Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Winners and Losers... Too Good not to share...

I came across an article written by one of my favorite political writers, John Nolte on Breitbart this morning.

As usual he nailed it.

Nolte: Winners and Losers in the Debunked Russia Collusion Hoax

It all began when, using the firm of Perkins Coie to hide the transaction, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National Committee hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele, who colluded with the Russians to manufacture a phony dossier that smeared then-candidate Donald Trump as a compromised tool of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, countless Dirty Cops in both the Justice Department and intelligence community used Hillary’s discredited oppo-research to meddle in the election, to win it for Hillary, and to ensure there was an “insurance policy” should she lose. This meddling included strategic (and illegal) media leaks, outright spying on the Trump campaign, and wiretaps.
After Trump won, the Dirty Cops activated the insurance policy by plotting a slow-motion coup. Again, there were strategic and illegal media leaks and, finally, the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his gang of partisan lawyers, who would go on a two-year rampage that ruined countless lives in what ended up being a failed quest to overturn a presidential election.
The corporate media also played a crucial, conscious, and active role in this coup attempt.
To begin with, CNN’s Jake Tapper colluded with the Deep State to legitimize the phony dossier/insurance policy as “news” by having disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey “brief” Trump on it. You see, the act of the briefing was the excuse the far-left Tapper needed to justify publicizing the existence of the phony dossier, and by extension, Trump being a Russian spy.
BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith then used Tapper’s report to justify publishing the phony dossier, and from there the entire establishment media was off and running with a two-year hoax fueled by a fire hose of fake news, invented sources, and countless ad hominem attacks against Trump and his family as traitors – attacks the media never challenged.
Now that it’s all finally over, here’s a list of the winners and losers:
Conservative Media:
We did our jobs. We kept our heads during the worst of the hysteria. We examined the evidence, held on to our healthy skepticism, stuck to the facts, and got the story exactly right. Our analysis, skepticism, insight, reporting, sources, and common sense delivered the truth.
From Breitbart News to the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York to Fox News’s Sean Hannity and Catherine Herridge, to the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway to the Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross to the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel to National Review’sAndrew McCarthy…
This is where sensible people looking for truth and sober analysis turned, and we all got it right.
Talk Radio:
Rush Limbaugh and many others in talk radio were one more oasis away from all the fake Russian news and hysteria.
Alan Dershowitz:
Famed attorney (and lifetime Democrat) sealed his legacy with clear, legal-based analysis which cost him many friends and career opportunities.
Jonathan Turley:
Another legal analyst who kept his head, dealt only in facts, and told the truth.
Gregg Jarrett
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA):
Next to Trump, no one was scapegoated by the corrupt media with as much venom as Nunes, whose own committee has now been vindicated in its own finding of “no Russia collusion.” On top of that, Nunes’ fearless pursuit of the full truth around RussiaGate, the inconvenient truth about all the dirty tricks and Dirty Cops in the Justice Department and intelligence community, has been beyond vital to preserving the rule of law.
If there is a hero in RussiaGate, it is Devin Nunes.
Sara Carter
Superb and accurate reporting throughout.
Glenn Greenwald:
The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald is proof that political beliefs have nothing to do with integrity. There is nothing Greenwald and I agree on, but he is an honest man.
President Trump and His Family:
Forget the politics for a moment and try to imagine the personal hell Trump and his family suffered while being falsely accused of treason for two years — of worrying about indictments and prison, of seeing the people you love repeatedly smeared in every corner of the establishment news media.
In the end, though, they stood strong and came out the other end fully exonerated. The president also deserves credit for keeping his eye on the ball. Thanks to his policies, America is enjoying the first era of peace and prosperity since September 11, 2001.
The Establishment Media:
This list will single out the worst of the worst in the media, but the debunking of the Russia Collusion Hoax is the not the beginning of the end of the media’s credibility … it’s the end.
Where to begin?
Well, how about at the beginning — here’s the corrupt media’s fake news’s rap sheet over the last five or so years…
  • Trayvon Martin Murdered By Racist White Man
  • Michael Brown Yelled “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” Before Racist Cop Murdered Him
  • Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist
  • Trump Ordered His Attorney to Lie
  • The Racist White Boys from Covington High School
  • Trump Can’t Defeat Hillary
  • Trump Is a Russian Manchurian Candidate
Nevertheless, the media will not change the way they do business because to do so would be to admit they had done something wrong.
The good news, though, is that this broken and corrupt institution has undermined all the power it once had to sway public opinion. And so, all the media can do now is hang on to what’s left of its audience — the crazies who want to be hoaxed, who cannot face reality. Those loons are the media’s customer base.
Other losers…
Hillary Clinton
You lost, cupcake, deal with it…
Fox News’s Judge  Napolitano:
What a horse’s ass.
Meet the Press Moderator Chuck Todd:
Mueller’s got the receipts! Mueller’s got the receipts!
Lie to me James Clapper! Please, please, please lie to me. Tell baby what he wants to hear!
Barack Obama:
The Al Capone of the Russia Collusion Hoax.
FISA Court:
If this kangaroo court allows a bunch of Dirty Cops to hoodwink it into spying on a presidential campaign, imagine what’s being done to everyday Americans.
Weekly Standard Employees:
Other than a few of their trolls, these staffers are all out work now because their useless bosses, Bill Kristol and Stephen Hayes, went the full-hoax.
Axios’s Mike Allen
“D.C.’s most wired reporter” is as much a conspiracy theorist as he is a moron.
Watch Forrest Gump connects the dots.
Fox News’s Shepard Smith:
Napolitano and Shep Smith. Put them together and you’ve got almost half a wit and not an ounce of integrity.
Jake Tapper:
Once one of America’s most respected journalists, he has since lost his audience and all of his credibility as a stooge for the intelligence community. So blinded by his own virtue, Tapper probably believes being a Deep State cuck is patriotism.
What a fall.
Brian Stelter:
Tater: The Walking Punchline.
Rachel Maddow:
For two years Maddow breathlessly — night after night after night — promised her audience Mueller had the goods. Most of her cult will probably stick with her, but she’s exposed now and exposed cult leaders never last long.
Robert Mueller:
This dirty cop leading a gang of dirty cops spent two years digging a dry hole while destroying the lives of who knows how many innocent people bled white by unnecessary legal fees. Shame on him forever.
Morning Joe:
Joe Scarborough’s track record for getting everything exactly wrong marches on.
This fake news network deliberately deceived its audience for two years with an all-in gamble that the Mueller Report would vindicate all those lies. CNN’s ratings cannot get much worse than they already are, but who in their right mind would give these snake oil salesmen even a minute of their time?
No one will ever believe anything CNN reports again, and no one should.
CNN is now just infotainment for #Resistance stupes.
Jennifer Rubin:
Because she’s so shrill, not only do we all know she’s a joke, so does every dog within 60 miles of the Washington Post.
At least she didn’t try to hide her McCarthyism.
Max Boot:
I didn’t make this up.
The FBI:
A den of Dirty Partisan Cops meddling in our elections.
McCabe, Strzok, Comey, the lady homewrecker, arresting celebrities over college applications to kill a negative news cycle.
The FBI is a cancer on democracy.
Former CIA Director John Brennan:
Perjurer and liar.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper:
Perjurer and liar.
Such shameless liars Robert freakin’ Mueller called them out.
John McCain:
Because his legacy as a petty, grudge-holding, preening peacock who planned his funeral to satisfy his own smite was not already damaging enough, we now know he was peddling the phony Russia dossier to media outlets.
Washington Post:
Only CNN saves the far-left Post from taking the crown.
Never Trump:
Every fake news “bombshell” these simpering quislings swallowed and spread with unbridled glee.
What a bunch of mindless cows.
Fact Checkers
They told us Devin Nunes and Sean Hannity were wrong about everything and that conspiracy theorists like Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo were right about everything.
Oh, and Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler is still claiming Trump colluded with the Russians.
The Left-Wing Media
From Talking Points Memo to the HuffPost, there was not a moment of sanity, just paranoia and lies and red-baiting.
Intelligence Community
From WMD to Russian Collusion to partisan leaks and lies… More goddamned Dirty Cops who should never be believed again.
CNN’s Drew Griffin
Griffin used to be seen as a pretty good investigative reporter. Now he will only be remembered as a bully who harasses old ladies based on conspiracy theories.
Hollywood Leftists
Every time Rob Reiner tweets a gay, black man registers as a Republican.
David Corn and Michael Isikoff
Mother Jones’ David Corn and Michael Isikoff, the hack who sat on the Monica Lewinsky scandal until Matt Drudge forced his hand, wrote a whole book about how Trump colluded with Russia.
Seriously, a whole book.
Can you retract a whole book?
CNN’s Carl Bernstein
While his Watergate partner Bob Woodward was smart enough to stay out of RussiaGate, Bernstein sold his soul and not only got caught lying, he invented a source that doesn’t exist.

