Saturday, May 16, 2020

She made the citizens point herself...

According to this bitches own words, no one should stand in the way of her and her comrades doing their jobs.

Well you see governor, that's exactly what you're doing to millions of American citizens who simply want to do their jobs.

MI Gov. Whitmer: Racist, Misogynistic Lockdown Protesters ‘Calling for Violence’


"That is disenfranchising thousands of people in our state if their legislator doesn’t feel safe to go to work and do what their job is. No one should stand in our way of doing our jobs."

Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) declared the “racist and misogynistic” lockdown protesters opposing her order were “calling for violence.”
Whitmer said, “Well, I do think that the fact of the matter is these protests, you know, in a perverse way make it likelier that we’re going to have to stay in a stay-at-home posture. The whole point of them supposedly is they don’t want to be doing that, and that’s why I’m asking that everyone with a platform call on people to do the right thing. You know, these have been really political rallies where people come with Confederate flags and Nazi symbolism and calling for violence. This is not appropriate in a global pandemic, but it’s certainly not an exercise of democratic principles where we have free speech. This is calls to violence. This is racist and misogynistic, and I ask that everyone who has a platform uses it to call on people to observe the best practices by the CDC, and to stop encouraging this behavior because it only makes it that much more precarious for us to try to reengage our economy which is what everyone says they want us to be able to do.”
When asked about threats to her, Whitmer said, “Well, I would be not truthful if I said it didn’t bother me. It certainly does. I’m fortunate that the Michigan State Police is an incredibly talented professional organization that oversees the security of myself and my family and I’m grateful for that, but the fact of the matter is the Michigan capitol is one of the few capitols in the country where people can come with bearing arms, and what we saw last week and what we anticipate seeing tomorrow is those arms being used to intimidate others, being brandished in a way that is to strike fear into others, and that is not legal activity. So this is a terribly concerning development in that we have legislators who are showing up to work wearing bulletproof vests. That is disenfranchising thousands of people in our state if their legislator doesn’t feel safe to go to work and do what their job is. No one should stand in our way of doing our jobs. I respect people’s right to dissent, but that does not extend to endangering other people’s lives and we take it very seriously.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


  1. So far no violence. Bullet proof vests ineffective against rifle rounds, so they are for show. Still no pictures of swatstika. If there were any don't you think we would have been inundated by photos, even if there was only one. The Gov. is a power mad progressive. Notice the MSM has not published polls concerning her support. If you don't do what I say, I'll make you stay on lockdown longer. I'll ruin the economy of this State. I have a job. What a POS.

  2. Been busy the past couple of days. Just got around to reading local letters to the editor. Some moron wrote bloviating about Trump and his supporters. This fool goes on to cite his being lucky to have learned something in a 12 Step program and then proceeds to profess ideas 180 degrees opposite of any such program. Perhaps his TDS would be alleviated if he was really follow his program.

  3. Good Morning again room 235... I was born and raised in Michigan, a long time ago Unless the People have gone Punish I wouldn't mess with them.

  4. Mikey,
    Do yourself a favor and look at the questions in the poll you might be citing. Although I doubt very seriously you can even find the poll. Don't you think the MSM would be citing this poll ad nauseam if it meant a damn thing. Do your research.

  5. Where in your dreams did you come up with that bullshit statement regarding Florida and Georgia? Please explain your managerial experience.

  6. Almost every one I have spoken to from Michigan some currently living there,some not cannot stand the present Governor. Not scientific, but interesting.

  7. Democrats are “outraged” at the results of a poll by USA Today that ranked Barack Obama DEAD last in a ranking of U.S. Presidents.

    The hilarious results go against what liberals would have you believe that he was a great president.

    The list of reasons for Obama being voted the worst President is long but a few of the reasons cited include the failing Obamacare system, the horrible economic recovery during his presidency and the rise of the NSA and the lost of personal privacy in America.

    Liberals claim the results of this poll are WRONG! Hahahahaha We have been telling them that for years now... hahaha

  8. Unknown have you ever made a dent at anything in life, Just wondering... I didn't think so..

  9. Joe Biden used the federal government to ILLEGALLY SPY on Trump 2016 campaign and to further the Russian Collusion Delusion. Can you believe it?

