Sunday, March 3, 2019
White Supremacists, Racists, and Russians Everywhere...
Due to the fact that I spent most of the day today sitting around on my butt I find myself running short on time so I'm going to have to cut today's blog a little short.
Instead of babbling on about this or that I thought I'd just share a couple of quick videos with you to hear your thought on them.
The first one are a very small sample of President Trump's CPAC speech from the other night.
The second one is how the communist loving talking heads from CNN reacted to it.
And this one?
I just posted it for the hell of it.
We're in for one hell of a ride, boys and girls.
The Never Trumper's, the far left luatics who have seized total control of the democrat party, the drug addicted, sex crazed pampered Hollywood freaks, and the Trump hating media will be going all out from here to election day.
We must not waiver.
We must stand strong.
And we absolutely must stand together.
Failure is not an option...
Kevin McGinty
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Well as I close for the night, I will get this last comment, I watch every min of Trumps 2 hours and 2 min, Cpac speech, not even a piss break He was Great, the second video means nothing to me... But good night got to go now, see ya in the morning. MAGA
ReplyDeleteI have one thing about these libtards that I just don't get. You all know that we all don't agree on the same things some times. But we bring it out and no one gets all butt hurt. We all have brought out questions and remarks about this and that or this person or that person. Butt when I see all these libs standing in a line backing up each and every other one, backing up their lies knowing full well its all dope. I cant believe people would back up a law to kill a baby after being born. I just cant understand how any one can do that. Maybe ole Dimm Witt In DC can explain it seeing as how he is a real live??? internet doc and a die hard lib baby killer.
ReplyDeleteWhat... am I on call now ? So much confusion here. The RHA ( New York’s Reproductive Health Act ) ensures that people in New York will have their constitutional right to an abortion; that includes the right to abortion after the 24th week in pregnancy IF the pregnant person’s life or health is threatened by the pregnancy, or if the fetus has a condition incompatible with life. We seem to be conveniently leaving that out here, and I suspect Trump did as well down at Natl Harbor for his two hour incoherent rant. Regarding the details of the NY law, like most things it’s far more complicated.
DeleteYou have no idea how common it is for OB's to prematurely deliver a fetus because both mother and fetus lives were in danger. Certain complications are common for women to experience - Preeclampsia, High Blood Pressure, Gestational diabetes, Placental Abruption, etc.. . Those are just a few pregnancy complications that can threaten the life of the mother. And what if pregnant mothers have other medical conditions that could cause her death ?
It's amazing how nobody mentions that the RHA states abortion is allowed after 24 weeks IF the fetus is NOT viable. Before this, women in New York were FORCED to carry a dead fetus until term, all the while continuing to experience all pregnancy symptoms (including labor) as if that fetus was still alive.
Trump repeated some of the worst myths about late abortion and the RHA. He ranted at National Harbor something along the lines of … -Lawmakers in New York cheered with passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.- SO now he is asking Congress to pass “legislation to prohibit late-term abortion.
First of all there is nothing in this man’s background that supports any notion that he gives a damn about the life of a pregnant woman, or potential offspring. If you chose to believe that he hasn’t led a lascivious life ( a polite way of saying he’s a male slut ), I can’t help that. We can only wonder how many little Donnies have been aborted. The whole issue is something that again adds to the ever growing list of things he knows nothing about.
And no... I have not performed an abortion, nor would I. So don't try to hang that on me. Yes, I have delivered a baby, as part of an Ob rotation - C Section.
DeleteNeither did your mother have a abortion to bad, that would have been one I could live with, Prick...
DeleteWell Kamala Harris wants to make prostitution legal in CA. Why should I be surprised, she got to where she is with another women's husband.
ReplyDelete"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," Willie Brown (Former San Francisco mayor) wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday. "Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."
Now I seen some women that I never heard of wanting to legalize prostitution in New York. So these people want to kill babies, legalize drugs and prostitution. Then you have some more young ladies that want to give away free Medicare for all and kill off private insurance, free college for all and money for all even if they could work, but don't want to.
Then I was talking about this and was told. Dive you must hate women. Same old shit, you disagree with a few and you get call racist or women hater. Actually, Mrs Dive said these new liberal women in congress aren't doing women any favors. We also got plenty of jerk men, they just aren't making the news and are not new on the scene.
And now that the Russia thing has blown up in their faces the dem controlled house has begun it's newest line of attack.
ReplyDeleteThe never ending obstruction of justice investigations.
You just watch how seamlessly the media mantra goes from Russia Russia Russia straight into Obstruction Obstruction Obstruction...
On top of that they now investigating Trump's long ago business practices as well the business practices of his long dead father.
