Sunday, April 12, 2020
Improvise, adapt, and overcome...
Because of this virus the term made famous by a very good friend to all of us has become the new normal.
Improvise, adapt, and overcome.
The best example I can provide comes from another good friend and and charter member of this blog, Dennis Bechmann and his wife Kathy.
This virus won't allow his people to come to him but his message still goes out via Facebook live.
Be well my friends.
Stay safe.
And always remember, "This too shall pass..."
Kevin McGinty
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Sargejr April 12, 2020 at 2:09 AM
ReplyDeleteOh Ya Happy Easter everyone. Now the nap...
ReplyDeleteTexas Rose April 12, 2020 at 5:37 AM
Happy Easter to all you home dwellers.
Texas Rose April 12, 2020 at 6:49 AM
ReplyDeleteSarge, I hope y'all aren't pushing your cold weather down here. Tomorrow temps will get up to 79 and then on Monday afternoon the temp will drop down to 40. Right now we are having thunderstorms. I heard y'all are having storms too.
Sargejr April 12, 2020 at 7:33 AM
ReplyDeleteRose, we don't have cold weather here yet, I think it will stay just above us I hope but have been wrong before when it comes to weather.
Hammertime April 12, 2020 at 7:57 AM
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter everyone.
Not trying to bring anyone down, but I have a concern.
You know, we are going to have a chance at some nasty weather down south today. And I read that all public tornado shelters are closed. For fear of the virus.
I don't know what to think on this one.
I will say at times we seem to care so much about saving lives, that we are willing to kill to do it.
Sargejr April 12, 2020 at 8:07 AM
ReplyDeleteThat is a Sad thought Hammer, I didn't think about all those shelter being closed...
Thomas Rork April 12, 2020 at 8:04 AM
ReplyDeleteHope you are wrong about the closures. CDC recommends trying to maintain distancing, but shelter from the immediate threat.
Sargejr April 12, 2020 at 8:09 AM
ReplyDeleteHammer that is a sad thought, I didn't think about all those shelters being closed...
Hammertime April 12, 2020 at 8:10 AM
ReplyDeleteMe too, Tom. It's by community.
Some are opening. And some decided to open if watch is issued.
Some are not open. I checked for updates this morning.
What's wild is there is guidence on this. But it came very late, like yesterday. So I hope communities are smart.
Mitigation has to be priortized. Sorta like how triage works.
But we are talking about communities that won't allow drive in churches, too.
So like I said, I hope for the best. And pray it doesn't get interesting.
Hammertime April 12, 2020 at 8:20 AM
ReplyDeleteJust one example of local changes, and how things are fluid in decision making for shelters.
All shelters should be open. Whether you have gloves and masks or not.
Thomas Rork April 12, 2020 at 8:25 AM
ReplyDeleteScrew the virus. I would break in.
I didn't go threw the whole mass yet But I will, Thanks Dennis...
ReplyDeleteThese are challenging and uncertain times, but I hope today the story of the Resurrection will rekindle your faith and embolden your hope in better days ahead.
ReplyDeleteThis isn’t the Easter many of us planned on. We won't be able to pack our churches in joyous worship or fill our homes with relatives for Easter dinner. This year’s Easter will be a little bit different. There will be more time to reflect. More time to find new and creative ways to share our love with those we love the most.
Have hope, we will get through this together. God bless you all on this Easter Sunday.
From my family to yours, Happy Easter.
Right back at ya, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteWell I wouldn't bet on this Way too many RINO's up there. Why cant these people stand up to these Libtards?
ReplyDeleteOn Saturday afternoon, the GOP Leadership and the White House gave a firm no to all of the new Pelosi and Schumer spending demands. "America's working families cannot be used as political hostages.”
Top GOP leaders in Congress said Saturday afternoon that they had the support of the Trump administration and would not negotiate further with Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.
I didn't get this on in time so if any of you are conspiracy theorist have a look. I do know that there are a lot of tunnels and storage caves around this country. Caves in KC.
