Monday, April 27, 2020

Just so you know...

Just for the fun of it I thought I'd share a little internal data concerning this little blog of ours with you guys.

None of it is earth shattering news but as you can clearly see we do have a semi-significant audience that spreads all across the country as well as a few other countries scattered around the globe.

Of course I know that the 11,000 pageviews we get per month is child's play for the big boys but I'm happy with it.

Anyway, now you know.


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You guys enjoy your day...

Kevin McGinty


  1. actually troll you're creepy, much like Biden. we all know you're a sicko, but are you infatuated with this blog and us here? Creepy!

    1. No troll, you gotta get your daily fix of the common sense that Kevin and everyone one here posts! You already know you are on the losing team, so you keep coming over to see what the winning team is doing.

    2. you lack common sense so you come over here to see just how wrong you are with your fallible comments.

  2. you're much like mold and mildew - but a good swipe of Clorox will take care of you!!!

  3. the men in white know where you live troll, they'll be collecting you soon to take you to your padded cell.

    hasta la vista!

    1. Who the hell is they? Know what you are talking about.

  4. Good Grief, Good morning room 235... Looks like we are a famous group of real Americans out here not counting a few Unknowns. hahahahahhaha

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. You just now hearing that, tell your Mom that you need a new TV.

  7. Besides that On Fox,com this morning and Britbart also.

  8. I also see that Sleep Joe is being looked at finally for his sex charges. You might have to dig up Hillary from the wine cellar... Hahahaaah

  9. Either that or give it to Crazier Bernie...

    What a train wreck the democrat party has become...

  10. So another internet butt dr. claims that his hospital he found out of 11 patients, they found 30 covid-19 mutations.

    Now I may not be a math major but 11 and 30 don't add up. Must be his new math 11= 30 or is it 30=11?

  11. Well, Skipper I do know 11 and 30 is 41, best I can do. hehehehhe

  12. Actually the mutation is good.

    SARS COV1, mutated and died out over the summer of 03. They had the same worries for the fall, but it never came about. Did ya forget about that, Faux doc?

    I have a feeling this thing will turnout much the same. I won't believe anything a Faux butt dacotor says, especially when he won't recognize this as SARS COV2.

    And the billions being spent on immunization? That alone tells me their is some acquired immunity after getting it, too. No matter if they say there isn't.

    Antibodies and immunization tells me alot. Your body doesn't make antibodies for no reason. That's why I've pushed for serology tests, not just the viral test.

    This things over, folks.
    The saboteurs, scaredy cats, shade throwers, lazy asses, or whatever you call them, need to get back to work.

    And for the record, Hopkins counts the numbers being relayed to them. Not exactly the forefront research on this. Hell, even USC and South China University have done better about giving real pertinent facts and research.

    Especially the USC study, you know, the one MSM won't talk to you about. 😉

  13. How’s come no hits from Latvia 🇱🇻? I’ve accessed from there a number of times and yes, in the last year.

    Oh Unknown, while I think Boz really is a doctor, I’m pretty sure you’re not. I know you’ll never reveal your name here - I’ve always found Dems to be a little lacking in courage - but you could try to include a little honesty and truth about you. It would bolster your credibility. Because when trolls show up spewing lefty cant ... well, you know.

  14. These bats weren't sold at the wet market. They live over 600km away.

    China has discovered more than 2,000 viruses at WIV since 2012.

    We aren't getting viruses from encroaching on nature. We are finding these things, studying them, and manipulating them. The IS has even paid for some research. Fact.

    And we will continue to have these things as long as ignorant people like anon ignore that it's going on. Parroting stupid lines from MSM.

    It's dangerously stupid, anon. Don't know how much more you need to see to understand.

  15. Hell Hammer he is blind... He can't see..

  16. The cutest thing anon did, was tie a possible climate change argument(human pop.)in with his virus conspiracies...

    What a good little comrade.

