life to forget about where you came from, and embrace the dark. Poor bastard.
ReplyDeleteThink about how the "patients" must suffer.
Hell, he probably just writes scripts for opiates like most of MD's anyway...
Sad. Truly sad.
A person so stupid to declare a "war" in that manner shows only ignorance.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya sarge. I like my chances as well.
It was the CEO of twitter I think, But I don't give shit anymore, Oh and I just heard one died in that Trump fire. All I am asking is the good lord gives me a few more years to partake in what is coming.
ReplyDeleteGood night!
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Sarge, talk to you in the morning...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Kevin, start talking, heheeh better wait for the second good morning, as soon as I get some oxygen in my lungs I hope to crash again.
ReplyDeleteSure isn't much going on out here in the News, No big deal most of it is Fake News anyhow, Only cool thing I see is Hannity kicking the shit out of Kimmal, piss on the spelling, easier to just say JK. F.ing Punk pervert anyhow.
ReplyDeleteWell feel my body giving way to sleep so I better grab it while I can. Later, God willing.
ReplyDeleteGood morning again.
ReplyDeleteDang, Sarge, I thought you were gonna sleep all day...
ReplyDeleteI sure would have liked to but I take what I can get lately, Damn who can get their taxes done in this shitty weather, I can see I will be rushing at the last min this year.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLost who's Skippey?
DeleteI found it. had to go to my old back up PC. Gees this is just so complicated for some of us senior citizens.
DeleteNew blog up and running.
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you know it's not the least bit complicated...
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