Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You know I'm right...

CDC Director: Coronavirus Death Toll Will Be ‘Much, Much, Much Lower’ than Projected

Let's see, when this shit first started the models these bastards at the CDC were using predicted we could have as many as 2.2 million deaths in America.

All the experts agreed. Panic and over reaction set in.

Shut it down, they screamed. Shut the entire country down!

Then they toyed with their imaginary models a little more.

Whew, good news America, their imaginary models came up with another set of imaginary numbers of anywhere from to 100,000 to 240,000 deaths.

And now that the damage has been done they pull some more imaginary numbers out of their asses that are magically "Much, Much, Much Lower that predicted."

But these so-called experts President Trump has no choice but to listen to continue to insist that the biggest economy in the world absolutely has to remain shut completely down. 

Otherwise people are going to die.

I'm calling bullshit!

Don't get me wrong here. I truly believe this virus is real.

What I don't believe is that we had to destroy our economy in order to fight it.

I don't believe millions of Americans had to lose their jobs in order to fight it.

What I do believe is that at least some of these so-called deep state experts calling the shots will do and or say anything it takes to keep Trump from reopening to country for business regardless of how many Americans suffer as a result.

You just watch and I can already hear it now.

"Trump chooses profits over the lives of the American people," will become the new battle cry and will be repeated over and over 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Instead of trying to help like any decent American would do during a national crisis the dems have started yet another investigation into Trump's handling to the whole thing.

Another impeachment on the horizon? Probably.

Another battle cry is going to be mail in voting which has already picked up steam.

"Trump and his republican party will force millions of Americans to die by voting in person!" will be repeated every day from now on.


There's only one reason to push for mail in voting.

You plan to cheat.

Period. End of story.

If I could have the president's ear for a couple of minutes I'd tell him that regardless of what happens, if any bill does come to his desk loaded with that kind of bullshit he absolutely must veto it.

And because he'll be condemned regardless of what he does and when he does it he's going to have to start opening up the economy again.

Because if it doesn't happen soon there won't be anything left to open up.

The good news is that he already knows all that and will act accordingly.

My name is Kevin McGinty and I proudly stand with President Donald J. Trump as he moves us through these difficult times.

Kevin McGinty


  1. Still Safe at Home April 8, 2020 at 9:40 AM

    Good morning all. Hope things are well back home. Where I live, we're doing great. Stores have all the goods we need. We're stocked up. No cases of Chinese flu in our valley. Zero. Hope it stays that way.

    My daughter in LA, different story. Her and Son-in-law both got sick, say doc by internet. He said assume you have it. So they haven't been able to leave the house or go to the store. Having groceries delivered. Order today for Monday delivery. Maybe you'll get most of your order.

    We bought them a huge load of staples and met in Lancaster, about half way. Couple of coolers and bunch of dry goods. That helped. Got them TP. Still can't get it in LA. Lancaster is a town about the size of Topeka, little smaller. Tried to go to Costco, the line was probably 150 people. Went to a grocery story and when we left they were lined up to get in there. Crazy.

    Glad I'm where I am. I feel like when I look at the mountains on all four sides of us it looks like a barrier to keep out the trash.

    I know this will pass. I hope everybody survives. This economic damage is going to be worse than the Chinese flu ever could be. This is just what the commie rat bastards have been hoping for. The crash of our free market economy so they can sell people on communism. That's when it happens. That's when the masses make decisions they will have to live with the rest of their lives.

    My guess is this will pass and Trump will win in a landslide. House, Senate and Presidency. Then he can get down to the work of rebuilding this country. And America will see once and for all that these commie rat bastard democrats tried to destroy us and failed. They'll be looking for dark holes to hide in and rocks to crawl back under.


  2. Skippey April 8, 2020 at 10:18 AM

    I know that there are a few on here that are music fans. I am not a big music person Maybe its because of the type I like. But here is one of my favorites. If you ever like good easy listening with a good story he was one of the best.

    Grammy-Winning Music Legend John Prine Dies at 73 From Coronavirus Complications
    John Prime , the ingenious singer-songwriter who explored the heartbreaks, indignities and absurdities of everyday life in “Angel from Montgomery,” “Sam Stone,” “Hello in There” and scores of other indelible tunes, died Tuesday at the age of 73.

  3. Very true Kev. That's the only thing the libtards have to run on Kill the economy. That's how they plan on getting to Trump. They have to bring the economy down so they can blame it on him. Only thing is that if they bring it down they bring the whole country down. Between Bernie and his health for all and the economy that is what they are betting on.

    News Flash Ole Bernie throws the towel in Its all Joe or no go. LOL cant wait to see how that works out.

    1. Guess ole hard headed Bernie finally gets it. The DNC was against him. He got the ole Libtard shaft. Some how I don't feel a bit sorry for the old turd.

  4. Well Kevin I am thinking very hard to find where you might be wrong on this or that, but dam it I can't find a dam thing except I know you are right... Good Grief!!

  5. Another epic media failure is unfolding right before our eyes.

    A CNBC poll released today shows President Trump's handling of this crisis approval ratings reach an all time high. It's note worthy that the included Republicans Independents and Democrats alike.

