Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Remember when we promised to never forget? I do...
Remember the horrific attacks this country suffered on 9-11-2001?
I do.
It was the day America was formally introduced to evil that was embedded in a religion most of us knew very little about.
Remember how we vowed to "Never Forget?"
I do.
Along with millions of fellow Americans I also made that vow.
The only difference is that I fucking meant it.
I'm going to post a short video I came across this morning.
Watch it.
Don't watch it.
That's up to you.
But if you do watch it and you happen to be a democrat I'd like to ask you one very simple, straight forward question.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Kevin McGinty
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Good morning Room 235.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely believe every time one of the Three Stooges is in the mainstream news Democrats lose voters.
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope you're right, Thomas...
ReplyDeleteExcept for the far left, which includes the Mainstream Media and some of the Millennials, no one with half a brain could fall for this BS. Democrats may not vote Republican but I believe they will not vote because of the far left positions advocated by most of the current crop running for POTUS.
ReplyDeleteI cannot and will not believe there is a sufficent number of morons voting for POTUS to elect the far left. Unless, of course, conservatves also sit out.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right Thomas! This woman is very polished in her speech and I think, very good at deception. She grew up in this country, so the lie that Pelosi was trying to push off on us about her "not understanding" is just total bullshit! She knows exactly what she is doing and what she is saying. She is able to do it in a way that makes few people question whether she is what she says she is. I admit that I do not know very much about Islam. But much of the Qur'an talks about doing and saying whatever you have to do to be faithful to Muhammad when it comes to people of other religions or faiths. I will give you the link to what I think is a very interesting article on the subject of the Muslim faith. You might read some of it and see what you think, or not, that is up to you!
Judge Jeanine Pirro of Fox News opinion commentary, is under a full scale attack by Media Matters concerning her discussion about Omar.
ReplyDelete"Fox News condemns host Jeanine Pirro’s remarks"
Soros funded "Media Matters" is on an all-out assualt of the Conservative Opinion commentary on FOX news network! It is an organization that is "tax exempt" yet is deeply committed to the Left and the Democrat party. An illegal use of it's "tax exempt" status and an enemy to free speech!
They are after Pirro, Tucker Carlson, and of course, Sean Hannity, all for telling the truth and exposing the lies and illegal activity that the left was and is currently involved in.
I rest my case, I have been right all along...
ReplyDeleteLike most things, the situation is far more complicated than you seem to think.
ReplyDeleteI SAW the Pentagon on fire back in 2001, even from the northern part of the District where the old Walter Reed campus was located. We all did.
But Mr. McGinty writes the following nonsense :
“ It was the day America was formally introduced to evil that was embedded in a religion most of us knew very little about.”
After the event, one thing those of us who read real media from across the globe, one thing we learned was that 11 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals.
But in any case, a lot of us knew something about Islam, especially the Wahabi version practiced in Saudi Arabia. We have been coddling the Saudis for generations, but never as much as now. Lately, something has changed. The Trump cabal did virtually nothing after a Saudi -American journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Was murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul if you will recall.
Wonder why that would be ? Our intel services ALL pointed to the Saudis, and in particular Mohammad bin Salman, the Crown Prince. Not only does Cadet Bone Spurs have a close relationship with bin Salman, so does little Jared Kushner.
This is from the Business Insider, hardly a liberal rag. The link is below with an excerpt:
• “Jared Kushner was reportedly the target of Saudi efforts to influence the Trump administration.
• Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior adviser, developed a close relationship with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and are even on a first-name basis, according to a New York Times report.
• The relationship has cemented the crown prince in Kushner's priorities, as he defended him to the Trump administration after US intelligence agencies concluded he was responsible for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”
And from the British publication “Indenpent”, Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018-
“Mr Kushner’s support for Crown Prince Mohammed in the moment of crisis is a striking demonstration of a singular bond that has helped draw President Donald Trump into an embrace of Saudi Arabia as one of his most important international allies.”
And the link -
And there is more.
