Wednesday, March 27, 2019

You were all repeatedly lied to...

Nothing special, just another video I came across a little while ago and decided it was just too good to pass up.


And I threw this one in just for the fun of it.

Winning Baby!!!



    Defiant Adam Schiff pressed to resign as House intel chairman: 'Got this whole hoax rolling'


    Poor Dems.... this just isn't their week! It has gone from bad to really bad to worse and now really worse.... hope it's a continuing trend for a while!

  2. The Dems are so confused they are going nuts...

    And Good Morning room 235

  3. Lol... Yes they are.

    Once again they're having trouble with that silly little thing called "Reality."

  4. Well what I am now looking for is that lying crazy eyed Adam Shitt to bite the dust.

  5. It can't happen soon enough about Schiff... the man has got to go! and he's only one of many.


    Adam Schiff confronted by Republicans on House intel panel: 'No faith in your ability'

    link to letter given to Schiff:

  7. Here's the content of the letter given to Schiff....

    March 28, 2019
    Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
    United States House of Representatives
    HVC-304, The Capitol
    Washington , D.C. 20515
    Dear Chairman Schiff:
    Since prior to the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017, you have been at the
    center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming , among other things, the Trump
    campaign colluded with the Russian government. Indeed , before the appointment of Robert
    Mueller as Special Counsel , you alleged during one of your frequent television interviews that
    there was "more than circumstantial evidence " of collusion but that you could not "go into
    particulars 1
    Your repeated public statements, which implied knowledge of classified facts supporting
    the collusion allegations, occurred at the same time anonymous leaks of alleged intelligence and
    law enforcement information were appearing in the media. These leaks, often sourced to current
    or former Administration or intelligence officials, appeared to support the collusion allegations
    and were purported to be related to ongoing investigations of President Trump and his associates.
    As you know, the Committee has long been aware of and actively engaged in intelligence
    oversight activities related to Russian malign activities. As part of our duty to oversee the actions
    of the intelligence community we conducted a thorough investigation related to the 2016 Russian
    efforts to interfere with U.S. elections. This investigation included a review of allegations that
    the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. The Committee found no evidence that President
    Trump or anyone associated with the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated , or conspired with
    the Russian government. The Minority views, which you submitted , were attached to the
    Committee findings. Your views did not provide any evidence to support the claim of collusion.
    On March 24, 2019 the Special Counsel delivered his findings to the Department of
    Justice. The notification to Congress stated, "The Special Counsel's investigation did not find
    that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its
    efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election 2." Special Couns el Mueller 's findings are
    consistent with those of this committee, as well as the public statements of various Senators on
    the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
    1 MSNBC with Chuck Todd , March 22, 2017 2 Letter to Congress. Attorn ey General William P. Barr. March 24, 2019.
    Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim in the media that there is "significant
    evidence of collusion." You further have stated you "will continue to investigate the
    counterintelligence issues. That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any
    way by a hostile foreign power? 3" Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrabl y false
    narrative is alarming.
    The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions
    and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information,
    having damaged the integrity of this Committee , and undermined faith in U.S. government
    Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this ·
    Committee, which alone in the House of Representatives has the obligation and authority to
    provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community. As such, we have no faith in
    your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional
    responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.

    Names on the letter:
    Devin Nunes
    K. Michael Conaway
    Michael R. Turner
    Brad R. Wenstrup
    Chris Stewart
    Eric A. "Rick" Crawford
    Elsie M. Stefanik
    Will Hurd
    John Ratcliff

  8. Only problem is they cant do any thing. They can complain all day long and at the end of the day the Demo's will be laughing at them The Demo's control the house and they sure as hell wont do anything to him. Only way to get rid of him is to get some serious dirt on him and bring it out.

  9. I don't know what it would take to get him. But as long as the Dem's own the house they wont be able to get him on any kind of a vote.
    I couldn't help but notice how that ole heifer Foxx in Chicago reminds me of that ole heifer in Baltimore that tried to hang all those police officers. Why do these people think they can rule the country?

  10. Old Pee Loosi is on. Man that old hog is either drunk or mentally challenged. No doubt being mentally challenged wasn't something that was had to do on her.

  11. It's turning into a damned free for all in Washington!

    The Red & Blue are punching it out in Washington….. nothing new there but today seems to have been turned up a notch or two or more…

    Republicans call for Schiff’s resignation from the House Intelligence Committee

    Pelosi comes to Schiff’s defense

    Pelosi calls Barr’s summary ‘condescending’

    And that’s just on the Congressional plane….

    President Trump calls for Schiff’s resignation, and truthfully Schiff should be fired, privileges revoked, and physically removed from Congress and it should not stop with Schiff, there's plenty of others in Congress that need the boot.

    And as for the entire Mueller Report being put out for everyone to see... I say yes to that to finally shut the door once and for all on the lies that the Dems are trying to peddle

  12. Well this seems to have all the appearances of an "act of desperation".....

    from the article:
    "This is an all-hands-on-deck moment right now," it continued. "Can you pitch in $5 or whatever you can to show Adam that the people stand with him?"

    Why does Schiff need $$ for something like this?? He's not exactly running for Prez in 2020 is he? Why does he need $$ to try to save his job in Congress??

  13. He doesn't he is on the tax payers dime.

    1. agreed - just another example of how corrupt the Democratic Party as a whole is.

  14. another page in the chapter of a bad week for the Dems is unfolding.