    The media just can't quite grasp the simple fact that they've lost any credibility they might have had at one time.

    Nobody believes a word they say and nobody even bothers to watch them anymore.

    Well, except for Blue and his comrades but fuck them...

  6. I'm sure that Blue has been too busy advising the White House on how to control the virus and cheer leading for the Chinese Communist Government, to read this blog!
    I also imagine that now that Bernie has dropped out of the race, that Blue is heart broken but, because he knows that Biden is at least 10X the Presidential material that President Trump is, he will be advising him on what action to take if Corona is still a threat when Biden takes over! We are so blessed to have people like Blue watching out for us and telling us what to do!

  7. Sorry but I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...😝

    1. Sorry about that Kevin! I know that I gagged more than a little bit as I wrote that! :)

  8. No doubt there's a paper trail.

    But unfortunately for you my worthless friend it's not going to turn out good for you and your communist loving comrades.

    Sit back and enjoy the ride.

    Like everything else your fucking party has thrown at him, he's got this one, too...

  9. I've been thinking about this pandemic and how the "experts" have been dealing with it, projecting what is going to happen, and what is the right course to save lives.
    One thing that I hear keeps coming up is how we "non-believers" have been shown how we must now believe in science. Now, I know that I have always believed in science, and I am pretty sure that all of us in Room #235 believe in science! The thing that maybe we don't always believe in are the people, and there are a lot of them, who apparently don't always get the science right! Using the "models" to project the outcome of this pandemic, proves that the models, or the science that goes into them is only as good as the people putting the information into the programs! And apparently there are a lot of bad ass guessers! Take that reasoning of thought to another science "theory"; Climate Change! The same type of people, maybe of different science backgrounds, but still using the same type of guessing, telling us that such and such is going to happen, based on the "models". Getting it right is NOT what they do best!
    If you have noticed, this is how the media also works! Blow these theories up into a panic mode to scare the hell out of everyone, hoping to bring down the country and the President strictly out of fear and lies, based on stories that they may or may not have investigated.
    Trump sees through all of this crap and in spite of them throwing everything in the book at him, he moves on, focused on doing what is best for the country, without wilting under the continual barrage of lies and corruption!

  10. Well. room 235 I will say good night, you all stay well.

  11. And so it begins.

    The communists pushing for voting by mail are now screaming and pointing to the Wisconsin primary as proof that Republicans are willing to let people die in order to retain power.


    The Senate absolutely has to stop this shit dead in its tracks. And if they don't have the balls to do it Trump must veto it when it reaches his desk.

    This is nothing more than another way of trying to steal an election and we all know it...

    1. If it happens every election would be contested it would tie up the government for months.

  12. Good Grief slept 11 hours unheard of I tell ya, and a good morning, now to read what Kevin was blabbing about above me.

  13. My new smoker got here yesterday. I decided if I was going to be trapped at home, I might as well spend time doing something I enjoy. I had a Weber Smokey Mountain that I loved, but I had to leave it behind when I moved. So I bought a propane fired smoker. It's pretty nice. We're still having a cold spell, lots of rain and it actually snowed yesterday. But by Saturday we're looking at sunny and 70s so it's time to get cooking. Plenty of good meat to be had up here and friends who like to eat properly cooked meat. And there's not a BBQ joint within an hours drive. So I'm ready to cook.

    In California they don't eat brisket. They eat something called tri-tip. Might actually be the same cut, looks the same. Nobody here has even heard of brisket as a rule. No restaurant serves it. Only this tri-tip stuff. These people are weird.

    So we'll see what happens. I suspect this thing is going to last longer than folks are hoping for.

    1. Lol, I think it is the same my self but I have been wrong before just ask Kevin... :):)

  14. I guess we're all just speculating. This thing could be over fast or not. Nobody really knows. I hope for the best. This isn't affecting us much at all except the inconvenience. Our income isn't affected. But that's not true for a hell of a lot of people.

    Our daughter in LA is pretty sure they have it. They have been sick for a couple weeks. Can't see the DR. Can't get tested. They just have to live like they do. We took them a load of stuff they were having trouble getting last week, met her halfway. But we can't do that much. We are pretty safe up here in our little valley, but heading south feels like we're crossing into occupied territory.

    I guess that smart old guy I knew who always told me to BE PREPARED!knew what he was talking about.

  15. The Boy Scouts always knew what they were talking about! :)

  16. Those that give up liberty for safety deserve neither.

    This thing is over for 70% of the country by May 1st, or we have serious repercussions permanently moving forward.

    The economy is already in trouble, and continued massive unemployment? You will destabilize food chains, supply lines, banks, etc... That's what will happen.

    I consider myself VERY prepared.
    But not on the scale that would be required if we lose the summer.

    China's harshest lock down in Wuhan didn't last 80 days.
    If we act more fearful than them, just what and the fuck does that make us?

    Maybe its just me, and I'll get the fuck over it because I'm angry. But I'm sick and tired of being referred to as essential, getting shit on right now, while people at home get 488$ + 600$ = 1088$ a week.

    People need to wake the fuck up.

