Just when you think they couldn't possibly get any more insane today's democrat party proves they're just getting started.
House Democrats Tell Supreme Court They May Impeach Trump Again by 2021

House Democrats told the Supreme Court on Monday they need access to secret grand jury materials because they are still investigating President Donald Trump in connection with Russia “collusion” and may want to impeach him, again.
In a legal filing published by CNN, Democrats said that they need the grand jury materials because the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry into Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation is ongoing.
The Democrat-run House seeks “disclosure to the House Committee on the Judiciary of a limited set of grand-jury materials for use in the Committee’s ongoing Presidential impeachment investigation,” the Supreme Court filing says.
The saga began in 2019, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller determined that there had been no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. When he released his report, however, Mueller submitted two volumes — one on the collusion investigation, and one on a separate obstruction of justice investigation. Though he made no recommendation for prosecution, Democrats seized on the latter as providing the basis for potentially impeaching Trump for obstruction.
Democrats also claimed that certain redactions in the report must have hidden relevant information — though they declined to read a less redacted version. They also demanded access to material that Mueller had shown a grand jury. Normally grand jury proceedings are secret, and so Attorney General William Barr, citing federal law, declined the Democrats’ request. They then held him in contempt of Congress, and took their case for the materials to federal court.
The case made its way through the courts, and Democrats won at the D.C. Circuit. The Department of Justice appealed to the Supreme Court on May 7, and Chief Justice Roberts put a temporary hold on the grand jury materials on May 8.
In their court filing, the Democrats complain that further delays in the release of the grand jury materials would make it impossible for them to impeach the president again before Congress’s term ends:
If DOJ’s request for a stay is granted, DOJ need not file its certiorari petition until August 2020, and therefore this Court likely would not determine whether to grant or deny that petition until at least October 2020. This substantial delay will seriously endanger the Committee’s ability to complete its impeachment investigation during the current Congress— which ends not long thereafter on January 3, 2021.
Republicans could take over Congress on that date if they win 17 seats from Democrats.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, is available for pre-order. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
Pure Panic I would say their hate for Trump has control of their tiny brains.. They also love losing.
ReplyDeleteOh and a good morning to room 235..
ReplyDeleteThe Democratic Party is full of pro partisan thugs.
ReplyDeleteI can respect Democrats who have a philosophical difference with my views. I enjoy debating a retired oncologist friend of mine. Most recently I enjoyed debating the nationwide quarantine. He was convinced the pandemic had the potential to be the second coming of the black plague. Not so much any more. He has evolved to now believing it has the potential to to harm people who are above 65 and those with compromised immune systems. He still won't vote for a conservative but he hasn't cut off all contact with me for supporting Trump. My point being not all Democrats are so partisan they hate anything the opposition supports.
ReplyDeleteHe's probably afraid you will shoot him. With the other convention (other anti-tRump republicans) going on during the republican convention, more defections.
DeleteDamn! Eddie Haskell has passed. I liked him better than the Beav.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, some of tRump's bank papers were released during Michael Cohen's pretrial, and it looked like bank fraud. It was hard to refute with his inflated numbers and his signature on the bottom of each page. Also, US Supreme Court is looking at NY State request of tRump's tax records. Decision might be this summer.
ReplyDeleteDear leader is losing among senior voters, especially in Florida.
Here comes Mikey trying to baffle with bullshit right on cue.
ReplyDeletedear leader maybe losing his silicon supporter, Peter, Thiel, due to his poor leadership of the covid-19 crisis.
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather once told me, "What you have is valued somewhere between what you want for it, and what someone is willing to give you for it." Don't get your hopes up, regarding fraud allegations.
Now that you realize, or at least your talking point sources realize, the Dems. are losing support in all areas, you are claiming seniors do not support Trump. You are delusional.
Sorry, but you are wrong. Governors are popular and it doesn't help with gun toting loons demanding to be opened. Also, Karl Rove told dear leader that tRump's talking points against Biden are not hitting the mark with voters. Dear leader is in deep dodo.
DeleteFever checks and quarantine rooms? New norms for new/returning college students this fall.
ReplyDeleteI hope your heroes in Congress follow up on impeaching Trump again. Apparently they didn't lose enough the last time.
ReplyDeleteWell if you missed these headlines it's time to wake up... And see for yourself!
