Friday, March 8, 2019
From Infanticide to Antisemitism and Everything in Between...
To say today's democrat party has lost its mind would be an understatement.
Let's see, first it Russia, Russia, Russia.
And now that it becomes more and more obvious their long awaited Muller Report isn't going to deliver the results they've promised their insane, blood thirsty base they've launched investigations into every aspect of President Trump's life.
They've turned their backs on the working men and women of America in favor of illegal aliens.
They've proudly embraced the mantel of infanticide.
They've gone full blown socialist.
Their rally cry of "Medicare for All" will force some 150 million American citizens off their employer provided health insurance plans.
They've brought back the global warming hysteria and by telling us the world is going to end if we don't accept their $93 trillion Green New Deal.
And just recently they've officially become the party of Antisemitism.
Oh, come on. That's not fair.
On of their fresh, new faces they've been all giddy about, Ilhan Omar made clear her hatred of Israel and the Jewish people with several Antisemitic statements.
To be fair a few old school leaders of the democrat party reacted in horror as her statements became public.
They grabbed the first mic they could find to condemn her statements.
We'll censure her.
We'll pass a resolution condemning antisemitism, they promised.
Again, bullshit.
They didn't have the balls.
Late yesterday they settled on a watered down resolution condemning all hate.
But somehow I doubt that resolution will extend to the complete and total hatred and vile names they call President Trump on the House floor.
Don't get me wrong here.
Ilhan Omar does have her supporters.
David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) has offered her his full and unconditional support and called her "The most important member of congress."
Duke released a statement yesterday on Twitter saying "Ilhan Omar is the most important member of congress now that she has stood up to the Democrat Party leadership after making Antisemitic statements against Israel."
And they're just barely into the third month of their reign of terror.
But the good new is that they're doing it in broad daylight and the American people are taking it all in.
Happy Friday, boys and girls...
Kevin McGinty
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Well the way I see it, there won't be a Democrat part soon, they are pigging out eating their own, can't hardly wait until they finish pigging out.
ReplyDeleteRemember how the dems and their media lap dogs went completely batshit crazy when David Duke endorsed Trump?
ReplyDeleteI do.
What ya wanna bet they don't even mention it now that the heart and soul of their fucked up anti American party has received the same endorsement?
ReplyDeleteYou know, just like they never mention the unconditional support the biggest racist and Anti Semite of the all Louis Farrakahn has given AOC...
ReplyDeleteAnd just yesterday Nancy Pelosi demanded that the new immigrants pouring across our southern border must not have their votes supressed.
ReplyDeleteWay to go dems...
Well all I know is this Country is in for one hell of a rough ride, something has to give, I am not at this time while the dem's have the house, seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. They are so weak. Christ we got Muslims running the country now, how in the hell did we let that happen??
ReplyDeleteHypocrites, liars, and thieves! That is what the "leadership' of the Democratic Party has become! Of course, it has been going further and further that way for a long time. The Republicans are not much better for that matter. Most of them are gutless to stand up for what is right or even will not support our President when he is doing all that he can to keep this country secure and safe!
ReplyDeleteIf we have to depend on Republicans were lost. The rinos will turn and sell us all down the creek with out a paddle. Some thing really crazy and off the wall is going to have to happen to wake the sleeping America up. I hate to even think or say what I think will have to happen before people listen. There are some very off the wall thinking people out here. Just like some of the libs going full blown nuke and taking out innocent bystanders.
ReplyDeleteWell there's some folks up in New York state that is fed up with the Dems.
That's all I could find on this....the mainstream big 3 media outlets (ABC, NBC, and CBS) I haven't seen this on their websites.
I hope they are successful in their quest -
Found another article on this out of New York
You seemed confused ( surprise ), about Ilhan Omar’s comments. Making a statement against Israel’s policy vis a vis Palestine does not make one anti-Semitic. Many Jews in fact, probably most, do not support the de facto absorption of the West Bank into Israel. Read the following :
ReplyDelete“Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, which advocates for Israel to pull out of the West Bank, wrote that critiques of Israel like Omar’s are essential:
“It has never been more important to be able to distinguish between the critique — even the harshest critique — of a state’s policies (Israel,) and discrimination against a people (Jews)," she said. “Israel does not represent all Jews. Not all Jews support Israel. Speaking out for Palestinian human rights and their yearning for freedom is in no way related to anti-Semitism, though the Israeli government does its best to obscure that.”
