Today I thought I'd share an article brought to us from our good friend and fellow patriot, Skippy about the bullshit deal concerning Michael Flynn.
But first I'm posting a couple of videos I'd like you to check out.
The first one is done by one of the best and brightest attorneys in the business, Jay Sekulow
And the second one is an interview by long time advisor to the president, Kellyanne Conway.
And now for the article that goes straight to the heart of the matter.
HUGE REVELATION: Latest DOJ Documents Released In Flynn Case Reveal Obama White House Was Running the Operation
Wow – the latest documents released by the DOJ provide additional evidence that the Obama White House was running the operation to spy on candidate and then President Trump in an effort to destroy the incoming administration and have President Trump eventually removed from office!
The latest emails released from the DOJ today in the General Michael Flynn case show the Obama White House was running the show. In the last line in the first paragraph on page 9 of the 12 page release it says:
We need to discuss what happens if DOJ directs us, or directly tells, VPOTUS or anyone else about the [redacted] specifically w/r/t [with regards to] what we do directly with him. I think it will be very difficult not to do some sort of overt step with him, a defensive briefing or interview under light “defensive briefing” pretext unless WH specifically directs us not to.

The Department of Justice released these documents today.
In early June 2018 Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell said the following about this text on Obama:
In early June 2018 Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell said the following about this text on Obama:
…These folks are so far out of bounds and so far beyond that pale. When people talk about it being a coup, there’s no exaggeration there. It was a coup. It was an effort to unseat or destabilize the Trump Administration, the President personally but actually his entire administration and we’ve never seen anything like it.
This makes, you know, pick your favorite scandal, Watergate, Whitewater, whatever, it makes all that look like Keystone cops. This was a very sophisticated, very thought out….
There’s a very important text message from Lisa Page to Peter Strzok and that is from November of 2016 and the context for the text message is – Strzok asks Lisa Page, “Hey, what are you doing?” or words to that effect.
She reports back very excitedly that she’s preparing talking points for Director Comey to go brief the President on what they’re doing. And the quote from Lisa Page is quote – “POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing” – closed quote.
That POTUS of course is Barack Obama. And, I will take Lisa Page at her word. It’s an off the cuff communication with her paramour. She’s excited. She’s getting the Director prepped.
I want to know, what did Obama know. What did he approve? What did he tacitly nod his head for? What did he explicitly authorize?
This entire, it’s a tragedy. It’s a scandal we’ve never seen before constitutionally. This rests entirely on Mr. Obama and his administration. It starts with them and we need real accountability. Let’s get Mr. Obama under oath.
Here's what I'd like to see.
First and foremost I'd like to see some if not all these corrupt bastards up to and including Barack Hussein Obama marched off to prison.
Then whether the charges against Flynn are dropped or Trump pardons him I'd like to see Trump appoint him as the new Director of the FBI.
I can't think of a single person who understands the dangers posed by corrupt law enforcement officials and the need to clean house.
You guys enjoy your day...
Kevin McGinty
That would be a great idea to put Flynn in charge. The swamp would get drained fast. I hope he gets some thing back for all this. He has lost all and has nothing left. He deserves to be paid back every damn penny he has spent and lost because of these commies.
ReplyDeleteThose people knew that as long as Obamma or Hillary were in charge they were protected. And thing when Trump won they knew they had to go fast like they did with Flynn. But now they don't have any protection. Those other DOJ and FBI heads need to roll. They no doubt knew what, when, & where.
I also think that there is way more in this than has even come out. There is a Big Fat RAT in the government and the swamp is trying real hard to hide who ever it is.