    There, I'm done now.

    Carry on

    1. If it is any conciliation I don't think anyone has gotten that yet? The way it looks they may not, wait and see.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Once again you show up with Left talking points, statements taken out of context, comparing apples to oranges and very little relevant facts. Give up.

    1. Sorry Tom as you know I am not quit as polite as you. Lol

  18. True. When the poof master strikes you are gone too. Sometimes I wish I had hit reply as my comment(s) appear more disjointed than usual when he strikes.

    1. Lol , like you are talking to no one, but really you are hehehe...

  19. Lol... I've been deleting that dipshit's comments off and on all day long.

    I delete him and like a trained monkey he keeps popping back up again...

  20. No but you sure can make it go poof...😎

  21. Do to my normal life habits I must say good night to room 235, stay well all..

  22. Lol... So, based on the stupid shit your trying to spread around, leaders of almost every country in the world were too busy golfing and holding rallies to do anything about this China virus.

    And not a single one of them cared either?

    Maybe if you'd ever listen to the shit you post before posting it you might not come across as a dipshit.

    Just trying to help...

  23. One more thing, Dipshit. I don't blame you for being gullible, misinformed, and desperate.

    I suspect it has a lot to do with the way you were raised.

    And I understand the desperation you're feeling right about now.

    I mean, I'd be depressed too if all my hopes and dreams were riding on Joe Biden actually remembering what his name is let alone what he's running for...

  24. looks like the troll took a hefty dose of liberal bullshit again.... nothing new - just the usual croaking's of crapola.

  25. for my Room 235 family....

    been busy these past few days - but everyone here is still safe & well. I'll be needing to be busy again today - so I'll stop back by probably later this afternoon.

    Hubby's mom is doing well also, we've been spending a lot of time with her taking care of things for her, etc.

    online (((hugs)))

  26. Folks have been buried on Hart Island for years and more will be buried there in years to come. Nothing new.

    I feel confident we are on the down hill slope. I want all the "scientists" who predicted their outlandish predictions to come forward and defend their projections. I want their names published. I am sure they have very strong options about climate change. A bird of a feather thing. They threw some numbers on a board and if the numbers stuck that is what they went with. Communistic fools. It is very eerie driving around town. The streets are bare. Nothing walking around the neighborhood except for the occassional bobcat and coyote. I did see two baby bunnies in my backyard. I hope I can train them to come up to my patio. It looks like Timothy is gone for good. I miss my bunny time.

  27. Please post the numbers you have on the number of young healthy athletes who have died of the Wuhan Virus. For that matter the young healthy non athletes. This virus will not kill as many ad our annual flu season around the world. What makes it special is occurring at the same time and less people have immunity. There are studies which seem to indicate considerable people experience no symptoms. We may be doing ourselves a disservice by quarantining as many as we do. Those who are susceptible to dying from the flu should/would be taking most of these precautions. The only difference is we have a vaccine for the flu. However that is a hit or miss guessing game as evidenced by the number of fatalities.

  28. I see your problem. You take a partial statement out of context, add in a partial truth and then make an idiotic conclusion.

  29. You did not answer or rebut anything I wrote.

  30. Obviously you are not as educated in the so called Corona Viruses. It is not a matter of if, but when. These types of viruses have been around since the dawn of life here on earth and will always be with us. You still have not rebutted anything I have written or from the Task Force put together by the President.

  31. Nor will he. His only purpose here is to get a reaction...

  32. Poof he is gone. I know that Kevin, I was just having a little fun waiting for him to start insulting me when he got frustrated.

  33. Unknown, You are the only one with out a clue around here...

  34. Lol... Carry on then. I'll pop in from time to time today and delete his drivel. Well, unless you guys say otherwise...

  35. I am sorry if you can't make it to Disney Land, I know how you kids love it. Tell your Mamma you have to go.

  36. I got ya Kevin. Checked in this morning and wiped our collective asses, flushed the troll down the toilet where he came from.

  37. Been thinking about this. I think we need to lift these oppressive totalitarian mandates and open this economy up. No good will come from Americans being idled against their will.

    So we're spending a couple trillion borrowed bucks a month at this point. Instead, let's open it up. The mortality rate is small, very small. Less than two percent. So let's spend the money making it possible for those who are at risk to quarantine themselves, and let the rest go back to work. Make it possible to stay home. Get them groceries, supplies. Make sure their rent, mortgages, insurance and bills get paid. It would cost a hell of a lot less than paying the whole working force of America to stay home. Especially since now we're paying people more on unemployment than they would earn working. That's called disincentive.

    And I am someone who is a high risk. 67 years old, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues. And I could stay home.

    We have to do something. This will take years to recover from as is. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. I know at least one person who has a business they have run for ten years that can't last another month. That's something that's harder to recover from than a case of the flu.

  38. I agree. The one exception is I believe the actual death rate is less than .5%. The announced rate does not include those who have no symptoms or have not been tested. Before the troll responds, it is still terrible for friends and relatives. All creatures will die sooner or later.