Saudi Crown Prince Says He Loves Working With Trump
Stephanie Flanders
Glen Carey
Alaa Shahine
, and
Donna Abu-Nasr
October 5, 2018, 1:30 PM EDT
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman praised his relationship with President Donald Trump, days after the U.S. leader warned that the oil-rich kingdom’s leadership might not last “two weeks” without American support.
“I love working with him,” Prince Mohammed said in an interview at the royal palace in Riyadh on Wednesday. “You know, you have to accept that any friend will say good things and bad things.”
The above makes the comments made by Mr. McGinty all the more laughable, and hopelessly ill informed. For example :
“Remember the horrific attacks this country suffered on 9-11-2001?
I do.
It was the day America was formally introduced to evil that was embedded in a religion most of us knew very little about.
Remember how we vowed to "Never Forget?"
I do.”
Well, President Obama made a huge gamble, and ordered a military strike to take out a Saudi named bin Laden. But then there is no indication that Obama was in office for the money – so unlike the current grifter in chief we are all suffering from. So Mr. McGinty, are you “never going to forget” the death of an American journalist killed by the Saudis ? Are you going to forget our winking at the ultra- radical from of puritanical Islam, Wahabism, practiced in Saudi Arabia that preaches death to infidels, or are YOU going to go on being yet another useful idiot ? Trump likes thugs – Putin, Orban, Kim Jung -Un, Duterte, Erdogan, China’s Xi to name a few ? In fact, it appears he would like to be one himself. But the times they have changed. Nancy Pelosi has outflanked him since she regained the speakership. You missed her heavily nuanced comment about impeachment. She qualified it. For the short term, we need to flip over every rock the dying fascist supporters of the top 1% Republicans ( see I can speak in McGintyese too ), to see how far the rot has gone. And with every discovery, repubs keep losing support. Case in point ? Senate Majority Leader McConnell – From the Hill, another right leaning source, on Feb 21, 2019 posted this headline -
Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell – an excerpt – About 33 percent of registered Kentucky voters polled approve of the job McConnell is doing, while 56 percent disapprove and 11 percent are unsure. Additionally, 32 percent think McConnell “deserves to be reelected,” and 61 percent think it’s “time for someone new.” And the link --------
Time for you to reconcile with reality.
I've always been critical of the Saudis and Israelis; but again have to admit that they're our major friends in the region. And Boz's fixation of Khassoghi's death is in quite the contrast to his ignoring of the number of "suicides" of Clinton associates. Everyone knows a few suicides. But THAT many? Including some current ones? It's all a Republican rumor, you say? Cause we hate Clintons? Well then why are there no "rumors" of dead Obama associates? Bernie associates? 'Cause we love them?
ReplyDeleteAnd you wouldn't be using the same pollsters as you were a few years ago when you promised us the Harridan would beat Trump, are you? Man, those guys called the election worse than that bunch of Baltic Russians I know in Riga.
I give Obama credit for getting bin Laden. Hell, I'm on record in a published Dutch magazine doing so. But you see, Boz, that's an essential difference between us - I can give credit to the opposition, you, well ... you know what I mean, right?
Anyway, Saudi and Israel are too important to be too harsh with. Do I like diplomatic murders (and attacking our ships)? No. But it can't be dispositive either, now can it?
I don't have a lot of time so I'll make this quick. In my mind the murders, even the attack on the Lexington are not nearly as concerning as the ties between the Trump team and the Saudis. Those ties have nothing to do with geo-political issues, they're about money. As long is Trump can find someone to help his finances he will overlook any nefarious activity of a diplomatic nature anywhere, even if it means dealing with countries that hardly have the interests of the U.S. at heart.
DeleteAs for your pathetic claim about the Clinton's, Okay, let's take a look at that.
From "Truth of Fiction" -
"The list also remains, and over the years it has metastasized and worked its way into the public discourse in many ways. It even came up in sworn testimony that White House employee Linda Tripp gave to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman (another far-right conspiracy theorist who has made a name for himself with decades of frivolous lawsuits against the Clintons, among others) in December 1998.