If Democratic policies were considered so heinous against Jews, then explain the following:
“About seven-in-ten religiously unaffiliated voters (70%) and Jews (69%) voted for Obama in 2012. A similar share of Jews in our survey (64%) say they are Democrats, while all three subsets of religious “nones” (atheists, agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular”) lean in that direction as well. Source - “
Then this gem-
“And now that it becomes more and more obvious their long awaited Muller Report isn't going to deliver the results they've promised their insane, blood thirsty base they've launched investigations into every aspect of President Trump's life.”
According to whom ?
“Their rally cry of "Medicare for All" will force some 150 million American citizens off their employer provided health insurance plans.”
You need to source that. If someone continues to work beyond their Medicare eligibility age, and their employer offers group health plan coverage, that insurance becomes primary. Medicare is secondary. Your assertion is untrue. Medicare does not demand someone drop a group health plan, and nowhere is that being proposed. I’ll repeat, if you have evidence otherwise, cite it.
In an earlier blog, you seemed confused about the Stormy Daniels affair, and why payments to her by Team Trump is problematic. I would suggest you do a little research into campaign finance law. Nobody gives a shit if the repulsive orange pussy grabbing con artist wants to bang some prostitute – hell, the man’s married to a former erotic model. Campaign finance law considers payments to someone to keep them quiet because they have potentially damaging information on that candidate is a felony. Nobody cares if he just paid her for “services rendered”. $135,000 for Stormy Daniels ?? LMAO. No that was hush money. Get it ?
You just keep tossing shit on the wall to see what sticks. What the hell good is that ?
I agree someone here is confused.
ReplyDeleteBut it sure as hell isn't me...
Nor is it me -
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll add that the Dems are too afraid to actually rebuke Omar for her anti-semitism - so they tip toe around it by hiding behind that farce of a bill!
No Sarge, you aren't confused - no regular here on Rm 235 is confused.
Question for Ian....but I doubt he'd have a valid reply to this question...If the Dems want their followers to think they're the Savior of America and that they'll take down President Trump.....then why is New York fed up with the Dems to the point of wanting to split the State of New York into 3?
Here’s your source, Comrade bedpan. Read some news beyond the democrat/communist propaganda machine known as the American media. You idiots just repeat the same made up bullshit to each other and call that sourcing. You seem confused when confronted with reality. (Surprise).
ReplyDeleteYou people lost. Stop trying to destroy my country because your crooked despot wanna be lost. You commie bastards have no idea who you’re dealing with. Generations of us have beat you people into the dirt time and again and we’ll do it again. So stop your pathetic whining and give this crap up and maybe we’ll let you stay in our country after we purge the rest of the commies.
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you decide who's in charge. That's the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war. Count down has started..
ReplyDeleteThe Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it's not the first time they've done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn't really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There's a pattern here.
ReplyDeleteWhat do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don't accept the results of any election that they don't win. It means they don't believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That's a civil war.
Also, the Dems know they are losing followers....that's why they want to push legislation to permit illegal immigrants voting privileges. They're pushing this because they are afraid they'll lose in 2020 to President Trump as he enters his 2nd term in office.
ReplyDeleteIt's really ludicrous that the Dems want the illegal immigrants to have voting privileges - just as ludicrous that they are pushing legislation for 16 year olds to vote - but the 16 year olds are too gullible to the point to see that they are really pawns and not viewed as legitimate voices.
The Dems falsehoods have come back to bite them, they are also divided amongst themselves. The Dems are imploding the Democratic Party from within.
For the Dems to push legislation to allow illegal immigrants voting on candidates and policy in America is treasonous - plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteIllegal immigrants who lie and cheat their way onto American soil should never be rewarded with voting privileges!
Folks, it will be a cold day in HELL if illegal immigrants start dictating laws, etc. in America! It will be the beginning of the end!
ReplyDeleteThere's no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't dissent. It's not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they're the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don't win, what you want is a dictatorship.
Your very own dictatorship.
