Friday, April 3, 2020
Yeah, it's all Trump's fault...
To say what's become of today's democrat party is disgusting would be an understatement of massive proportions.
People are dying by the thousands.
They're losing their jobs by the millions.
And what are they doing through all this?
Trying to score political points.
Trying to pretend Trump ignored the warnings of this crap.
Forming another bogus investigation into his handling of the whole thing.
Trying to blackmail the president with another massive multi trillion dollar left-wing wish list filled spending bill.
For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone could ever cast their vote for any of these evil bastards.
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
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Lol... And the despicable dems will do everything they can to make sure it happens...
ReplyDeleteAnd the scumbag 3M executives are selling out the US.
ReplyDeleteTrump is a racist for banning flights from China, but he failed to act soon enough to keep the Wuhan virus out of here.
ReplyDeleteTrump is an idiot snake oil salesman for saying a antimalarial drug might help. Now there is a clamor for it and it is Trump"s fault the supply was not increased.
Trump's daily briefings should no be covered live. We need to fact check it as educated reporters first. We know more than the experts assembled who have multiple years of experience. We are smarter than the morons who watch us.
We in Congress need to ensure all the pork we put in the stimulus bill. Need a political committee to dig up dirt on the President and Republicans only. Democrats are excused because they mean well.
The Hollywood and other elitists will spend the day in luxurious comfort telling us we must sacrifice for the common good.
Morons to the left of me imbeciles to the right of me, idiots in front and dumb asses behind.
Some days it seems I am surrounded.
The Chinese are heroes of the left because they are doing something about overpopulation.
The Left love Joe Biden because they are just like him. Mindless idiots that can not forget fast enough what they said yesterday and hoping the voters won't remember either! Or like Cuomo, saying that the country will never go back to "normal", because they want to use this event to change the whole structure of the government the minds of it's people. So hate driven, that they think they are willing to give up our freedom to bring Trump down! So willing to sell out to China because they do not know how to think for themselves! God, please bless the USA and President Trump as he deals with this ruthless attack on our country!
ReplyDeleteGood Grief and a good morning room 235 KAG President Trump...
ReplyDeleteI was just going to say that SSAH, Best to you and all your family, stay well and away from those Rat Bastards...
ReplyDeleteWhat's it feel like to be an essential worker, following through with tasks that this very country needs right now?
ReplyDeleteI get my wage.
The folks that got sent home, get unemployment benefits, +600 dollars a week on top, plus the stimulus. Go ahead and fact check that if you'd like, I've seen peoples claims in person so I've already verified it. Productive people are getting shit on. Thank you Republicans and Democrats. And now 2.0? No, I don't think so.
So, let me ask again. What's it like to be essential?
It feels like you are just a canary in the coal mine.
And I'm not alone, there's a whole bunch of us that have some questions that need answered.
Have a good weekend folks.
Remember there are a bunch of folks busting there ass right now. If you run into one of them, throw them a cool one. They could use it.
And as always Kevin, thanks for what you are doing out there. America needs us.
To clarify, the 600$ a week extra runs until July 1.
DeleteSo yes, I don't feel sorry for utilities or missed rent and mortgages. The option should not be there. They are getting more than those who produce.
Just like commies.....
Well Hammer, You still have Pride and that pays off down the road, Just Saying..
DeleteRoger that!
DeleteWell keep up the good work. I know what your doing and there are some of us that will be using the things that you and your people are and have been doing.
ReplyDeleteThe recipients of our product have certainly earned it. They're going to receive it hell or high water. Rest assured. And coincidence or not, being used heavily when received and complete. Especially in Leavenworth,
DeleteDo not go there.
The baby killers are out in full force on the urinal. I am doing my best to keep the rabid dogs at bay. I am loving it.
ReplyDeleteCanary in a coal mine is a perfect analogy.
ReplyDeleteWhen this shit first started I was glad to be out there doing my part.
But the more we're out there amongst the deranged masses the more likely we are to coming down with this shit.
I saw a post on Facebook a while back that kinda summed it up.
"I said I could work under pressure. Not die for your company."
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteSleep well Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteIt came to me last night. I wonder if the anti-malaria drug be touted was the same the Army insisted I take daily along with huge salt tablets. Do you remember this Sarge?
ReplyDeleteBeing not be. Only been up a couple of hours. Mind not fully functioning yet.
ReplyDeleteQuote of the day
ReplyDelete“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” – Mark Twain
Skipper that fits a lot people now days I would say...But not sure on the success part....