Tripp testified that a handwritten list of people who were involved with Clinton and who had suffered mysterious deaths ended up on her office chair in the White House, just before the sex scandal between White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton became known publicly. Tripp said that the list was accompanied by a note that said, “Linda, just thought you’d find this of interest.”
There is no credible evidence that any of the deaths are related or can be attributed to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Further, some of the descriptions of the deaths are not accurate.
Although is true that some of the deaths on this list had some connection with Bill Clinton, or with someone who was in Clinton’s sphere, and that many of them died violently or by suicide (raising the question of whether their deaths were related and whether any of the deaths can be linked in any way to Bill Clinton), there are many well-known historical events that are surrounded by unanswered questions.
A lack of answers to the questions doesn’t mean that the questions are meaningless or that new facts couldn’t be found. It is easier to come up with questions, however, than to come up with answers, and if we are to come to any conclusions, it should be based on evidence, not just the fact that questions exist.
eRumor: James McDougal, Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner, died of an apparent heart attack while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
DeleteThe Truth: McDougal died on Sunday, March 8, 1998 in John Petersmith Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas. He had been serving a federal prison sentence for fraud in connection with the Whitewater land deal. At first, he claimed to be innocent, but after being convicted of 18 felony counts, he cooperated with Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr’s investigation of the Clintons. He was scheduled to give damaging testimony against the Clintons, although critics of the investigation say his testimony had previously been inconsistent and that nothing new was expected to be revealed. A prison spokesman said McDougal died of a heart attack and had been suffering from heart disease and blocked arteries.
eRumor: Mary Mahoney, a former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
The Truth: Mary Caitrin Mahoney was murdered over the July 4th weekend in 1997 at the Georgetown Starbucks near Washington D.C. She was the assistant manager and, according to published reports, she and two other employees were working late at night after the coffee bar had closed. All three were found shot to death. No money was taken and there was no sign of forced entry. In 1999, Carl Derick Cooper was charged with the murders, six armed robberies, and other shootings. Mahoney had interned for the White House official responsible for contact with the Asian-American community. has not found any documentation that she was about to “go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House” or that her death was anything beyond that of a murder associated with the robbery.
A report in The Washington Weekly explains that journalist Mike Isikoff had written that “a former White House staffer” with the initial “M” in her name was going to go public with a sexual harassment story. Some speculated that he meant Mary Mahoney, and that was why she was killed. Later, it turned out that he was referring to Monica Lewinsky.
eRumor: Vince Foster, former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
ReplyDeleteThe Truth: Vince Foster was Deputy White House Counsel and the Clinton’s lawyer. He was found dead in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993. Three investigations into Foster’s death, including one by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, have concluded that the death was a suicide. Critics of the investigations say Foster’s death does not fit the facts of a suicide and that there are a lot of unanswered questions about his death, some of the activities at the White House after his body was found, and the investigations themselves. Although there are numerous theories about what may have happened to Foster and why, none of them has been proven.
eRumor: C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser, major players in the Clinton fundraising organization, died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
The Truth: On July 30, 1992, Victor and Montgomery Raiser were killed in a plane crash while on a fishing trip in Alaska. Investigation of the crash by the National Transportation Safety Board concluded that it was the result of pilot error. Some “body count” lists have removed the Raisers.
eRumor: Paul Tulley, Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor.”
The Truth: His name was spelled “Tully” and he was a top strategist for the Democrats and working with the Clinton campaign. He died of massive heart failure in a Little Rock motel room. There has been no controversy over his death that we could find.
eRumor: Ed Willey, a Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fundraising events.
The Truth: Ed Willey was an attorney who owed the IRS $400,000 and had embezzled nearly $270,000 from one of his clients. Willey’s financial woes were a source of stress between Ed Willey and his wife, Kathleen Willey.
There was a reportedly stormy family meeting about it on the night of November 28, 1993 and Ed Willey moved out of the house. The next day, Kathleen Willey went to the White House to see Bill Clinton about a job; she says the president assaulted her during that same visit.
It was later discovered that Ed Willey had driven into the woods on the same day. His body was found by hunters on November 30, 1993. Authorities ruled his death a suicide by shotgun. There was a suicide note apologizing for the financial problems.