And Trump is supposedly the one dividing this country?
AG Barr - is he a real honest AG looking to protect the Constitution and our laws rather than those involved in the attempted coup? Or is AG Barr a deep state status quo keeper? Let's see if he will assign a Special Prosecutor, which I feel he should do. Being long time friends with Mueller may have an impact on what he may or may not do.
ReplyDeleteJoedan and Meadows letter to AG Barr write to request information about the actions of two senior members of the Special Council (Mueller). They seek information about the Steele dossier in 2016, as it pertains to Weissmann and Ahmad. You can Google - Jordon Meadows letter to William Barr to see their letter dated March 1, 2019. I hope their letter puts a little fire under AG Barr's butt. I am curious to see what AG Barr's reaction will be since this letter is pushing "it" in his face. I hope AG Barr is not another Sessions. I still have my doubts about Barr.
Good morning room 235... Let us here that we all are MAGA by backing our President... And yes it is cold out side Like (1) global warming degree... Good grief.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm right there with you Rose...
Well Rose if you worked in our Government as long as I did you have doubts about every top dog daily... Verify than Trust..Just Saying
ReplyDelete-1 Geees
ReplyDeleteWhere did the hatred for our Flag start?
DO NOT ADD A SINGLE WORD , but just pass it on.
Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".
Senator Obama replied :
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides." "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression..." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It’s my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails, perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments".
When I Become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become The President of the United Statesand I have put my hatred aside . I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path . My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed , CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America."
Yes, you read it right.
Please pass on without comment.
Just think, with the entire country knowing how that man thought and believed,
they still elected him to run and represent the country two times.
We deserved what we got.
It's a sad fucking day when the president of The United States doesn't want to appear to be taking sides.
ReplyDeleteBut that's what the once proud democrat party has become...
Now I see Rand Paul is going to vote against Trumps emergency border wall. What a RINO Its these jerks that are killing up along with the libtards.
ReplyDeleteWell Skippey, Trump will veto them anyhow..
ReplyDeleteTrue, but is is irritating having jackass RINOs along with all the evil demoncrats.
ReplyDeleteSince they can't find any Russian crap on Trump, they are going back in his family history.
Getting closer to another civil war, they keep pushing, how much will it take?
Some thing is going to have give. This bs has been going on for far to long. Its not good for any one or the country. I think it comes a time when we are going to have to take it into out own hands. The rino's are going to sit there till the cows quit farting. They have given the libs so much lee way over the years that they cant and wont reel them in. The ? I have is how is it going to come down. As one of our great fore fathers said. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Maybe we could ask for volunteer's from the other side. That is what the rino's would do. I can just see ole Dimm Witt In DC laying his head on the chopping block like some ole Sunday rooster.
ReplyDeleteDive it's not how much will it take for a civil war, It is how many that will step forward to make the move, and how many is prepared to do it ? That is the bigger question.
ReplyDeleteWell another night upon us, like always I say good night room 235, stay warm, be in the 40's this week enjoy...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235
ReplyDeleteIt is a nice 9 degrees out, must be the being of this weeks heat wave.
Delete9 degrees? Good grief, it's about time to break out the T shirts and shorts...
ReplyDeleteHere's the deal. Blue.
ReplyDeleteMost things in life really are complicated. But they get more complicated once you and your comrades start adding your left-wing spin.
Good on you for never personally performing an abortion.
But you still support it.
The party you've pledged your unyielding loyalty to has gone all in on it.
They're now taking it to extreme levels that just a few years were never even considered.
And yes, that includes allowing a baby to just lay there and slowly die on it's own after it's been born.
I think they call that infanticide.
And trust me, it's not a winning proposition with the vast majority of the American people.
No, I am pro choice. Big difference. I am not going to decide what a woman is going to do with her own body. You didn't read what I wrote. Go back to the first paragraph. Nobody in the medical community is given a blank check in regards abortion services. Leaving a baby "to just lay there and slowly die on it's (sic) own" ? What if the baby is anencephalic ? Any movement of the baby is reflexive. If you've ever killed a rattle snake ( and yes I have... ) you chop its head off immediately, bury the head, and do with the body whatever you want. But the body of the snake without a head will continue making striking motions in all directions. Anencephaly refers to the condition of a fetus being born with no brain, or perhaps has only a small portion in any stage of development.
DeleteIf you really want to put your money where your mouth is, make arrangements with the birth family, and adopt such a "baby", and take care of it. But keep in mind, if there is no brain, there is no consciousness.