We will get through this – together. With friends helping friends, and neighbors helping neighbors. It's what we do.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy this sacred holiday with a sense of hope and purpose. Because the dark days won't last forever. Remember you neighbors, most of us know one or two near us that may need a helping hand..
Just like the winter gloom before Easter's wonderful spring arrival.
Here is a favorite verse from the Book of Job:
"I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." – Job 42:2
God's got this, Room 235... and so do you. So do all of us.
Together. I am hoping this rain is sent by God to wash this virus crap away... Sipper I don't know about tunnels here in Kansas but I know the have many Rocket silo's in KS, My Son was going to buy one way back. I talked him out of it, not sure I did right looking at things now.
Skipper sorry on the spelling of you handle.
ReplyDeleteThat's OK I ve been called a lot worse
ReplyDeleteI know and I said Sorry for that too!! :):)
ReplyDeleteAs you should have...😝
ReplyDeleteI think every body and their great grand kids must be on the internet today.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I was wondering what was going to happen to the die hard commie Libtards. Get your popcorn ready ole Joe I think your in over your head with all the claims about your snipping and fingering. so
The Democratic Socialists of America made it pretty clear on Sunday what they thought about JoeThe DSA, an ultra-progressive group boasting roughly 56,000 members, previously endorsed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid, but the group is now without a candidate after the senator suspended his White House bid last week after facing a near-impossible path to obtaining more delegates than Biden.
Biden being the Democrat’s presumptive nominee.
DeleteHoly crap that temp sure dropped fast will be be freezing the next two day, well Kevin if your luck holds Linda's plants will bite the dust...
ReplyDeletesorry I'm late -
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter y'all (((hugs)))
Late for what? :):)
DeleteHer plants are all safe and sound, Sarge. Luckily we never got around to talking them outside the other day.
ReplyDeleteSee you put it off, Good grief man you had your chance, some peoples kids I declare!!
DeleteLol... If it were up to me I'd have brought them all outside to freeze and be done with em...
ReplyDeleteBut she'd just get new ones and I'd be right back where I started...
ReplyDeleteSob, sob... I hear ya been there my self years ago, now I only do what I can eat.
DeleteWell Normally at this time I would say good night, But every Easter, I watch the Bible and I will tonight also.
ReplyDeleteOh have been watching all after noon, coming to a end in a hour or so..
ReplyDeleteI think back then Fish and Bread is like Steak and Eggs to us now days..
ReplyDeleteLinda and I watched The Bible most of the day today. But at 7:00 a series we're hooked on comes on.
I read the 8 book series a few years ago and loved every bit of it.
The TV series leaves out a lot of details but it's still worth watching...
While I am at the last supper now before Judis does him in.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I could never pull away from this movie the Bible, from Birth to death, then risen again.
ReplyDeleteWell I must bid you a good night room 235, Keep he faith.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as it is over!!!
ReplyDeleteI had forgotten how long this movie was.. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Good night...
ReplyDeleteGood grief... I've never seen Sarge stay up till 11:00.
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll hear from him sometime this afternoon...😝
Nope 0537, what do you think I am some kind of wuesss, Good morning room 235.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief it is 28 degrees out..
ReplyDeleteFish and bread is like steak and eggs to us nowdays..I couldn't help but laugh at that. Nothing like a kettle of fish and bread for breakfast. Yum.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or is anyone else getting real tired of seeing "little man" and "scarf woman" on tv? Someone needs to kick "little man" to the curb. He states one thing one day then contradicts himself the next day. Talk about a clown show! And when did Bill Gates become a medical doctor? What in the hell is going on? I feel like I am living in a Stephen King novel.
Can you count or read?
ReplyDeleteYes he is Rose and so Is unknown....
ReplyDeleteHad to leave for a few. Apparently unknown cannot answer simple questions, let alone make factual statements.
ReplyDeleteHe might as well, no else does and he is the best President this Country has ever had.