    Alinsky would be proud.

    No end game. Just destroy.

  17. Hey if that's all he has he as to go with it as SSAH would say...

  18. Boz, like any Russian novelist, never says in a hundred words thoughts he could adequately express in a thousand. He’s used arguments and terminology that lead me to believe he is indeed in the medical profession.

    Now Unknown here does have the trait of brevity, but while he uses fewer words, they boil down to two: Trump bad. Now he’s trying to make a scientific argument, but it’s exactly what I’ve seen elsewhere in the net and it makes the false equivalency of development in the US and Europe with wet markets in China and Africa. Not an argument I can see Boz making. And the argument that both are the equivalent of Brazil’s opening up their wilderness (remember we did the EXACT thing two centuries ago) is so laughable you just KNOW it came from a muffin-minded lefty.

  19. So are you saying yes for sure he is a Doctor, if so I missed it Ken...

  20. If that is the case, I spent years in the medical field, Logistics's, so I guess I can say I am in the medical profession. But doesn't make me a Doctor.. I was just a advisor to Medical Units..

  21. I have my doubts on blue, but that's me.
    Blue swings funny nomenclature, at times. I won't get into it here.


    I guarantee Anon or Unknown is simply a Facebook reading and TV watching parrot.
    His talking points are 36 hrs behind.

    And he diverts from me, so I know that debate isn't the goal. Nothing new has been added, and hell I know a few libs that can do that. He ain't one.

    Lost, confused, and embittered by the communist rejection he reads here.

    That's all.

  22. Hey he is the President and you are not you don't matter!!

  23. Anon, wants state testing. Then he wants fed testing.
    Says there's no plan, but the states have one.???

    Doesn't want patch work solution, but basically no part of the US is in the same situation as another?

    See what he does?

    I used to have a dog that did that. We'd drink beer and watch him chase his tail. Lol... 🤣

    1. Hey, you are one of the dipshits that wanted ventilators. Now what do want?

      Tests? That's not what you said before. Just like we don't need masks then we do...

      Chase that tail, boy

  24. The smart states got put ahead and bought from South Korea.

    That's a good move by a governor. And he's a dem.

    Does anon know what is required to make a virus test, or serology test?

    I dont think you do. I'm sure, because your last post proves you don't know what your talking about.

  25. who knows, Biden may think you're a woman!

  26. We don't need masks.
    We don't need to shut down air travel.
    We wants tests. Chinese tests! States!
    No, federal!
    No, only non-chicom tests!
    But first I need ventilators! Now! Thousands of them!
    Everybody needs masks!

    That was the CDC. That's what they told America. That's what they told the doctors. That's what they told the president.

    Anon, you can relate. Right?
    Tail chasing 101.

  27. Yes What Chavez said Unknown:):)

  28. Lol, Shame Chevez, using naughty words, hahahhaha

  29. How can you give an immunization, with fear of those with antibodies getting sick?


    Again, USC research. Or Santa Clara County. Or hell, even the commie Cuomo is trying to tell you.

    You sir, are being taken for a ride.

    Woefully inept and ignorant. Scared. If you want to lose the fear, than gain some understanding. The real stuff. Not from the Communists News Network, comrade...

  30. Too much verbiage ? I learned to read fast, and eventually write fast as well. I had posted information that included what precautions I felt might be useful. It was deleted. I'm not going to regurgitate what was already posted ... I might add in good faith. I think it was Still Safe At Home... Sorry if he has some sort of chip on his shoulder, but I can't help that.

    What is this nonsense about names ? Almost nobody provides their names. Most bloggers don't expect it. Then there is the swarm of vulgar insults from Sargjr- they always give me something to chuckle about, kind of remind me of some of the schizophrenics I see in seedier neighborhoods. "Yew buttdoc commie libtard go fug yersef".As for Unknown and myself... no we truly are two different people. Can't somebody do an IP address lookup ? I'm in DC, or Bethesda, or Frederick MD. I have no idea where Unknown is. 

