Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tied together? I don't know...

I've got two stories here today.

The first one comes in the form of a 26 minute video.

And yes, I know most of you won't want to spend 26 minutes watching a video and I don't blame you.

But it does answer, for me anyway, a lot of questions and confirms a lot of things I've suspected since this whole virus crap started.

Also, it explains why I suspect the second story is directly tied to information revealed in the video.


Pittsburgh Coronavirus Researcher Murdered Close to ‘Very Significant Findings’

37-year-old assistant professor Bing Liu was found dead in his Elm Court home after a suspected murder-suicide on Saturday.
The Ross Township Police Department is investigating two apparently related shooting deaths. One of these was a published researcher identified as Bing Liu, said to be “on the verge” of a breakthrough in understanding the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease known as “COVID-19.”
Liu was found in his Elm Court apartment on Saturday with gunshot wounds to his head, neck, and torso. A short distance away, another man — acquainted with Liu — was found dead in his car of what appears to be a self-inflicted shot to the head. Authorities believe it was a murder-suicide, though further details remain unknown at the time of this report.
Liu, a research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, is remembered by his department in an official post to the university’s website. “Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications,” they wrote.
“We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence,” they continued. “His loss will be felt throughout the entire scientific community. Please keep his family, friends, and colleagues in your thoughts. Thank you.”
Could be the 37 year old professor knew way too much.
I'm just saying...
Kevin McGinty


  1. Well, there is always more to these story's, But I am sure Mikey will fill us in on all the bullshit, 1st thing he will do is blame it on Trump orny because he can't help it. And He is commie rat bastard. Just Saying..

  2. Oh and a Big good morning room 235...

  3. Sorry about the video, guys.

    Between the time I posted it and now YouTube pulled it.

    Evidently speaking the truth violates their high and mighty standards.

    Sounds a lot like Cj...

  4. Now I am wondering if this Guy knew Hillary/?

  5. Melania Trump Gives 150 Lunches to Children's Hospital in Maryland, Kind of shoots Mikey's lie in the ass doesn't it. She has been doing many this for children for a long time.

  6. Pelosi, Dem's to Pack Next Relief Bill with Leftist Wish list Items: 'We Have to Think Big'...She always thinks big like the crook she is.

  7. The Left clearly has a double standard around sexual assault and believing women. When it's one of their own in the cross-hairs, they simply no longer care whether victims get their due. But most of the time, they at least try to hide that hypocrisy.

    But yesterday, a major liberal thought leader lifted the veil entirely. Martin Tolchin, a co-founder of both Politico and The Hill, wrote a response to the New York Times' suggestion that Tara Reade's allegations be investigated seriously.

    "I don't want an investigation. I want a coronation of Joe Biden... I want a win, the removal of Donald Trump from office, and Mr. Biden is our best chance." It is about the power and it has always been that way...

  8. Been up for a couple hours. Wasn't going to check in today, as I am not in the mood to read Mikey's drivel. However decided to see what's new here. He is probably still asleep. Perhaps Liu knew too much about the lab in Wuhan.

  9. The Dems along with the rest of the Left suffer from Republican Derangement Syndrome. As long as the accused is a Republican they are guilty despite no evidence. If the accused is a Democrat the accuser is a liar despite the evidence.

  10. Our Governor will soon be demanding more tax revenue because of her idiotic closing down of the private economy while continuing to keep state employees on the payroll. I do not begrudge the state workers their pay. What I see coming is the call to raise taxes or face the cutting of services essential to the citizenry of this state. Local governments will do the same, and if Trump loses the Feds will be on the increased gravy train. Where do these morons believe we will acquire the money from the economy they devastated.

  11. Most likely she is hiding from the Dem's, she wants to live, your chances are not good if you are on the wrong side of the Liberals. Just think Vince Foster...

  12. Unknown, if Biden Picks Hillary and by luck he wins, he is dead within 6 months... Just saying You know how the Clinton operate right....?

