A little something for you guys to ponder this morning. That is, if you can get through the bullshit we're being bombarded with every single day.
The non-stop public service announcements about staying home and saving lives.
The "Big Brother" style loud speaker announcements about social distancing, wearing masks, blah, blah, friggin blah in parking lots all across the country.
Being herded in and out of hardware and grocery stores like cattle everywhere we go.
The only thing we're doing together is watching the our freedoms and our country being destroyed a little at a time.
Scores of Physicians Want Americans to Know the Truth about Coronavirus: Continued Lockdown Dangerous, Even Deadly

As the restrictions put in place by the federal and state government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus morph from weeks to months, physicians said on a conference call with reporters on Tuesday that the real threat to Americans is the lack of access to health care.
Screen grab/A Doctor A Day website
It’s fear, not the virus, that is leading to dangerous and deadly health outcomes, from children falling behind on routine vaccines to people with serious conditions like heart disease and depression staying at home instead of seeking help.
“I just feel that’s there’s a very big disconnect between what the average American thinks is going on and what’s actually going on,” Dr. Simone Gold, an emergency room physician, said on the call.
Gold told reporters about a middle-aged woman she met in the emergency room who had fallen while attempting to color her own hair because she couldn’t go to a salon.
The woman had a broken hip and shoulder and required surgery.
Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry, said on the call that for the first time in his ten years of praticing, he lost a patient. The woman, who suffered from depression and had struggled with drug addiction, died at home alone of an opioid overdose.
“I am certain that the cause of her death was due to a withdrawal of support in the community, and the withdrawal of her ability to be in school, her inability to [deal with] the added stress,” McDonald said.
And fear of dying from the virus is being fomented by the media, the physicians said.
“All you have to do is watch the six o’clock news here in L.A. to know why they are avoiding the health care system,” Dr. Steven Giannotta, the chairman of neurosurgery at the University of Southern Californian, said on the call. “Because we’ve allowed the media … to stigmatize COVID positivity.” He went on to say:
They give two statistics every time — they open their newscast with the number of people who have tested positive for COVID and immediately adjacent to that, the number of people who have died with COVID making, unfortunately, in the viewer’s mind, a nexus between COVID positivity and death.It’s stigmatized our health care system and people are afraid to access the health care system for fear of becoming COVID positive, as if that is the worst possible outcome.
But, in fact, it is far more dangerous to stay at home if you have a serious health condition that needs regular treatment, Giannotta said.
Dr. Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician in California, said on the call that the lockdown is also hurting young people who are missing out on social time with friends and classroom structure as schools continue to be shuttered.
Hamilton said that the Los Angeles Times reported that online learning is not replacing either experiences and that 15,000 students have disappeared as it related to being in touch with teachers online and some 40,000 students have failed to check in daily.
Hamilton warned about “the emotional and social toll that this is taking on children being in lockdown for this period of time.”
“Issues of depression, suicide, stress, that sense of futility, despair, fear, and paranoia really, are taking hold in our young people,” Hamilton said.
Moreover, the doctors agree that while the initial lockdown for a couple weeks or so to make sure that hospitals and the health care infrastructure was prepared for a surge of the coronavirus was wise, the ongoing restrictions are not only not helping stop the spread of the disease but are delaying the inevitable course of this and many other viruses.
“The reality of herd immunity is obviously we don’t know until we know,” Dr. Jeffrey Barke, co-founder of the Person Care Physicians in Newport Beach, California, said. “But we have examples of past respiratory viral infections where we’ve been able to reach a level of herd immunity to protect the most vulnerable.”
