Monday, April 20, 2020

Call to action...

This morning I'm going to share a little notice our good friend Hammertime posted yesterday.

It's time to put an end to this overreaching lock down our governor has imposed on us all.

Is this virus dangerous?


But the so-called cure is becoming way worse than the virus has ever been.

Lives are literally being destroyed.

Our rights are being trampled on and taken away.

If you're okay with that then by all means sit there on the couch and just let it happen.

If you see what I see and if you feel what I feel and if you're able to get out there this coming Thursday and make your voices heard.


TOPEKA, KANSAS, April 17, 2020 – In response to Kansas Gov. Kelly’s Executive Order 20-18 (restrictions on religious organizations) and her newest Executive Order 20-24 (extension of her power past legislative approval) – Convention of States Action is stepping in to help publicize a protest being organized in Topeka for Thursday, April 23rd at noon.

A purely organic grassroots movement of citizens across the state of Kansas is making plans to converge on Topeka and demand that the overbroad and unconstitutional statewide restrictions be lifted immediately. In light of President Trump’s three-stage plan for reopening the states, the flattening of the infection curve in Kansas’ infected areas, and the fact that nearly a third of the state has not reported a single case of COVID-19, the governor’s restrictions are simply too intrusive.

Business owners, laid-off workers, and clergy from around the state plan to drive to Topeka for a rally that will likely be similar to that held in Michigan earlier this week. Organizers are asking everyone to remain in their vehicles and practice appropriate social distancing. Marion resident David P. Schneider, who serves as a Regional Director for Convention of States Action, plans to attend the rally as a private citizen and support the overall effort.

Schneider said, “Governor Kelly has gone too far. The whole goal was to flatten the curve to protect our health care facilities. Now hospitals are laying off workers due to lack of patients. The governor is playing games with Kansans’ livelihoods in the interest of gaining political advantage over the legislature. She’s holding Kansas’ economy hostage until the legislature caves to her desire to expand Medicare for all.”

Mark Meckler, Co-Founder and President of Convention of States Action, issued the following statement in response to Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s Executive Order No. 20-18.

“Governor Kelly’s latest order is a direct assault on the God-given right of freedom of religion, which is enshrined in both the Kansas and United States Constitutions. While social distancing is important, the Governor does not have the authority to interfere with the fundamental right of people to worship their Creator.”

Convention of States Action is a nationwide grassroots movement with over 4 million volunteers and supporters organized in all 50 states. The organization recently launched to help citizens find information about local groups that are pushing back against government overreach. Convention of States Action reminds all attendees at the Topeka rally to abide by constitutional restraints on their activities and to observe the CDC guidelines for reducing the spread of Coronavirus (

Kevin McGinty


  1. The way we are currently fighting this crisis is misguided. Stand with those who believe the cure has become worse than the Wuhan Virus for many parts of this country. People who may be more at risk know how to protect themselves. Unless they are a moron, everyone should know how to protect themselves. The longer this goes on the more likely we are to experience a depression and the more likely the government will take away or restrict our rights.

  2. Forgot to mention it is imperative many show up.

  3. Testicles may make men more vulnerable to corvid 19. Hide behind the wife.

  4. Governor is out of her league on this one. Woefully lost on testing and setting up a plan on antibody testing. Even Cali and NY have this

    President is tweeting out support for his citizens that are being forced to stay at home rather than make money and live. He hasn't established the protests, he only supports his citizens.

    Our governor laid everyone off, and still can't get anyone paid. Just like testing, woefully behind.
    Yet continues to only worry about the religious right, and semantics.

    She was the first to call everything off, and the last to generate a plan to get things going again. That's why we are upset.

    Protest Thursday. Be counted and be heard. Be loud. And if you see the recall ballots? Put your signature on them.


  5. Maybe the Governor has relied in misinformation from her advisors.

  6. You cannot force a business to reopen if they do not want to open. Most businesses closed without fed/state govt. approval.

    Reading about face masks. Masks must be against the face which makes having a beard a not very good idea. Beards will not be a fashion item anymore.

  7. I've tried to read the left wing news papers.... but had to stop before I vomited... their misinformation is rampant and their brainless drones just lap it up like druggies on dope!

  8. There it is. There's the dumbest thing I'm likely to read all day and the day has just begun...


    Here's the script of the most recent press briefing from President Trump, it's from Saturday 4-18

  10. Well now Captain Obvious pops up on cue. Most of your post is fairly obvious and to which I would reply, Duh
    Your second sentence is an obvious lie.

