Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dictator wannabe governors are losing their grip on the American people...

To those of you scared of going outside, stay home.

But don't expect the rest of us to live our lives in the same fear you've imposed upon yourselves...

Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order

In a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the Gov. Tony Evers’ administration’s stay-at-home order.
The ruling “essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants,” the Associated Press reported.
Health secretary Andrea Palm had issued the order, and the court found she didn’t have the authority to do so.
“Rule-making exists precisely to ensure that kind of controlling, subjective judgement asserted by one unelected official, Palm, is not imposed in Wisconsin,” Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote in the majority opinion.
Former Gov. Scott Walker praised the court’s decision in a statement to Breitbart News.
“The Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the law,” he said.
“The rule of law must be upheld – even in emergencies. I am honored to have appointed two of the Justices in the majority on the 4 – 3 decision.”
The decision allows schools to remain closed, and local governments can create their own restrictions.
Dane County, home of liberal Madison, was quick to do just that.
Public Health Officer Janel Heinrich took Evers’ orders limiting gatherings and enacted them at the local level.
Evers, meanwhile, “reacted angrily” to the ruling, according to the AP.
“Today, Republican legislators convinced four members of the state Supreme Court to throw the state into chaos,” Evers said.
“They have provided no plan. There’s no question among anybody that people are going to get sick. Republicans own that chaos.”
He added, “In the meantime, we’re going to have 72 counties doing their own thing.”
“I can’t believe there’s a state in the nation with this type of chaos.”
Walker called for the state to reopen nearly three weeks ago during an interview with Breitbart News.
“I get the fear that people hav, but there’s also a lot of frustration. People don’t know what to believe, what the facts are. It keeps changing all the time,” he said in late April.
Walker said he believes it’s time to reopen the state and he has encouraged businesses to come up with a plan to “safely” reopen.
“Not as a requirement of government, but I think to get employees back” is going to be a challenge, he said.
“I think this is one of those where the private sector, in many cases, knows better,” Walker said, adding if workers and customers don’t feel safe, “it doesn’t matter what date you say you’re going to reopen, it’s not going to happen.”
“Let’s stop suspending common sense,” he said.
Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of the syndicated “Kyle Olson Show,” found on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Follow him on Twitter and like him on Facebook.


  1. Good morning room 235... Yup things are starting to move in the RIGHT direction....

  2. On the plus side these governors are showing the American people just exactly what happens when Democrats seize the power they crave...

  3. That wasn't nice, but you are right!!! :):)

  4. Sic semper tyrannis

    This is going to go south in a big hurry if these damn commie rat bastards don't give up this pursuit to destroy our economy and our society. Americans don't like tyranny, even if it's allegedly "for their own good". It's turning on them and will continue to go bad. Americans will decide for themselves when it's over and they will act accordingly.

    The commies are going to be very angry when opening the country doesn't result in millions of deaths as they are hoping for. And that's what's happening. States opening amidst warnings of horrors and plague sweeping through. And it' not happening. Where I live LA is going to be locked down through July, maybe longer. We haven't seen our Grandson in month and it looks like we won't for months more.

    It's clearly divided. The left wants lockdown and massive government intervention. Just what any commie wants. Their supporters are driven by fear and accept whatever bullshit they are fed. That's why they are democrat/communists. They are afraid to act on their own. They long for a government to make all their decisions for them. They are sad, pathetic people who depend on other people they imagine are smarter than themselves to tell them how they should live their lives. It's hard to stop these kinds of people. They have a peculiar type of mental illness that is very hard to treat.

  5. That's true the commie left is politicizing this to promote their Anti American Agenda.

  6. love this that was published earlier today on the Washington Times...

    Trump to Senate GOP: Call Obama as first witness in 'unmasking' probe

    By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Updated: 11:08 a.m. on Thursday, May 14, 2020

    President Trump urged Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on Thursday to call former President Barack Obama as the first witness in any hearing about spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, saying Mr. Obama “knew everything.”

    “If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama,” Mr. Trump said. “He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!”

    Intelligence documents released Wednesday by two Republican senators show that several high-level Obama administration officials were involved in “unmasking” Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as part of the Russia investigation during the transition before Mr. Trump’s inauguration. They included former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

    Mr. Biden said this week he didn’t know anything about the investigation.

    Like what President Trump told Lindsay Graham.... "No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!!"

    1. Biden is already trying to squirm out of this....

  7. ¡Más tonterías de aquel que está lleno de mentiras!

  8. No you are not. You're mocking him as usual. Do you actually believe that Obama and his Administration was on the "up and up"?
    News flash ⚡⚡⚡⚡

    Sometimes it takes a while, but good overcomes evil and Obama's time in the White House is little by little being exposed for the corrupt traitor that he truly is.

  9. The very first thing that turned me off of Obama was when he went abroad on his first world tour. It was called the "Apology Tour". He apologized to Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was a slap in the face to every US Veteran of WWII and every true American who lived during WWII.

    From that point on, I hated Obama.

  10. well there's your problem! you missed "happy hour"!

    as far as hearings hearings hearings you're being the perfect political zombie for the Communistic Democratic Party!