WOW For some Dimm Witt In DC that doesn't have much time he sure does go on and on and who even knows what he's pushing. I really don't have time for BS from some Dimm Witt In DC
ReplyDeleteSo Howdy, do you also subscribe to the blathering of clowns like Von daniken - You know, "Chariot of the Gods" ? Were you a birther ?
ReplyDeleteAre you succumbing to reading the same garbage as posters here ? Like the ones who thought Democrats want to kill babies ? And they held up the Washington Times ( really ? ) to support their specious argument ? The legislation in question ONLY allowed for abortion of an "alive" fetus. The bill essentially codifies Roe v. Wade. Three criteria have to be met.
The abortion occurs before the end of the 24th week of the pregnancy.
The abortion is "necessary to protect the patient's life or health."
There is an absence of "fetal viability," or the ability for the fetus to survive outside the womb.
The latter refers to conditions like a "fetus" born suffering conditions such as anencephaly, or born without a brain. Although this "person" may do well as a card carrying republican these days, there is no indication of consciousness. None. Such a fetus isn't even brain dead - there IS no brain. But the Washington Times and its Moonie owners ranted that this is just what those evil Dems wanted to do. , so go on enabling posters here. I guess we all have to have friends. In the time being, you might want to put the Pecker publications down, you know, the Enquirer, or whatever .... while waiting to buy your grub at the local grocery.
Ian, did you escape your psychiatric confinement again?... geesh dude, your meltdown is worse than last time.... do yourself a favor and telephone your psychiatrist....
ReplyDeleteOh, the men in white are out looking for you, they want their laptop computer back because they took away your computer privileges.
9-11 for those who witnessed it unfold on national television and worse for those who were physically present seeing it unfold before their eyes.....the horror is nothing to make light of. It worries me greatly that there are Muslims in Congress and I question their allegiance -
Between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with her communistic socialism, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib with their pro Islamic stance.....they make the Clintons (with all of their treasonous crimes) look angelic.
I don't know, Boz. You certainly came up with a bunch of deceased Clinton associates in a short time. Of course there are more. I never posited a directly relationship. But it is pretty amazing to be a coincidence, huh?
ReplyDeleteYou seem to really HATE the Washington Times. But then I'll just reiterate what Professor Cheyette told me. Something either is a fact or it isn't. Don't argue the source, argue the facts.
Von Danniken, right!! I don't believe in conspiracies by and large because they are too hard to contain. As for my being a birther, if I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. That little beatnick chick and her third-world deadbeat "husband" could not have afforded tickets for two from Honolulu to British East Africa in 1959. They were a little too impecunious for that. Happy now? I know my wording could be more polite to the lefties, but you get my drift, don't you?
And I'm for public funding of abortions (for the poor, get my drift again), so isn't that GOOD of the Captain?
By the way, Mike's Market (on Sardou & Forest), where I still shop, has no such publications on the waiting line (or anywhere else in the store). When I go home I read either history non-fiction or decent literature (right now it's Meditations by Marcus Aurelius). Nice try, Slick.
"Don't argue the source, argue the facts" But you have no problem "dismissing" Thomas Frank, the author of 'What's The Matter With Kansas" because he's from the oh so effete KC suburb of Prairie Village. As for Clinton, it takes about two seconds to find one site after another totally debunking the lunatic rants about Clinton and all the people he, and she I suppose murdered. Of course there are more ? Go for it. Who are they ?
Delete" I don't believe in conspiracies by and large because they are too hard to contain". Unless of course they involve the Clintons.
The 'little beatnik chick' was a Ph.D. in anthropology.
What Von Dannikan consipiracy ? The man suffered a fever dream or some bad weed that produced a laughable notion that the New World was visited by aliens who taught them to travel in space, metallurgy, you name it. It's only exceeded by the insanity to be found in the Book of Mormon.
So, great day. Manafort gets another 7.5 years. The rats are jumping ship. Looks like turtle man will likely drop out of another race, given his pathetic polling numbers 33% per PPP. And by the way, I don't accept Trump's victory, any more than I accept the bizarre tone of his skin.