“For every child and for every young adult that is locked indoors and is not allowed to be exposed to the virus when they overwhelming do well, especially if you are under the age of 40 or even 50, that’s one person less to achieve that level of herd immunity,” Barke said. He continued:
Even if we don’t get up to the recommended 60, 70 or 80 percent of immunity within the population – even it we only reach 30 or 40 percent – that’s 30 or 40 percent of Americans that are exposed, that are immune and that are no longer able to spread the virus and are able, in some regard, to protect the most vulnerable.So the reality is that we are way past the time where being locked down makes any scientific or medical sense. We are taking the healthiest folks – the youngest, the strongest, our children – and we are in effect protecting the healthiest herd from being exposed and allowing them to get herd immunity.So this idea that somehow we have to wait for a vaccination or a cure to this virus in order to open up schools just makes no scientific sense whatever.
“in my view, this is a pandemic of hysteria and emotional overload,” McDonald said. “Beyond a medical pandemic.”
“And the downstream consequences medically are very, very severe,” McDonald said.
The conference call, which was hosted by the Tea Party Patriots Action, was also held to announce the launch of a website to educate the public and also to announce that more than 500 doctors have signed a letter delivered to President Donald Trump to share their concerns.
“There are more than one miliion licensed physicians in this country,” the website states. “Do you really believe there is only one opinion? Thousands of physicians have something to tell you.”
“America needs a second opinion,” the website states.
The A Doctor A Day website will feature daily stories from doctors across the country.
The letter to Trump, after thanking the president for his leadership during the health crisis, was crafted to “express our alarm over the exponentially growing negative health consequences of the national shutdown.”
ADAD Letter – Signed by Breitbart News on Scribd
The letter also said, in part:
We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients. The downstream health effects of deteriorating a level are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error.It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people’s health with a continued shutdown. Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful events, and the effect on a person’s health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million other people. Keeping schools and universities closed is incalculably detrimental for children, teenagers, and young adults for decades to come.The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise.
And the lockdown has also hurt many workers, including staff that work for physicians, including nurses and technicians, who are so often now regularly celebrated for being on the “frontlines” of fighting the virus.
Gold said when people thank her for her work and express worry that she and other in the health care sector are “overwhelmed” she responds otherwise.
“I cannot say strongly enough that the health care system not only is not overwhelmed, it is underwhelmed,” Gold said. “I can give you scores of nurses who have been laid off and scores of technicians that have been laid off.”
“Emergency physicians have cut their hours by 35 percent,” Gold said.
She said her hospital laid off 50 percent of its technicians.
“I’ve never seen anything like this in my career,” Gold said.
Moreover, the doctors said that reopening the country is not as difficult as some would say if “commonsense” protocols are followed. And that does not include mandatory mask-wearing or social distancing.
“This concept of social distancing, I think, has sort of gotten away from us,” Dr. Scott Barbour, an orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta, said on the call. “There’s no scientific data to back up social distancing.”
And, Barbour said, his practice, which employs about 130 people, has mostly remained in operation over the course of the shutdown, with the exception of treating certain high-risk patients.
“I think what this shows is that we can reopen the country with commonsense precautions, like washing hands, avoiding shaking hands and cleaning surfaces like doorknobs and countertops that are likely to be contaminated,” Barbour said.
The physicians told a reporter who suggested on the call that this coalition is political because it partnered with the Tea Party for the call said they chose Jenny Beth Martin’s organization because they fight for health care freedom and the importance of the patient/doctor relationship.
“We are basically sick and tired of the politicization of our health care field,” Barke said. “We just want to take care of patients.”
“Thousands and thousands of doctors across this country that want nothing more than to get back to work to care of their patients and provide the best health care that they possible can,” Barker said. “We want to take politics out of health care and get back to the art of taking care of patients once again.”
Follow Penny Starr on Twitter
I do believe there is a virus out there but I do not think it is what it is hyped up to be. I do wear a mask when I go out, but that is because my husband inforces me to wear a mask. My immune system is still slightly compromised due to my radiation treatments. I have always taken precautions when I am in crowded areas and I have always been a hand washer so my routine hasn't changed much. Most people down here do wear masks and to be honest I mostly wear a mask to make those around me feel more comfortable. I wouldn't let this COVID virus stop me from going to work but I wouldn't get on a plane and fly across the country. I think it is mostly a scam and the dems are pushing the fear factor.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me like there a lot of Bullshit going on, they can't beat Trump face to face so lets ruin the country Dem's 101.