    First,Trump was accused of colluding with the Russians.
    Next, the Democrats wasted our time and money with a 3-YEAR WITCH HUNT.
    Then, they IMPEACHED TRUMP for being a perfect President.
    After that, Trump was ACQUITTED (He did nothing wrong).
    And now, there is evidence showing that Sleepy Joe is the GUILTY one.

    The Liberals have ALWAYS been trying to take Trump down, and more importantly, they’ve been trying to take ALL of Us down. They fail again MAG 2020.

  10. So you are making money are you? You must not making much, you still eating your can Hash and a egg? That is okay for a bottom feeder like you you have to start someplace...

  11. You sure do worry a lot about President Trump, I bet it is because you know he is like Tony the Tiger.. GREAT!!!

  12. Time for a break, see ya's later... hehehehe

  13. Now that wasn't nice, at least I can afford Beer... hehheeh Get a Job Boy...

  14. Unknown, we're seeing a repeat of history of the not so distant past. In 2016 the sources you tap into said that Hillary was ahead in the polls that she was going to defeat Donald Trump.

    Well we saw the outcome of that didn't we?

    History is repeating itself again. The sources you tap into is doing all they can to get into the minds of people and they are promoting Joe Biden.

    I am confident in saying that Donald Trump will be re-elected to a 2nd term and that this political stunt that Biden is doing will be his last political stand.

    Obama's legacy is shattered, him and his administration are being exposed for what they are, and not only that - just like in 2016, there are more people that will vote Republican and the House will be returned to the Republicans and the Senate will gain more seats.

    Unknown, you best have a stash of Kleenex on had come November. You'll need them when Donald Trump wins!

  15. Unknown don't waste the Kleenex I will donate you a roll of my stashed to toilet paper a double roll at that.hahahahah

  16. naw, send him a one ply roll of John Wayne TP


    you know the kind that public restrooms have at shopping centers... don't take crap off of no one.

    1. Lol, I do think my son has that John Wayne TP he got a long time ago, and a few rolls of Obama TP, But I think he use that... Hahaha

    2. Or maybe some color catalogs (Sears and Montgomery Ward). When he uses that to wipe his tears, the color print will smear on his face! He'll be known as the one of many colors! ha ha ha ha :)

  17. Good the pecker head went poof already, short day for him.

  18. just saw the most beautiful tribute to our First Lady Melania Trump. It was on Newsmax Chan. 25.5. If I find a link to it, I'll post it.

    After watching this, I'm like why hasn't ABC, CBS, and NBC, etc., etc., been saying the good that she's done in her life and also her life in the White House? Because the other media outlets only can spew junk.

  19. She said that when she and Donald Trump married, he had to agree to a faithful relationship, no fooling around. He agreed, and as Paul Harvey said at the end of his commentaries....'now you know the rest of the story.'

  20. If y'all get channel 25.5 on HDTV, they will air this again at 8:30 this evening.

    It's titled:

    Melania Trump, A Very Beautiful First Lady

  21. just in case you don't get 25.5, here's the link and you can watch it on the internet.

  22. Well I'm telling you Mikey, the longer you keep your head in the liberal biased media bubble, the longer you'll believe their lies.

  23. Mickey wants it personal, and wants attention.

    So sad.

    People should be careful, grandad always said. They may get just what they want. 😉😘


    Cya in November.

  24. Well Mikey got quite must have a mouth full of Batshit.

  25. Nothing like a good Tilapia and Cobia fish for dinner fried in butter and Orange lemon pepper along with onions. Small side of fries, made to much again, have a fish sandwich before bed tonight, beats Can Hash any day. I dry my own Lemon and orange peel, make Powder. Wife eats orange's every day and being prepared I waste nothing not even the peel's...

  26. Proud Patriot Mims Knows Real Criminals

    There is no question: Governor Gavin Newsom of California would rather imprison hardworking Americans in their homes than imprison hardened criminals in their cells. It's undeniable, considering the only people he's let out of anywhere in the last several months are convicted felons.

    But one proud patriot, Sheriff Margaret Mims of Fresno County, isn't going to waste time enforcing Newsom's mindless stay at home orders.

