Saturday, December 28, 2019
Shit's about to get real in Virginia...
If there were ever an example of what happens when democrats take total control Virginia is it.
You want tyranny?
Vote democrat.
Kevin McGinty
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Merry Christmas 2019...
From me and mine to you and yours.
I hope is that your Christmas is everything you want it to be...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, December 23, 2019
I'm just saying...
The crazy woman Blue and his comrades have placed all their hopes and dreams on...
I'm just saying...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, December 20, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Letter...
Good morning fellow patriots.
Today I thought I'd take a few minutes to share the epic "Take Down Letter" President Trump sent to Nancy Pelosi yesterday.
In true Trump fashion the president made his thoughts perfectly clear.
Perfectly clear to those of us who haven't fallen victim to the left's march toward insanity anyway.
To those in the media and people like our "One trick pony" resident troll it wasn't quite as clear.
I suppose that's due to the effects of the stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome they're all suffering from.
Well, speaking for myself and the 63,000,000 American patriots who voted for and wholeheartedly support the president my thoughts can be summed up in one simple little phrase.
Go fuck yourselves...
Letter From President Trump... by charliespiering on Scribd
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Looking for tyranny? Vote democrat...
The level of stupidity in this country today is simply mind boggling.
Just the idea that anyone with an ounce of common sense could support any democrat for any position is enough to make one's head explode.
Not at all.
You dumbasses really want tyranny?
Then just keep on supporting your power hungry democrat.
We've all seen the ongoing and never ending attempts to overturn the 2016 election.
Is this not tyranny?
The only reason they haven't succeeded is because President Trump refuses to bow down to their bullshit and is fighting them every step of the way.
Not satisfied with simply trying to destroy a president Virginia democrats and declared an all out assault on it's citizens 2nd amendment rights.
Well, if you're okay with the governor threatening military action to enforce the unconstitutional gun laws they're proposing, then you're a fucking idiot.
Congressman Suggests National Guard Could Enforce Gun Laws in Virginia
"A member of Congress suggested that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could activate the state’s National Guard and use it to enforce recent gun control measures after a number of counties declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries."
Remember back in the days when dumbasses like Battlestache used to claim the "No one is coming after your guns?"
I do.
The masks have come off.
The lines have been drawn.
And the very survival of our country as we know it is at stake.
If you think that's overstated you're beyond help.
Kevin McGinty
Friday, December 13, 2019
Sit down and shut up you insignificant little twit...
These Hollywood degenerates crack me up.
Evidently actor Patton Oswalt is really, really pissed that Donald Trump and those of us who support him even exist.
So pissed in fact that he felt compelled to send out a tweet letting know just how pissed he really is.
Actor Patton Oswalt didn’t mince words on Thursday when he declared that every person who voted for and still supports President Donald Trump is a “stupid asshole.”
The President is a stupid asshole and if you voted for him you’re a stupid asshole and if you still support him you’re a stupid asshole. Oh no this Tweet is going to make all the stupid assholes not like me waaaaah …
Sit down and shut up you insignificant little twit...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Impeachment, here it comes...
Grab your popcorn, boys and girls. The failed democrat party has made it official.
The impeachment of Donald Trump has officially begun.
Left-wing lunatics, media lap dogs, and Hollywood scumbags are all giddy.
We're gonna get him this time fer real.
Sorry Blue, regardless of how much you want to believe he'll be removed from office, it's not gonna happen.
The sooner you face the fact that that the American people rejected you and your corrupt party of degenerates the happier you'll be.
But we all know you and your deranged leaders can't do that so we'll just have to prove it to you all over again.
Oh, by the way, this political stunt Pelosi and company has undertaken is already helping us to continue "Making America Great Again."
Face it, Blue, you and you fellow communists are screwed.
Kevin McGinty
Monday, December 9, 2019
Wasserman Schultz on Impeachment: Trump Will ‘Cower in a Corner’ Due to His Guilt
On Sunday, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) predicted on CNN that President Donald Trump was “going to cower in the corner” because of his guilt, referring to the so-called impeachment inquiry.
Wasserman Schultz said, “What came to my mind when I heard that he again refused to participate in his own defense is that the innocent defend themselves vigorously and vociferously, the guilty hide, obstruct, lie and obfuscate. It’s very clear that President Trump is going to cower in the corner because he is absolutely guilty of all of those— of an abuse of power, of obstructing Congress, of trying to get a foreign power to interfere in our elections for his own personal and political benefit and withheld vital foreign aid that was appropriations law.”
“And if those aren’t impeachable offenses, then as one of the constitutional scholars said last week, nothing is,” she continued. “The Founding Fathers intended for us to not allow any president to be above the law, and that’s what we’re proceeding with this week, so that we can make sure that the American people can have confidence in their elected officials that we’ll uphold our oath that we swore to defend the Constitution which the president has violated.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
If this dumb bitch thinks for one minute that President Trump is one to cower in fear obviously hasn't been paying attention.
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The clown show exposed...
No reason for me to try and add anything.
Matt Gaetz said it all...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Plenty to be thankful for...
With the flurry of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season upon us sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the things we can all be thankful for.
Of course we're all thankful for our families and such.
But most of us tend to overlook other and often just as important things to be thankful for.
For instance.
And the fallout this particular blessing has led to.
How about it, Blue?
You gonna join your comrades in the "Jump for Hillary" challenge?
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Another swing and a miss...
Another swing and a miss.
I have a question for you, Blue.
Don't you people ever get tired of making fools of yourselves?