"Illinois State Police get 19,000 background checks for gun purchases in five days"
"Gun background checks double in Colorado amid coronavirus crisis, officials say"
"Ammunition Sales Soar in Response to Coronavirus Panic"
So why is everyone rushing to buy guns, ammo.
Maybe it's because a political leader (from the Liberal Left) recently released this in an executive order...
"The Emergency Authority is hereby empowered, if necessary, to suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transporting of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles."
Honestly, this is something we haven't seen before in our lifetime.
If you have a firearm or live in a state that still allows gun sales right now (many have banned gun stores from opening)... I urge you to to be prepared.
Protect your family, protect your home, protect your property, it's just the beginning be ready for what happens next.
Stay Armed, Stay Legal, Stay Safe... Are you prepared???
ReplyDeleteMy working place is near the hospital. Lease expires this June and not going to extend it as we can work at home. Use to hear ambulances but went back to clean up workspace, ambulances are going on all the time. Don't you know what is going on out there?
ReplyDeleteI have been hearing ambulances for years that isn't anything new Mikey, do you just wake up.
DeleteThe "Duh" was for Mikey.
ReplyDeleteDear leader is spending his campaign money NOW in Florida panhandle. This was tRump's territory so not a good sign spending his campaign in the spring to reinforce his territory (or was his territory). And meanwhile Biden is showing his ads of leadership and how he would run the pandemic.
ReplyDeleteDamn Mikey that was a damn good Joke, Hell Biden can't even run is mouth properly. hahahahahha
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I missed the low life entertainment from Mikey, I needed that..
ReplyDeleteI see Mikey still can't pay attention to logic but whats new.
ReplyDeleteRove was, and probably still is a "never-Trumper. Cavuto is now officially a "never-Trumper." Like Mikey he is misrepresenting the VA' usage of hydroxychloroquine. Like Trump I believe Fox has become less fair and balanced. Cavuto should do his research before he tries to panic people.
ReplyDeleteWell this will make the thug Dems scream loudly. Just saw this on Newsmax.
Kudlow: Trump Wants to See 7.6% Payroll Tax Cut
""I know the president wants to see those folks that go back to work to get a 7.6% cut in their payroll tax, so their after-tax take-home pay goes up," Kudlow said in an interview with Fox Business Network."
I'm for this payroll tax cut. More money in the pockets of the American Tax Payers!
This is something that the democrats will literally hate. The Democrats have an expensive taste and like a leech, they have been sucking the blood out of American Tax Payers for too long.
This sounds so much like the 2016 election. TDS'ers like Mikey going on and on about how Trump is losing support from this group or that, that Biden is ahead in the Polls, that they are still going to get Trump and impeach him just as soon as this next "scandal" is verified, on and on and on!
ReplyDeleteMy prediction is that the only possible way that Trump would lose is if the Dems are able to pull off their variety of cheating, lying, and stealing of the election!
The other hilarious thing going on is Biden and his quest for the perfect VP candidate. The biggest and least qualified idiot of the bunch is none other than Stacey Abrams! NO QUALIFICAIONS, NO EXPERIENCE, NO SHAME!
She is going to try to put Joe over the barrel and claim that if he doesn't pick her for the VP, he is RACIST!! Same game she played with the Governor's race, saying that she did not lose, it was fraud, and she should be the Governor! And the NYT apparently did an "Opinion" piece on her trying to label her as some kind of Super Hero or Rock Star. What a joke! If Biden's crowd does get him into office by some corrupt means and she is his VP, I can only imagine the utter nightmare that this country will have to go through! You can about bet that if Biden is President ( I think I'm getting sick!) he may last 6 months in the position before he totally loses it, the bump him off, or he gets impeached. Then in that case, you would have Abrams as President! Absolutely a horrible thought! I think I would even rather have Hillary in office than her! (God, Take me now!).
She was in the biggest election turn out in her state and she still lost by 55,000 votes. Now any person with a little bit of sense could tell that losing by that much is in no way a fraud. That's way to much of a difference to even be a fraud. So Libtards every where still cant find the 55,000 votes that she claims were illegaly counted. Pretty brain dead. No doubt she has ole Joe backed up in a corner if he doesn't pick her she will claim he is racist. But if she does that she may very well send a lot more votes over to Trump. She isn't smart enough to see that she has no say and the DNC and their loyal followers will screw her over just like they did Bite me.
DeleteIf no old people then fewer deaths/sicknesses. Beware Sgt, if you see beer cans going up a path, beware what is at the end. You may become a soylent green cube. Who would you leave your toilet paper stash?