  11. it's really too bad that the liberal news doesn't report the truth.

  12. Instead of lecturing last week about how to do a safe Easter egg hunt, maybe the governor could of done her job and increased testing sites.

    She apparently wants to keep us closed, so wouldn't you think testing more infected would help with that?

    No, because if we started our antibody testing her narrative will be destroyed. People already have had this, and we were too late. Just like California.

    Won't be able to remain afraid after the tests come out. And that would be a problem for her, when folks have been stuck at home and have the antibodies.

    But hey, liberals never were any good at math and science. That's why they have 50+ genders....

  13. The libs can't help themselves, they have to politicize everything and their games is what is costing lives and yet they have the gall to blame President Trump.

  14. the libs are full of exaggerated factless junk!

  15. The Journaists's first responsibility is to report the truth - that is what is lacking in the liberal biased media...they report lies and half truths and they are trying to manipulate the public into believing misinformation.

  16. Hey Anon,

    My high school science teacher said we were heading into a mini ice age. That CEO probably has a lot of McD stock he Hope's will rise.

  17. Shouldn't you stop spreading your lies blue?

  18. another thing blue.... your erroneous babble is nothing but factless liberal propaganda!

  19. Blue, you are the bearer and the spreader of lies. Your sources are extremely seriously flawed.

  20. blue, what's more is that you know that your sources are flawed and you know you're spreading nothing but lies -

  21. that doesn't say much for you does it blue?

  22. and you've done it to yourself - and you have no one but yourself.

  23. Kevin, Safe.... is there a way to block the IP of the troll? Would really like to see the troll go *poof* permanently.

  24. Obama liked him some protests.
    Remember "hands up, don't shoot?"

    I will always remember that one.

    I think about it every August, when we celebrate Michael Browns anniversary of sobriety...

    Maybe "I can't breathe"...

    Maybe "If I had a son, he'd look just like Trayvon..."

    Take your pick. Obama stood by violent fake unlawful insurrection as protests.

    My good president Trump stands by his folks that lawfully demonstrate their 1A and 2A rights.
    How patriotic.


  25. I remember how Obama hated the military and law enforcement too. Among other junk.

  26. Small amount of White privilege :

    Having to protest, to go BACK to work.

    Large amount of White privilege :

    Being defined as essential, taking a pay cut, longer hours, working the "hazards", unable to protest the fact that nobody is around to help.

  27. Obama supported lawlessness, vandalism, and assault!

  28. I'm so-o-o-o-o-o glad that we actually have a President in office that is actually working for ALL Tax Paying Americans!!!! Obama sure didn't!!!

  29. It's a blessing that we have him to turn it around, a second time.

    That will take TDS to the next level.

    I just hope it's fatal.

  30. I'm pretty sure the protest Thursday will do less damage for viral spread than the NY subway system.

    Listen, I've ridden that thing when there wasn't a Pandemic.

    You might as well sit in the bottom of a dumpster, and ride around in that.

    So Thursday will be fine, we'll unless you are a lib or the governor.


  31. Thank you President Trump. MAGA

  32. I don't drive so no big deal, Unemployment is nil now. So why worry.. MAGA 2020

  33. I saw a Bobcat also this morning, It is on a trailer 4 house down working.

  34. Buy two maybe you will learn something, Oh I noticed you didn't say anything about the House Dem s are off till may 8th doing nothing for the country, you must have forgotten that and still they are getting paid Hummmm But Trump will make them get off their ass and get back to work.

  35. Oil and gas will come back. Anyone with smarts knows you are only talking about west Texas futures.

    Better check on June deliveries.

    And like I said earlier, thank God for Trump to do it again! Can't think of anyone better for the job!


  36. Thanks for straightening out the weather, Sarge.

    Much better now!

  37. I am here to help my friend. Enjoy it Hammer.

  38. Veo que el azul estúpido está arrojando diarrea otra vez. No puede evitarlo, considerando sus fuentes.

    1. Thank you Sarge :)

      wink wink

    2. You are special, like many others out hear,nice to see you pop in now and then. :):)

  39. Yes it is.

    Oh, and good morning America...

  40. President Trump suspends all immigration to The United States.

    Heads are gonna explode...

    1. The exploding heads always have been doing that... it's their favorite thing to do when common sense hit them... :)

  41. North Korea leader is reported to be brain dead.

    Who knew he was a liberal?

