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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Good Grief!! Sick!!
ReplyDeleteOh and a good morning room 235...
Well looks like people sleep in on Sat, mornings.
ReplyDeleteSleep in on a Saturday?
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what that means...😎
Sorry lost my head for a min, hehehe
Deletegood morning :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning Rikki.
DeleteJacob my Bassett needed to go outside. The morning smells fresh after yesterday's rain. very nice outside.
ReplyDeletegetting ready to get me some coffee - out of Wild Mountain Blueberry :) but regular flavor is good'll suffice for today :)
ReplyDeletehee hee :) y'all must have decided to take a nap so early in the morning :)
ReplyDeletethis morning is beautiful - raising my coffee mug to y'all and here's some moozic that is soft, gentle, and just as beautiful as this morning.
ReplyDeleteTurn your speakers up y'all :)
Oceans played by Malin all instrumental - guitar lead (the guitar is in Drop D tuning).
Part of me feels bad. Honestly. It's not right to poke fun of Dementia. But you have to point it out. Biden cannot put one thought together in a sentence and make sense, or being cringy.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you noticed they don't let Hine talk much publicly, anon? Ol sleepy Joe will be eaten alive during the debates, if he makes it that far.
And as far as making it? It seems the sexual assault claim has been corroborated by conversations with family years ago. Compiled with the naked swimming incident with the SS agent, and what he says and does to kids?
Yea, he's done.
In fact, since a whole bunch of commies do not support him from the DNC I wouldn't be surprised at the games they are going to play moving forward to replace him. I wonder if that's the ploy, especially since every Democrat governor is dragging their feet on the lock down.
Somethings happening here...
Biden is burnt Toast...
ReplyDeletethey revered Bill Clinton during Hillary's 2016 campaign, knowing full well that he's a sex doesn't surprise me in the least that they made Biden their front runner. Knowing his obvious flaws mentally, but what is truly creepy is that he can't keep his hands to himself, and he can't keep his mouth and face to himself either. Biden totally creeps me out.
ReplyDeleteBut our little troll just loves him...
ReplyDeleteHow about it Dipshit, you gonna share Bidens strong points?
ReplyDeleteBiden has a plan for covid 19 and he is not tRump. 50,000 dead Americans and the American economy is shattered. Food lines are growing and about 20% unemployment. Two days ago, tRump stood behind the podium and triggered a response from Lysol (do not digest/consume our products). tRump is dangerously unfit to be president.
DeleteCome on man, convince us dementia Joe is presidential material...
ReplyDeletelooks like dickless has gone back into hiding.
ReplyDeleteHe's probably playing with his leg hair...
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, correction, he's probably got KIDS playing with his leg hair. Then letting them sit on his lap, so he can smell their hair....
DeletetRump is mishandling one of the worst global crisis; yet however, he seems to benefit himself financially in seeking bailouts. Why don't you comment on that.
ReplyDeleteBecause he is handling it very well with out help from the DemOrats.
DeleteNo WH news conference today.
ReplyDeleteThats good he getting tired of kicking the Liberal medias asses.
DeleteYou all have proven yourself as those who only care about themselves as you want the economy to just open without regard to the health workers, your neighbors or even your family members. The economy will reopen in part but not because of your selfish wants or rights.
ReplyDeleteCountry over party.
What is your problem?
DeleteMy taxes supports someone like you and that's my problem.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIts Saturday and I am going to enjoy the day.
ReplyDeleteYou do that we have been already... hahahah
ReplyDeleteAnd it is amazing you even know what day it is...
ReplyDeleteAnon, you keep coming around here getting your head kicked in with your lack of any contribution. Your arguments get destroyed by the next poster, whon ever it is.
ReplyDeleteDont tell me you are going to enjoy the day. This place has gotten in your head so bad, that it's eating you up. That's why you try so hard, yet come so weak.
You aren't enjoying anything today. Definitely not the next four and half years.
Your TDS and fear deceive you.
Just like the rest of the commies...
It'll be nice at the end of the year when Snap, EBT, WIC, etc... run out of money.
ReplyDeleteDemocratic(communist) governorships caused it.
How's a democratic governor gonna win, when they can barely get the UI payments out after a month and can't feed the worthless in the fall?
Yea, this ain't the bad times for the left. That's still coming. And anon stupidly ignores it.
He wants to stay at home.
Scared and controlled.
Playing with his leg hair...
Lol... I assigned you one little task, Dickless.
I gave you plenty of time to come up with something positive to say about your nominee.
Lol... Sorry but truth is I knew full well you couldn't do it.
Because there's nothing you could say.
He's your guy.
You just keep on believing everything CNN tells you to believe.
In the meantime us essential workers will keep the country running...
And I for one thank you all for your Guts and Grit...
