Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Hate Strikes Again...

I'm not sure what it is.

Maybe it's a sense loneliness.

Maybe she was jealous of the attention Jussie Smollett has been getting and wanted a little piece of the action.


Or maybe, just maybe she's a lying, race baiting, small town, democrat mayor seeking higher office who just couldn't help herself.

Who knows?

Maybe it's a sign of the times in which we live in where everyone's a victim of one thing or another.

What's obvious (to me anyway) is the fact that she's too damn stupid to be in charge of anything let alone being the mayor of any city regardless of its size.

A couple days ago Darnell Byrd-McPherson, the mayor of Lamar, South Carolina (pop. 959) and her husband were getting ready for their day when the husband noticed a yellow substance on both vehicles out in the driveway.

Now to most people. At least the one's with a lick of common sense would have known exactly what the substance was.

But if you're a lying, race baiting, small town, democrat mayor, seeking either a little attention or higher office there's only one conclusion you'd come to.

Hate Crime!

It had to be she told herself.

She alerted the cops and reported it as such.

And since this was her big chance in the limelight she alerted the media.

In an interview with Newsweek she claimed to be the victim of a Hate Crime after finding a yellow sticky substance sprayed on her and her husband's cars.

She later released the following statement:

"The incident happened last night. Even though I drove my car today, I thought it was pollen. My husband and our neighbor noticed the cars looked like someone had spray painted on both our vehicles, which were parked in our front yard.
As an aside, during the 70s, crosses were burned in the yard of our home when my Mother was involved with the civil rights movement. On this very same corner in this very same front yard!
Again, we are grateful the person or persons did not try to take our lives but the culprits will be identified and prosecuted.
Love conquers hate and my husband and I refuse to be intimidated by those who perpetrated this act of vandalism which I classify as an act of hatred. "

After an extensive investigation (probably took all of 30 seconds) the police determined the offending yellow sticky substance was pollen.

The same pollen that's appeared every spring since the beginning of time and has fallen on vehicles since the day they were invented.

They also quickly determined there was no need to collect a sample.

I have an idea for the mayor.

How about you sit your dumb, race baiting ass down and shut up.

America has enough problems without having to deal with your stupidity.

And to the people of Lamar, South Carolina, well, you elected her.

She's your problem.

Good luck with that...

Kevin McGinty


  1. The insanity is on full display with these people...

  2. As another aside, this woman claimed that crosses were burned in her yard in the 70s. The 70s!!?? That would have made national news. Possibly in the 60s, but I don't know of much of this activity after about 1967.

    And she still won't rate with Jussie. He's cuter.

    And smarter.

  3. Gary I am going to call them what they are Ignorant!!!

  4. Now don't everyone panic about space to comment, plenty of room since the up grade, so go for it.

  5. Well Sarge, don't count on Blue showing up today.

    One sure way of shutting him up is to highlight the insanity of one of his own comrades.

    1. Good grief is that all it takes, hell we could do that all day long, but may need to put in some overtime.

  6. I suppose he could always stop by to bitch about Topeka.

    Of course it has nothing to do with the lying, race baiting mayor but that's never stopped him from making a fool out of himself before...

  7. Topeka's as blue as he is. Our own little AOC, aka de la Isla, her leftism only ameliorated by her impotence, could probably pass muster anywhere in the district. Kansas as a whole is quite red, but not T-Town. Hell, we even molly-coddle a bunch of homeless losers, who show their gratitude by burning the Kansas Avenue bridge, causing us to replace on of the lanes.

    What he misses are actually the features of the America of a past people like him denigrate. Businesses and educational features largely gone and fading from memory.

    But of course, we're a collection of hillbillies and Neanderthals, what WTH do we know?

  8. What, Hillbillies, That's it I am taking that couch down that I have hanging from my tree, damn nice swing too...

  9. And I'm sure you've a good tractor tire to replace it with!!

  10. Good morning room 235. 31 degrees out.

  11. Replies
    1. I guess the high will be around 45 today, at least it should get rid of the white stuff.

  12. Well I just took a dish of brownies out of the oven, oop's can I say brownies now days?

  13. You've insulted my Cleveland Browns!!!

  14. Good Grief! Are you going to senture me? I think I spelled that wrong. I need to look up before sending.

  15. I got it under control, I took out a container of white frosting and put on the brownies, now it should be okay.Mix breed brownies...Fair!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anyone out here watching this Jewish Wimp on the couch today, Democrat, he can't even stand up against Omar ducking around on every thing....trying to give her an excuse.

  18. I am waiting on this Democrat, thing on Omar to come out, it going to list hate things not just what she said, ANYONE want to bet Christians hate won't be mentioned in it.. Come on who wants to bet.

  19. Uh oh... Rikki posted a comment then deleted it...

    Somebody's in trouble...

  20. why would you say that?

    no one is in trouble with me...unless you know something I don't?
    I just thought that post I wrote really wasn't funny after all so I deleted it.

    1. Well I want my laugh returned to me...

    2. ok (smiles)
      I don't remember the word for word.... but I got a chuckle out of the posts about you making brownies... so I said something to the effect of:

      Why? Sarge has a right to 'freedom of expression'(smiles) I was feeling bratty and thought I'd post that... (lol).

    3. see, it wasn't that funny after all.

    4. Lol nothing is all that funny the 2nd time around...

  21. kinda at a standstill on what to cook for dinner tonight

    did a beef pot roast earlier this week, that got ate up - took a couple of days.
    did a batch of chili the other day, that got ate up
    did BBQ pulled pork last night.... no left overs

    contemplating just doin' frozen pizza tonight... just toss it in the oven and voila! *poof* instant dinner...sortof

  22. Replies
    1. I really like Jacks combo with some extra stuff added. Frozen to oven Done

  23. Hey Sarge!!

    TAG YUR IT!!!

    betcha ya can't catch me.....

  24. reeses pieces reeses pieces..... I ran out of snickers snickers....

    p.s. one of my faves is Almond Joys

  25. Went simple tonight Rikki 3 egg rolls a cottage cheese, and a few beers.

  26. I’ve had the three beers but no supper yet. Packing!!

    1. That is one reason I had the egg rolls they only take 2 and half min to get done, doesn't take to much time away from the important things like Packing!! and beer drinking :)

  27. Package arrived and put away.

    Thank you Sarge. You're a good friend...

    1. You and Linda are also. Glad we didn't have to send a patrol out looking for it.

  28. Sarge, can I give you my address in California? You know, just in case? LOL.

  29. Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison for bank, tax fraud

    Paul Manafort, the former chairman of the Trump campaign, was sentenced on Thursday to 47 months in prison after he was convicted last year on eight counts of bank and tax fraud.

  30. Good Morning room 235, and it is a nice 35 degrees out. well time to check the news.

  31. Good morning, Sarge.

    And just so you know, Friday's blog is up and running...


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