DeleteWell you libtards now its getting pretty bad when the N Y Times comes out with this Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B
ReplyDeleteGood Grief...I want to see a bunch of crooked cops in jail, Hillary also this whole thing was a a attempt to over throw out Government. Lock all them up...MAGA
ReplyDeleteit's well past time to charge, convict, and jail the corrupt Democrats (starting with Obama, the Clintons, and the rest of the corrupt Democrats) - maybe I'm being impatient, but it should have happened a long time ago!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm like how many "investigations" does it take to prove just how corrupt, anti American, and traitorous the Democrats truly are?!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know the Republicans want to be careful, get all their "ducks in a row" so to speak, but dang...
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest problems IS the RINO's There are more than we think in this swamp.
ReplyDeletewell those who are "holding up" the process of charging, convicting, and jailing the corrupt Democrats needs to get their asses voted out along with the anti-American Democrats!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's well past time to get true hearted Americans in Washington - dump the socialistic liberals and RINO's.
and get folks in Washington who will not be "weak links" and get this country moving forward.
DeleteI'm more than fed up with the "slow as molasses" process of these "investigation" into the anti American Democrats. Maybe I need to go to Washington and kick some Republican asses!
ReplyDeletemetaphorically speaking....
Deletethink about it...a nobody thug gets investigated and processed a lot quicker than the time the US Justice Dept. has used in investigating the anti American traitorous Democrats.
ReplyDeleteOkay the Trump two hour special is on now FOX, Pay attention Unknown,,.
ReplyDeleteWell that went great but I must say good night room 235....
ReplyDeleteThought for the day.
ReplyDeletePerspective is an amazing art, refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. Let’s try and keep things in perspective."
From Trey Gowdy:
ReplyDelete"I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee? (Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all of a sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it (Corona Virus) originated in China who we are in a global trade war with; brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points, in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The Corona Virus gave them one last hail Mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population. Oh, and did anyone notice that while they are mad as hell at Trump for not sending aid to Ukraine, they THEMSELVES voted AGAINST giving ANY emergency aid to all Americans ?
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me."
Trey Gowdy
Interesting read Skipper....
DeleteGood morning room 235.....
ReplyDeleteI may have save a few plants, moved them under the roof as the hail started, plants re replaceable.
ReplyDeleteI'm not ready to say the commie left unleashed this virus on us, not yet, but it's possible. Even if they didn't, they are certainly using it to their advantage.
ReplyDeleteThis is the commie fascist edicts right and left. Demanding this and demanding that. Part of this is their usual response to the bad orange man, which is to oppose anything and everything he does even if they have to make up complete lies about it.
Just read in LA out here in the American commie homeland, the homeless are taking over hotels demanding they be allowed to live there. And the LA government doesn't seem to want to do much about it. This is pure commie bullshit. When the government takes over, or allows others to take over private property without compensation, that's tyranny. Pure and simple. When the commie dems demand landlords not collect rent, banks forgive mortgage payments. Tyranny.
This is what the commie dems have been waiting for. To suspend the constitution and allow the destruction of our free market economy. 36 million unemployed now, depending on handouts from the government which is actually our money. Businesses closing permanantly. People losing their jobs not temporarily but permanantly. This is exactly what they want.
They have been charging from the start that President Trump mismanaged this crisis when the facts prove otherwise. He handled it extremely well. But it the narrative repeated daily by the modern day Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, headed by Joseph Goebbels now known as the democrat party.
All this to defeat our President. They knew they couldn't win an honest election. They stood no chance. Their chosen candidate is a dementia ridden sex abuser who is probably already too demented to serve. But they knew they were going to lose. The only hope they had was to set America on fire and then claim only they could save us. And that they did.
If nothing else, we know now there is no limit to what these people will do. No limit to the damage they are willing to inflict. No limit to the harm individuals will suffer. No conscience at play. No morals. Pure evil, the work of their master, Satan.
We may lose this one friends. Hard to see a path out. But it's going to get really ugly. Tyranny rarely goes unanswered by American Patriots. Guess we'll see.