And hey McGinty, when I make a comment here, it's about the only time people wake up. Why even old Sargejr Jim gets his ass out of his old lounge chair, snaps out of his slumber to emit one vulgar(if misspelled), rant after another. Somehow it's the " socialist commie bastard that are brain washing you" that gets the biggest laughs out of colleagues. One sent me an email with an attachment and asked me if this was what "that crazy sargejr dude is like ?" I tell them yes, and that universal suffrage was a bad idea.
So, it's an evening with Meditations by Marcus Aurelius huh. Best be careful. Your neighbors might start thinking you're a sissy or something. But you tend to play to your audience, and I suspect they're not quite on the same page. Then again, as they say, water rises to its own level.
Ian, for someone to be so arrogant and pompous to come out and call the Captain a sissy.... To call a US Veteran a sissy .... that is the lowest of the low!!
DeleteKen isn't a sissy and he's spot on in his remarks. Ian you're just too blind to your own disillusionment.
All you do is belittle, harass, attack, and spread nothing but BS - that's why we all respond like we do to you..... it is because you have no want for real dialogue in a civil manner. You are incapable of civility!
I'm one of many who is so fed up with your haughty attitude -
Ya know, if you keep your nose up in the air like that looking down on all of us, you just might end up with a nose bleed!!
Oh Rikki, as Kevin put it, he's good for business. We need a Dem here so it isn't an echo chamber. Boz doesn't get creepy or way out stupid. Bat won't come here because he can't dictate the tune.
DeleteMarcus Aurelius a sissy??!! An Emperor who wrote philosophy? While I agree with Hegel in general I find him ponderous to try to read. Camus and Aurelius, along with Bentham, are easier to get through. I found a complete set of Harvard Classics at an estate sale in your old neck of the woods. Unused condition at $100. Would have been dirt cheap at twice the price.
I've never read anything of von Danniken's. I know he said the Easter Island natives couldn't have dragged those stone heads around and Thor Heyerdahl had them do just that. No Boz, as a historian, and you can quote me, people of the past had abilities to do amazing things. Coming into the Cairo suburbs, you can see the pyramids. Those things are huge. And to think they were about a millennium old at the time of the siege of Troy. And what Egyptians could do, so could others.
Good one on your boy Frank. But I'd extend it out from Prairie Village to all of Johnson and Douglas counties. Hell, the most normal Kansas county in the Metro area is heavily minority and Democratic Wyandotte. But if you never get out to the rural areas, you're never going to be OF the real Kansas. Yes, Frank knows, if sanctimoniously so, his own neck of the woods. Has he ever even been to Belleville? Concordia? Beloit? Lacrosse? I dunno and you don't either. Frank is like Vance, the guy who wrote Hillbilly Elegy; he extrapolates a bit too much of his experience onto others. Surprised I read these things, Boz? I told you I didn't watch too much TV.
I think you underestimate some people around here. I won't say more, but from what I've seen (and I've met almost everyone), you're wrong. (Can't you see SargeJr puts on a show for you?)
Agreed Captain.
DeleteAnother reason that I believe Ian is so haughty is because he never learned proper social graces to carry on a civil discussion.
Yes Howdy, regarding your last paragraph, you're probably right. It's impossible however, to get through the crap which normally serves only to diminish whatever argument the poster is trying to make. As for your comment about Marcus Arelius being a sissy, no.... you missed the point, or at least tried to pretend you did. It's the reading part.
DeleteI see once again the repubs are trying like hell to under-fund the school system. Ah Camus... the good old days. I read Huis Clos (no exit) in the original French at THS. In fact I was one of the stars of a production in the Classic Room with the bas reliefs around the walls. The play we did was L'Etranger. I got to play Mersault. Damned if that school wasn't pretty damned awesome.
And add to that an hour of swim team before school, and 2 1/2 after school, and I could load up on whatever the hell I wanted in the cafeteria.