  39. The cure must not be worse than the virus.

  40. Quote for the day

    Hard times make hard people
    Hard people make good times
    Good times make soft people
    Soft people make hard times

  41. Heart disease will kill more today, than Sars COV2 will.

    It will tommorow, too.

    And boy, you got those facts just figures, don't ya. All your trust in CCP numbers.

    Dont bother taking the communist cock out of your mouth, huh?

    Stay afraid coward.
    Thats what commies do....

  42. Cougars out west are testing positive for plague.

    Hanta virus problem in China right now.

    Flu is still around and killing almost 700 a week since October.

    I could go on and on....

  43. You are a coward because you refuse to identify yourself and because you make childish threats from behind your anonymity. At 3pm I will pause and pray for you.

  44. This thing won't even kill more people than suicide, in one year.

    People are more dangerous to themselves than some shitty virus the chicoms made in a lab.

    Yep I said it. Probably has something to do with the fact that it's DNA/RNA sequence repeat 33 times at the end.
    Something nature doesn't do.

    Again, I can go on and on.

  45. Hey anon, has it ever occurred to you that you are concerned about re-infection and yet they are developing immunizations?

    You might not be smart enough to see the error in your logic. Check some science.

    When the antibody tests roll out, we are going to realize we already had it. And didn't even know it.

    I won't explain, because of the science thingy. I know your lacking in a little intellect.

    Hope you like being a fool.

  46. Why is the bat this virus is suspected of originating cannot be found within 800 miles of Wuhan. However the Chinese are studying that particular bat at their bio facility near Wuhan. Only the Australian newspapers are investigating the connection. The Chinese government is not only responsible for the origins of the Wuhan Virus,their actions after are responsible for all the deaths.

    1. Correct.

      South China University broke the story in early March.

      The bats were brought to Wuhan. And on top of that, job ads appeared online for people to work in the lab in Wuhan with these bats.

      The doctor in charge has a history of not complying with PPE requirements, and the facility is level 2. Not level 4.

      Folks, it isn't hard to be up to speed. But you can't watch NBC and Huffpoo to get the truth.

    2. I might add this doctor has had two incidents, one involving bat urine and exposure to family members. Had to beforced to take Quarantine measures by colleagues. Twice.

      Also, the Wuhan lab is 3/4 of a mile from the market being blamed.


    Here's the info on the new testing.

    Showing folks have had it, at a possible rate higher than what we know. In a sparsely populated County, where folks don't congregate or assemble much.

    This in the coming weeks this will be the evidence to put the country back in gear.

  48. And his ratings are at the highest point of his presidency

  49. Trump's life has never been hidden from view - unlike the sex predator Bill Clinton....the only reason Bill's private life as a sex predator came out is because of Linda Tripp making Monica Lewinsky come forward.

    The skeletons in the closets of the Democrats is quantiful - - they know it and there was a time when Donald Trump was close friends to many Democrats.... now troll you know the real reason they have been trying to get rid of Donald Trump since before his inauguration!

    But the Democrats have failed ultimately every time.
    List of their failures:

    Russian Collusion - Mueller said there was no Russian Collusion
    Stormy Daniels - that was a flop and a half and her sleezey attorney will be lucky if he ever practices law again!

    The impeachment was totally bogus, based on lies, and 100% all Democrat and Romney who should be a Democrat! Romney needs to be fitted for a donkey suit!

    From day one, Donald Trump promised to work for the American People..... through all of the bullshit that has been flung on him by the Democrats has not deterred him from working for the American People.

    Now more than ever....through this covid19 pandemic, President Trump is front and center working for the American people. Where's the Democrats?! Well, while President Trump has been working, the Democrats have been playing politics, pushing impeachment, and Pelosi passing out gold pens during her signing the farce of an impeachment.

    The Democrats have abused their power, they have lied repeatedly, and come November.... the Democrats will lose their power in the House of Representatives and they will lose more seats in the Senate.

    And Donald Trump will be re-elected to a 2nd term in office.

    So, troll, get used to looking at President Trump's face through 2024 and beyond!

    In November, they'll fail yet again....

  50. Don't forget how Obamma's past has been either hid or seems to be a mystery.

  51. He's answering every question he's been asked.

    You simply refuse to listen...

  52. So at least you watch his briefing, maybe you will learn some thing for once. We all see them out here so you don't have to Brief us with your added Spin on it. BYE

  53. Boy do you hate trump coming here. Well the Florida gov wants to open schools. Let's see what those Floridian mommies and daddies say about that.

  54. just keep on beating on that liberal bullshit drum there almost got rhythm, though you are missing the beat of the count.

  55. What evidence is there, for Kansas to extend the stay at home order?

    Our governor has political aspirations and faux fear that have polluted her judgements for the state.

    Even for no reason, extending the stay at home order longer than everyone else in the country is ignorant.
    Then when you simply look at the numbers, there's even less of a reason for us to lead the nation in closures. Remember we were the first to close schools, with no numbers.

    Gov Kelly needs to be recalled.

    At very least, she has killed any chance for her second term.

    What a scared clueless liberal bitch.

    1. just saw that too Hammer. not trying to be a killjoy here, but I have a hunch that this "stay at home" will last longer than originally anticipated.

      just hoping that by the time football season rolls around that we can watch the Chiefs.