Here is a partial list of the violations of the Bill of Rights the commie left has violated, aided by a weak and ineffective Republican party:
ReplyDeleteAmendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated
Amendment V
No person...shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
And that's just a partial list.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou never present the true story. Were you this passionate when the insane protesters were beating on the door of the Supreme Court? Were you this passionate about any of the Occupy Wall Street protests or any of the violent protests of conservative speakers at colleges? Of course you weren't, because you only condemn those you disagree with. At the protest you are whining about, was anyone injured? Can you say the same about those you agree with. Also, who cares what the leftist world thinks? We are the only true Superpower. Threat are like little yapping dogs to be kicked away.
ReplyDeleteApparently I am talking to a ghost.
ReplyDeleteThe rest not threats.
ReplyDeleteIt will take you approximately 39 seconds to read this .
ReplyDeleteLast month the newly convened, Democratic-controlled House of Representatives introduced a bill to eliminate the electoral college. It seems that, since they couldn't win the last presidential election under the rules that have existed for almost 250 years, they want to change the rules. Below is an excellent explanation of why this is a very bad idea
In their infinite wisdom, the United States ' Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the States were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense. It needs to be widely known and understood.
There are 3,141 counties in the United States .
- Trump won 3,084 of them.
- Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State
- Trump won 46 of them.
- Clinton won 16
Clinton won the popular vote by approximately 1.5 million votes.
- In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump ( Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond )
- Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago , LA , etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!
And It's been verified and documented that those 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation's problems foment. MAGA 2020
Rikki: Did you lose your garden this morning with the hail, I hope not, I lost some but is easy to replace. But I don't like to see the work going to waste.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarge, no, just got soggy... some of the plants laid down, but I think they'll perk back up. How about you? Hoping you and Ghost didn't get any tree damage, wind damage.... we were lucky - didn't lose electricity nor had damage.
ReplyDeleteGood grief we lost power 3 times this morning, lost of hail high winds, weather radio alarm going off every 15 min.
DeleteGuy down the street Had a Huge tree go down and the guy next to him had his go also, took them down at ground level. Big trucks here all day big equipment got it clean up they just left about a hour ago.
ReplyDeleteWe lost power 3 times lot's of hail, high winds, Sucked.
ReplyDeleteWore a raincoat all day and still ended up soaked to the bone. Raincoats don't do much good when it's rain sideways...😎😎😎
ReplyDeleteWell you needed to adapt and over come, stay inside, Good grief.
DeleteLol... Hey, if you're gonna do something do it right...👍👍👍
ReplyDeletetalking about "if you're gonna do somethin".... hee hee
ReplyDeletethe other week ago, Rick and I went to the grocery store. We walked past a lawn scaper truck, it had a Power Cat license plate on the back. Not knowing the driver was just outside his truck, I said "nice truck,'s a power cat".... he spoke up... "what was that you said?"
the times when I should be quiet, I am not... lol
ReplyDeletehe was jovial so everything was ok. but I totally embarrassed myself... but I thought may as well go the rest of the way.
I told him this joke standby for times like that... There were three college friends who were on spring break together... walking along the sandy beach of florida
A Mizzou Tiger, a KU Jayhawk, and a K State Wild Cat.
ReplyDeletethey find something shiny in the sand. It turned out to be a lamp. they rubbed it and a genie popped out. "I can grant 3 wishes" the genie said. since there's 3 of you, one wish a piece
ReplyDeleteThe Mizzou guy spoke up. Genie, I'm from a long line of farmers from Missouri. Missouri is such a beautiful state that I want the ground to be forever fertile.
ReplyDeleteSHAZAM it was done.
The KU Jayhawk guy spoke next. Genie, I'm studying architecture. Lawrence is such a beautiful city that I want a fence all the way around Lawrence where nothing gets in or out.
SHAZAM it was done.
K State Wild Cat spoke up.... Genie, fill Lawrence with purple water...
hee hee ;)
the guy with his truck was in stiches, and Rick and I walked into the grocery store. I asked Rick, you don't know me....right? ;)
hee hee
I'm signing off for the nite… peace out y'all
ReplyDeleteand (((hugs)))
Obama needs to be hung up by the ears.
