That was by request for Kevin.
But before I go any further, I want to express my sorrow and condolences for Cats. She was a valued and respected and well liked member of our community, and she will be missed. I hope she is resting in the Father's arms now, free from pain and sorrow. I hope she's in a place where politics don't matter any more and there are no godless communists roaming about causing people to suffer.
God's speed Cats. We will miss you.
Did any of you catch any of our President's speech at the rally in Michigan? I swear, I haven't enjoyed hearing a President speak this much for 35 years or so. The last President we had who could raise people up like that was the great Ronald Reagan. That was a sight to behold.
And I'm sure the godless left was spitting blood and the wrath and bile was boiling up out of them. It must have been horrible to be them that night. Even though they were having their own gathering to attack and impune our President and his people.
Seeing a couple of clips of that freak show made me sick to my stomach. Something that was supposed to be a comedian apparently was standing in front of those people saying the most horrible things about people while they were sitting right there. It was disgusting and was a peek into the minds of the godless left. Or what passes for minds of the godless left anyway.
I think next year the President should not send any of his staff to that horrible event. They don't deserve to be humiliated like that. And I hope Sarah Sanders Huckabee was taking notes on who laughed and who didn't. And I hope she pours out the retribution at future White House Press Conferences.
But that's the difference between us and them. Our President was lifting America, engaging with people who love him and was greeted with thunderous applause and cheers. That was a man in his element.
And the godless left was spewing hatred and insults and leaving their crowd wondering what the hell was going on. Some of them were in complete agreement with that hack speaker, some were not. But they didn't stop her. They let her go on and on.
But anyway, it's Monday. And I have exactly three months left to work. That breaks down like this.
12 weeks left, which means 5 working days per week so 60 working days. There's a couple holidays in there and I'm taking a vacation in June so that's 52 days left to trudge into the salt mine and suffer.
Not that I'm counting or anything.....
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Solo Expedition...
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Lol, you will work harder after retirement but you will be your own Boss, and trust me your wife most likely has a foot locker full of Honey do's.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck my Friend. 😇
I hope your retirement is everything you wish it to be Safe! Time to do the things that you have really wanted to do for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was totally disgusting how the so called comedian treated and talked about Sarah Huckabee. I wonder if the comedian would think it was really funny if her reported sexual activity with animals was put out there in a public forum, for people to laugh about!
I was shocked to hear about Cats. Not only was she humorous and prescient in our cyber-lives, she was a lot of fun at Truckhenge I. Besides, she could drink Arrogant Bastard. A big thanks to Kevin for letting us know. I hope she's having one now with Vent.
ReplyDeleteI see by the news there's a groundswell of support (in East Asia, mind you, not among our own butt-hurt elites) for the Pres to get a Nobel Peace Price. I wonder what ol' Boz thinks of this, to say nothing of Minnow and Batty. You just know they're goin' nuts.
Concerning the snarky Ms Wolf ... Poor Kathy Griffin, no longer even able to claim the title of Worst Comedienne. I read somewhere that Wolf was convicted of a sex crime. I wonder if it's fake news, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Oh come on Howdy, this is a big thing ? When I first thought of this nonsense ( awarding the Nobel to Cadet Bone Spurs ) I recalled how 'butthurt' to use your word everyone was in 2009 when Obama actually WON the prize. I never thought the selection committee was giving the prize to Obama, as much as they were recognizing that America had turned a corner: it had elected a black president, and a president who was widely respected for his ability to engage the rest of the world. I was in Europe many times while Obama was president, and while I don't have time to cite sources, his popularity was through the roof. I can recount one anecdote after another about Europeans pulling me aside expressing their gratitude for our putting Obama in the White House. Take that however you want, I don't care. You would have preferred Sarah Palin a heartbeat from the president ? Come on man, you know better.
DeleteAs for Cadet Bone Spurs receiving some sort of shiny prize, please ..... it didn't take long for our friends and adversaries alike to figure this clown out. It's all about him and they know he's easy to play. I was not real surprised to see the Post express my sentiments exactly: From today's WaPo -
"If there's one thing that defines Donald Trump's presidency, it may be his never-ending thirst for validation, applause and credit — even where getting it strains credulity. When it comes to recognition, Trump is a dog after a bone. And political and world leaders have quickly learned the best way to win his favor and bend his ear is to lavish him with praise.