  56. Just saw this on the Washington Times

    Time for the Democrats to pay the Barr tab...

    Part 1 of 2:

    FBI sabotaged Trump's presidency: Barr

    By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Friday, April 10, 2020

    Attorney General William Barr says that what the FBI did to President Trump in the Russia probe was one of the “greatest travesties in American history.”
    He said investigator misdeeds went beyond “mistakes or sloppiness” to “sabotaging the presidency.”

    Mr. Barr told Laura Ingraham on Fox News Thursday night that the FBI lacked sufficient evidence to open an investigation into the Trump campaign.

    John Durham, a U.S. attorney and the attorney general’s special investigator since March on origins of the Trump-Russia election investigation, will file a report at some point.

    But, Mr. Barr said, “his primary focus isn’t to prepare a report. He’s looking to bring to justice people who are engaged in abuses if he can show that there were criminal violations and that is what the focus is on, building these cases, especially the sprawling case we have between us that went on for two or three years here.

  57. Part 2 of 2

    “It takes some time to build a case. So he’s diligently pursuing it. My own view is that the evidence shows we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness. There’s something far more troubling here and we’re going to get to the bottom of it …… and if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence they will be prosecuted.”

    The FBI opened the Trump probe on July 31, 2016, singling out four Trump associates suspected of having contacts with Russians. There was no evidence at the time that they were involved in a conspiracy with the Kremlin to interfere in the election.

    In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey announced at a House hearing that the entire campaign was under investigation for any links to Russian government officials.

    In the end, special counsel Robert Mueller concluded in March, after a 22-month probe, that he did not establish a conspiracy and no Trump ally was charged in election interference.

    Along the way, the FBI relied greatly on the Christopher Steele dossier. Financed by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton campaign, Mr. Steele, a former British intelligence officer, leveled more than a dozen conspiracy allegations against Mr. Trump and associates. All were disproven by subsequent government reports.

    The FBI used the dossier to convince judges to let agents spy on Trump volunteer Carter Page. The Justice Department inspector general said the warrant applications were riddled with errors and omissions of exonerating evidence.

    The IG, however, did say the probe was justified because there is a low bar for starting a counter-intelligence inquiry.

    With this FBI conduct as a backdrop, Mr. Barr told Ms. Ingraham: “I think the president has every right to be frustrated because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history. Without any basis, they [FBI] started this investigation of his campaign and even more concerning actually is what happened after the campaign. A whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage the presidency, or at least having the effect of sabotaging the presidency.”

    As for the warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Mr. Barr said, “The people who abused FISA have a lot to answer.”

    FBI agents didn’t seek Justice Department approval to start the Trump probe. Mr. Barr has since changed the rules to require any investigation into a presidential campaign to require the attorney general’s OK.

  58. I like this part:

    "As for the warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Mr. Barr said, “The people who abused FISA have a lot to answer.”"


    Now if only they can get everyone involved in the corruption, lies, etc. and escort them to jail....with a one way path, and the whole of Americans saying to them.... "do not pass go, do not get $200"....

  59. The Dems, oh the Dems..... they don't get it. they never will because they can't see past themselves.

    Pelosi doesn't watch President Trumps' daily news conferences on the coronavirus....she says she doesn't have the time.

    Well, nothing really new there since they have been indulging their own selfish needs and desires since January 2016.

    Pelosi doesn't have time - yes she does, she just doesn't do time management well, along with other things that she doesn't do well either.

  60. Pelosi is nothing but a drunk lush. She doesn't want anything to interfere with her "happy hour".... probably several "happy hours" every day.

  61. Your "experts" dropped the death rate again, anon.


    You people better hurry up and find some more bodies. The DNC is behind....

    The models are wrong. Imagine that. Models aren't ever right, that's why they are models.

  62. LOL, I like Models, I will leave it at that.

  63. That 60,000 is a hell of a drop from the original 2.2 million...

  64. That's .002


    That's not even 1/4 of one percent.

    Risk a depression over those numbers?

  65. I see Biden has a list of Vp's out there most all women, he is not sure which one yet he has to smell their hair first.. Good Grief..

  66. Unknown needs to do his research on the 1918-1920 flu epidemic. The most likely origin was China. Imagine that. The most likely cause of the deaths of young healthy adults was the conditions of the treatment facility. As with the Wuhan Virus the vast majority of the causes of death was something besides the flu itself. Pneumonia was the usual cause and penicillin to treat it as not discovered for ten more years. The flu annually leads to about 650,000 deaths. The Wuhan Virus had a long way to go to be as deadly.

  67. Virus is also demonstrating bigotry.

    It has killed more men. Laid off more women.

    Clearly like it favors females. It also appears to be binary favoring.

    Where's the outrage?

  68. Well for those out here Unknown is AKA TV,Kid same punk asshole he was on CJ.

    But for tonight I bid you all well, Good night, and to you also Mrs Calabash where ever you are...

  69. Please get Cuomo off the air. The rest of the country doesn't want to see or hear what he has to say.

  70. But Rose, the left wing loons just love him.

    That's kinda weird considering he's in charge of one of the least prepared states in America when it came to this virus crap.