  13. Mikey;
    You seem somewhat conciliatory this morning. However you are off target again. We don't know if Tara Reade is credible or not. We don't know if "Bite Me" Biden is guilty. What we do know is the distinctly different treatment by the hypicritical Left and the MSM. It is obvious to anyone, who is not a moron, on this issue.

  14. Mikey,
    You are going off the rails again. Meatpacking plants temporarily closing down is not an example the Wuhan ChiCom Virus devastating the economy. The government has done that, quite needlessly, in my opinion.

  15. He must be having is morning Hash and a egg...

  16. Tyson is opening up 3 plants today, and how would you know if meat is packed by a sick employee or not? Answer you don't...

  17. How the hell would you know it is safer, answer you don't...

  18. Same risk every day regardless of thec Wuhan Virus.

  19. Don't go away mad just go away.

  20. Director Of National Intelligence Tells Schiff To Release Long-Held Transcripts Of ‘Secret’ Trump-Russia Interviews, Or DNI Office Will. Lets getter done, long over due.

  21. Michelle Obama describes having children as a ‘concession’ that cost her her ‘dreams’ Oh the poor thing...

    1. I am wondering is she saying she should have aborted them?

  22. About time. Noticed Schiff was not whining about the ridiculous amount of time it took for the review by the so called intelligence community.

  23. Wonder what the children think.

  24. I am wondering If Mikey will come out a praise her like he did the other day?

  25. How horrible for Michelle Obama to blame having children for costing her dreams, etc.

    Life is full of choices. You can't live life without choices.

    She made a choice, the fault of giving up her dreams is hers alone - not to be blamed on having children. She could have put her dreams on hold and tried at a later time to reach them.

    We already know that Creepy Joe isn't going to be president... and if he chooses Michelle Obama as his running mate - I say to that:


  26. Miley Cyrus states she has no idea of the effects of the pandemic. As she put it, due to her Hollywood privilege, she hasn't experienced what others have. How refreshing, a honest elite.

  27. Kevin the video you attached that does not play was sent to me by one of my daughters. It plays fine on the link she sent.

  28. Well where is the Link, I got one from my son haven't tried it yet. Is it a U tube link?

  29. All I know is if I highlight it it plays. Don't know how or even if I have permission to post here

  30. Replies
    1. Okay same as my sons link I will check it out.

  31. Glad to hear you guys can go out to restaurants and eat. In CA of course, it's still take out only. Where I live, in the Kern valley there are maybe a dozen restaurants. All family owned. Most have been here a long time. Some are really good, some not as good. But they're all in danger of permanent closure at this point. They can't serve decent food takeout only. It just doesn't work, except maybe the pizza joints. And there is no plan for opening for at least another week or more, and then very limited. This is pure bullshit. We have zero cases in our valley. Zero. We have not had one. The tourists are already coming up, and since it's the only source of revenue for this valley it's a good thing. The virus may come, and take it's toll. But this little valley will be wiped out if they stay shut down. Fishing, boating on Lake Isabella, hiking and river rafting on the mighty Kern are all they have. They have some kind of event every weekend in Kernville, our small tourist town on the river. Those are cancelled. That hurts.

    These are real people, real lives. And the godless commie rat bastards who insist on staying shut down long past the only logical reason there ever was to shut down, which was fairly thin from the start, are killing us. All to gain power.

    Make no mistake friends. These people don't care about you and me. They don't care about people at all, except in their desire to rule us like some kind of monarchs. They have been trying for four years now to overturn the election because it didn't turn out how they wanted. They've tried every trick, lie and extortion they could find. And now faced without a candidate who can come close to defeating our President, they have decided to burn American to the ground.