ReplyDeleteHuh, Pelosi said tRump is obese and shouldn't take hydrochwhatever. He's a big fat orange puff. President Tweeter (Biden's name for him) will treet about Pelosi today.
ReplyDeleteSee, Mikey says bye but we all know he lies. Par for the course with Mikey's whole persona.
ReplyDeleteWonder if news briefing today. Do you think a reporter will ask President Fattypuff if he is too fat for hydrochrwhatever???
ReplyDeleteI leave for a little while and Mikey comes back from his important job. Notice when he doesn't have facts he changed the narrative. Do your research moron. Look at the alleged studies Cavuto and others cite. If you are such a blame identifier, why not look at Cuomo another of your heroes. Nursing homes with no instances of the Wuhan Virus, became death houses after Cuomo dictated that had to accept active cases of the ChiCom Virus.
ReplyDeleteThomas, he's not intelligent enough to do any sort of research. Reason being, he's used to being spoon fed like a helpless child.
ReplyDeleteHistorically those afflicted were quarantined, not the healthy. This virus caused many more deaths due to morons like you packing the sick in with the healthy.
ReplyDeleteNote, some nursing homes were negligent and being investigated
DeleteNursing homes are bad and as proof have an elderly relative living with us instead of an institution. Can't blame Cuomo for Pres Fattypuff dithering from Jan-Mar afterall, Fattypuff is ultimately head of CDC, FDA, HHS.
ReplyDeleteWait until campaign begins and see a dithering Fattypuff..
That Libtard old cow has more botox in her than a fat feeder steer.
ReplyDeleteWell gee I was wanting ole Mikey to tell us all about his time in the service. Him being a vet and all. I am sure he has some great stories about how he was a Air Born Ranger or was he in the Seals on team 6?
ReplyDeleteI'm not Mikey. Nope, don't even put out a flag unless memorial, veterans or dad's birthday. Don't believe in patriotism on a sleeve.
ReplyDeleteMikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey
Deletehe said he's not Mikey. I couldn't resist :) lol
DeleteMaybe we can call you Cliffdufer!
Deleteyou are not a patriot Mikey.
ReplyDeleteSure You lie You never were in the service. You are just a low life wanna be.
ReplyDeleteagreed Skippey.
DeleteGee, the old farts don't believe me. See Peter Thiel shittalked Pres Fattypuff over his poor leadership in this pandemic. Is not donating any money to his campaign. Dear leader never did add any new supporters, always white old farts, gun nuts, conspiracy nuts, the uneducated. Now he is losing the elderly support, and his one tech nerd. Not good for fattypuff.
ReplyDeleteIt's a no brainer Cliffdufer. With your record of lie after lie after lie, none of us will ever believe anything you say.
ReplyDeleteYOu forgot to giggle
What's the matter, you miss your bus ride to somewhere?
DeleteSgt, wifey got her 1,200 stimulus money and wants a bidet!! However, can't find any, hot item. Gonna have to get a plumber to install--too many little pipes for me.
ReplyDeleteGot real bathrooms and plenty of TP.. You just keep using your sleeves hahahhahahhaha
Deletejust more lies out of you Cliffdufer!
ReplyDeletesound like you also missed taking your anti crazy meds.
ReplyDeleteMikey you don't own a gun....?
ReplyDeleteInherit dad's shotgun and rifle. Hid them years ago (because of kids) and unsure where they are. In the attic, I believe. Have a bb gun for varmints, mostly snakes. Had a snake last week and was going after a birdnest in the shed rafters. Wifey took blower and blew snakey. Did you know snakey has cheeks? Snake went away.
DeleteCuomo stuck sick people inside the nursing homes, intentionally, and did not let those cases go to the hospitals.
ReplyDeleteSo people went and died in the nursing homes, and infected everyone else while dying? Nursing homes don't have iso rooms and ventilators...
Pretty obvious that Cuomo killed people by his actions. Not lack of action, but action.
That would make him liable.
Not to mention he owes me some money, for over ordering on ventilators.
He's liable for that as well.
So according to the little vajayjay troll logic, Cuomo should be facing some charges soon.
He owes a lot of money for all the stuff and people that he cried on about to Trump and then Trump got it for him and he didn't need it or use it. Just threw it all away. Hospitals that never were used .Extra people that had to pay their own way to help. The whole city stinks from all the corruption. Hope people sue him and all his low life followers for the money and resources that he blew away. Not to forget all the lives that he same as murdered. Just a example of a Libtard city and state. Why do people put up with this? We all know.