ReplyDeleteDid y'all see the letter written by Jim Jordan to C. Wray? Very harsh and to the point.
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen it, Rose. Give us a link if you can...
ReplyDeleteHere you go.
Than he can join you. hahahhah
ReplyDeleteUnknown, where do you get this gibberish from?
ReplyDeleteTry reading the whole story, and talk about the crooked FBI, hummmm I bet you are proud of Commie and the rest of the traitors.
DeleteYou got a real problem!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can't see, and know one go's to a link from you anyway.
ReplyDeleteApparently you don't have a clue regarding this holiday.
ReplyDeleteThe only mourning going on in America is coming from the leftists because they're seeing first hand that the American people aren't going to put up with this shit any longer...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief!!
ReplyDeleteunknown - estás celoso porque no tienes bolas! and you're jealous because Biden won't date you
ReplyDeleteIf we can go to Walmart Lowe's and Home Depot with no worries we can sure as hell eat at any restaurants around.
ReplyDeleteIf you're scared and want to continue hiding in your house knock yourself out.
Well good for you big guy the Punk...
DeleteThis thing breaks down like this. Working people who depend on their own labor to live, and in general free Americans who dislike unconstitutional mandates by totalitarian power hungry left wing commies favor opening back up, which was the original plan from the start. Flatten the curve, then back to real life.
ReplyDeleteEverybody who favors staying locked down and forcing everybody else to hide in their house is a commie rat bastard who is driven by a desire to see the American way of life destroyed, our economy crushed and our President defeated.
Fuck the whole bunch of them. Let them hide and watch the rest of us reclaim our lives.
We are better off than you'll ever be dickless!
ReplyDeleteWell Mike, you don't mind if I call you Mike, do you? Doesn't matter whether you mind or not.
ReplyDeleteAnyway Mike, I'm not out anything.
I get up and bust my ass every day just like I've done since I was 14 or 15 years old.
Like I said, if you'd rather sit there curled up in the fetal position and wait for your government hand out go for it.
That doesn't work for me...
Ya Mike what Kevin said, hahahahhahahahha
ReplyDeleteNah, I'll call you Mike.
ReplyDeleteif you are 'working' you should be fired for playing on the company's computer for your enjoyment. admit it, you actually enjoy coming here to read the truthful blogs and the truthful comments from the regulars.
ReplyDeleteconfirms what we all know... you are unemployed! if you were working, on the company's computer - should be fired for misuse of equipment.
ReplyDeleteknowing that you are nothing but a liar, everyone here, including me, doesn't believe a word you say! so read whatever you want to that!
ReplyDeleteUnknown You can get Trump Masks on the internet, Get yours today...Hahahahhahah My self If I need a fresh mask I just go to my survival room and open another box of fifty... Stored right next to the stock pile of T.P, hahahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteYa that's what my wife keeps saying... Be prepared is what I do...
ReplyDeleteUnknown, Guess what? Poll: 40% of Democrats under 45 want to replace Biden as the nominee.
ReplyDelete"Younger voters were more likely to want Biden replaced as the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, with 40 percent of voters under 45 agreeing that he should be replaced by another candidate and just 15 percent of older voters saying the same. See I can do to you what you try to do with Trump.
I don't think so, But I see you only like polls that are Negative to Trump. hahahaha Read you like a bad book...
DeleteI will post this again. Just copy and paste into your browser.
Rumor? No he is but has a better task force to replace it read the whole thing once in awhile and you will learn something.
ReplyDeleteThat is where Obama belongs, no adults would listen to him, and Trump is to busy. he has a country to save and Making America Great again....
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize it at the time, but High Schoolers can be some of the most ignorant in our society. Getting drafted shortened my growing up period. It It is obvious Unk. Has not grown out of his ignorance. Give the grads time to realize their mistake. Most will come to believe they would have been better served by a speaker who generates jobs and income. They will come to understand the Obamas has done neither. Just like others they have sucked the public teat to perfection.
