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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Oh and good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteLittle Mikey is the perfect example...
ReplyDeleteTypical socialist behavior. Take a successful (at least before this idiotic response to a real crisis) industry and give it to people who cannot or will not take care of it. Imagine what these hotels will look like if the owners ever receive them back. Look how successful public housing has been. The homeless, due to mental problems, will destroy these buildings.
ReplyDeleteBy all means let's feed their addiction to keep them under control. Mental hospitals and forced medication bad, living in filth on the streets good. Let them die on the streets. It will be less expensive and shorter.
ReplyDeleteIt's sarcasm, Mikey.
ReplyDeleteYou guys don't think that little commie Mikey will show up do you, Hell his whole world is caving in, all the swamp is biting the dust, Obama and Biden may go down also, over this FBI scam, Hillary lost, hell he has nothing left, he is now facing truth and he can't handle it..Good Grief I almost feel sorry for thee asshole.
ReplyDeleteHe could use the talking points Andrew McCabe (former DD and almost Director of the FBI) used on one of the rarely listened to cable "news" shows.
ReplyDeleteThe Flake McCabe, where the hell did these crooked bastards all come from???Power went to their little brains I guess.
ReplyDeleteMcCabe is now a regular contributor on CNN. Their go to guy regarding all things FBI.
ReplyDeleteOklahoma mayor caves to DOJ, says churches can reopen for Mother's Day
ReplyDeleteObama thinks Flynn was convicted of perjury. Gee and I thought he was the smartest President of all time.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief Tom were you ever fooled... LOL
ReplyDeleteRepresentative Delbert Gross called the invocation gross, derisive and overbearing. Representative Sibernas Standerfer echoed the indignation. What in the world had pastor Joe said in Topeka which excited the righteous wrath of three Democrats from Hays and Kansas City? Well, I have secured the entire text of the invocation so that you can evaluate it for yourself. What was it these Democrats didn't like:
ReplyDeleteHeavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness and to ask Your direction and guidance. We know Your word says woe to those who call evil good, and that's exactly what we've done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium; we have inverted our values. We confess that we've ridiculed the absolute truth of Your word in the name of moral pluralism. We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle. We have exploited the poor and called it a lottery. We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation. We've rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
Father, in the name of choice we have killed the unborn and then in the name of right to life we've killed abortionists. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem. We have abused power and called it political savvy. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it taxes. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, O God. Know our hearts today. Try us, and show us any wicked(ness) in us, and then cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of Kansas and who have been ordained by You to govern this great state. Grant them Your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your will.
I ask it in the name of Your Son, the living Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
And the left Panic!!!! Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteOf course they're freaking out.
ReplyDeleteHe spoke the truth.
That gets them every time...
I think they a more afraid of the word "God" than truth.
ReplyDeleteYou can always tell when the libtards are in trouble. They are all over the place. They come out when they know they are in trouble and going down. Look how Obamma is out running his mouth trying to cover his lying ass. He knows the end of the tunnel is coming. And there is no opening there. Dead end run.
ReplyDeletePattern of Conduct
ReplyDeleteInteresting article on Lame Cherry
In corrupt America, nothing is for certain, but the names appearing in this are James Comey and Andrew McCabe to be indicted first.
And then it goes on down.
Will they rat out the others on top?
That is the $1,000 ?
Well I have often wondered where all the way out right wingers are at. After traveling around this great country I have seen, heard , and ran into some real wild off the planet people. Hate to say it but if I was one of those looney toon libtards I would damn be a little nervous. But of course people like pee losi have more guns around them than some of my gun toting friends.
ReplyDeleteToday is my awesome grandson's 3rd birthday :) spent some time with him.
ReplyDeleteWe then spent time with Rick's mom - we do that daily, sometimes 2 and 3 times daily.
Just got back home a little bit ago.
EXCLUSIVE: Top House Republican issues a 'call to arms' about Dems trying to 'steal' Calif. special election
ReplyDeleteThe leader of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) sent a memo to all House Republicans Saturday with an "urgent call to arms" that Democrats are trying to "steal" Tuesday's special election for California's 25th Congressional District seat.
Well looks like a good time to say good night room 235, back tomorrow doing the same ting nothing... Gee's
ReplyDeleteHappy Mothers to all the Mothers out here, HEAR ME!!
ReplyDeleteThe Deep State Didn't Start with Donald Trump
The Atlanta Mayor is blaming the jogger being shot on President Trump. If the incident played out as the tape seems to show, they both should get the death penalty. Let's wait for the facts to be tevealed befote we condemn them. Other dumbass remarks include Labron James stating blacks are hunted every time they go out by white One would think there would be a whole lot more dead if this was true. Blacks kill more blacks in one year than whites have in at least the last fifty years. Let's try to call a spade, a spade.
ReplyDeleterevealed not revealed
ReplyDeleteAny of you liberal progressives have anything to write?
