Sunday, March 10, 2019
You had to have known this shit was coming...
I'm always amused by the way the so-called progressive left looks down on those of us from the Heartland.
Uneducated, they say.
Anti-Science, they scream.
Unsophisticated, they label us.
Stuck in the past, they chant.
Well, if the following video is any indication of the future they want for this country or mankind in general I'll gladly stay glued to the past.
Get a load of this shit.
And the kicker is that those who look down their noses at people like me actually believe this shit and want to force us to believe it, too.
I'll tell you what, freaks.
You go ahead and believe this made up shit all you want.
Go ahead.
For me and mine though.
I think we'll just stay where I am, grounded in reality...
Kevin McGinty
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Good Grief, That's right Good Grief, You I am not going anywhere myself. If that son of a bitch gives Birth I want to see IT! IT! IT! Than I will say abortion is justified. In that case.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Can you imagine how screwed up any kid these two freaks raised would end up being?
ReplyDeleteAnd this is progress?
I think not...
Well it is socialist commie freaks progress, that's what most of them look like by the way.
DeleteThat's just totally sick. So this one who is a real guy gets him some and knocks up the other guy who still has some female parts. So the half girl half guy gets her some and they are happy go lucky. Then the real guy decides that he likes his old girl- boy doing to him what he wants. But know the he guy girl guy is going to have a baby and the real guy wont have any of you know what to p-idle in. So I am going to say that the real guy guy gets tired of having to act like a girl guy and give his partner the girl guy some affection that only he should get, and does need to be taking care of a baby, and decides he's had taken all he can take and splits leaving the tax payers taking care of another mouth. Yhep clears as shit on a Sunday morning.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather they were both down much like you'd do with a rabid dog...
ReplyDeleteThey will both split and wind up on welfare. Then they will blame Trump
ReplyDeleteOnly thing they can blame is their lack of believing and loving God, the Devil got to them.
ReplyDeleteYhep they will have a price to pay to a higher being than any one on this planet earth.
ReplyDeleteI was saving this for last, Good night room 235, and may God always be with you all...
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing. The drivers behind all this, the leaders of the democrat/communist party know exactly what they are doing. They don't believe this shit any more than you do. But they know they need to manipulate the "useful idiots" out there who will take anything they promote, no matter how ungodly, unholy and insane it is and run with it. Even believe it. Look at climate change. The godless left people who started that whole thing know it's all a giant hoax. But they got the public to buy it and once that happened they milked it and promoted it and used it to gain power. And it works, is the sad thing.
ReplyDeleteThese people who truly advance this insanity know it's crazy, they know full well the damage this kind of crap does to a civil society, that it destroys it, which is exactly why the do it.
Do you think Hitler and Goebbels believe the stuff they sold to the German people? All these godless propogandists have to do is convince a bunch of weak minded godless people who lack any moral center or any sense of right or wrong, which comes from God. And once they get them to buy it, it spreads like cancer.
Hence the term the old Soviet Apparachiks used. Useful Idiots.
Hell, we have one that shows up here and post long winded meandering diatribes apparently thinking that anybody here is actually listening to him. He's the poster boy for the godless commie left. He's exactly who they recruit to do their dirty work and spread their lies.
Remember, communism is built on lies. Who would accept it if they truly knew what it meant? The people today who buy that pack of lies are ignorant of history, or are in on the whole plan to destroy our country.
They are either Apparachiks, or Useful Idiots. No middle ground.
And it all starts the minute they step foot in the public education system and morphs from there...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteIt's to busy out here today can't get a word in...Good Grief
ReplyDeleteSorry Sarge. looks like I've chosen another topic no one wants to talk about...
ReplyDeleteOH maybe everyone is to busy and getting ready for spring, planting time will be here soon.
DeleteThea I was just thinking about that. Starting some seeds.
ReplyDeleteDifferent, but along this line of conversation, we have what I believe could be the picture along side the word it is describing in the dictionary. Safe's word: Apparachik. Rep. Ilhan Omar, to me demonstrates exactly what the word means "agent of the apparatus". This woman has now been elected and is in congress, using her position to further destroy this country. For Pelosi to make the excuse that "she doesn't necessarily understand exactly what she was saying, and believes she is not anti-semantic. Bullshit! She knows exactly what she is saying, and has the verbal skills to hit whatever target she wishes with her idiot left supporters not even realizing what she is doing. You can see it in her eyes, when she challenges someone in the Congress, it is a word game with her, and she thinks, she knows, she is winning over the "useful idiots" on the Left to help accomplish destroying this country. This woman was brought here as a refugee, most likely educated in our schools, at our expense, and now in the system to take down what she was raised to hate! No doubt, she also had a lot of help in her "education" from the Liberals in our education system. Her, along with her two buddies, OAC, stupid in understanding, but very knowledgeable in social networking, and Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American, who hates Trump, the Jewish people, and all that Trump and Conservatives stand for.
ReplyDeleteThis is how this country gets taken over, by "useful idiots" voting in these type of people to our government, slowly until they have taken over!
Good Morning Room 235..
ReplyDeleteNancy Who?
Oh the Boss... AOC :)
ReplyDeleteThe dems have been on the goose chase of theirs since Donald Trump was 'candidate' Trump....then they kicked their goose chase into overdrive like the politically schizoid idiots that they are.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Kevin.... Nancy P. is just coming to grips with the truth that there was no Russian Collusion..... kinda makes one wonder what the dems will do next in their political schizophrenia.... I'll just bet Blue doesn't know how to comprehend what Nancy P. did.... (lol)
The DemOrats don't even know who is in charge of their own mob, Good Grief that is no way to run a party, someone give them more Dorito's... They got enough Dips that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteOl Joe is gonna run!
ReplyDeleteThis should be comical...
I see not much going on so a few things you should know.
ReplyDeleteGunfight Rules
"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading."
In a gunfight, the most important rule is ... HAVE A GUN!!!
These are shooting tips from various Concealed Carry Instructors. If you own a gun, you will appreciate these rules... If not, you should get one, learn how to use it and learn the rules.
A Guns have only two enemies: Rust and Politicians. Rust can be prevented, Politicians cannot.
B It's always better to be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.
C Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
D Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arm's length.
E Never say "I've got a gun." If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they should hear is the safety clicking off, or the hammer cocking.
F The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1,400 feet per second.
G The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always Win - there is no such thing as a fair fight. Always Win - cheat if necessary. Always Win - 2nd place doesn't count.
H Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets ... you may get killed with your own gun, but they'll have to beat you to death with it because it will be empty.
I If you're in a gun fight:
(a) If you're not shooting, you should be loading.
(b) If you're not loading, you should be moving.
(c) If you're not moving, you're dead.
J In a life and death situation, do something ... it may be wrong, but do something!
K If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
L Never fire a "warning shot", that is just one wasted bullet, which could be needed within moments.
M You can say "stop" or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much a universal language; and, you won't have to press 1 for Spanish/Mexican, or 2 for Chinese, or 3 for Arabic.
N Never leave a wounded enemy behind. If you have to shoot, shoot to kill. In court, yours will be the only testimony.
O You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.
If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, forward to others you know who also believe.
Good Morning room 235.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteWednesday's blog is up and running...