ReplyDeleteWell I have been thinking very hard all day, and in my opinion if we could just get rid of all the commie liberals , this country would be great and peaceful again. Remember It is just a thought....
ReplyDeleteMakes perfect sense to me...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure I know you all are not in church...
ReplyDeleteThank you Captain Obvious.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning.
ReplyDeleteAH Life!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother day another attack on President Trump and the US. Interesting how the military hating left makes heroes out of any military personnel who fits their agenda. While I can understand the actions of the Captain of the USS Roosevelt, I also can see the necessity of removing him from command. Although he will remain, his career is essentially at a standstill. He will never make Admiral. His decision may have been made with his crew in mind, but he knew the probable consequences. Imagine if a General on D-Day decided Eisenhauer was an idiot and held back his troops from the horrendous slaughter. The military is most effective when orders are followed. That's not to say orders are not disobeyed for what one believes are good reasons. However, one has to be willing to accept the consequences.
ReplyDeleteSimilar to the concept of "civil disobedience."
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting to see if there is another side to this story Tom, Maybe there is and maybe not, It seems like a guy in the Position Knew what was at stake, something isn't in place yet, Just a thought with me.
ReplyDeleteA couple of observations.
ReplyDeleteThe guy probably knowingly broke every rule there is as far as the chain of command goes.
And more importantly his actions signaled to our adversaries that the ship was vulnerable...
Maybe he meant well and felt he had no other choice. Or maybe he's just another Trump hater trying to cause trouble. I guess it all depends on who's telling the story...
I take it you must have heard the whole story, I must have missed it...
ReplyDeleteHis request went through in secure channels. Thereby, as Kevin said, he put the mission in danger by alerting Iran, the Chi-Coms, Russia and all the rest of the UN of the situation.
All I am saying I would like to know what was taking place on that ship before he decided to send the letter, Right now all I know is the ship is safe and the sick on a fast spreading virus is off, as for a mission if sent to war would have been more in danger if half the crew is down and out, I am still waiting to hear a hell of a lot more. I judge not before hearing the rest of the story, but each to their own.
ReplyDeleteOn note I have seen to many people used as scapegoats in my 28 years in this Federal Government, one example General Flynn, and many more.. Just Saying...
ReplyDeleteWhat I do know is that the communist loving dems and their media lap dogs are blaming Trump when he's not even the one who fired the guy.
ReplyDeleteJust another day for the Trump haters...
Hell that's not going to change...
DeleteNew Comment, President Trump is saying that we this country may Lose a couple hundred thousand people this week, I wonder if that was counting was the 5 thousand troops on that ship??? That that Capt may have saved, who knows I sure don't.. Lots to think about...
ReplyDeleteTwo months ago.... Yea, don't worry about a mask. Hurry up, be efficient, focus on your family later. We need you.
Now.... You should wear a mask. Not only can we not provide you one, but there aren't any around to buy. And what there is, you don't qualify as important enough.
By the way, here's some directions on how to make some masks.
And make sure everything gets done, America is counting on you!
Be safe out there folks, and at least thank God shillary ain't in charge.
I got to go mow, and at least I don't need a mask for that.
Happy mowing Hammer. Linda and I will be heading out to the backyard here in a little bit to continue where we left off Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteI tried explaining that it's still a little too chilly.
She called me a pussy.
I'm offended...😝
I hear now that the Capt of that ship has tested Positive for C-19...
ReplyDeleteI am not throwing in the towel on this guy yet!!! As Paul Harvey would say ( Page 2)
DeleteI seen that Been looking for more info but finding any thing is getting hard to do. Seems there is one side going on right now, but like you said there is more to come out I am sure. maybe good maybe bad just have to keep looking.
ReplyDeleteRead the comments section and make up your own mind.
Keep in mind the media also called Bergdahl and Braden Manning a hero.
ReplyDeleteThey're still trying to turn that piece of shit Kaepernick into a hero.
Here's a little something to think about. If Schumer and Pelosi are holding someone up as a hero there's a pretty good chance they're a lying piece of shit.
I'm just saying...
Very true.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant to say was Bradley Manning.
ReplyDeleteRegardless he's one of the biggest pieces of shit that's ever lived...
Well good night room 235....
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Sarge...
ReplyDeleteFYI- Check your garages or workshops for masks you may have used in the past I had two M95 mask I used when I was re-doing our guest bathroom. Those masks may come in handy if push comes to shove. You may have a few masks that you forgot you had hidden in your garage.
