Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The story that just won't go away...

Tara Reade’s Former Neighbor Says They Discussed Alleged Biden Sex Assault in Mid-90s

Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor to Tara Reade, says she and Reade discussed her alleged sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden between 1995 and 1996, telling Business Insider: “This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it.”
In an interview with the AP, Reade detailed a 1993 encounter that she says occurred when she was asked by a supervisor to bring Biden his gym bag, as he was on his way down to the Senate gymnasium. She says Biden pushed her against a wall in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building, groped her, and penetrated her with his fingers.
“He was whispering to me and trying to kiss me at the same time, and he was saying, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else?’” she said. “I remember wanting to say stop, but I don’t know if I said it out loud or if I just thought it. I was kind of frozen up.”
Reade said that she pulled away and Biden looked “shocked and surprised,” and replied, “Come on, man, I heard you liked me.”
Reade, who was a staff assistant in Biden’s office at the time, said she wasn’t aware of any direct witnesses to the encounter.
Speaking to Business Insider, LaCasse said she recalls Reade becoming emotional as she recounted the alleged incident with Biden.
“I remember her saying, here was this person that she was working for and she idolized him,” said LaCasse. “And he kind of put her up against a wall. And he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside her. She felt like she was assaulted, and she really didn’t feel there was anything she could do.”
“She was crying,” LaCasse continued. “She was upset. And the more she talked about it, the more she started crying. I remember saying that she needed to file a police report.”
“I don’t remember all the details,” she added. “I remember the skirt. I remember the fingers. I remember she was devastated.”
LaCasse, a Biden supporter, is the first individual to corroborate Reade’s allegation.
“I personally am a Democrat, a very strong Democrat,” LaCasse said. “And I’m for Biden, regardless. But still I have to come out and say this.”
In addition to LaCasse, Lorraine Sanchez, a former legislative staffer to California State Senator Jack O’Connell, told Business Insider that Reade lamented about being “sexually harassed by her former boss while she was in DC.”
“What I do remember,” Sanchez explained “is reassuring her that nothing like that would ever happen to her here in our office, that she was in a safe place, free from any sexual harassment.”
Sanchez recounts that Reade was talking about Biden.
Sanchez lauded Reade’s resolve to speak out about her allegation, telling Business Insider: “It takes great courage and strength to come forward.”
“It’s much easier to keep silent. However, I also understand the duty we have as women to share our story regardless of who the perpetrator may be,” she added.
Sanchez reportedly worked with Reade between 1994 and 1996.
The development comes after fresh evidence supporting Reade’s assault claim resurfaced Friday. A video segment, dug up by NewsBusters, appears to show Reade’s mother talking about her daughter’s “problems” with a “prominent senator” on CNN’s Larry King Live in 1993.
“I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him,” the caller who Reade identifies as her mother is heard saying.
The call was first reported by The Intercept.
Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, issued a statement earlier this month denying the allegation.
“Vice President Biden has dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He authored and fought for the passage and reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen,” said Bedingfield.
Biden has yet to personally respond to the allegation.
The AP contributed to this report. 
Kevin McGinty


  1. I agree with those wondering why the Dems are so quiet on this issue. Probably the same reason they are so quiet on Hunter and Joe's dealings with China and Ukraine. Can you say "double standard." What happened to women should be believed because why else would they subject themselves to the public scrutiny. That was a nice legal precedent. Here we go, another day filled with media talking points and very little facts.

  2. After re-reading the editorials, letters and guest Op Ed's I have come to believe you can't fix stupid. Most of these could be written by Anon/Ian/Blue. Fortunately, at least around here, they are a minute minority. Let's practice turning our neighbors in to the government. Only let's turn them in for being robot liberals who want to destroy the country.

  3. Biden is a rapist bottom line. Spin it anyway you want, until the whole story comes out he is a rapist.. That is how it works under Democrat law remember????

  4. Unknown is doing the same thing Republicans did during the Kavanaugh hearings. The Repubs were excoriated for their treatment of the poor women. Anon sounds like the rest of the libs. Criticism of women is only allowed if the women are complaining about Dems.

  5. Biden is fooling himself if he thinks this will go away -
    From the Fox News website, Brad Parscale has a some of Biden's twitter comments:


    Brad Parscale - Download our Trump 2020 App today!


    I nominate Tara Reade.

    Joe Biden


    It takes courage to speak out against sexual assault, or to step in to stop it from happening.

    If you know someone who has stepped up to the front lines of this fight, I want to hear about it.