    Instead, she's focusing on what really matters: re-arresting criminals that are roaming her streets. Thank goodness there are people out there like Sheriff Mims to protect us from the overreach of government.

  27. Trump winning again Lib still losing.

  28. just got back from being at my mother in law's house. Hubby n' me put in a pizza in the oven. We're having pizza for dinner in about 25 minutes.

  29. I see that Mikey just refuses to learn from all the butt kickings he receives and he comes back for more. I've come to the conclusion that Mikey enjoys getting his croaking's of crapola flung back at him and he also enjoys getting his butt kicked!

    He and Biden should get along quite well together!

    1. With Biden's dementia, Mikey will have to keep reminding him that he isn't the president, Donald Trump beat him... (giggles)

    2. You need to go way back up and see how he was addressing you Rikki

    3. ok, I'll be back in a moment or so.

  30. Though the repulsive remarks were removed, I still got the jest of what happened Mikey.

    Ok, Rule No. 1....
    Mikey, I am not nor will ever be your sweetie!

    Rule No. 2.... Don't you ever call me that ever again!

    Rule No. 3....above and foremost, I am spoken for! For 35+ years and counting!

    Rule No. can take a flying leap to hell!

    1. got the pizza out of the oven, yum yum :)

      as for Mikey, we all know he's a card short of a deck.

    2. Enjoy your Pizza, we were doing fish today, tomorrow pizza sounds good.

    3. Or, like I heard from someone the other day; He's 2 french fries short of a Happy Meal!

  31. Nothing like a good Tilapia and Cobia fish for dinner fried in butter and Orange lemon pepper along with onions. Small side of fries, made to much again, have a fish sandwich before bed tonight, . I dry my own Lemon and orange peel, make Powder. Wife eats orange's every day and being prepared I waste nothing not even the peel's...

    1. yum :) Rick picked up some frozen salmon fillets the other day. Today while we were at the grocery store, I picked up some herbs and some lemons to bake with the salmon :)

    2. hadn't thought about using oranges, but I bet that tastes delicious :)

    3. Orange Powder, easy to dry doesn't take long, when dry put in the blender make into powder, Store in glass jar not plastic bags, it will eat the bag up. heheheh I like to add lemon powder and pepper to the same jar.

    4. You can buy orange powder in the store but a little pricey and home made is better.

  32. y'all have a good evening :) will visit tomorrow.

    many hugs

  33. I suppose 6:00 in the morning is too early to start mowing...

  34. Happy Birthday Chris McGinty.. where ever you are...

  35. Lol... I think he's sleeping in this morning. I sent him a text about an hour ago and still haven't heard back from him... You know these old geezers need their rest...😝😝😝

  36. Most of their problems are they go out with the boys at night but can't get up with the men in the morning.😝😝😝

  37. 6 am lawn mowing :) sounds like you're very energetic this morning Kevin :) you for hire? my yard needs cut too :) :)

    just kidding :)


  38. Morning Rikki...

    Mow away Kevin no rain in site.. Besides you need the work out..

  39. that's right, it's a good calorie burner and cardio exercise :)


  40. Rick and I have been working in the yard updating the flower beds, etc. in pieces. We'll be out in the front yard again today. Took out the old flower bed in the front, rebuilding it. We bought some tan colored scalloped bricks to edge the flower bed and lots of dirt to raise the flower bed. Got the bricks in, 1/3 of the flower bed filled and plants in, will get to the other 2/3 of the flower bed. worked on the rose gardens, and the 1st peony patch. Still have the other peony patch to work on. that and Rick will be mowing today also :)

  41. Well I am transplanting some large jalapeno peppers, drink some cheap beer, watch the Races today and drink more cheap beer, Life is good...

  42. y'all have a fun filled morning :) I've gotta get started with stuff here in the house before we go outside.

    I'll check back in after a while. :)

  43. whoo ~ taking a break. Rick and I finished filling the front flower bed with dirt, etc., transplanted our tulips into the north side of the front flower bed. We also transplanted 2 of our rose plants in the center section of the new flower bed. We still need to get a few more plants to fill in the vacant area of the flower bed, but that will be for another day.