ReplyDeleteGood call, Rose...
ReplyDeleteWell I got 10 in my survival kits. Bought them years ago when we found out we have COPD but I have a box of the cheaper style and a unopened pack of 4 drywall masks. So We should be in good shape.
ReplyDeleteOh and a good morning room 235.
DeleteIsn't that great? We cannot test humans unless if they are rich, part of the elite or meet certain criteria. We can however test the tigers in a zoo.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I are playing a game during confinement. It's called "Why did you do it that way?
ReplyDeleteNo winner as of yet.
"Why did you do it that way?"
ReplyDeletesounds like a good game for here too.
I haven't had coffee yet today, thinking it's too late in the morning for it.
ReplyDeleteWhy did I do it that way,,, Because I can... :)
ReplyDeletebut why? :)
Quote for the day
ReplyDeleteFrom “Civics” to “Social Studies”
Civics was a class that you used to be required before you could graduate from high school. You were taught what was in the U.S. Constitution. And after all the student rebellions in the ‘60s, civics was banished from the student curriculum and was replaced by something called social studies. Here we live in a country that has a fabulous constitution and all these guarantees, a contract between the citizens and the government — nobody knows what’s in it. It’s one of the best kept secrets. And so, if you don’t know what your rights are, how can you stand up for them? And furthermore, if you don't know what's in the document, how can you care if someone is shredding it?"
Frank Zappa
Thought for the day
ReplyDeleteJust remember that scared sheep are a lot easier for the wolf to catch than the sheep staying close to the shepherd.
Has any one noticed the media is reporting the number of people that have died, died from complications from the coronavirus?
ReplyDeleteIn other words If you die from a car wreck or a self infected? You will be considered as having died from complications from coronavirus.
DeleteWhy didn't they let the chain of command handle the captain instead of the secretary of Navy which ends up making it political? I am not saying he was right or wrong, guessing he had a problem on board with illness and they wanted him to shut up about it. He decided, BS, I taking care of crew and we aren't doing anything but sitting out here floating around anyhow. We at least know the government lied to us about mask do no good, which wasn't at all logical. Now they are saying they are good and wear them to store. What they should have said in the first place was mask do good, but medical staff need priority.
ReplyDeleteSome th8ing smells about that deal. I don't know which side the smell is coming from. Either he is a trouble maker or the higher up are lying their ass's off to save their ass's. Who knew what and when?
ReplyDeleteDivemaster, I thinking the same thing there was 4 higher ranks above him in the chain , The Sec of the Navy as far as I am concern broke the chain. But for me I am wondering why so many on this blog is jumping in and condemning the Capt, I say it is because the Left Pukie and Shummer jumped in and using him to bad mouth Trump, and they the Left could give a shit less about the Capt, Disappoints me for sure.. Still more to be said on this before it is over.
ReplyDeleteNow we are hearing the Capt had nothing to do with letting troops off that ship in Nam, it was from higher then him. As I said from the being, wait for the rest of the Story. Support our troops.. Like we always have until all the facts are in, this Capt is no Birddog.
ReplyDeleteFair enough Sarge...
ReplyDeleteHe didn't make captain of a carrier plus a pilot by being stupid (28 years experience), he did come up through the ranks and will care more about his crew than some dimwit in Washington DC that spent 7 years in Navy and is now a politician.
ReplyDeleteAmen!! Divemaster, couldn't have said that better, only because I get so pissed off at this kind of shit, I seen enough of it in my 28 years, hang the lowest ranking person in the chain.
DeleteBut at the same time the dems and their lap dogs tried to turn Vindman into some kind of Super Hero when they were trying to railroad President Trump.
ReplyDeleteLike I said yesterday, it all depends on who's telling the story...
Yup and that is why you have play the Card game all the way threw, never fold to soon.
ReplyDeleteI watch the Presidents Briefing like I always do, and today I see he is now talking more to this Capt, in a positive way and high lighting his career, and is going to look more into it, and that is good...
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw it too...
ReplyDeleteThis is good, there is a lot on the President's plate right now and we need to lift him up in prayer.
ReplyDeleteYes we do Divemaster.
DeleteIt is good night time room 235, so good night.
ReplyDeleteOne constant through all of this coronavirus stuff, much like the entire first term of President Trump.... President Trump is front and center and doing what he said he would do, work for the American people.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats don't have a snowball's chance in hell in winning the White House in November.