ReplyDeleteWell Unknown I see you take all the one liners off Bretbart...
ReplyDeleteOr should I call you that punk TV Kid?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletetroll - isn't it past time for you to crawl back under the rock you crawled out from?
DeleteWow, it's brisk outside. Jacob needed to go outside, glad it was only for a few moments :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed a regular mugs worth o' caffeine already - looking forward to getting some more things done today.
on a depressing note, looks like the bell pepper and Anaheim pepper seeds didn't sprout....might have to buy pepper plants. Other than that.... all the seeds we planted that are in the flats are looking very well, their sprouts are looking healthy.
With all the hair salons and barber shops closed for the time being.... anyone remember this song? It came out in the latter 1960's.
well, it would help if I post the youtube link... hee hee
In the Democrats’ alternative timeline, the invasion of COVID-19 into the United States was preventable. Chris Murphy of Connecticut tweeted as much over the weekend. In the Democrats’ alternative universe, Hillary Clinton would have straddled the nation with headlines about Jeffrey Epstein’s death daring COVID-19 to make its way here.
ReplyDeletetroll, go flush yourself down the toilet!
ReplyDeletewrong again troll.
ReplyDeleteYou sure think you know a lot for someone that knows nothing, but remember he can fire anyone anytime.
ReplyDeleteWatch the American people reelect him, what you will have an extra 4 years to whine. hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahah
Deleteyour erroneous croaking's is all you have troll
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious watching this dipshit trying to blame Trump for everything.
ReplyDeleteHe explained how bad things in New York are yet he doesn't lay a single bit of blame on the governor or the mayor.
Predictably he fails to mention that New Yorkers were encouraged by both men to get out and have a good time. They were assured this virus wasn't going to be all that bad. He also failed to mention that the state had auctioned off the stockpile of ventilators and such that had possession of.
None of that matters because orange man bad...
Think they're losing their minds now?
ReplyDeleteWait till Durham starts sending Brennen, Comey, and their ilk to federal pound me in the ass prison..
Heads are gonna explode!!!🤣🤣🤣
Notice how anon doesn't counter Kevin's points but focuses on a side issue.
ReplyDeleteYup that is his M.O.
ReplyDeleteWould you please study the formation and history of the United States. The main way the Feds exert influence over the individual states is by hooking them on Federal monies. That is a very simplified explanation but maybe you will look it up.
President Trump cannot open the states, as you put it, nor can he close them.
ReplyDeleteYou can't truly believe the garbage you wrote at 8:20 AM.
ReplyDeleteYou talking about the Dem's names Durham has? Jail time for Comey Brennen and others.
DeleteSteele dossier funded by the DNC, Hillary, et al -
DeleteInasmuch as I am impatient as to how AG Barr's investigation is going, I have to also say that he's making sure he's getting all his "ducks" in a row so that when indictments are handed down, there will be convictions and prison time for all who criminally conspired against Donald Trump.
The Steele dossier, funded by the Democrats because they were scared shitless that Trump was winning - for a time he was in tight with the Democrats - and when he changed to Republican....they got scared so they criminally conspired, cheated, and lied about Donald Trump.... karma is going to come back on the Democrats full force....
Deletetroll, you never stop with the bullshit posts do you?! you don't have a spin the dice game as to which lie to post do you?!
DeleteOr the idiotic statement at 8:23AM
ReplyDeleteI think his head exploded, all these question that he can't answer, hahahhahaha
ReplyDeletedefinitely the troll has quite a mess to clean up! ha ha ha ha ha
Deletehee hee... the troll is checking his erroneous data in trying to make a faulty rebuttal..that's why he's taking so long to reply.
ReplyDeleteOr he is in his closet...
Deleteor playing with the dust on the window panes... :)
Deletethe troll is quite aware that for every inexact posting he posts, that we will debunk him every single time.... making every one of his fallacious arguments null and void.