    1. just woke up a little bit ago, just now caught onto your comment... hee hee… jeepers I need coffee! :)

  42. Good Morning, yes I saw that too. Here is President Trump's tweet from last night.

    Donald J. Trump


    In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!

    9:06 PM - Apr 20, 2020

  43. Reading up on Kim.... the article in the Washington Times said that CNN (Clinton News Network) reported the story.

    Report: Kim Jong-un in 'grave danger' after surgery

    From the article, it said he had heart surgery. We know he's a smoker and that he's obese.

  44. On Kim.... there's stories disputing that he's gravely surprise there.

    Being that N. Korea, much like China, Russia, and Cuba.... (and other communist countries) they're so secretive -

    Have you noticed that Russia, N. Korea, and Cuba haven't said anything about coronavirus in their countries?

  45. I have another question... Why isn't the United Nations being silent on this coronavirus stuff?

  46. unless I'm not up with the latest on the UN and the communist countries / corona virus stuff

  47. I believe the WHO from Whoville is a UN organiztion.

  48. Thanks Thomas.... I forgot about that - I guess what I meant was being that this virus originated in China and because of China, the coronavirus was unleashed upon the world....(whether it was intentional or accidental) one would think that the UN would persuade China to accept responsibility for this.


    Tracking COVID-19 testing in the US

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not yet publicly provided comprehensive state testing counts. The COVID Tracking Project is doing so here, however results vary based on how state health departments report tests and infections.

    If you go to the link, the article on the Washington Times has a table that is 4 pages as it lists the current stats per state.

  50. Because China has veto power on the UN Security Council and because the UN is predominantly anti-US it won't happen. Our ambassador has already tried to no avail. Trump decided to pull the financing because of this.

  51. ok, now I understand. Sounds like there's a bunch of socialistic commies in the UN

  52. Unfortunately true. We should pull more funds, as we finance the majority of this anti-US organization.

  53. The UN should be moved to another Country, worthless for sure.

  54. Flyover was cool. I'm hearing it's for a firefighter? Anyone else see or know anything about it?

  55. Not me, Locked up like a dog...

  56. Somebody just said it's an honor flight I guess.
    Longtime EMT/FD for KC passed away.

    Wonder if he was a vet?

    You don't see the "missing man" formation to often, or planes popping smoke.

    I'll have to check the KC news to find out some info.

  57. Well doesn't look anyone is up...

  58. Right that is your slacker day, ya gotta love it when that happens. :)

  59. Good morning, looks like you are in for some rain storms this monday.

  60. I can hear the whining Dems already. Trump instructed the Navy to shoot any Iranian speed boat harassing our ships.

  61. Lol Rose me also, But I hear the Iranians whining more... Don't Mess with us we are in No mood for their bullshit.

    1. Sorry Tom meant that for you. But Rose is okay also, Lol

  62. Growing up we had a house with a basement. When the tornado sirens sounded, we went to the basement. Some neighbors didn't have basements, so they were always welcome to come shelter in ours. You all know, 99% of tornado warning are false alarms, no tornados. Couple of exceptions, but most times no tornado.

    When the all clear sounded, we had some neighbors who wouldn't leave. They were petrified with fear, thought there might be more tornados. My brother and I would go outside, usually to blue skies or maybe some rain. But the tornado obviously had not happened.

    But the neighbors would long outstay their welcome.

    Seems like today the same thing has happened. People are getting irritated because the neighbors want to stay in their basements, but they want everybody to stay in their basements. And a lot of governments are making everybody stay in their basement.

    The tornado is gone. Yes, there might be another one. We'll deal with that one. But the damage done by staying in your basement instead of getting out and going back to work and cleaning up yard is a lot of damage too. And pissing off your neighbors by refusing to leave and shutting down their lives out of your fear won't have a good outcome.

    Maybe we need to stick our head out the door and have a look. Bet the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

  63. People are confused about what flattening the curve means. This was never about shutting the country down until the virus ran its course. That's impossible. Always was.

    The point was, the virus would spread and if you track it you see a fast rise, a curve. The goal was to slow down that first spread, that curve. Flatten it. So our medical system would not be overwhelmed by the fast spread and not be able to handle the load. That's where the real risk was. The thinking was if they could slow it, the medical system could keep up. It worked. Hospitals kept up. In fact, hospitals are not full in most places. They are cutting pay, laying off staff. Stormont cut the pay of all their non clinical workers.