ReplyDeleteThey are busy waiting on their Mon morning talking points. Just wait and see. They have soooo much to talk about. With Obamma, ole Joe and the FBI and it just keeps coming. It should be a busy week coming.
ReplyDeleteThey are going to have a problem.
ReplyDeleteGerman intelligence is confirming that China asked the director of WHO to cover shit up.
Bought and paid for.
It's appropriate that we stopped our money.
The former (but still) Communist n' Thief, Obama; His anxiety level has to be pretty high these days. To see his "legacy", which he touts and says of his administration that it was scandal free, now being pointed out by the current President as being many things, including "Traitors". must be driving him absolutely crazy! I love it when Karma finally starts to kick in!
ReplyDeleteHis legacy of being the most corrupt president this country has ever had will be cementing in place forever...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteIs this a holiday that no one told me about?
ReplyDeleteSame story, different day.
ReplyDeleteGood point..
ReplyDeleteI do not like flooding your head with numbers, but here is one to consider: The media is breathlessly telling us that over 69,000 fatalities are being counted as "coronavirus" deaths so far this year in America. The real number is far smaller: Only around 37,000, according to the CDC. Yet in the alleged interest of "saving lives," the entire country was shut down.
ReplyDeleteHere is a contrasting number I would like you to consider: Almost 1 of every 4 pregnancies in America ends in abortion. Over 860,000 babies killed last year. These lives are apparently not worth saving, as nothing has been shut down. They are not even considered lives lost. Imagine that...
Now that children are getting other problems with this Virus they worry now.
ReplyDeleteInfant murder began under the altruistic sounding words "planned parenthood." As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm churchgoing Americans. Not 1 in 10,000, when they hear the words "planned parenthood," thinks of child murder.
The ghouls seeking the Democrat nomination for president all support the murder of the soon-to-be-born, some of them up until the point of birth. They call it "women's health care." Calling abortion women's health care is akin to calling cancer a palliative.
I've always told my friends and relatives that if a politician or politicians repeat something it is almost certain that the exact opposite is what's true.
The terms "women's health" and "abortion" are conventional wisdom control phrases. Women's health provides cover for abortion, and abortion is simply a cover word for murder and eugenics. If every preacher in the land would do his duty for truth and life, he would call abortion what it is: the murder of children.
I'm counting on an epic fail for the Dems come November.
ReplyDeleteBarr called on to resign over Flynn case by nearly 2,000 ex-Justice Department officials
Trump calls for NBC's Chuck Todd to be fired over heavily edited Barr video clip
'Meet the Press' cut short comments by attorney general
Well, for starters, President Trump isn't going to fire AG Barr, the brain dead dems will have to continue their meltdown.
As for Chuck Todd, I don't foresee him getting fired either, NBC more than likely will come to Chuckie's defense.
Do to the chance there maybe a slime chance that I had a few to many beers today and had to have the lawn guy do my and my sons lawns today and am wore out after Buying a in stalled shed for my sons house, another $3600,00 bites the dust, I just may have to crash early tonight. See ya's in the morning.
ReplyDeleteOh forgot good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteI guess it is just you and me Rikki...
ReplyDeleteYes, the dems house of cards is not on the stable ground they thought - I don't foresee Biden getting into the White House - there's still some libs who want Bernie.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a list of traitors' names.
ReplyDeleteSlow day!
ReplyDeleteWell I am watching the speeches that the Senate is giving to the doctors, they got 5 mins and the senate takes 4 min to ask the question, assholes, they were comparing other counties doing better than the USA on handling this Virus, I AM WAITING FOR ONE OF THE DOC'S to say those Countries don't have a House of Rep's and a senate!!!!!! Good Grief Nothing changes...
ReplyDeleteHmmm This smells. I got my idea's and it wont be because they want to help the people .
ReplyDeleteHouse Dems unveil coronavirus bill estimated to cost $3T, in largest stimulus package yet
that and also this Skippey
Democrats' coronavirus bill would eliminate states' voter ID requirement
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Tucked inside House Democrats’ new coronavirus bill is language that would create a loophole in states’ voter ID requirements, allowing people to cast ballots without having to prove who they are.
While the crux of the bill, revealed Tuesday, is a massive injection of taxpayer aid for states, localities and federal agencies dealing with the virus, Democrats also tackled some of their long-standing political goals.
One section of the bill would require states to allow at least 15 days of in-person early voting before Election Day this year, and to also allow voting by mail for any reason, overriding states that have more limited policies.
The new bill would also require that absentee ballots be counted if they arrive up to 10 days after Election Day.
And the legislation says that states that require voter IDs to cast a ballot must allow voters to meet the requirement by self-certifying to their own identity.
The National Conference of State Legislatures says 36 states have some voter ID requirement. About a half dozen of those are “strict” photo ID laws, requiring someone who wants to cast a ballot without photo ID to return with proof within three days for their ballot to be counted.