2018 Midterm Voters
Millions voted under the false impression our president may have done something wrong. In other words, not only did the media and Deep State meddle in the 2016 presidential election, they also meddled in the 2018 midterms.
The American People
We the people went to the polls in 2016 and chose Donald Trump to lead our country, which means that every injustice against our president, most especially at the hands of unelected Dirty Cops and their media minions, is an injustice against us and our God-given right to choose our own leaders.
For two years this hoax hamstrung his (our) agenda and weakened his (our) ability to do business overseas… This is unforgivable, un-American, and the wrongdoers must be held accountable.
This crime against Trump was also a crime against us, against America, and our Constitution…
The only way to compound this crime is to sweep it under the rug.
This cannot be allowed to happen.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNCFollow his Facebook Page here.


  1. Sargejr JimMarch 26, 2019 at 6:18 AM

    They are fighting like a pack of dogs, trying to see who can come up with a better Plot to go after President Trump, Good Grief the Lib's are eating way to much local weed.

  2. Good Grief Kevin you wrote a book here, I better open a beer and sit back and read.

  3. There's only person Mr. Nolte missed in his list of losers that I can think of.

    To be fair though it's probably only because he's never heard of our little Underground Bunker.

    Because if he's been familiar with it there's no way he would have left one very obvious loser.

    Blue and his imaginary internet friends...

  4. I realize that every major media outlet is covering the Mueller report findings right now, but this news story was too huge NOT to tell you about. The state of Washington just passed the most heinous bill of all time. It forbids residents from voting for President Trump in 2020.

    Liberals have taken over the state’s government and have just proven they will do anything to take down President Trump—including passing insane legislative bills like this one. And the mainstream media has proven they don’t care by not reporting this story.

    Get all the details on this new anti-Trump bill and what this means for 2020.

    ~ American Liberty Report

  5. Replies
    1. Best I know it is, but I don't see how that it is possible to do. But I will check further.

    2. info@americanlibertyreport.com

    3. https://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/washington-just-passed-a-law-that-would-forbid-residents-from-voting-for-trump-in-2020/

      You can read and check it out here.

  6. he Senate of Washington State passed a bill this week in an attempt to drop President Trump from its 2020 presidential ballot.

    Senators voted by a margin of 28-21 to approve the bill that would require anyone who runs in the state’s presidential primary election to release five years of tax returns.

    The state’s attorney general and solicitor told Washington State lawmakers in a letter they believed the proposal would pass constitutional standards. They wrote, “The disclosure requirement you propose is likely Constitutional, but would definitely be challenged in court.”

    Senator Patty Kuderer (D), a sponsor of the bill, told CBS News, “Although releasing tax returns has been the norm for about the last 40 years in presidential elections, unfortunately, we’ve seen that norm broken.”