Yes you are right - things in life do "get more complicated once you and your comrades start adding your left-wing spin". That's because we reject simplistic pat answers to issues that are never as simple as the lunatic right wing fringe would have it. But then, for most of them, there is only so much they can digest so it seems.
What you're calling 'infanticide' is "not a winning proposition with the vast majority of the American people". Is that right ? Well, evidently, no.
From the Pew research center,
" Views on abortion, 1995-2018
As of 2018, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases." the link is below, published Oct 2018 half a year ago.
What would you call my position, Boz? I support public-funded abortions for the poor because it saves money down the line. Lots fewer takers. My real view is more Buck v. Bell than Roe v. Wade. But no need to sterilize them now, Norplant is easier and reversible if the mom somehow wins the lottery or something.
DeleteBut I don't go as far as viable babies killed on the operating table.
What would I call your position Howdy ? " A final solution to the Republican problem ". Yes, I can see the 'reproduction police' storming National Harbor, crashing into the CPAC convention and performing mass tubal ligation on the spot. Not a complicated procedure. Of course there is that pesky little problem with the age of Republican females - something like 60ish. Another 'inconvenient truth' about repubs. They're old. And dying. Even that vixen Ann Coulter ( no spring chicken herself ) has a pinup of Mitch McConnell at home.
DeleteI assume your co-posters here are aware of your position ? No pushback ? Aren't they a selective bunch ?
And no, I don't advocate infanticide either.
Now Boz, why do we have to look across the pond for an analogy to me? Why not the person who wrote Buck?? (That would be Oliver Wendell Holmes.) "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." But isn't it liberal of me to support public funded abortions for the poor? But that's your ol' buddy Howdy ... always doin' good things!!
DeleteI dunno about the old and dying part. My nieces and nephews are pretty damn conservative. And about half of them Hispanic. In fact, only 1 niece and 1 nephew who aren't clearly to the right of me (and they're right where I am). So I wouldn't be too sure of that.
Uh huh... I've read that Hispanic people are flocking to the repub party. In fact Cadet Bone Spurs made that very point in his last presser. And we ALL know that you can take whatever comes out of his mouth to the bank ... right Howdy ?
DeleteBy the way Howdy, don't tell anyone, but I have it well sourced that upon her highness's arrival at the CPAC gathering, Princess Ivanka looked across the madding crowd, mumbled in a loud stage whisper " Three generations of imbeciles are enough. " Sort of like Donny Two Scoops thingy about shootings on 5th Avenue more'n likely.
DeleteBoz, Boz, Boz ... . Snarkily insulting people. Think a lot of CPAC people are imbeciles?? Looky, I'm one of few people left who remember the old order of rankings, morons, then imbeciles, lastly idiots. You can disagree with people on their political views, but come on, you're supposed to be a medical professional, in psychiatry (or some allied specialty).
DeleteAnd I know a lot of people who aren't much on Trump's personality or personal characteristics, and like his policies, notwithstanding. Sorry a bunch of the left are so unforgiving to a Republican (Democratic misbehavior is always ignored if at all possible).
Yeah, imagine that - somebody insulting someone on this blog. Okay, I'll stick with just plain old insults...CPAC attendees - the ignorant, the willfully ignorant, the hopelessly inbred, the hamberder eaters, those who think not only will the Trump tax cut "pay for itself,” “but it will pay down the debt.” the Einsteins ( see immediately below ) who ignore the seriousness of an FEC violation pinned on Trump, but froth at the mouth when they see something on Breitbart, yeah Breitbart, about AOC getting hit with an FEC complaint.
DeleteOH the irony. And insults, well one of the older geezers, called me an 'asshole' and reminding me that Trump is president ( thank you Igor, Svetlana, Olga, Anastas, Valeri, ) "eeez most glorious verk for mozerland - Hero of Russian Federation medal eeez on table eeen Kremlin upon return ".
Like his policies ? LMAO !! And what might those be ? Other than ram through an absurd tax cut that has done little or no good for the economy, but has added 2 trillion to the national debt, what might they be ? Oh yeah ! I forgot Trump flashing around that little paper screaming " I have brought you peace in our time " after meeting with his love interest, aka Rocket Man. God help us.
I'm not even talking about the tax cut. I'm in favor of better relations with Russia, China, and North Korea. Indeed, the main fly I see in the ointment here is Bolton, who never saw a conflict he didn't want to inflame. Trump needs to show him the door. Trump the candidate was clear that he wanted a smaller American footprint world-wide. That got him votes, believe me.
DeleteI also like the Supreme Court nominations, even though as a result Roberts goes to the left. My Con law prof hypothesized that the US S Ct always goes for a median. In other words, justices move back and forth and the equilibrium is at 4-1-4. It didn't take a Harvard JD to figure out who was going to move.