    So... Howdy decides to condescend to this blog, heeding the call for his erudition and ability to chase off the evil intruder who dares to deviate from the common wisdom found in this echo chamber. But the following can't be serious -
       "Now Unknown here does have the trait of brevity, but while he uses fewer words, they boil down to two: Trump bad ".

     Which is different from " actually troll, you're the ass kisser! you have been kissing the Liberal Democratic asses for too long! " ?

    I.E. "Democrats bad".

    Someone named Chavez posts here ? You think Trump wants you here ? His little gauleiter Stephen Miller would give anything to kick your ass back over the wall. Oh wait... there is no wall. 

    But this is what really bothers me. The disinformation. Hammertime has become a real pro. 

    " We don't need masks. We don't need to shut down air travel. We wants tests. Chinese tests! States! No, federal! No, only non-chicom tests! But first I need ventilators! Now! Thousands of them! Everybody needs masks! That was the CDC. That's what they told America. That's what they told the doctors. That's what they told the president.

    "What "they" ?. Trump gutted the CDC budget decimating its global pandemic response team. Some of them had been embedded in China with their counterparts. 80% of that team here, and across the globe were let go. So exactly what do you think the CDC was telling Trump Hammertime ?

    I've argued that Trump dicked around for almost two months while this virus was spreading. I gave a lot of evidence for that, and that too was deleted. I'm not going to repeat that either. So, the story of this disaster will be a commentary on the ad hoc policy formation of this worthless administration. One moment, during a fit of delusion, Trump pronounces " I will determine when states can return to normal ". Only to come back the next day and say " Hey, it's not me, I mean I have a really brilliant mind, I'm really smart ! Daddy got me into some good schools ... but the states are on their own". I have always argued that he is a disaster waiting to happen. Well that disaster is here. So, wash your desiccated hands, wear a mask, and practice social isolation. OH, and no, Lysol is not good for you. Neither is shoving a flashlight up your ass. You are at serious risk because the medical infrastructure of Kansas frankly sucks. Enjoy your last few months of the most disastrous administration we have ever had in our history. His ass is going down in November.            

    1. I think you said that before Hillary was going to win, What Happen Ian you were wrong right? Most likely this time also, but carry on. :):):)

  31. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, put it in March, "If it looks like you're overreacting, you're probably doing the right thing."

    Its a novel concept to hear a "scientist" and "expert" pander to emotion. It's also novel for him to not define "doing the right thing" for whom?

    Because you might save grandma, but her grandkids may starve in the fall.

    But don't worry about the economics of it all. Your probably doing the right thing.

    That's dangerous behavior.

  32. Ian and unknown you are a condescending prick. Your feeble attempts to pass yourself off as an intellectual is fun to witness until I get bored with with you bullshit. You combine talking points from the left, a smidgen of facts and outright lies to fill your posts. As far as predicting elections you didn't do so well in 2016. As I asked you the other name a nationwide poll Trump is leading or has ever lead.

  33. Tom don't point out facts, Ian can't handle that, in his mind DC good Kansas bad, He has been saying that for years.

  34. Boz, when has the Remf been condescending? What I wrote was a salient comparison between two anonymous Dems; followed up by an analysis of Unknown’s argument. Brazil’s activity concerning the environment equivalent to China’s wet markets??????? Only a dedicated lefty would believe in such codswallop.

    And China’s villainy hardly ends there. Both China and the Congo had dangerous new viruses pop up. The Congo was honest, got an international response and the threat from the virus was contained. Wanna compare this with China’s mendacious obfuscating response?

    While I can’t prove it, I’ll bet you were a part of the caterwauling chorus of Dems calling Trump a racist for stopping travel with China.

    1. You only make a cameo appearance when something new happens. It appears that "something new" is this "Unknown" person. I've suggested someone look up IP addresses.... that was received like a fart in a dust storm.

