Friday, March 22, 2019

Life lessons for our dimwitted friends on the losing side...

I'm not going to get into the whole big thing here but I would like to address something our local internet doctor said today.

"So, you want a small group that for instance, to make political decisions?"

Small group my ass, Blue.

You see, Blue, the electoral college was put in place specifically so that every county and every state has a say in electing a president.

You don't like it?

I don't care.

And then our good friend and fellow patriot Hammertime spoke a little about ongoing efforts in forming The Convention of States.

The Convention of States Movement is real and here to stay.

Maybe those of you in the know would help explain what it is.

What it means.

What it can accomplish.

What are the benefits?

What are the perils?

We did it--the Convention of States Project application, HCR 5009 passed through the House Federal and State Affairs Committee by a vote of 12-10!
This was only possible because so many of you stood up, showed up, and spoke up. Thank you!
Now we move to the floor of the House of Representatives. Your State Representative will be back in district for the next couple of weeks. Please try and talk to Jim Gartner about Convention of States (HCR 5009) and get back to me about how it went.
As a reminder, a Convention of States is the way to bypass Congress and the rest of the federal government to actually drain the swamp in Washington D.C. This is a state run process that your State Representative is in charge of. 
Jim Gartner has the power to help call a convention to propose amendments like Term Limits on Congress and a Balanced Budget Amendment, but they need to act NOW. HCR 5009 is the ticket for Kansas to join the effort, but we need you to help! 
I can help you get in contact with Jim Gartner, just click on the TAKE ACTION button, and at no charge, I'll connect you directly! 
In liberty, 
David P. Schneider - Regional Director

What say you?

Kevin McGinty


  1. Captain Howdy March 22, 2019 at 6:24 PM

    How many times has my ol’ College Hill buddy assured me that Trump would get removed from office. Well the long awaited Mueller report is out. And you believed that whole story the Clintons concocted to explain away this humiliating defeat. After all, the Clintstones are world renowned truth tellers. Ain’t that right, Boz? But it HAS to hurt, so why don’t you tell it all to “Doctor” Howdy??

    Reply Delete

  2. Sargejr Jim March 22, 2019 at 6:29 PM

    Lol Ken, hell he is sitting in a closet sucking his thumb.

    Reply Delete

  3. Good grief. It is still Friday, but I don't care what day it is when we are kicking commie Dem's asses like Blue..

  4. In fairness, Boz isn’t a communist. I strongly doubt he believes in state ownership of the means of production.

    But he IS a do-gooding Democrat. He’d do well to heed this blog tonight, because a convention of the states may well be in our future. It’s the ultimate expression of political will, as it can change the Constitution merely by stating so.

  5. Well, since the democrat/communist party has adopted Marxist ideas as it's primary platform I'd say that makes the democrat party members commies. I'm sure the German people during the thirties and forties didn't know what their leaders were doing and would have been appalled that they were supporting the murder of seven million Jews. But they were just as culpable as Hitler for every death by ignoring what the Nazi party was doing because the beer halls were free and they were fat and happy.

    This sudden hatred for the electoral college is just a desperate last ditch effort to overturn an election they can't accept losing.

    They are in denial that Donald Trump was the better candidate, smarter than crooked Hillary by leaps and bounds. He ran a better campaign, he destroyed her in the debates and he won. They refuse to accept the peaceful transfer of power, which is what communists always do.

    They tried collusion. They spent millions and had a bunch of partisan hacks investigate and despite their best efforts they got nothing. They have tried to make a case for impeachment and that well was dry also. They've tried the old commie tactic of violence and riots and that didn't work. They got the corrupt commie media working day and night on their behalf and President Trump is still winning every battle.

    So this electoral college crap is just more of the same. Nothing. They can't change it. They can't overturn it. They can't do squat. The only thing they are doing is showing how ignorant they are of our constitutional process. Their candidates are showing their hatred for our country and our constitution.

    This will not help them. 2020 is going to be very painful to them. If they think President Trump beating crooked Hillary was bad, just wait. It's going to get so much worse for them, especially with this bunch of idiots and fools they are throwing out there.

    This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait.

  6. Ol’ Boz is probably hitting the mai-tais tonight, along with the loathsome Harridan and her coterie of minions. That penis head Mueller done let ‘em down.