ReplyDeletePee Loosi has all kinds of free money in this bill. Only Lib states will get the most benefit from it. They want the RINO's to help pass this. And if it gets hung up they can blame Trump and the republicans as trying to hurt the people. Either way they think they win. They really want to keep America shut down and the unemployment to go up. They will then use all this against Trump.
ReplyDeleteAnd if any body thinks that Obamba is going to get caught you are in for a rude awakening. Nothing will happen to him. There are going to be good little libtards and take it up the rear to save him and Hillary. If they live that long.
ReplyDeleteBut it is going to be interesting when they start back stabbing each other. That should open up some more news.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf any one has time please read this and report back about it.
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi Unveils $3 Trillion, 1,815-Page Leftist Coronavirus Bill
noted that the bill has “70 appropriations in excess of a billion dollars each.”
Well good night room 235....
ReplyDeleteThe bill unveiled by Pelosi was written at an insane asylum. Not a single Republican should vote for this monstrosity in the House. It should be DOA at the Senate.
ReplyDeleteHow can these experts predict what will happen in the fall, when they have been so wrong in almost all of their previous predictions.
ReplyDeleteThis bill is riddled with leftist progressive measures that have nothing to do with the Wuhan Virus fight. I would encourage everyone to read this bill and call your Senators and Representatives.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning America...
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin :)
ReplyDeleteposted on the Washington Times moments ago...
Nancy Pelosi: $3 trillion package is 'not any wish list that is not related' to coronavirus
By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 13, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday called Democrats’ new $3 trillion coronavirus rescue package an “American wish list” and said the bill is directly related to swiftly combating issues tied to COVID-19.
“We put down what we think this country needs, and this is not any wish list that is not related to the coronavirus and to this time frame,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “We made that a criterion for consideration. This is all about the here and now.”
“I call it an American wish list so that we can defeat this virus, help people in the meantime, and honor our heroes,” she said. “It’s a big price, but the American people are worth it.”
The bulk of the spending in the more than $3 trillion legislation is tied to the pandemic response and includes more direct payments to Americans, close to $1 trillion in aid for states and localities, and billions more for frontline worker hazard pay, testing and tracing efforts, and rent and mortgage subsidies.
But Democrats also managed to include longstanding party priorities, including expanding vote-by-mail and relaxing some voter ID requirements and extending permission for legal and some illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S.
The bill also cuts taxes for the rich by way of a two-year holiday on a cap on the federal state and local tax deduction, a benefit largely enjoyed by wealthier taxpayers in blue, high-tax states.
Republicans have said lawmakers should wait and see how the nearly $3 trillion Congress approved in four previous coronavirus bills affects the economy before racking up additional debt.
Mrs. Pelosi rejected that view.
“Republicans say oh, we need a pause,” she said. “Well, are they going to pause the hunger or the evictions? Are they going to pause the out-of-work anger and pain people are feeling? This isn’t a time for [a] pause — this is a time for us to really have a strategic plan to test, trace, treat and isolate.”
I am sincerely hoping that this falls flat in the Senate! If this actually passes the Senate, I hope that President Trump puts a big fat veto on it!
DeleteIf the Senate passes this piece of crap, then they are traitors to America just like the House has shown itself to be!
"But Democrats also managed to include longstanding party priorities, including expanding vote-by-mail and relaxing some voter ID requirements and extending permission for legal and some illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S."
The Democrats want the illegals to have a free for all with voting in November!
Some interesting info over at Lame cherry. Take it as it is. But its getting very interesting as to who is going to back stab who. Singing to the tune.
ReplyDeleteWho Recorded Barack Obama's Rant Last Week and Leaked It?
The Obama that bumped into the Night
If any one reads these two articles let me know what you think.
Skippey, good to know that Manafort is released. Hopefully, more will come out that will dismantle Obama and the Dems.
ReplyDeleteBiden, Comey, Brennan among Obama-era officials who sought to unmask Michael Flynn
By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Updated: 3:50 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Several high-ranking members of the Obama administration were among the nearly 40 officials who reportedly sought to “unmask” the identity of Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, two Republican senators said Wednesday.
Among the figures named in the report are former Vice President Joe Biden, former FBI Director James Comey and ex-intelligence chiefs John Brennan and James Clapper, and former Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough.
that's just the first two paragraphs of the article. I hope the dems on the list and those directly / indirectly involved have night mares about the truth coming out.
Good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteLol... Looks like Mikey is speechless for the first time in his miserable life.
ReplyDeleteMust have seen the latest CNN poll.
Or maybe he's been watching the walls come crumbling down around his favorite communists.
Could be the insane multi trillion dollar spending bill Pelosi proposed that will never see the light of day.
Or it could be watching his favorite blue state governors turn into full blown dictators in full view of the American people...
New blog up and running...