Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Party of Death...

Just a little something to think about.

A little something for you fence sitters who can't seem to pick a side to contemplate.

A little reminder for my fellow patriots as to why we oppose everything the once proud democrat party now stands for.

And a stark warning for you once proud democrats that this is what you've allowed your party to become.

Kevin McGinty


  1. Well Kevin, I just sent that to 10 people by e-mail and those 10 I know will pass it on about another 100 people...

  2. Spread it as far and wide as you can, my friend...

  3. Answer from my friend John.

    Jim: it's about the Democrats not wanting to wait 18 years for these babies to vote for them. Much easier to let a couple hundred thousand illegal Mexicans and Central Americans in the country and register them when they cross. Free shit for your vote. I guess they think all women will vote for them for their right to choose DEATH OVER BIRTH.
    Democrats would kill their own children if they thought they'd become Republicans. John

  4. I think your friend is 100% accurate...

  5. Well from the 7 comments 5 are mine, I think I better shut up for awhile...

  6. That meme is seriously grim.
    This is where we have arrived?

    Just another example of why we need to MAGA! The train must keep rolling down the line... Next stop 2020.

  7. And they're writing the ads themselves...

  8. Yup did you see him today talked 2 hours and 2 min, worked those socialist bastards over good at Cpac today.

  9. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. But something tells me we'll be discussing it in tomorrow's blog.

    Nothing I enjoy more than seeing Blue spit and sputter anytime Trump makes fools out of his comrades...

  10. Lol, well it was worth watching the full two hours, had me laughing on and off the full time.

  11. Sorry I haven't been around much. We are at crunch time. We have to be packed and the truck loaded to be picked up by March 15. We have been packing and sorting and selling everything in sight to get ready. Really busy, not much time to do anything else. I'll try to get back in the swing after we are on the road to California. We don't really have a plan except we are leaving on the 16th and driving both cars to CA. Then who knows? Should be an adventure.

    1. If you both are fine we are fine, Just Handle what you got to do, we will kick ass until you are settled in, Just be careful.

  12. You just be careful Safe. Enjoy the adventure. I'll plan on taking over until you're settled.

    When you're ready to jump back in all you gotta do is say the word...

  13. Well lasted as long as I was allowed, so no reason to fight it, so I bid you all good night.

  14. Replies
    1. Ya damn shame you have to go in it and mess it up with tire tracks.

  15. Good Grief today is march 3rd, my Sons 51st birthday, damn another reminder of how old I am, it's always something...

  16. And no my old ass isn't going anywhere today. we did all our running around yesterday. The kids and grandkids all came over last night. So no one's coming over today.

    Life is cold but it's also good...

  17. It is now 13 degrees out, and I am glad I didn't put my snowblowers away..

  18. Well so much for the gun show. Damn I was all ready to blow my income tax and make libtards mad. So I got some cherry chocolate flavored coffee and trying to decide if I want chili or Enchiladas.

  19. Well it is over, 9 degrees out going out to blow the snow off drive and walk ways before the Sun comes out and makes it heaver. Good Grief summer good, winter sucks.

  20. News Flash For Liberal's & Other Libtards

    "The Constitution was not written to restrain the citizen's behavior, it was written to restrain the governments behavior" Rand Paul

  21. Wow, Safe, sold your house fast, have a safe trip.

  22. Got all my snow cleared, it was a pain with the wind and fine snow, especially on the circle drive part. Some places about a foot, other places bare blacktop. As usual township had roads cleared before I got up.

  23. Well it is 7 degrees out now , will go lower I am sure, Hope everyone has plenty of heat tonight, But for me I have to get ready to call it a night, Kind of over did it today, will pay for it tomorrow, Good night room 235...

  24. Goodnight Sarge...

    Oh, and just so the rest of you know, Monday's blog has just been posted...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...