      Howdy, you haven't responded to any part of my post. Nice diversion. We had CDC personnel working on a permanent basis with its Chinese counterpart. How do you feel about Trump removing them ? His rationale after all, was that "if there is no problem, why are we paying for scientists to be playing mahjong with the Chinese ?"

      We are closing in on one million covid cases, but you bring up Unknown's argument that Brazil's destruction ( I assume ) of the Amazon Basin is the equivalent to China's wet markets. No doubt you are aware that there are many wet markets in the U.S. Yes, you read that right. This is why we have, or had scientists, epidemiologist and pandemic experts around the glove. The CDC set the gold standard for the world. Not now. As for China's obfuscation, it's no more heinous that the Trump administration's. But we expect less from the Chinese don't we. It is run by an authoritarian regime.

      And who the hell cares about what ANYBODY says about Trump being a racists. We have an obscene mortality rate to deal with. And yes, it will hit Kansas. In fact, the red states, opening up beaches, businesses, etc. will see an explosion of new diagnoses. I posted on this blog a while back because I gather that nearly everyone here is at high risk. But damned if some pointy headed outfit like NIH is going to tell us what to do ! Fine. I think it's called culling the herd.

    2. Oh calm down. Kansas has plenty of cases and no one here is saying to just let everything revert to the status quo.

      Besides didn’t ... Yes, I remember now. DeBlasio and Cuomo, doubtless to spite Trump, encouraged people to use the subway and attend public events. Give me your professional opinion how all that worked out. A real masterstroke, huh? Now I’d like to draw your attention to the partisan makeup of the hardest hit places.

      Socialized medicine has been your cause in the past. Hasn’t it worked just fine for Italy?

      Wanna hear old Remf praise a lefty Dem? I’ll give the Devil his due: Gavin Newsome has been everything Cuomo hasn’t. Effective but quiet.

      Considering “culling” looks like that is happening more in your neighborhood than mine. And I hear the professional bellyachers complaining about minority communities being harder hit.

      Oh well, it’s late and I’m tired. Everyone (well except Happy) have a good night!

  35. Troll, you dare talk about the language I use - but you used it first, you crossed the line last week so I stepped up my attacks on you.

    BTW, you best get yourself scheduled in for a date with Biden - being a politician, running for office, he's a busy man...the media has said he's a hair sniffer and he likes'd be good game for Biden!

  36. no, you have a problem with the reality that President Trump will be re-elected and he will complete a 2nd term.

  37. Another forgone conclusion is that you know you're wrong, so you come here to read the truth, regardless of how many times you argue, scream, and know you're 100% wrong!

  38. I'm assuming you're watching the press conference, Dickless.

    And let me guess, this still isn't good enough for you...

  39. Still don't see a plan?

    That's because you refuse to listen...

    1. with the fact that he's got no brain he is unable to comprehend the truth. it's too challenging for him.

  40. I'll bet the troll is already trying to contact the Democratic Party to set up his date with Biden - the troll does have quite a fettish for Biden!

    1. That photo was taken at the funeral of Biden's son Beau. He was kissing his granddaughter's head. Is that okay with you ? The man was devastated. Why don't you think about giving the man a break. And remind me again, why you, a Latino suck up to repubs. Trump has expressed his disdain for Latinos. Are you suffering from a neurotic identification with the enemy ? There is treatment for that.

  41. Troll, like with Hillary and soon to be Biden.... you're a has been, actually you're a "never was"!!!!

  42. I am hoping right after this briefing Trump takes no questions and walks off, hahahahah Media will go nuts.

  43. Well, you know the old saying: if you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with bullshit.

  44. Some times I wonder Ken if these people go to school and sign up for bullshit classes. But I can say who ever teaches it does a good job.

  45. You're right about one thing. This virus could have been stopped.

    In China.

    Evidently you haven't heard about the deaths all over the world.