The result is the nascent movement to award Trump the Nobel Peace Prize for his handling of North Korea.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans were wary of preemptive Nobel Prizes. Back when Barack Obama was awarded one in 2009, it was met with laughter and derision on the right. “The real question Americans are asking is, ‘What has President Obama actually accomplished?'" asked the Republican National Committee. Added Rush Limbaugh: “This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama.” Even Democrats acknowledged that it seemed a little premature."
Heh, heh, heh! That one DID get your goat. I don't want Sarah Palin for Pres, although I used to be in for McCain BIGGLY, international events have made me more sympathetic to Obama & Trump (neither of whom did I vote for). It's just that McCain has a real desire to enmesh us in any damned international conflict he can find. And while I'll admit the last two Pres' are definitely an acquired taste, they at least show some sanity about reacting to international conflicts. Sorry if I sound like Pat Buchanan, but I'm callin' 'em as I sees 'em.
DeleteBut Obama's Nobel was basically just a gift. If Trump denuclearizes the Korean peninsula, yep, definitely prizeworthy.
See, my College Hill friend, you lefties put a huge emphasis on motives. I could care less, so long as I like the results. If Trump wants adulation, what do I care?
And Obama's receptions in Europe cooled noticeably as his presidency wore on. But if you look around my FaceBook account you will find me quoted in a Dutch periodical as praising Obama. Of course, this was for killing bin Laden and the oh-so-fair magazine also paired their interview with myself and my "Lettse partner" with one from some belly-aching Palestinian. Hey, Howdy's tolerance will only go so far. But then you probably already guessed that, didn't you?
Wishing you all the best Safe on your upcoming retirement.
ReplyDeleteDitto on what has been posted this morning regarding Michelle Wolf.
I went to the White House Correspondents' Assoc. website and sent them this message:
"Let’s look at the First Amendment. ‘Freedom of Speech’ is gravely important. True. But when does ‘Freedom of Speech’ yield to an impudent lack of respect and ridicule for entertainment? Is there not a fine line between ‘Freedom of Speech’ and lawless deliberate disrespectful remarks that display unprofessional behavior?
What part of Michelle Wolf’s monologue on April 28th displayed professionalism? If your mission is to encourage high school and college students to enter the field of journalism, what then of Michelle Wolf’s monologue displayed encouragement?
You should apologize for the tasteless, unprofessional remarks made by Michelle Wolf. Michelle Wolf should also apologize for what she said. That wasn’t ‘Freedom of Speech’, Michelle Wolf’s monologue was discourteous and ill mannered. It displayed an impudent lack of respect which also shows unfavorably on what you do."
Personnally Rm. 235 folks... Michelle Wolf's monologue is ranked up there with the worst of the worst of late night television -
Just saw this on the Washington Times website:
ReplyDelete"The thrill is gone: Democratic Party losing support of young voters, says massive new poll"
by Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Monday, April 30, 2018
A massive new poll of young voters has some inconvenient news for Democrats.
“Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among millennials as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections,” according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey of some 11,000 voters ages 18-34 conducted during the first three months of the year.
“Their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years, to 46 percent overall. And they increasingly say the Republican Party is a better steward of the economy,” the poll analysis said.
And while two-thirds of the respondents are not especially fond of President Trump, they also said this distaste does not extend to all Republicans, or translate into automatic votes for Democratic candidates in the midterm elections.
“That presents a potential problem for Democrats who have come to count on millennials as a core constituency — and will need all the loyalty they can get to achieve a net gain of 23 seats to capture control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November,” the analysis said.
The findings also suggested millennials were open to third-party candidates — or sitting the election out and not voting at all. The poll also found a notable shift in a certain demographic.
“Two years ago, young white people favored Democrats over Republicans for Congress by a margin of 47 to 33 percent; that gap vanished by this year, with 39 percent supporting each party,” the analysis said. “The shift was especially dramatic among young white men, who two years ago favored Democrats but now say they favor Republicans over Democrats by a margin of 46 to 37 percent.
“The Democratic National Committee declined to comment on the Reuters poll. Republican National Committee spokeswoman Cassie Smedile said the poll indicates that young voters ‘like what they’ve seen’ from the party in power,’ the analysis said.