ReplyDeleteUnder U.S. civil asset forfeiture laws, federal, state and local police, along with IRS agents can seize property they suspect of being tied to a crime even if no charges are filed, and the agency can keep a share of the property whether a crime is proven or not.
ReplyDeletePolice power goes far beyond the definition given above from Black's Law Dictionary. We speak of the subtle and hidden power of government to persuade the public mind.
Government persuasion is the indoctrination of the individual through his church, his public school, his fraternities and the media to sacrifice his person, his individuality and his property for the "greater good" of the group. Group is translated as government authority.
Once we yield our minds to government force under the pretense of "the greater good" or "the national interest," there is no need to concern ourselves with our rights, for we have surrendered them to the state. Police power is sovereignty of the state over mind, body and soul. To believe otherwise is to live by illusion.
When Americans had freedom, there were no political parties.
ReplyDeleteWhat remains is the question of how to fight back against the police state. What can we do? Awareness is paramount, as are these steps:
Don't let the so-called "authorities" ban cash and track your every move and all your wealth. Use my best and most complete advice on buying and keeping gold and silver by going to the bottom of the page I've linked here.
Don't let them strip rights and freedoms from anyone else, because you will be next. Do you think there will be no "COVID Card" that restricts your movement in the future if you do not fight against it? Of course there will be. The idea of coronavirus "armbands" has already been released into the wild and is being accepted, gradually, as usual. Reject it!
Don't make heroes out of all policemen and soldiers. This is a stealth method of entrenching an abusive and militaristic police force and the military-industrial complex, and it empowers the government over all.
Reject the nanny state. Government wants you to think that all rights, all economic activity and all power flows from government to you. The opposite is true. Our rights are innate and guaranteed by the constitution. The government's job is to assure those guarantees, not detract from them.
Remember that we have the power, we are the producers. Government steals the fruits of it from us first by creating fiat money, spending trillions via debt, which is then debased through inflation, and stolen from us again via taxation.
been outside. such a beautiful day. got a lot of stuff done on my front porch.
taking a break. thought I'd say 'hi'
Well that is the least you could have done.. Hi Back
ReplyDeleteHi Sarge :) hugs
ReplyDeletesome of our seedlings aren't going to make it. mainly my dill. Rick and I will be heading out to buy some dill plants and maybe some other plant types too (would love to get some geraniums, etc.)
I like cooking with fresh dill :)
ReplyDeleteIf you can't eat it don't plant it, heheheh
ReplyDeletewell, out and about with me. Rick and I are headed into town. will stop by later.
ReplyDeletegood advice Sarge :) hugs
ReplyDeleteI also love putting in some peppers in with refrigerator pickles.... a nice summer dish. sliced fresh cucumber with onion slices, vinegar diluted with water, dash of salt n' pepper, and etc.
ReplyDeleteok, I best get off the computer.... keeping hubby waiting. :)
ReplyDeleteUh oh.
That's gonna be a problem.
It's time for three card monty from the left.
Bidens done.
Speaking of fools, wanna see funny?
ReplyDeleteGo to HRC's Twitter and look at the bleach Twitter she put out.
She tried to troll, but she's not good at it. Instead she got absolutely destroyed by folks. Destroyed.
The left can't meme.
That's like having a rifle "won't fire".
2016 is happening all over again.
Again, they don't see it.
They are going to clubbed like a bunch of seals in front of Inuit people.
Anon, you want lessons in Trolling? Check out Corona Chan on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteThat's how you troll and trigger.
The meme war is here.
Like a bunch of seals...
ReplyDeleteThat's easily the funniest thing I've read all day...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ha Ha He He read all about it Libtards are in over their heads. This is going to be so much fun to watch. Talk about burning your own tower down.
ReplyDeleteBernie aides erupt over development in Biden sexual assault claim as DNC stays mum
Progressives didn't make this happen. Corporate Democrats chose Biden," Briahna Joy Gray, former Sanders press secretary, tweeted. Gray also added: "It's a good time to note that Bernie's on the ballot."
Kevin yes or No did you check yor front door today.
ReplyDeleteLol... I did. Package arrived safe and sound and the timing was perfect. We're going up to Luke's tomorrow to burn a few burgers. Thank you Sarge...
ReplyDeleteCool we are in this crap together, enjoy, I can clear my books now. Later..:):)
ReplyDeleteBut remember don't drink it numb nut...
ReplyDeleteI'd be fine with him drinking it.
ReplyDeleteHmm, does that make me a bad person?
Well looks like a good time to say good night to room 235... Stay well my friends... MAG 2020
ReplyDeleteOle Bernie is smelling ole Joes hair. Bernie and his gang are going to ramp it up right up ole Joes ramp. This is going to be classic. May well go down in history. Bet the Libs drop their big mail in ballot idea if Joe goes out. They know Bernie could win with mail in and they didn't want him to begin with.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for Dickless to come up with something positive to say about ol Joe...