ReplyDeleteBecause of no national leadership. Remember we had no federal PPE and each state had to bid against each other for basic supplies. Explains why fattypuff had 6 bankruptcies.
ReplyDeleteLiar Check your diaper
ReplyDeleteYou can check this fact for yourself
DeleteUnrelated, but a good story.
Sen. Roberts commends CFAP
By Sarah Motter | Posted: Tue 12:01 PM, May 19, 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C., (WIBW) -- Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., commended U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and President Donald Trump for distributing direct assistance to agricultural producers affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program will distribute $16 billion to assist the agricultural industry in the United States whose markets have been disrupted or lost because of the COVID-19 emergency.
USDA’s Farm Service Agency will accept CFAP applications starting May 26 and ending August 28, 2020.
“I think President Trump and Secretary Perdue for their efforts to help our farmers, ranchers, and growers manage their operations during these unprecedented times,” says Roberts. “I encourage producers to contact their local FSA office to enroll in the program.”
A portion of the CFAP was authorized in the CAERES Act. The CARES Act included $9.5 billion in funds to assist agricultural producers, as well as additional resources to partially replenish the Commodity Credit Corporation. Congress also provided flexibility for the Secretary of Agriculture to purchase commodities for emergency distribution in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
“I will visit with President Trump later today to continue delivering messages from farm country, and we will continue working to make sure our producers have the tools they need during the COVID-19 emergency and beyond,” says Roberts.
Roberts is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
Producers can view the details of the program on the CFAP website.
There's a typo in the article, think should be thank. WIBW didn't do "spell check" before publishing.
Phillip Reines, democratic consultant, was isolated, detached, disoriented, and disconnected, from the real world. His mental health was damaged and even feared from his survival.
ReplyDeleteAnd that wasn't because of quarantine. That was the week he spent consuming only right-wing media.
Look at your official photo on the right. If you remove the ladies, all of you look like Shawnee County Prisoners. Take a liberal get-together. Hawaii shirts, party hats, more ladies, and perhaps a liquid libation to drink. You need liberals to prevent mass suicide of right-wing nuts.
ReplyDeleteThe Liberals lie continuously and feel no guilt for their lies.
ReplyDeleteIt takes Conservatives to bring balance to the fold.
The Liberals treat their anti American policies like a religion.
When truth brings light to the Liberal Left, they run, hide, compile new lies and come back to spread the new lies.
Like a house built on shifting sand, the Liberal Left has no morals.
When a Liberal lies, they are in fact insulting the whole of America.
If the Liberal Left had one ounce of honesty, they would get rid of their love for Socialism, Communism, and get reacquainted with the Constitution of the United States of America.
We The People, For the People, By The People!
Don't forget Mikey, there were more of us than there are of you. That is why Donald Trump is President!
ReplyDeleteOh goody, Her Royal Highness has decreed we can go to Stage 2 early. Wonder what The Crown Prince Pezzino will decree.
ReplyDeleteMikey Cliffdufus - you need to go back to school and relearn what it means to be an American.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mikey, I decided to give you a last name to go with your first name.
ReplyDeleteMikey Cliffdufus.
Gotta hit the road, by I gotta say this for I commute.
ReplyDeleteI know we are all doing the best to social distance and take care of each other. But please do NOT park your plane in the middle of eastbound I-70.
The crowds at the airport I know are a hazard, but please park a little closer to the airport.
Jeez, some people.... Lol
And yes, this really happened.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear leader had a press conference: Quote from Pres Fattypuff:
ReplyDelete"this miracle drug (hydrchorwhatever) has gotten tremendous recommendations from many, many people."
"our high-level of cases is a BADGE OF HONOR because it reflects the great job that we are doing testing." ((what the fuck?????)
"There is death on both sides.?????????????
"New Jersey is the densest state, a lot of people don't realize this." (you mean he doesn't)
Trump said the right info you can't handle it.
DeleteAnnie Glenn died. She was the wife of 73 years of Astronaut and Senator John Glenn.
ReplyDeleteJust remember everyone started dying the day they were born.. RIP
DeleteThe president's presser was fine. Easily understood.
ReplyDeleteUnless you didn't really watch and you're parroting the liberal-commie-take-it-out-of-context Twitter version.