  71. The new narrative from the media is that if Trump reopens the economy anytime soon our models show new cases and deaths will skyrocket.

    I suspect our local troll will be parroting it soon...

  72. And yes, that includes you you unknowing troll...

  73. And on that last comment from Kevin I'll just say good morning room 235...

  74. Gee, over 2000 people died yesterday, but that must be a lie. Go on you cruise, kevey and take the mrs.

    Follow the governors and do you really think Trump is just going to make a national speech declaring the end of social distance. He never make a policy to begin with; oh, he suggested after most states implemented social distancing. Beside he cannot order businesses to end social distancing as that is under the state.

    See how Goggle, Apple, etc are not working for him but the governors because they want to do something. Chinese now have an app that contacts you if you are in contact with the coronavirus. Governors want this (so do I) and this as well of their other ideas could bring about slowly the end of social distancing SOON. Thank god for the governors. FYI, trump counsel on ending social distancing must only have trump loyalists. What do you want to bet that they don't do anything.

  75. You are not only ignorant, but dangerous to any friends you might have. What moron would trust the ChiComs? The app you mention they developed is a scam. I don't know who developed it but it is a dcam.

  76. Friday, Goggle and Apple announced a new joint effort on smartphones to aid in contact tracing of the virus. Next step is how the health dept would handle this. John Hopkins Center and State Health Officials, which represent several states, want to hire contact tracers. Check your state website to see the latest.

  77. Let them develop these apps,oh wait, they already have this technology. As fast as they implement it here, others will develop ways to defeat them.

  78. Trump 2020 campaign is going to run a white grievance campaign. Trump is losing to everybody except white old men.

  79. Google and Apple are very much like the businesses of the late 1800s who the anti- trust legislation was intended to stop or at least curtail.

  80. Once again you cannot back up you comments.

  81. Change the subject when you cannot make up facts quickly.

  82. Sometime back I remember somebody on this blog indicating they knew this joker from his time in Topeka. I also believe someone claims he is also "Blue." Was he this way then?

  83. Here's a quote: If Biden is serious about winning he needs to accuse Trump of willingness to kill people.

  84. Ok. I'll bite. WTF is your point.

  85. China fight against the virus has change perception of it as a world power. We are unable to do anything.

  86. It has changed any thing with the USA, except we are going to make them hurt down the road.

  87. Damn I am debating a moron. China has lost any credibility they might have had over their being responsible for all the deaths worldwide.

  88. This is like "shooting fish in a barrel."

  89. Thats Okay Tom, I kill time with that Moron for a little , But now is the end of the game I got important things to, Just send him back in his closet to play with himself.

  90. Where do you think our medical supplies come from? Also, certain precious metals that makeup a cell phone, HDTV, labtop come only from China. China also owns about a trillion of our debt. This country isn't going to do squat. NOw if we got together with other countries, maybe something can be done.

  91. I know it is saturday and I am debating trump suckups.

  92. It's is telling when a stupid liberal chooses to attack our president, rather than objectively understand China caused this. Their lies, and lack of action.

    Like I've heard before. "when that's all you got, that's what you go with."

    But go ahead liberals, defend China.

  93. I am bored. You do not understand anything. You can only echo liberal talking points. Bye

  94. Japan is doing something.

    Spending billions. Removing manufacturers from China.
    Thats exactly what we need to do.

    And for the record, check into rare earth metals and superconductors. Those that worshipped at the Kenyans feet, failed to realize the former administration killed the domestic ability to make these things.

    Remember Harry Reid? Who sold Nevada out to China?

    You forget to easily, anon. Your lack of education and understanding is ugly.

  95. Anon also says, "China owns about a trillion of our debt"...

    Ummmm, no. The problem is much worse. But please, do continue.

    The problem with your view and perspective is that is based on parroting the liberal narrative, and never once independently thought this out.

    But I dunderstand. Hives don't do that. Mob rule doesn't allow that. You must only kiss the ring of the DNC(communists).


  96. Oh boy. It looks the redacted stuff in the IG report is becoming unredacted. Doesn't look good for deep state, either. More collusion and bias against our president.

    That's gonna damage the future impeachment efforts.

    Better get the hive to work, anon. You got work to do.

    And please listen to the SG. Abstain from alcohol and smoking. You know your genes make you weaker....
    SARS COV2, the Chinese virus, is very dangerous. Well, at least that's what THEY say.

  97. Some moron on Fox just defended the use of drones by a NJ police department to enforce social distancing. He claims it is not an invasion of privacy and is only intended to save lived. He also stated the drones are not taking pictures or recording. Guess that means it can be shot down and they would not know who did it. Big brother advocates seem to always taking advantage of a crisis. Just as the feds took advantage of the Patriot Act these scum are taking more of our rights.

  98. 1984 has arrived in all its blazing and promised glory...

  99. Those that sacrifice freedom for security, deserve neither.

  100. Our governor plans to announce an extension to her stay at home order early next week...

  101. Yea, I had a pissed off post about that yesterday. Rikki sorta calmed me down.

    April 30, not April 19.

