Sunday, March 24, 2019

Happy No Collusion Day America!!!


Remember back when all you left-wing lunatics promised Trump would never win the republican nomination for president?

And when he proved you all wrong you promised he'd never be president.

Remember that?

I do.

Remember the day he was sworn into office?

Remember how sad and distraught you were?

I do.

I still remember how much I enjoyed watching you cry.

But then you got mad.

Your masters promised they had an insurance policy in place to destroy him for making you sad.

Remember how you rejoiced and were happy again?

I do.

That promised insurance policy came in the form of Robert Mueller's Special Counsel Russia Collusion investigation which finally wrapped late last Friday afternoon.

And just a little while ago Attorney General William Barr released the findings that exonerates President Trump, every one of his family members, and his entire campaign staff of the made up Russia Collusion you've placed all your hopes and dreams on.

Sorry Bitches, Trump wins again.

Why you ask?

Because winning is what winners do.

Attorney General William Barr sent Congress a letter Sunday summarizing the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report into the 2016 presidential election, and found there was no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government, “despite several efforts” by Russian agents or intermediaries.

The letter, released to the press and the public, effectively exonerates the president and destroys one of the major attacks by Democrats and the media against the Trump administration.
In part, the letter reads:
The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 US. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
The Special Counsel found that Russian government actors successfully hacked into computers and obtained emails from persons affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and publicly disseminated those materials through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks. Based on these activities, the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian military officers for conspiring to hack into computers in the United States for purposes of influencing the election. But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.
Barr notes that the investigation included information from 13 foreign governments and 500 witnesses.
The letter also explains that the question of obstruction of justice into the investigation “did not draw a conclusion one way or the other” and merely presented arguments for both sides of the question.
Attorney General Barr notes: “The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” However, he says, that after consulting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, “the evidence developed during the Special Counsel?s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”
Barr noted, finally, that he had asked the Special Counsel to help determine how much of the material could be made public without violating federal grand jury protections.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Kevin McGinty


  1. The Dem's chances for defeating Trump in 2020 were slim, but not it just got a lot harder for them today. They won't be able to shake off this stunning defeat by Mueller and also by Barr.

    The Dems have been lying and cheating for too long now.....kinda wonder how the marriage between the media and the Dems is currently - every time the Dems opened their mouths, the media was walking right along side.... kinda wonder how much longer the media will be supporting the Dems.

  2. wished there was an "edit" feature...

    "but not is just"....should have been "but now it just..."

  3. Lol... We all knew what you meant...

    1. The Dems and the Repubs who pushed to protect Mueller's job, well.....they can't really gripe about Mueller's conclusion now can they?

  4. Though this will never happen, but each and every Democrat and Republican who pushed for this witch hunt should publically apologize to President Trump, his cabinet, and America as a whole....but we all know that they will never apologize. There should be charges brought up on those who started this and those who supported this - and even though McCain is dead, he shouldn't be exempt from being tarnished in all of this.

  5. Ok, I've had the floor for a little while, I'm giving the floor to whomever wants to add their input.

  6. Lol... I can't imagine Blue's very happy today.

    1. Blue piss on him/Blue there isn't a Liberal commie happy today... hahahahah

      Keep on Winning Mr President Trump! MAGA

  7. He will no doubt have some way way out talking points about how this and that and this and that and how the[LIBTARDS] are going to get him and his family. Should be pretty funny but maybe make it go poof after a little bit. Just so every one gets a good laugh at him and his little buddies.

  8. one truth that cannot be disputed.... this totally deflates the "impeachment" movement.

  9. Sorry Rikki, but this won't even slow it down.

    They hate Trump so badly they'll never give up on the impeachment talk.

    Maybe they'll impeach him for making them sad...

  10. But you can be absolutely certain that if Blue does show up he'll have the talking points his masters have given him...

  11. Not being crud but I shit on talking points...Mostly Blues

  12. But right now I am watching the Bible on TV, I watch it every time it is on, so I never forget!!

  13. Solid win.

    Have to see how far the house judiciary wants to push it, though. They already know the optics aren't there, but I'm sure they will so foolishly pursue (at least for a while) obstruction/impeachment. They don't have the votes for that, either.

    If ya ain't got votes and/or the optics?
    You're just standing there with something in your hand. I'll let you guess what that is...