But best of all today, you gotta love how our president made it clear to our witchy scardy cat governor that openening up needs to happen. Would of loved to listen in on that call.
Then this afternoon, the announcement that we are taking the next half step earlier than previously announced on Friday.
Good thing we have a leader in the president. Keeps idiot governors somewhat in check with regards to the rights of healthy free people.
Thank you Mr. President.
DeleteFeeling frisky today. Even gonna use a fox link... Lol
Do you really believe that? Do you think mommy and daddy are going to listen to Pres Fattypuff on how schools are open? Dear leader will run from any hard decision that has to be made.
DeleteAre you fact checking me? Gosh Mikey, your delay is flattering.
ReplyDeleteAre you checking on what the governor did today?
Maybe, just maybe you are really listening to the presidents presser. You could really learn something. I know at your age/temperament/lifestyle things get confusing at times...
ReplyDeleteC'mon Mikey. You can tell me.
ReplyDeleteI may already know.
Not fact-checking you, just know dear leader is a crybaby and will not lead. Do you think he will mandate that everything should be opened. Then what if people die. Nope better have Governors take responsibility and blame and that is dear leader's plan.
ReplyDeleteMy state made moves after a phone call.
ReplyDeleteWho's in charge?
You betcha.
Your daddy, President Trump
And please don't forget November
Trump is the Best thing that has happen to this country in the last 30 years, hahahahah deal with it it will be okay.. MAGA 2020...
ReplyDeleteI think Cuomo said something to Deblasio, too. He's changed his tune.
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing.
When you follow the will and desire of a free people, you will have their support.
Who's in charge again? Who's leading?
You don't know what he even does or care. Reading his dam tweets all day long, only shows how stupid he is and his followers.
ReplyDeleteAnd you lose again and again and again unknown, hahahhahahahaha
ReplyDeleteLike I said, he isn't extending his support instead losing senior voters. That Sen McSally (AZ-R) has over 20% support for reelection. Anyone connected to dear leader and she is a big tRumper is losing.
ReplyDeleteWho do the dems have to vote for, Loser Biden, and the Fat lady from GA maybe, Good Grief what a pick. Trump wins again...
ReplyDeleteBiden has not picked his vp yet, probably Amy. Vote on dear leader's record, what about 100,000 dead now.
ReplyDeleteThis nation is sicker, poorer and worse off since President Fattypuff took office. What is his plan??????
ReplyDeleteAnd he dithered for 2 months. Look at New Zealand, as prime minister immediately enforced lockdown, mandated manufacturing of testing and PPE. Look at them now as they are almost back before this pandemic. We can hope for this maybe spring or summer 2021.
ReplyDeleteUnknown Move to New Zealand and make the USA happy.
ReplyDeleteNZ is beautiful; however, they are not allowing non-citizens to reside there.
ReplyDeleteBiden doesn't know what day it is fool!
And yes, sweetheart, we are going back to the way it was.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to have to shoot me to stop me.
Parrot Twitter. Parrot Twitter.
ReplyDeleteChicken Little
Oh he ran away again Cant handle it HUGH? That just goes to prove what we have been saying A LIAR and a piece of slime.
ReplyDeleteSomebody is helping this moron take up space on this blog. It seems his alter ego from last evening went poof and now his style of writing is very similar. Instead of rational arguments. Mikey and his split personality friends are writing vast amounts of nonsensical garbage. Blather on my friends.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Tom and room 235, Ya that piss ant is just that. A wast of time.
ReplyDeleteGood morning gentlemen...
ReplyDeleteOne thing I know about President Trump, he's a man of strong character and he's a man of his word. I don't care what he was like before he married Melania - all that is irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteOn top of all that President Trump has endured since his inauguration proves one thing - he's no quitter. The Democrats have never dealt with a person like Donald Trump before. Frankly, they don't know how to defeat him. He'll win in November and the Democrats will have a greater melt down bigger than when Hillary failed.
Saw on the Washington Times this morning - Iran is doing stupid stuff again (as though they stopped)
"Iran navy to continue operating in Persian Gulf despite U.S. warning"
This bears watching what Iran is doing. Iran is trying hard to instigate a war.
Just totally enjoy when that POS goes *poof*.
ReplyDeleteNow if he can just stay in the refuse dump he crawls out of.