    Republicans in the Washington Senate decried the bill, saying it attempted to impose state standards on a federal election. Senator Hans Zeiger warned his colleagues, “We’re on really risky ground when we’re trying to place conditions on a federal election.”

    Since the 2016 primaries, similar legislation has been introduced in at least 30 states. Up till now, none have been enacted and most have died in committee.

    The closest any state has come to passing such a requirement was New Jersey in 2017. Governor Chris Christie vetoed the bill.

    With a new governor, Democrat Phil Murphy, that state’s legislators have resurrected their bill. It would deny candidates for president and vice president a place on the ballot unless they make their tax returns public.

    Democratic lawmakers seeking a way to force President Trump to submit information about his personal finances introduced these partisan state bills. These obvious efforts to unseat President Trump in the 2020 election have ignited a national debate over the appropriateness and constitutionality of such a law.

    Democrat’s in these state’s attempts to ensure voters can’t return Trump to the White House don’t fool their Republican counterparts.

    New Jersey Republican state senator Joe Pennacchio is seeking to amend the state’s bill to make it apply to not only presidential candidates but all gubernatorial, state Senate and Assembly candidates. He said, “What’s good for the goose is what’s good for the gander. If this really is about making sure voters are well-informed, then common sense dictates that S-119 should apply to all of us.”

    Proving all they care about is keeping Donald Trump off the 2020 ballot, Democrats blocked the amendments.

  7. G'morning :)

    Just saw this on the Washington Times:


    "Trump campaign seeks to bar 'lying' Democrats from networks over phony Russia claims"

    By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    The Trump campaign has sent a blacklist memo to TV networks warning them away from Democrats who are “lying to the American people” about false claims of collusion with Russia.

    The memo, titled “Credibility of Certain Guests,” urges TV producers not to do business with Democrats such as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York, Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, former CIA Director John O. Brennan, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez.

    In a tweet Tuesday, President Trump said the burden falls on the media.

    “For two years they pushed the Russian Collusion Delusion when they always knew there was No Collusion,” Mr. Trump tweeted. “They truly are the Enemy of the People and the Real Opposition Party!”

    His top White House advisers have said the media owes the nation an apology.
    The campaign’s memo asks network news producers to reconsider whether these Democrats and others “warrant further appearances on your programming given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past.”

    The campaign called this group of frequent talking heads “Democrat leaders and others [who are] lying to the American people by vigorously and repeatedly claiming there was evidence of collusion.”

    Mr. Brennan, one of the president’s fiercest critics, said Monday on MSNBC, “I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was.”

    Mr. Swalwell responded on Twitter, “The only person who has been caught lying about Russia is Donald Trump. If he thinks I’ve made a false statement, he can sue me. And I’ll beat him in court.”

    The campaign memo came after Attorney General William P. Barr told Congress that special counsel Robert Mueller didn’t find any evidence of collusion after a two-year investigation.

    “There must be introspection from the media who facilitated the reckless statement and a serious evaluation of how guests are considered and handled in the future,” the memo states, arguing that the Democrats “made many of these false claims, without evidence, on your airwaves.”

    Every media outlet that has relentlessly pushed the Fake News must apologize not only to President Trump and his cabinet, but to America as a whole.

    Also every anti Trump individual owes President Trump an apology and the whole of America also.

    Starting with Blue.... you owe us an H-U-U-U-G-E apology for peddling your Russian collusion posts and also you owe us an apology for all of your posts that you had in the Russian language. Also Blue, you must acknowledge that you supported and pushed these known lies here on the blog.

    Blue, I'm not stopping there either.... you must admit that you were wrong.

    We all know you're reading our comments and stewing at your computer, so why not just jump right in and APOLOGIZE AND ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG!