ReplyDeleteOh, and goodnight Sarge...
ReplyDeletehad a very productive day. cleaned my front porch rearranged the patio furniture I have on the front porch, got lots more to do...but accomplished so much.
ReplyDeleteinteresting though I found two whole pecans in their shells on the front porch. I think the squirrels were trying to store them among the kajillion leaves I took off my porch :) took a huge bag of leaves off my porch today....and all before the gully washer rain showers.
visited Jackson's today too - picked up some colorful plants for my front flower bed... it's been neglected for too long and since I've got time on my hands during this stay at home stuff, I've actually got time to get things back in shape.
I'm one tired Rikki.... it's not even 9pm and I'm feeling like calling it a night.
So, g'nite Sarge & everyone :)
hugs, peace out.
Good Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteG'morning Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteBack at you Rikki.. :)
ReplyDeleteHistory tells us life is about to get more dangerous and violent.
ReplyDeleteWhen the economy gets bad, crime goes up.
And the nationwide lockdowns are sending the economy into disaster territory.
Our everyday world is about to be the craziest it’s ever been in our lifetime.
Expect more murders. More robberies. More terrorism as the global economy reels from the coming shocks.
You need to be prepared for what is coming. And we know it is coming.
Not Prepared?
That's Bad News...
According to a Trump Administration task force document obtained by Yahoo News, the U.S. could begin to see food shortages.
A major U.S. meat plant was forced to close its doors after officials reported more than 200 cases of covid-19 at the plant.
If food production continues to shut down across the U.S., it could mean empty store shelves and food shortages for many.
As a result of this crisis, survival food is more important than ever.
If you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to go hungry in a time of crisis.
It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their survival food.
Mistakes like...
Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life - depending on where you purchase them from they could be near expired...
Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself sick...
Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished...
Well, I decided not to worry anymore.
Obviously, waiting for the government to give me a handout in a crisis just isn't an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy high cost of survival food sold by most other stores.
That's why I ordered my very own stockpile of the best-selling 4Patriots Survival Food Kits.
Currently 4Patriots survival food kits are in stock and literally flying off the shelves because:
4Patriots Survival Food Kits are a tremendous value. This is not ordinary food. This is delicious, nutritious, good-for-25-years super survival food that protects you from going hungry in a crisis. This is high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality "frankenfood" that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made right in the U.S.A. and you won't believe how inexpensive these kits are - just a fraction of what some other brands charge.
There's no fancy packaging, it's military-grade sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis. This food has a shelf life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long term. And they're using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere in your house without any extra hassle. They're sturdy, waterproof and stack easily. I am not pushing this product, just giving other something to think about, It is never to late to start, be a Ant and not a Grasshopper. :):)
Just a Note I received encase anyone maybe interested in it,,,
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge,
Thank you for being a loyal reader of my emails.
Thank you for taking steps to be more self-reliant and independent.
Thank you for being a 4Patriots customer and allowing us to serve you.
Thank you for loving our great country.
I believe in you, James!
To your survival,
Frank Bates
Need help? Our friendly Customer Service folks are available to answer any questions. We treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. call us at (800) 304-4202, and we’ll take good care of you.
1204 Elmwood Ave Nashville, TN USA, 37212
For those who may want to know more... Good Grief starting to sound like a sales Person heheheh
went back to sleep for a while, g'morning y'all again :) :)
ReplyDeleteLast week, news stories came out about Kim Jong-un and why he's apparently missing. Fast forward to today, now there's stories that he's dead.
ReplyDeleteWith as secretive as N. Korea is - we'll never know the truth until N. Korea actually issues a statement themselves if they ever actually release a statement.
Spent the morning yesterday at the lake fishing. The trout are biting. There were tons of people out fishing. Boats on the lake, people camping all along the shoreline. I went out because a couple of friends had their motorhomes parked by the lake. Pretty sweet way to pass confinement.
ReplyDeleteSpring is over here. We're seeing high 70s and low 80s now. Sunny, no rain now. We live in the high desert so it's pretty dry here. But low humidity, so it's all good.
I think this government imposed interment camp system is about over. I don't think the American people are made from the stuff that will allow it. In Orange County in Southern California the beaches are open and ten thousand or so people showed up yesterday. They are having a heat wave and people just said hell with the government, we're going to the beach. We went to Costco a couple days ago and it was packed. Had to wait in line to get into Home Depot.
I think they are trying to hold back the tide. I think the left has been driving this thing from the start, but I blame the Republicans for allowing it to get this far. The left is rejoicing in businesses closing, people going broke, jobs disappearing by the millions, many to never return. Creating a dependent class was always their goal. It's the dream of communists everywhere. They would love this to go on for a year or more, so our economy is completely wiped out. Just guess what happens then. You got it. Commie rat bastard takeover.