Right Rikki, I flunked out of Bev Bernardi's school of charm. Spent my time at BIS ( Remember Boys Industrial School ? ) And I disagree with your assessment of an arrogant SOB or whatever. If I every say something vulgar it's in response to something even more so. I try to make an observation and that's all I can do. For instance - Brownback and his tax scheme is going to kill Kansas. And I was right. I have said farm tariffs would hurt the ag sector in Kansas, and I was right again - to make matters worse, farmers have had to contend with an unexpected and major economic curveball. Check the excerpt from Pennlive -
"Like soybean farmers all across the country, he witnessed the decimation of the $14-billion soybean market after China, the country’s biggest soybean buyer, shut out the U.S. market with retaliatory tariffs. The link -
Ian....just you saying that gives me my chuckle for today..... just visualizing you in purple tights with pink frilly lace and sequins on your just down right hilarious!!!
DeleteAnd for the my post I didn't call you an SOB...but if you want to refer to yourself as one is stopping you. At least you are truthful in admitting that you are a SOB!!!
It does not surprise me one bit that you were in reform school, too bad you never really learned anything there!!
I never would have imagined you trying to join Bevery Bernardi's dance classes....
Delete"I flunked out of Bev Bernardi's school of charm."
Yes Boz, I remember THS fondly, too. They filled in the pool, though. It's air conditioned now, of course, but remember when they would just open up the windows at the end of the hall? That thing was a wind tunnel, especially 3rd floor west wing. The a la carte cafeteria was great, too. You could pig out for fifty cents, especially on the freshly baked rolls. On FaceBook, if you're not already on, both THS and Topeka History Geeks. You need to check them out.
DeleteI don't know if funding is the problem with the schools. There are many other factors complicating things. I'm sure there are public schools who still try to teach things like languages and philosophy. And I sure as hell don't read M. Aurelius in Latin. Hell, the last thing I read in Latin was Aeneid.
BIS, yeah, I'll bet. By the way, it's YCAT now. (Youth Center At Topeka)
No Rikki, I made the Bev Bernardi part up. Never knew the woman. That's one thing that always gets me when I come back to see family. People have almost no sense of irony. Perhaps you don't have enough Jews. No, I am not Jewish. This is what I mean.... I'm afraid far too many Topekans would just scratch their heads....
Delete" One day, a rumor circulated that a Moscow store would receive a shipment of shoes. A long queue formed immediately outside the store. After an hour or so, the manager emerged and announced, “We will not receive enough shoes for everyone. Jews, go home.” A few hours later he emerged again and said, “We will not receive enough shoes. All non-veterans, go home.” A few hours later he emerged yet again and said, “We will not receive enough shoes to accommodate everyone. All those who are not members of the Communist Party, go home.” As dusk fell, he emerged for a final time and said, “No shoes today. Everyone go home.” As two exhausted and shivering loyal Communist Party members, both World War II veterans, walked away, one turned to the other and bitterly proclaimed, “Those Jews, they have all the luck!”
" I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio."
But I will applaud an oldie that made the rounds in Topeka for years. And people got it ! But then it is hardly unique to Topeka... it just took off - You'll remember it if you grew up there :
"Committing suicide in Topeka is redundant". Simple, overused, but something of a classic.
Not exactly a joke, but there was something funny that made the front page of the Post today that had me chuckling on the train. It is a long tradition for the Irish to send their Prime Minister to the states for St. Patty's day. In Irish he is referred to as the Taoiseach ( pronounced TEE -Shock ) with the ck sounding like CH in German. Evidently Trump was trying on orange jumpsuits, so he couldn't make it. So the Taoiseach went to the VP mansion near the Cathedral on Wisconsin. With his husband. Yes, you read that right. Don't believe me ? Here they are, with little Mikey P. screaming "Mother !! Come help me !! SODOMITES ! " Or some such insanity.
Par for the course Twinkle Toes....your posts are tainted lies anyhow. No surprise there!
DeleteSo you're racist against Jewish people? Chalk up another of your faults as to why no one likes you.
As far as's horrible of you to make light of something like this.... it is tragic! I had a cousin who committed suicide - it was horrible and my aunt & uncle were very devastated. I have also had a friend who had fibromyalgia so bad that she took her own life - but knowing you and how shallow you are it doesn't surprise me that you make light of suicide no matter where the person lives! Damned you!!