Ian one more thing..
ReplyDeleteThe only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it's inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can't scratch his own back without their say so, that's the civil war.
Ian, Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that's not the system that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country.
ReplyDeleteIf the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. He can use the IRS as his own police force and imprison citizens who speak against him. He can provide guns and money (Fast and Furious, Iran nuclear deal) to other countries to support his own agenda and watch while one of America’s ambassadors is dragged through the streets and murdered doing nothing to aid our citizens. His power is unlimited. He's a dictator. That will be part of the Civil War...
Ah man... you guys are the best. Every time I try to convince colleagues of what sort of 'thinking' is going on back in Kansas, they don't believe me. If nothing else, you provide a brief comic relief. Hillary Clinton was the winner of the election as expressed in the popular vote. The electoral college is increasingly seen by both sides as an anachronistic institution that is suppressing the whole notion of representative democracy. Dems lost the Congress? Really ? Um, no they won. And it looks like there is almost no way Cadet Bone Spurs will win in 2020. But I don't think he'll make it that far.
ReplyDeleteSo yesterday, another one of Team Trump will be heading for Club Fed. Weak sentence, but next week comes another sentencing - this time at the Federal Court in D.C. where he will likely get another 10 years or so. Poor guy had to be wheeled in because of a gout flare up. Probably due to too much beer drinking. Jeez, republicans are such snowflakes.
Oh, by the way, it appears somebody was able to get their hands on Cadet's grades from Fordham- whoa ! No wonder he wants them hidden away - Eng Lit - D+, Intro to Management C, Microeconomics - C-, Managerial Finance, C, Statistics F. Must be nice to have Daddy Warbucks taking care of things. With grades like that, his ass should have been kicked to the curb. What an entitled POS.
Oh and Sargejr Jim, do you really want to rant against the government bureaucrats who are processing your entitlement checks ?
But Ian, now pay attention, when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can't do anything. He isn't even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has 'discretion' to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn't even have the 'discretion' to reverse him. That's how the game is played. That's how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn't yet won that particular fight.
ReplyDeleteWhen a Democrat is in the White House, states aren't even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. The Constitution has something to say about that.
Whether it's Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild, like medieval guilds. You can't serve if you're not a member if you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals, if you aren't in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in with him a bunch of people who also aren't in the club.
ReplyDeleteNow we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them, and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.
That's not a free country.
It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an 'insurance policy' against Trump winning the election. It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win did.
Have no doubt, we're in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government."
Well now, Pilgrims and Patriots, having read the above, I suggest two things:
Forward this very timely and important analysis to those whom you believe think like you do, and
Make sure you vote every election day!
Now time to get preparing supper for tonight, Later everyone.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore....if you haven't come to the conclusion on your own that Omar needs to be literally removed from the House of Reps..... Her anti America rhetoric is creating discourse and not just within the Democratic Party.
Regardless of how I personally did not like Obama.... she's even attacking him!!!
my above post is for Ian....the delusional
DeleteTo help you put things into perspective Ian....
ReplyDelete1. The Democrats are Patriots valiantly defending America....nope Democrats are TRAITORS!
2. Omar can be compared to a venomous snake trying to devour America one piece at a time!
3. The Democratic Party is sinking itself little by much so that the State of New York wants to divide New York into 3 regions with their own governor and legislators!! just keep on thinking that the Democratic Party is hunky dorey!
Now this ??
ReplyDelete"Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild, like medieval guilds. You can't serve if you're not a member if you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals, if you aren't in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in with him a bunch of people who also aren't in the club."
Come on. Get it together. If you can't, then seek help. This is just looney. And we wonder why Kansas continues to spiral to the bottom. You're beginning to sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. You don't want to be there.
Actually you're the one who needs're the one stuck in 2016 still wallowing in Hillary the hasbeen's loss!
ReplyDeleteYou push the Democratic Agenda to the point of delusional....they devour their own, look what they did to Bernie Sanders! By all rights, he should have been on the Democratic Ticket in 2016!! but no....Hillary and her minions conspired and rigged the DNC Nomination...
Now the Democratic Party Corruption has plummeted to a new level.....adding in Omar and her anti America semitism....