ReplyDeletetroll, you need to get your head on straight! you've been drowning in the bullshit that the Democrat / Liberal biased media has been feeding you - they are not a go to source for truthful news.
ReplyDeleteSorry friends, I poofed our resident commie rat bastard. Letting him post his lies and commie rat disinformation he is getting fed by his handlers is just more than I can bear. This is what these people do, and have done since the 1950s. Spread lies and disinformation just to foment doubt. His bullshit doesn't travel with the regular members of America's Blog, we are much smarter than him and have finely tuned bullshit detectors, but other people do read our blog and so why give him a voice to them? He's a lying sack of shit and doesn't deserve a voice on a platform like ours. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll be happy to leave his posts. It's just for me it's like taking a stroll in a beautiful grassy park and stepping in dogshit. Kind of ruins the whole thing for me.
ReplyDeleteNo you did Good!!!
DeleteYou can POOF him any time.
DeleteSafe, nothing to apologize for.... the troll needs many wake up calls to realize that President Trump is the right person for this time and place in history.
ReplyDeleteYour blog, your rules. Sometimes I get carried away leading him on.
ReplyDeletebye bye troll....
ReplyDeleteWell TOM I don't know about that you make points that he can't or won't answer.
ReplyDeleteSo I hope all of you got to celebrate Easter in some way. We watched the service on line, our old home church in Topeka. Topeka Baptist Church. We watched Resurrection Sunday, and shared communion with them on their Good Friday service. We also watched the service our little church here put on line. Then we had a nice bowl of chili for Easter dinner. Adapt, improvise and overcome as a wise man once told me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure even the commie rat bastard called unknown celebrated the day with some sort of pagan ritual celebrating his father, Satan.
We're getting our spring weather finally. In the seventies, sun shining. Went fishing yesterday. Kind of a tribute to Jesus, if you know what I mean.
Heres a letter to the editor that was in my local newspaper. This is how the left thinks. Any one know him?
ReplyDeleteSince Republicans during the crisis want to spend their time extending the culture wars to divide us more, let them go ahead and gather in groups of more than 10, but don’t let the ones thereby affected endanger our dedicated, science-respecting medical personnel by checking into our hospitals.
Don Hedrick, Manhattan
Not personally, but I know the type. These people don't have a shred of decency, are cowards and cannot write to their hometown papers for fear of backlash.
ReplyDeleteI was disappointed but not surprised by the KS supreme court siding with the commies on the governor singling out religious services for punishment. She's following her fellow commies from a couple of states who did the same.
ReplyDeleteKansas is being held up nationally now as a bastion of repression because of this. I left Kansas for California thinking I was leaving a great conservative state for a radical liberal one. Turns out where I live, they are more conservative than parts of Kansas. Who knew?
This is a backlash from Kansas turning on Governor Brownback because of his forward thinking and conservative views. His tax cuts stalled because of the Obama economy, the worst recovery in history. You saw what happened when President Trump took over. The economy took off. Imagine if Kansas had held fast until then. Instead they raised taxes and elected a liberal. Because many Kansans bought the commie propaganda efforts to convince them that Governor Brownback "ruined" the Kansas economy. When in fact all along the economy was stabilizing. After they raised taxes they "discovered" an unexpected surplus they claim they had no idea they had.
So now in addition to a renegade supreme court, that has been overturned repeatedly by the Supreme Court, you now have a commie left wing governor who will advance abortion, raise taxes, advocate for restrictive gun laws and is anti-Christian.
This is the reason I don't like seeing our commie rat bastard sack of shit troll posting. People see enough of that lie filled bullshit and it has an effect. Which is exactly why they do it. Fuck a bunch of commie rat bastards.
The activist Kansas Supreme Court gave a very narrow ruling. They placed the blame on the legislature due to the resolution passed did not specifically grant the LCC the authority to override Executive Orders. They did not rule on the constitutionality of the order as this was not before them. The KS. Attorney General still advised local LE to not enforce the order as it is unconstitutional.