ReplyDeleteThis country in the past has quarantined the infected. Why are we now quarantining the uninfected as well? As I have previously stated, the hand washing, masks, not shaking hands and sanitizers should be the protocol every flu season for those with compromised immune systems.
ReplyDeleteI willing to bet that never Happen unknown...Bullshit I say.
DeleteThe Wuhan Virus is not the "Black Death" of the Middle Ages. As much as I can in the present situation, I try not to let it dictate my lifestyle. Full disclosure, I only have one risk factor, my age.
ReplyDeleteVirtue signaling, Tom.
ReplyDeleteApartheid in SA, years ago while they had issues, caused the poor blacks to suffer more than rich whites.
So, WHO decided we can't do that. The sick and the healthy, rich and poor all get treated like they are contagious.
Much like the virue signaling in the name of the virus. It isn't Covid 19. It's Sars COV2. But WHO was worried that name would slight China, because of Sars in 2002-2003.
That's why this is all wrong and Kevin's info is correct. We aren't taking this serious, because we are worried about feelings and not truth.
Welcome to America.
We beat them at the polls, or we go to the rifles. As patriotic Americans, that is what we are left with.
ReplyDeleteA reminder about what life is really about.
ReplyDeleteI arrived at the address and honked the horn.
After waiting a few minutes I honked again.
Since this was going to be my last ride of
my shift I thought about just driving away,
But instead I put the car in park and
walked up to the door and knocked...
'Just a minute', answered a frail,
elderly voice. I could hear something
being dragged across the floor
After a long pause, the door opened.
A small woman in her 90's stood before me.
She was wearing a print dress
and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it,
like somebody out of a 1940's movie.
By her side was a small nylon suitcase.
The apartment looked as if no one had
lived in it for years.
All the furniture was covered with sheets.
There were no clocks on the walls, no
knickknacks or utensils on the counters.
In the corner was a cardboard box filled
with photos and glassware.
'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said.
I took the suitcase to the cab,
then returned to assist the woman.
She took my arm and we walked slowly
toward the curb.
She kept thanking me for my kindness.
'It's nothing', I told her. 'I just try to treat
my passengers
The way I would want my mother to
be treated.'
'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said.
When we got in the cab,
she gave me an address and then asked,
'Could you drive through downtown?'
'It's not the shortest way,' I answered
quickly..'Oh, I don't mind,' she said.
'I'm in no hurry.
I'm on my way to a hospice’
I looked in the rear-view mirror.
Her eyes were glistening.
'I don't have any family left,'
she continued in a soft voice…
'The doctor says I don't have very long.'
ReplyDeleteI quietly reached over and shut off the meter.
'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.
For the next two hours, we drove through the city.
She showed me the building where she
had once worked as an elevator operator.
We drove through the neighborhood
where she and her husband had lived
When they were newlyweds.
She had me pull up in front of a furniture
warehouse that had once
Been a ballroom where she had gone
dancing as a girl.
Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of
a particular building or corner
And would sit staring into the darkness,
saying nothing.
As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon,
She suddenly said, 'I'm tired. Let's go now'.
We drove in silence to the address
she had given me.
It was a low building, like a small
convalescent home,
With a driveway that passed under a portico.
Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon
as we pulled up.
They were solicitous and intent, watching
her every move.
They must have been expecting her.
I opened the trunk and took the small
suitcase to the door.
The woman was already seated in
a wheelchair.
'How much do I owe you?' She asked,
reaching into her purse.
'Nothing,' I answered.
'You have to make a living,' she said.
'There are other passengers,' I responded.
Almost without thinking, I bent and
gave her a hug.
She held onto me tightly.
'You gave an old woman a little moment
of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'
I squeezed her hand, and then
walked into the dim morning light.
Behind me, a door shut.
It was the sound of the closing of a life...
For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.