    Nominate them today, because #ItsOnUs to change the culture:

    26.8K 3:51 PM - Apr 27, 2020


    1. Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022


      Joe Biden in January 2018: "Women should be believed" #MeToo

      7,364 3:18 PM - Apr 27, 2020

  6. Thought for the Day!

    Did you know that during World War II, Americans were urged to plant "victory gardens?"

    It was a way for the nation to help face potential food shortages.

    In fact, by the end of the war, nearly 40 percent of the nation's supply of fresh vegetables were produced in backyards, front yards, church lots and school grounds.

    Enter COVID-19...

    With rising concerns of food shortages in America on the horizon, it's never been a better time than to learn from our past and better our self-reliance.

    I'm talking about securing our food supply for the future and starting your own survival garden. Be Prepared.. :):)

    1. Hi Sarge :)

      our seedlings are barely surviving, so we went to Jackson's and got some veggie plants. Got them in the ground. Rick and I are also revamping the flower beds that we have. He came home yesterday with several bags of soil so we can build up the flower beds and got a variety of pretty flowering and colorful leafy plants.

      Oh, I'm out of Wild Mountain Blueberry, so I have regular Folgers in my mug this morning :) :) :)

    2. we're going to head back out today to get some rock border stuff to trim the flower beds. The landscape timbers we put down decades ago is warped and rotted...it's past time to replace them. This week they'll be replaced.

    3. I'm also wanting to get some red cedar landscape chips to spread out after the flowering and leafy plants are in the ground.

  7. "Women should be believed".... where's the troll with his croaking's of junk supporting Biden?!

    Wow, I have to wonder why Biden isn't saying "Women should be believed" anymore...

    Biden and the Democrats trying cover this up should be grilled in the hot seat like they did Brett Kavanaugh.

  8. I would love to see the Republicans get Biden and his supporters who want to silence the story of Tara Reade and do to them like what the Democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh - in the end Kavanaugh was exonerated but Biden won't be exonerated.

  9. it's a beautiful day outside...time to get rollin on working in the yard.

    I'll check back in later.



  10. Interesting that when Biden was running mate of the Chosen One, no bit of this leaked out. You can tell they’re Dems who usually do as the hive instructs.

  11. Desconocido es hacia atrás en sus pensamientos. Está descontento porque Biden no saldrá con él.

  12. Desconocido está lleno de mierda.

  13. I wonder why it’s being leaked now. Trump wouldn’t do it until the autumn. I wonder which Dem would like to see Biden made untenable AFTER the nomination has been sewed up? A name comes to mind.

  14. I'd say almost all of them. But if I had to choose one I'd have to go with Queen Hillary...

  15. Greatest President this country has ever had... And History will bear that out.

  16. Bernie Bros are causing the havoc. Twitter around her and this stink of it.

    Kamala speaking out(she was a potential rm for Sanders) leans me towards Sanders.

    But never, and I mean never would I exclude the "harridan".
    Picture the flying monkeys from Oz...

  17. It's too late for the DNC. The festering issue with it new communist wing have done there damage. 2020 is done.

    But, they are very dangerous moving forward finding a nicer more moderate version to peddle to the followers, especially post Pandemic. Public fear can be harvested and manipulated if certain things go awry.
    I feared Tulsi Gabbert, or however you spell it. But ol Hil, didn't like that.

    Just my thoughts...

  18. Wait a minute, you said it was coming back in the fall? Lol...

    I have never seen a brutha love to chase his tail so much...

    At least anon admitted that the president will end this Pandemic. It seems we agree after all in something.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Unknown are you completely brain dead, Good Grief you are so far out in left field we can't see you...

  21. ¡Lo desconocido es una mierda de pollo que ni siquiera dirá quién es!

    1. translation, Unknown is so chicken shit that he won't even say who he is.

  22. Wow, just read this on the Washington Times! AG Barr is going after governors who infringe on civil rights/civil liberties

    Here's the first 3 paragraphs of the article:

    "Attorney General William P. Barr on Monday ordered federal prosecutors across the country to consider legal action against governors if their efforts to stop the spread of the new coronavirus infringe on Americans’ civil rights.
    In a two-page memo, Mr. Barr directed all U.S. attorneys to “be on the lookout” for local and state directives that could violate religious, free speech or economic rights under the Constitution.
    “If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID-19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court,” Mr. Barr wrote in a memo to the 93 U.S. attorneys."

    Here's the link to the rest of the article:

    The article is titled:
    Barr orders legal action against governors whose COVID-19 actions infringe on civil rights

  23. Just think a little...

    When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health.