ReplyDeleteWell, I see the idiot that makes the models had to resign. Neil Ferguson.
ReplyDeleteApparently he doesn't believe in the stay at home orders. He broke it to go meet his lover.
You know, the guy who said 2.5 million will die from SARS COV2.
65,000 would die in the UK from H1N1, and it killed 247 people.
Same guy who advised the UK to kill its herd of sheep because of hoof and mouth. Then admitted later that it didn't need to be done.
This is the guy the left is banking on, and he's been nothing but wrong.
Now he's quit. The left needs another bumbling fool. It seems they like that behavior, since they picked another bumbling fool in Biden.
"Imperial College scientist Neil Ferguson QUITS his role as top government advisor after 'breaking lockdown to see his married lover' despite warning Boris Johnson that 500,000 Britons would DIE if the strict rules were not enforced."
ReplyDeleteSo the latest lie from the commie left as repeated by mike the troll is that the beaches in Galveston were filled with people, then two days later 2,00 people came down with the Chinese flu.
ReplyDeleteThey don't know much about the Chinese flu, but the do know it doesn't gestate in two days. More like two weeks. If you got exposed and were diagnosed two days later, you already had it.
If the commie rat bastards on the left would just tell the truth once in a while maybe people would listen. But when you lie pretty much continuously, nobody believes anything you say. And these commie rat bastards lie continuously. They can't help it. When the truth contradicts everything you believe, you have to lie, or else shut the fuck up. Which would be a lot better, but they aren't capable of that either. That's what commie rat bastards do.
Neil Ferguson, he's British?
ReplyDeleteNo shit, Sherlock.
But from your reply it's obvious you don't know who he is, anon.
He MADE the predictions(models) you so adamantly have to go by. Even as he changes them.
And the guy has never been right. NEVER. He appears to not adhere to science, and certainly doesn't adhere to his own public safety advice.
If he was American, his hypocritical behavior obviously points to him being a lefty. Combined with bending science?
Communist for sure.
Maybe that's why you revere him so much....
Least they ain't lookin for leg hair....
ReplyDeleteThat's your guy.
Yup he did it once and will do it again, you got your bet on Biden? hahahahhahahhahahhahahahh
ReplyDeleteUnknown I know I will feel sorry for Biden if he ever get on a debate stage with Trump, It will be a killing on T.V hahahaah Biden won't know what hit him...
ReplyDeleteKeep trying dick head you are on the wrong blog... hahaahha
ReplyDeleteWho's got longer leg hair? Michelle or Joe?
ReplyDeleteCmon, anon. You can tell us....
Man that's a tough one hammer...
ReplyDeleteI didn't ask him who has the bigger d***.
Giving the guy a chance....
That would be a wast of time,....
DeleteNo mask required.
ReplyDeleteMy balls repel it.
If you ever had any balls anon, you might know.
ReplyDeleteKnowledge = Conviction = Balls
I know anon, you like Russians....
DeleteProbably red head too...
Other than Chuck Norris, who has better DNA?
ReplyDeleteGeez. Get a clue
You do like Chuck Norris, right Anon?
ReplyDeleteLol I couldn't even get in good job Hammer
ReplyDeleteTell us some more Russian stories, Anon.
ReplyDeleteTry and find one that is interesting...
Tic Toc....
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I are currently celebrating the opening up of the greatest country has ever seen by having dinner at Red Robin.
ReplyDeleteMAGA BABY...
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to leave a good tip!!!! Kevin..
ReplyDelete$20 on a $30 check...
ReplyDeleteGood grief don't get carried away.!!!
DeleteAh hell, it's a celebration...
ReplyDeleteWell what ever makes you feel good and making someone else happy, is a good thing. I know where you are coming from. :):)
DeleteTo tell you the truth I don't even like Red Robin all that much. But there weren't many other choices.