Dude - Omar is even attacking your beloved Obama! Omar used the Democratic Party to get into Congress, now she is full of anti-semitic remarks and she has her inner circle of supporters in Washington.... now she's going after key Democrats! Ian if you don't see red flags where Omar is concerned then dude you're the one who needs help!
Omar makes the Clintons (with all their conspiracies and crimes) look angelic!
But you go ahead and keep on being DEMOCRAT....Traitor!!
I myself ignore most of what Ian has to offer these days. But two things stuck out today.
ReplyDeleteDumb #1
Omar's comment was on Twitter, and their were several more tweets afterwards. So don't sell me some MSM bullshit.
Dumb #2
Our government isn't a democracy Ian. I'm sorry your overpriced education, and second rate gov't position have failed to learn ya. We are a constitutional Republic. Electoral college is to prevent a small area determining our laws and policies. Which is exactly what Ian and his kind want to do. They will even go as far to allow illegals to vote, to suppress the will of the majority. Proof? House just passed a resolution to allow illegals to vote. Look it up.
Who's ignorant now?
Nancy Pelosi is just as delusional as the rest of the Dems..... "“I don’t think our colleague is anti-Semitic,” Mrs. Pelosi said at The Economic Club. “She has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning that she didn’t realize.”"
ReplyDeleteYeah right just keep trying to convince yourself of that....
The Washington Times is owned by owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement, you remember ...the Moonies ? Sun Myung Moon ? These papers are generally used as birdcage liner in the D.C. area. As long as you rely on this garbage, you'll never the truth. That is unless you ARE a Moonie. Make an effort to actually learn something. I posted a comment about Jews and the Democratic party. It is quite possible Omar isn't making herself clear. She has an issue with ISRAEL. That does not make her anti-Semitic, and many Jews in America, and even in Israel actually agree with her. None of the Jews I know, and or work with - and I work with many, took any offense to her comments at all.
DeleteLook, I understand if you want to turn Kansas into a shithole, I gave up on trying to convince people that they were doing just that. But you and this vile creature in the White House are destroying the country. That I have problems with.
The only one with the real problem Ian is you and you alone!
DeleteYou can't see the truth for the pompous arrogant nose on your face!!
So don't come cryin' when you realize that the Democratic Party crumbles the rest of the way
DeleteYou've been trying for ages now to fill us with nothing but BS and you fail each and every time.....why? because you are the laughing stock of this and your clip and paste regurgitated rhetoric.....
You seriously are in need of PSYCHIATRIC HELP AND TREATMENT!!
ReplyDeleteThis is 100% ridiculous. 1996 federal law prohibits non-citizens casting votes, and yet the dems are letting localities do it?
This is why you NEED the electoral college, and voter ID laws.
Not counting non-citizens votes isn't racist. It's the law.
Ian, here's some indisputable facts for you..... that even you have to agree with!!!!
ReplyDelete1. The Democratic Party is the most corrupt party in America.
2. The Democratic Party devours its own....just google Bernie Sanders.
3. Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged and cheated to get Hillary on the Democratic Presidential Election Ticket in 2016.
4. Bill Clinton is a sex predator and a pervert....he should have been forceably removed from the Oval Office for bold face lying about the Monica Lewinsky affair....
6. The Democratic Party is losing supporters....why else are they trying so hard to give rights to illegal immigrants who lie and cheat their way onto American soil?? And why else are they trying so desperately to lower the voting age from 18 to 16? Because they are running low on their number of brainless drones!
7. The mainstream media three (ABC, NBC, and CBS) are pro liberal! They refuse to report true facts about all the good that President Trump has accomplished! Every campaign promise President Trump has made, he has kept!
8. The Dems are tip toeing around Omar because they are afraid of her! If it were a Republican making the cracks that Omar is getting away with, the Dems would be screaming for their removal!
9. Nancy Pelosi is the worst leader for the Dems!
10. President Trump will see a 2nd term in office!!!! MAGA
I agree with nothing you have written. How about this - if you make a point like " the Democratic Party is losing supporters" you cite a respected source. The fact is that more people in the U.S. self identify as democrats than republicans. Yes, that's a fact. We're back to calling Bill Clinton a sex predator ? Really ? Monica Lewinsky was an adult. She was more than willing to engage in oral sex. He shouldn't have done it. But you say this with a straight face in light of the ultimate sleazebag in the White House now ? LMAO REALLY ?