As for the rest of your crap post..... you can flush it and your pompous arrogant attitude down the toilet!
ya know Ian..... I rarely use one expletive for shallow heartless people such as yourself.... bastard!
DeleteI didn't go to medical school, but I do know that those in the medical field must have compassion - obviously you have no compassion....but no surprise there either - with how you post comments it's a given that you are shallow, heartless, and lacking compassion.....
To make light of suicides..... and you call yourself a doctor?! you're in the wrong profession!
Rikki, have somebody help you with this. I wrote regarding Topekans
Delete" People have almost no sense of irony. Perhaps you don't have enough Jews. No, I am not Jewish. This is what I mean.... I'm afraid far too many Topekans would just scratch their heads...."
And that is exactly what you did. You just don't get it. Topeka is doomed. There is nothing anti-Semitic AT ALL about what I wrote. In fact, I celebrate Jewish humor. No, I'll say it again, I never met Ms. Bernardi , but I'm sure she's a talented and charming individual.
I was in Houston about a year ago for a conference. I decided to stop by The Menninger Clinic since it left Topeka to see how things were going. Let's just say they were far happier in Houston than Topeka. One consistent observation about Topeka - "people just don't get it" ( and I'm cleaning up that comment ). You are a case in point.
Regarding suicides, the comment, seen on bumper stickers all over Topeka had nothing to do with suicide. It was directed at life in Topeka. Try to connect the dots next time.
Our friend Ian says above, "I don't have a lot of time so I'll make this quick" and then he goes on to post approximately 105 lines of copy and pasted "information"....Makes you think that he actually believes all of his bullshit, doesn't it, and he is so excited to share it with us! OMG, what would we do without all of his valuable bullshit to get us through the day???
ReplyDeleteagreed Gary.
ReplyDeleteIan is the poster child of liberal insanity and BS postings.
Tick Tick Tick…. It’s only a matter of time until Hillary gets what she should have gotten a long time ago…. A jail cell!
“The first of several former Obama administration officials and former aides to Hillary Clinton is set to be deposed Thursday after a judge ruled in January that they must answer questions under oath about the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks and the Clinton email scandal.”
I wished they'd hurry up and put her in jail.... and sex perv Bill in with her!
Unless they come up missing. Any one that is going to testify against a Clinton or even the Obamma bunch had better have some good protection and I don't mean the kind you buy at the drug store.
DeleteI'll bet Bill would do almost anything and confess to everything if they threatened him that they were going to lock him up with Hillary!
DeleteJust visualizing Bill and Hillary in the same cell....teeny tiny cell.....makes me giggle
DeleteGood grief... I'm glad Blue was in a hurry today...
ReplyDeleteneeding some industrial strength Febreeze to cover up his breezing by!
ReplyDeleteIan must have missed his monthly shower!
ReplyDeleteHe could have saved a lot of time by saying right Bunker people I Ian am a loser and leave it at that, the truth would set him Free!
ReplyDeletethat's why he's in psychiatric care Sarge, he's in a deep state of denial. (lol)
ReplyDeleteIan likes to make a blubbering fool out of himself.
ReplyDeleteArrogant and full of shit.
ReplyDeleteTwo qualities that I have no use for. People with no use, have no credibility.
Besides, he's enfatuated with AOC.
No quarter from me.
As for 9/11?
I will never forget.
To me it's not about religion, ideology, politics, etc...
It's the fact that there are groups and individuals that do not like our way of life, values and freedom.
We must never forget our country is not the end game. We must continue to protect her for our children.
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
There's no doubt about it, Blue. You are good for business.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't think for a minute I don't appreciate you stopping by.
Almost without exception you never fail to make whatever point I'm trying to make in the first place.
But here's the thing, Blue.
ReplyDeleteYou never got around to answering my question.
What the hell's wrong with you?
Good morning room 235..