    There was never a goal to stop the virus. That's not possible. The goal was to buy some time, get a handle on it. Maybe find a vaccine. Maybe find some treatment options. Start building herd immunity. Get testing in place. All happening.

    But it was always known it would continue to spread. But the goal was always to try to at least control it a little. Maybe it worked, maybe not. But there's a point they have to let it go. It's going to spread. More people will get it. Lots more. But the only other option is false security by keeping the country locked down until it's gone, which will never happen. The longer you try, the longer it lasts. And our country will be destroyed.

    This is exactly what the democrat/communists are hoping for. So they can blame Donald Trump, win the next election and implement their commie agenda. Make Americans so dependent on government they will be able to do anything they want.

    Make beggars of us, we'll be easier to control.

  64. This moron is no longer fun to mess with. Reminds me of someone who took one too many acid trips.

  65. What good is your government check if 90 percent of the stores are shut down, 50 percent of the items you want to buy are considered "nonessential" and restricted, and the items you are allowed to buy are skyrocketing in price? The common American is being set up for a shock they are not prepared for when they realize that government checks (Universal Basic Income) are barely going to keep them alive, let alone grant them months of paid leisure. I think the awareness of this will hit the general public in around 60 days.

    To reiterate, the supply chain breakdown will go mainstream in a couple of months. The stores are sparse right now; they are stretching inventory to fill the gap in shelves and limiting purchases on a long list of items to one per customer, but they aren't in crisis mode yet. With the biggest producers of meat products shutting down as well as farms having trouble hiring workers to process produce and other goods.

    The lockdowns caused an initial drop in some prices due to closed restaurants and oversupply, but this is soon to end as supply is about to be destroyed because of a lack of production. Economic collapse rarely if ever leads to advantages for consumers; this is a fallacy from the depression era which for some reason is still perpetuated by uneducated economists today.

  66. A collapse in production leads to less supply, and thus higher prices... and the cycle continue until everything breaks and the populace is reduced to one of two choices — poverty or self-sufficiency.

    The extent of the crisis will become much clearer in the next two months to the majority. The result will be civil unrest in the summer, likely followed by extreme poverty levels in the winter. No measure of "reopening" is going to do much to stop the avalanche that has already been started. The solution is always the same: localized trade and production and removing yourself and your community from dependency on the establishment-controlled economy. It's certainly difficult, but it is possible. What is not possible is fixing the broken and corrupt economy we have now or stopping the current collapse. This is a fool's errand for people living in unicorn land.

  67. I have been right a hell of a lot more than you. who is President, It isn't Hillary. Hahahahhahahhahah

  68. I got a feeling unknown you didn't take my advice years ago and be prepared.. To bad..

  69. Thoughts for the day...

    Well, turns out the CDC may have infected many individuals with first rounds of testing. The Gov't?

    Yep, the CDC and test kits infected with SARS-COV2. Made in China.
    Just astonishing.

    But it's to no avail anyway, USC just published a research paper noting that you can multiply infected numbers by 28-55 times! Combine that with the death rate?

    Ladies and gentlemen, you have a nasty WU-flu. With a death rate well under .8%.

    It was here, we stopped nothing. You want to test? Use only serology tests NOT made in chicom land. That will give you definitive results.

    Meanwhile, you are starving entrepreneurs and small business owners, with forced stay at home orders. Producing nothing while expecting to have something to consume tomorrow.

    That's insanity.

    And that's why we are standing up to it tomorrow.

    Less than 24 hours to go.
    Tyrant fearful governors must be stood up to.
    See you there folks.


    Quarantine is keeping sick people at home.
    Tyranny is keeping well people at home.

  70. And boy, oh boy did Safe and Sarge drop some knowledge earlier.

    Great posts from those dudes today. While I'm out and about I'll have to check in. The 235 is due for some stuff from Rikki today, I'm sure.

    Peace and chicken grease peeps


  71. the only one who is bad around here troll is you....and you are certifiably delusional too.

  72. Makes sense Hammer. Why in H would any one want to use testing equipment, or any kind of medical ,medication or any thing that even came from China. If the virus came from the same place that makes the medicine. Well go ahead but I am not into it.