  8. That's right Blue, I am calling you out. Unless you really are the spineless coward we all know you to be.

  9. That was a really good summary from Nolte, Kevin! Hopefully, a large share of the "losers" listed can and will be indicted for slander, treason, and/or promoting a coup in our government! And of course, I'm pretty sure that we still all want Hillary to be indicted for mis-handling of Classified information, collaboration with the Russians to interfere with a Federal election, and her, Bill, and Chelsey all brought up on charges of using a non-profit charity to launder political pay-offs and personally profiting from the Charity!

  10. They dropped the charges on Smollett, whats the deal on that??? Good Grief. No Justice in this country anymore .

  11. This is off subject but I wanted to let you all see this before I lost track of it. Here is another Hoax that is finally being debunked by one of the people in charge of doing it. Turns out, the main goal of "climate change" is to destroy Capitalism!

    "Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare"

    "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

    So what is the goal of environmental policy?

    "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.


  12. I could go on and on but I will just leave it here.

  13. There's some Dems trying to get the attention off of the Mueller Report and onto the Obama Care topic..... but some die hard Dems are still pushing for impeachment. My message to the Dems is..... come to grips with the reality that your Russian Collusion lie just gave President Trump what he needs for re-election. What other nonsense can you waste tax dollars on between now and the National Election in 2020??

  14. Another win for President Trump! He's got to be the 'winningest' President in history!

    House fails to override veto on border wall.


  15. Well what do you know... Looks like our gutless republicans finally grew some balls...

  16. I'd like to see a list of those in the House who voted against the veto - I want to see how many Dems voted against the veto.

  17. this is indeed a major loss for Pelosi.

  18. They are voting on the New Green Deal and the Dem's who are pushing it is only voting present chicken shit can't even vote for their on deal but expect the people to follow their bullshit. NOT ME!

  19. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/26/us/politics/house-vote-trump-veto-national-emergency.html

    Here's a link to the list of each House Member and how they voted.

    It looks like that all the Dems voted to veto but they didn't have enough to override with the Republicans.

  20. The vote was 248-181, falling short of the two-thirds majority needed. Only 14 Republicans joined Democrats to vote to overrule the president.

  21. The issue split the GOP on Capitol Hill — 13 House Republicans and 12 Senate Republicans voted for the resolution overturning the the national emergency.After the House failed to muster enough votes to override the veto, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., vowed to use the annual spending process to "terminate this dangerous action and restore our constitutional system of balance of powers." She also indicated the House could vote again in six months on another resolution to block the president's policy. Under the statute granting the executive the authority to use a national emergency, Congress can vote every six months to try to reverse the action.

  22. According to reports, some of the House Republicans voting for the national emergency resolution include Reps. Justin Amash (R-MI), Greg Walden (R-OR), and Thomas Massie (R-KY).Those 13 are: Amash, Fitzpatrick, Massie, Herrera Beutler, Hurd, McMorris Rodgers, Walden, Upton, Rooney, Johnson of South Dakota, Sensenbrenner, Gallagher and Stefanik.

  23. What's really something is that since the House is a Democrat controlled House.....they don't have enough Democrats to carry 2/3 majority with just them by themselves.

    Just my two cents worth and then some.... the Dems were over confident but blindly didn't see that though they control the House, they don't have enough Democrats to make 2/3 majority among the Democrats there.....

  24. Anyone see the stuff Senator Lee did today?

    The memes are fantastic, and blowing them up on poster boards?

    Well done sir.

    And then AOC called you dumb on Twitter... ROFL!!!!

    1. https://youtu.be/JSSGVyukwA0

      Here it is.
      It's must watch.

  25. watched the clip Hammer. I have one word for it: Awesome!

  26. Damn nice day today and I didn't get Jack done... Good Grief.

  27. Still LMAO... He's right, it's a friggin joke...

  28. A joke... Much like the democrats have allowed their party to become...

  29. Well Grandson just left he was here all day on his computer, wife was on her computer and I was on mine, I guess that is what quality TIME is now days. And it Sucks!!! But things could be worst, we could have had a power failure. :)

  30. Top of the morning fellow Bunker Dwellers.

    Wednesday's edition of Room 235 is up and running...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...