    Meanwhile, we MAGA on!!!

  14. They gat their feet so far sown their big wide mouth's it will take a act of you know what to pull them out. Maybe a new movie from the libs. I can see it all know The scene opens with Nancy Pee and Maxy Walter with their mouths open towards each other. And the new name will be LIBTARDS GO "DEEP THRAOT"

  15. Well, Got to close on this tonight, finishing my program and crashing, see ya's later and good night.

  16. I love it! In spite of the fact that this WAS a Witch Hunt, that it was known for quite some time before the Special Council was even named, that the crimes people were charged with were crimes that had no ties to the Trump Administration, Mueller could not recommend charges against the President because none of it ever happened! In spite of that, the Libs are still hell bent on trying to wipe the egg off of their faces, knowing that we all know that they have been constantly lying for over 2 years!
    I think on the Obstruction thing, Mueller left a little "crumb" of a question concerning it just so the Libs would not want to string him up for the results of the report.
    It is a great day for America and all of the citizens who love this country and love our President! For the ones who don't, I really pity their poor little asses!
    Of course the talking points are all about making the Mueller Report public. Trump had already said he wanted it public, the Attorney General has said he wants to release everything that he can that is not classified, and yet the Libs try to make it sound like the President is trying to cover up something. So much bullshit runs out of the mouths of the Libs, everyone should be getting out their chest waders to avoid standing in all of it running down the hill!

  17. I am just really surprised that some one on the Muller investigation didn't try to railroad Trump or some one close to him. And so doubt Mueller left some stuff open just for the libs. We will find out soon enough.


    "Sen. Graham to James Comey: 'See you soon' after Mueller report vindicates Trump"

    By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, March 24, 2019
    Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday night that he intends to call in former FBI Director James Comey for questioning, after special counsel Robert Mueller’s report produced no charges against President Trump.

    Mr. Comey tweeted Sunday evening of the report, “So many questions.”

    Mr. Graham, South Carolina Republican, replied to Mr. Comey on Twitter: “Could not agree more. See you soon.”

    Mr. Graham has said he wants to investigate whether Justice Department officials discussed forcing Mr. Trump from office.

    After Mr. Trump fired him in 2017, Mr. Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the president asked him to “let go” of an investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Mr. Comey also said he believed he was fired because he was conducting an investigation into possible Russia collusion with the Trump campaign, which Mr. Mueller concluded did not exist.

    I'd call in Hillary next Senator Graham.

  19. Y'all remember the movie Blue Thunder with Roy Scheider? The catch phrase JAFO came from that movie. Rick this morning after watching the overnight news in response to all the Libs saying the investigation isn't over..... his reply JAFL

    So..... if you don't know what JAFO is, it is 'Just Another F'n Observer'.... Rick's variation... 'JAFL' .....'Just Another F'n Liberal'.... he's just as fed up with the pro lib news as we are. He ditched the news and put the tv on MeTV.


  20. Summary...

    Trump Wins Again...MAGA!

  21. Lol... But now they claim Barr is covering up for Trump.

    Maybe we'll now have a "Cover up" investigation...

    I'll bring the popcorn...

  22. They're all whining about Trump's "Hand Picked" Attorney General.

    Hey dumbasses, every single has been hand picked by the president since day one...

  23. Liberals....The Mental breakdown Has started. Jump, Jump end it Before you lose again...

  24. Hillary... Be afraid very afraid, they are coming to get you Ha Ha!

  25. Well April 1st I have to start on the Families Tax's so We can help pay the Government back for all the wasted money Mueller wasted and the Lib's wasted, Now Lets get that Damn Wall up... I want my money going to something worth while.. Hear Me!

  26. Whats Up?

    Bernie Sanders hit with new FEC complaint that could turn his campaign upside down.

    Rep. Swalwell says anything Trump says about Mueller report should be 'deemed irrelevant' Why Swalwell? Is it because he kicked your whining asses? hahahaha

    Barbra Streisand shocks world with comments about Michael Jackson's 'sexual needs' and his child victims.

    WATCH: Rachel Maddow holds back tears after Mueller report, anti-Trump pundit forced to make stunning admission.

    Rep. Ilhan Omar secretly fundraising with Islamic groups tied to supporting terrorism, report says, Commies all of them...