  73. Drink more Beer and everything will be okay...

  74. Not you Kevin drink more coffee does the same thing, No mountain berry shit, Hear me...

  75. but Sarge :) that wild mountain blueberry is fantabulous!

    hee hee :)

    1. mixed with half n' half.... why it's just down right yummy! :)

    2. Good Grief what the hell is half and half. ??? Stay 6 feet from Rikki, :)

    3. buy it in the dairy case next to the milk... it's half creame / half milk. Stronger than 4%

  76. Oh Sorry Half and half is Obama, I get it Now.

  77. Tap your right arm Sarge….

    hee hee :)

    Guess what.... that's me tagging you... as in "Tag Ur It"... ha ha ha ha ha

  78. Have a great day, give my best to Rick,..:)

  79. Now you gotta tag someone else Sarge… that's how "Tag" works...

    hee hee :)

  80. I'll pass that along to Rick for you :)

  81. I'll check back in later.... to see who Sarge tagged.... my guess he'll tag Hammer

  82. Tag?? I don't play Tag. I am it bottom line everyone eles runs away. Something like that.

    1. yes you're it :) hee hee

      in the morning I'll raise my mugs worth of wild mountain blueberry coffee to you :) good stuff maynard ;)

  83. Oh dear, a complete humiliation of the CDC Director by a complete ignoramus. The director was asked what he just said by a reporter. Director does not want to be there with dear leader watching him. Arguing about whether virus will come back in the fall -- will it leave?

    dear leader solved the ventilator problem! Dear leader is nuts and going off the rails and in effect becoming a fool!!!

  84. Dear leader announced Blue Angels will be performing over some cities this summer. Dear leader was reading aloud about how he disagrees with the GA Governor opening up and looked surprised that he was reading this. Dear leader said we are doing more testing than anyone else in the world! look mad when a reported laughed.

  85. So whats your problem, oh eat ice cream...

  86. well, troll I'd rather have Donald Trump at the helm instead of the has been washed up Hillary!! She's the ultimate embarrassment of the ASS Political Party....

  87. Of course you know that Hillary is "Persona Non Grata".....

  88. to help you out troll, since you're missing a brain....

    persona non grata is someone unacceptable / unwelcome... much like you !

  89. Oh that's what that means, dam I learn something every day...

  90. 🎼♩♪♫♬🎼♩♪♫♬🎼♩♪♫♬🎼♩♪♫♬🎼♩♪♫♬🎼♩♪♫♬

    Poor, poor troll...his new song he's singing is "If I only had a brain"...

  91. I think unknown needed to go find some TP...

    1. but he's gonna be heartbroke...the shelves at the store are bare

  92. Well he should have been prepared.

    1. well supporting Hillary like he's no wonder he ain't prepared

    2. he boarded the wrong train - but that's because he ain't got no brain...

      hee hee


  93. I can only stick around for a little bit longer then I have to get back in the some stuff to prepare for tomorrow's dinner with my awesomely adorable grandson - he loves jello salad with colored marshmellows :) and Rick is going to make up some cottage cheese salad (like the stuff we brought to the summit a couple of years back). we've got the veggie assortment to chop up..(red onion, celery, rashishes, bell pepper)

    1. dammit!! radishes... geesh I wished there was an "edit" button here...

      ha ha ha :)

  94. For all you Chiefs fans... I found this on's 40 minutes of the players mic'd up during the Super Bowl...

    Open an beer and enjoy :)

  95. Gee's make a few hamburgers, save time. Good Grief.

    1. that's what son is grilling up :)

      We're bringing the salad side and dessert

  96. Good Grief half the day is gone.

  97. Going to be in the mid 70"s today, little rain tomorrow.

  98. raising my mugs worth of Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee to y'all :)

  99. and a lot of smiles, cheerfulness, top o' the mornin' greetings to y'all…

    hee hee hee :)

  100. I am also feeling melodius!! watch out :) I could break out in song!


  101. Al Hirt - Java

  102. Here's some more lively moozic... to get y'all toe tappin' and jump started for the day...

    Benny Goodman Sing Sing Sing (with the awesome Gene Krupa on drums)

    p.s. I'd rather listen to upbeat moozic instead of the dulldrums main stream news today - changing things up is a good thing!!!!

  103. Glenn Miller Pennsylvania 6-5000

  104. Glenn Miller St. Louis Blues March

  105. ok, that's all the moozic I'm gonna post for a while this morning...

    moozic is good for the soul, uplifts and cheers up

  106. Captain Obvious appears again. Tell me something that didn't appear in the MSM anti-Trump news.

  107. Tell me the last time or any time Trump led in any poll.

  108. So besides not answering my question you have conceded the 2020 to President Trump. Maybe you are a little bit intelligent after all.