  11. Hey Mikey, where have you been? It took you that long to come up with the above drivel. Mikey you just don't get it. People who don't agree with opening can stay isolated as long as their money holds out.Can you or any other progressive liberal direct me to a picture of a swatstika at the rallies in Michigan? Can you direct me to a single incident caused by the firearms at the rallies.

  12. Well i am pretty sure even a moron like Mikey can understand that SSAH...

  13. Looks like the governor didn't want folks back on the lawn protesting. Phase 2. I'm happy with the step, but question some of the restrictions.

    But hey, progress is progress when it comes to getting back to normal.

    The democrats really need to see folks moving around and getting on with life. Chicken Littles will hopefully be calmed Monday when things inch a little closer to a free society.

    Poor bastards. Democrap Commies that fear freedom.

    And they are still going to be clubbed like a bunch of seals in an Inuit village come November. Just watch.

    It's gonna be fun.

  14. What do you think if you open then things will be normal? From President Cuckoo today:

    "When you have a test (covid-19), you have a case. When you test, you find something wrong with people. If we didn't do any testing, we would have very few cases."

    In other words, don't test and you find nothing wrong!!!

    Dear leader also stated at today's news briefing, "if I close my eyes I am invisible."

    Take a good look at President Numbnuts, and state that there is nothing wrong!!!

  15. President Cuckoo stated that we could lose more than 100,000 Americans and that is the bottom of the ladder.

    1. Five minutes after your last post. So in five minutes, you had to think and type. And this is what you got?


  16. You delete and swear at me but don't defend the Orangeman. Who needs suckups like you?????

    1. One mintue since your last post.

      So this is purely an emotional response from you.

      Again, Lmao

  17. Unknown if you are scared, Just stay locked up, no is forcing to do anything, Go whine some where, where they might give a shit. We don't...

    1. No one is forcing you, go where some one gives a shit. there thats better.

  18. I might add, at no point do I look down on folks for being careful. I have some compromised folks near and dear to my heart. They need to be careful, and of course do what we can to assist in that effort.

    But their situation isn't mine. I am a free man in a free country. I have things to do, and places to be. People counting on me to provide, is just as important of an issue as taking care of immuno-comprimised folks.

    We can do both.

    But I am not doing from home.

    1. Being careful is proactive.

      Being fearful and careful are two different things.

  19. Being careful and being stupid are different things. This covid-19 is not fully understood yet. I told hidi that his grandson may be carrier and he may very well be as they are thinking children are carriers so old farts must stay away. Now they are saying that the East Coast has the Italian virus and West Coast has the Chinese virus, and this means that the NY children are getting very sick while not so much on the west coast. Is this covid-19 mutating and if so, into what? The black plague killed about 1/3 of European population and the 1918 flu epidemic killed about 10% of young adults and 50,000,000 to 100 million people worldwide. Who know what this virus will do at the end of the year. We need a vaccine and the sooner the better. Pressure these idiots in DC, including dear leader, on getting a vaccine.

  20. A-hem. Did I see that you compare yourself to 'being careful' and us as 'being stupid'?

    You missed your time to take your schizoid pills didn't you?

  21. People who ramble about viral mutations and stand by the need for a vaccine fascinate me.

    That's clearly stupid. Demonstrates fear and ignorance, which is much more dangerous than a lab specimen of Sars COV2.

    Life doesn't stop because of the unknown. Carefully moving forward is imperative, not hiding in fear of the unknown.

    You will never change my take on that.

    1. Well you obviously believe that it will go away!!!

    2. "I want to get away. I want to fly away, yea, yea, yea"

  22. President Cuckoo is in charge of federal agencies--hence CID, Nat Inst of Health, FDA, Etc, where vaccines are made, studied and tested. True private drug companies may make a vaccine, but it is these agencies that have to approve any vaccine. Are we ready to do a vaccine on this country? Probably not.

  23. Oh and there is Jared. Jared has been arguing that testing too many people or ordering too many ventilators may spook the economic market and we shouldn't do it. Dying is better for the market than treating sick patients.

  24. Oh, I spoke too soon. Dear leader wants the military to distribute the vaccine. ooh, whom will get the vaccine in the ass--models, SGT????

  25. BE CAREFUL. The military will be coming for your biffies to put a needle in it. Do you think President Cuckoo will be watching all the females getting their biffy shot??

    1. Hell Boy you fear everything, Just stay in mama basement...

  26. SGT, the real pandemic is narcissism. The real reason for a lockdown is that an employer cannot force the employees to work in unsafe conditions--hence meatpacking plants where 70% of employees are sick with covid-19. But if suicidal lemmings want to go to a beach or bar, than there is nothing that can stop them. If people are that stupid or uncaring than there is nothing that can be done, is there??

  27. Open up then. We should have a two tier hospital system for those that care and those that don't. And wait to those that don't care get their hospital bill. Tests may be free but care and that hospital bed are not.

  28. Just for the record. The real and only reason for the lockdown is to destroy the American economy in hopes of defeating Donald Trump in November.

    Face it Mikey, neither you or any of your communist leaders give a shit how many lives are destroyed as long as you bastards can beat Trump.

    Communist scum anyway...


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