  102. Where did anon go?

    Must of wised up. Stayed on the porch with the little dogs.
    The big dogs bite too hard...

  103. Hey anon, isn't it cool our president is dealing with things on a monumental scale, something of which most of his predecessors have never seen, and not making a salary?

    Meanwhile ol Joe arranges international kickbacks, and takes care of his coked out whore of a son?

    Yea, orange man is awesome.


  104. All this death in NYC, and yet only a 40% increase in ambulance services?

    That doesn't add up.

    Thousands of people dying, bodies everywhere, mass graves.

    But only a 40% increase in ambulance service. Hmmmmmm....

  105. in addition to all this, one of the many sad things to see on the news is mass graves (for those with no families and also those who cannot afford funerals.

  106. sorry Hammer, just re-read your post and you mentioned the mass graves. my 1st cup of coffee is now kicking in.

  107. You be you, girl. You ain't stepping on toes. Enjoy your Blueberry mountain!

    And yes, the mass graves are very disturbing. Losing your loved one, and then not having the remains or the service at this time.

    My heart goes out.

    But we must remember what started this.

    Not our president. China.

  108. (((hugs))) to you Hammer.

    the mass grave thing is heartbreaking - and to see it happen in this current day and age is even harder for me to grasp. My feeling on this is that the deceased, whether they have family or not and whether they can afford it or not deserves more dignity than being placed in a mass grave.

    I've not wanted to venture into this topic, but with this being "global" makes me feel we're in the "end times". The other thing that I had to come to grips with is "this is out of my control" and there isn't anything I can do about this. One major thing I'm very thankful for is that we have a President at the helm and he's doing all that he can do. The Democrats be damned!

  109. Speaking of control Oklahoma is extremely lucky to have the Governor they do.

    1. Yhea I ve got friends done there and I have been talking to them every other day or so. They can go and come to wally World or any other place. No problems getting stuff bought. So they started stocking up. Of course they should have been prepared all along like I had been telling them but they aren't having any trouble finding stuff or going any where. No crowds and empty shelves.

  110. Immunity cards. Forced vacc's. Tracking chips.

    If you don't see it clear now, go ahead and get in line. Your dystopia awaits.

  111. That this pandemic occurred is not Trump's fault. The utter unpreparedness of US for a pandemic is Trump's fault. The loss of stockpile respirators to breakage because the federal govt let maintenance contracts lapsed in 2018 is Trump's fault. The failure to store sufficient medical gear in the national stockpile is Trump's fault. That states and still to this day, are bidding against each other for equipment paying many multiples of the pre-crisis price for ventilators, is Trump's fault. Look how much Kansas is paying for some medical equip compared to last year. Air travelers summoned home and forced to stand for hours, shoulder to shoulder, in dense crowds alongside infected people is Trump's fault. Ten weeks insisting the coronavirus is as harmless as the flu that would go away, that is Trump's fault. The refusal of red-state governors to close down the beaches until late-March. That fault, although shared with the governors, is still Trump's fault. He could have stopped it but he did not. The lying of Fox News hosts about coronavirus is Trump's fault as they did it to protect him. False hope of fake cures and nonexistent vaccines is Trump's fault because he told these lies to cover up his failures. The severity of the economic crisis is Trump's fault; things would have been less bad if he acted faster instead of sending his son, Eric, and economic advisor to assure Americans that first-stock market dips were buying opportunities. I find this especially disturbing. The firing of the Navy Captain for speaking the truth about the virus threat to his crew - Trump's fault. The fact that so many government jobs are unfulfilled or filled by sycophants especially during a crisis is Trump's fault. The insertion of his incompetent and arrogant son-in-law as commander-in-chief of national medical supply chain - Trump's fault.

    For 3 years, trump bullied, blathered and lied and now knows that he is facing the ultimate test which shows how inadequate he is.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Population of Italy 16 million. Population of US 330 million.
    And the big news is we have surpassed them in deaths. Duh.

  115. Anon reminds me of Spiro Agnew's
    comment regarding the press. Nattering nabobs of negativism. Come to think of it, reminds me of the lame stream news.

  116. Correct Tom, again. You've been on top of this for sure, from what I've read from your posts.

    Average age of death in Italy? Almost 80.

    They also live in much more cramped conditions, and live with alot of extended family mostly in apartments. Often times will communal shower/bath rooms. Social and family differences from the US.

    They also had a hug a Chinese person day.

    It's obvious why Italy had trouble.

  117. As far as Oklahoma?

    Awesome to see people not react in fear, but common sense.

    Over a million more people, and probably a bit more urban than Kansas.

    And their numbers aren't double our numbers or higher like everyone wants to pretend. And their economy is still moving, because business is open. And they are still being careful around each other.

    Who is better off to handle this thing?
    Good for them. Kudos

  118. And for the record....

    I can't wait for antibody testing to show up here.

    I would like to be first in line.

    I would like show all these stupid liberals that I've already had it, recovered, never missed a day at work, interacted with my family and coworkers, traveled 63 miles everyday to another county to work, etc....