Regardless of how many times Rachel Madcow promises you otherwise there's no way in hell you're going to remove President Trump from office.
That's just a fact.
You can either accept that simple truth or not.
Makes me no difference.
But here's what I hope.
I hope this charade drags on for a few more months.
Then I hope your beloved communist loving democrats actually introduce articles of impeachment and vote to send it to the senate.
And even though there's not a chance in hell they'll vote to remove him, I hope they drag it out for another few months.
Because by law all your socialist embracing senators currently running for president will be barred from campaigning.
That'll leave the field wide open for your favorite pedophile Uncle Joe Biden to do as he pleases.
Yeah, I know, you're going to point to a whole host of fake polls showing Biden beating Trump.
You can shove those polls up your ass.
The thing you're not figuring in is how badly he'll be damaged once the American people learn more about the real quid pro quo and corruption he and his loser son Hunter were involved in.
You know, Blue, there was a time when I'd gladly accept you on the Trump Train.
Those days are over.
Once again you'll be left behind wallowing in your own shit.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Blue comes out of the basement...
Any questions?
I'll answer them all.
Well, except for any you may have, Blue.
Per the leaders of your beloved democrat party democrats, communists, and dipshits aren't allowed to speak, ask questions, or give opinions.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Bring on the Shit Show...
Well boys and girls, today's the day.
Today's the day when the communist loving dems go for broke.
Every single thing they've tried so far has ended in dismal failure.
But they got him this time.
Fer real.
Rachel Madcow told me so.
Grab some popcorn and something to drink as the communist loving democrat party sets out to make fools of themselves all over again by parading one Trump hater after another out to tell the American people how mean Donald Trump is.
They'll tell us stories about things they heard from someone who heard them from someone else.
There'll be sighs and maybe if we're lucky we'll see a few tears shed.
We'll hear lies about how no one wants to do this and they're only protecting the Constitution and America itself.
In reality though what we'll all witness is a political party that has been consumed by hatred and insanity show us how how desperate for power they've become.
Good luck, Blue.
You're gonna need it...
Kevin McGinty
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Nuff said...
Don't let these bastards get you down.
And never lose sight of the fact that we are the majority.
Oh yeah, and fuck you too, Blue...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hang on to your ass, Sparky. Shit's about to hit the fan in a very big and devastating way.
The Department of Justice’s sweeping review into the origins of its Trump-Russia probe has evolved into a criminal investigation, according to the New York Times.
The launch of a criminal probe allows U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor tapped by Attorney General William Barr to lead the review, to subpoena witnesses for testimony and documents. The move also authorizes Durham to impanel a grand jury and file charges.
“If true, this shows Bill Barr is doing EXACTLY his job: following the facts Those who damaged America and broke the law to spread this hoax are about to face accountability,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) tweeted in response to the Times’ report.
The development comes after an NBC report revealed Barr recently expanded his agency’s review, noting that Durham has “found something significant and critics should be careful.” As part of the inquiry, Durham has sought interviews with CIA analysts who assessed Russia’s activities during the 2016 presidential election, prompting some of them to hire lawyers, NBC News stated.
Durham has been tasked with determining whether the Justice Department, FBI and intelligence authorities improperly surveilled the 2016 Trump campaign as part of their investigation into now-debunked coordination with Russia during the last presidential election. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The hard-nosed U.S. attorney has reportedly received briefings on the “four corners” of the FBI’s use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants as part of its controversial counterintelligence operation into the Trump campaign. “Durham is specifically reviewing the FISA warrant obtained by the FBI to surveil former Trump aide Carter Page, as well as general issues relating to surveillance during the 2016 campaign and matters flowing from the FISA process,” Fox News reported.
The FBI used the Steele dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page, but did not disclose to the FISA court that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign or the Democrat National Committee (DNC) funded the dossier, despite indicating that the dossier was compiled as opposition research. Barr has described the dossier as “opposition research” with “clear mistakes.”
Testifying before Congress in May, Barr told lawmakers he believed “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign, but stopped short of saying whether it was done improperly.
“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” he told the Senate Appropriations Committee, before adding, “I am not suggesting that those rules were violated, but I think it’s important to look at them.”
President Trump has repeatedly said his campaign was illegally surveilled and has even accused officials of treason. “My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on,” the president wrote on Twitter in May. “Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”
The Justice Department declined to comment on the Times’ report.
Just saying...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Respected sources?
Once again I had to laugh at something our very own internet doctor had to say.
Rather than bore you with everything he said I'll just focus on two simple words.
"Respected sources."
Like who, Blue?
You mean respected sources like ABC News?
It took about two minutes for ABC to be proven to be the liars they are when they ran this video they claimed was carnage out of Syria.
Two minutes, Blue.
Maybe you meant to say something along the lines of "Once respected sources?"
Or maybe, "Once trusted?"
Here's the deal, Dipshit.
The American people have had about all the lies and deception they're going to take.
In just over a year from now we're going to the polls in numbers you've never seen before and we'll beat you bastards back into the fiery pits of Hell where you belong.
Get it?
Got it?
Now go fuck yourself...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Sunday Oct. 6th Gathering...
Well guys, Sunday the 6th is coming up fast.
Unless I'm mistaken, which wouldn't be all that surprising, we've narrowed our gathering at Golden Corral down to this Sunday Oct. 6th at 2:00 p.m.
I've already talked to them and told them to expect about a dozen of us. But if there are more that's no problem. Same goes if we end up with a lot less.
Either way I'll be there in my Trump T-shirt and MAGA hat.
Might as well miss off a few of the locals while we're at it.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can come.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
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