Good morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteLooking like a good time to take a Nap, maybe if lucky it will be at least 3 hours.
ReplyDeleteDang, must be nice...😎
ReplyDeleteGood grief I got 4 hours, would have got more if it wasn.t for the stupid Cat...
ReplyDeleteThe MSMis really putting the spotlight on the fake "leaders" of NY. If PTrump does or says anything good or hopeful about our country he is blocked from view. I don't want to see the jokers reporting about NY. We want to see our leader giving us the updates not those clowns. Arrogant pieces of s---.
ReplyDeletePlease remember to take your vitamins, especially the multivitamins that contain vitamin C, D, magnesium and zinc. Zinc is important and it is one that is forgotten or overlooked. Drink plenty of water and stay away from people. Please be safe.
Well rose I drink one or two bottles of Boost every day gives me the stuff I don't get I don't eat much as it is but I do have a egg on toast daily. Than I have plenty of barley and Hops daily... 🤡
ReplyDeleteNot remember of the 5000 troops on that ship have families and children and fathers and mothers, And I bet most of those all back that Capt, he may have saved many lives... OH Well Just saying....🙄
ReplyDeleteSarge - I have a horrible eating schedule. I don't eat at all during the day and only eat dinner. I may eat crackers at around 3 am. My doctor advised I needed to eat more fruit and vegtables. I am going to focus on better nutrition. I have never cared for vegetables. I do take a multivitamin every day. Maybe I should drink Boost.
ReplyDeleteWell same here we sound like twins in that dept. Boots by the bottle, Is a little high if you are on a budget, I buy Carnation Breakfast essentials, same as boots but cheaper, shop around price is differ in most places, I buy the 22 pack on amazon, but there also prices very from page to page I pay around $6.50 for 22 serving on prime.
DeleteDam sorry Rose I mean Boost, hehehehe
DeleteCrozier had circulated a memo to Navy leaders last week that was obtained by news media in which he urged speedy action to evacuate the ship of nearly 5,000 sailors as the coronavirus began to escalate.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't they be asking how the memo got to the newspaper? Maybe they have, I don't watch news 24X7? I believe it's good Modly resigned, his actions were too much of a "knee jerk" for his position.
Well Divemaster. I just take it day by day, and after a few days you will be surprised what you will find in the trap...
ReplyDeleteWell it is moving to 8 pm time to say good night to room 235....:)
ReplyDeleteBe well Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeletetop o' the mornin'
ReplyDeleteGood morning all. Hope things are well back home. Where I live, we're doing great. Stores have all the goods we need. We're stocked up. No cases of Chinese flu in our valley. Zero. Hope it stays that way.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter in LA, different story. Her and Son-in-law both got sick, say doc by internet. He said assume you have it. So they haven't been able to leave the house or go to the store. Having groceries delivered. Order today for Monday delivery. Maybe you'll get most of your order.
We bought them a huge load of staples and met in Lancaster, about half way. Couple of coolers and bunch of dry goods. That helped. Got them TP. Still can't get it in LA. Lancaster is a town about the size of Topeka, little smaller. Tried to go to Costco, the line was probably 150 people. Went to a grocery story and when we left they were lined up to get in there. Crazy.
Glad I'm where I am. I feel like when I look at the mountains on all four sides of us it looks like a barrier to keep out the trash.
I know this will pass. I hope everybody survives. This economic damage is going to be worse than the Chinese flu ever could be. This is just what the commie rat bastards have been hoping for. The crash of our free market economy so they can sell people on communism. That's when it happens. That's when the masses make decisions they will have to live with the rest of their lives.
My guess is this will pass and Trump will win in a landslide. House, Senate and Presidency. Then he can get down to the work of rebuilding this country. And America will see once and for all that these commie rat bastard democrats tried to destroy us and failed. They'll be looking for dark holes to hide in and rocks to crawl back under.
I know that there are a few on here that are music fans. I am not a big music person Maybe its because of the type I like. But here is one of my favorites. If you ever like good easy listening with a good story he was one of the best.
ReplyDeleteGrammy-Winning Music Legend John Prine Dies at 73 From Coronavirus Complications
John Prime , the ingenious singer-songwriter who explored the heartbreaks, indignities and absurdities of everyday life in “Angel from Montgomery,” “Sam Stone,” “Hello in There” and scores of other indelible tunes, died Tuesday at the age of 73.
New blog up...