    They control the media. They have control of several states. They control the House. And they are leveraging all those to the max. They are sending armored vehicles after protesters using their constitutionally protected rights to assemble and demand redress by a corrupt and tyrannical government. They are throwing people in jail. All over not laws passed by legislators, but edicts given by governors and mayors, as if they had some kind of authority to do so. Thank God there are people with the balls to stand up and say "we've had enough".

    This is going to damage America badly. And that's just what the damn commie rat bastards want. The democrat/communist party, the progressives, the race baiters, the power hungry democrat controlled media. All working together to destroy us. The damage will take years to repair. Thank God we will have a President for four more years who is up to the task.

    Now let the lawsuits begin. And recall some governors and mayors. Make these bastards pay for their overreach and unconstitutional behavior. Let's take our country back.

  32. If these bastards cared about people, they wouldn't murder a million babies in the womb every year and pretend it has something to do with "health care".

  33. you are one sick puppy unknown.

    and quite single minded with your flawed thoughts.

  34. how are you going to encourage the woman and the man to have the child and if they are totally incapable of committing to the child, then let the child have a chance at living, with an adopted family.

  35. it's not the child's fault that the woman and the man don't want you support them giving the child (an innocent) the death sentence only to end up in a garbage bag!

  36. no funeral, no memorials, just tossed in a trash bag with other waste to end up in a land fill.

  37. He sounds like he is pissed at his mother for not aborting him... Good Grief.

  38. What you found one never Trumper, Good Grief won't lose sleep over that. You need to dig up about 50 million more, Good Luck whiner...

  39. evidently that is what unknown wants - no regard for human life, he may as well be a murderer - since he's on the loose, he's a stalking murderer!

  40. Well I hope you are wrong on that, everyone has good in them, but he hasn't showed that, Sad.

  41. I won't let unknown get away with his bullshit stand on abortion.

    1. Ya that can't stand no reason for it, their is so many out there that will take them, If the government wouldn't make it so hard. Many years ago we wanted to adopt a little girl and thought we had it sowed up when the agent came over and seen a beer can and asked me if I drink, I said yes after a hard day I have a beer or two, Right after that we were disapproved. And to this day i say it was over a can of beer. System is stupid.

    2. Sorry to hear that Sarge. That was wrong of the agent to assume the worst when the agent didn't have proof.

      I wonder if Bill & Hillary ever considered adopting - knowing their life style, etc. would the agent have approved them? Probably in a heartbeat.

      Having 1 - 2 beers a day doesn't make you unfit or a bad person Sarge - the agent was wrong.

  42. A million babies a year murdered. And no, not by the "abortion pill". By good old fashioned abortion. The baby is killed, then removed. Sometimes right before birth. The commie left fights tooth and nail for abortion right up to the minute of delivery. Some of the sicker ones like Northram of VA and Obama fight for abortion after birth, which in any world where there were morals would be murder.

    So the same idiots who are screaming at us, jumping up and down waving their arms, spit flying from their mouths telling us we're literally murdering people by wanting to reopen this economy are the same people who happily murder a million babies every single year. And brag about it.

    By the way, the promise when some people agreed to this unconstitutional illegal closing of the economy because of false assumptions was it was only to flatten the curve. That was done. It was never intended to stop the virus. Only to spread the rate of infection at the start to save our healthcare system. We did that. It's done. Now we are in the phase where the commie left is manipulating the crisis to destroy our economy. Plain and simple. Open it up. Let people go back to work.

  43. Can you believe unknown said I should have submitted a anti-abortion bill, where did he come up with the idea I was or am a person that could do that, good grief the guy is a moron.

  44. Justice Dept just dropped the charges On General Flynn, about time... Winning Baby, MAG

  45. I'd see. Well now you can lie to the FBI and he pleaded guilty but all rules are broken. Flynn will not be in charge of any military though, you would have a coup. He is known for talking to the Russians so no decent security firm would hire him unless it is DeVos brother. They have a reputation of shooting civilians.