What if that woman had gotten an
angry driver, or one who was
impatient to end his shift?
What if I had refused to take the run,
or had honked once, then driven away?
On a quick review, I don't think that
I have done anything more important in my life.
We're conditioned to think that our
lives revolve around great moments.
But great moments often catch us
unaware – beautifully wrapped in what
others may consider a small one
At the bottom of this great story was a
request to forward this –
I deleted that request because if you
have read to this point,
You won't have to be asked to pass it
along, you just will...
Thank you, my friend...
“Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we are here we might as well dance…”
Great story Sarge! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Gary everything does,t have to be depressing like the Bullshit Unknown throw out there...
DeleteNo one can have rational, logical discussion with you Mikey Cliffdoofus. You're too much of a brain dead zombie.
ReplyDeleteFace it, own up to it, you're just incapable of having any kind of discussion.
DeleteYou're confusing that with the Obama Administration. Remember??
DeleteMcEnany: 'No one seemed to care' when Obama fired holdover IGs
BY JUSTINE COLEMAN - 05/19/20 10:52 AM EDT
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Tuesday that “no one seemed to care” when former President Obama fired holdover inspectors general from the preceding administration, amid an uproar over a string of dismissals by President Trump.
McEnany said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” that Trump told top officials who have inspectors general from Obama’s administration that it's their decision “whether to let that individual go,” noting that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recommended firing State Department Inspector General Steve Linick, and Trump agreed.
She said Obama did the “very same thing” with inspectors general from President George W. Bush's administration.
“When he fired IGs – when several IGs came together and wrote a letter saying, 'President Obama, you’re inhibiting our investigations,' no one seemed to care then,” she said.
“But all of a sudden, when President Trump does what’s in his lawful authority, people are very upset about it,” she added.
The president has faced criticism over the removals of several watchdogs in recent weeks.
Pompeo told The Washington Post that he thought Linick was “undermining” the work of the department. Linick was reportedly investigating allegations that Pompeo was instructing a staffer to complete personal tasks, but the secretary said he was not aware of that investigation.
The president also removed Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson and acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine last month.
Obama also controversially removed inspectors general during his administration, including Gerald Walpin, the inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, in 2009, the Post noted.
President Trump isn't losing. I don't believe in the polls that the liberal biased based institutions hold dear.
DeleteRemember this flash from the past? It turned out to be nothing but bullshit. Much like 100% of your posts Mikey Cliffdoofus.
New poll shows we're 'starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide'
That was published August 25, 2016
Anon, the Twitter Parrot.
ReplyDeleteSmall minds have to join the hive.
Clutch your Twitter account closely. Lest it be taken away....
But seriously dude, delete your history. That's a bad look. 😉
Does everyone around you know you look at those feeds, anon?
ReplyDeleteI mean, the wifey should know....
ReplyDeleteLiberals lie, hide truth, deny truth of their corruption.
Liberals want Christianity to be extinct.
Liberals repeatedly deny that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton fair in square.
Obama refused to mention ISIS, radical Islam, or Islamic extremism in his comments on the worst attack since 9-11 when talking about the ISIS supporter tho opened fire on a Florida Gay Nightclub in 2016.
That's just for openers.
ReplyDeleteYou're not being polite when you call me "Madam."
I've told you before I am no "Madam"! You know full well that a "Madam" has a house of whores! I'm not a "Madam".
My comments are not stupid, however yours are out in left field and totally you are blind to what you're even posting. It's so ridiculous what you're posting because it reeks heavily of what the Liberal Biased Anti Trump news outlets keep drumming into you.
You come on here, with your vulgarities, insults, and slanderous remarks. And you wonder why your posts get deleted, you get your butt kicked every time. We debunk your lies and your bullshit and fling it back on you every time.
I am a lady, I am a wife of 35+ years and counting, a mother and a grandmother! And don't you ever forget that!
ReplyDeleteYou have insulted me for quite a while now, I'm just dishing back to you what you dish out to me.