DeleteAs long as this sort of laughable thinking is at least part of the identity of Kansas, you will never be a successful state.
You cannot go on being delusional forever. Snap out of it. And really, give the filthy language a rest. I've heard it before and it just makes you look sophomoric and incapable of making your point. But... whatever.
Deep down you really agree with everything I have.... you're just in a psychotic state of denial.... dude do us all a favor and get yourself to a psychiatrist and get some much needed treatment!
DeleteParty identity - from Pew Research March 20, 2018
Delete" As the 2018 midterm elections approach, women and especially college graduates have moved toward the Democratic Party. By contrast, the Republican Party’s advantage in leaned party identification among white voters without a college degree has never been greater, dating back more than two decades.
While partisanship among voters usually does not change much on a yearly basis, some differences have widened over time, especially by educational attainment, gender and age. And these gaps are even larger when categories are combined, such as education, race and gender.
A new analysis of party identification, based on more than 10,000 interviews of registered voters conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017, finds that 37% of registered voters identify as independents, 33% are Democrats and 26% are Republicans.
So... um, no, the Democratic party is NOT losing members. In fact, the Republican party is increasingly identified ( see the Pew excerpt ) as representing the less educated white population. I'm NOT trying to be condescending, I'm quoting from the poll. Others are even less friendly to Republicans. That is a cohort that is dying off. If you control for age, you will find that young people increasingly identify as Democrats. Here is the link.
Look, you can go on quoting from garbage like the W. Times, and Breitbart, but you only serve to confirm stereotypes. Good luck with that strategy. It's a losing one.
that's only regurgitated rhetoric.... same-o same-o....
Deleteyou're stuck yourself in a regurgitated rut Ian....
here's some kleenex for your tears now you go telephone your psychiatrist and schedule yourself an appointment.... you've had a really rough day peddling your BS....
Day off and it's snowing, and I'm doing paper work from home. But this is interesting.... I'm beginning to see how this garbage winds its way through certain communities. Let's for the hell of it look at a reasonably normal conservative think tank - The Heritage Foundation. Regarding this proposed legislation
ReplyDelete" H.R. 1 federalizes and micromanages the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is necessary for protecting our liberty and freedom. The bill interferes with the ability of states and their citizens to determine qualifications for voters, to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, to secure the integrity of elections, to participate in the political process, and to determine the district boundary lines for electing their representatives."
Okay, fair enough. It would seem that even in light of the sort of shenanigans carried out by republicans the Heritage people are only too happy to see the status quo maintained. States can be trusted ? Yeah, just like in the 1960's in the South. Speaking of, even Fox News online, yes FOX just published this two days ago.
" Two more people were arrested Tuesday in connection with alleged election fraud in a tightly contested race for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District seat, authorities said.
Taken into custody were Tonia Marie Gordon and Matthew Monroe Mathis, each charged with felonious obstruction of justice and possession of an absentee ballot. Mathis is additionally charged with falsely signing the certification on an absentee ballot."
So.. no there is no election fraud going on ? Really ? It's becoming obvious that yes, there is. And it is being recognized by both parties.
And yet...... everybody jumps on this bogus news that the evil dems passed this bill ( which they haven't ), which will allow immigrants to vote ( no it won't ), and even the Heritage people make no mention of anything like that at all. In fact, no other respected (at least as much as any conservative outlet can be respected ) conservative media sources has said ANYTHING of the sort about immigrants. But you people take that little meme and run with it.
And Kansas will continue to circle the drain because all the good people have fled adding to the multitudes that are part of the Kansas diaspora.......
And while Blue is running around making a fool of himself the American people are witnessing the democrat controlled House pass a law allowing illegals to vote.
ReplyDeleteYou can regurgitate all the talking points you want, Blue.
But you and your comrades are so fucked and at this point there's nothing you can do about it...
agreed 150% Kevin
DeleteYou are the one filling yourself with bogus news! It's no wonder you are in need of Psychiatric Help and Treatment!!
ReplyDeleteIt's not a total loss though.