ReplyDeleteWell what ever makes you feel good and making someone else happy, is a good thing. I know where you are coming from. :):)
DeleteIt was just nice to finally sit down and eat a meal...
ReplyDeleteWhat you eat standing up normally???
DeleteWell don't worry Kevin I am about to bite the dust for tonight, So good night.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteg'morning Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteShut out of stimulus, illegal immigrants beg for charity
I'm not trying to sound hard hearted with this. I have no sympathy for those who know they're here illegally.
they know that they need to go through the legal channels to become American citizens if they want to live here. There's no "short cuts".
DeleteJust saw a tv ad for Bob Hamilton for Senate.
ReplyDeleteSo I went to his internet page.
This is on the home page of his website:
"If you like the mess in Washington, hire a professional politician.
But if you want to drain the swamp, hire a plumber."
looked at the issues he has on his website, I hope he wins the Senate seat.
DeleteWinning Baby... MAGA 2020 Trump
ReplyDeleteTrump continues to win and you continue to whine.
ReplyDeleteYou misspelled the name moron.
ReplyDeleteTell me how accurate any of the projection have been. Maybe as accurate as the deaths in China? Come on, moron you have to do better than that.
ReplyDeleteCome back when you can't stay so long.
ReplyDeleteThe projectctions were done by the same people who make the global warming projections.
ReplyDeleteThey've never been even close to accurate. But idiots like Mike continue to hang on their every word.
The only thing these projections have ever been good for is mass hysteria...
Understood. Don't think Mikey does, however.
ReplyDeleteNah, I don't think Mikey understands much of anything...
ReplyDeleteMikey, You are a disappointment today as usual. Please come back when you can intelligently articulate any of you points. Also please ensure they are not bogus bullshit. Be back in a few hours to see if are capable.
ReplyDeleteYour not you. And left out any in last sentence.
ReplyDeleteWe do not doubt Global warming is happening. We doubt the severity of the effect humans have on the process. The information is not there to support our causing and being able to reverse the process. Now please take a long walk off a short pier. If you fail to understand my last sentence I will return later and explain it to you.
Good Grief, I think Mikey Love's pain he take's a beating everyday. and comes back for more. Hell he might be a Timex watch.
ReplyDeletejust saw that there's a new mutation of the coronavirus. D614G
ReplyDeleteThis may be old news, but to me, it's the first I've heard it.
Scientists say COVID-19 mutation more contagious than original strain is increasing at ‘alarming rate’
Of course it's more contagious. Probably. More deadly as well.
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait to see the models on this one.
I'm assuming they'll project tens of billions will die.
Tens of millions right here in The United States.
What's their solution?
Shut the economy back down.
Shelter in place.
And most importantly vote Democrat...
The only model worth looking at is Mrs Trump...
ReplyDeleteLol... True that...👍👍👍
ReplyDeletewhat am I Sarge? chopped liver?
ReplyDeletewink wink :)
Lol Sorry I could name everyone.
Deletecouldn't name everyone.
Delete:) wink wink
Delete"Sleepy" Joe in Trouble
ReplyDeleteFormer vice president Joe Biden is in serious trouble.
While Democrats in the public eye may want to deny or even ignore Tara Reade's allegations against the ex-senator and Democratic front runner, Democrats behind closed doors feel very differently.
According to a recent poll, more than one in every four Democrats want to remove Biden from the ticket now that these allegations have surfaced. And only 61% believed that Biden looked "very credible" or "somewhat credible" in his TV appearance discussing the allegations. Yikes.
Dreaming again, you are going to be so disappointed again while Trump is making America great again. haahahahahhah
ReplyDeleteSorry folks. I'm going with science.
ReplyDeleteThis is SARS COV2.
SARS COV1 did the same thing in 02-03. Kept mutating till its death. It never came back.