Me - biased? No, I just see people for who and what they are. You use thinly veiled vulgarities and you know it.
I came on the scene here on Room 235 when it was still in the community blogs on CJonline. I'm glad that I have met the people (regulars) of this blog.
If once in a while you'd actually try to be polite instead of being degrading, maybe there could be a worthwhile debate.
If you have met me, you know that I don't start fights, but I finish them.
You haven't been respectful from day one over here - if you tried to be respectful, you just might come to realize that you will be better received over here.
Only in reply to your vulgarities.
DeleteBiden is a senile old fool and he isn't going to get into the White House.
Donald Trump was behind in the polls when he and Hillary Clinton were running back in 2016.
I do not put faith in polls, it is like trying to purchase cheap fortune telling.
The polls were wrong back in 2016 and they're wrong more so now.
No poll can "predict" the future outcome of the elections.
I do not put faith in the mainstream liberal biased media political analysts either. Chuck Todd is the worst!
DeleteAnother thing, stop with the sarcasm and stop with "dear leader" nonsense.
DeleteIt doesn't bode well with proper debate standards.
Debate is all fine and good, but when a participant engages in degrading sarcasm, they lose.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePerception is not to be misused. To misuse perception to fuel sarcasm is improper. Bad form.
DeleteIn debate, present your arguments based on truthful facts. Never offend, disrespect, or insult another debator. Avoid personal attacks.
ReplyDeleteIn short, clean up your presentation of points.
ReplyDeleteif you want to debate, abide by the rules.
ReplyDeleteYou are disqualified Unknown. Your persistence in being disrespectful has made you lose the debate.
ReplyDeleteCome back when you can refrain from sarcasm, personal attacks, and disrespectful verbage.
ReplyDeleteWe all get it that you do not like Donald Trump. Putting your personal feelings aside, he is your president.
ReplyDeleteIt must be hell for Unknown to be fifty years old and still living in his Mother's basement! Poor soul! He craves any type of attention he can get and since anyone who actually knows him ignores him and if they see him coming, they run like he has the plague! His only recourse is to go into blogs like this to get the attention he so desperately craves. Reminds me of so many little kids who would rather have negative attention than no attention at all! Poor little fella!
ReplyDeleteHell it would have to be a better man than him to get under my Skin I have dealt with a lot of real men over the years and they failed.. hahahha
ReplyDeleteLiberals, especially of late, are corrupt. They do lie and they manipulate.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton, knowing full well that there wasn't Russian Collusion tried to manipulate everyone by repeating it in her guest appearances, speeches, and even in her book.
Liberals have been attacking Donald Trump since before his inauguration and after his inauguration the attacks intensified 100 fold.
As far as my remark about how Liberals and how they feel about Christianity, visit the news outlets of recent and how the Democratic Liberal Governors have locked up churches over this coronavirus stuff and yet we can go to Walmart (for example).
I'm taking Kevin's advice. See ya!
ReplyDeleteKevin, why don't you do more than pull comments and just literally block this dude.
ReplyDeleteFreedom of speech Rikki, even for the Commie Rat Bastards... So I don't think Kevin would do that ... The Old "SLAP" will work.. Lol
DeleteHe is the President of the United States Elected by the People of the United States, If all you said was true and not a opinion he wouldn't be The President, Sour Loser... And what you believe Makes No difference on this blog. You wishes on him don't count. MAGA Trump 2020.
ReplyDeleteUnknown You wish you had the Health Trump has, He is like a Timex watch he keeps on going. TIC TOC!
ReplyDelete4 more years!
ReplyDeleteSo when you get all the Hate out of you come back and visit..
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge, I hope everyone with your family is okay.
ReplyDeleteLooking on the news, it looks rough up there.
I haven't heard any problems from them and I don't thinks any family lives in that area, Thanks for asking Hammer.
ReplyDeleteNo you don't.
ReplyDeleteWell moving on, looking for the state to be open this weekend.
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235.....
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...