  109. Lol... You're doing it all over again, Dipshit.

    Remember back in 2016?

    Remember when all the polls had Hillary at something like 97% and Trump sitting at 3% clear up to the day of the election?

    Remember how you placed all your hopes and dreams on what those polls were telling you?

    Remember that?

    I do.

    Every single mainstream media poll is completely worthless.


    Because the vast majority of the American people have quit watching them.

    But if believing what Rachel Madcow helps get you through the day, knock yourself out...

  110. Trump doesn't win Polls he Wins Elections, hahahahahahhahahah Good Grief.

  111. Now Sarge, don't get our little troll all confused.

    I mean, Rachel Madcow promised him.

  112. He needs to listen to me, on and good morning again I left for a Nap just before she posted this morning, but good Morning Rikki.

  113. good morning Sarge & everyone :)

    I see the troll got loose again - he needs the guys in white to collect him and put him back in his padded cell...

  114. Well, it's time.

    The time comes when a man only post so much. Can only tweet so much.

    It's time to play the chips, and take my place on a sidewalk or in the truck.

    Just us and the Gadsden Flag.

    Tyranny must not be allowed. Contain the sick, let the well be free.



  115. And today you proved how incompetent you are, April 23 2020... Mark it down.

  116. You should have been prepared dummy...

  117. I'd let him talk if he could do something besides parrot lines of attack he's getting from places like CNN. But that's obviously too. Much to ask...

  118. Last year, unhinged House Democrats continued their unprecedented crusade against President Trump and sued the Treasury Department in a last-ditch effort to release the President’s tax returns.

    Ever since they lost the 2016 election, Democrats have been frothing at the mouth to expose the President’s tax returns for purely partisan purposes. During the 2018 midterm elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even bragged that exposing the President’s tax returns “is one of the first things [the Democrat House would] do — that’s the easiest thing in the world. That’s nothing.”

    Despite their claims to the contrary, we know the truth: Petty partisanship is their only motivation here and the Left is clearly seeking the president’s tax returns in an attempt to embarrass a political opponent.

    Last week, An inspector general report exonerated Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin of all wrongdoing in his handling of President Trump’s tax returns.

  119. The sad truth is that Democrats are willing to weaponize the IRS just to release the president’s tax returns. The recent Inspector General report shows that Mnuchin has handled this situation appropriately, unlike Congressional Democrats.

  120. Well you just keep holding your breath, The Dem's have not won one yet, KAG 2020 hahahhaha Winning Baby.

  121. troll, los hombres de blanco te están buscando

  122. and just like that, diarrhea mouth is gone

    good riddance to bad rubbish!

  123. Man the fastest poof ever, And a big Hello Chavez...

  124. I told diarrhea mouth that the men in white were looking for him. Maybe he's gone hiding again :)

  125. Hope he stays there this time., Good weather all week, little rain tomorrow, time to enjoy the sun even if it is only in the back yard.

  126. agreed. too nice a day to stay inside, gotta get some sunrays on my headlights :)

  127. might even stop by the car wash to shine up.

  128. I noticed those Head light are not as bright as the old avatar, but still nice. :):)

  129. Chinese journalist who disappeared for weeks after reporting on the coronavirus cover-up resurfaces in video praising police
    A Chinese citizen journalist who went missing for nearly two months after exposing the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan has resurfaced in a video praising police for its "civil" and "legal" treatment of him.Li Zehua, 25, was one of several citizen journalists who went poof, being thoroughly brain washed..I am sure .

  130. If they were not suppose to get it Trumps people will get it back, he has already been doing it, so stop whining. Good Grief.. Hillary lost her ass get over it.

  131. Boy one hell of a business man for sure. Smarter than the average Hillary...

  132. President gives his salary away, every quarter.

    Hillary wouldn't of done that. Lol

    Besides, after today, there are a bunch of us not afraid of voicing our opinion and demonstrating freedom anymore.

    We did it at the governors place of business. In a group, of more than ten. In front of cops....


    Four more years!