And for the record, I won't call this thing anything other than SARS COV2. WHO virtue signaled, to change the name to protect China's optics. Just like they virtue signaled to keep well people at home, so as to not "slight" the sick.
Check it. Research it. All factual.
Mickey won't like it.
Just like Neil Ferguson...
No, the question is, "Where's Mikey?"
ReplyDeleteGood grief, what a Godawful place to be...
ReplyDeleteHell he most likely feels right at home.
DeleteTexas AG asks judge to free woman jailed after refusing to close hair salon
ReplyDeleteTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday sent a letter asking a Dallas judge who ordered a woman "confined in a penal facility" to free her after she was sent to jail Tuesday for refusing to apologize for keeping her hair salon open in violation of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's order aimed at slowing the spread of the corona virus. Soon after, Abbott said he agreed with his attorney general on the matter. I should not have happen, and by the way a go fund me was open and it has over 100,000.00 for her already. America is Great people.
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong again. You are the only one here who doesn't understand small business. We cannot take the hits larger businesses can. If she didn't open soon there would not be a business to open. Slimeball trolls like you will always be around to bad mouth on line. POS's like you are the price modern businesses have to deal with since the internet invented by Al Gore LOL.
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to believe there is no hope for you. One cannot cure stupidity. Read the whole body of studies. If these same people were infected by the common flu because the vaccine didn't work or the "science " experts guessed wrong, they would still be dead. Unless we count the true deaths in China this virus still hasn't killed any where close to the flu deaths this season. You are one of the, so called, nattering nabobs of negativity.
Sure glad my children are no of school. Far from it actually. Our Governor is threatening to not open or shut schools down this fall, since the teachers did such a good job on three days notice. Maybe she will leave office or be recalled.
ReplyDeleteYou sure are a mouthly little prick when you are rattled. Perhaps we can meet next time you are in the great state of Kansas.
ReplyDeleteOne never knows the time or manner of one's death. Maybe committing suicide would help on pinpoint those things. Life is full of dangers. Being scared won't change a damn thing. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here. One only had today. Use it wisely.
Or not.
ReplyDeleteHell I started dying the day I was born and haven't lost any sleep over it, Just live day to day.
ReplyDeleteDAMMIT, Sarge. You beat me to it.
ReplyDeleteGreat minds think alike. Tom
DeleteHard time hit everyone, life goes on, work with Trump and we will get over this,....
ReplyDeleteunknown, you need to disappear into an alternate dimension!
ReplyDeletePerhaps, "Nephew" isn't a smart business man. Maybe he doesn't exist. Most small businesses don't finance there own sales. They let the professionals handle that and receive their money up front.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHistory favors the brave.
ReplyDeleteNo accomplishment was ever achieved by being a fearful pussy.
Try listening and reading to the correct folks.
Not retards who guess, have to change the models, and move the goal posts on the general public.
That should make sense, unless you are a mongoloid...
Come back and see me in a month. You can thank me, and I can tell you I told ya so.
Might I remind you, I am available to a whole community of ranchers and farmers. They provide for me, so provide a service for them.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, just got through calving season, so I'm pretty regularly connected to them.
Farmers are fine. No worse for wear than the rest of us.
Farming has never been easy, and never will be....
But will be loved by all always.
DeleteDefinitely Sarge.
DeleteNext to soldiers, farmers are the heart of America.
ReplyDeleteNot I'll
Again, Val Kilmer in the news. He is stupid. Hasn't had a girlfriend in 20 years so much for kiva's masculinity.
ReplyDeleteHe has his eye on you as a girl friend...
DeleteWell as I thought, you have no plan, you are a nothing burger that means you have no beef so move on.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have the guts visit me, Punk...
ReplyDeleteI would like to meet you. Please let me know when you come to visit Sarge. It will probably be a short visit with Sarge, but I'll give you a ride to the hospital.
ReplyDeleteAnon got balls all of the sudden.
Dont push your luck.
You should have quit a long time ago punk...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...