    Took out the landscape timbers that we had down for decades, don't ever want land scape timers again. We were going to transplant our knockout rose bushes to the front to be on either side of the new flower bed, but their roots were too deep, we couldn't get them out. Going to leave them where we have them and just put some landscape rock (I think) around them.

    Our Russets and Red skin potatoes are getting tall and healthy. I think the ground mole found the green bean seeds, we don't have any green bean plants. The varmint.

    Our tomato and pepper plants are doing good :).

    Oh, we also got two blueberry plants, never tried our hand at blueberry plants before. We have them planted on the south side lawn.

    Rick and I are out of energy, out of umph, you get the picture

    lol :)

  44. Drivers Start Your engine's...

  45. Rikki,

    Not sure where you live. Green beans need soil temperature of at least 50 degrees preferably 60 to germinate properly. Found that out the hard way a bunch of years back. I never plant them until after Memorial Day in Shawnee County. I use pinafores to get rid of moles. Drives them right over to my neighbors.

  46. Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for the info. :) We'll keep watering, nurturing the garden. Will keep y'all in the know.

    I'm in the Oakland area north of Sardou. The soil in this part of town is rich good soil.

  47. I'll be back in a while. Rick and I are headed up to his Mom's place.

  48. Kevin Harhick won the race his 50 win..Nice to see some sports back, they did a good job handling this.

  49. we watched part of that race over at Rick's Mom's house. It was good to see Nascar back on tv, but odd to see no spectators.

  50. it's been a very, very long day for me and mine. I know it's early, but I'm calling it a nite. Rest well, tomorrow is a new day.

    Peace out.

  51. Good morning Sarge. Here we go again...

  52. Yup same old story...Have a safe day I got to cut my hedges before I need a latter to do them..

  53. G'morning :)

    safe journey if y'all needs to be driving anywhere today

    for those who are going to be outside, :) enjoy the sunshine

    above all :) smile and if you see someone without a smile, give them yours :)

    So, for y'all here this morning reading my post here's my smile :)

    (((hugs))) Rikki

  54. And another great morning in the jungle. And the stock market is off and running. MAGA

  55. Good morning! Well, I am finally back at my regular work post. Back to day shift after spending most of the last 2 months working second shift. All of this crazy shit needs to end! Obama and all of his criminal administration need to be charged with treason and locked up! The country needs to get back to work and the Democrats need to be run out of office! Other that that, everything is perfect! Have a great day!

    1. Good to hear Gary, nothing like this getting back to Normal, MAG 2020

  56. maybe we can get an electric charge on that door Sarge. The voltage will be an enlightenment to him!

  57. Chavez did you every see or hear from such a whiner as Mikey, Good Grief..

    1. he's definitely got problems.

    2. Problems??? He is the guy that looks at the Stars at night and thinks those are people with flashlights..

  58. Mikey wishig death upon us deserves him being totally no access to this blog.

  59. It's kind of too bad. Mikey is what a friend of my described to me as "2 french fries short of a Happy Meal!"

  60. The newest of Unknown's problems is that he can no longer post over on the urinal!

    No more multi troll posts on the urinal for Unknown!

  61. He's jealous of us over here because we still are able to visit with each other (thank you Kevin & Safe). Unknown is quite envious of all of us, our lives, and our accomplishments.

  62. Encase you missed it Unknown is is the guy that looks at the Stars at night and thinks those are people with flashlights..

  63. I'll just bet that the wonders how they turn off and turn back on... ha ha :)

  64. Part 1 of??

    Just saw this, though the story broke May 12th.

    Cashing in on the COVID Crisis: Scores of nursing home patients evicted

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – April 10, 2020. It’s moving day for patients at an Albuquerque nursing home. One after the other, they are carefully loaded in ambulances and medical vans for transport elsewhere. They are in their 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, one is 102. Many are wheelchair-bound. A few are in hospice. All are medically fragile. But their departure is not voluntary. In fact, all 54 patients at Canyon Transitional Rehabilitation Center are being forced out, evicted.

    Eighty-four-year-old Janet B., originally from Austin, is a Texas Longhorns and Dallas Cowboys fan. She was admitted to the Canyon facility in 2018 following a fall. “She has progressed to the point where she’s almost walking in a walker and almost talking in full and complete sentences,” says Janet’s daughter, Jennifer Shoman. “Her short term memory is pretty much gone. Her long term memory is intact. She remembers her family,” Ms. Shoman said.