ReplyDeleteAs usual the national Lame stream media is not reporting the full story and are slanting it to their anti-conservative view.
ReplyDeleteJust saw this on the Washington Times
Trump takes charge, asserts control over decision to reopen country
Says he will work with governors but 'it is the decision of the president'
By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times - Updated: 11:28 a.m. on Monday, April 13, 2020
President Trump on Monday took ownership of the decision to open up the country once the coronavirus wanes, saying it will be up to him “for many good reasons” even though governors and local leaders issued mandatory stay-at-home orders.
“For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect,” he said in a series of tweets.
“It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!”
The president, in his tweets, did not outline what authority he’d be exercising to be the arbiter of how the country opens up. Governors have wide latitude and their orders would stay in place even if Mr. Trump says it’s time to get the economy rocking again.
Mr. Trump issued White House guidelines on March 16 that urge all Americans to work and learn at home and to avoid gatherings of 10 people or more. He extended those guidelines to April 30 after briefly musing that things could open again by Easter.
Yet all but a handful of states have issued shutdown orders that go further and have more teeth, such as fines or other penalties, than the White House’s voluntary guidelines.
Rep. Justin Amash, Michigan independent, said the president’s assertion of control is “flat-out wrong.”
“The president has no authority to ‘close down’ or ‘open up’ the states,” tweeted Mr. Amash, who left the Republican Party last year and voted to impeach Mr. Trump. “He’s the one creating conflict and confusion. Put down the authoritarianism and read the Constitution.”
On Friday, Mr. Trump insisted he has the right to override state leaders but he’d rather collaborate with them.
“You know, I like to allow governors to make decisions without overruling them because from a constitutional standpoint, that’s the way it should be done,” Mr. Trump said from the White House podium. “If I disagreed, I would overrule a governor, and I have that right to do it.”
More than half a million people in the U.S. have contracted the coronavirus. More than 22,000 people have died.
Like I said earlier..... Donald Trump is the right person at this time in history....
ReplyDeleteMarch 9th, Dr fauci said this is nothing americas should worry about.
ReplyDeleteSaid that after our president closed the country to Chinese late January.
I think the president is leading well.
I can't help that anon is so ignorant to the facts, and slurps up the MSM like it's cereal.
So fauci said more people could of been saved if we mitagated earlier. But he(Fauci) said it wasn't necessary. March 9th again...
ReplyDeleteOH, gonna have difficulty blaming the president for listening to the experts and a fucked up wrong model.
Your logic is fascinating anon.
Dumber than a box of rocks....
And anon, the govt can force you to do things. State and Federal.
ReplyDeleteI'm working, deemed essential. If I decline, they deny benefits because I refused work. I get a nine week delay in UE benefits. The State will deny me. Crisis or not.
You got some learning anon. You think you know, but everyone you post you merely show the depths of ignorance and stupidity.
Did the president tell me to not worry about a mask, then weeks later tell me I need to?
ReplyDeleteNo, that's the experts. CDC.
The experts are wrong, and have been wrong.
It's not the president. It's the dipshit govt agencies that let us down.
See the pattern?
Example of why we don't want single payer.
But be sure to leave the blinders on, commie...
You aren't smart enough to have a business. And your too lazy to even try to have one. So no problem for you right?
ReplyDeleteTroll, you seriously need to stop banking on the fallible liberal biased media....they're feeding you bullshit and so you're peddling the bullshit that they feed you....
ReplyDeleteyou're around too much MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal biased media sources, so you need to breathe some fresh air.... read what Kevin, Safe, and everyone here tells you.... wake up! Smell the coffee.... President Trump is the best thing that has happened to America in one helluva long time!!!!!
oh, and troll.....
ReplyDeleteyou might want to get on the waiting list at your area shrinks' office.... to help you with your melt down when Donald Trump wins in November!