  133. My wife was there and had a blast...

    1. Good to hear. More folks there than I thought. Great weather.

  134. Grab your blanket and stay there in your hidey hole...

  135. Good Grief the American langues has changed. Or I am Just Old....

  136. But that doesn't mean I'm going to roll up in a ball and cry myself to sleep...

  137. What are you saying? You think I am? I am offended.

  138. I've been out there on the front lines of this shit since day one.


    Because people are counting on me.

    1. You are one of my Hero's...

    2. You a truck driver and in a truck. My daughter is a nurse and still never got masks from govt (you lied sgt) - but from veterinarians and donors. God help you if she cared for you because she has no heart for tRump sucksups as she seen the results.

  139. Well Sarge, at least don't have to wait for CNN to tell you what to be offended by... lol

  140. Replies
    1. That's what you get paid for I just wish the House in Government would do the same.

  141. You are losing it haahahahahhaha, but you always have MAG,... 2020

  142. Easy anon. Your fear and anger make you look desperate man.

    Gonna be a long four more years....

    I hope your TDS is fatal.

  143. This is about the most sensible thing I have heard. A lot of truth here.
    ‘Make America Healthy Again’: Dr. Nicole Saphier Explains How a Healthier America Starts at Home, Not Washington

  144. I'm glad to be out there with you Kevin. Proud.

    But I ain't gonna lie, a couple of vacation days this week was needed. Lol
    Be back out next week.


  145. Vacation days what the hell is those? :):):)

  146. not really I am on vacation all the time, is is not all that great, hahahhhah I lie it is, :):)

  147. Well it looks like a good time to close up shop, Good night room 235...

  148. too early for me to be awake, but here I am :)


    Part 1 of 2:

    just saw this on the Washington Times:

    Pro-Trump Georgia Democrat reverses decision to resign after 'overwhelming support'

    By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Thursday, April 23, 2020
    Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones has changed his mind about resigning from the state legislature, announcing Thursday that he would “remain on the battlefield” despite the Democratic outcry over his endorsement of President Trump.
    Mr. Jones, a black Democrat, said he received “an overwhelming amount of support” from his constituents, as well as “fellow Georgians and fellow Americans from across this country,” after declaring Wednesday that he had “left the plantation” and would step down.
    “You know what, America?” said Mr. Jones in an online video. “I thought about it, and I talked to my family and I talked to my supporters, and because of what you did for me, I am going to remain on the battlefield. I am going to complete my term, I am going to put my country before my party.”

    He added, “That was emotion. That was motivation.”
    Mr. Jones has been decried by fellow Democrats since announcing earlier this month that he would support Mr. Trump’s 2020 reelection bid, prompting House leaders to endorse his primary foe, Rhonda Taylor, and local Democrats to seek to censure him.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. needing to re-do part 2 of 2:

  151. Part 2 of 2.... the rest of the story:

    “Little did I know that I would receive such a barrage of attacks and name-calling by the far left of the Democratic Party,” Mr. Jones said.

    The Lithonia Democrat served in the state legislature from 1993 to 2001, then returned in 2017 after an eight-year stint as DeKalb County Chief Executive Officer.
    Democratic Party of Georgia chairwoman Nikema Williams denounced him in an April 14 statement, calling him “an embarrassment to the Democratic Party” who “does not stand for our values.”
    Once again, Mr. Jones vowed Thursday to do “everything I can to help Donald J. Trump get reelected.”
    “He’s the man for this job, he’s the man for this office,” said Mr. Jones. “You know what, America? Together, we’ve already made a change. I got you and you got me. I’ve got gaps and you’ve got gaps, but together, America, we have no gaps.”
    He signed off with, “I love you, let’s continue to have dialogue, and let’s continue to make America great again. Peace out, America.”
    Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, responded to the Georgia legislator’s change of heart by tweeting, “Thank you for demonstrating the courage of your convictions.”

    Vernon Jones

    Thank you, Senator Cruz. You’re a courageous American.

    Ted Cruz


    Thank you for demonstrating the courage of your convictions.

    4:41 PM - Apr 23, 2020

  152. all I can say is WOW....a Democrat seeing through what the Democratic Party does to its own... I've said it before (back in 2016) the Dems devour their own...which is what happened to Bernie back in 2016. He didn't learn though, he went back for another round of being the main course of the Democratic Smorgosborg.

    The Dems tried to bully Vernon Jones, but he had a statement for them....Vernon Jones decided to put his country before his party!

  153. It's refreshing to see a Democrat put needs of America before the status quo of the Democratic Party.

  154. Wondering if I should take a short Nap, decisions decisions.


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