When I saw this, I had to share with y'all -
Ten to one - Boz, Batty, and Minnow are having a fit over this one too.
cont. from above
ReplyDeleteSomehow I'm intrigued that the Post thinks the comments of a high school educated draft dodging ( a pilonidal cyst ?? really ?? a hair up his ass ?? LMAO ... ) are worthy of print, but whatever.
Look, Dotard went to China, and no surprise Xi Jinping pulled out all the stops. Big parade ! Kids in the streets cheering !! And no doubt, the Chinese concluded he was even more ill prepared and just plain stupid than even they thought. So, what does ol' Boz think of the Nobel prize ? Meh, no big deal. He hasn't won it. And in fact, he hasn't even met Rocket Man yet at all. There have been no negotiations, so perhaps we shouldn't get out over our skis.
What may matter more is what little he and the repubs have managed to do. Well, they pulled off an absurd tax cut that has rendered Wall Street downright apoplectic. How are those retirement funds doing ?? Even closer to home, he is moving the U.S. closer to a trade war with China- and that is something that Kansas should be worried about. Xi of China has made it clear that China will retaliate, and Kansas agribusiness will take a hit where it hurts most- agricultural commodities. Not surprisingly, Mexican President Pena-Nieto followed suit announcing Mexico's intention to purchase its corn from Argentina instead of the U.S. It's playing the China card too - And with the current trajectory, more countries will decide to develop trade ties with the Chinese, and move away from the U.S. Kansas... you're going to THINK butthurt.
Finally, there is what appears to be a change in strategy coming from the Kremlin that Cadet Bone Spurs should be worried about. Natalia Veselnitskaya admitted in a recent interview that she was an attorney, and added that she was also an "informant" ( conflicting with her testimony given to the Senate Judiciary Committee during which she denied any ties to Kremlin officials ). No she fully admits her ties to not only top Russian government officials, but a number of oligarchs. So WHAT.... was she doing at Trump Tower with Trump Jr. ? Exchanging blini recipes ? I have no doubt that Madame Veselnitskaya would never have admitted to her links to the Kremlin without the unequivocal approval of Putin. It appears Putin is fully prepared to toss Dotard under the bus like an empty beer can.
That and the Stormy Daniels debacle, and it looks like the perfect storm to me. I agree with a number of pundits who conclude that Cadet Bone Spurs will resign before the end of the year. I'll add to that, the Hill will be all new and improved.
Are you STILL predicted Trump will leave office this year? Didn't I hear that last year? And hey, you still never said how you feel about my Baltic Russians telling me that Trump would win during Christmas of 2015? Is that better than the CBS / New York Times poll or what?
DeleteAnd hey, I never said Obama didn't deserve some recognition, although I'm sure my reasons are different from yours. For instance, he kept the presidency from the Harridan in 2008, when she would have won. Now THAT'S an accomplishment you can believe in!!!
The US Dept. of Justice has made a major change in their manual....
“DOJ removes press freedom, racial gerrymandering language from U.S. Attorneys’ manual”
By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Monday, April 30, 2018
The Department of Justice has revised its U.S. Attorneys’ manual by removing language about press freedom and racial gerrymandering, according to a media report.
A section titled the “Need for Free Press and Public Trial” was removed from the newest edition of manual. Instead, it now instructs prosecutors not to share classified information with journalists and orders them to report any contact with members of the press, BuzzFeed reported.
The move is likely a response to the Trump administration’s efforts to crackdown on illegal leaks to the media.
The new version of the manual also no longer specifically mentions racial gerrymandering among the federal law violations that can be prosecuted, BuzzFeed said. Although, the text does refer to protections under the Voting Rights Act.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is said to have ordered the updated manual, according to BuzzFeed. It was last revised in 1997.
Ian Prior, a Justice Department spokesman, told BuzzFeed that the guidance provided in the manual is not supposed to be “an exhaustive list of constitutional rights, statutory law, regulatory law or generalized principles of our legal system.”
The purpose of the changes, according to Mr. Prior, is to identify sections and language that “required greater clarity” and add any content to “help Department attorneys perform core prosecutorial functions,” BuzzFeed said.