ReplyDeleteYou still have David Duke in your corner...
Ian, we all know that you have been deluding yourself with fake news.... the truth hurts and we have tried for quite a long time to wake you up....but like I can't see the truth for the pompous arrogant nose on your face!!
ReplyDeleteIan, you need to start a GoFundMe page so that you can get $$ for your Psychiatric Treatments!!!!
ReplyDeleteTime to change my focus off of crazy Ian and his true need of Psychiatric Treatment and onto home life and the weekend.....
ReplyDeleteY'all remember to set your clocks forward one hour.....Day Light's Savings this weekend!
Hugs~ Rikki
Kevin maybe Ian could benefit from a time out..... he went off the deep end bigly this time.
ReplyDeleteWell that was a pithy little rant. I hope the B and N isn't at the big mall- looks like it's going tits up. But then everything in T Town seems to be doing that. Sad. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteYou ran out of kleenex Ian.... here's more kleenex to dry your tears... dude your meltdown is really bad this time.... do yourself a favor and telephone your psychiatrist....
ReplyDeleteyou've really worked yourself into a delusional tizzy with your BS today
Now watch yourself Ian.... you don't want Kevin to place you in a time out do you?? didn't think so...
ReplyDeleteHere's more kleenex for you.... now give it a rest for the night.
How about that? Comrade bedpan and his friends read America's Blog and get a big old laugh out of our thoughts. What a bunch of pompous arrogant assholes, wouldn't you agree?
ReplyDeleteAnd old bedpan still says Crooked Hillary won the election. Which is no doubt a big shock to the current occupant of the White House.
See, comrade bedpan and his arrogant nasty friends are the very reason we have the electoral college. Men far wiser than him, immeasurable smarter in fact knew that someday, probably soon a bunch of self proclaimed master minds would decide they needed to rule us folks who just aren't smart enough to run our own lives. They knew it would happen. It was happening then. So they gave us a Constitution Republic and the electoral college. Because of the very people who are trying to destroy our country today. And that's our best defense.
We're not a democracy. John Adams said democracy is the path to tyranny. And everytime old comrade bedpan give us another of his condescending opines he proves Mr. Adams to be correct.
So you don't like the electoral college, comrade? Well, change it. There's a well defined and established constitutional method. It's called a constitutional amendment. Go for it, you commie bastard. We'll sit and watch and laugh. Have at it.
Nope, our local Barnes and Noble alive and well.
ReplyDeleteIt's a weekly thing I do. Even though most of the help are flaming liberals they're always helpful and friendly.
Here's the deal, Blue.
You really need to get out in the real world every once in a while.
Maybe you'd find out that outside that Shithole you claim to live in most people don't actually hate each other even if we disagree politically...
I have noticed that when I moved here and retired here, not one time that if I needed something, I could always fined it right here in Topeka, And the includes a bunch of great friends, So Blue I and most of want for nothing, so piss off puke.
ReplyDelete1982 to 2020 Blue most likely more years than you lived here.
ReplyDeleteshould be 2019 and planning on many more.
DeletePoor little race baiting racist just can't catch a break.
ReplyDeleteJussie Smollett has been indicted on 16 felony charges for his FAKE HATE CRIME.
Yeah, the hatred is so bad in America that these dipshits have to resort to making shit up just to prove it...
Well good night room 235, I must admit it was a fun day,.
ReplyDeleteYes it was.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Sarge. And now I gotta head that way myself.
2:30 comes mighty early...
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteThe Iowa Supreme Court just ruled that Medicaid has to pay for surgery to mutilate people who think they are the other sex and want something cut off or put on. Says they're "protected class". Protection for perverts.
ReplyDeleteSo if you've ever wondered why normal people, non-communists have always objected to all these special rights for perverts laws so many states are passing, and why all this giving sex perverts all these "protections" here's why. Now after they laid the groundwork for so many years, they're cashing in. Now people who are too mentally ill to check to see what sex they actually are (it's a pretty easy test) are going to force the rest of us to pay for them to mutilate themselves to satisfy their mental illness demands.
There is so much wrong with this, and it is so obvious that I don't even need to say it, do I? But it's one more sign of the accelerating decline of mankind and our civilization. It's all downhill from here, friends. And God on his throne is just shaking his head wondering what happened his creation.