    When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health.
    When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems abortion visits are safe, it's not about your health.
    When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health.
    When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his/her stage make up and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it's not about your health.
    When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous, but let’s criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about YOUR health!
    When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get seen by a chiropractor or get physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health!
    When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.
    WAKE UP PEOPLE — If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken! Please open your eyes! Stop being lead like blind sheep. Well!!!

  24. Interesting when you ask too many questions on FOX. Fox News Severs Ties with Diamond & Silk

  25. Sé que se necesitan todo tipo de personalidades para hacer que el mundo dé la vuelta, pero tú, Troll, necesitas darte una fuerte dosis de sentido común. Pero eso podría resultar ser un desafío para ti porque no tienes capacidad para absorber el sentido común.

  26. Looks like ole Mike and Ole Joe have something in common. They both like little kids. Maybe that's why he goes by Mr. Happy? Sick O

  27. Attorney General William Barr has a job: to protect the rights of the American people against encroachment from the federal government.

    And while, sadly, others who have held his job have failed in those responsibilities, it seems like Barr has no intention of doing so.

    That's why his latest order is so promising, and will serve as a beacon of hope for conservatives (as well as a thorn in the flesh of greedy progressives).

    Barr instructed his federal prosecutors to monitor state and local coronavirus restrictions, and take action when those restrictions encroach on constitutional rights.

    Barr and the President have not always seen eye-to-eye, but it's good to know that when it comes to our rights, we've got a proud patriot in the AG's office!

  28. Oh I celebrate plenty, just not with a dickless miserable excuse of a human being such as yourself!

  29. you've got too many screws loose in that empty cavity in your head!

  30. Unknown I thinks you were just told to get lost you are not Man enough for a real women. hahhahahha

  31. You talking about phony, hahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhhahhhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhhahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhhahahahhahah Good Greif

  32. oh my, I may have struck a nerve. Feeling sorry for unknown....


  33. Looks like I missed a lot of unknown diarrhea spewing?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Now it is a nice time to take a Nap....

  36. Looks like another great day in the neighborhood.

  37. Looks like it's time to start mowing...

  38. Don't do it when you do, you always bring rain...

  39. When you learn that Facebook and YouTube are actively removing doctors and scientists posts that may have research that may differ in the slightest from WHO?

    451° comes to mind...

    Also interesting that the dipshit that has made the models for all this Sars cov2 from London, has been absolutely incorrect and way off in his predictions in the past.

    You know, the same models they keep changing on the fly? Real scientific, I suppose.

    All the evidence of truth being buried has made itself boldly apparent.

    The scariest part, is the expectation of toeing the line is bought and paid for by CHI--NA. Spread by communist mouthpieces in the MSM who have pure blind hatred for a legitimate and great president?

    Got ourselves in a pickle, for sure. And thank God we have at least four more years with a man who has a shot at turning things around a second time. For free.

    MAGA! 2.0


  40. You never pay attention do you. And why don't you get a Job?

  41. He hasn't had a job in years. He's been sucking off the American tax payers due to some bullshit bogus disability claim.

    1. Kevin, contact Social Security and day that you want to speak to CDI about him.

  42. Gee who would have thought Libtards spreading lies.
    A New York Times spokesperson said Wednesday that former Vice President Joe Biden’s White House campaign twisted their reporting on Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations and claimed an exoneration that the paper never suggested.

  43. Looks like the Libs are starting to rethink their picks. LOL

    Dem Rep. Clay: Abrams Campaigning to Be VP ‘Offensive’ – ‘Can’t Show Up at the Winner’s Window with Loser’s Tickets’

    1. Just got to love it when libs start eating their own. Wonder who Happy eats? Or maybe he gets ate?

  44. Gotta love how the Biden campaign tried to use a New York Times article as a way to discredit this women's accusations only to have the Times turn right around and say their story did no such thing.

  45. Unknown goes poof again hehehehhehe

  46. His words go for ever unknown, hahahhahahahhah Get It unknown forever.

  47. As hard as some — like AOC, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, and Bill DeBlasio — try, it will be a long time before anyone becomes close to as widely disliked by conservatives as Hillary Clinton.

    It could be because she is a cold political operative. It could be because she's just cold. Or it could be that she has the brazen fortitude to say in public what other progressives say behind closed doors.

    Like this interview, for example, in which Clinton openly said that the Coronavirus pandemic would be "a terrible crisis to waste" in pursuit of universal health care. What a Bitch!!!

  48. Well for the record I don't live in WV and OH, so I will just sit back, nothing I can do about it... Neither can you..

    1. Hhahahah I don't worry about this election I know Trump wins hands down, heheheh

  49. Good Grief sometimes I think my comment' s is a poof button. Hahahaha


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