    1. And now it is time to go after the real criminals Hillary and her gang. It has to be cleaned up now or we will never have a justice system worth a dam.

  7. Well it has been a good day for the good guys, see ya's in the morning.. Blue just get drunk and cry it out Boy, Loosing is hard to take but it will toughen you up.. hehehe

  8. Yeah, Jim, Mueller has gone from being a white knight to being a mo’fo’. Ya gotta love it!

  9. First the President played ‘em then he punked ‘em!

    1. Have to smile at the way things played out. All for not.

      Combine that with the goons and crazies being trotted out for candidates?

      Hey Cap'n, what's the +/- on how many bottles the ol witch has been through this evening anyway?

  10. The convention has been in progress for awhile now. People are coming around. 17/34 required states. Alot happening this spring, and I would encourage all of you to contact your Kansas house rep, and Mr. Gartner.
    DC does nothing about term limits or balancing the coffers, so this must be done. For nay sayers, remember there are common issues we all agree on, and the convention will be a success.
    It's a tribute to the system designed to stop exactly what's going on, DC not staying on the leash. We rule as 50 independent territories, and if 34 agree? It happens.

    This is all a process the left could not implement. Too many issues they can agree on, and not enough states regardless of what they could agree on.

    They keep it up, the electoral college might just get reinforced. Mob rule must be prevented. A population could include a large angry or paid off base, but not possible over a majority of territories. Well, unless you are among the pissed off conservatives writing and calling to push this thing along.

  11. So Mueller let the commies down. No dirt. No collusion. After two years and God knows how many millions...nothing.

    So now shifty shiff want to grill him before congress. That's pretty typical commie stuff right there. They love grilling people. Usually right after they finish they take them out and shoot them. But much to their frustration they can't do that.

    So shifty shiff says..."Ve haff ways of making you talk...

    I love it when the snake starts eating itself swallowing its own tail.

    So let's see what the godless commies come up with next. How about it comrade bedpan? Got your next set of talking points yet? Or still waiting for the politburo to issue new ones? I'm sure they're going to be quite swell. We'll be waiting patiently for the comedy show that is the democrat/communist party to begin act two.

  12. Good reads I know that most of us don't really like Ian. But I truly think he just never had the chance to be anything but indoctrinated and it is hard to change when your entire identity is built on the premise that you are "special" in some way, smarter, wiser, wealthier then the ignorant masses. To function he has to maintain that self-imposed illusion at all costs.

  13. Good Grief, and a good morning to room 235, well I am going to read the News and see who the main whiners are, I'll be back.

  14. A top of the morning to you too, Sarge

  15. Had to catch on my NCAA bracket. As usual it looks bad, going to never pick KSU again.

  16. Poor Blue can't be happy that Trump wasn't indicted.

    Oh but wait till the dems get through with their investigations.

    They'll get him for real this time...

  17. Well I just filled a slow cooker with meat balls and pepper-jack little Smokey's for Mike and Zach in BBQ sauces.

  18. Just remember you're among friends here.

    If ever you need a shoulder to cry on Sarge will lend you his...

  19. Lol You are such a nice guy with all that generosity.

  20. Good grief looks like we have a rain storm coming right at us, should be here in a hour or so.

  21. We mostly missed it this time, and we needed to. Feel really bad for Nebraska, going to be a lot of farmers going bankrupt over this winter weather.

    1. Ya we do also, that is a nasty situation for sure.

    2. I don't think this one is going to miss us, watching it on Radar and Lots of orange and red in it.

  22. You do realize the nut cases will be screaming global warming, don't ya?

    It's funny that when we have colder winter or a warmer summer than usual we're told local weather patterns mean nothing.

    We're told we have to go back hundreds of years and then look into the future in order to get the full picture.

    But every single weather related issue immediately proves we're all gonna die in 12 years.

    Being a nut case is way too easy...

  23. Hahaha I won't mind having that 12 years added to my all-ready 74 years.

  24. Dennis you may be right looks like this storm is swing more east now east of Topeka.

  25. And Nebraska is getting rain as I type this, that sucks for sure.

  26. Before I forget to say it...


    Sorry Blue, we tried to tell you but like always you refused to listen...