    Last month an Administrator at Canyon called Jennifer to say her mom would have to vacate the premises. “They were very specific to say that the Governor had ordered it. In fact, they mentioned her name specifically. They said that the Governor had ordered that that facility would be evacuated and COVID-19 patients would be brought in,” Ms. Shoman said. “I couldn’t believe it. I thought it must be a mistake. I asked how quickly that could potentially happen. And she said it could happen tomorrow,” Shoman said.

    Ninety-seven-year-old Shirley C. was a gifted commercial artist known for her sense of humor. She had been a patient at Canyon for eight years. “She still has some sense of humor, but she gets confused easily. She has some heart problems and has been losing weight so they put her on hospice,” says Shirley’s sole living relative, Jan Siegrist.

    In April Jan Siegrist got the call from Canyon. “The administrator said that all of the residents of Canyon were going to be moved to other locations. … They told me she was going to be moved the following day on Saturday, the next day. So I had about 24 hours notice. It made me angry. And it made me very protective of my aunt,” Jan Siegrist says.

    Sixty-year-old Alvin S. is funny, smart, and likes to make people laugh. Wheelchair-bound, Alvin has been a patient at Canyon for one year. “He was involved in a motorcycle accident over 40 years ago that caused him to have a brain injury, and, a disability on his left side of his body,” says Alvin’s sister, Lisa Padilla.

    Last month, a Canyon caseworker told Lisa her brother had to leave the nursing home. “It was just put on us within a few days, ‘This is what we decided. This is what we’re gonna do.’ And he’s gone. That’s it. It’s done,” says Ms. Padilla.

    102-year-old Helen D. worked in retail sales for 30 years. A long-time resident at Canyon, Helen was given 24 hours notice to move out.

  65. Part 2 of ??

    What is this all about?
    It relates directly to the coronavirus pandemic crisis. State officials went looking for a healthcare facility that could accommodate COVID-19 patients who are recovering but still need nursing care. Canyon’s Corporate Office, Genesis HealthCare, volunteered to convert its Albuquerque nursing home from a rehab center to a COVID-19 recovery facility.

    In an agreement signed last month, New Mexico Health officials directed Canyon to discharge all of its existing patients as soon as possible. In return, Canyon receives $600 a day for each COVID-19 patient admitted, and, $600 a day for each empty bed, up to 30 empty beds.

    For example, before the agreement, Canyon received about $280 a day to care for 102-year-old Helen D. Today, Canyon receives $600 for any COVID-19 patient that occupies Helen’s old bed. And if Helen’s former bed remains empty, the state pays Canyon $600 a day anyway.

    “I certainly knew that people who resided there, who were cared for there, would be displaced,” New Mexico Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel says. “We needed a location where we could isolate sick people. And it’s regrettable that anyone had to move to make that happen,” Secretary Kunkel said. “I think that the State has an obligation to make tough choices and do the best they can with whatever the ramifications are.”

    “They’re in the business of caring for people. But this decision showed extreme disregard and disrespect for the residents, their families, and the staff at Canyon who have worked very hard to keep this a COVID free environment,” says Jan Siegrist who cares for her 97-year-old Aunt.

    “It’s devastating. I feel there is just a total lack of consideration for the families and for the residents at Canyon,” says Jennifer Shoman. “I feel like my mom was treated like revenue, disposable, and that her needs and health and well-being were not taken into consideration.”

    “They didn’t consider the people that were already there. (Canyon patients are) all pretty vulnerable and they’re already sick,” Lisa Padilla said.

    New Mexico’s Aging and Long Term Services Cabinet Secretary, Katrina Hotrum-Lopez says she “would feel devasted” if her family member had been told to vacate Canyon. “These were tough choices and my heart goes out to the family and to the residents that had to leave that facility,” Secretary Hotrum-Lopez said. “It’s devastating and difficult, but still something the State felt like we had to make in order to keep all populations safe.”