Just saw this in an article on Federal spending in the Free Beacon:
ReplyDelete"A new analysis released by found 66 agencies spent $97 billion last September, the final month of fiscal year 2018. The end of the year taxpayer-funded spending spree included contracts with Coors, millions on iPhones, furniture, and CrossFit equipment.
“In the final month of the fiscal year, federal agencies scramble to spend what’s left in their annual budget,” said. “Agencies worry spending less than their budget allows might prompt Congress to appropriate less money in the next fiscal year. To avoid this, federal agencies choose to embark on an annual shopping spree rather than admit they can operate on less.”
Resulting government expenditures included $4.6 million on lobster tail and crab; $673,471 on golf carts; $1.7 million on pianos, tubas, and trombones; $9.8 million on workout and recreation equipment; and $7.7 million iPhones and iPads.
A Wexford Leather club chair cost taxpayers $9,241. The government spent $293,245 on rib eye, top sirloin, and flank steak."
The State of Kansas does the exact same thing, and has for years. Nobody cares.
Just saw a high school student in Arizona got suspended for wearing a MAGA sweatshirt and holding a pro Trump banner.
ReplyDeleteSo what the hell has happened to what once was the freest nation on the earth, the one that built its whole philosophy on freedom, with freedom of speech leading the way?
And suspended from high school for supporting our duly elected President? Does it get any more fascist totalitarian than that?
And the same kinds of people are encouraging students to walk out of school to support the communist inspired global warming hoax. But don't dare show support for your President.
I'm starting to think it would be better if I just didn't read the news while I eat breakfast. Causes indigestion.
ReplyDeleteI see our ole buddy over at the urinal is out writing up some gossip stories. I wonder if he really took the time to find out what really happened. Surely he wouldn't make up a fake news story just because the people were republicans.
ReplyDeleteHouse leaders accused of ruckus
Topeka Capital-Journal
DeleteSounds like you have a lot of stuff to get off your chest, Safe. I know you're busy but if you're up to it I'll gladly step aside...
ReplyDeleteHard to believe they even let him write something. But then again its not really that hard to believe knowing the urinal.
ReplyDeleteShit, not a good day, I just burnt my celery, for my celery soup, Damn hate it when I do that, well got to dice up some more... A little delay.
ReplyDeleteKev, go ahead and keep at it. I was just having breakfast and took a little time before getting back to work. You don't realize how much crap you have until you start packing it up to haul across country. And we sold a ton of it. Like my entire woodshop.
ReplyDeleteSo we're back at it. Just broke for lunch then back to the packing.
Kevin with the amount of friends out here posting try less blogs, like 2 a week or even one, just a thought, which I am sure means nothing!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou all don't for get to spring forward one hour tonight, I don't want anyone late for church tomorrow, Hear Me. 😇
ReplyDeleteGood. I love the extra hour of daylight in the evening...
ReplyDeleteGot it covered Safe.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry Sarge.
I'm not even close to running out of steam...
Well I am with ya, you can bank on that, don't know how much steam i have in this old boiler, and I don't want to use solar panels, Good Grief.
DeleteA short good morning room 235 little temporary COPD problem, soon as it pass's off for some Z's.
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself and get yourself some rest, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteYa damn been fighting this damn cold or what ever it is all damn winter long, but feeling okay right now.
ReplyDeleteBut enough about me, whats going on with you all?
ReplyDeleteLol... Just getting my day started.
ReplyDeleteLinda and I went to the casino about 2:00 this morning and got home $150.00 poorer at 9:00. Took a nap and now I'm ready to figure out all the shit we missed out on while we were ignoring it...
Good Grief! You could have saved lots of time and miles had you just run that $150.00 over a block to me, plus you have gotten prime time sleep. And I would have been a happy camper. :):)
DeleteProbably would have been a lot easier...
ReplyDeleteBut you had prime time with your wife and that is worth more than $150.00 I am sure. Enjoy your day...
DeleteYou too, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteOh, just so you know I was able to find a few things I missed during those couple of hours of ignoring everything.
Here in a little while I'm going to make you want to hurl...