Troll, for whatever backwards reason that you hate Donald your problem. None of this is Trump's fault! And your jealous of Donald Trump and his accomplishments!
ReplyDeleteHe's the best thing that has happened to America in decades!
The brain dead, alcohol loving, communistic socialistic Democrats do not have your best interests at heart - and in Bill Clinton's case.... too many bed partners.... they're corrupt, like the mafia is.... there's too many skeletons in their closets!
furthermore, like I already said earlier:
ReplyDeleteyou're around too much MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal biased media sources, so you need to breathe some fresh air.... read what Kevin, Safe, and everyone here tells you.... wake up! Smell the coffee.... President Trump is the best thing that has happened to America in one helluva long time!!!!!
Troll, have you made your call to your local shrink's office yet to get on their waiting list?
ReplyDeleteYou'd best make that call, with the waiting list and all, you have to make sure you get the help you need when Donald Trump wins in November!
ReplyDeleteDon't want to burst your bubble world there troll, but with all the monumental failures that the Democrats have launched since 2015 - in their quest to derail Donald Trump.... the Democrats are going to lose their power in the House of Representatives and also lose seats in the Senate too.... their performance has been horrible!
ReplyDeleteSo, troll.... just how long have you been insanely jealous of President Trump and all of "regulars" here on the blog?
ReplyDeleteNow, be honest....
what's the matter troll? has the cat got your tongue?
ReplyDeleteGarsh, I might have pushed the troll into an early melt down, he may need to get hold of his shrink today!
ReplyDeleteLooks like troll went back into hiding.... typical.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm heading out for a little while. I'll be back later this evening y'all.
People who hate plastic bags and straws, like plastic gloves!!! Who would have thought?
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to think Dr. Fauci put out that statement that early intervention would have helped just to get fired.
ReplyDeleteYou don't think that is your problem...
DeleteTroll, there you go again.... listening to the wrong news sources! you should listen more to Kevin, Safe, and the regulars here! We'll get you back on the right path!
ReplyDeletebtw troll, you never answered my question... just how long have you been insanely jealous of President Trump and all of "regulars" here on the blog?
ReplyDeleteNow, be honest....
I hated trump in NY. He used to be on the Howard Stern Radio Show and you heard him anytime you got a cab. All trump did was talk of his sexual exploits, even mentioning his wife and describing her breasts, etc. Orangeman is a pig. As for you guys, in March, though read you when the Journal allowed the blog.
ReplyDeleteYou still haven't answered my question troll. How long have you been jealous of Trump and all of us regulars here on the blog?
Deletefor the record....the journal went through format change, got rid of the community blog section. they didn't kick Kevin's blog off for content, they discontinued the community blogs period.
DeleteOne of which I'm glad is no longer allowed is Keri's twisted sick blogs!
that's the problem with you don't tell the truth! are are jealous of Donald Trump for winning the White House in 2016 and you're jealous of all of us here because our lives are a helluva lot better than yours!
DeleteUnknown you are so sick, get help soon.
DeleteCareful now. You don't want to not be called a lady.
ReplyDeleteYou better be careful buddy we got ways to find people like you. So watch your punk mouth..
ReplyDeleteSGT, how's that toilet paper stash going? See news about Theo Roosevelt cruiser sailor dying. Seems a rift in the navy on how they treated the CPT. Always remember that a Ships Captain was treated like a god, while a general was always as good as his/her men.
ReplyDeleteJust find you want to buy some?
ReplyDeleteHere's what they are saying. Trump fans will never admit they are wrong - and that is the hill they will die on.
DeleteLooks like governors are going to open up their states -- not fearless leader. Overseas they do the schools first as children seem to shoulder the virus better and you don't want buses out when everyone is out. But China did this and the virus is back.
ReplyDeleteSo! what is your point?
DeleteGovernors were the ones to close them.
ReplyDeleteJust an FYI....
And the northeast needs a special plan.
ReplyDeleteThey won't open like the rest of us, or in the same way.
Mark my words.