So what were Obama's great policies (they must have been great or he wouldn't have gotten that Nobel, right) other than ACA?
Seriousness of an FEC violation being pinned on Trump?
DeletePaying off a whore (with his own money) who's blackmailing him?
That imagined FEC violation, Blue?
The one you were hoping would lead to impeachment?
Yet you yawn when the newest leader of your party is hit with skimming almost $1 million in campaign funds.
Oh, Breitbart is just the vehicle that carried the story it didn't write it.
And hamburger eaters?
Good grief...
Boz, lofty Johns Hopkins MD training and all, hasn't grasped what my Amherst Advisor told me: a fact is a fact no matter what the source is. You can argue the interpretation, but something is either a fact or it isn't.
DeleteAnd Boz, no we probably don't partake of the fine Provencal cuisine often. We often eat hamburgers, at non-upscale places. I personally like Spangle's, Vista or Braums, but wish we could get Whattaburger here. Perhaps if you'd show up at such a place and talk to locals, you'd get a better taste for real America.
Uh oh, the AOC campaign has been hit with a FEC complaint and investigation involving almost $1 million.
ReplyDeleteShe's corrupt?
I'm shocked!!!
Was reading that this morning, that little twit is going to have more problems than she can handle soon, she needs to shut the hell up.
DeleteI see in the obits that Mott here in Topeka kicked off. LBGT activist.
ReplyDeleteWell you know that saying the day you are born you are starting to die and it will stay that way until the wacky Dem's change it!!! Like they do every thing else.
ReplyDeleteI still remember how Zorack used to give him hell about how he was just pretending to be a woman.
ReplyDeleteTold him he could take all the drugs he wanted to take and scream he's a woman till the cows come home and he'll still be a man...
Lol I remember him, I would have a hard time calling him a real man, but what ever! Hell I have a hard time call male dem's real men also..Damn snowflakes..
DeleteWe are talking about Zorack saying that about Mott, Right.
ReplyDeleteAh geez... yesterday Hillary Clinton said she can't imagine a scenario where she'll ever run for political office again.
ReplyDeleteCome on Hillary. Just one more time.
Nothing I'd like better than seeing another meltdown...
Maingate must be going nuts over that info, my self I will drink to that good news. The Hag finally giving up.
DeleteI won't trust that news until I see the stake through her heart (if they can find that organ in her).
DeleteI wonder if the pharmaceutical cocktail Mott was taking could have had a part in a heart attack? Yes, I remember ol' Z teasing he/she/it. It was all in good fun, though, none of us were getting hateful over it, the way some of the Dems quickly did in those threads.
ReplyDeleteYou think ole AOC has figured out who is behind the FEC complaint and investigation yet? She done opened her big mouth and is now reaping what she sowed., Just a hint ole gal, the witch that is on your tail is named Nancy LOL
ReplyDeleteUp to 19 already, going to be a real nice day. Think I will get the mower out and mow the yard.
ReplyDeleteSkip, AOC would have to sniff first to be able to tell her ass from a hole in the ground. (And even then she'd probably have to use dial-a-friend) I doubt she's figured much out. I like what the co-founder of Greenpeace had to say about her. If Pelosi sic'ed the FEC on AOC it would be the first good thing she's done in decades.
ReplyDeleteRepublican kick there people off committees for the same crap. that has been around for years and this twit shouldn't even be on a committee the 1st month in office. GOP should reinstate Steve King.
ReplyDeleteI would be willing to bet that some body from the lib side is in on it. Like they always say follow the money trail. She is stirring up to much bs in the party and taking the spot light away from some of the big shots. What goes around comes around.
ReplyDeleteKevin watch mail delivery March 7...
ReplyDeleteWhat in the world did you do now, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteHell, what ever I did must be a good thing, at least that is what my Horoscope said today.
DeleteLol... I'll be on the lookout.
ReplyDeleteI just hope Blue's family doesn't hear about it and steal it before I can get home.
You know how those socialists think they're entitled to anything they want...
Ya sorry bastards, my be we can post a couple of snipers. Or just have a couple of my Cop friends drive by a few times.
DeleteGood morning room 235. It is a nice 10 degrees out with the promise of being in the 40's today.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Country...
ReplyDeleteIllegal immigration at worst rate in decade...
Invasion intensifies...
Will 'surpass Obama Era'...
55 Illegals Transported to Hospitals Each Day...
Good morning all.
ReplyDeleteSorry to interrupt your conversation with our favorite internet doctor but Wednesday's edition of Room 235 is up and running...