    And yes, Feb 10 I could say I was healthy after fighting the nastiest cold I've had in a while. A cold that they are calling SARS COV2.

    Patient zero was November 15 in Wuhan (supposedly).

    So between Nov 15 and the first of the year, nobody left China? Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New years, upto almost Chinese new years?

    Again, the logic doesn't add.

    This thing was here well before anyone CDC, WHO, China, and the USA said it was.

    We stopped nothing. They only want you to think mitigating was helping. Create the fear, push the agenda, drop the economy.

    This is nothing but a cold and a trade war. Maybe a "Cold Trade War"... Lol Pun intended.

    All I need is my antibody test, and I'll know.

  119. Joe Biden say he is going to Pick a women for sure, Now he is having a special Mask made with a hole in it so he can smell her hair. Good Grief...

    1. Lmao!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

      I hope he picks the stupid one in Michigan.

      You know, the one who banned chloroquine use because of politics with the president. Then reneged because her politics were killing her citizens... Another commie at work

  120. I should also add, that you aren't getting this a second time. Its rare if you do, but can happen even with the flu.

    But you really aren't getting this a second time. That's why they have the vaccines started.

    Know what the vaccines are? The dead virus. That means getting this thing, will prevent you from getting it again.

    That's science.

    But NBC won't tell that. They won't you to be fearful, slurp up the narrative, and blame the orange man. Like a good little communist bitch...

  121. I'll suspend the bombing campaign in here for awhile. But don't worry, I'm on mobile so I'll be looking for you, dipshit anon.

    Finish up some stuff, and got some Easter eggs to dye. Get these boys and wife outside for awhile. Vitamin D and UV light, combined with fresh air and fun.

    Maybe AK? AR?
    Yea, probably the AK.
    The wife looks extra hot shooting the AK.

    Maybe it's just one of those things you'd just have to experience.

    Later peeps.

  122. Chinese neighbor told me one time "Let them buy guns as it is easier for my daughter to go to ivy league school as they foolishly spend their money."

  123. Sounds like he was the foolishly one what will she get from a Ivy league school? Zip!! Maybe a safe space some place.

  124. Lol... She'll get a worthless college degree and around $100,000 in student loans she'll expect the rest of us to pay for...

  125. Well good for him That's one more Libtard we wont have to worry about trying to shoot us in the back. That's why you Tards will go down. Idiots wanting to push us around Wait and see what that brings.

  126. She is a surgeon at Mayo Clinic, and I am not making this up. While everyone played or goofed off, she was studying, even during summer vacation. I guess she never had a vacation while growing and she got a scholarship at some ivy league school (I forgot where). Her dad is a school janitor and still works at 69 years old.

  127. What Back shooters I hate back shooters..

  128. The Only thing that has gotten worst since Trump became President was the Democrats..

  129. 50 million children being schooled by gun owning parents and not one single school mass shooting. Arming teachers works...

  130. Ladies start dating old dudes they can get you in the Grocery store early...

  131. After Listening to Linda McGinty his human, for 12 days while in quarantine as she Complained for hours on end, her dog realized he was not cut out to be an emotional support dog. :):)

  132. Well thinking about a good old fashion Nap soon..

  133. Seems like a storm is about to hit us..

  134. Oh Ya Happy Easter everyone. Now the nap...

    1. Looks like this storm is just going to produce rain.

  135. Happy Easter to all you home dwellers.

  136. Sarge, I hope y'all aren't pushing your cold weather down here. Tomorrow temps will get up to 79 and then on Monday afternoon the temp will drop down to 40. Right now we are having thunderstorms. I heard y'all are having storms too.

  137. Rose, we don't have cold weather here yet, I think it will stay just above us I hope but have been wrong before when it comes to weather.

  138. Happy Easter everyone.

    Not trying to bring anyone down, but I have a concern.

    You know, we are going to have a chance at some nasty weather down south today. And I read that all public tornado shelters are closed. For fear of the virus.

    I don't know what to think on this one.

    I will say at times we seem to care so much about saving lives, that we are willing to kill to do it.

    1. That is a Sad thought Hammer, I didn't think about all those shelter being closed...

  139. Hope you are wrong about the closures. CDC recommends trying to maintain distancing, but shelter from the immediate threat.

  140. Hammer that is a sad thought, I didn't think about all those shelters being closed...

  141. And guess who's fault it will be if something bad happens...

  142. Sorry on the double comment...

  143. Me too, Tom. It's by community.

    Some are opening. And some decided to open if watch is issued.
    Some are not open. I checked for updates this morning.

    What's wild is there is guidence on this. But it came very late, like yesterday. So I hope communities are smart.

    Mitigation has to be priortized. Sorta like how triage works.

    But we are talking about communities that won't allow drive in churches, too.

    So like I said, I hope for the best. And pray it doesn't get interesting.

  144. Just one example of local changes, and how things are fluid in decision making for shelters.

    All shelters should be open. Whether you have gloves and masks or not.

  145. Screw the virus. I would break in.

  146. Well I don't know about all of this So beware and if you are a crazy conspiracy theorist which I am some times go ahead and let us know what you think. As a ole road runner I do know about all the caves in KC and around.


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