Orangeman ran away.
ReplyDeleteNah, you just couldn't keep up.
ReplyDeleteYou produce anything today, anon?
ReplyDeletePay any taxes, outside of fixed income?
Help your fellow man? I mean in society, feeding your cat doesn't count.
What did you do for your country today, anon?
Cmon, I know you did something. Didn't ya?
Why, what is his plan? Governors are with business leaders (Apple, Goggle, and Bill Gates), former govt officials and med officials to do a plan. Where is the fed govt? Hiding????
ReplyDeleteFauci? Birx?
DeleteThey talk everyday.
Did you mean the CDC?
Where they gonna hide? Lol
A good manager would have started in March, maybe even earlier. I donated money for my fellow man today and for my church. And yes, I fed my cat, but my cat is smarter than you.
ReplyDeleteYa right!
DeleteWrong. You cried when the travel ban happened the very day WHO declared.
DeleteAnd FYI, Cali had it in December. Per CDC as the source.
Good manager would of stopped this in November. But that manager was a Chinese dictatorship.
And donating money is an easy out. Your fellow man are only deserving of your money?
Perfect, for who you are.
Where's the plan? The tests? States are doing the work and trump is irrelevant, maybe he doesn't want to be president?
ReplyDeleteBut he is and you and Hillary are not...
DeleteBesides you could understand a plan.
DeleteAss Man's frontal lobe decreases in size when he spews his ignorant rants on this blog. Time for him to plug his ear into CNN for refueling. His frontal lobe gets depleted so fast, especially when he replies to comments on this blog. He now resembles a troll's dog, one that looks like a pug, with a crooked, pointed little head.
ReplyDelete"I'm the President of the US, despite the things what are being said," Oh dear, Trumpee is in full grievance mode -- nobody loves me and going after Biden - you think the Bernie indorsement freak him out!!
ReplyDeleteNope doesn't bother him at all, watch the briefing dipshit.
ReplyDeleteThe self-pity, dishonesty and finger-pointing show a fail leadership in a crisis.
ReplyDeleteHahahahhaha ya right...
ReplyDeleteGeorge Bush predicted a pandemic in 2005 and started a taskforce which Obama used in fighting the Ebola virus !!! Jared threw away all those notebooks, briefs, and records as he knew everything. Look it up!!!!
ReplyDeleteGee, Sen Susan Collins has a 37% approval rating, and Trump is losing Florida.
ReplyDeleteWhats your point, this play out, Trump isn't losing nothing, watch and see whiner.
DeleteYou have no eyes to see nor brain to learn troll.....
ReplyDeleteand adding you have no ears to hear!
ReplyDeleteGood News. FEMA awarded a contract for tests (750,000 tests) to South Korea last week and this weekend, 150,000 were provided. If you want a problem solved go to the brown people.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief! Get loss.
DeleteBrown people? You are a racist.
Deletetrump suckup
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving, cocktail hour.
ReplyDeleteWhat you need is more Kool Aid...
DeleteMadam, a good, very dry martini only requires 1 ingredient - gin.
ReplyDeletetroll, you can consider yourself slapped in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThe White House • April 13, 2020
ReplyDeleteThe media can’t rewrite history
Last month, most Americans surveyed by Gallup approved of President Trump’s Coronavirus response. Hospitals, state governments, and Federal agencies all earned positive reviews, too. The only institution that most people didn’t trust? The news media.
Many in the media got the story wrong from the start. They insisted the virus posed no real threat to Americans. They joined Democrats and the World Health Organization in attacking President Trump’s early China travel restrictions as unnecessary, even “xenophobic.” They parroted Chinese government propaganda to make their case.
Responsible journalists and politicians would own up to these failures and vow to fix them. Instead, irresponsible ones are attempting to rewrite history.
While they downplayed the virus and its risks, President Trump took action. Here’s just a sample of what his Administration has done over the past 3 months:
On January 29, the President assembled his Coronavirus Task Force. Two days later, he declared a Public Health Emergency and restricted travel from China.