  27. We should all be celebrating the collapse of Hillary's big lie...Lock her up! I know I am, How sweet it is!

    Stick a fork in impeachment. It's dead. Victory doesn't get any sweeter for the winners. Or more important for our country. MAGA

  28. LOL hahahaha I could go on all day but I won't, I really don't want all those losers jumping off a cliff, hahahah only some of them..

  29. Article on drudge about the fact that 44% of the San Francisco residents want out. Wonder what Blue thinks about that with SF being such a beacon of liberal ideals and all

  30. Just like the rest of the elites, Blue couldn't care less about the reality they're creating.

    Living in their isolated ivory towers nothing they're doing affects them personally...

  31. My question to Blue is: Do you have even the slightest idea how many millions of new Trump supporters you and your insane party have created in just within the last 24 hours?

    1. And that is why now you will see an even more insane push for rights for illegals

  32. Lol... MSNBC has moved on from the collusion angle and are now blaming Trump for not doing more to keep Russia from interfering the 2016 campaign.

    Maybe someone should let them know Trump wasn't president during the campaign.

    That all took place on their beloved big eared president's watch...

  33. I hope others beside me is watch Senator Graham Press comments going on now.

  34. Watching and ending now, Good Grief.

  35. John Podesta, Hillary's Campaign Chair is quoted as saying that he accepts Mueller's findings.

    The first lib to actually come forth to "accept" Mueller's findings. Wow.


    "Graham to turn post-Mueller focus to Christopher Steele, anti-Trump FBI employees"

    By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, March 25, 2019

    Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said Monday that he’ll launch his own investigation into the 2016 election, but he’ll focus on anti-Trump FBI employees and Democrats’ payments to fund the Steele dossier.

    Now that special counsel Robert Mueller has concluded there was no Trump-Russia conspiracy to subvert the election, Mr. Graham said it’s time to take a look at the other side of the election equation, including the Obama administration’s decisions and the Clinton campaign’s moves.

    He said that includes getting answers from fired FBI Director James Comey and tracking down the use of the anti-Trump Steele dossier in a secret court wiretap warrant. And he chided reporters for ignoring those issues in favor of an obsessions with Mr. Trump.

    “The double-standard here has been striking and quite frankly disappointing,” the South Carolina Republican said.

    Day of Reckoning is fast approaching for the Dems and anti-Trump Repubs!

  37. Kinda wonder if some of the key instigators in the Fake News of Russian Collusion, etc., so on and so forth are wanting to flee the country to escape retribution???

  38. Ok, I've had the floor for a little while, someone else's turn (smiles)

    hugs~ Rikki


    Neil Gorsuch has only been on the Supreme Court for a short while. Recently he ignited the fire of liberty and broke 40 years of precedent when he refused to join the SCOTUS “cert pool.”

    The cert pool was established in 1973 during the early days of the Burger Court, in order to efficiently review the near 8,000 petitions received each term. In practice, the petitions are apportioned among the Court’s law clerks, who then circulate a memo to the justices recommending a grant or denial.

    The obvious problem here is that this gives the power in these 8000 cases to the law clerks instead of the Justices. It also, in theory, allows 3rd parties to unfairly influence a case through the clerks.

    That is NOT how the Supreme Court was designed to operate. Neil Gorsuch just managed to set his foot down in the Supreme Court and say it is NOT okay to pass off judgments to the discretion of legal clerks. This is the kind of story everyone should be hearing or reading in the media, but obviously is not.

    Today the United States Supreme Court issued a direct and final blow to the Islamic Indoctrination of the young in this nation.

    The full panel of the United States Supreme Court which consists of 9 judges met to decide the fate of Islamic indoctrination in our American public schools. In a typical 5 X 4 decision, common sense won out, and we have sanity restored to our schools once again.

    The United States Supreme Court was able to hand out this decision banning Sharia Law and Islam from being taught in classrooms because of the tie-breaking vote of the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

    Gorsuch went on to write about the decision:
    “ The government certainly has no business being involved in religion, but this isn’t a government issue or a religious issue. This is about the judicial branch interpreting the laws as they apply to the teaching of religion. We shouldn't be teaching any religions in the public schools of this country.

    Amen, Justice Gorsuch, Amen!