  27. Well I see the Left Dem's are still in lock step, just like good commies, what a sick bunch of sick American and I hate using that term on them. If anything they now should go get Hillary and lock her up.

  28. Quckly wanted to add something ...

    "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate."

    34 states that agree on a vote in each of their own respective legislature, can call for a convention. The states can make their own constitutional law with 3/4 majority.
    Currently, 17 states have already petitioned congress, more will follow this year including Kansas. This is real important folks.
    All states seem to staunchly agree on term limits and balanced budget amendment. You could see an amendment to the constitution for either of these issues.
    No more DC stalling. No federal lobbyists. Just simply bypass them with a 3/4 majority from 34 independent territories. No need for even California(sorry Safe) or New York.

    34 states aren't going to agree to the same things with no troubles. But folks, we all agree on a few things, and the next big one could be immigration. What if I told you we could change things without the president or congress? Please check into it. All support is welcome. Piss off your local lefty and join in.

    1. Smartphone and typing fast. Sorry. I apologize for continuing to mix up 3/4 and 2/3. Ya'll get the point. Have a great day.


  29. better late than never :)

  30. In reading the Washington Times, there's this editorial. Wanted to share with y'all.

    Mueller probe outcome vindicates liberal pariah Devin Nunes

    By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Saturday, March 23, 2019

    Special counsel Robert Mueller’s historic decision to end his Russia probe on Friday without filing election conspiracy charges against any Trump associate is vindication for Devin Nunes.

    A year ago, Mr. Nunes, a Republican congressman from California farm country cleared President Trump and his advisers in a report by the majority of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

    Mr. Nunes said the verdict was simple. The committee took testimony from intelligence and law enforcement officials, including Democratic Party loyalists. No one presented evidence that the president’s campaign conspired with Moscow to hack Democratic Party computers or coordinate Russian social media attacks on Hillary Clinton.

    On Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle” Friday night, Mr. Nunes said the real scandal is the secret effort by Barack Obama-Clinton operatives to doom Mr. Trump.

    “I think what you’re seeing tonight, Laura, is the unraveling of the biggest scandal in American history,” Mr. Nunes said. “People need to remember this actually likely dates back to late 2015, early 2016. [A] Clinton, Obama operation with a bunch of dirty cops at the FBI and career Justice Department officials who are all part of it.”

    Before his committee’s February 2018 final report, Mr. Nunes had run up against a concerted liberal campaign to delegitimize his chairmanship.

    Mr. Nunes broke off the Russia probe to create a new inquiry: FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In the process, he forced Democrats to disclose one of the biggest secrets in election 2016: who funded the Christopher Steele dossier that accused Mr. Trump and associates of various felonies. The answer: the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.

    Conservatives say the Mueller decision now places the dossier in the debunked basket.

    The Nunes side probe angered liberals. Andrea Mitchell, an MSNBC news anchor, called him a “clown.” John Heilemann, an MSNBC analyst, said he was an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    A New York Times magazine article said in April 2018 that Mr. Nunes “displayed a deep mistrust of the expert consensus on reality.” Other liberal magazines have also attacked him and his family.

    Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, who now heads the committee, accused Mr. Nunes of protecting the president.

    Mr. Schiff has re-started the Russian probe and has hired a chief investigator, who, like him, believes in Mr. Steele and the dossier.

    Among Mr. Nunes FISA probe findings:

    Democrats funded the Steele dossier as an unverified opposite research paper and spread it around Washington.

    The FBI cited the dossier as evidence to obtain a judge’s surveillance warrant on campaign adviser Carter Page. The application didn’t disclose that it was a Democrat Party indictment of Mr. Trump.

    The FBI presented a Yahoo News story as corroboration. It actually came from dossier creator Steele.
    he FBI fired Mr. Steele for leaking to the press, then continued to use his information via then-associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr. Mr. Ohr told the FBI Mr. Steele was “desperate” to sink Mr. Trump.

    Lead FBI agent Peter Strzok and his lover, FBI counsel Lisa Page, exchanged harsh text messages about Mr. Trump and vowed to “stop” him.

    I'm glad that David Nunes vindicated President Trump several months ago.