On February 4, President Trump vowed to protect Americans in his State of the Union Address and issued Emergency Use Authorization for Medical Devices. On February 24, he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to combat the virus’ spread.
On March 6, the President signed Coronavirus preparedness funding into law. Between March 11 and March 18, he restricted travel from Europe, declared a National Emergency, issued aggressive national Coronavirus Guidelines, and signed the Family First Response Act. By the end of March, he’d sign a historic $2.2 trillion economic relief package negotiated by the Administration into law.
By April 9, more than 2 million Americans had been tested for Coronavirus—by far the most testing of any country on Earth. The same day, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Paycheck Protection Program had already approved more than $125 billion in forgivable loans in fewer than 5 full days of operation.
When pundits are wrong, their instinct is to divide Americans, not unite them. Real leaders, Democrat or Republican, don’t do this: They work together to get things done. This morning, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) highlighted his working relationship with President Trump, who he praised for delivering on his promise to help New York.
“If you do the right thing by New York, I’ll say it,” Gov. Cuomo said.
“He has delivered for New York.”
RealClearPolitics: The media just “can’t help themselves.”
Ahh, watch Muchin try not to commit cabinet suicide by not answering about this country not opening too early. Orangeman stated that he was brutalize by the press - and so grateful to Putin (his master) makes you want to join the marines. See no word about those that died, those who sacrifice, this nation's fears. Oh, and he is going to name states - wow. Those nasty states that pick on him. Look, he said that states were allow to close schools because he let them. Really, are the governors lying? And such a loud voice and the presidential power is total.
ReplyDeleteSaw this and have to say US Postal Service is in trouble so if they close the USPS, will we not be able to see half of the trump campaign on FBI posters in 2021.
I am watching for some reason you don't see what I see and hear, You are a selective liberal.
ReplyDeleteToday's presser was good.
Thats funny how pissed off the media got watching their own lies!
Trolling at the highest level.
That was fun to watch.
DeleteDrink gin and tonic to help fight off malaria. LOL. Tonic now days is not the same as it was years ago but heck, it may help fight off the virus. I never liked anyone who drank gin. It is like drinking a liquid pine tree.
ReplyDeleteThat's cheap gin, rosie. Try the more expensive stuff.
DeleteI never drink the cheap stuff. And yes, even the "good" stuff tastes like a tree. Gin is for rot gut drunks.
DeleteFauci just admitted today, that when the medical professionals asked for longer stay at home order, the president was the first and one of the few on board.
ReplyDeleteAnon, see? I told you you looked stupid
Even your stupid cat knows better.
timeline tomorrow, busy now.
Deleteyou need to be drop kicked troll!!!!
ReplyDeleteRemember those FBI posters in 2021.
ReplyDeleteyour ugly mug is more than likely there!
ReplyDeleteNah, the Durham report comes out sooner than that, babe. 😉
ReplyDeletecan hardly wait to see the list of Democrats indicted, convicted, and escorted to prison!
ReplyDeleteand I wouldn't mind for them to locate the troll and confiscate all his damned computers and put him in a padded cell with President Trump photos and Room 235 blogs all over his wall!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235... Up late last night.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...
ReplyDeleteDang sure is quiet out here.
ReplyDeleteTrump must be medicating before these briefings - look how he sniffs and slurs some words. See how he attacked Voice of America, does it knows what it does? Dear leader is arguing against the ability of the Senate to advise and consent. He is aware that they are on the same party? Oh, doesn't know about his name of those stimulus checks. And for the rube nation, he is expressing that the president is powerful and in charge and gouging money out of China. We have been trying to get details of the agreement with the Chinese on tariffs, but funny no details are being released and it has been months (Chinese probably snookered dear leader). Dear lea
ReplyDeleteYou guys remind me of the germans that lived around the concentration camps, as they were unaware of their existence. "but how could they not know - just the smell."