Not all of the changes were substantial, however. Long paragraphs have been split up, and outdated contact lists have been updated, according to the report.
Other revisions had been previously announced to the public. In January, the Justice Department announced it would add a section called “Respect for Religious Liberty” ordering prosecutors to alert senior officials about any lawsuits against the U.S. government that raise questions concerning religious liberty.
Too bad this wasn't in place while Comey was at the helm....
LNAO... You keep hanging on to that dream, Blue.
ReplyDeleteI've kinda lost track though.
How many perfect storms does this one make?
One by one, Donald Trump picked off the Republican competition while on the campaign trail.
ReplyDeleteWon the Republican Nomination for the White House.
Defeated Crooked Hillary Clinton in the Presidential Election.
Hillary and the DNC cried foul, claimed Russian Collusion...
Well Russian collusion lie has been debunked - President Trump vindicated.
Through the tidal waves of hatred, negativity, and witch hunts....President Trump has come out on top.
Pretty much all across America is the news of how South Korea's President saying that President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize :
Some of the clips I've found supporting this:
New York Times:
Chicago Tribune:
Fox News:
USA Today:
News 4 Jax (Jacksonville, Florida):
President Trump from day one when he was Candidate Trump just keeps on winning. Those polls that show his performance rating as lowest of the low.... well, we know that those whom the media polls are Democrat and Anti Trump folks.... so it is not accurate but then to, the media has a left sided tilt.
We're still quoting the Washington Times ?? Really ?? Big part of your problem. This is the Moonie paper. It's a joke. Trump isn't kicking anybody's ass. He's a joke laughed at around the world. Even the clowns on Fox and Friends had to cut him off because the man was free associating and becoming more hysterical with every sentence.
ReplyDeleteAnd he sure as hell isn't helping Kansas out. Bureau of labor statistics ranked Kansas as the second worst economy in the U.S. This is only going to get worse. Trump is a coward. No wonder he didn't show up at the correspondent's dinner - Obama made him look like a fool, and he hasn't forgotten.
"Quarterly Kansas economic report bests only Mississippi
May 11, 2017 11:18 AM
Updated May 11, 2017 01:16 PM
The Kansas economy racked up another weak performance in the fourth quarter, ranking it 49th nationally, ahead of only Mississippi, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said Thursday.
The state economy grew at an annual rate of 0.1 percent. For all of 2016, the state economy performed slightly better, 0.2 percent growth, which moved it up to 42nd in the country."
Speaking of being made to look like a fool - that's exactly what Trump is doing to you. He even brags about it. You beat Mississippi. And that's it. Tired of winning ??
Great post about the highlights of life in Topeka. I admit, Wanamaker is something huh ? Every conceivable kind of fast food known to man. Better fill your closets with those classy sans a belt pants... " buuuurp". Billboards for miles, and cheap grub. All I could think when I was last there was how poor everything looked. As Cadet Bone Spurs would say "saaaad".
Good Grief you do really have it bad! I am starting to feel sorry for you, only because I hate to see anyone go off the deep end over this political bullshit, You might need to check with your Healthcare provider. Do so soon.
DeleteBoz is in a severe state of denial to the point of schizoid paranoia - he can't handle the truth about President Trump's victories since Inauguration.
DeleteOne final thought on the N. Korea situation......
ReplyDeleteYou're foolish if you believe that Trump, who has pursued the goal of zero sum gain throughout his chaotic business career, will be able to negotiate an international settlement of this magnitude.
He was helpless in the face of North Korea's enhanced weapons testing program, and now they have what they want - a viable nuclear deterrent - they're unlikely to give it up.
His bluster is the opposite of diplomacy; all he did was ratchet up further the tension in the region. Any breakthrough will be product of long, careful and patient negotiations: none of which are Trump strong cards.
just keep on thumping on that drum Boz - you almost got rhythm there.
DeleteLol!! Good one.
Deletethanks Sarge - Boz varies between 3/4 time, 4/4 time, and 6/8 time.... unconsistent beat there.
DeleteHey I am still lol on the 1st one. hehehhe
Deletelol, can almost visualize Boz with a little itty bitty drum....
DeleteQ: why did the cookie go to the emergency room?
A: it felt a little crumbie
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha lol
talking about our "little itty bitty drum brigade".... Boz went into hiding....