    1. Mueller is not a crook. Purple Heart recipient and dedicated pubic servant. After 9/11, Pres Bush then asked FBI Director Mueller to make sure that this never happened again. Well Dir Mueller took a Mafia-fighting drug fighting organization and changed it completely to the best terrorist organization in the world. Once in awhile you see arrests of foreigners illegally crossing the Canadian border and with military hardware, and thanks to Dir Mueller for saving this country from harm. People like you would spit on him.

      But remember this: Flynn is being rewarded. He never gave up the missing puzzle if tRump knew or direct the phonecall to the Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Mueller said he could not find out from either Flynn or McFarland. Perhaps in their book.

    2. excuse: Best fighting Terrorist Organization in the world

  46. I'd like to see their reasoning for not charging Flynn and he does smell of treason.

    1. If only you would ever pay attention you would be as smart as us. Schiff goes down next. hahahahah

  47. she's stupid. What if a customer gets sick in her place, then her business is a goner. If she obeyed the rules and a customer got sick well she followed the rules. She is only hurting herself.

  48. It's not smart it is being corrupt.

  49. Good news about Michael Flynn.

    My how the mighty are beginning to fall. What the FBI did when they investigated Flynn negates everything.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Brandon Van Grack faces charges himself and gets set up in prison.

    Also good news about the Texas Supreme Court coming to the defense of Shelley Luther!

    I read where that judge is up for re-election. He needs to be defrocked and booted!

  50. Flynn's words when he pled guilty: "I recognize that the actions I acknowledge in court today were wrong and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right."

    Well he did lie to the Judge.

    1. What the FBI did when they investigated Flynn negates everything.

  51. The big ? is Van Grack going to commit suicide by cutting his throat or take the only way out and sing. How many of the swamp go down or does he bite the bullet and face the rath of Hillary? LOL Stay tuned the best may well be coming faster than thought.

    1. he'll mysteriously die - that's a given. whether by wreck, suicide, or whatever.

      the dems house of cards is on fragile ground.

  52. I have to say "unknow" volleying comments with you is much like the game "whack the mole". Every time you pop your head up, you get whacked! You should have a headache - unless you're a numbskull!

  53. Mikey,
    I informed you the other day it is not a crime for the incoming administration to contact any foreign government. Whether Trump personally directed Gen. Flynn or not is of no consequence. It was not an illegal act. Gen. Flynn could be disciplined by the administration for not getting approval if, in fact, he did not. Flynn plead to keep the slimeballs in the FBI off his family. He did what he needed to do to protect his family, plus he was already bankrupt and couldn't continue to pay for legal representation. You would have crumbled much faster to save your ass. Try to get the facts before you go spouting crap.

  54. it's breaking out that Obama is connected to Comey in regard to Michael Flynn.

    just saw this on the Washington times!

    President Obama discussed Flynn probe with Comey at White House meeting

    By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Updated: 3:32 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, 2020

    President Obama talked with then-FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates about former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s infamous telephone calls with the Russian ambassador, according to a court filing on Thursday.

    Mr. Obama called the two aside during a Jan. 5, 2017 White House meeting, according to Ms. Yates‘ interview with the FBI during the Robert Mueller probe.

    At the time the FBI was moving to drop the investigation of Flynn in the Russia election interference probe. But then-agent Peter Strzok stopped the process.

    He later went to the White House to interview Flynn on Jan. 24. Flynn subsequently admitted to lying when he denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

    “Obama started by saying he had ‘learned of the information about Flynn‘ and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions,” the FBI 302 report said. “Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information. “

    Ms. Yates recalled that Mr. Comey told the president about the Logan Act, a 1799 law that prohibits private citizens form opposing current foreign affairs policies. Other documents show the FBI wanted Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser, to admit violating the law.

    Ms.Yates said she did not know about the Kislyak call or the Logan Act discussion within the FBI. She thought it might be a technical violation during the transition, but the FBI “was more eager to pursue prosecution initially.”