    Devin Nunes 'prepared now' to deliver criminal referral after Trump vows to release FISA documents

    from the article:
    "Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said Thursday his team is "prepared now" to submit a criminal referral to the Justice Department focusing on the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation."

    "“Some of the biggest challenges that we had is because they used our counterintelligence capabilities — these secret capabilities that are really only supposed to be used to go after terrorists and other bad guys, they actually turned it on a political campaign, and that’s where they first went wrong," Nunes told Bartiromo, while talking about a "DOJ and FBI run amok.”"

    those are just two segments of the article.

    Ok Dems..... put this tune in your heads..... the theme from the movie Jaws.... your worst of all the nightmares is just around the bend!

  15. Part 1 of 2

    By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 27, 2019

    In the wake of the journalistic catastrophe exposed by the Mueller report, it is important that we record as many of the lies that we can and shine a bright light on the most dishonest goats in the media over the past two years.

    No publications deserve more contempt and ridicule than The New York Times and The Washington Post. Both were once serious newspapers dedicated to ferreting out the truth and holding accountable those in power.

    Sure, they have always suffered from metropolitan biases, but they also always aimed for the truth. They were nobody’s stooges — at least openly. No more. Both newspapers are now entirely dedicated to blindly advancing a crazy political agenda and, we now know, are more than willing to lie and shade to push their twisted information on readers.

    In today’s world of fire hose information from every direction, the greatest human superpower is the ability to filter out all the dishonest streams of misinformation coming from all the dirty outlets that have lost all credibility.

    I will never read another story about even baseball in The Washington Post ever again — now that I know just how fully committed they are to distorting every little thing.

    The New York Times is an even greater disappointment considering the gold standard stature the Gray Lady once held in the constellation of American newspapers.

    In February 2017, NYT published a story headlined, “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence,” by Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo. The story cited “phone records and intercepted calls” and relied upon “four current and former American officials.”

    The only problem: the story was “almost entirely wrong,” according to none other than ousted-FBI Director James B. Comey. Testifying before Congress, Mr. Comey said he was so alarmed by the outlandish claims in the story that he checked with the intelligence community. After confirming it was a bogus report, Comey notified congressional leaders to disregard the report.

    While The New York Times appended a correction to a photo caption that ran with the fake story and appended another minor numerical correction, the newspaper never retracted nor corrected the fake news story as a whole.

    Even worse, The Times submitted the story for one of the most prestigious journalism awards in America — and won!

    The George Polk Award committee bestowed the highly coveted Polk Award on both The New York Times and The Washington Post.

    “Special recognition goes out this year to the staffs of The New York Times and The Washington Post for their extraordinary effort in uncovering the connection between the Trump presidential campaign and the Kremlin that led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation,” the judges wrote.

    “The Polk judges felt the investigative work, based on the cultivation of sources, was equally outstanding on the part of both newspapers and may play a significant role in safeguarding our democracy from foreign interference.”

    Truly, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” as the sniveling Washington Post likes to preach every day.

    1. Part 2 of 2

      The list of trusted, reliable sources in this post-Mueller world has shrunk to a small handful.

      Two of journalism’s biggest goats from the past two years are David Corn of Mother Jones magazine and Michael Isikoff of Yahoo! News website.

      To be fair, David Corn is not and never has been a reporter. He has always been a crazy partisan activist that nobody really takes all that seriously.

      Michael Isikoff, on the other hand, worked at Newsweek magazine, a once-respected if left-leaning newsweekly. Mr. Isikoff is most famous for getting scooped by internet sleuth Matt Drudge on his own story about Monica Lewinsky.

      No two people have done more than these two buffoons to peddle fantasy claims, unfounded conspiracy theories and outright lies regarding President Trump’s supposed collusion with the Kremlin during the 2016 election.

      The two of them actually co-authored a book — and I am not making this up — titled “Russian Roulette.” The book regurgitated and expanded upon the largely debunked but lurid details from the “Steele Dossier,” which mostly turned out to be Kremlin-fed misinformation campaign funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

      The funny thing here is that they named their book “Russian Roulette,” which is entirely fitting considering who wound up getting their heads blown off in the whole misadventure.

  16. Trump is doing his rally Now on Fox, He is in Michigan place is packed. MAGA

  17. Saying good night now , he will be wrapping up shortly. MAGA

  18. What a hell of a rally!!!

    Good luck with your nervous breakdown Blue...

  19. Finally, somebody with some balls.
    And now, no bullshit hanging over his head.

    This should be fun.

    MAGA 2020!

  20. This is only the beginning of the political end of many who funded, pushed, and made up the Russian Collusion lies - these political figures and the underlings associated with this should be locked up.....and the liberal main stream media got belly punched with the truth and quite frankly it remains to be seen if they will ever be able to regain any respect.

  21. Don't worry, Rikki... Blue and his imaginary friends still respect them...

  22. You see, Blue and the radical left will never leave the Mother Ship.

    But other than them the dems and their media puppets have lost the rest of the country...

  23. Good Morning Kevin & everyone :)

  24. Good morning Rikki...

    Friday's blog is up and running...

    WED., MARCH 27, 2019

    FOXNEWS HANNITY 4,303,000
    FOXNEWS TUCKER 3,485,000
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    MSNBC MADDOW 2,678,000
    FOXNEWS THE FIVE 2,640,000
    FOXNEWS BAIER 2,179,000
    MSNBC O'DONNELL 2,069,000
    MSNBC HAYES 1,674,000
    MSNBC HARDBALL 1,465,000
    CNN CUOMO 900,000
    CNN COOPER 865,000



Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...