    Do you blame Trump for those deaths as well?

    Does the mayor of New York or the governor get a pass?

    How bout the mayor of New Orleans?

    I suppose she gets a pass as well, right?

    It's all Trump's fault?

    Everything is his fault?

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. No he did the virus took it down, he will bring it back in the next four years

  47. Kinda of did rebuild it.

    Gonna do it again.

    Remember, Make America Great Again?

    Jeez. Pay attention boy.

    It's KAG2020

  48. One thing is for sure this dim witt flunked out of school. he not only cant add He cant even make sentences.

    And he was no doubt just a thought in some guy's mind and should have been thrown out with his daddy's rubber.

    Not even old enough to know what or where, or even when V N was.

  49. Did we lose my war? ‘Cause at the end of that one I was in Tikrit.

    And I always used to say at the time, as soon as we whipped the Taliban’s ass we should have said to the head of the Northern Alliance: “This is your lucky day. Try not to kill too many civilians, at least in front of CNN, but do what you have to do. We’ll hold your coat.”

    As for my war, we’d have been better off if we had lost it. Instead of some pro Iranian Shiite government, we’d have old Bushy Lips himself, threatening the Iranians instead of kissing their hindquarters.

  50. Let me guess. Cuomo forcing nursing homes to take patients once they've tested positive for the virus was Trump's fault?

    The mayor of New York keeping the subways, buses, and trains running and spreading the virus to thousands of people was Trump's fault?

    The mayor of New Orleans deciding to go ahead with Mardi Grah infection thousands more was Trump's fault?

    Do you have any idea how pathetic you sound?

  51. Kevvy?

    To the best of my knowledge there's only been one person that's ever called me that.

    Guys I'd like to introduce to you Mr. Happy AKA Mike LoBurgio.

    You remember him

    He's the fucking loser that tried his best to get me fired all those years ago.

    Prove me wrong...

    1. Remember that dickhead well Kevin, Nail that Prick...

    2. One thing about Libtards and people like this POS. Give them enough rope and sooner or later they will hang themselves. Just not enough of them hanging themselves.

    3. sounds like one troll is going to face some legal battles now... go after him Kevin.

  52. I've been busy just getting caught up here. Blue, looks like you've been busy spreading more of your nonsense. Shame on you!

    From the looks of things you said something bad about the American Veterans who served in Viet Nam. I have a dear uncle to my mother who served in the Marines in Viet Nam, combat wounded, honorably discharged - I felt it was a disgrace they were not welcomed home like the Veterans of WW 1, WW 2, and Korea. Their welcome came decades later. I am grateful for the Wall - that memorial was long overdue. I am proud of my uncle, as I am all of America's Veterans.

    As for Joe Biden, I have no doubt that he will lose in November. Good luck on picking the losing political party there Blue.

    All you do is flaunt your stupidity. Your so called posts that you think are intelligent, is really just the opposite.

    I remember when President Trump won the election, there were many commie libs who said they'd pack their bags and leave America. Blue, why are you still in America when you said you'd leave?

    I surmise that you are just nothing but fooling yourself with the Democratic Party.

  53. Boz didn’t say anything about Vietnam vets. That was Unknown, now suspected to be Mr. Happy. Happy was in the same group as Learned Hand, Sarge’s close friend.😆 Narcs. You know, asshole though Bat was he never tried doing anything outside the net. Happy and Hand are very special cases.

    1. ok, for whomever said something bad about Viet Nam Veterans, shame on you!!

      thanks Captain for clarifying.

    2. it really bothers me when people say bad stuff about the Viet Nam Veterans.

      10 to 1, if the insensitive were to walk in the combat boots of the Viet Nam Veterans, they wouldn't be bashing them.

  54. It's time to call it a night. Rest well, peace out.
    Hugs~ Rikki

  55. Well, lookie there. You're welcome for my 9 page views, Kevin McShifty. Now it's 10


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