    “Of course patients have the right to be consulted before they’re moved. In a normal world, we would never move someone without their consent,” Health Secretary Kunkel says. “It isn’t normal times, though. There’s no winner in this. … These families have rights. What I’m trying to do is keep them alive, keep them safe. They have rights, of course. And this particular group that moved, I think the State owes them a great debt of gratitude for being the ones that made room for sicker people.”

    Many of Canyon’s former residents are now settled in at other area nursing homes. Lisa Padilla says the transition has been difficult for her brother Alvin. “He was not happy. He wanted to leave (the new facility). He said, ‘I don’t like it here. I want to get out of here. I want to go back,'” Ms. Padilla said.

    “They knew that the elderly and the disabled could not complain or question this,” Jan Siegrist says. “I believe that they hoped that those of us who love and support those folks would not have time to raise questions or concerns. And that’s why the move happened so quickly. I think that’s despicable.”

    Sadly, Jan Siegrist’s 97 year old Aunt, Shirley Campbell, died Friday at an area nursing home, less than a month after being evicted from Canyon.

    Jennifer Shoman has a message for the New Mexico officials who orchestrated the Canyon deal, “Have some consideration for the families. I think it’s important that they review what happened here to make sure that it never happens again.”

  66. Part 3 of ??

    “Certainly those are things that we can do better and must do better if we ever do this again,” Aging and Long Term Services Secretary Hotrum-Lopez says. “I don’t think we owe them an apology as much as we owe them gratitude to make this sacrifice in this time. … Those are the tough decisions that we were making and still continue to have to make.”

    “These individuals were asked, or told, to move so that we could create a facility that would protect as many people as possible,” Health Secretary Kunkel says “I don’t think it’s ever going to feel good to those families. The weight of responsibility that I feel as Secretary of Health is immeasurable. … That doesn’t mean that I can just bulldoze over people no matter how great my responsibility is. People matter. If we can’t communicate to our citizens, we’re in trouble.”

    In a prepared statement, Canyon’s Executive Director, Jennifer Riggs said, in part, “We recognize this transition was difficult for Canyon Transitional patients and their families, and we worked closely with the State Ombudsman team to communicate and safely transfer these residents to other centers where there were no residents with the virus. Based on our experience, it was the best way to save the most lives in Albuquerque.”

  67. Part 4 of ??

    A spokesperson for Canyon’s Corporate office, Genesis HealthCare, did not respond to KRQE News 13’s request for an interview.

    Statement from Canyon Transitionals’ parent company, Genesis
    Genesis HealthCare was honored that the State of New Mexico asked us to share our learnings from other areas of the country and dedicate a facility to keep those with the virus away from those without the virus. As seen in other states with large outbreaks, this is one of the best ways to save lives and protect healthy residents.

    At the request of the State, we quickly converted Canyon Transitional Rehabilitation Center into a dedicated COVID-19 recovery facility that is safely treating patients with the virus. Genesis has ten facilities in the Albuquerque area, and is committed to the care of this important population. Canyon Transitional was selected because it had the fewest number of patients of any of our facilities in Albuquerque and there were no COVID patients, allowing for safe transfer or discharge.

    We recognize this transition was difficult for Canyon Transitional patients and their families, and we worked closely with the State Ombudsman team to communicate and safely transfer these residents to other centers where there were no residents with the virus. Based on our experience, it was the best way to save the most lives in Albuquerque.

    During the week of April 13, we were able to safely discharge 54 individuals from the facility either directly home, if their health status permitted, or transfer them to another facility, where their care continues. We are grateful to the patients, families for all their help in making this transition. They are the true heroes, along with all the healthcare workers working every day to keep our residents safe.


    From the Patient Placement Agreement with NMDOH
    As soon as reasonably practicable, the Center shall discharge any residents that have
    tested negative for COVID-19. The Center shall follow federal and state transfer and
    discharge regulations, taking into account waivers and amendments made to those
    regulations by the federal government or the State of New Mexico. Residents have the
    right to be readmitted to the Center after the public health emergency, provided that the
    Center continues to operate as a skilled nursing facility.

  68. Ok, long and very detailed story that I posted from KRQE in Albuquerque - though the story was published May 12th, I'm just hearing about this.

    New Mexico's Liberal Democrat Governor ordered this and the nursing facility will get more $$ for admitting COVID-19 patients.