Deletemaybe Boz thumped a little too hard on that itty bitty little drum.... he may have broken his little toy
DeleteWell, out from under the rock comes the faux doc. Then back under the rock he goes.
ReplyDeleteMaking predictions! This President is finished! We've got him good this time!!! No really, not like last time. Or the time before that. Or the time before that. I know I've been saying for thirteen months that he's finished any day now. But this time for sure!!!
Sad the circles these godless lefties chase around in trying to convince themselves this fantasy of theirs is going to come true. But after all, CNN and MSNBC are telling them every day it's real. And you can't doubt the cable news show of every airport in the country, now can you?
And as for the Nobel prize? That thing was decidedly proven worthless years ago. Let's just take a look, shall we?
The Kenyan obama. Awarded the peace prize because he was black. That's pretty meaningful.
Al Gore. The perpetrator of the largest fraud ever committed against the entire world. Made himself extraordinarily wealthy selling snake oil to gullible people. Meaningful.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. United Nations. See above.
Jimmy Carter. He solved the Mideast crisis! Actually his claim to fame is he was the worst democrat/communist president until the Kenyan took that title from him.
Yasser Arafat. Terrorist. Murderer. Personally responsible for untold violence and death. He's a good one.
Woodrow Wilson. Raging racist. Segregated the military and the federal workforce. Early communist sympathizer. Another winner.
That's enough to prove my point.
So if they give it to President Donald Trump it would actually be one they got right which is why they likely would never do it.
Ah outstanding points Safe, send it to Venezuelan they need toilet paper.
DeleteYou gotta know you're in trouble when all your hopes and dreams are dependent on the word of a whore.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying...
And you said it well!
DeleteThe prostitute stormy daniels is getting what she wants. 15 minutes of fame. They’re lining up around the block to see her take off her clothes. What a surprise.
ReplyDeleteMeantime, the guy she’s trying to bring down is getting talked about for the Nobel prize.
When all this is over President Trump will still be a billionaire and finish his second term as the most accomplished President in modern history.
And she’ll be working in the back room of some sleazy strip club servicing johns for $20 a pop. If that much.
And the faux doc will still be emptying bedpans and hallucinating about their big coup where they overthrow President Nicky Haley.
ReplyDeleteAnd the left will still be trotting out these foul mouthed so called comedians to smear, insult, tarnismms and humiliate anyone who dares to disagree with them.
ReplyDeleteThey just can't come to grips with the undeniable fact that every time they try this they turn away more people.
Keep looking for that illusive perfect storm you dopes...
The dipshit's heads are already starting to explode.
ReplyDeleteThe White House announced today that President Trump will be attending an upcoming NRA rally in Dallas.
With that said I suppose I'd better get off here for now.
ReplyDeletePhone's about dead and the power is out at the motel.
Good grief...
Adapt, improvise, and overcome Bub!! Good Grief.
DeleteThe libtards still want to pursue the debunked Russia collusion bullshit!! I guess them hitting their heads against a brick wall is a fun sport for them! Idiots!!!
"Back to work: Creator of anti-Trump dossier gets new funding to dig up dirt on president"
and within this bullshit is this tidbit:
"The arrangement is one of several cases of behind-the-scenes moves against Mr. Trump by Democrats and Obama officials, according to the report."
Look here dimwits! Your beloved crooked Hillary lost - she totally blew it - she and you need to come to grips with the reality that your witch hunts are so beyond stupidity - Obama is no longer the President - Hillary is no longer a candidate - your brainless escapades in trying to remove President Trump has netted you nothing!
Amen! Rikki.
DeleteWorkers just left They put in a long day, Just maybe they will have if finished tomorrow and I can contact the carpet people, not sure I might do a little landscaping first, don't want to carry in dirt on new carpet. But so close I can taste it. And a good night to all.
The Libtards now have a new name.... The Mentally Irregulars!!!
DeleteFurthermore....this bullshit needs to fricking stop! With the damned energy you libtards are wasting trying to remove President Trump is not only a waste of time, it is just nothing but you getting totally mentally irregular - to the point where you libtards need to be put in a padded cell and have the keys thrown out!