    Discussions began to “ramp up,” she said, after the Washington Post’s David Ignatius reported on Jan. 12 a leak out of the Obama Justice Department that Flynn had talked to Mr. Kislyak and may have violated the Logan Act.

    The Justice Department filed Ms. Yates 302 with its motion to dismiss the Flynn case.

    Ms. Yates said Mr. Comey agreed that if the Russia call happened under the Obama administrant he would notify the chief of staff. But, the 302 says, “The FBI said at some point that notification would mess up an ongoing investigation, but Yates said it was not always clear what exactly the FBI was doing to investigate Flynn.”

    Ms. Yates said Mr. Comey telephoned and informed her he had sent two agents to the White House to interview Flynn.

    “Yates was very frustrated in the call with Comey,” the 302 says. “She felt a decision to conduct an interview of Flynn should have been coordinated with DoJ.”

  55. looks like y'all beat me to the punch about the Texas woman being vindicated and about Flynn being cleared. :)

  56. You have to get up early in the morning Rikki to stay on top of it. :):)

    1. I may be a day late, but at least I ain't a dollar short (giggles)

  57. Ole Joe was in on those meetings with the FBI about Flynn and some other deals about Trump. All the investigations and all the false lies came from the top. He knew what, when and where. I cant wait to see who spills the beans and who gets the Flynn treatment. There are going to be some swamp people that are going to find out what Flynn felt like. Ha Ha He He Its coming to a TV soon. Stay tuned for the rats jumping ship.

  58. and they'll be fighting over life preservers!

  59. My My My Where are all the lintrd talking heads? Did the FBI target Michael Flynn to protect Obama's policies, not national security?
    How would you like to be investigated by the FBI because you disagreed with the president’s policies? Sounds a little KGB-ish, you might think — and you’d be right, because the FBI has zero authority to conduct such an investigation.

  60. Well just like we thought.
    But the more we learn about the FBI’s investigation of Michael Flynn, the more it appears he was targeted precisely because, as the national security adviser to the incoming Trump administration, he signaled that the new administration might undo Obama administration policies — which is kind of what the American people voted for in 2016.

  61. More interesting news.

    Obama left his holdovers to create scandals, based on fake intelligence, in order to "gain control over Donald Trump. The leader of this group was Director John Brennan, who was illegally running a security operation inside the United States, which the CIA is forbidden to do.
    The CIA staff was not part of the operation, so Brennan was running FBI agent, which James Comey the Director there signing off on this illegal operation, which centered on Peter Strzok being appointed to counter intelligence, to hide what took place in Benghazi, and to create Crossfire Hurricane.
    Strzok had brainwashed the willing Lisa Page, who was rewriting transcripts in Michael Flynn interviews, in order to push the courts further in this, to "legalize" the coup.
    The key components in this were

    Coordinator John Brennan of CIA, running this operation for Susan Rice of NSA for Obama

    James Comey at FBI, fronting for Brennan.

    Andrew McCabe

    Bill Preistap

    Peter Strzok

    Lisa Page

    These were the primary conduits of this framing of Michael Flynn.

  62. No but it is a good day for a General, Long time coming. Now write that book and get some money back. I will buy one.

  63. These new release's are going to make a lot of swamp dwellers very nervous. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there aren't some VERY strange things happen to some people. Well just like has been said all along.

    On January 5, 2017, Yates attended an Oval Office meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, according to the newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report.

  64. Just took a bunch of chicken thighs out of the smoker. They sure look good. Also made some bbq baked beans in there too. Anybody remember the beans I brought to Kevin's that time? Same beans. Eating good tonight. Might have to have a cold beer. Haven't decided yet.

    1. I remember them very well, great beans for sure, might say the best I ever ate, well mine are not to bad either. Enjoy,,, "+":)

    2. Who the hell doesn't have a cold beer with Grub like that. Now I am gone. See ya's tomorrow.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...