    "For example, before the agreement, Canyon received about $280 a day to care for 102-year-old Helen D. Today, Canyon receives $600 for any COVID-19 patient that occupies Helen’s old bed. And if Helen’s former bed remains empty, the state pays Canyon $600 a day anyway."

    Makes me wonder if this is happening in other nursing homes not just in New Mexico, but abroad?

    This is just wrong as wrong can get!

  69. Old people and people with disabilities (no matter the age) if they are in a nursing home, they should continue receiving care there.

    These people are not "cattle" to be shuttled off so the nursing facility can receive more money for COVID-19 patients.

    Not taking away from the people with COVID-19, they need care also. But to evict people who have already been admitted to nursing homes to make room for.... you get the jest of my thought track here.

    1. Very true. I seen some where that the chance for law suites in N Y may well be real. The gov same as murdered a lot of people by making the homes take in virus patients.

    2. Skippey, my heart breaks for the residents in this story. That liberal democrat governor in NM needs to seriously get the boot.

      With the vacant buildings in the smaller towns, those could have been renovated to support caring for the COVID-19 patients.

  70. Stock market looking good today $$$$$$ :)

  71. And gas prices are still down. Way more than Obamma ever did. Thank You Trump MAGA

  72. Add this to your list Rikki. Great posts today from you.

    1. Cuomo is another one who needs the boot.

    2. Hammer, I shared the nursing home story with my uncle in Minnesota (the Viet Nam Marine Veteran / Patriot / Trump supporter).

      His words:
      "It's all about the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but where he is going dollars do not matter."

      In summary of what my Uncle said, these who did this to the nursing home residents got a one way ticket to hades.

    3. I certainly agree with what your uncle said.

  73. my Uncle meant to write "she" not "he".... the governor of NM and the sec. of health of NM are women.

  74. Trump drops a bombshell on the media, they are running around like a cat with a laser light on the floor. He works them like he owns them.

  75. Unknown you need to get a life...

  76. No, Unknown. Sarge is a Patriot, just like the rest of us!

    You, however, well, you just don't measure up!

  77. The uneducated appears again. The drug has been used since the forties to treat and prevent malaria. It is also used to treat lupus and arthritis. The VA usage you speak of was not a study. The vets were already dying, had previous issues and couldn't be saved anyway. Read the true paper on the usuage.

    1. You need to just go away Unknown, you and your croakings of crapola.

  78. you'll never measure up Unknown. Sarge and every one of the Room 235 folks are all Patriots.

    You, you're a loser and will always be. Never gonna measure up!

  79. **SLAP**

    that's for you Unknown!

  80. Read the studies of this drug which showed promise. I am not sure why I bother to attempt to educate you, as you don't seem to learn.

  81. Just incase anyone is wondering the VA system here is just fine. Just like private medical care one has to take an active role in ones health care. Because I am self employed I went on VA as soon as Obamacare came in and quadruple my monthly premium and reduced my coverage. With it I don't need a Medicare supplement or prescription coverage. I can tell stories about the problems with both forms of care. I would still he on private insurance except for Obamacare. Idiots like Mikey are the reason taxpayers pay my medical bills.

  82. Just what I was thinking also and more

  83. Mikey,

    You are as much a veteran as you are a manager. You are unable to write/speak the lingo of either. You cannot answer basic questions regarding either without Googling for the answer.

  84. Well Tom I think you scared him off for awhile , Now he has time to look up more bullshit.

  85. You have know point on anything you speak, so why be here?

  86. Shit now it looks like I read talking to Sarge.

  87. Good grief he go's poof faster than I can type hahahahha

  88. Lol... I nothing I enjoy more than watching Mikey go all poof...

  89. Like a fart in the wind. One minute he's here and poof he's gone...🤣🤣🤣

  90. It doesn't get any better than that!!

  91. hee hee , when I was little, it wasn't allowed to say the word fart. so Mom said we could say *poofy* when someone farted.

    So Mikey is a *poofy*.

  92. Well years ago if it happen in our family, one would say that a beauty!! heheheh

  93. I'll check back in tomorrow.

    Got some stuff to do before I call it a night.




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