Part 1 of 2:
ReplyDeletePosted just a little while ago in the Albuquerque Journal:
Sept. 11 convict now says he renounces terrorism, bin Laden
Published: Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 at 10:09am
Updated: Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 at 10:09am
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The only man ever convicted in a U.S. court for a role in the Sept. 11 attacks now says he is renouncing terrorism, al-Qaida and the Islamic State.
Zacarias Moussaoui is serving a life sentence at a federal prison in Colorado after narrowly escaping the death penalty at his 2006 trial.
He was sometimes referred to as the missing 20th hijacker, and while he was clearly a member of al-Qaida there is scant evidence to suggest he was slated to hijack a plane on Sept. 11, 2001. Instead, prosecutors pinned responsibility on Moussaoui because they said he could have prevented the attacks if he had not lied to the FBI about his knowledge of al-Qaida and its efforts to attack the U.S. when he was arrested in August 2001.
In a handwritten court motion Moussaoui filed with the federal court in Alexandria last month, Moussaoui wrote, “I denounce, repudiate Usama bin Laden as a useful idiot of the CIA/Saudi. I also proclaim unequivocally my opposition to any terrorist action, attack, propaganda against the U.S.”
He also said he wants “to warn young Muslim against the deception and the manipulation of these fake Jihadis.”
His remarks are a far cry from his 2006 trial, when he taunted victims and flashed a victory sign after a jury opted to send him to prison for life rather than execute him. At his final sentencing hearing, he told the judge “God save Osama bin Laden you will never get him.”
Bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces on a compound in Pakistan in 2011.
Moussaoui made his renunciation in a petition seeking relaxation of the special administrative measures under which he serves his sentence. In particular, he says he wants either Rudy Giuliani or Alan Dershowitz to represent him as a lawyer, so he can testify in a civil trial filed by victims of the Sept. 11 attacks. Prison documents filed with his motion indicate he received a response of some kind to a letter he wrote to the American Civil Liberties Union but was not allowed to see it because it was marked as privileged legal communication, and he is only allowed to receive the mail if the prison can can open and read it.
Part 2 of 2:
ReplyDeleteMoussaoui has a long history of writing letters to the court — indeed he served as his own lawyer for several years leading up to his trial and regularly wrote legal motions referring to himself as “Slave of Allah,” a name he continues to use.
He has written numerous letters seeking to testify at the 9/11 civil trial, and at the military trials of al-Qaida members including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. But those requests have not included the explicit renunciation of terrorism that he includes in his most recent letter. As recently as 2018, he continued to refer to himself as a “natural born terrorist” in court papers. In another handwritten motion that year, he concluded his motion with “God Curse Ugly Satan of Abomination” in huge letters.
Katherine Donahue, an anthropology professor at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire, who wrote a book about Moussaoui called “Slave of Allah” after attending his 2006 trial, said she was unaware of any other instance in which Moussaoui had renounced terrorism or bin Laden. She said she expects he is being truthful, even though he admitted at his trial that he lied to the FBI after his arrest.
“He’s been there 14 years. It’s a long time to think about what you’ve done,” she said. “I don’t see him lying. … There were so many ways he could have helped himself before by lying” but he didn’t.
Terry Strada, whose husband died in the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center and is one of the plaintiffs suing Saudi Arabia for its alleged complicity in the attacks, was more skeptical.
“I don’t trust him, that he’s reformed himself in prison,” she said. “I wouldn’t trust him around anybody’s youth.”
Lawyers representing the 9/11 plaintiffs did not return calls and emails seeking comment, nor did Giuliani or Dershowitz.
U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema, who presided over Moussaoui’s trial and was regularly subjected to Moussaoui’s insults in court papers, denied his request and said any grievance he has about the treatment he’s receiving in prison should be filed in Colorado where he resides.
“Raising these issues with this Court is an act of futility,” Brinkema wrote.
Moussaoui has appealed her denial to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.
Try all he wants - he's not getting out of prison.
DeleteAlso in the Albuquerque Journal:
ReplyDeleteIf Biden chooses this bitch - he's more doomed than if he chose the "never gonna be president" Hillary.
Biden may be looking at Lujan Grisham for VP
From The Hill:
"Senate Republicans issue first subpoena in Obama-era probes
BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 05/20/20 12:04 PM EDT"
The Democrats are fuming, they don't like how the tables have turned on them. Too bad!! Karma is biting them in the butt!
Flail, flail, flail....
ReplyDeleteYour Twitter parroting is weak.