I think they have lost this one. The American people won't have it much longer. Everyday we see it being pushed to the limit. The dam will break soon, and the politicians who supported this crap beyong the point it was obvious what was going on will pay for their commie sympathies.
Big changes coming fast, friends. And as for the commie rat bastards, best hide and watch. Keep your heads down and mouths shut. This won't end well for you.
But lets see, to whom should we blame today
ReplyDeleteAnswer is YOU You nailed it its people like you who don't have a clue and just want to ruin America so you can blame Trump.
The truth hurts doesn't? That's why you are here is because you cant handle the truth and you don't want to. So prove us wrong and tell us what Trump has done to help America/ Oh don't forget the gas price's. remember when you were so happy to pay $3.00 a gal when Obamma was POTUS? Don't what to talk about it now do you? Ha Ha He He LOL
Post removed due to commie propaganda violation of terms of service.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way it should work. No propaganda
DeleteSo what happened to the 1,000 of people with virus?
ReplyDeleteUSNS Comfort to leave NYC harbor soon after assisting in coronavirus relief
The Comfort and its sister ship, the Mercy, were deployed in late March to New York and California, respectively, to support efforts to combat the pandemic.
However, as of Tuesday, the Comfort had only treated 179 patients
Unknown: Says why do I need to own more bullets than my gun can hold?
ReplyDeleteI answer: for the same reason why I don't buy toilet paper by the square, When shit happens, I want to be prepared. 💩.
Still waiting for one little example of what makes dementia Joe presidential material.
ReplyDeleteCome on Dickless, surely you can come up with something.
Just one simple little example?
ReplyDeleteLol... That's the best you can do?
ReplyDeleteVote for Dementia Joe because he's not Trump?
That's it?
That's your best pitch for the next president of The United States of America?
You guys enjoy your day. I gotta go mow...
ReplyDeleteI just done mowing my back yard...
DeleteLol... Keep babbling about Clorox all you want, Dickless.
ReplyDeleteYour latest "we got him this time for sure" moment will end up exactly like the dozens of the other failed attempts you and your pathetic have fallen for.
Sit there in your pathetic little bubble and wait for CNN delivers the next one...
The story about Creepy Uncle Joe penetrating a female staffer with his fingers against her will is getting harder for your beloved media to ignore.
ReplyDeleteNot a good look during the #MeToo era...
And by harder I actually mean "impossible."
Lol... Actually he's the President of The United States.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you and your pathetic communist loving dems want to change that fact you're gonna have to do a hell of a lot better than Pedo Joe.
Tune in to CNN, I'm sure they'll be issuing new talking points anytime now...
Lol, hahahhahhahha
ReplyDeleteHe always runs when he has nothing he can back up. Right Unknown?
ReplyDeleteSooner or later all this running is going to wear him out since the only thing he has is "Orange man bad."
ReplyDeleteAlright then, I really am going to get busy now.
This time for sure...😎😎😎
Unknown Nothing you post changes the fact that Trump is the President and Hillary is still a loser.. hahahahahahhahah We hold the Winning Hand, hahahhhaa
ReplyDeleteAhhh I was just going to ask the loser how it felt to be a loser and how it feels to pick loser's all the time. Once a loser always a loser.
ReplyDeleteUnknown you are hitting your head against a brick wall, You don't get it know one here cares what you say or post, we just keep laughing at you for being a no- body. hhahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteLike I said you know nothing... hahahaahh
ReplyDeletetroll que no tiene calidad de vida
ReplyDeletetroll falta de pene
ReplyDeleteIf they are drinking cool-aid they are demOrats and you know it.
ReplyDeleteHe reads the demo - rats minds and does a job on them, Look a Pukie and Schummer, hahahaha beats them like a drum..
ReplyDeleteJust like a fart in the wind, poof the Dickless wonder is gone...
ReplyDeleteDon't want to be rude but it took you long enough, Good Grief :):)
ReplyDeleteLol, That sounds Like Luke for sure, glad you all enjoyed a very nice day, stay well and safe. I'll be hitting the Sack in about a hour or so. Remember we all are in this together.
ReplyDeleteA seal pup thought him a walrus...
ReplyDeleteAnon, anyway.
DeleteWell good night room 235... MAG 2020
ReplyDeleteAny body ever follow this site?
DeleteLol... Ol Dickless wouldn't even make a decent deal pup...
ReplyDeleteAnd goodnight Sarge...
ReplyDeleteIf you have to be told not to drink or inject yourself with bleach or Lysol, then COVID-19 is not your biggest problem.
ReplyDeleteIt's just like the tide pods. Bleach? Drink away, or take a bath in it?
ReplyDeleteSame with koi pond cleaner?
Or the Muslims and Africans with alcohol?
Cull away.
But hey, I'm edgy. Lol
I really think some of this stupid shit just needs to run it's course.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...