ReplyDeleteGet a fricking grip and realize that President Trump will be there in the White House for a complete 1st Term and will be re-elected to a 2nd Term!! And there's not a damned thing you can do about it so just put that in your legal marijuana joints and smoke it up!
You tell 'em Rikki!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning y'all
ReplyDeleteyou sleepy heads are burning daylight... (lol)
well as you already know more shit hit the fan overnight - the special counsel questions for President Trump were somehow by someone - who knows who - were leaked to the media.
I can't help but feel that this farce of an investigation is totally
unconstitutional because it's already been proven that there was no collusion - all they're doing is trying to find something in their continued attempt to unseat President Trump.
I love how President Trump's tweets address this:
Donald J. Trump
So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were “leaked” to the media. No questions on Collusion. Oh, I have a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!
5:47 AM - May 1, 2018
24.4K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Donald J. Trump
It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened! Witch Hunt!
6:34 AM - May 1, 2018
19.4K people are talking about this
When your goal is to overthrow the existing government of a country and replace it with some form of communist rule, one of the tactics used is disruption. Continual, constant, never ending disruption.
ReplyDeleteDisruption in the streets. Riots, marches, demonstrations. Pointless or with some pretense of a point, but ongoing. And mix in some destruction of property and the occasional attack on authority figures, usually the police sent to try to protect the country.
Disruption by constant attacks by a complicit media. Spread lies, misinformation, disinformation. Keep the progs agitated. Convince them they have gotten some kind of raw deal. They are being mistreated and abused by the bourgeoisie.
Infiltration of the government at every level possible. Place members of the party and sympathetic non members everywhere you can. Government workers. Appointed offices. Elected offices. Place them where they can create the most harm, the most disruption.
Create an environment of resistance. Create a mythology of class oppression. "Those rich people don't pay their fair share of taxes". "Those Republicans only function is to support those rich people". "It's our job to resist this oppression and free the working class from this tyranny".
In other words, everything the democrat/communist party is doing. Every day. Every single day.
This is not about political differences. Or policy differences. This is about destroying our civil society and our system of government from within.
Their numbers are legion.
"Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”
“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”"
Mark 5;9
Good Morning Safe
ReplyDeleteI don't have coffee this morning, changed up the venue.... I have a glass of ice tea (smiles)
I meant "menu".... not venue... maybe I need coffee after all (lol)
DeleteSafe don't function without coffee. That's why you never see me posting at 4 AM like some of these people.
ReplyDeletegiggle giggle giggle (smiles)
Deletedon't worry, your secret about coffee is safe with me
I thought I got up early (0415), but yes, I've seen some real early risers here. I don't think anybody works nights and I know Kevin often has to get up early to make a run. If the morning is cold, I have coffee, if warmer, iced tea or soda. If I don't have caffeine and a shower I'm as groggy at 0900 as I was at 0430.
DeleteSo when are you moving to Cali, Safe?
I resemble that Remark. Safe.
ReplyDeletegiggle giggle giggle
DeleteBy the by, doesn't Boz sound tired of US winning?
ReplyDeleteCrying like a baby! Ken
DeleteMoving to California is quite a quandary. We discuss that about every day now.
ReplyDeleteThere are good reasons to do it. Our daughter and her family, primarily our 3.5 year old grandson live there. If we don't live there we just don't get to be a real part of his life and that's really important to us.
But's California. I hate the politics there. The taxes. The flood of illegals. The liberals. The Governor. And so on. Like I said, it's California.
We've considered living in AZ, but the closest we could get puts us 5+ hrs away and that' just not good enough. I want to be at the ball games, special events, birthdays, holidays and everything else. And be there to babysit.
And we have a business going here, we have a flea market business and we do furniture as well. I don't know if that would translate to CA. We have a fixed location here with other options. It doesn't work quite the same there. But like a wise man once said....
Adapt, improvise and overcome!
Storms brewing out west of Concordia & Salina.... hoping the storms fizzle out before reaching NE Kansas....
That's the link to the National Weather Service here in Topeka.
If you cannot get the link to work just google "National Weather Service, Topeka"
ReplyDeleteJust got home from southeast Kansas. Bring on the storms...
ReplyDeleteJeremy Goodwin is live on 13 with tornado storm coverage around Concordia.
ReplyDeleteWell lets hear a good morning out here Yaaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteTop of the morning to ya, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.