That's the problem with all you commies, and why I laugh in your face.
You are weak and pathetic. Nothing you do will ever amount to anything in the eyes of freedom.
The weak must be controlled, Anon. And controlling your mind they are.
The local trash truck is coming to collect you - best stand by the alley so they can take you away with the rest of the trash!
ReplyDeletethe polls don't mean anything. remember 2016?
ReplyDeletere-read my post from 2:33 pm.
ReplyDeletePolls cannot predict elections. Just ask the presidential never gonna be Hillary, oh wait, she might still be in a drunken stupor.
ReplyDeleterevisit the 2016 election results. the polls were wrong. deal with it.
ReplyDeleteoh never mind, you're still in a severe chronic state of denial that you've been living in since HILLARY FAILED.
ReplyDeletethat must have hurt what little brain you have left to come up with that bs
ReplyDeletejust keep thumping that drum Mikey Cliffdoofus, you actually might get some rhythm, though you'll never be in tune.
Deletehe knows that, he's just trying to get us riled. it ain't working.
ReplyDeletePelosi is a drunkard and very frail, she needs to be careful. COVID-19 affects the elderly.
ReplyDeleteit's not working. we're not getting riled up. you're failing like a poor soul trying to get water out of a dry well.
ReplyDeleteno, you're just a sore loser since 2016 when Hillary failed miserably. She never even fought the results
ReplyDeleteall Hillary could do is boo hoo, write a book full of bs, and play a phony martyr
DeleteYou don't even know what you are talking about talking points from the fake left news.
ReplyDeletethere you go, grasping at imaginary straws. but after all you lie repeatedly, you can't help yourself.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Mikey Cliffdoofus is when they were passing out brains, he thought they said trains and he replied, nope, don't want it.
ReplyDeleteBottom Line is Trump is going to win again, because he isn't tired of winning, and you have to go thru 4 more years of whining hahahhahahahha
ReplyDeleteno, not frightened. you're in such a state of denial, placing your trust in polls that don't mean diddly nor squat.
ReplyDeleteMAGA 2020 Mr President. :):)
ReplyDeleteMikey Cliffdoofus, change came in 2016. You're way behind the times!
ReplyDeletetalk about missing the mark Mikey Cliffdoofus - boodis jeest.
ReplyDeleteLooks like red governors did a really great job.
ReplyDeleteEspecially Ron DeSantis. He protected nursing homes, too. Outstanding. Florida is open, numbers falling off.
New York? Yea, turns out Cuomo doesn't like grandma and grandpa. He didn't protect, he infected. And even said his decision was "just".
Florida has more people to deal with(statistics) and a more vulnerable(older)population. Outstanding performance by a governor. And he doesn't owe us any money for over ordering ventilators, and we won't have to bail his state out.
there you go again, more croakings of crapola, placing your trust in faulty information. you never learn.
ReplyDeleteWho the Hell cares Obama was the worst President ever...
ReplyDeleteYea, your conspiracy theory about the numbers has been broken. Guess Twitter doesn't keep you completely up to speed. That's your bad. But try harder, rather than use a disgruntled ex-employee bullshit that she has to later retract.
ReplyDeleteI should of added to my earlier post, that I'm not sure it's a good look to have arrested mostly blacks and Hispanics for not distancing and to always be tweeting about "jews" and their activity.
Good look for the commies from the left, and comrade Deblasio himself.
Looks kinda nazish to me. Who the hell would want to live in a blue state? No wonder people are leaving.
But anon loves this behavior. Fancies himself as in the know....
*Numbers regarding Florida, that is...
DeleteGood Grief you are color blind also...
DeleteObama did not unite. Obama encouraged the lowest labor force participation in history.
ReplyDeleteHe did the least for any black people around the country besides what was on his staff.
In fact, there will be a sobriety celebration in a couple months. Mike Brown will be six years sober.
Remember that? Yea, Obama was a real unifier, sure. How about Trayvon? Garner? Freddie Gray?
You sir, are a clown. Lol... 🤡
Still haven't explained why blue states are communist strongholds, and you arrest free and healthy people of color, and pick on jews?
ReplyDeleteThat's not good behavior Anon.
Where's my money for the ventilators you had to have, btw?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhoops! 😏
DeleteI shouldn't of posted that.
Well race night, just getting started hope the weather stays better than it looks.
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning America.
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you know America's blog has a new edition for you to consider this morning...