  40. Liberals are all about teaching Islam and Sharia Law but they have issues with “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and “In God We Trust” on our currency.

    This should have been a unanimous decision, not 5 to 4, but it seems like the 4 liberal judges on the Supreme Court don’t care about the Constitution, nor our values.

    Perhaps this is the start of restoring America to its founding glory.

    Thank GOD for our new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch--- a great selection by President Trump. MAGA

  41. y'all remember that loud mouth attorney for Stormy Daniels? hee hee

    he's in hot water now...

    "Michael Avenatti charged with extortion and wire, bank fraud"

    By Brian Melley - Associated Press - Monday, March 25, 2019
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — U.S. prosecutors have charged Trump critic and attorney Michael Avenatti with extortion and bank and wire fraud.

    A spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles said Avenatti was arrested Monday in New York.

    Spokesman Ciaran McEvoy says the lawyer best known for representing porn actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump faces federal charges in New York and California.

    In New York, he was accused of threatening to use his ability to get publicity to harm Nike. Prosecutors say he demanded that the apparel company give him $10 million.

    Prosecutors in California planned to release more details at a news conference later Monday.

    Avenatti represented Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, in a lawsuit to break a confidentiality agreement to speak about her alleged affair with Trump.

    Hmmm, Mueller handed the Dems a gigantic loss, the Dems having a major meltdown over the Mueller Report, Sen. Graham going after the Dems after the release of the Mueller Report, now Stormy Daniel's lawyer in hot water..... what's next?

  42. If you Dems and Repubs who may as well be Dems aren't shaking in your boots..... let me help you feel the need to be frightened.....

  43. When you build on a foundation of lies always expect that sooner or later it's gonna come crashing down around you...

  44. Very true Kevin. What did you think about me putting the theme to Jaws out there for the Dems?


  45. thought it was appropriate moozic for the Dems... just a little nite fright lullaby for them.... hee hee :)

  46. Yes and one bit of evidence of state of denial is the old hag Maxine Waters.....

    and I'll add that Ms. Waters has mental issues...

    "Rep. Maxine Waters: 'We cannot allow them to get away with this'"

    From the article:

    "“This president has a way of trying to get into people’s heads and indoctrinate them,” Ms. Waters, a Calfornia Democrat who chairs the House Financial Services Committee, told MSNBC’s Joy Reid on Sunday.

  47. At this point, do the dems really want to get in depth with this thing?
    I mean, sure, let's find out exactly who violated the FISA process and who specifically in Hillarys campaign paid for the Steele Dossier. I'm all for it.

    That's why they won't release it, or at least that's what I'm thinking.

    Keep the outrage up, by failing to release all of the Mueller report. But at the same time cover your backside.
    This is exactly the type of thing the dems would do.

    Just sayin...

  48. Yhea I think the dims may well be cutting some of their own's throat's. Sure hope so. They turn that thing loose and let names out may well be their own doing in. But then again they may try to keep it a secret nut nothing stays that way in DC Right DW?

  49. What's really unfortunate is the fact that this is the right time to turn, and chase and nobody will.

    Take it right at them. You want truth? So do we. Let's blow it open. Who paid for the dossier? Who ordered it leaked? What specifically was the FISA judge lied to about, or what laws did he ignore in the process? Why didn't Obama administration do more, or why/how did they get away with doing this?

    All because of Hillarys emails, and what THEY would do to find out who else knew.

    THEY presumed Trumps team had them. Had the dirt. THEY put an asset inside. FISA surveillance. They would either get him on collusion or possession of classified documents. THEY did this, all before he was even president.

    Yea, so it's unfortunate. This thing will never get blown up like it should. And we will never see or understand who THEY is...

  50. Well the party isn't over but I bet Trump is doing Back strokes in a big pool with a smile on his face. MAGA Bring on 2020...

  51. Goodnight Sarge... And you're right. This particular party is just getting started.

    Trump 2020 Baby!!!

  52. Good Morning Sarge & Everyone :)

  53. Just read all the News, Looks like a Liberal Meltdown out there, Gotta love it...

  54. Lol... It just keeps getting better...

    1. They are fighting like a pack of dogs, trying to see who can come up with a better Plot to go after President Trump, Good Grief the Lib's are eating way to much local weed.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...