    1. All fingers are pointing at the's well past time to make the Dems and some Repubs who may as well be Dems accountable for their crap.

    2. McCain has dirty hands in this fiasco of 'Russian Collusion' nonsense. His name should and deserves to be soiled in this.

  31. haven't had a chance to work outside in the yard yet - hoping to sometime this weekend though.

    Was out for a little while this morning already, it's a bit chilly with the spotty rain showers.

  32. 10 to 1.... we won't hear anything from Blue until the breaking news of the Mueller report.

  33. Good Blog Kevin.

    "So, you want a small group that for instance, to make political decisions?"
    Interesting how Blue had the gall to say this yesterday.

    BTW, isn't this the kind of thinking that sunk Hillary's bid for the White House? I think it is....

    Blue your analogies, theologies, and intelligence or lack there of are 150% wrong.

    Even for Blue to state: "Since the need for roads isn't so great, no need to fund them." is definitely the mark of an uneducated person. So... according to Blue, the lesser populated areas of the country don't deserve schools, roads, or the right to vote.....

    Blue you are a walking definition of your political mascot.... why the Dems chose the donkey is beyond me. Actually I wouldn't mind if the Republican Party changes their mascot from the Elephant to an American Bald Eagle!!

  34. ok, I've had the floor for a little while, I'm turning the floor over to whomever wants it.



  35. No sex since 1955

    A crusty old Army Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted
    by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely
    young idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the
    Sergeant Major for conversation.

    "Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man.
    Is something bothering you?"

    "Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature."

    The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said,
    "It looks like you have seen a lot of action"

    "Yes, ma'am, a lot of action."

    The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said,
    "You know, you should lighten up. Relax and enjoy yourself."

    The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner.
    Finally the young lady said, "You know, I hope you don't take this the
    wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?

    "1955, ma'am."

    "Well, there you are. No wonder you're so serious. You really need
    to chill out! I mean, no sex since 1955!" She took his hand and led
    him to a private room where she proceeded to "relax" him.

    Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his bare chest and
    said, "Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955."

    The Sergeant Major said, after glancing at his watch, "I hope not;
    it's only 2130 now"

  36. Big night tonight.

    My grand daughter is turning 15.

    Good grief where does the time go?

  37. Time goes tick tock, and the older you get the faster it goes, but when you have Grand-kids it doesn't matter, as they get older the joy of your old age is greater.

  38. Kevin, Safe....

    Blue seriously needs an 'official time out'.

  39. Well when you get up at 3 AM, you have to pull a Kevin and go to bed early, see ya's in the morning. Good night Room 235.

  40. I hear you on that Sarge.... my hubby has to clock in @ 5 am so we get up early too.... makes for a long day.

    G'nite y'all

  41. Nice to see blue prove the truth of my earlier post about his self-image. Thx for sharing Rikki

  42. you're welcome Dennis. He tries to sneak in comments on prior blogs, and he did this one yesterday.

    I heard the thunder, so I got up to bring Jacob in from the back yard. Just in time before the down pour.

  43. I'm headed for cup of coffee.... hubby will be up shortly, he clocks in @ 5 am this morning.

  44. Did you say it rained last night or early this morning?

  45. in the wee hours of this morning a teeny little thunder boomer rolled through.

  46. I woke up to the sound of thunder and got up to bring in Jacob - just in the nick of time too.... after we got in, there was a brief down pour.

  47. Kevin, Safe...

    I know yesterday I posted that Blue needs an 'official time out'....but he'd only create another fake email just to get back in.....

    so it wouldn't do any good to block him totally.

  48. I must have been out like a lite didn't hear a thing, and driveway was dry .

  49. it could also have been 'spotty' because throughout the day yesterday, there were spotty showers.....rain in one area and not another

  50. Rain has moved into Missouri, going to be partly cloudy this morning with a gradual warm up..... then cloudy for the afternoon with little chance of rain.

  51. From President Trump to US Have a Great Day..and MAGA.

  52. Well, I'm back from being out and about. It's really nice outside but I did see some rain clouds to the south east of me as I was driving home.

    Eager to hear the release of the Mueller Report.

  53. Barr report released Dem's crying like babies....

  54. New blog up.

    Oh, and it's the best one ever...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...