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge & Rm. 235
ReplyDeleteSSAH, I know you are leaving soon like tomorrow, wishing you and yours the Best my Friend, Have a safe and pleasant trip. Good Luck...Sarge.
ReplyDeleteDitto Safe, wishing you and your family a safe journey.
ReplyDeleteHugs~ Rikki
had regular coffee in my mug this morning - not too bad :)
ReplyDeletebut I am missing my wild mountain blueberry flavored coffee.
Skippey, what flavor of coffee did you have this morning?
Hold onto your hats when you venture outdoors y'all.... gales a blowing outside mighty fiercely.
Yesterday, there was a major train derailment caused by the wind near Logan, New Mexico.... (just a little east of Tucumcari, NM)
The high winds also caused power outages in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico yesterday....
Hoping that nothing like that happens here in the heartland today.
I don't drink that often. Coffee that is. Only on bitter mornings or when ever I have a slow day . And most of the time I only do decaf but I do like the Choco Cherry when I feel like a nut.
DeleteI'll have to try that choco cherry flavor you're talking about.
DeleteLater y'all.... Jacob my Basset Hound needs to be brought back in from the back yard and I've got a few things to do yet....
ReplyDeleteOh, I read a little more into the train derailment story.
Here's a little excerpt from the Amarillo tv station article:
"Wind speeds have been sustained at 58 miles per hour throughout the area with gusts up to 84 miles per hour."
Hoping that the winds today don't get that fierce.
Later y'all
Now what?
ReplyDeletenow what what??
ReplyDeleteGot Jacob in, got some stuff done, put some pork chops in the freezer, now headed back into the kitchen.... more stuff to be done.
Here's a funny:
ReplyDeleteQ: Did you hear about the painter who had to be admitted to the hospital?
A: Reports say that it was due to too many strokes.
Aa-rr-gg-hh!! That's like the jokes they used to have at the end of every Boy's Life!!
DeleteIs your yard still a muddy mess? My mom's crocuses have spread over a good part of the front yard, but otherwise I need a good drying out. At least we don't have packrats in our yard, unlike a certain blog host we know.
Q: What did the tie say to the hat?
ReplyDeleteA: You go on ahead, I'll hang around.
hee hee hee :)
Wind was so bad yesterday it blew my brand new Flag of the flag pole, Neighbor seen it go and brought it back to me. First time that has ever happen.
ReplyDeleteAt least my trash can was empty. It blew into my yew hedge. I just wedged it further into the hedge and will deal with it tomorrow when the wind dies down.
Deletevery nice of your neighbor to do that Sarge.
DeleteWhat with all these Dem's running for office, can't they even talk with out their arms flying all over, Good Grief they look like the fools they are.
ReplyDeleteHey, pack rats have feelings too, ya know...
ReplyDeleteI have the damn things in my yard too! And I think they are what get into my lawnmower shed and destroy the wiring on the lawnmower!
DeleteIt has happened twice now!
we've got a heavy population of ground moles in our yard..... I'm halfway tempted to buy some of the hottest peppers (I hear ghost peppers are hotter than jalapeno) and make some chili sauce with it and pour it in their tunnels!
DeleteSo far as I know, they haven't gotten to Oakland yet. But I am the one who identified them. They'd be cute if they weren't so destructive.
ReplyDeleteHey folks a RAT is a Rat...
ReplyDeleteThe reality she came to grips with was the composition of the Senate. Which is why I was always amused with the "Impeach Trump" thingie.
ReplyDeleteTrue but, the secondary 'underlying' reason is that they hate him for beating their beloved Hillary.
ReplyDeleteI guess we have everything under control... MAGA
ReplyDeletehee hee, I think I pissed off Ian....he did say he flunked Beverly Bernardi's.....
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine him in purple tights, pink frilly lace, and sequined shoes?
He probably used his baton to hit someone.
I have a new nick name for him....
We don't use labels here, Asshole for him is just fine..
ReplyDeleteHere we go again, Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteIan needs to go *poof*
ReplyDeleteSoul...Sorry Blue didn't mean to give you free ammo..hahahhhahha
ReplyDeleteFriday's (sort of a blog) is up and running...